Karl Kronebusch
Assc Professor
Marxe School of Public and International Affairs
- Biography
- Research and Creative Activity
Karl Kronebusch’s research and teaching interests focus on health policy and the politics of health and social policy. His research has analyzed the politics of the Medicaid program, the effectiveness of policies designed to improve program participation, the effects of managed care regulation, and factors affecting the use of high-volume hospitals, including racial/ethnic disparities in the use of those hospitals. He is currently examining shifting patterns of political involvement and campaign contributions by health-related interest groups. He previously taught at the University of Wisconsin–Madison and Yale University.
Ph.D., Public Policy, Harvard University
M.P.P., Public Policy, Harvard University
M.Sc., Politics, University of London, London School of Economics & Political Science
B.A., Economics, University of Notre Dame
Journal Articles
Kronebusch, K., Gray, B., & Schlesinger, M. (2014). Explaining Racial/Ethnic Disparities in Use of High-Volume Hospitals: Decision Making Complexity and Local Hospital Environments. Inquiry, 51.
Kronebusch, K. (2009). Quality Information and Fragmented Markets: Patient Responses to Hospital Volume Thresholds. Journal of Health Politics, Policy and Law, 34(5). 773-823.
(2009). Effectiveness of a State Policy to Reduce Racial Disparities in Coronary Angiography. Health Affairs, 28(5). 1521-31.
(2009). Assessing Changes in High Volume Hospital Use: Hospitals, Payers, and Aggregate Volume Trends. Medical Care Research and Review, 66. 197-218.
(2009). Managed Care Regulation in the States: Impacts on Physicians' Practices and Clinical Autonomy. Journal of Health Politics, Policy, and Law, 34(2). 219-59.
(2004). Simplifying Children's Medicaid and SCHIP: What Helps? What Hurts? What's Next for the States?. Health Affairs, 23(3). 233-246.
(2004). Enrolling Children in Public Insurance: SCHIP, Medicaid, and State Implementation. Journal of Health Politics, Policy, and Law, 29(3). 451-489.
(2004). Stigma, Enrollment Barriers, and Policy: Determinants of Participation in TANF and Medicaid. Journal of Policy Analysis and Management, 23(3). 509-530.
Kronebusch, K. (2004). Matching Rates and Mandates: Federalism and Children's Medicaid Enrollment. Policy Studies Journal, 32(3). 317-339.
(2001). Children's Medicaid Enrollment: The Impacts of Mandates,Welfare Reform, and Policy Delinking. Journal of Health Politics, Policy and Law, 26(6). 1223-1260.
(2001). Medicaid for Children: Federal Mandates, Welfare Reform, and Policy Backsliding. Health Affairs, 20(1). 97-111.
(1997). Medicaid and the Politics of Groups: Recipients, Providers, and Policymaking. Journal of Health Politics, Policy, and Law, 22(3). 839-878.
Schlesinger, M., & Kronebusch, K. (1990). The Failure of Prenatal Care Policy for the Poor. Health Affairs, 9. 91-111.
Kronebusch, K. (1989). Smoking: Human and Economic Costs. Cancer Investigation, 7(5). 463-477.
Book Chapters
Pollack, H., & Kronebusch, K. (2004). "Health Insurance and Vulnerable Populations". In McLaughlin, C. (Ed.), Health Policy and the Uninsured (pp. 205-255). Washington, DC. Urban Institute Press.
Kronebusch, K. (1994). "Intergenerational Transfers". In Bengtson, V. L., & Harootyan, R. A. (Eds.), Intergenerational Linkages: Hidden Connections in American Society
Kronebusch, K., & Schlesinger, M. (1994). "The Sources of Intergenerational Burdens and Tensions". In Bengtson, V. L., & Harootyan, R. A. (Eds.), Intergenerational Linkages: Hidden Connections in American Society
Schlesinger, M., & Kronebusch, K. (1994). "Intergenerational Tensions and Conflict: Attitudes and Perceptions about Social Justice and Age-Related Needs". In Bengtson, V. L., & Harootyan, R. A. (Eds.), Intergenerational Linkages: Hidden Connections in American Society
Government Reports or Monographs
Kronebusch, K. (1987). U.S. Congress, Office of Technology Assessment, Identifying and Regulating Carcinogens.
Kronebusch, K. (1985). U.S. Congress, Office of Technology Assessment, Preventing Illness and Injury in the Workplace.
Kronebusch, K. (1985). U.S. Congress, Office of Technology Assessment, Smoking-Related Deaths and Financial Costs.
Kronebusch, K. (2021, September 30). Responses to Covid-19: Party, Ideology, Health Interests, and State Policymaking. American Political Science Association Annual Meeting. Seattle, WA: American Political Science Association.
Kronebusch, K. (2016, May 18). Panel - 2016: Will the ACA be a Top Issue in this Election Season?. RWJF Scholars in Health Policy Research Program. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University.
Kronebusch, K. (2013, August 31). Health-Related Interests and Campaign Contributions in the States: Trends, Shifting Tides, and Party Mobilization. American Political Science Association Annual Meeting. Chicago, IL
Kronebusch, K. (2010, December 1). Explaining Racial/Ethnic Disparities in Use of High-Volume Hospitals. Seminar. : Rutgers University.
Kronebusch, K. (2006, November 2). Racial/Ethnic Disparities in Use of High Volume Hospitals: Evidence from Four States. Research Conference of the Association for Public Policy Analysis and Management. Madison, WI
Kronebusch, K., & Elbel, B. (2003, October 6). Simplifying Children's Medicaid and SCHIP: What Helps? What Hurts? Where Next for the States?. Research Conference of the Association for Public Policy Analysis and Management. Washington, DC
Kronebusch, K., Thomas, T., & Schlesinger, M. (2002, November 7). Patient Protection Laws in the States: Impacts on Physicians and Managed Care. Research Conference of the Association for Public Policy Analysis and Management. Dallas, Texas
Kronebusch, K., & Pollack, H. (2001, June 30). Health Insurance and Vulnerable Populations. Research Agenda Setting Conference. : Economic Research Initiative on the Uninsured.
Kronebusch, K. (1999, November 2). Matching Rates and Mandates: Federal Policy and Children's Medicaid Enrollment. Research Confrerence of the Association for Public Policy Analysis and Management. Washington, DC: Association for Policy Analysis and Management.
Kronebusch, K. (1998, September 3). Matching Rates and Mandates: Federal Policy and Children's Medicaid Enrollment. American Political Science Association Annual Meeting. Boston, MA: American Political Science Association.
Kronebusch, K. (1997, August 28). Medicaid Enrollment: Income, Race, and Policy Variations Across the States. Annual Research Conference of the Association for Public Policy and Management. Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania: the American Political Science Association.
Kronebusch, K. (1997, April 10). AFDC and SSI Enrollment: Fair to Minorities? Fair to the Poor?. Midwest Political Science Association Annual Meeting. Chicago, Illinois
Kronebusch, K. (1996, October 31). Medicaid Enrollment: Income, Race, and Policy Variations Across the States. Annual Research Conference of the Association for Public Policy and Management. Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania: American Political Science Association.
Kronebusch, K. (1996, August 31). AFDC and SSI Enrollment: Fair to Minorities? Fair to the Poor. American Political Science Association Annual Meeting. San Francisco, California
Kronebusch, K. (1996, May 3). Medicaid Politics: Recipients, Providers, and State Policymaker Choices. Health Care into the Next Century: Markets, States, and Communities. : Journal of Health Politics, Policy, and Law.
Kronebusch, K. (1995, November 30). Equity, Differences, and Medical Services: Ideas for Public Management and Policy Design. Annual Research Conference of the Association for Public Policy Analysis and Management. Washington, DC
Kronebusch, K. (1992, October 31). Determinants of Medicaid Spending. Annual Research Conference of the Association for Public Policy Analysis and Management. Denver, Colorado
Kronebusch, K. (1988, November 30). OSHA Regulation of Carcinogenic Chemicals. Annual Meeting of the American Public Health Association. Boston, Massachusetts
Kronebusch, K. (1984, November 30). Economic and Financial Incentives for Occupational Safety and Health. Annual Meeting of the American Public Health Association. Anaheim, California
Kronebusch, K. (1984, June 20). Hearing on OSHA Injury and Illness Information System. Washington, DC: U.S. House of Representatives, Committee on Education and Labor, Subcommittee on Occupational Safety and Health.
Kronebusch, K. (1983, November 30). Occupational Injury Data: Are They Accurate? Are They Adequate?. American Public Health Association. Dallas, Texas
Other Scholarly Works
McDonough, J. E., Gibbs, B. K., Scott- Harris, J. L., Kronebusch, K., Navarro, A. M., & Taylor, K. (2004). A State Policy Agenda to Eliminate Racial and Ethnic Health Disparities.
Kronebusch, K. (1996). Medicaid Politics and Group Differences. Focus. 17(3)7-11.
Schlesinger, M., & Kronebusch, K. (1990). The Baby and the Bathwater: Failing Public Policies and Prenatal Care for Low-Income Women.
Kronebusch, K. (1989). Affordable Health Insurance: The Future of Risk-Spreading and Blue Cross/Blue Shield in Massachusetts.
Research Currently in Progess
Kronebusch, K.(n.d.). Shifting Tides and Party Mobilization: Health-Related Interests and State-Level Campaign Contributions. In Progress.
Analysis of the distribution of state-level campaign contributions from the health sector, including estimates of the magnitude of these contributions for the sector as a whole and for various component subsectors. The results show important differences between the different subsectors concerning the approach to campaign contributions, and the choice of the general targets for contributions. To be submitted, Fall 2024
Kronebusch, K.(n.d.). Neighborhoods and Hospital Use: Racial/Ethnic Patterns and the Impact of Segregation. In Progress.
Examines the impacts of neighborhoods on patient use of hospitals, focusing on how racial/ethnic residential segregation affects sorting of patients to particular hospitals.