Linda Friedman


Zicklin School of Business

Department: Paul Chook Dept InfoSys & Stat

Areas of expertise:

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Ph.D., Operations Research, Polytechnic Institute of New York

M.S., Applied Statistics, Polytechnic Institute of New York

B.A., Statistics / Biology, Baruch College, CUNY

SemesterCourse PrefixCourse NumberCourse Name
Spring 2024STA2000Business Statistics I
Spring 2024OPR9730Simul Model & Analy
Fall 2023STA2000Business Statistics I
Fall 2023SOC3085Sel Topics Ant/Soc
Fall 2023JWS3070Jewish Humor
Spring 2023OPR9730Simul Model & Analy
Spring 2023STA2000Business Statistics I
Fall 2022STA2000Business Statistics I
Fall 2022STA2000Business Statistics I
Spring 2022STA2000Business Statistics I
Spring 2021OPR9730Simul Model & Analy
Spring 2021STA2000Business Statistics I
Fall 2020STA2000Business Statistics I
Fall 2020REL3085Spec Topics: Religion & Cult
Fall 2020ANT3085Sel Topics Ant/Soc
Fall 2020ENG3950Topics in Literature
Fall 2020JWS3950Special Topics in Jewish Studi
Fall 2020JWS4900Mapping the Jewish Experience
Fall 2020SOC3085Sel Topics Ant/Soc
Spring 2020STA2000Business Statistics I
Spring 2020OPR9730Simul Model & Analy
Fall 2019STA2000Business Statistics I
Spring 2019JWS5001Independent Study JWS II
Fall 2018ANT3085Sel Topics Ant/Soc
Fall 2018ENG3950Topics in Literature
Fall 2018JWS3950Special Topics in Jewish Studi
Fall 2018REL3085Spec Topics: Religion & Cult
Fall 2018STA2000Business Statistics I
Fall 2018SOC3085Sel Topics Ant/Soc
Spring 2018STA2000Business Statistics I
Spring 2018OPR9730Simul Model & Analy
Fall 2017REL3085Spec Topics: Religion & Cult
Fall 2017JWS3950Special Topics in Jewish Studi
Fall 2017CMP4000Special Topics in Literature
Fall 2017STA2000Business Statistics I
Fall 2017ANT3085Sel Topics Ant/Soc
Fall 2017ENG3950Topics in Literature
Fall 2017SOC3085Sel Topics Ant/Soc
Fall 2017HIS3360Topics in European History
Spring 2017STA2000Business Statistics I
Spring 2017CIS3100Object-Oriented Programming I
Spring 2017OPR9730Simul Model & Analy
Fall 2016STA2000Business Statistics I
Fall 2016STA2000Business Statistics I
Spring 2016STA2000Business Statistics I
Fall 2015SOC5000Independent Study Sociology I
Fall 2015STA2000Business Statistics I
Spring 2015REL3085Spec Topics: Religion & Cult
Spring 2015JWS3950Special Topics in Jewish Studi
Spring 2015CIS4100Object-Oriented Programming II
Spring 2015SOC3085Sel Topics Ant/Soc
Fall 2014CIS3100Object-Oriented Programming I
Fall 2014CIS3100Object-Oriented Programming I
Fall 2014STA2000Business Statistics I
Spring 2014CIS4100Object-Oriented Programming II
Spring 2014STA2000Business Statistics I
Spring 2014CIS4910Info Tech & Soc Resp
Spring 2014CIS4910Info Tech & Soc Resp
Fall 2013IDC4050HHon Feit Hum Sem I
Fall 2013STA2000Business Statistics I
Fall 2013STA2000Business Statistics I
Spring 2013STA2000Business Statistics I
Fall 2012STA2000Business Statistics I
Spring 2010CIS4910Info Tech & Soc Resp
Spring 2010CIS3810Principles of New Media
Fall 2009CIS3810Principles of New Media
Fall 2009CIS3810Principles of New Media
Spring 2009CIS3810Principles of New Media
Spring 2009CIS3810Principles of New Media
Fall 2008CIS3810Principles of New Media
Summer 2008CIS3810Principles of New Media
Spring 2008CIS4670Special Topics - CIS
Fall 2007CIS3100Object-Oriented Programming I
Fall 2007CIS3100Object-Oriented Programming I
Spring 2007STA2000Business Statistics I
Spring 2007STA2000Business Statistics I
Spring 2007STA2000Business Statistics I
Spring 2007STA2000Business Statistics I
Spring 2007STA2000Business Statistics I
Spring 2007STA2000Business Statistics I
Spring 2007STA2000Business Statistics I
Spring 2007STA2000Business Statistics I
Spring 2007STA2000Business Statistics I
Spring 2007STA2000Business Statistics I
Spring 2007STA2000Business Statistics I
Spring 2007STA2000Business Statistics I
Fall 2006STA2000Business Statistics I
Fall 2006STA2000Business Statistics I
Fall 2006STA2000Business Statistics I
Fall 2006STA2000Business Statistics I
Fall 2006STA2000Business Statistics I
Fall 2006STA2000Business Statistics I
Fall 2006STA2000Business Statistics I
Fall 2006STA2000Business Statistics I
Fall 2006STA2000Business Statistics I
Fall 2006STA2000Business Statistics I
Fall 2006STA2000Business Statistics I
Fall 2006STA2000Business Statistics I
Spring 2006STA2000Business Statistics I
Spring 2006STA2000Business Statistics I
Spring 2006STA2000Business Statistics I
Spring 2006STA2000Business Statistics I
Spring 2006STA2000Business Statistics I
Spring 2006STA2000Business Statistics I
Spring 2006STA2000Business Statistics I
Spring 2006STA2000Business Statistics I
Spring 2006STA2000Business Statistics I
Spring 2006STA2000Business Statistics I
Spring 2006STA2000Business Statistics I
Fall 2005STA2000Business Statistics I
Fall 2005STA2000Business Statistics I
Fall 2005STA2000Business Statistics I
Fall 2005STA2000Business Statistics I
Fall 2005STA2000Business Statistics I
Fall 2005STA2000Business Statistics I
Fall 2005STA2000Business Statistics I
Fall 2005STA2000Business Statistics I
Fall 2005STA2000Business Statistics I
Spring 2004CIS9310Object-Oriented Programming I
Spring 2004CIS3100Object-Oriented Programming I
Spring 2003CIS9310Object-Oriented Programming I
Spring 2003CIS3100Object-Oriented Programming I
Spring 2002CIS3100Object-Oriented Programming I
Fall 2001CIS3100Object-Oriented Programming I


Friedman, H. H., & Friedman, L. W. (2014). God Laughed: Sources of Jewish Humor. (p. 370 pages). Piscataway, NJ 08854 , USA, Transaction Publishers.

Friedman, L. W. (2012). The Simulation Metamodel (orig. 1996, reprinted 2012). Norwell, MA, Kluwer.

Friedman, L. W., & Friedman, H. H. (1991). Comparative Programming Languages: Generalizing the Programming Function. Englewood Cliffs, NJ, Prentice Hall.

Journal Articles

(2023). Teaching Diversity Correctly: 'Either Everyone Counts or Nobody Counts. North East Journal of Legal Studies, 43(Article 7). 194-221.

(2023). Encounters with God: Rabbinic stories and what we can learn from them. Journal of Religion and Business Ethics, (Article 5).

(2023). Encounters with God: Rabbinic stories and what we can learn from them. Journal of Religion and Business Ethics, (1).

Friedman, H. H., & Friedman W, L. (2021). Has Higher Education Fallen Down the Rabbit Hole and Landed in the Bizarro World? You Bet it Has!  . Academia Letters, Article 2655.

Friedman, H., & Friedman, L. W. (2021). Are Universities Becoming Relics? Boosting Productivity in Higher Education. Academia Letters, (Article 1305). 7 pages.

Friedman, L. W., & Friedman, H. H. (2020). Welcome to New York City, COVID-19 Capital of the World. [Part of a Special Feature, Leadership in the Time of COVID-19: Reflections from around the World]. Journal of Values-Based Leadership, XIV(II (Summer / Fall)). 2 pages.

Friedman, H. H., & Friedman, L. W. (2020). The Pen is Mightier than the Sword: Humor as a Social Justice Tool. Review of Contemporary Philosophy, 19. 26-42.

Friedman, H. H., Friedman, L. W., Frankel, M. R., & Amoo, T. (2019). Enhancing Critical and Ethical Thinking with Scenarios. Psychosociological Issues in Human Resource Management, 7(1). 7-29.

Friedman, H. H., & Friedman, L. W. (2019). A Treatise on the Jackass in Academe: How Arrogance and Self-Centeredness Destroy the Credibility of Higher Education. Journal of Intercultural Management and Ethics, (2). 9-27.

Friedman, H. H., & Friedman, L. W. (2019). What Went Wrong? Lessons in Leadership from Solomon, the Bible’s Wisest and Worst Ruler. Journal of Values-Based Leadership, 12(1). 21 pages.

Friedman, H. H., & Friedman, L. W. (2019). Laughing Matters: When Humor is Meaningful. Journal of Intercultural Management and Ethics (JIME), (4). 55-72.

Friedman, H. H., & Friedman, L. W. (2018). Does growing the number of academic departments improve the quality of higher education?. Psychosociological Issues in Human Resource Management, 6(1). 96-114.

Friedman, H. H., & Friedman, L. W. (2018). Even Great Leaders Make Mistakes: Learning Leadership from Moses. Journal of Leadership and Management, 3(13). 20 pages.

Friedman, L. W., & Friedman, H. H. (2018). The Pious Fool: A Sometimes-Hermetic Jewish Humor Trope. International Studies in Humour, 7(1). 19-33.

Friedman, H., Friedman, L. W., & Edris, S. (2017). Conscious Capitalism vs. Rapacious Capitalism: Lessons from King Leopold II. Business Quest, 21 pages.

Stern, T., Friedman, L. W., & Friedman, H. H. (2017). How We Got Here: Connectivity, Creativity, Confluence and Internet Culture. Journal of International Technology and Information Management, 26(1). 44.

Friedman, H. H., Friedman, L. W., & Leverton, C. (2016). Increase Diversity to Boost Creativity and Enhance Problem Solving. Journal of Psychosociological Issues in Human Resource Management, 4(2). 7-33.

Friedman, D., Friedman, H. H., & Friedman, L. W. (2016). US healthcare: A system in need of a cure. American Journal of Medical Research, 3(1). 125–141.

Friedman, H. H., Friedman, L. W., & Hertz, S. (2015). Abrahamic values for ethical leadership. Journal of Leadership and Management, 2. 3-9.

Friedman, H. H., & Friedman, L. W. (2015). The Humor of Divine Discourse in the Hebrew Bible and Rabbinic Literature. International Studies in Humour, 4(3). 23–43.

Friedman, H. H., & Friedman, L. W. (2015). How to transform an ordinary tech firm into an innovation powerhouse. i-manager's Journal on Management, 10(2). 1-11.

Friedman, H., & Friedman, L. W. (2015). Is greed good? Learning about ethical leadership from Psalm 72. Psychosociological Issues in Human Resource Management, 3(1). 7-25.

Waisanen, D., Friedman, H. H., & Friedman, L. W. (2014). What’s so Funny about Arguing with God? A Case for Playful Argumentation from Jewish Literature. Argumentation: An International Journal on Reasoning, 28(4).

Friedman, H. H., Hampton-Sosa, W., & Friedman, L. W. (2014). Solving the Mega-Crisis in Education: Concrete, Cost-effective Solutions. i-manager's Journal of Educational Technology, 10(4). 6-17.

Friedman, H. H., & Friedman, L. W. (2014). Springtime for Hitler: Lessons in Leadership. Psychosociological Issues in Human Resource Management, 2(2). 27-42.

(2013). Powerful Biblical Statements: Lessons in Communication for Today's Leadership. International Journal of Education and Research, 1(2). 1-12.

(2013). Lessons in Negative Leadership: What Would Hitler Do?. Management and Change, 17(1&2). 23-38.

Friedman, H. H., Hampton-Sosa, W., & Friedman, L. W. (2013). The Decline and Fall of the Business Major: Is It Inevitable?. SS (Social Science) International Journal of Business and Management Research, 3(4).

(2013). Eyeless in Academe: An American View of Disciplinary Myopia. International Journal of Education and Research, 1(3). 1-8.

(2013). Using Social Media Technologies to Enhance Online Learning . Journal of Educators Online, 10(1). 22.

(2012). The Book of Esther: Lessons in Leadership. Shepperd Journal of Practical Leadership, 6(1). 1-11.

(2012). Apologies: A Powerful Tool for Personal and Organizational Success. Interdisciplinary Journal of Contemporary Research In Business, (November).

(2012). Using Real-World Examples to Enhance the Relevance of the Introductory Statistics Course. SS International Journal of Economics and Management, 2(3). 16-34.

(2011). Crises in Education: Online Learning as a Solution. Creative Education, 2(3).

(2011). The role of information technology in fulfilling the promise of corporate social responsibility. Computers & Information Science, 4(4).

(2010). Lessons from the Twin Mega-Crises: The Financial Meltdown and the BP Oil Spill. Journal of Business Systems, Governance and Ethics, 5(4, December). 34-45.

(2010). Lessons from the Global Financial Meltdown of 2008. Journal of Financial Transformation, 28. 45-54.

(2009). How Virtuous is Your Firm? A Checklist. Electronic Journal of Business Ethics and Organization Studies, 14(1). 14-20.

(2009). Barack Obama 2.0: The Power of New Media in Achieving and Sustaining Presidential Charisma. John Ben Shepperd Journal of Practical Leadership, 4(Spring). 77 -85.

(2009). A Framework For Information Systems Metaresearch: The Quest For Identity. Communications of the Association for Information Systems (CAIS), 24(20). 333-350.

(2008). Ethical Imperatives of CEOs: Creating the Virtuous Corporation. Journal of Business Systems, Governance and Ethics, 3(4). 1-11.

(2008). Can ‘Homo Spiritualis’ Replace Homo Economicus in the Business Curriculum?. e-Journal of Business Education & Scholarship of Teaching, 2(2).

(2008). Ethical Academic Leadership: Lessons from the Academies of Confucius and Hillel. John Ben Shepperd Journal of Practical Leadership, 3(Spring). 19-27.

(2008). High Impact Areas of the New Media Technologies: A Review. Management Online Review,

(2008). Taking Happiness Seriously in Today’s Business Environment. Journal of International Marketing and Marketing Research, 33(1, February). 3-17.

(2008). The Role of Modeling in Scientific Disciplines: A Taxonomy. Review of Business , 29(1, Fall). 61-67.

(2008). The Use of Information Technology to Create a Better Workplace for Individuals with Disabilities. Management Online Review,

(2007). A New Kind of Marketing: Creating Micro-Niches Using Resonance Marketing. Journal of Internet Commerce, 6(1). 83-99.

(2007). Frontiers in Mulcultural Marketing: The Disabilites Market. Journal of International Marketing and Marketing Research, 32(1, February). 25-39.

(2006). The Largest Minority Group: The Disabled. Business Quest,

(2006). An understanding heart to judge your people': The veiw of successful leadership in the Hebrew Bible. The JBS Journal of Practical Leadership, (Spring). 103-117.

(2005). Conflict of Interest: The Common Thread Underlying Ethical Lapes. Electronic Journal of Business Ethics and Organization Studies, 10(1). 4-8.

(2005). In Their Own Words: The Use of Quotations in Teaching Ethical Leadership. E-Journal of Ethical Leadership, 25-35.

(2005). Transforming a University from a Teaching Organization to a Learning Organization. Review of Business, 26(3). 31-35.

(2005). Student Perceptions of the Ethics of Professors. Electronic Journal of Business Ethics and Organizational Studies, 10(2, November). 10-15.

(2004). "Biblical Leadership: Insights for Today's Managers". Electronic Journal of Business Ethics and Organizational Studies, 9(1).

(2002). Using Humor in the Introductory Statistics Course. Journal of Statistics Education, 10(3, November).

(2000). Creating Exciting Majors by Combining Business with Other Majors. Journal of Business Education, 1(Fall). 11-17.

(1997). Reducing the "Wait" in Waiting-Line Systems: Waiting Line Segmentation. Business Horizons, 40(July). 54-58.

(1995). Analyzing Simulation Output Using the Bootstrap Method. Simulation, 64(February). 95-100.

(1994). A Comparison of Vertical and Horizontal Rating Scales. Mid-Atlantic Journal of Business, 30(March). 107-111..

(1991). From Babbage to Babel and Beyond: A Brief History of Programming Languages. Computer Languages, 17. 1-17.

(1989). Myths, Unethical Practices, Personnel Requirements: What Do Computer Industry Professionals Really Beileve?. Journal of Systems and Software, 10. 151-153.

(1989). The Multivariate Metamodel in Queuing System Simulation. Computers & Industrial Engineering, 16. 329-337.

Friedman, H. H., & Friedman, L. W. (1988). A Framework for Organizational Success. Journal of Business Ethics, 7. 219-221. Reprinted in Marketing 90/91 and Business Ethics 90/91, both edited by John E. Richardson. Guilford, Conn.: The Dushkin Publishing Group, 1990.

(1988). The Effects of Scale-Checking Styles on Responses to a Semantic Differential Scale". Journal of the Market Research Society, 30. 477-481.

(1988). The Metamodel in Simulation Analysis: Can It Be Trusted?. Journal of the Operational Research Society, 39. 1-10.

(1988). Multiple Advertisement Testing: The Dangers of Telescopic Testing and Other Approaches. Journal of Direct Marketing, 26(Winter). 49-53.

(1987). Design and Analysis of Multivariat Response Simulations: The State of the Art. Behavioral Science, 32. 138-148.

(1987). Marketing Method for Software. Journal of Systems and Software, 7. 207-212.

(1987). On the Danger of Using Too Few Points in a Rating Scale: A Rejoinder. Journal of Data Collection, 27(Spring). 46-47.

(1986). Exploring Relationships in Multiple-Response Simulation Experiments. Omega, 14. 498-501.

(1986). Comparison of Itemized vs. Graphic Rating Scales: A Validity Approach. Journal of the Market Research Society, 28(July). 285-289.

(1986). Comparing Simulated Alternatives Using A Distribution-Free Statistic With Blocking by Random Number Stream. Simulation, 47(August). 68-70.

(1986). On the Danger of Using Too Few Points in a Rating Scale: A Test of Validity. Journal of Data Collection, 26(Fall). 60-63.

(1986). Applying Warfare to Business Competition. Business Forum, 11(Winter). 8-12.

(1986). The Analysis of Multiple Response Simulation Output Data: Experiments of Comparison. Computers & Operations Research, 13. 647-652.

(1985). The Probability Distribution as a Performance Criterion When Comparing Alternative Systems. Simulation, 44(November). 262-264.

(1985). Validating the Simulation Metamodel: Some Practical Approaches. Simulation, 44(September). 144-146.

(1984). An Effective Method for Teaching Ethics in a Computer Course. Interface: The Computer Education Quarterly, 6(Spring). 62-64.

(1984). Statistical Considerations in Simulation: the State of the Art. Journal of Statistical Computation and Simulation, 19. 237-263.

(1982). The Effect of Various Price Markdowns on Consumers' Rating a New Product. Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science, 10(Fall). 432-437.

(1982). More Subtle Sins in Marketing Research. Mid-Atlantic Journal of Business, 20(Winter). 21-31.

(1981). Balanced and Unbalanced Rating Scales: A Comparison. Mid-Atlantic Journal of Business, 19(Summer). 1-7.

(1980). Does the Image of a Celebrity Endorser Spill Over to the Product?. Journal of Business (of Seton Hall University), 18(May). 31-36.

(1979). Endorser Effectiveness as a Function of Product Type. Journal of Advertising Research, 19(October). 63-71.

(1976). Advertising Myopia. Journal of Advertising, 5(Spring). 29-31.

Book Chapters

(2023). Jewish humor as a survival tool and a bridge to social justice. Political Comedy: The Cultural Roots of Political Humor, Satire, and Parody Worldwide Springer.

Friedman, H. H., & Friedman W, L. (2022). Has Higher Education Fallen Down the Rabbit Hole?. The Philosophy of Humor Yearbook (pp. 271-298).

(2022). Has Higher Education Fallen Down the Rabbit Hole?. The Philosophy of Humor Yearbook De Gruyter.

Friedman, L. W., & H, F. H. (2018). Just Kidding: When workplace humor is toxic. In Lindgreen, A., & Angell, R. J. (Eds.), Not All Claps and Cheers: Humor in Business and Society Relationships (pp. 216-227). Routledge.

Friedman, H. H., & Friedman, L. W. (2014). Judaism. Encyclopedia of Humor Studies (pp. 426-429). Thousand Oaks, CA. SAGE Publications.

Friedman, L. W. (2013). Simulation Metamodeling. In Gass, S. I., & Fu, M. C. (Eds.), Encyclopedia of Operations Research and Management Science 3rd edition (pp. 1404-1410). NY. Springer.

(2010). Dying of Consumption? Voluntary Simplicity as an Antidote to Hypermaterialism." In Sun, Stewart and Pollard (eds.),. (pp. 253-269). Emerald Publishing,UK. Reframing Corporate Social Responsibility: Lessons from the Global Financial Crisis (Critical Studies on Corporate Responsibility, Governance and Sustainability, Volume 1).

(2010). The Global Financial Crisis of 2008: What Went Wrong? In Robert W. Kolb (ed.), Lessons from the Financial Crisis: Causes, Consequences, and Our Economic Future. Hoboken, NJ. Wiley.

(2001). Bootstrapping: Resampling Methodology. In S.I. Gass and C.M. Harris (eds.), Encyclopedia of Operations Research and Management Science 2nd edition.. (pp. 66-69). Norwell, MA. Kluwer.

(2001). Simulation Metamodeling. In S.I. Gass and C.M. Harris (eds.), Encyclopedia of Operations Research and Management Science 2nd edition.. (pp. 751-755). Norwell, MA. Kluwer.

(1996). "Metamodeling. In S.I. Gass and C.M. Harris (eds.), Encyclopedia of Operations Research and Management Science.. Norwell, MA. Kluwer.

Conference Proceedings

Amoo, T., Friedman, H. H., & Friedman, L. W. (2016). Overcoming Challenges to Diversity: the Secret Ingredient that Makes an Organization Flourish. 2016 NEDSI Annual Conference.

Friedman, L. W. (2013). Creating a Culture of Hybrid and Online Teaching: A HOT Case Study (pp. 806-810). 42nd Annual Meeting of the Northeast Decision Sciences Institute.

Amoo, T., Friedman, L. W., & Friedman, H. H. (2013). Making the Introductory Statistics Course More Relevant to Students (pp. 785-791). 42nd Annual Meeting of the Northeast Decision Sciences Institute.

Amoo, T., Friedman, L. W., & Friedman, H. H. (2011). Online Learning as a Change Agent in Education (pp. 2381-2385). 42nd Annual Meeting of the Decision Sciences Institute.

Friedman, L. W., & Friedman, H. H. (2011). Worlds Collide: Exploring the Use of Social Media Technologies for Online Learning (pp. 1641-1646). 42nd Annual Meeting of the Decision Sciences Institute.

Friedman, H. H., & Friedman, L. W. (2009). The Role of Information Technology in Corporate Social Responsibility (pp. 234-239). 2009 Annual Conference Northeast Decision Sciences Institite.

Friedman, L. W., & Friedman, H. H. (2008). Using the New Media to Transform a University from a Teaching Organization to a Learning Organization (pp. 3021-3026). 39th Annual Meeting of the Decision Sciences Institute.

Friedman, L. W., & Friedman, H. H. (2008). The New Media Technologies: An Overview and Framework for Study (pp. 1351-1356). 39th Annual Meeting of the Decision Sciences Institute.

Friedman, L. W., Friedman, H. H., & Adler, R. (2008). Computer Technology to Assist Individuals with Disabilities: The Current State and Emerging Technologies. WDSI 2008 Annual Meeting.

Friedman, H. H., & Friedman, L. W. (2007). Corporate Social Responsibility Across the Business Curriculum (pp. 391-396). 38th Annual Meeting of the Decision Sciences Institute.

Friedman, L. W., & Friedman, H. H. (2006). Computer and IT Ethics: Perception of Computer Science Majors (pp. 25231-25236). 37th Annual Meeting of the Decision Sciences Institute.

Friedman, L. W., & Friedman, H. H. (2006). The Role of Models in the Convergence of Scientific Knowledge (pp. 25251-25256). 37th Annual Meeting of the Decision Sciences Institute.

Holowczak, R., & Friedman, L. W. (2006). Using Real-World Financial Data to Make the Introductory Business Statistics Course More Relevant (pp. 25411-15416). 37th Annual Meeting of the Decision Sciences Institute.

Altschuller, S. W., Peng, Q., Yeates, S., Stern, T., & Friedman, L. W. (2004). An Introductory Doctoral Seminar in Information Systems Research. The 2004 Northeast Decision Sciences Institute Conference.

Friedman, L. W., & Friedman, H. H. (2004). The University as a Learning Organization: Some Practical Approaches. The 2004 Northeast Decision Sciences Institute Conference.

Friedman, H. H., Friedman, L. W., & Amoo, T. (2003). Is One Major Enough? The Growth of Multiple Majors. Decision Sciences Institute Conference.

Friedman, L. W., & Friedman, H. H. (2003). Trasnforming the University into a Learning Organization. Decision Sciences Institute Conference.


Friedman, L. W., & Friedman, H. H. (2014, December 4). Laughing with God: Conversations About Jewish Humor. Baruch College BPAC: Jewish Studies Center.

Friedman, L. W., & Friedman, H. H. (2014, June 13). Sources of Jewish Humor. St. Louis Park, MN: Darchei Noam.

Friedman, L. W., & Friedman, H. H. (2014, November 20). How Old is Jewish Humor?. Mid-Manhattan Branch NYPL: New York Public Library.

Friedman, L. W., & Friedman, H. H. (2014, June 21). Are Jews Funny? Humor in Tanach and Talmud. Skokie, IL: Davar Skokie.

Friedman, L. W., & Friedman, H. H. (2013, December 5). Online Learning in Practice: An Introduction to Statistics Course. 12th Annual CUNY Instructional Technology (IT) Conference. John Jay College of Criminal Justics, New York, NY.

Friedman, L. W. (2009, March 27). The Great Enabler: The Role of Technology in Ethics and Social Responsibility (also, a Baruch College Ethics Week event). 12th Annual Teaching and Technology Conference. New York, NY: Baruch College.

Friedman, L. W. (2007, November 17). Coordinator and Panelist: A Multidisciplinary Discussion f Organizational Scoial Responsibility Across the Curriculum. The 38th Annual Meeting of the Decision Sciences Institute. Phoenix, AZ: Decision Sciences Institute (DSI).

Friedman, L. W., & Friedman, H. H. (2006, April 30). Coordinator: Religion and Entrepreneurship Workshop. National Technology and Social Science Conference. Las Vegas, NV: National Social Science Association (NSSA).

Friedman, L. W. (2003, November 30). A Forum on the Viability of Traditional Unidisciplinary College Majors in an Interdisciplinary Age. Decision Sciences Institute Conference. Washington, D.C.

Friedman, L. W., & Friedman, H. H. (2003, March 27). Computer Humor: A Framework for Study. The 2003 Northeast Decision Sciences Institute Conference. Providence, Rhode Island: Northeast Decision Sciences Institute NEDSI.

Friedman, H. H., Amoo, T., & Friedman, L. W. (2002, October 31). The Traditional Unidisciplinary College Major: Does it Have a Future?. 2002 Conference on Emerging Issues in Business and Technology. Myrtle Beach, SC

Friedman, L. W., Friedman, H. H., & Amoo, T. (2002, March 31). Are Traditional Unidisciplinary Programs of Study Obsolete?. 2002 Conference on Emerging Issues in Business and Technology. San Juan, Puerto Rico

Friedman, L. W. (2000, November 30). A Forum on Multidisciplinary Education: Redefining the Concept of 'Turf". 2000 Decision Sciences Institute Annual Meeting. Orlando, FL

Friedman, L. W., & Joseph, R. (2000, November 30). A Framwork for Research in the Simulation Information System Interface (SISI). 2000 Decision Sciences Institute Annual Meeting. Orlando, FL

David, D., & Friedman, L. W. (2000, November 30). Adaptive Learning Systems Technology Advisor: A Conceptual Model for Business Entrepreneurs to Successfully Implement Information Technology. 2000 Decision Sciences Institute Annual Meeting. Orlando, FL

Amoo, T., Friedman, H. H., & Friedman, L. W. (2000, November 30). Three Methods to Engage Students in the Introductory Statistics Course: Humor, Active Learning and Relevant Examples. 2000 Decision Sciences Institute Annual Meeting. Orlando, FL: Decision Sciences Institute (DSI).

Friedman, L. W., & Friedman, H. H. (1999, November 30). Statistical Inference and the Scientific Method: Making Statistics Relevant. 1999 Decision Sciences Institute Annual Meeting. New Orleans, LA

Friedman, L. W., Friedman, H. H., & Klein, Y. (1999, November 30). The Modular Multidisciplinary Major: An Alternative to Traditional Majors. 1999 Decision Sciences Institute Annual Meeting. New Orleans, LA

Friedman, L. W., & Friedman, H. H. (1998, November 30). Price Difference in Segmented Waiting-Lines Systems. 1998 Decision Sciences Institute Annual Meeting. Las Vegas, NV

Friedman, L. W., Friedman, H. H., Pollack, S., & Borenstein, M. (1996, April 30). Bootstrapped Confidence Intervals as a Measure of Precision and the Determination of Optimal Sample Size. The Northeast Decision Sciences Institute. St. Croix, Virgina Islands

Friedman, L. W., Lobert, B. H., & Dologite, D. G. (1995, June 30). Using Group Support Systems for Creativity Enhancment in information Systems Proposal Developement. The Third European Conference on Information Systems. Athens, Greece

Friedman, L. W. (1992, January 31). Ancient Ethical Principles Applied to Simulation Project Management". 1992 Decision Sciences Institute Annual Meeting. Newport Beach, NJ

Friedman, L. W., Friedman, H. H., & Pressman, I. (1991, January 31). The Median in Simulation Output Analysis. 1991 Simulation Multiconference. Anaheim, CA: SCS.

Friedman, L. W. (1985, December 31). On the Use of MANOVA in the Analysis of Multiple-Response Simulation Experiments. Winter Simulation Conference. San Francisco, CA

Friedman, L. W. (1985, December 31). Simulation and Education. Winter Simulation Conference. San Francisco, CA

Friedman, L. W. (1985, August 31). "How Should Ethics Be Taught". 1985 World Conference on Computers in Education. Norfolk, Virginia

Friedman, L. W. (1984, November 30). Establishing Functional Relationships in Multiple Response Simulation: The Multivariate General Linear Metamodel. Winter Simulation Conference. Dallas, TX

Friedman, L. W. (1984, November 30). Multivariate Simulation Output Analysis: Past, Present and Future. Winter Simulation Conference. Dallas, TX

Friedman, L. W. (1984, July 31). Professionalism and Ethics in Simulation". 1984 World Conference on Computers in Education. Boston, MA

Friedman, L. W., & Friedman, H. H. (1978, August 31). Does the Perceived Race of the Telephone Interviewer Affect the Responses of White Subjects to an Attitude Toward Negroes Scale?. American Statistical Association. San Diego, CA

Other Scholarly Works

Friedman, H. H., & Friedman, L. W. (2014). Jewish Humor: It's Older Than You Think.. STAJE: Information for Jewish Baby-Boomers.

Friedman, L. W. (2000). "Workshop Session: A Forum on Multidisciplinary Education: Redefining the Concept of 'Turf". 296.

Friedman, L. W. (1985). Position Statment for Panel Discussion on 'How Ethics Should be Taught'?. (44), 217-218.

Friedman, H. H., & Friedman, L. W. (1985). MULTIVREG: A SAS Program. 22(May), 217-218.

Friedman, L. W. (1985). Ethics in Academe. 44(February), 118-120.

Friedman, L. W. (1984). Position Statement for Computer Ethics Panel. 251.

Friedman, L. W. (1983). Research Note: The Desgn and Analysis of Multiple Response Simular Experiments. 34903.

Friedman, L. W., & Friedman, H. H. (1981). Ethics: Everybody's Business. 35(Winter), 11-13.

Friedman, L. W. (1980). A New Approach to Teaching Statistics: Learning Through Misuses. 31(May-June), 1-2.

Friedman, L. W. (1978). The Effectiveness of the Company President as an Endorser". 29(January-February), 1-3.


Friedman, L. W., & Friedman, H. H. (2012,January 1). Book Review: Jews and Humor. Shofar: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Jewish Studies.

Friedman, L. W. (1984,June 1). Book Review: A Guide to Simulation by P. Bratley, B.L. Fox, and L.E. Schrage. Simulation.

TitleFunding Agency SponsorStart DateEnd DateAwarded DateTotal FundingStatus
Generating New Ideas and the Web 2.0 Technologies, with H. Friedman, Co-PIPSC-CUNY 4107/01/201006/30/20115600Completed
What's So Special About New Media? The New Media Technologies, Their Distinctive Characteristics, and Their Transformative ImpactPSC-CUNY 4007/01/200906/30/20104300Completed
Information Technology and Social ResponsibilityPSC-CUNY 3907/01/200812/31/20094000Completed
Computer Technology to Assist Individuals with Disabilities: The Current State and Emerging TechnoloPSC-CUNY 3807/01/200706/30/20083990Completed
Honor / AwardOrganization SponsorDate ReceivedDescription
Zicklin Hybrid & Online Teaching (HOT) AwardZicklin School of Business2013
The Tenth Annual Celabration of Faculty Scholarship and Creative AchievementBaruch College2012
The Ninth Annual Celabration of Faculty Scholarship and Creative AchievementBaruch College2011
The Eighth Annual Celabration of Faculty Scholarship and Creative AchievementBaruch College2010
The Seventh Annual Celabration of Faculty Scholarship and Creative AchievementBaruch College2009
The Sixth Annual Celabration of Faculty Scholarship and Creative AchievementBaruch College2008
The Fifth Annual Celabration of FAculty Scholarship and Creative AchievementBaruch College2007
Zicklin Fellow19991999-2000
Doctoral FacultyCUNY PhD Program in CBusiness1993
Graduate Research Assistant Program AwardBaruch College1993
Doctoral FacultyCUNY PhD Program in Computer Science1991
Class of '49 Scholarship Award1977
International Women's Year AwardBaruch College1977


Committee NamePosition RoleStart DateEnd Date
Course Coordinator, Object-Oriented Programming Courses9/1/2013Present
Search Committee for CIS FacultyCommittee Member9/1/20135/31/2014
Search Committee for CIS FacultyCommittee Member9/1/20125/31/2013
Course Coordinator, Object-Oriented Programming Courses7/1/19986/30/2010
Department Scheduling Coordinator6/1/20076/30/2010
S/CIS Department Graduate Curriculum CommitteeCommittee Member7/1/19986/30/2010
S/CIS Department Ungraduate Curriculum CommitteeCommittee Member7/1/19986/30/2010
Department Executive CommitteCommittee Member9/1/19928/31/2009
Graduate Assistantship Coordinator1/1/200212/31/2005
S/CIS Department Committee Chair9/1/19918/31/1993
S/CIS Department Committee Chair9/1/19879/30/1989


Committee NamePosition RoleStart DateEnd Date
Course Coordinator, Object-Oriented Programming CoursesPresent
CIS Working Paper SeriesCoordinatorPresent
Educational Technology CommitteeCommittee Member6/30/2018
faculty Senate Executive CommitteeCommittee Member6/30/2018
Faculty SenateCommittee Member6/30/2018
School Academic Review CommitteeCommittee Member6/30/2018
faculty Senate Committee on Academic Freedom and ResponsibilityCommittee Chair9/30/2017
Faculty SenateVic-Chair for Academic Freedom and Responsibility9/30/2017
Honorary Degree CommitteeCommittee Member2/28/2017
Digital Measures Ad Hoc CommitteeCommittee Member1/31/2017
School Academic Review CommitteeCommittee Chair11/30/2016
Search Committee Staff Zicklin Office of Assessment etc.Committee Member5/31/2015
Search Committee for CIS FacultyCommittee Member5/31/2014
Search Committee for CIS FacultyCommittee Member5/31/2013
Search Committee, Senior RegistrarCommittee Member8/31/2012
Title IV Waiver / SAP Appeals CommitteeCommittee Member8/31/2012
Joint Committee on Student Evaluation of Courses and TeachingCommittee Member6/30/2012
Joint Committee on Curriculum and ArticulationCommittee Member6/30/2012
Graduate Assurance of Learning CommitteeCommittee Chair6/30/2012
Zicklin Executive CommitteeDean's Liaison6/30/2012
Search Committee, IT Academic Technology SpecialistCommittee Chair5/31/2012
Provost's Taskforce on Online FeasibilityCommittee Member11/30/2011
Search Committee, Associate Director Real Estate Programs, Newman RE CenterCommittee Member5/31/2011
Search Committee for Academic Director NREICommittee Member3/31/2011
CIS Representative MS/MBA Information Sessions12/31/2010
Department Scheduling Coordinator6/30/2010
S/CIS Department Graduate Curriculum CommitteeCommittee Member6/30/2010
S/CIS Department Ungraduate Curriculum CommitteeCommittee Member6/30/2010
Course Coordinator, Object-Oriented Programming Courses6/30/2010
Department Executive CommitteCommittee Member8/31/2009
College P&B Committee12/31/2008
Search Committee, Manager of Audio-Visual ServicesCommittee Member12/31/2006
Graduate Assistantship Coordinator12/31/2005
School P&B Committee12/31/1998
Faculty Senate Executive Committee12/31/1998
Search Committee for Dean School of Business12/31/1995
Graduate Financial Aid Committee12/31/1993
S/CIS Department Committee Chair8/31/1993
S/CIS Department Committee Chair9/30/1989
Faculty Senate Educational Policy Committee12/31/1986


Committee NamePosition RoleStart DateEnd Date
Doctoral Dissertation Committee MemberPresent
PhD in Business Committee1/1/2000Present
PhD Program in Computer Science Faculty Membership Committee1/1/2003Present
PhD Business ProgramDeputy Executive Officer1/1/2005Present
Dissertation AdvisorPresent
Graduate Center Graduate CouncilCommittee Member9/1/2000Present
Advisory Committee12/31/2007
University Dean's Committee11/1/20062/28/2007
Computer Science Panel Member1/1/200012/31/2006
Graduate Center Graduate Council1/1/200012/31/2004
Provost's Committee on Computer Science1/1/199312/31/1995


OrganizationPosition RoleOrganization StateOrganization CountryStart DateEnd DateAudience
Journal of Leadership and ManagementEditorial Review Board Member9/1/2014Present
Masbia Soup Kitchen NetworkBoard MemberNew YorkUnited States9/1/2016PresentLocal
Innovative Education Track, the 42nd Annual Meeting of the Northeast Decision Sciences Institute (NEDSI)Track OrganizerNew YorkUnited States4/5/20134/7/2013


OrganizationPosition RoleOrganization StateOrganization CountryStart DateEnd DateAudience
PIAA/PAA International Board of Directors of NYU Tandon School of EngineeringPresent
Young Israel Beth El of Borough ParkPresent
Department of Computer Information Systems and Decision SciencesExternal Program Reviewer12/31/2005
Department of Computer Information Systems and Decision SciencesExternal Program Reviewer5/31/1999