Kapil Bawa
Zicklin School of Business
Department: Allen Aaronson Dept of Mkt/IB
Areas of expertise:
Email Address: kapil.bawa@baruch.cuny.edu
- Biography
- Teaching
- Research and Creative Activity
- Grants
- Honors and Awards
- Service
Ph.D., Business, Columbia University
Post-Grad. Diploma in Mgmt., Business, Indian Inst. Of Mgmt Calcutta India
MA (Part I), Economics, Delhi School of Econ. Delhi India
B.A., Economics, St. Stephen's College Delhi India
Semester | Course Prefix | Course Number | Course Name |
Fall 2024 | MKT | 9702 | Marketing Research |
Fall 2024 | MKT | 3600 | MKT Info for Decision Making |
Fall 2023 | MKT | 3600 | MKT Info for Decision Making |
Spring 2023 | MKT | 3600 | MKT Info for Decision Making |
Spring 2023 | MKT | 3600 | MKT Info for Decision Making |
Fall 2022 | MKT | 3600 | MKT Info for Decision Making |
Spring 2022 | MKT | 3000 | Marketing Foundations |
Spring 2022 | MKT | 3000 | Marketing Foundations |
Fall 2021 | MKT | 3000 | Marketing Foundations |
Spring 2021 | MKT | 3000 | Marketing Foundations |
Spring 2021 | MKT | 3000 | Marketing Foundations |
Fall 2020 | MKT | 3000 | Marketing Foundations |
Summer 2020 | MKT | 9997 | Spec Topics in Mktng Anlytcs |
Spring 2020 | MKT | 3000 | Marketing Foundations |
Spring 2020 | MKT | 3000 | Marketing Foundations |
Fall 2019 | MKT | 3000 | Marketing Foundations |
Spring 2019 | MKT | 3000 | Marketing Foundations |
Spring 2019 | MKT | 3000 | Marketing Foundations |
Fall 2018 | MKT | 9702 | Marketing Research |
Spring 2018 | MKT | 9702 | Marketing Research |
Spring 2018 | MKT | 3000 | Marketing Foundations |
Fall 2017 | MKT | 9702 | Marketing Research |
Spring 2017 | MKT | 9702 | Marketing Research |
Fall 2016 | MKT | 9702 | Marketing Research |
Spring 2016 | MKT | 9703 | Marketing Management |
Fall 2015 | MKT | 9702 | Marketing Research |
Fall 2015 | MKT | 9702 | Marketing Research |
Fall 2012 | MKT | 9702 | Marketing Research |
Fall 2012 | MKT | 97020 | Marketing Research |
Spring 2012 | MKT | 9702 | Marketing Research |
Fall 2011 | MBA | 9100 | Executive MBA Mod A |
Fall 2011 | MBA | 9105 | Executive MBA Mod B |
Spring 2011 | MKT | 9702 | Marketing Research |
Fall 2010 | MBA | 9105 | Executive MBA Mod B |
Fall 2010 | MBA | 9100 | Executive MBA Mod A |
Summer 2010 | MKT | 9702 | Marketing Research |
Summer 2010 | MKT | 9799 | Independent Study |
Spring 2010 | MBA | 9110 | Executive MBA Mod C |
Fall 2009 | MBA | 9100 | Executive MBA Mod A |
Fall 2009 | MBA | 9105 | Executive MBA Mod B |
Fall 2009 | MKT | 9702 | Marketing Research |
Spring 2009 | MKT | 9702 | Marketing Research |
Fall 2008 | MKT | 9702 | Marketing Research |
Fall 2008 | MBA | 9105 | Executive MBA Mod B |
Fall 2008 | MBA | 9100 | Executive MBA Mod A |
Summer 2008 | MKT | 5000 | Independent Study Marketing I |
Summer 2008 | MKT | 9799 | Independent Study |
Summer 2008 | MKT | 9799 | Independent Study |
Summer 2008 | MKT | 5000 | Independent Study Marketing I |
Spring 2008 | MKT | 5000 | Independent Study Marketing I |
Spring 2008 | MKT | 9799 | Independent Study |
Spring 2008 | MKT | 9702 | Marketing Research |
Spring 2008 | MBA | 9110 | Executive MBA Mod C |
Fall 2007 | MKT | 5000 | Independent Study Marketing I |
Fall 2006 | MKT | 9702 | Marketing Research |
Fall 2006 | MKT | 3000 | Marketing Foundations |
Spring 2006 | MKT | 3000 | Marketing Foundations |
Spring 2006 | MKT | 9702 | Marketing Research |
Fall 2005 | MKT | 9702 | Marketing Research |
Fall 2005 | MKT | 3000 | Marketing Foundations |
Spring 2005 | MKT | 3000 | Marketing Foundations |
Spring 2005 | MKT | 9702 | Marketing Research |
Fall 2004 | MKT | 9702 | Marketing Research |
Fall 2004 | MKT | 3000 | Marketing Foundations |
Spring 2004 | MKT | 3000 | Marketing Foundations |
Spring 2004 | MKT | 9702 | Marketing Research |
Fall 2003 | MKT | 9703 | Marketing Management |
Fall 2003 | MKT | 9703 | Marketing Management |
Spring 2003 | MKT | 9703 | Marketing Management |
Spring 2003 | MKT | 9703 | Marketing Management |
Fall 2002 | MKT | 9702 | Marketing Research |
Fall 2002 | MKT | 3600 | Marketing Research |
Spring 2002 | MKT | 9702 | Marketing Research |
Fall 2001 | MKT | 9702 | Marketing Research |
Fall 2001 | MKT | 9703 | Marketing Management |
Bawa, K. (2023). Using Marketing Research to Support Decision Making (OER).
Journal Articles
(2004). The Effects of Free Sample Promotions on Incremental Brand Sales. Marketing Science, 23(3). 345-363.
(2003). Examining the Dimensionality of Coupon Proneness: A Random Coefficients Approach. Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services/Pergamon, 10. 27-33.
(1999). A Model of Household Grocery Shopping Behavior. Marketing Letters/Kluwer, 10(2). 149-160.
(1997). Coupon Attractiveness and Coupon Proneness: A Framework for Modeling Coupon Redemption. Journal of Marketing Reseatch/American Mktg. Assn., 34. 517-525.
(1996). Influences on Consumer Response to Direct Mail Coupons: An Integrative Review. Psychology and Marketing/John Wiley, 13(2). 129-156.
(1995). A Nested Logit Model of Brand Choice Incorporating Variety Seeking and Marketing Mix Variables. Marketing Letters/Kluwer, 6(3). 199-210.
(1991). The Covariates of Regularity in Purchase Timing. Marketing Letters/Kluwer, 2(2). 147-57.
(1990). Modeling Inertia and Variety-Seeking Tendencies in Brand Choise Behavior. Marketing Science/INFORMS, 9. 263-278.
(1989). Analyzing Incremental Sales from a Direct Mail Coupon Promotion. Journal of Marketing/ American Mktg. Assn., 53. 66-78.
(1989). Consumer Response to Retailers' Marketing Environment: an Analysis of Coffee Purchase Data. Journal of Retailing/Elsevier, 65. 471-495.
(1987). The Coupon-Prone Consumer: Some Findings Based on Purchase Behavior Across Product Classes. Journal Marketing/American Mktg. Assn., 51. 99-110.
(1987). The Effects of A Direct Mail Coupon on Brand Choice Behavior. Journal of Marketing Research/American Mktg. Assn., 24. 370-376.
Wilcox, K., & Bawa, K. "The Importance of Being Hedonic: The Effect of Immediate Versus Delayed Incentives on Consumer Response to Hedonic and Utilitarian Products", Working Paper. In Progress.
Conference Proceedings
Shoemaker, R. W. An Examination of Consistency in Coupon Usage By Households Across Product Classes. Advances in Consumer Research, Vol. XIII.
Bawa, K., Grein, A., Mathur, P., Mohan, K., & Sajeesh, S. (2013, April 5). Using the iPad to Support Faculty Teaching, Research and Service. Teaching and Technology Conference. Baruch College, New York: CUNY.
Bawa, K. (2006, May 18). The Importance of Being Hedonic: Consumer Response to Promotions for Hedonic and Utilitarian Products. Marketing Modelers. New York: Advertising Research Foundation.
Bawa, K. (2004, June 24). The Effects of Free Sample Promotions on Incremental Brand Sales. Marketing Science Conference. : Eramus Univeristy.
Bawa, K., & Shoemaker, R. W. (2002, May 24). The Effects of Free Sample Promotions on Incremental Brand Sales. Wharton/NYU/Columbia/Yale Colloquium.
Bawa, K. (2001, July 7). Converting Consumers with Free Sample Promotions: Evidence From Two Field Experiments. Marketing Science Conference. Wiesbaden
Bawa, K. (2000, June 25). Music, Pleasure and Affective Experience. Marketing Science Conference. : UCLA.
Bawa, K. (2000, June 24). Modeling the Growth of Internet Retailers. Marketing Science Conference. : UCLA.
Bawa, K. (1999, May 22). Measuring Coupon Proneness. Marketing Science Conference. : University of Syracuse.
Bawa, K. (1998, November 19). Product Sampling Versus Potential Savings: Comparing the Effectiveness of Free Samples and Coupons. Research Seminar Series. : Zicklin School of Business, Baruch College, CUNY.
Bawa, K. (1998, July 12). The Advertising Value of Coupons: Diagnosticity of Contextual Information in Consumers' Evaluation of Brands. Marketing Science Conference. Fontainebleau: INSEAD.
Bawa, K. (1997, March 21). Evaluating the Effectiveness of a Free Sample for an Established Brand. Marketing Science Conference. : University of California at Berkeley.
Bawa, K. (1997, March 17). Coupon Attractiveness and Coupon Proneness: a Framework for Evaluation Coupon Promotions. Research Seminar Series. : School of Management, Boston University.
Bawa, K. (1995, July 2). Service Characteristics and Switching Behavior: an Empirical Investigation. Marketing Science Conference. Sydney: University of New South Wales.
Bawa, K. (1994, March 1). A Nested Logit Model of Brand Choice Incorporating Variety Seeking and Marketing Mix Variables. Research Seminar Series. : Faculty of Management, McGill University.
Bawa, K. (1994, March 17). A Model of Consumer Grocery Shopping Behavior. Marketing Science Conference. Tucson: University of Arizona.
Bawa, K. (1994, May 18). A Nested Logit Model of Brand Choice Incorporating Variety Seeking and Marketing Mix Variables. 23rd EMAC Conference. Maastricht: University of Limburg.
Bawa, K. (1993, May 13). New Research in Market Segmentation. Council of Marketing Executives. Montreal: Conference Board of Canada.
Bawa, K. (1993, March 12). A Hierarchical Model of Brand Switching. Marketing Science Conference. St. Louis: Washington University.
Bawa, K. (1992, October 30). A Field Experiment Comparing Brand Choice Behavior Before and After Coupon Redemption Purchases. Conference on the After-Effects of Consumer Promotions. : New York University.
Bawa, K. (1991, March 20). Exploring Heterogeneity in Store Choice. Market Science Conference. Wilmington: University of Delaware.
Bawa, K. (1990, June 26). Using Field Experiments to Analyze Coupon Effects on Consumer Behavior. Behavioral Research and Single Source Data Workshop. New York: Advertising Research Foundation.
Bawa, K. (1990, March 22). Modeling Inertia and Variety Seeking Tendencies in Brand Choice Behvaior. Marketing Science Conference. Urbana-Champaign: University of Illinois.
Bawa, K. (1989, April 28). The Effect of Consumer Promotions on Habitual Purchasing. Columbia/Wharton Joint Seminar. New York: Columbia University.
Bawa, K. (1989, October 13). Do Promotions Change Consumer Habits?. ORSA/TIMA Joint National Meeting. New York
Bawa, K. (1989, March 31). The Effect of Consumer Promotions on Habitual Purchasing. Marketing Science Conference. Durham: Duke University.
Bawa, K. (1988, April 21). Analyzing Incremental Sales From a Coupon Promotion. Conference on Measuring and Evaluating Sales Promotion From the Manufacturer and Retailer Perspectives. Boston: Marketing Science Institute.
Bawa, K. (1987, June 24). Analyzing the Incremental Sales Effect of a Coupon Promotion. Marketing Science Conference. Jouy-en-Josas, France: Centre HEC/ISA.
Bawa, K. (1987, May 31). Analyzing the Effects of a Direct Mail Coupon. Columbia/NYU/Yale Colloquium. New York: Columbia University.
Bawa, K. (1987, March 23). New Product Trial as a Function of the Promotional Environment. Marketing Science conference. Seattle: University of Washington.
Bawa, K. (1986, October 25). Modeling Inertia and Variety-Seeking Tendencies in Brand Choice Behavior. TIMS/ORSA Joint National Meeting. Miami Beach
Bawa, K. (1986, March 14). The Determinants of Predictability in Consumer Choices: An Experiment in Brand-Switching Behavior. Marketing Science Conference. Dallas: University of Texas.
Bawa, K. (1985, October 17). An Examination of Consistency in Coupon Usage by Households Across Product Classes. Advances in Consumer Research. Las Vegas: Association for Consumer Research.
Bawa, K., & Shoemaker, R. W. (1985, December 31). An Examination of Consistency in Coupon Usage By Households Across Product Classes (Vol. XIII, R. Lutz ed.). Advances in Consumer Research. : Association for Consumer Research.
Bawa, K. (1985, October 3). Analyzing an Experiment in Coupon Face Value. Conference on Sales Promotion. Boston: Marketing Science Institute.
Research Currently in Progess
Bawa, K.(n.d.). Modeling the Impact of Emotional Goals on Musical Choices. In Progress.
Bawa, K., & Dube, L.(n.d.). Music, Pleasure and Affective Experience. In Progress.
Sen, S., Bawa, K., & Ziamou, L.(n.d.). Saving the Best for First: Preference for Variety in Sequences of Outcomes. In Progress.
Title | Funding Agency Sponsor | Start Date | End Date | Awarded Date | Total Funding | Status |
Assessing Drivers of Enrollment in CUNY Graduate Programs | City University of New York | 02/24/2014 | 08/31/2014 | 02/24/2014 | 201483 | Completed |
Modeling the Perceptual and Emotional Antecedents of Musical Preference | PSC-CUNY 41 | 07/01/2010 | 06/30/2011 | 5575 | Completed |
Honor / Award | Organization Sponsor | Date Received | Description |
Zicklin Teaching Innovation Award - 2023 | 2023-11-21 | ||
Citation of Excellence for "Coupon Attractiveness and Coupon Proneness: a Framework for Modeling Coupon Redemption" | ANBAR, UK | 1998 |
Committee Name | Position Role | Start Date | End Date |
BUS 2000 Coordinator | Coordinator | Present | |
Course Update - MKT 3600 Marketing Research | Committee Chair | Present | |
Search Committee, Assistant Professor in Marketing Strategy | Committee Chair | Present | |
Search Committee, Assistant Professor in Quantitative Marketing | Committee Chair | Present | |
Advisory Board, Baruch Survey Research Unit | Committee Member | Present | |
Graduate Committee on Academic Standing | Committee Member | Present | |
MKT 3600 Course Coordinator | Coordinator | Present | |
Tenure Committee for Zhuping Liu | Committee Chair | Present | |
Zicklin Executive Committee | Committee Member | Present | |
Undergraduate Curriculum Task Force | Committee Chair | Present | |
Tenure Committee for Karthik Sridhar | Committee Chair | 12/31/2021 | |
Executive Committee | Committee Member | 12/31/2021 | |
Field Center for Entrepreneurship | Faculty Mentor | 6/30/2019 | |
Search Committee, Associate/Full Professor in Marketing Analytics | Committee Chair | 2/28/2017 | |
Search Committee, Assistant Professors in Digital Marketing and Marketing Analytics | Committee Member | 11/30/2016 | |
COACHE Survey Analysis Committee | Committee Member | 4/30/2016 | |
MBA Curriculum Review Committee | Committee Member | 2/28/2016 | |
Search Committee, Professor in Marketing Analytics | Committee Member | 2/28/2016 | |
Search Committee, Lecturer in Marketing Analytics | Committee Chair | 10/31/2015 | |
Executive Programs | Executive Director | 6/30/2014 | |
Zicklin Graduate Curriculum Committee | Committee Member | 6/30/2014 | |
Coordinator/editor of department newsletter | 12/31/2012 | ||
Advisory Board, MARKLAB | 12/31/2012 | ||
Executive Programs | Acting Director | 8/31/2012 | |
Department of Marketing and International Business | Chair | 6/30/2012 | |
Executive Programs Review Committee | Committee Member | 4/30/2012 | |
Search Committee for Vice President, Office of College Advancement | Member | 12/31/2008 | |
Advisory Board, Direct and Interactive Marketing Lab | 12/31/2007 | ||
Represented department at Open Houses | 12/31/2007 | ||
Lang Fellowship Committee | Committee Member | 12/31/2007 | |
Zicklin Graduate Curriculum Committee | Committee Member | 12/31/2007 | |
Developed and maintained website for Subject Pool activities | Coordinator | 12/31/2006 | |
Represented department at Open Houses | 12/31/2006 | ||
Ph. D Advisory Committee | Committee Member | 12/31/2006 | |
Marketing Subject Pool | Coordinator | 12/31/2006 | |
Represented department at Open Houses | 12/31/2005 | ||
Institutional Review Board | Committee Member | 12/31/2005 | |
Represented department at Open Houses | 12/31/2004 | ||
Tenure Criteria Review Committee | Committee Member | 12/31/2004 | |
Represented department at Open House for potential students | 12/31/2002 | ||
Coordinator, faculty recruiting | Committee Chair | 12/31/2001 | |
Graduate Curriculum Review Committee | Committee Member | 12/31/2000 | |
Coordinator, faculty recruiting | Committee Chair | 12/31/2000 |
Committee Name | Position Role | Start Date | End Date |
PSC-CUNY Research Grant Review Panel | Reviewer | 1/1/2021 | Present |
PhD Position Paper Committee, Maneesh Thakkar | Committee Member | 6/1/2003 | Present |
PhD Summer Paper, Keith Wilcox | Faculty Advisor | 6/1/2005 | Present |
PSC-CUNY Research Grant Review Panel | Reviewer | 1/1/2006 | Present |
PSC-CUNY Research Grant Review Panel | Reviewer | 1/1/2023 | Present |
PSC-CUNY Research Grant Review Panel | Reviewer | 1/1/2022 | Present |
CUNY Graduate Programs Survey | Co-Principal Investigator | 1/1/2014 | 12/31/2015 |
CUNY Market Survey | Principal Investigator | 1/1/2005 | 12/31/2006 |
Summer paper advisor, Keith Wilcox | 12/31/2005 | ||
CUNY Market Research | Principal Investigator | 1/1/2003 | 12/31/2004 |
Position paper committee, Maneesh Thakkar | Committee Member | 12/31/2003 | |
CUNY Bronx Market Research | Advisor | 1/1/2000 | 12/31/2001 |
Organization | Position Role | Organization State | Organization Country | Start Date | End Date | Audience |
Journal of International Marketing | Reviewer | New York | United States | Present | International | |
Journal of Consumer Psychology | Reviewer | Utah | United States | Present | International | |
Marketing Letters | Reviewer | New York | United States | Present | International | |
Management Science | Reviewer | New York | United States | Present | International | |
Journal of the Academy of Management Sciences | Reviewer | Massachusetts | United States | Present | International | |
Journal of Retailing | Reviewer | New York | United States | Present | International | |
Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services | Reviewer | Massachusetts | United States | Present | International | |
Journal of Marketing | Reviewer | Shanghai | China | Present | International | |
Doctoral Exam Committees- Kunal Gupta, McGill Univetsity | Member | Quebec | Canada | Present | Local | |
Journal of Interactive Marketing | Reviewer | Illinois | United States | Present | International | |
Journal of Consumer Research | Reviewer | New York | United States | Present | International | |
Journal of Marketing Research | Reviewer | Ontario | Canada | Present | International | |
Journal of Applied Social Psychology | Reviewer | New York | United States | Present | International | |
Academy of Marketing Science Annual Conference | Reviewer | Florida | United States | Present | International | |
Advances in Consumer Research Conference | Reviewer | Durham | United Kingdom | Present | International | |
Doctoral Exam Committees- Jordan Le Bel, McGill University | Member | Quebec | Canada | Present | Local | |
Doctoral Exam Committees- Maneesh Thakkar, Baruch College | Member | Quebec | United States | Present | Local | |
Doctoral Exam Committees- Tripat Gill, McGill University | Member | Quebec | Canada | Present | Local | |
Social Science and Humanities Research Council of Canada | Reviewer | Utah | United States | Present | International | |
Research Grants Council of Hong Kong | Reviewer | Hong Kong | Hong Kong | 1/1/1985 | Present | International |
Marketing Science | Reviewer | Illinois | United States | Present | International | |
Doctoral dissertation committees- Kwang Ho Ahn, New York University | Member | New York | United States | Present | National | |
Shanghai University of Finance and Economics | External reviewer, promotion of Dr. Rong Huang | 3/1/2016 | 5/31/2016 | |||
Marketing Colloquium, Faculty Management | Chairperson | Quebec | Canada | 3/25/1994 | International | |
Invited speaker at the Conference Board of Canada's Council of Marketing Executives | Guest Speaker | Quebec | Canada | 5/13/1993 | International | |
Invited speaker at the Conference on the After-Effects of Consumer Promotions, New York University | Guest Speaker | New York | United States | 10/30/1992 | National | |
Invited speaker at the Behavioral Research and Single Source Data Workshop/Advertising Research Foundation | Guest Speaker | New York | United States | 6/26/1990 | Local | |
Doctoral dissertation committees- Kapil Jain, Columbia University | Member | New York | United States | 12/31/1989 | Local | |
ORSA/TIMS Joint National Meeting | Session Chair | New York | United States | 10/13/1989 | 10/15/1989 | International |
Doctoral Exam Committees- Ruth Gross, New York University | Member | New York | United States | 12/31/1988 | Local | |
Consortium Faculty, American Marketing Association Doctoral Consortium | Guest Speaker | Illinois | United States | 12/31/1987 | National |