Liuren Wu


Zicklin School of Business

Department: Bert Wasserman Dept Eco & Fin

Areas of expertise:

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MPhil, International Fin/Eco, New York University

Ph.D., Chem./Physics, Chinese Academy of Science

M.S., Chem. Engineering, Beijing Inst. Of Tech

B.S., Chem. Engineering, Beijing Inst. Of Tech

SemesterCourse PrefixCourse NumberCourse Name
Spring 2024BUS89500Independent Study
Spring 2024ECON90000Dissertation Supervision
Spring 2024FIN4750Options
Fall 2023ECON90000Dissertation Supervision
Fall 2023FIN89000Options Markets
Fall 2023FIN9797Options Markets
Spring 2023ECON90000Dissertation Supervision
Spring 2023BUS90000Dissertation Supervision
Spring 2023FIN4750Options
Fall 2022FIN9797Options Markets
Fall 2022BUS90000Dissertation Supervision
Spring 2022BUS89500Independent Study
Spring 2022BUS90000Dissertation Supervision
Spring 2022FIN4750Options
Fall 2021BUS90000Dissertation Supervision
Fall 2021MTH9814Financial Markets & Securities
Fall 2021FIN9797Options Markets
Spring 2021FIN4750Options
Spring 2021BUS90000Dissertation Supervision
Fall 2020FIN9797Options Markets
Fall 2020BUS90000Dissertation Supervision
Spring 2020FIN4750Options
Spring 2020BUS90000Dissertation Supervision
Fall 2019FIN89000Options Markets
Fall 2019BUS90000Dissertation Supervision
Spring 2019FIN4750Options
Spring 2019BUS90000Dissertation Supervision
Spring 2019ECON90000Dissertation Supervision
Fall 2018BUS90000Dissertation Supervision
Fall 2018FIN9797Options Markets
Fall 2018ECON90000Dissertation Supervision
Spring 2018FIN3000Principles of Finance
Spring 2018ECON90000Dissertation Supervision
Spring 2018FIN3000Principles of Finance
Spring 2018BUS90000Dissertation Supervision
Fall 2017FIN9797Options Markets
Fall 2017BUS90000Dissertation Supervision
Fall 2017ECON90000Dissertation Supervision
Fall 2017FIN89000Options Markets
Spring 2017ECON90000Dissertation Supervision
Fall 2016ECON90000Dissertation Supervision
Spring 2016FIN3000Principles of Finance
Spring 2016FIN3000Principles of Finance
Spring 2016ECON90000Dissertation Supervision
Fall 2015ECON90000Dissertation Supervision
Fall 2015FIN9797Options Markets
Spring 2015ECON90000Dissertation Supervision
Spring 2015FIN9797Options Markets
Fall 2014FIN89000Options Markets
Fall 2014FIN9893Special Topics in Investments
Fall 2014ECON90000Dissertation Supervision
Fall 2014FIN3000Principles of Finance
Spring 2014ECON90000Dissertation Supervision
Spring 2014FIN3000Principles of Finance
Fall 2013FIN3000Principles of Finance
Fall 2013ECON90000Dissertation Supervision
Spring 2013FIN9891Special Topics in Investments
Spring 2013BUS90000Dissertation Supervision
Spring 2013ECON90000Dissertation Supervision
Spring 2013FIN3000Principles of Finance
Fall 2012BUS90000Dissertation Supervision
Fall 2012ECON90000Dissertation Supervision
Fall 2012FIN3000Principles of Finance
Fall 2012FIN89000Options Markets
Spring 2012FIN3000Principles of Finance
Spring 2012FIN3000Principles of Finance
Fall 2011FIN3000Principles of Finance
Fall 2011FIN3000Principles of Finance
Spring 2011FIN3000Principles of Finance
Spring 2011FIN3000Principles of Finance
Spring 2009FIN9797Options Markets
Fall 2008FIN9797Options Markets
Spring 2008FIN9797Options Markets
Fall 2007FIN9797Options Markets
Spring 2007FIN9781Intermediate Corporate Finance
Fall 2006FIN9781Intermediate Corporate Finance
Fall 2006FIN9781Intermediate Corporate Finance
Spring 2006FIN9781Intermediate Corporate Finance
Spring 2005FIN9770Corporate Finance
Fall 2004FIN9770Corporate Finance
Fall 2004FIN9770Corporate Finance
Spring 2004FIN9770Corporate Finance
Fall 2003FIN9770Corporate Finance
Fall 2003FIN9770Corporate Finance

Journal Articles

Tian, M., & Wu, L. (2023). Limits of Arbitrage and Primary Risk Taking in Derivative Securities. Review of Asset Pricing Studies, 13(3). 405--439.

Tian, M., & Wu, L. (2023). Cross-sectional Variation of Option Implied Volatility Skew. Management Science, forthcoming.

Carr, P., & Wu, L. (2023). Decomposing Long Bond Returns: A Decentralized Theory. Review of Finance, 27(3). 997-1026.

Wu, L. (2023). Centrality of the Supply Chain. Annual Reviews In Modern Quantitative Finance, 1. In Progress.

Penaranda, F., & Wu, L. (2022). Targets, Predictability, and Performance. Management Science, 68(2). 1537-1555.

Carr, P., Wu, L., & Zhang, Y. (2022). Probabilistic Interpretation of Black Implied Volatility,. Options - 45 Years Since the Publication of the Black-Scholes-Merton Model,

Carr, P., & Wu, L. (2020). Option Profit and Loss Attribution and Pricing: A New Framework. Journal of Finance, 75(4). 2271-2316.

Wu, L., & Sy, M. O. (2020). The Shale Revolution and Shifting Crude Dynamics. Journal of Applied Econometrics, 35(2). 160-175.

Carr, P., Wu, L., & Zhang, Z. (2020). Using Machine Learning to Predict Realized Variance. Journal of Investment Management, 18(2). 1--16.

Wu, L. (2018). Estimating Risk-return Relations with Analysts Price Targets. Journal of Banking and Finance, 93. 183--197.

Hua, J., & Wu, L. (2018). Monetary Policy Rule as a Bridge: Predicting Inflation without Predictive Regressions. Journal of Financial and Quantitative Analysis, 53(6). 2559--2586.

Calvet, L. E., Fisher, A. J., & Wu, L. (2018). Staying on Top of the Curve: A Cascade Model of Term Structure Dynamics. Journal of Financial and Quantitative Analysis, 53(2). 937--963.

Carr, P., & Wu, L. (2017). Leverage Effect, Volatility Feedback, and Self-Exciting Market Disruptions. Journal of Financial and Quantitative Analysis, 52(5). 2119-2156.

Carr, P., & Wu, L. (2016). Analyzing Volatility Risk and Risk Premium in Option Contracts: A New Theory. Journal of Financial Economics, 120(1). 1-20.

Wu, L., & Zhu, J. (2016). Simple Robust Hedging with Nearby Contracts. Journal of Financial Econometrics, 15(1). 1-35.

Bai, J., & Wu, L. (2016). Anchoring Corporate Credit Swap Spreads to Firm Fundamentals. Journal of Financial and Quantitative Analysis, 51(5). 1521-1543.

Chakraborty, S., Tang, Y., & Wu, L. (2015). Imports, Exports, Dollar Exposures, and Stock Returns. Open Economies Review, 26(5). 1059-1079.

Holowczak, R., Hu, J., & Wu, L. (2014). Aggregating Information in Option Transactions. Journal of Derivatives, 21(3). 9-23.

Carr, P., & Wu, L. (2014). Static Hedging of Standard Options. Journal of Financial Econometrics, 12(1). 3-46.

(2013). Equity Trading in The Fast Lane. Journal of Portfolio Management, 39(3). 3–6.

(2013). Dynamic Interactions Between Interest-Rate and Credit Risk: Theory and Evidence from the Credit Default Swap Term Structure. Review of Finance, 17(1). 403-441.

(2012). Variance Swaps on Time-Changed Levy Processes. Finance and Stochastics, 16(2). 335-355.

(2011). A Simple Robust Link Between American Puts and Credit Protection. Review of Financial Studies, 24(2). 473-505.

(2011). Variance Dynamics: Joint Evidence from Options and High-Frequency Returns. Journal of Econometrics, 160(1). 280-287.

Lothian, J., & Wu, L. (2011). Uncovered Interest Rate Parity Over the Past Two Centuries. Journal of International Money and Finance, 30(3). 448-473.

(2010). Stock Options and Credit Default Swaps: A Joint Framework for Valuation and Estimation. Journal of Econometrics, 8(4). 409-449.

(2010). The Role of Exchange Rates in Intertemporal Risk-Return Relations. Journal of International Money and Finance, 29(8). 1670-1686.

(2010). The Behavior of Risk and Market Prices of Risk over the Nasdaq Bubble Period. Management Science, 56(12). 2251--2264.

(2010). The Term Structure of Variance Swap Rates and Optimal Variance Swap Investments. Journal of Financial and Quantitative Analysis, 45(5). 1279-1310.

(2010). Market Anticipation of Fed Policy Changes and the Term Structure of Interest Rates. Review of Finance, 14(2). 313-341.

(2009). Variance Risk Premiums. Review of Financial Studies, 22(3). 1311-1341.

(2009). Predictability of Interest Rates and Interest-Rate Portfolios. Journal of Business and Economic Statistics, 27(4). 517-527.

(2009). Macroeconomic Releases and the Interest Rate Term Structure. Journal of Monetary Economics, 56(6). 872-884.

(2009). A Joint Framework for Consistently Pricing Interest Rates and Interest Rate. Journal of Financial and Quantitative Analysis, 44(3). 517-550.

(2008). Time-Varying Arrival of Informed and Uninformed Trades. Journal of Financial Econometrics, 6(2). 171-207.

(2008). Stochastic Risk Premiums, Stochastic Skewness in Currency Options, and Stochastic Discount Factors in International Economies. Journal of Financial Economics, 87(1). 132-156.

(2008). A No-Arbitrage Analysis of Economic Determinants of the Credit Spread Term Structure. Management Science, 54(6). 1160-1175.

(2007). Design and Estimation of Multi-Currency Quadratic Models. Review of Finance, 11(2). 167-207.

(2007). International Capital Asset Pricing: Evidence from Options. Journal of Empirical Finance, 14(4). 465-498.

(2007). Theory and Evidence on the Dynamic Interactions Between Sovereign Credit Default Swaps and Currency Options. Journal of Banking and Finance, 31(8). 2383-2403.

(2007). Stochastic Skew in Currency Options. Journal of Financial Economics, 86(1). 213-247.

(2007). Price Discovery in the U.S. Stock Options Market. Journal of Derivatives, 15(2). 20-38.

(2006). Taking Positive Interest Rates Seriously. Advances in Quantitative Analysis of Finance and Accounting, 4(14). 327-356.

(2006). Price Discovery in the U.S. Stock and Stock Options Market: A Portfolio Approach. Review of Derivatives Research, 9. 37-65.

(2006). Dampened Power Law: Reconciling the Tail Behavior of Financial Security Returns. Journal of Business, 79(3). 1445-1474.

(2006). A Comprehensive Analysis of the Short-Term Interest Rate Dynamics. Journal of Banking and Finance, 30(4). 1269-1290.

(2006). A Tale of Two Indices. Journal of Derivatives, 13(3). 13-29.

(2005). Crash-O-Phobia: A Domestic Fear or A Worldwide Concern?. Journal of Derivatives, 13(2). 8-21.

(2004). Specification Analysis of Opinion Pricing Models Based on Time-Changed Levy Processes. Journal of Finance, 59(3). 1405-1439.

(2004). Time-Changed Levy Processes and Option Pricing. Journal of Financial Economics, 17(1). 113-141.

(2003). Jumps and Dynamic Asset Allocation. Review of Quantitative Finance and Accounting, 20(3). 207-243.

(2003). Are Interest Rate Derivatives Spanned by the Term Structure of Interest Rates?. Journal of Fixed Income, 13(1). 75-86.

(2003). Design and Estimation of Quadratic Term Structure of Interest Rates. European Finance Review, 7(1). 47-73.

(2003). Finite Moment Log Stables Process and Option Pricing. Journal of Finance, 58(2). 753-777.

(2003). What Type of Process Underlines Options? A Simple Robust Test. Journal of Finance, 58(6). 2581-2610.

(2002). Asset Pricing Under the Quadratic Class. Journal of Financial and Quantitative Analysis, 32(2). 271-295.

(2001). Predictable Changes in Yields and Forward Rates. Journal of Financial Economics, 59(3). 281-311.

Book Chapters

(2022). Probabilistic Interpretation of Black Implied Volatility. Options - 45 Years Since the Publication of the Black-Scholes-Merton Model World Scientific.

Wu, L. (2008). "Modeling Financial Security Returns Using Levy Processes.". In Birge, J., & Linetsky, V. (Eds.), Handbook of Financial Engineering Elsevier.


Wu, L. (2024, May 27). Common pricing of decentralized risk: A linear option pricing model. IAQF & Thalesians Seminar Series. New York: IAQF.

Wu, L. (2024, January 27). Common pricing of decentralized risk: A linear option pricing model. Virtual Derivatives Workshops. Virtual: CDI.

Wu, L. (2024, March 27). Common pricing of decentralized risk: A linear option pricing model. Cancun Derivatives and Asset Pricing Conference 2023. Cancun: CDI.

Wu, L. (2024, March 27). Option pricing bottom up and top down. Financial & Actuarial Series Seminar. China: Xi'an Jiaotong-Liverpool University.

Wu, L. (2024, March 27). Option pricing bottom up and top down. the Second Annual Faculty Research Symposium. Baruch College: Baruch College.

Wu, L. (2024, June 27). Option Pricing Bottom Up and Top Down. Peter Carr Memorial Conference. : New York University.

Wu, L. (2024, September 27). Machine Learning v Structural Modeling in Finance. Digital Economy and Low-Carbon Traffic Management. Jinan, China: Shandong Institute of Transportation.

Wu, L. (2024, June 27). Option pricing bottom up and top down. Peter Carr Memorial Conference. New York: New York University.

Wu, L. (2024, October 27). Common pricing of decentralized risk: A linear option pricing model. Peter Carr Brooklyn Quant Experience (BQE) Lecture Series. New York: New York University.

Wu, L. (2024, September 27). Machine learning versus structural modeling in finance. Big Data Conference. Jinan China

Wu, L. (2024, June 27). Limits of Arbitrage and Primary Risk Taking in Derivative Securities. 10th ITAM Finance Conference,.

Wu, L. (2024, February 27). Limits of Arbitrage and Primary Risk Taking in Derivative Securitie. Baruch Brown Bag.

Wu, L. (2024, October 27). Predicting Stock Return Variance in a Large Cross Section. Baruch Brown Bag. : Baruch College.

Wu, L. (2024, April 27). Limits of Arbitrage and Primary Risk Taking in Derivative Securities. Virtual Derivative Workshop.

Wu, L. (2024, May 27). Dynamic Optimality of Airline Fuel Cost Hedging. 8th Multinational Energy And Value Conference.

Wu, L. (2024, May 27). Limits of Arbitrage and Primary Risk Taking in Derivative Securities. The 5th PKU-NUS Annual International Conference on Quantitative Finance and Economics.

Wu, L. (2024, June 27). Dynamic Optimality of Airline Fuel Cost Hedging. Commodity and Energy Markets Conference.

Wu, L. (2024, July 27). Limits of Arbitrage and Primary Risk Taking in Derivative Securities. China International Conference in Finance 2021. China

Wu, L. (2024, July 27). Dynamic Optimality of Corporate Hedging. the Fourteenth Annual Risk Management Conference. Singapore: National University of Singapore.

Wu, L. (2024, September 27). Limits of Arbitrage and Primary Risk Taking in Derivative Securities. CDI 2021 - The 10th Conference on Derivatives. Virtual: CDI.

Wu, L. (2024, December 27). Toward a Factor Model of Relative Valuation. NUS Quantitative Finance Joint Seminar Series. Singapore: National University of Singapore.

Wu, L. (2024, December 27). Toward a Factor Model of Relative Valuation. Baruch Brown Bag.

Wu, L. (2024, November 27). Decomposing Long Bond Returns: A Decentralized Modeling Approach. : South Dokota State University.

Wu, L. (2019, October 4). Dynamic Optimality of Fuel Cost Hedging for US Airlines. Houston: University of Houston.

Wu, L. (2019, May 10). Top-down Mean-variance Option Investment and Pricing. CUNY Macroeconomics and Fiance Colloquium. The Graduate Center, New York: CUNY.

Wu, L. (2019, March 30). Volatility Factor Structure. Fourth Annual Young Scholars Finance Consortium. Texas: Texas A & M University.

Wu, L. (2018, March 23). P&L Attribution and Option Pricing. New York: Stony Brook University.

Wu, L. (2018, July 13). Shale Revolution and Shifting Crude Dynamics. Beijing: Beijing Institute of Technology.

Wu, L. (2018, July 8). Shale Revolution and Shifting Crude Dynamics. China International Forum on Finance and Policy. Beijing

Wu, L. (2017, March 9). Decomposing Long Bond Returns. Hoboken, New Jersey: Stevens Institute of Technology.

Wu, L. (2017, April 28). Decomposing Long Bond Returns. Derivatives and Volatility 2017: The State of the Art. New York: New York University.

Wu, L. (2017, March 31). Shale Revolution and Shifting Crude Dynamics. New Jersey: Rutgers University.

Wu, L. (2017, November 17). P&L Attribution and Option Pricing. New York: Credit Suisse.

Wu, L. (2017, October 17). Shale Revolution and Shifting Crude Dynamics. New York: Baruch.

Wu, L. (2017, September 14). P&L Attribution and Option Pricing. IFSID Sixth Conference on Derivatives. Montreal, Canada: IFSID.

Wu, L. (2016, December 7). Centrality of the Supply Chain Network. New York: Quantbot.

Wu, L. (2016, July 29). Analysing Volatility Risk and Risk Premium in Option Contracts: A New Theory. Melbourne, Australia

Wu, L. (2016, July 27). Earnings Day Variance Ratio. Melbourne, Australia: RMIT.

Wu, L. (2016, June 4). Decomposing Yield to Maturity. The Role of Derivatives in Asset Pricing. Baltimore: JHU-AQR.

Wu, L. (2016, April 29). Same Risk Everywhere. The 8tth Annual Volatility Institute Conference on Commodities and Emerging Market Risks. New York: Stern School of Business, NYU.

Wu, L. (2016, March 29). Estimating risk-return relations with price targets. New York: Baruch College, CUNY.

Wu, L. (2015, August 25). Centrality of the Supply Chain Network. Fifth Annual SWUFE Baruch Symposium. New York: Baruch College.

Wu, L. (2015, December 1). Monetary Policy as a Bridge: Predicting Inflation Without Predictive Regressions. New York: Queens College.

Wu, L. (2015, October 20). Centrality of the Supply Chain Network. Seminar in Applied Economics. New York: CUNY Gradate Center.

Wu, L. (2015, November 24). How Do Fundamentals Matter? Stock Market Responses to Earnings Announcements. New York: Baruch College, CUNY.

Wu, L. (2015, September 25). The Role of Positions and Activities in Derivative Pricing. IFSID 2015 - Fourth Conference on Derivatives. Montreal: IFSID.

Wu, L. (2014, April 25). Predicting Inflation Without Predictive Regressions. Fourth Annual Triple Crown Finance Conference. New York: Baruch College.

Wu, L. (2013, October 15). Dynamic Relative Valuation,. New York: Baruch Brown Bag.

Wu, L. (2013, October 11). Dynamic Relative Valuation. Derivatives 2013:The State of the Art 40 Years after the Black-Scholes-Merton Model. New York: New York University.

Wu, L. (2013, July 4). A new framework for analyzing volatility risk and volatility risk premium in each option contract. Singapore: Singapore Management University,.

Wu, L. (2013, June 14). Predict Inflation without Predictive Regressions. 2013 SoFie Annual Conference. Singapore: SoFie.

Wu, L. (2013, July 15). Modeling credit risk. NUS-Santander Doctorate Workshop in Advanced Financial Risk Management. Singapore: National University of Singapore.

Wu, L. (2012, January 20). Option pricing with time-changed Levy processess. New York: Jane Street.

Wu, L. (2012, April 27). What does variance risk premium tell us? A discussion. Fourth Annual Volatility Conference on "Comovement of Volatilities, Returns, and Tails''. New York: New York University.

Wu, L. (2012, April 20). Imports, Exports, Dollar Exposures, and Stock Returns. Fifth Annual Triple Crown Finance Conference. New York: Fordham University.

Wu, L. (2012, March 10). Simple robust hedging with nearby contracts. The Fourth Risk Management Conference. Mont Tremblant, Québec, Canada

Wu, L. (2012, May 25). A new framework for analyzing volatility risk and volatility risk premium in each option contract. Quantitative Finance Workshop. Chicago: Northwestern University.

Wu, L. (2012, June 1). What constitutes algo trading in the stock options market? A discussion. Stern Microstructure Meeting. New York: New York University.

Wu, L. (2012, September 14). A new framework for analyzing volatility risk and volatility risk premium in each option contract. Florida: Florida State University.

Wu, L. (2011, June 7). Linearity-generating processes, unspanned stochastic volatility, and interest-rate option pricing. Washington, D.C.: Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System.

Wu, L. (2011, April 29). Simple robust hedging with nearby contracts. Fourth Annual Triple Crown Conference. New York: Baruch College.

Wu, L. (2011, January 7). Leverage effect, volatility feedback, and self-exciting market disruptions. American Finance Association meetings. Denver: AFA.

Wu, L. (2011, November 4). Anchoring corporate credit spreads to firm fundamentals. New York: Baruch College.

Wu, L. (2011, June 22). Linearity-generating processes, unspanned stochastic volatility, and interest-rate option pricing. Western Finance Association Meetings. Santa Fe, New Mexico: WFA.

Wu, L. (2011, July 6). Anchoring corporate credit spreads to firm fundamentals. 2011 China International Conference in Finance. Wuhan, China: CICF.

Wu, L. (2011, July 5). A new simple approach for constructing implied volatility surfaces. 2011 China International Conference in Finance. Wuhan, China: CICF.

Wu, L. (2011, July 1). Statistical arbitrage based on no-arbitrage models. Tianjin, China: Nankai University.

Wu, L. (2011, June 22). A new simple approach for constructing implied volatility surfaces. Western Finance Association Meetings. Santa Fe, New Mexico: WFA.

Wu, L. (2011, October 11). Leverage effect, volatility feedback, and self-exciting market disruptions. CUNY Macro and Finance Colloquium. New York: CUNY Graduate Center.

Wu, L. (2010, February 25). A multifrequency theory of the term structure of interest rates. : Northwestern University.

Wu, L. (2010, February 3). A multifrequency theory of the term structure of interest rates. Risk Seminar. : Columbia University.

Chakraborty, S., Wu, L., & Tang, Y. (2010, January 31). Imports, Exports, Dollar Exposures and Stock Returns. AEA CSWEP CeMent Workshop. Atlanta: American Economic Association.

Wu, L. (2010, January 29). A multifrequency theory of the term structure of interest rates. : Syracuse University.

Wu, L. (2010, October 22). Simple robust hedging with nearby contracts. Seminar. MA: Worcester Polytechnic Institute.

Wu, L. (2010, July 30). Leverage effect, volatility feedback, and self-exciting market disruptions. The 10th Annual Meeting of the Brazilian Finance Society. Sao Paulo

Wu, L. (2010, September 14). A new simple approach for constructing implied volatility surfaces. Brown Bag Seminar. New York: Baruch College.

Wu, L. (2010, September 28). Simple robust hedging with nearby contracts. Seminar. Ontario, Canada: McMaster University.

Wu, L. (2010, February 26). A multifrequency theory of the term structure of interest rates. : University of Chicago.

Wu, L. (2010, March 22). A multifrequency theory of the term structure of interest rates. : University of Zurich.

Wu, L. (2010, March 27). Leverage effect, volatility feedback, and self-exciting market disruptions. Latest developments in heavy-tailed distributions. Brussels

Wu, L. (2010, April 2). A multifrequency theory of the term structure of interest rates. : Ziff Brothers Investments.

Wu, L. (2010, April 23). A multifrequency theory of the term structure of interest rates. Workship on Financial Econometrics. Toronto: Fields Institute.

Wu, L. (2010, April 30). A multifrequency theory of the term structure of interest rates. The Third Triple Crown Conference. Rutgers, New Jersey

Wu, L. (2010, June 19). Leverage effect, volatility feedback, and self-exciting market disruptions. Recent Developments in Derivatives Pricing. New York: New York University.

Wu, L. (2010, June 26). Anchoring Corporate Credit Spreads to Firm Fundamentals. 2010 Baruch-SWUFE Accounting Conference. Chengdu

Wu, L. (2010, September 29). A new simple approach for constructing implied volatility surfaces. Workshop. Toronto, Canada: Fields Institute.

Wu, L. (2010, July 9). A multifrequency theory of the term structure of interest rates. Cheung Kong Graduate School of Business. Beijing

Wu, L. (2010, July 5). Leverage effect, volatility feedback, and self-exciting market disruptions. 2010 China International Conference in Finance. Beijing

Wu, L. (2009, December 10). A multifrequency theory of the term structure of interest rates. : Bloomberg.

Chakraborty, S., Wu, L., & Tang, Y. (2009, June 30). Imports, Exports, Dollar Exposures and Stock Returns. North American Summer Meeting of the Econometric Society. : Econometric Society.

Wu, L. (2009, January 23). Leverage effect, volatility feedback, and self-exciting market disruptions. New York: Bloomberg.

Wu, L. (2009, March 27). Variance risk premiums. Conference on Econometric Modeling in Risk Management. Waterloo: University of Waterloo.

Wu, L. (2009, February 20). Leverage effect, volatility feedback, and self-exciting market disruptions. New Jersey: Rutgers University.

Wu, L. (2009, March 30). Leverage effect, volatility feedback, and self-exciting market disruptions. New York: AQR.

Wu, L. (2008, March 13). Hedging Barriers. Risk Conference on Modeling and Hedging Using FX Options. New York

Wu, L. (2008, March 12). A simple robust link between American puts and credit insurance. : Bloomberg.

Wu, L. (2008, March 4). A simple robust link between American puts and credit insurance. : Baruch College.

Wu, L. (2008, March 1). Market pricing of economic risks and stock returns. Midwest Finance Association meetings. San Antonio

Wu, L. (2008, February 26). Time-Changed Levy processes. : New York University.

Wu, L. (2008, October 31). Leverage effect, volatility feedback, and self-exciting market disruptions. Toronto: Toronto University.

Wu, L. (2008, October 23). Risks and Risk Premiums. Financial Markets Conference. New York: Baruch College.

Wu, L. (2008, October 10). Leverage effect, volatility feedback, and self-exciting market disruptions. Conference on Implied Volatility Models. LA

Wu, L. (2008, July 9). Computational challenges in option pricing. Shanghai: Supercomputing Center, Chinese Academy of Sciences.

Wu, L. (2008, July 5). A simple robust link between American puts and credit insurance. 2008 China International Conference in Finance. Dalian, China

Wu, L. (2008, July 4). Computational challenges in option pricing. Computational Finance Workshop. Shanghai

Wu, L. (2008, June 24). A simple robust link between American puts and credit insurance. Western Finance Association meetings. Waikoloa, Hawaii: WFA.

Wu, L. (2008, June 4). A simple robust link between American puts and credit insurance. SoFiE (The Society for Financial Econometrics) Inaugural Conference. New York: SoFiE.

Wu, L. (2008, May 9). A simple robust link between American puts and credit insurance. : Stanford University.

Wu, L. (2008, May 1). A simple robust link between American puts and credit insurance. : JP Morgan.

Wu, L. (2007, May 18). Levy Processes and Option Pricing. Derivatives 2007: New Ideas, New Instruments, New Markets. New York: New York University.

Wu, L. (2007, March 23). Modeling Financial Security Returns Using Levy Processes. The 2007 Meeting of the Swiss Society of Economics and Statistics. St. Gallen

Wu, L. (2007, November 27). Market pricing of economic risks and stock returns. : Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute.

Wu, L. (2007, October 30). Imports, exports, currency exposure, and stock returns. New York: Baruch College.

Wu, L. (2007, September 29). Market pricing of economic risks and stock returns. Northern Finance Association meetings. Toronto

Wu, L. (2007, September 12). Statistical arbitrage based on no-arbitrage models. Asset Management Forum. Zurich: Center of Competence Finance in Zurich (CCFZ) and Schroder & Co. Bank AG.

Wu, L. (2007, July 7). Predictability of Interest Rates and Interest Rate Portfolios. The Bank of Canada--Rotman School of management Workshop on Advances in Portfolio Management. University of Toronto

Wu, L. (2006, March 15). Modeling Financial Security Returns Using Levy Processes. Paper Presented. : Credit Suisse.

Bakshi, G., Carr, P., & Wu, L. (2006, January 26). Investor Irrationality and the Nasdaq Bubble. Paper Presented. : University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign.

Wu, L. (2006, January 20). Modeling Financial Security Returns Using Levy Processes. Paper Presented. : Henry B. Tippie College of Business, University of Iowa.

Lu, B., & Wu, L. (2006, July 25). Systematic Macroeconomic Movements and the Term Structure of Interest Rates. meetings. Zurich, Switzerland: European Finance Association.

Egloff, D., Leippold, M., & Wu, L. (2006, August 24). Optimal Investment in Variance Swaps Under Stochastic Volatility. presented at the 2006 meetings. Zurich, Switzerland: European Finance Association.

Carr, P., & Wu, L. (2006, September 29). Stock Options and Credit Default Swaps: A Joint Framework for valuation and Estimation. Credit Derivative Symposium. New York: Fordham Graduate School of Business.

Wu, L. (2006, October 6). Optimal Investment in Variance Swaps Under Stochastic Volatility. Paper Presented. : Owen Graduate School of Management, Vanderbilt University.

Wu, L. (2006, November 9). Stock Options and Credit Default Swaps: A Joint Framework for Valuation and Estimation. Philadelphia: Susquehanna International Group.

Carr, P., & Wu, L. (2006, January 7). Stock Options and Credit Default Swaps: A Joint Framework for valuation and Estimation. Boston: 2006 Winter Econometric Society.

Wu, L. (2006, December 12). Design and Estimation of FX models for Derivative Pricing. Risk Conference on Pratcical Calibration and Implementation Techniques of Interest Rate and FX Modeling. New York

Wu, L. (2006, November 16). Economic risk and the term structure of interest rates. New York: New York Fed.

Carr, P., & Wu, L. (2005, June 10). Stock Options and Credit Default Swaps: A Joint Framework for valuation and Estimation. 13th Annual Conference on Pacific Basin Finance, Economics, and Accounting. : Rutgers University.

Bakshi, G., Carr, P., & Wu, L. (2005, June 19). Stochastic Risk Premiums, Stochastic Skewness in Currency Options, and Stochastic Discount Factors in International Economies. meetings. : Western Finance Association.

Wu, L. (2005, June 24). Variance Dynamics: Joint Evidence from Options and High-Frequency Returns. Princeton-Chicago Conference on the Econometrics of High Frequency Financial Data.

Carr, P., & Wu, L. (2005, September 30). Stock Options and Credit Default Swaps: A Joint Framework for valuation and Estimation. Wharton conference on credit risk.

Carr, P., & Wu, L. (2005, September 30). Fiat Money as Stock in Small Open Economies: Theory and Evidence on Sovereign Credit Default Swap and Currency Options. FORC conference on credit risk. UK: University of Warwick.

Wu, L. (2005, November 12). Modeling Financial Security Returns Using Levy Processes. Third Oxford-Princeton Workshop Financial Mathematics and Stochastic Analysis. : Princeton University.

Carr, P., & Wu, L. (2005, November 21). Stock Options and Credit Default Swaps: A Joint Framework for valuation and Estimation. 2005 Derivatives Forum: Maximizing Returns with State-of-the-Art Derivatives Investments. New York: Bayard.

Wu, L. (2005, December 15). Modeling Financial Security Returns Using Levy Processes. Paper Presented. : JP Morgan Chase.

Wu, L. (2005, June 1). Variance Dynamics: Joint Evidence from Options and High-Frequency Returns. Workshop on Stochastic Modeling in Financial Mathematics. Montreal

Wu, L., & Carr, P. (2005, January 8). Variance Risk Premia. meetings. : American Finance Association.

Carr, P., & Wu, L. (2005, January 8). Systematic Macroeconomic Movements and the Term Structure of Interest Rates. meetings. : Winter Econometric Society.

Bakshi, G., Carr, P., & Wu, L. (2005, January 31). Stochastic Risk Premiums, Stochastic Skewness in Currency Options, and Stochastic Discount Factors in International Economies. : Bloomberg.

Carr, P., Bakshi, G., & Wu, L. (2005, February 10). Stochastic Risk Premiums, Stochastic Skewness in Currency Options, and Stochastic Discount Factors in International Economies. : New York University.

Bakshi, G., Carr, P., & Wu, L. (2005, February 11). Stochastic Risk Premiums, Stochastic Skewness in Currency Options, and Stochastic Discount Factors in International Economies. : University of Massachusetts.

Wu, L., & Lu, B. (2005, March 4). Systematic Macroeconomic Movements and the Term Structure of Interest Rates. : Cornell University.

Lu, B., & Wu, L. (2004, December 14). Systematic Macroeconomic Movements and the Term Structure of Interest Rates. : New York University.

Bakshi, G., Carr, P., & Wu, L. (2004, November 22). Stochastic Risk Premiums, Stochastic Skewness in Currency Options, and Stochastic Discount Factors in International Economies. Paper Presented. : University of Maryland.

Bali, T., Heidari, M., & Wu, L. (2004, January 20). Predictability of Interest Rates and Interest-Rate Portfolios. : City University of Hong Kong.

Carr, P., & Wu, L. (2004, January 16). Variance Risk Premia. : Hong Kong University of Science and Technology.

Carr, P., & Wu, L. (2004, February 23). A Tale of Two Indices. 20th Annual Risk Conference. Florida

Leippold, M., & Wu, L. (2004, April 2). Design and Estimation of Multi-Currency Quadratic Term Structure Models. 2004 International Finance Conference. : George Tech.

Carr, P., & Wu, L. (2004, September 22). Systematic Macroeconomic Movements and the Term Structure of Interest Rates. Research Seminar. : Citigroup.

Carr, P., & Wu, L. (2004, August 20). Stochastic Skew in Currency Options. Presented at meetings. : European Finance Association.

Bali, T., Heidari, M., & Wu, L. (2004, July 8). Predictability of Interest Rates and Interest-Rate Portfolios. China International Conference in Finance.

Wu, L., & Carr, P. (2004, June 11). Variance Risk Premia. : University of Zurich.

Carr, P., & Wu, L. (2004, June 10). . PRMIA risk management seminar. Zurich

Carr, P., & Wu, L. (2004, June 7). Variance Risk Premia. 5th Conference in Financial Risks. Verona, Italy

Bali, T., Heidari, M., & Wu, L. (2004, May 5). Predictability of Interest Rates and Interest-Rate Portfolios. Math Finance Seminar. : Baruch College.

Bali, T., Heidari, M., & Wu, L. (2004, April 28). Predictability of Interest Rates and Interest-Rate Portfolios. : Goldman Sachs Asset Management.

Carr, P., & Wu, L. (2004, April 13). A Tale of Two Indices. Financial Econometrics Seminar. : Stern School of Business, New York University.

Goswami, G., Shrikhande, M., & Wu, L. (2003, December 31). A Dynamic Equilibrium Model of Real Exchange Rates with General Transaction Costs. : 2003 Winter Econometric Society meetings.

Lothian, J., & Wu, L. (2003, April 25). Uncovered Interest Rate Parity over the Past Two Centuries. Paper Presented. : Fordham University.

Goswami, G., Shrikhande, M., & Wu, L. (2002, October 4). A Dynamic Equilibrium Model of Real Exchange Rates with General Transaction Costs. : Fordham University.

Goswami, G., Shrikhande, M., & Wu, L. (2002, October 4). A Dynamic Equilibrium Model of Real Exchange Rates with General Transaction Costs. 2002 meetings. : European Finance Association.

Easley, D., Engle, R., O’Hara, M., & Wu, L. (2001, December 31). Time-Varying Arrival Rates of Informed and Uninformed Trades. 2001 meetings. : American Finance Association.

Other Scholarly Works

Wu, L., Sy, M., & Yi, T. (2016). How Do Fundamentals Matter? A New Look at The Stock Market Response to Earnings Announcements.

In Progress.

Heidari, M., & Wu, L. (2013). What Constitutes a Good Model? An Analysis of Models for Mortgage Backed Securities.

In Progress.

Goswami, G., Shrikhande, M., & Wu, L. (2005). A Dynamic Equilibrium Model of Real Exchange Rates with General Transaction Costs.

In Progress.

Tang, Y., & Wu, L. Market Pricing of Economic Risks and Stock Returns.

In Progress.

Carr, P., Gabaix, X., & Wu, L. Linearity-Generating Processes, Unspanned Stochastic Volatility, and Interest-Rate Option Pricing.

In Progress.

Carr, P., & Wu, L. The Local Variance Gamma Option Pricing Model.

In Progress.
TitleFunding Agency SponsorStart DateEnd DateAwarded DateTotal FundingStatus
Stock Options Investment and Valuation iPSC CUNY 5207/01/202106/30/202305/15/202111733.5Completed
Dynamic Optimality of Fuel Cost Hedging for US AirlinesPSC-CUNY 5107/01/202012/31/202204/17/20205700Completed
Profit and Loss Attribution and Derivative PricingPSC-CUNY 4907/01/201812/31/201905/11/201811273.09Completed
Linking Demand Shocks to Fundamental-Based Option ValuationPSC-CUNY 4407/01/201306/30/201404/15/201310701.37Completed
Simple Robust Hedging with Nearby ContractsPSC-CUNY 4207/01/201106/30/201204/15/20113500Completed
The Multifrequency Scaling Behavior of the Interest Rate Term StructurePSC-CUNY 4107/01/201006/30/20116000Completed
Linkages between equity options and credPSC-CUNY 4007/01/200906/30/20103000Completed
Stochastic Discount Factors in International EconomiesPSC-CUNY 3807/01/200706/30/20085700Completed
Common Pricing of Decentralized Risk: A New TheoryPSC-CUNY 5407/01/202306/30/202404/18/20236000Funded - In Progress
Honor / AwardOrganization SponsorDate ReceivedDescription
Research Award recipient ENHC-49-47The Professional Staff Congress of the City University of New York (PSC-CUNY) 2018
Research Award recipient ENHC-44-33The Professional Staff Congress of the City University of New York (PSC-CUNY) 2013
Faculty scholarship and creative achievement award recipientZicklin School of Business, Baruch College2011
Research Award recipient (2011-2012)The Professional Staff Congress of the City University of New York (PSC-CUNY) 2011
Faculty scholarship and creative achievement award recipientZicklin School of Business, Baruch College2010
Research Award recipient (2010-2011)The Professional Staff Congress of the City University of New York (PSC-CUNY) 2010
Faculty scholarship and creative achievement award recipientZicklin School of Business, Baruch College2009
Research Award recipient (2009-2010)The Professional Staff Congress of the City University of New York (PSC-CUNY) 2009
Faculty scholarship and creative achievement award recipientZicklin School of Business, Baruch College2008
Research Award recipient (2008-2009)The Professional Staff Congress of the City University of New York (PSC-CUNY) 2008
Faculty scholarship and creative achievement award recipientZicklin School of Business, Baruch College2007
Research Award recipient (2007-2008)The Professional Staff Congress of the City University of New York (PSC-CUNY) 2007
Faculty scholarship and creative achievement award recipientZicklin School of Business, Baruch College2006
Faculty scholarship and creative achievement award recipient (2004-2005)Zicklin School of Business, Baruch College2005
Research Award recipient (2004-2005)The Professional Staff Congress of the City University of New York (PSC-CUNY) 2005
Research Award recipient (2005-2006)The Professional Staff Congress of the City University of New York (PSC-CUNY) 2005
What Type of Process Underlines Options? A Simple Robust TestNominated for the 2004 Smith Breeden prize2004


Committee NamePosition RoleStart DateEnd Date
co-chair economics recruiting, helped in finance recruiting and real estate recruiting12/31/2013
Bernard M. Baruch College AssociationBoard Member12/31/2009
Co-Organized Department Wednesday seminars12/31/2008
Participated in recruitment of new faculty12/31/2006
Participated in recruitment of new faculty12/31/2005
Task force to develop a CIBE proposal12/31/2005
Helped in developing a pilot tutoring program for Financial Decision Making class12/31/2004
Helped with Department Wednesday seminars12/31/2004
Participated in recruitment of new faculty12/31/2004
Helped with Department Wednesday seminars12/31/2003


OrganizationPosition RoleOrganization StateOrganization CountryStart DateEnd DateAudience
American Finance Association and Western Finance AssociationMember1/1/2001Present
Journal of Finance, Review of Financial Studies, American Economic Review, Journal of Financial and Quantitative Analysis, Journal of Business, Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control, Journal of Econometrics, Journal of Empirical Finance, Management Science, Journal of Monetary Economics, Mathematical Finance, Journal of Banking and Finance, Annals of Statistics, Finance and Stochastics, Journal of Business and Economic Statistics, Journal of Financial Research, Journal of International Money and Finance, Journal of Futures Markets, Journal of Derivatives, Review of Derivatives Research, International Journal of Theoretical and Applied Finance, Review of Economics and Statistics, Finance Review, Quantitative Finance, Risk, Spanish Economic Review, Review of Quantitative Finance and Accounting, Review of Pacific Basin Financial Markets and Policies, etc.Ad hoc refereePresent