- Biography
- Teaching
- Research and Creative Activity
- Grants
- Honors and Awards
- Service
MSEd, Higher Education Administration, Marxe School of Public and International Affairs, Baruch College United States
J.D., Law, University of Michigan Law School Ann Arbor MI
M.A., Sports Management, University of Michigan School of Kinesiology Ann Arbor MI
B.S., Economics, The Wharton School, University of Pennsylvania Philadelphia PA
Semester | Course Prefix | Course Number | Course Name |
Fall 2024 | LAW | 3093 | Special Topics in Law |
Fall 2024 | LAW | 1101 | Fundamentals of Business Law |
Fall 2024 | LAW | 1101 | Fundamentals of Business Law |
Spring 2024 | LAW | 1101 | Fundamentals of Business Law |
Spring 2024 | LAW | 3107 | Antitrust and Competition Law |
Fall 2023 | LAW | 3118 | Law Of Unfair Comp |
Fall 2023 | LAW | 3411 | Sports Law |
Fall 2022 | LAW | 1101 | Fundamentals of Business Law |
Fall 2022 | LAW | 3107 | Antitrust and Competition Law |
Spring 2022 | LAW | 3118 | Law Of Unfair Comp |
Spring 2022 | LAW | 1101H | Hon Fund Bus Law |
Fall 2021 | LAW | 3119 | Sports Business and Governance |
Fall 2021 | LAW | 3107 | Antitrust and Competition Law |
Spring 2021 | LAW | 1101 | Fundamentals of Business Law |
Spring 2021 | LAW | 3118 | Law Of Unfair Comp |
Fall 2020 | LAW | 3107 | Antitrust and Competition Law |
Fall 2020 | LAW | 3500 | Online Gaming, Cont & Swpstks |
Spring 2020 | LAW | 3411 | Sports Law |
Spring 2020 | LAW | 3118 | Law Of Unfair Comp |
Fall 2019 | LAW | 3107 | Antitrust and Competition Law |
Fall 2019 | LAW | 3500 | Online Gaming, Cont & Swpstks |
Fall 2018 | LAW | 3118 | Law Of Unfair Comp |
Fall 2018 | LAW | 3119 | Sports Business and Governance |
Fall 2017 | LAW | 3500 | Online Gaming, Cont & Swpstks |
Fall 2017 | LAW | 3119 | Sports Business and Governance |
Spring 2017 | LAW | 3118 | Law Of Unfair Comp |
Spring 2017 | LAW | 3411 | Sports Law |
Fall 2016 | LAW | 3500 | Online Gaming, Cont & Swpstks |
Spring 2016 | LAW | 3411 | Sports Law |
Fall 2015 | LAW | 3411 | Sports Law |
Fall 2015 | LAW | 4093 | Special Topics in Law |
Spring 2015 | LAW | 3411 | Sports Law |
Spring 2015 | LAW | 3118 | Law Of Unfair Comp |
Fall 2014 | LAW | 3411 | Sports Law |
Fall 2014 | LAW | 1101 | Fundamentals of Business Law |
Fall 2014 | LAW | 1101 | Fundamentals of Business Law |
Spring 2014 | LAW | 3411 | Sports Law |
Spring 2014 | LAW | 1101 | Fundamentals of Business Law |
Spring 2014 | LAW | 1101 | Fundamentals of Business Law |
Fall 2013 | LAW | 1101 | Fundamentals of Business Law |
Fall 2013 | LAW | 1101 | Fundamentals of Business Law |
Edelman, M., & Rapp, G. C. (2014). Careers in Sports Law. (p. 169). Chicago, IL, USA, American Bar Association.
Journal Articles
Edelman, M., Grow, N., & Holden, J. (2025). The Re-Monopolization of the Sports Trading Card Industry. Illinois Law Review, (2025). 50+.
Holden, J., Edelman, M., & McCann, M. (2025). (Still) Anticompetitive College Sports. Boston College Law Review, (66). 50+.
Edelman, M. (2024). An Antitrust Analysis of the NCAA Transfer Policy. Texas A&M Law Review, (2023). 15+.
Edelman, M., McCann, M., & Holden, J. (2024). The Collegiate Employee Athlete. Illinois Law Review, (2024). 50+.
Edelman, M. (2024). Sportswashing with Chinese Characteristics. Journal of the Legal Aspects of Sports, 34. 13.
Edelman, M., & Holden, J. (2024). Baseball's Anticompetitive Antitrust Exemption. Boston College Law Review, (65). 50+.
Holden, J., Edelman, M., & Miller, K. (2023). Legalized Sports Wagering. Cardozo Law Review, 50+.
Holden, J., Edelman, M., & Miller, K. (2023). Legalized Sports Wagering in America. . Cardozo Law Review, 44. 50+.
Edelman, M., & Holden, J. (2022). A Short Treatise on College-Athlete Name, Image and Likeness Rights. Georgia Law Review, 57. 50+.
Edelman, M., Holden, J., & Wandt, A. (2022). U.S. Fantasy Sports Law: Fifteen Years after UIGEA. Ohio State Law Journal, 83. 40.
Holden, J., Edelman, M., Baker, T., & Shuman, A. (2022). Reimagining the Governance of College Sports After Alston. Florida Law Review, 2022. 50+.
Edelman, M. (2022). Sports Diplomacy at its Tipping Point: Can NBA China Survive a Culture Clash over Free Speech Norms. University of Connecticut Law Review, 2022. 50+.
Edelman, M. (2021). Chartering the Future of Intercollegiate Athletics at the City University of New York -- A Legal, Ethical and Financial Case Study. University of Virginia Sports & Entertainment Law Journal, 2020. 40+.
Baker, T. A., Edelman, M., & Holden, J. (2021). Global Sports Leagues and China’s Free Speech Problem. Tulane Law Review, 2021. 50+.
Edelman, M., Baker, T. A., Holden, J., & Shuman, D. (2021). Exploring College Sports in the Time of COVID-19: A Legal, Medical, and Ethical Analysis. Michigan State Law Review, 2021. 50+.
Holden, J., & Edelman, M. (2021). Regulating Vice: What the U.S. Marijuana Industry Can Learn from State Governance of Sports Gambling. University of Illinois Law Review, 2021. 50+.
Edelman, M., & Holden, J. (2021). Monopolizing Sports Data. William & Mary Law Review, 63. 50+.
Edelman, M., & Karcher, R. (2020). The NCAA's Agent Certification Program: A Critical and Legal Analysis. Harvard Sports and Entertainment Law Journal, 11(2). 28.
Edelman, M. (2020). The NCAA, Fair Pay to Play, Antitrust Scrutiny, and the Need for Institutional Reform. Wake Forest Business & Intellectual Property Journal, 2020. 20+.
Baker, T. A., Edelman, M., & Holden, J. (2020). College Football in the Time of COVID-19. Wisconsin Law Review Forward, 2020. 10+.
John, H., McLeod, C., & Edelman, M. (2020). Regulatory Categorization and Arbitrage: How Daily Fantasy Sports Companies Navigated Regulatory Categories Before and After Legalized Gambling. American Business Law Journal, 57. 50+.
John, H., Edelman, M., & Baker, T. A. (2020). A Short Treatise of Esports and the Law: How America Regulates its Next National Pastime. University of Illinois Law Review, 2020. 50+.
Holden, J., Baker, T. A., & Edelman, M. (2020). The #E-Too Movement: Fighting Back Against Sexual Harassment in Electronic Sports. Arizona State Law Journal, 51(1). 47.
Holden, J., & Edelman, M. (2020). A Short Treatise on Sports Gambling and the Law: How America Regulates Its Most Lucrative Vice. Wisconsin Law Review, 2020. 50+.
Edelman, M. (2019). Regulating Sports Gambling in the Aftermath of Murphy v. National Collegiate Athletic Association. George Mason Law Review, 26(2). 27.
Edelman, M., & Pacella, J. (2019). Vaulted into Victims: Preventing Further Sexual Abuse in U.S. Olympic Sports through Unionization and Improved Governance. Arizona Law Review, 61(3). 43.
Edelman, M. (2019). Assessing the Department of Education's Proposed 2018 Revisions to its Regulations under Title IX of the Education Amendments Act. Wake Forest Journal of Law & Policy, 9. 13.
Carrier, M., & Edelman, M. (2019). College Athletics: The Chink in the Seventh Circuit's "Law and Economics" Armor. Michigan Law Review Online, 118. 15.
Edelman, M. (2018). Exploring Gender Minorities' Bathroom Rights under the Donald Trump Presidency. University of Louisville Law Review, 56. 30.
Edelman, M. (2018). The Future of Sexual Harassment Policies at U.S. Colleges: From Repeal of the 2011 DOE-OCR Guidelines to Launch of the #MeToo Movement on Social Media. Wake Forest Law Review Online, 8. 8.
Edelman, M. (2018). Standing to Kneel: Analyzing NFL Players' Freedom to Protest During the Playing of the U.S. National Anthem. Fordham Law Review Online, 86. 15.
Baker, T. A., Edelman, M., & Watanabe, N. (2018). Debunking the NCAA's Myth that Amateurism Conforms with Antitrust Law: A Legal and Statistical Analysis. University of Tennessee Law Review, 85. 35.
Edelman, M. (2018). Lack of Integrity? Rebutting the Myth that U.S. Commercial Sports Leagues Have an Intellectual Property Right to Sports Gambling Proceeds. NYU Journal of Law & Business, 15(1). 16.
Edelman, M. (2017). The Future of College Athletes Players Unions: Lessons Learned for Northwestern University and Potential Next Steps in the College Athletes Rights Movement. Cardozo Law Review, 38(1). 44.
Edelman, M. (2017). Regulating Fantasy Sports. Indiana Law Journal, 39(1). 39.
Edelman, M. (2017). From Student-Athletes to Employee-Athletes: Why a 'Pay for Play' Model of College Sports Would Not Necessarily Make Educational Scholarships Taxable. Boston College Law Review, 58. 38.
Edelman, M. (2017). A Prelude to Jenkins v. NCAA: Amateurism, Antitrust Law, and the Role of Consumer Demand in a Proper Rule of Reason Analysis . Louisiana Law Review, 78(1). 11.
Edelman, M. (2016). A Sure Bet? The Legal Status of Daily Fantasy Sports. Pace Intellectual Property, Sports & Entertainment Law Forum, 5(1). 21.
Edelman, M. (2016). How Antitrust Law Could Reform College Football: Section 1 of the Sherman Act and the Hope for Tangible Change. Rutgers Law Review, 68. 18.
Edelman, M. (2016). From Meerkat to Periscope: Does Intellectual Property Law Prohibit the Live Streaming of Commercial Sporting Events. Columbia Journal of Law & the Arts, 39(1).
Edelman, M. (2016). Navigating the Legal Risks of "Daily Fantasy Sports": A Detailed Primer on Federal and State Gaming Law. Illinois Law Review, 2016(1). 117-150.
Edelman, M. (2016). From 'Too Small to Notice' to 'Too Big to Fail': The Rapid Growth of Daily Fantasy Sports and DFS Efforts to Change Illinois Gambling Laws. DePaul Law Review, 58. 10.
Edelman, M. (2015). Speech: The Legal Status of Daily Fantasy Sports in a Changing Business Environment. Northern Kentucky Law Review, 42(3). 443-451.
Edelman, M. (2015). In Defense of Sports Antitrust Law: A Response to Law Review Articles Calling for the Administrative Regulation of Commercial Sports. Washington & Lee Law Review Online, 72(1). 210-226.
Edelman, M. (2014). The District Court Decision in O'Bannon v. National Collegiate Athletic Association: A Small Step Forward for College Athlete Rights, and a Gateway for Far Grander Change. WASHINGTON & LEE LAW REVIEW, 71(4). 2319-2364.
Edelman, M., Shuman, D. A., & Fins, D. J. (2014). Bleeding by the Numbers: Rush Versus Cobbett. The Pharos: Alpha, Omega, Alpha Honor Medical Society, 7.
Edelman, M. (2014). The NCAA's 'Death Penalty' Sanction - Reasonable Self-Governance or an Illegal Group Boycott in Disguise?. LEWIS & CLARK LAW REVIEW, 18(2). 385-420.
(2014). The Future of Amateurism after Antitrust Scrutiny: Why a Win for the Plaintiffs in the Student-Athlete Name & Likeness Licensing Litigation Will Not Lead to the Demise of College Sports. OREGON LAW REVIEW, 92(4). 1019-1056.
(2013). A Short Treatise on Amateurism and Antitrust Law: Why the NCAA's No Pay Rules Violate Section 1 of the Sherman Act. CASE WESTERN UNIVERSITY LAW REVIEW, 64(1). 61-99.
(2013). How Young American Athletes Can Best Challenge a Bureaucracy that Prevents Them from Earning a Living. DEPAUL JOURNAL OF SPORTS LAW & CONTEMPORARY PROBLEMS, 9. 135-145.
(2013). Disarming the Trojan Horse of the UAAA and SPARTA: How America Should Reform its Sports Agent Laws to Conform with True Agency Principles. HARVARD SPORTS AND ENTERTAINMENT LAW JOURNAL, 4(2). 145-189.
(2013). Closing the ‘Free Speech’ Loophole: Protecting College Athletes’ Publicity Rights in Commercial Videogames. FLORIDA LAW REVIEW, 65. 553-586.
(2012). Economic Realities and Legal Issues of Professional Athletes. DEPAUL JOURNAL OF SPORTS LAW & CONTEMPORARY PROBLEMS, 8(2). 133-142.
(2012). A Short Treatise on Fantasy Sports and the Law: How America Regulates its New National Pastime. HARVARD JOURNAL OF SPORTS & ENTERTAINMENT LAW, 3(1). 1-53.
(2011). A Different Look at Compliance in Professional Sports: Why the NFL Personal Conduct Policy Might Be More Illegal than the Very Conduct it Seeks to Regulate. DEPAUL JOURNAL OF SPORTS LAW & CONTEMPORARY PROBLEMS, 7. 89-97.
(2011). Upon Further Review: Will the NFL’s Trademark Licensing Practices Survive Full Antitrust Scrutiny? The Remand of American Needle v. Nat’l Football League. STANFORD JOURNAL OF LAW, BUSINESS & FINANCE, 16(2). 183-222.
(2010). Collectively Bargained Age/Education Requirements: A Source of Antitrust Risk for Sports Club-Owners or Labor Risk for Players Unions?. PENN STATE LAW REVIEW, 114(2). 341-375.
(2010). A Sobering Conflict: A Call for Consistency in the Messages Colleges Send About Alcohol. FORDHAM INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY,MEDIA & ENTERTAINMENT LAW JOURNAL, 20. 1389-1418.
(2010). Does the NBA Still Have Market Power? Exploring the Antitrust Implications of an Increasingly Global Market for Men’s Basketball Player Labor. RUTGERS LAW JOURNAL, 41(3). 549-591.
(2009). Are Commissioner Suspensions Really any Different from Illegal Group Boycotts? Analyzing Whether the NFL Personal Conduct Policy Illegally Restrains Trade. CATHOLIC UNIVERSITY LAW REVIEW, 58(3). 631-662.
(2009). The House that Taxpayers Built: Exploring the Rise in Publicly Funded Baseball Stadiums from 1953 through the Present. VILLANOVA SPORTS & ENTERTAINMENT LAW JOURNAL, 16. 257-265.
(2009). Antitrust and ‘Free Movement’ Risks of Expanding American Professional Sports Leagues into Europe. NORTHWESTERN JOURNAL OF INTERNATIONAL LAW & BUSINESS, 29(2). 403-438.
(2009). Could a New Women’s Professional Soccer League Survive in America? How Returning to the Traditional League Structure Might Save More than Just a Game. SETON HALL JOURNAL OF SPORTS & ENTERTAINMENT LAW, 19(2). 283-309.
(2008). Moving Past Collusion in Major League Baseball: Healing Old Wounds and Preventing New Ones. WAYNE LAW REVIEW, 54(2). 601-639.
(2008). Sports and the City: How to Curb Sports Teams’ Demands for Free Public Stadiums. RUTGERS JOURNAL OF LAW & PUBLIC POLICY, 6(1). 35-77.
(2008). Why the Single Entity Defense Can Never Apply to NFL Clubs: A Primer on Property Rights Theory in Professional Sports. FORDHAM INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY,MEDIA & ENTERTAINMENT LAW JOURNAL, 18(4). 891-927.
(2008). Analyzing the WNBA’s Mandatory Age/Education Policy from a Legal and Ethical Perspective. NORTHWESTERN JOURNAL OF LAW & SOCIAL POLICY, 3(1). 1-28.
(2005). How to Prevent High School Hazing: A Legal, Ethical and Social Primer. NORTH DAKOTA LAW REVIEW, 81(2). 309-341.
(2004). Addressing the High School Hazing Problem: Why Lawmakers Need to Impose a Duty to Act on School Personnel. PACE LAW REVIEW, 25(1). 15-47.
(2004). Has Collusion Returned to Baseball? Analyzing Whether a Concerted Increase in Free Agent Player Supply Would Violate Baseball's 'Collusion Clause'. LOYOLA OF LOS ANGELES ENTERTAINMENT LAW JOURNAL, 24(1). 159-184.
(2003). How to Curb Professional Sports’ Bargaining Power vis-à-vis the American City. VIRGINIA SPORTS & ENTERTAINMENT LAW JOURNAL, 2(2). 280-309.
(2003). Can Antitrust Law Save the Minnesota Twins? Why Commissioner Selig’s Contraction Plan Was Never a Sure Deal. SPORTS LAW JOURNAL, 10(1). 45-67.
(2002). Reevaluating Amateurism Standards in Men’s College Basketball. UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN JOURNAL OF LAW REFORM, 35(4). 861-890.
Media Contributions
Edelman, M. (2020). Supreme Court Has Golden Opportunity to Rein in NCAA Amateurism.
Edelman, M. (2020). NCAA Name, Image And Likeness Reform: A Simple Matter Made Complicated By Bureaucrats.
Edelman, M. (2020). Why Congress Would Be Crazy To Grant The NCAA An Antitrust Exemption.
Edelman, M. (2020). Illinois Supreme Court Ruling Is A Big Win For Daily Fantasy Sports.
Edelman, M. (2020). Ninth Circuit Uphold That NCAA Violates Antitrust Law; Judge Describes College Sports As A 'Cartel'.
Edelman, M. (2020). The Best Chance At 2020 Baseball Might Be A True Exhibition Season With A Mix Of Major And Minor Leaguers.
Edelman, M. (2020). Five Ways Daily Fantasy Sports Operators Can Stay Ahead Of The Curve During The Covid-19 Pandemic.
Edelman, M. (2020). Ohio State Football Players May Have Assumed The Risk Of Contracting Coronavirus.
Edelman, M. (2020). NCAA Leaders Are Using Woke Language, But Their Message Doesn't Match Their Athlete Labor Policies.
Edelman, M. (2020). Marco Rubio's Fairness in Collegiate Athletics Act Is Anything But What It's Name Implies.
Edelman, M. (2020). Bread, Circuses and Baseball: Why Are We Bending Over Backward for MLB'S Return.
Edelman, M. (2020). Forming An NBA G League Players' Union Is A Win For Both Players And Owners.
Edelman, M. (2020). Has Marketplace Competition Finally Returned To Daily Fantasy Sports?.
Edelman, M. (2020). Washington Isn't First Pro Football Team To Play Without A Moniker; The Last One Won A National Championship.
Edelman, M. (2020). NCAA Bill Would Kill College Athletes' Rights And Their Trust In The U.S. Political Process.
Edelman, M. (2020). The Big Ten Conference Is Prioritizing Football Revenues Over Player Safety In The Time of Covid-19.
Edelman, M. (2020). NCAA Power Five Conferences Overplayed Their Hand By Asking Congress To Block College Athletes’ Rights.
Edelman, M. (2020). University Of North Carolina’s Move To Online Learning Should Cast Doubt On 2020 Football Season.
Edelman, M. (2020). Covid-19 Highlights The Hypocrisy Of Big-Time Football At Public Colleges.
Edelman, M. (2020). Recent Attempts To Reclassify Daily Fantasy Sports As Sports Gambling Could Hurt Industry’s Bottom Line.
Edelman, M. (2020). For Monkey Knife Fight, The Value Of Merger With FantasyDraft May Come From Acquiring State Licenses.
Edelman, M. (2019). If NCAA Doesn’t Reform Athlete Endorsement Rules, The Monopolist Trade Association May Crumble.
Edelman, M. (2019). Super Bowl Squares Pools Are Legally Risky Even After The Fall Of PASPA.
Edelman, M. (2019). Operating an Unlicensed march Madness Pool May Be Riskier than Ever, Despite Gall of PASPA.
Edelman, M. (2019). How Monday's Wire Act Decision Affects the Poker, DFS and Sports Gambling Industries.
Edelman, M. (2019). Alabama's Legalization of Daily Fantasy Sports Rewards FanDuel and DraftKings for Jumping the Gun.
Edelman, M. (2019). Sports Data Policies Could Represent Next Big Antitrust Challenge for Pro Sports Leagues.
Edelman, M. (2019). R.J. Hampton and LaMelo Ball Playing in Australia Doesn't Reduce the NCAA's Antitrust Risk.
Edelman, M. (2019). Star Athletes Could Expand Their Tights By Negotiating These 5 Clauses Into Their College Letters of Intent.
Edelman, M. (2019). Why NCAA Likely Can't Keep California Schools from Allowing Athletes to Profit from Their Names and Likenesses.
Edelman, M. (2019). California Votes Gives NCAA A Choice: Allow Athlete Endorsements or Risk Annihilation By Antitrust Law.
Edelman, M. (2019). NCAA's Threat to Ban California Member Colleges Could Lead to Antitrust Lawsuit Reminiscent of 1984.
Edelman, M. (2019). Vontaze Burfict’s Suspension Places The NFL Players’ Union In A Tough Position.
Edelman, M. (2019). What Other NFL Players Can Learn From Melvin Gordon’s Fumbled Holdout.
Edelman, M. (2019). Purdue Is Correct To Ban Faculty Members From Betting On Boilermakers Sporting Events.
(2018). Wharton Sports Business Podcast.
Edelman, M. (2018). Georgia Football Players Must Make the 'Classless' Choice to Maximize ESPN Revenues.
Edelman, M. (2018). Why Jennry Mejia Is Likely to Pitch for Mets in 2018, Despite 'Lifetime Ban'.
Edelman, M. (2018). Why Unionizing Is a Reasonable Option for the U.S. Women's Gymnastics Team.
Edelman, M. (2018). The NFL's Washington Redskins Now Stand Alone In Political Incorrectness.
Edelman, M. (2018). College Basketball Players Get None of the NCAA Tournament Revenue -- Is It Time to Unionize?.
Edelman, M. (2018). NFL Free Agent Eric Reid's Best Legal Claim Might Be Against President Trump.
Edelman, M. (2018). As NCAA Prepares for Final Four, Plaintiffs in Jenkins Prepare for December Trial.
Edelman, M. (2018). Recent Court Decision Makes It Riskier for NFL Teams to Punish Protesting Players.
Edelman, M. (2018). Explaining Eric Reid's Collusion Grievance Against the NFL.
Edelman, M. (2018). Here's Why the NCAA Basketball Commission's Recommendations Will Not End the Sport's Corruption.
Edelman, M. (2018). Leagues Pushing for 'Integrity Fees' Won't Find Much Support For Intellectual Property Argument.
Edelman, M. (2018). It's Time for Colin Kaepernick to Take a Page from Andre Dawson's Playbook.
Edelman, M. (2018). NCAA Can't Figure Out How To grant Student-Athletes Endorsement Rights, But It's Simple -- Really.
Edelman, M. (2018). 9 Reasons to Allow College Athletes to License their Names, Images and Likenesses.
Edelman, M. (2018). The NCAA Is Prioritizing Monetizing Player Statistics Over Protecting Student-Athletes.
Edelman, M. (2018). Supreme Court Ruling Does Not Mean You Can Launch a Sports Betting Website.
Edelman, M. (2018). Mitchell Robinson's Summer League Success Highlights Truth About NBA's One-Year Waiting Period.
Edelman, M. (2018). NFL's October 2017 Meeting Strengthens Colin Kaepernick's Legal Claims Against President Trump.
Edelman, M. (2018). NFL's New Anthem Policy Presents Problems, Especially At Chicago's Soldier Field.
Edelman, M. (2018). With NBA Ownership Stake In Paddy Power, Request For 'Integrity Fee' Amounts To Double Dipping.
Edelman, M. (2018). Why NFL's Ban On Player Protests Invokes First Amendment Concerns But Canceling 'Roseanne' Does Not.
Edelman, M. (2018). New York's Fantasy Sports Law Keeps Away Earnest Competition, Rewards Gun-Jumpers.
Edelman, M. (2018). NCAA Harmfully Takes Away Student-Athletes' Guaranteed Weekly Day Off.
Edelman, M. (2018). New York State Gambling Bills Would Give Money To Sports Leagues -- Even Though They Don't Need To.
Edelman, M. (2018). How The Practice Of Fantasy Sports Law Has Transformed Into Administrative Law.
Edelman, M. (2018). NBA's Age Rule Will Likely Wind Up Costing Michael Porter Jr. More Than $8 Million.
Edelman, M. (2018). New Book 'The Performance Cortex' Brilliantly Uses Science To Recast Athletes As Geniuses.
Edelman, M. (2018). Could LeBron James Jr. Theoretically Challenge The NBA Age Requirement In 2022?.
Edelman, M. (2018). As Predicted, Major League Baseball Reinstates New York Mets Pitcher Jenrry Mejia.
Edelman, M. (2018). NFL Financial Disclosures Refute Claim That Player Protests Hurt League Revenues.
Edelman, M. (2018). Mitchell Robinson's Summer League Success Highlights Truth About NBA's One-Year Waiting Period.
Edelman, M. (2018). Don't Blame Pittsburgh Pirates For Idea Linking Gambling Revenues To Stadium Construction.
Edelman, M. (2018). New Fantasy Sports Operators May Have Golden Opportunity To Enter New York Market.
(2018). NBC News.com.
(2018). Sportsnet 590 THE FAN Toronto.
(2018). PRI's The World.
(2018). Inside Higher Ed.
(2018). Sacramento Republic.
(2018). Gambling Compliance.
(2018). Gambling Compliance.
(2018). Missourian (University of Missouri College Newspaper).
(2018). Gambling Compliance.
(2018). Al.com.
(2018). Real Talk Sports Podcast.
(2018). Inside Higher Ed.
(2018). Sports Techie.
(2018). Sports Techie.
(2018). Inside Higher Ed.
(2018). Bloomberg BMA.
(2018). Law360.
(2018). MLive.com.
(2018). WFPL 93.3 (Radio & Internet Site).
(2018). Mic.
(2018). The Center for Public Integrity.
(2018). 590 The Fan (Toronto).
(2018). Boston Globe.
(2018). New York Daily News.
(2018). New York Times.
(2018). Deadspin.
(2018). ESPN.com.
(2018). The Center for Public Integrity Newsletter.
(2018). Huffington Post.
(2018). Law 360.
(2018). Chicago Sun Times.
(2018). SB Nation.
(2018). New York Daily News.
(2018). Washington Post.
(2018). Entrepreneur.
(2018). Metro News Radio (West Virginia).
(2017). Casino.Org.
Edelman, M. (2017). The Playoff-Bound New England Patriots May Get Last Laugh Over NFL's Tom Brady Suspension.
Edelman, M. (2017). Should USC's JuJu Smith-Schuster Sit Out Today's Rose Bowl Game?.
Edelman, M. (2017). Just Two Of 41 NCAA Bowl Games Overlapped With An NFL Televised Broadcast.
Edelman, M. (2017). Draft Ops Lawsuit And Proposed DraftKings-FanDuel Merger Invite New Scrutiny Of Daily Fantasy Sports.
Edelman, M. (2017). Maryland's New Daily Fantasy Sports Rules Are Fair, Reasonable And Intelligently Executed.
Edelman, M. (2017). Lane Johnson's New NFL Lawsuit Is Page Out Of A-Rod Playbook.
Edelman, M. (2017). Clemson Football Players Don't Share Revenues From National Championship; Can't Unionize.
Edelman, M. (2017). Sports Leagues Have New Scientific Reason To Get Tough On Steroid Use.
Edelman, M. (2017). Jeurys Familia Presents An Interesting Case Under Baseball's New Domestic Violence Policy.
Edelman, M. (2017). Richard Sherman Has Opportunity To Become NFL's Next Jim Brown.
Edelman, M. (2017). Civil Rights Lawyers Seek To Overturn NCAA's 'No Felons' Rule.
Edelman, M. (2017). Las Vegas Is A Great Market For The NFL's Raiders From A Business Perspective.
Edelman, M. (2017). The New York Mets' Worst Contract Is With Their AAA Affiliate.
Edelman, M. (2017). Super Bowl Squares Pools Present Risks For Payment Processors PayPal, Venmo And LeagueSafe.
Edelman, M. (2017). University Of Connecticut Could Face Lawsuit For Not Honoring Verbal Football Scholarship.
Edelman, M. (2017). Recent Silence On DraftKings And FanDuel Merger May Indicate Antitrust Concerns.
Edelman, M. (2017). NCAA Needs To Investigate UConn For Its Alleged Mistreatment Of Prospective Football Players.
Edelman, M. (2017). Fantasy Aces Bankruptcy Hurts Antitrust Argument For FanDuel And DraftKings Merger.
Edelman, M. (2017). The Legal Risk Of Operating NCAA Tournament Pools.
Edelman, M. (2017). FTC Challenges Proposed DraftKings and FanDuel Merger: A Win for Fantasy Sports Consumers.
Edelman, M. (2017). Ezekiel Elliott Lawsuit Marks the Latest Challenge to NFL 'Neutral' Arbitration.
Edelman, M. (2017). Harold Henderson's Decision to Uphold Ezekiel Elliott Suspension Paves Way for Another Long Lawsuit.
Edelman, M. (2017). After Flurry of Lawsuits, FanDuel's Ad Campaign Highlights a More Mature Legal Approach.
Edelman, M. (2017). NFL Domestic Violence Policy is Marred by An Investigative Process that Defies Norms.
Edelman, M. (2017). Corruption Will Continue in NCAA College Basketball Until Schools Can Openly Pay their Players.
Edelman, M. (2017). Can the NFL Really Fire Players for Kneeling During the National Anthem?.
Edelman, M. (2017). New York Mets are Close to Making a Big Signing: A New AAA Affiliate Closer to Home.
Edelman, M. (2017). Ezekiel Elliott Decision Adds to Commissioner's Power, But NFL Players Need Checks and Balances.
Edelman, M. (2017). Explaining Colin Kaepernick's Collusion grievance Against the NFL.
Edelman, M. (2017). Everything's Wrong with UCLA and Georgia Tech Opening the Men's Basketball Season in China.
(2017). NewJersey.com.
(2017). Lunch with Labor (WOLB 1010 in Baltimore, MD).
(2017). Gambling Compliance.
(2017). Law 360.
(2017). Gambling Compliance.
(2017). Sports Litigation Alert.
(2017). San Francisco Chronicle.
(2017). SEC Country.
(2017). New York Times.
(2017). Yahoo!.
(2017). Sports Litigation Alert.
(2017). Newsday.
(2017). Philadelphia Inquirer.
(2017). Bloomberg Radio.
(2017). The Bergen Record (NewJersey.com).
(2017). Washington Times.
(2017). Marketplace (Podcast & Radio Program).
(2017). Gambling Compliance.
(2017). Wall Street Journal.
(2017). San Francisco Times.
(2017). Courier Post (Cherry Hill, NJ).
(2017). SNL Kagan Media & Communications Report.
(2017). New York Daily News.
(2017). SNL Kagan Media & Communications Report.
(2017). Newsday.
(2017). Fox 5 News (NY).
(2017). Business Insurance.
(2017). Sports Handle.
(2017). KXTG-102.9 & 750 The Game (Portland).
(2017). LawNewz.
(2017). Sportsnet 590 The Fan -- Toronto.
(2017). KCBS Radio, San Francisco 106.9 FM & 740 AM.
(2017). 610 AM Sports.
(2017). NBC News.
(2017). Law 360.
(2017). 96.9FM/740AM The Game/WYGM (Orlando, FL).
(2017). 96.9FM/740AM The Game/WYGM (Orlando, FL).
(2017). Washington Post (Front Page).
(2017). San Francisco Chronicle.
(2017). Inside Higher Ed.
(2017). ABC 7.
(2017). Bloomberg Law Show (Sirius/XM Channel 11).
(2017). American Bar Association Journal.
(2017). The Bleacher Report.
(2017). Sports Handle.
(2017). NewJersey.com.
(2017). Courthouse News.
(2017). WWL AM, FM, and WWL.com (New Orleans, LA).
(2017). USA Today.
(2017). Casino.Org.
(2017). Yahoo!.
(2017). TIME Magzine.
(2017). Gambling Compliance.
(2016). The Economist (blog).
Edelman, M. (2016). Why a Merger of FanDuel And DraftKings Would Not Survive Antitrust Review.
Edelman, M. (2016). As Jose Reyes Returns to Baseball, New Domestic Violence Policy Deserves Credit for Its Balance.
Edelman, M. (2016). New York's New Fantasy Sports Law Creates Both Business Opportunities and Obstacle.
Edelman, M. (2016). Why Certain Formats of Fantasy Golf and NASCAR Could Derail N.Y. Fantasy Sports Licenses.
Edelman, M. (2016). N.Y. Assemblyman Who Seeks to Legalize Sports Betting is Going About It The Wrong Way.
Edelman, M. (2016). NLRB Decision to Unionize Columbia Student Workers May Help College Athletes' Union Movement.
Edelman, M. (2016). NFL Fans Should Exercise Caution When Operating Survivor Pools and Pick'em Contests.
Edelman, M. (2016). Rain-Out Leaves DraftKings With DFS Contests Based On One-Game Slate: Are Refunds Forthcoming?.
Edelman, M. (2016). By Denying Certiorari In O'Bannon v. NCAA, The Supreme Court Aids Future Reform to College Sports.
Edelman, M. (2016). Why Antitrust Regulators Could Block A DraftKings Merger With FanDuel.
Edelman, M. (2016). Kyle Hendricks Will Be The Second Ivy League Pitcher To Start Game 7 Of The World Series In 30 Years.
Edelman, M. (2016). Proposed FanDuel And DraftKings Merger Makes An Interesting Test Case For Trump Antitrust Policy.
Edelman, M. (2016). Todd Gurley's Failed Selflessness is Why McCaffrey and Fournette Will Sit Out 2016 Bowl Games.
Edelman, M. (2016). Court Decision in Berger v. NCAA Creates Bad Case Law About College Athletes' Employment Status.
Edelman, M. (2016). Should The NBA And NFL Really Play Games On Christmas Day?.
Edelman, M. (2016). Who Needs Bowl Games? Before NFL Draft Was Created, College Football Players Went Pro In December.
Edelman, M. (2016). Top Five Sports Law Stories For 2017.
Edelman, M. (2016). The Search For The Next Kyle Hendricks: Dartmouth Grad's Dynamic Season Puts Ivy Pitchers In Demand.
Edelman, M. (2016). Top 5 Fantasy Sports And The Law Storylines For 2017.
Edelman, M. (2016). Don't Blame Stanford's Christian McCaffrey For Sitting Out The Hyundai Sun Bowl; Blame The NCAA.
Edelman, M. (2016). The 'Prize' For Winning This Year's Fiesta Bowl Is Missing The First Two Days Of Spring Classes.
Edelman, M. (2016). Don't Blame LSU's Fournette For Skipping The Citrus Bowl; Blame The NCAA And NFL For Predicament.
Edelman, M. (2016). It's a Wonderful Life, Ken Griffey: After Near Tragic Death, KGJ Is Going To Baseball's Hall of Fame.
Edelman, M. (2016). College Football's Monday Night Championship: It's Lucrative For Colleges, But Athletes Miss Class.
Edelman, M. (2016). The Charm Of Duke's Cameron Indoor Stadium Is That It Still Feels Like A College Basketball Arena.
Edelman, M. (2016). Super Bowl Squares Pools: Why Payment Processors Need To Exercise Caution When Accepting Money.
Edelman, M. (2016). College Students: The Missing Ingredient at Wake Forest's Lawrence Joel Memorial Coliseum.
Edelman, M. (2016). Columbia's Levien Gym is Home to an Unexpected Harlem Basketball Renaissance.
Edelman, M. (2016). Living on a Prayer: The Prudential Center Rocks as Seton Hall Eyes 1st NCAA Tournament Since 2006.
Edelman, M. (2016). An Academic Charade: U. Of Miami Basketball Team Could Miss Almost All of Their March Classes.
Edelman, M. (2016). NFL's Appeal of DeflateGate Is a Losing Legal And Public Relations Battle.
Edelman, M. (2016). The Grade Shaming of Ben Simmons: Part of the NCAA's College Basketball Hypocrisy.
Edelman, M. (2016). Is it Legal to Run an NCAA Tournament Pool?.
Edelman, M. (2016). Why Princeton Deserves an At-Large Bid to the 2016 NCAA Men's Basketball Tournament.
Edelman, M. (2016). Comparing The Free 2016 NCAA Tournament Contests: Yahoo! Offers Prize to 1st Place; ESPN & CBS Don't.
Edelman, M. (2016). Six Quick Legal Questions About NCAA Tournament Pools.
Edelman, M. (2016). Legal Wrinkle Complicates U.S. Women's Soccer Team's Quest for Equal Pay.
Edelman, M. (2016). Ole Miss Athletics Earned $87 Million Last Year: Coaches Should Help Laremy Tunsil's Mom, By Damn!.
(2016). The Hardball Times.
(2016). CNBC.
(2016). Reason.com.
(2016). Time.
(2016). CNBC.
(2016). Huffington Post.
(2016). Metro.us.
(2016). Reason.com.
(2016). CBS.
(2016). Inc..
(2016). PaRR Global.
(2016). Associated Press.
(2016). Mashable.
(2016). Yahoo! Finance.
(2016). FTC Watch.
(2016). CBS News.
(2016). Law 360.
(2016). Gambling Compliance.
(2016). Legal Sports Report.
(2016). CBS Sports.
(2016). Yahoo!.
(2016). Daily News.
(2016). Law 360.
(2016). Philly.com.
(2016). Inside Higher Ed.
(2016). Inside Higher Ed.
(2016). Penn Live.
(2016). Litigation Report.
(2016). The Sporting News.
(2016). Legal Sports Report.
(2016). Gambling Compliance.
(2016). SportsNet 590 The Fan (Toronto).
(2016). Inside Higher Ed.
(2016). Albany Times Union.
(2016). Business Insurance.
(2016). The Tennessean.
(2016). Heartland.
(2016). Sportsnet 590 the FAN .
(2016). Inside Higher Ed.
(2016). Daily News.
(2016). Gambling Compliance.
(2016). Yahoo! finance.
(2016). San Francisco Business Times.
(2016). CBS News.
(2016). Toledo Blade.
(2016). Inside Higher Ed.
(2016). Tax Analysts.
(2016). KCUR (Kansas).
(2016). Gambling Compliance.
(2016). Palm Beach Post.
(2016). Palm Beach Post.
(2016). Inside Higher Ed.
(2016). CBS Sports.
(2016). Gambling Compliance.
(2016). 900AM WURD (Philadelphia, PA).
(2016). Vocativ.
(2015). International Business Times.
Edelman, M. (2015). Top Five Sports Law Stories For 2015.
Edelman, M. (2015). Why Are Credit Card Companies Such As Visa And MasterCard No Longer Afraid Of U.S. Gambling Laws?.
Edelman, M. (2015). Ohio State University Football Players Will Miss First Day Of Classes To Play In College Football's BCS National Championship Game.
Edelman, M. (2015). One Year After A-Rod Ruling, Frederic Horowitz Remarkably Remains Baseball's Neutral Arbitrator.
Edelman, M. (2015). Payment Processors Should Be Wary Of Super Bowl Squares Pools.
Edelman, M. (2015). Washington State Representatives Propose Bill To Legalize Fantasy Sports.
Edelman, M. (2015). How Premier League Soccer Has Come To Dominate Southeast Asian Sports Apparel Markets.
Edelman, M. (2015). Super Bowl Sunday: The Most Foolish Day Of The Year To Offer Play-For-Cash Fantasy Football.
Edelman, M. (2015). College Athlete Drug Testing Upheld 21 Years Ago Today.
Edelman, M. (2015). Roger Goodell And His Terrible, Horrible, No Good, Very Bad Day After The Super Bowl.
Edelman, M. (2015). Reversal Of Adrian Peterson's Suspension Is Not Just 'Doty Being Doty'.
Edelman, M. (2015). March Madness Is Coming Soon, But Not The College Athletes' Fair Share Of The Revenues.
Edelman, M. (2015). Don't Feed (or Shelter) The Athletes: The Absurdity Of NCAA Amateurism In 2015.
Edelman, M. (2015). A College Professor's Thoughts On Making Freshmen Ineligible For Big Ten Sports.
Edelman, M. (2015). Fantasy Baseball Is Back, But Is It Legal To Play For Money In Your State?.
Edelman, M. (2015). American Needle Settles Antitrust Lawsuit With The NFL, Preventing An Important Sports Law Trial.
Edelman, M. (2015). Free Entry: The Key For Marketers To Offer Legal NCAA Tournament Promotions.
Edelman, M. (2015). Midsize Daily Fantasy Sports Website Seeks To Prove Its Contests Are Games Of Skill, Not Chance.
Edelman, M. (2015). The Demise Of U. of Pennsylvania Basketball, And End To An Ivy League Sports Dynasty.
Edelman, M. (2015). Comparing The Free 2015 NCAA Basketball Tournament Contests: Only Yahoo Guarantees A Prize To The Best Bracket.
Edelman, M. (2015). Is Your Pay-To-Enter NCAA Tournament Pool Legal?.
Edelman, M. (2015). PayPal Does Not Accept Funds For NCAA Tournament Pools, But Others Are Willing To Incur The Risk.
Edelman, M. (2015). NCAA To Argue Non-Commercial Status In Court Today; Billion-Dollar Basketball Tourney Opens Tomorrow.
Edelman, M. (2015). 15 Reasons Why The NCAA Men's Basketball Tournament Is Commercial, And The Athletes Deserve Some Pay.
Edelman, M. (2015). Is Yahoo Quietly Exiting The Online Gaming And Play-For-Cash Fantasy Sports Marketplace?.
Edelman, M. (2015). CBS Is 'Lone Wolf' Among Big 3 Fantasy Websites To Offer Play-For-Cash Fantasy Baseball In 2015.
Edelman, M. (2015). Did Dean Smith's Final Act Of Kindness Violate The NCAA's Absurd 'No Pay' Rules? (NCAA Says "No").
Edelman, M. (2015). What Is The True Legal Status Of Daily Fantasy Sports?.
Edelman, M. (2015). 8 Legal Challenges Of Major League Baseball's New 'Daily Fantasy Sports' Partnership With DraftKings.
Edelman, M. (2015). Could Walt Disney's Investment Lead To An End Of DraftKings In Tennessee And North Dakota?.
Edelman, M. (2015). One Year Later, NLRB Still Hasn't Ruled On Appeal Of Whether College Football Players May Unionize.
Edelman, M. (2015). Why Daily Fantasy Sports 'Against The House' Is Likely Illegal And Could Destabilize The Industry.
Edelman, M. (2015). Why Aaron Hernandez's Conviction Does Little To Support The Need For An NFL Personal Conduct Policy.
Edelman, M. (2015). Fantasy Games, Real Laws: 10 Factors States Must Consider When Regulating The Fantasy Sports Market.
Edelman, M. (2015). Yahoo's Planned Entry Into Daily Fantasy Sports Market Is Good News; Helps To Stop Oligopoly Pricing.
Edelman, M. (2015). Why I Love Sports: Warts And All (And Why I'm Proud To Be A Sports Law Professor).
Edelman, M. (2015). Top 5 Sports Law Stories For 2015 (April 22, 2015 Update).
Edelman, M. (2015). Logical NCAA Reform Begins With Deregulating Trust Funds For Graduating College Athletes.
Edelman, M. (2015). Five Legal Strategies For Daily Fantasy Sports Companies To Consider Before Launch.
Edelman, M. (2015). College Athletes Lose In Marshall v. ESPN Due To Poor Choice Of Forum.
Edelman, M. (2015). NLRB Rejects Northwestern Football Players' Bid To Unionize; Makes Antitrust Lawsuits More Important.
Edelman, M. (2015). NLRB Rejects Northwestern Football Players' Bid To Unionize; Makes Antitrust Lawsuits More Important.
Edelman, M. (2015). How, If At All, Does Tuesday's Sports Gambling Ruling Affect The Fantasy Sports Industry?.
Edelman, M. (2015). Barry Bonds Collusion Grievance Had Merit, Despite Outcome.
Edelman, M. (2015). Is Your Fantasy Football League Legal?.
Edelman, M. (2015). DeflateGate Is Not About Deflated Footballs; It's About The NFL's Systematic Failure To Follow Rules.
Edelman, M. (2015). The NFL Needs To Settle DeflateGate Immediately; An Outright Loss Would Entirely Soil The "Shield".
Edelman, M. (2015). Is Your NFL Survivor Pool Legal?.
Edelman, M. (2015). Upon Further Review: The NLRB Was Wrong To Deny Northwestern Football Players Union Status.
Edelman, M. (2015). The NFL's Decision To Appeal DeflateGate Shows A Mixture Of Hubris And Recklessness.
Edelman, M. (2015). DeflateGate Ruling Seals Roger Goodell's Legacy As Failed 'Personal Conduct' Czar.
Edelman, M. (2015). Fantasy Football 2015: Yahoo!, CBS and ESPN Adopt Different Business Strategies To Target Growth.
Edelman, M. (2015). Matt Harvey's Anger Is Misplaced; He Should Blame Scott Boras For No Innings Cap In His Contract.
Edelman, M. (2015). On Labor Day, Let's Remember Elite College Athletes: Part Of America's "Silenced Workforce".
Edelman, M. (2015). Yahoo!'s Conflicted Strategy On Daily Fantasy Football: It's Both An Operator And Seller Of Ad Space.
Edelman, M. (2015). The NFL Has Mastered Art Of Profiting From Daily Fantasy Sports: Just Pit DraftKings Against FanDuel.
Edelman, M. (2015). Yahoo! Could Quickly Become No. 1 In Daily Fantasy Sports Profits: 'Free' Ad Space Makes It Possible.
Edelman, M. (2015). Daily Fantasy Sports May Have A Bright Future, But DraftKings CEO Shouldn't Deny The Legal Risks.
Edelman, M. (2015). Daily Fantasy Sports Must Change Its Ad Strategy: Showcasing Average Joe Winners Hurts Legal Claims.
Edelman, M. (2015). The State Of Massachusetts Is Investigating DraftKings; What Might They Ask?.
Edelman, M. (2015). Top 5 Sports Law Stories For 2015 (September 20, 2015 Updates Included).
Edelman, M. (2015). Athletic Conferences Don't Have The Right To Stop Daily Fantasy Sports, But Players Might.
Edelman, M. (2015). Single Legal Mistake Cost Plaintiffs In O'Bannon v. NCAA: Lack Of Consumer Demand Study.
Edelman, M. (2015). Can LSU's Leonard Fournette Sue To Enter The 2016 NFL Draft?.
Edelman, M. (2015). Some Daily Fantasy Sports Are Gambling, Others Not So Much.
Edelman, M. (2015). Daily Fantasy Sports 'Scandal' Could Have Been Worse; Highlights Importance Of Internal Controls.
Edelman, M. (2015). NCAA Might Have Given CFB Fans A Live-Streaming Loophole.
Edelman, M. (2015). Banning Daily Fantasy Sports Employees From Playing On Rival Sites Is Not The Answer To Scandal.
Edelman, M. (2015). The Daily Fantasy Sports Scandal: Why Insider Trading May Be Just Tip Of The Iceberg For DraftKings.
Edelman, M. (2015). Could An FBI Investigation Of DraftKings Implicate Major League Baseball?.
Edelman, M. (2015). Kennesaw Mountain Harris? FSTA Pulls A Play From The MLB Playbook With 'Daily Fantasy Commissioner'.
Edelman, M. (2015). Could DraftKings 'Fantasy Golf' Get Major League Baseball Executives Into Legal Trouble?.
Edelman, M. (2015). Court Hearing Will Address Legal Status Of Daily Fantasy Sports In N.Y. As Longer Litigation Beckons.
Edelman, M. (2015). Daily Fantasy Companies Await N.Y. Court's Ruling On Injunction To Shutdown FanDuel and DraftKings.
Edelman, M. (2015). Next Big Daily Fantasy Sports Hearing Takes Place In Massachusetts Court On Thursday.
Edelman, M. (2015). DraftKings To Continue Operating In New York -- A Decision That Could Prove Flawed And Dangerous.
Edelman, M. (2015). Illinois Attorney General: Daily Fantasy Sports Violate State Law.
(2015). South Coast Today.
(2015). Financial Times.
(2015). Wallet Hub.
(2015). The Collegian (Georgia Perimeter College Newspaper).
(2015). 740 The Game/WYGM (Orlando).
(2015). SportsNet 590 The Fan (Toronto).
(2015). The Crime Report.
(2015). Gambling Compliance.
(2015). Bloomberg Business.
(2015). The Stylus (College Newspaper of University of Brockport).
(2015). CNBC.
(2015). Gambling Compliance.
(2015). Sydney Daily News (Sydney, Australia).
(2015). CBS News.
(2015). CNBC.
(2015). Law360.
(2015). Business News Network (Toronto, Canada).
(2015). SiriusXM Radio Ch. 111 (The Wharton Sports Business Show) .
(2015). Bloomberg.com.
(2015). Think Progress.
(2015). Los Angeles Times.
(2015). Huffington Post.
(2015). Philadelphia Business Journal.
(2015). CBS Radio (Syracuse) TheScore 1260.
(2015). Tech Times.
(2015). Baptist Press.
(2015). KGO Radio San Francisco.
(2015). 3WL 1350 AM (New Orleans).
(2015). CBS News (New York Local News).
(2015). National Public Radio (NPR).
(2015). Larry Brown Sports.
(2015). New York State Bar Association State Bar News.
(2015). The Docket: American Bar Association Journal.
(2015). CBS New York.
(2015). San Francisco Chronicle.
(2015). Chicago Tribune.
(2015). Detroit Speaks w/ Cliff Russell AM 1200/99.9 FM WCHB.
(2015). Legal Sports Report.
(2015). Front Office Sports.
(2015). Legal Sports Report.
(2015). The Hill.
(2015). Boston.com.
(2015). ABC News (ABC.com).
(2015). ESPN.com.
(2015). Associated Press.
(2015). Sports Illustrated.com.
(2015). Al Jazeera Television.
(2015). ESPN Radio (104.5 The Team, Albany).
(2015). Bloomberg.com.
(2015). AL.com.
(2015). Foturne.
(2015). The News Star (Monroe, LA).
(2015). Grand Folks Herald (Fargo, ND).
(2015). Forex Report Daily.
(2015). Legal Sports Report.
(2015). The Mitch Albom Show, WJR-AM 760 (Detroit).
(2015). Wall Street Journal Law Blog.
(2015). St. Louis Business Journal.
(2015). The Boston Globe.
(2015). Autoblog.
(2015). CNBC.
(2015). Business Insurance.
(2015). Runners World.
(2015). The Guardian.
(2015). International Business Times.
(2015). The Guardian.
(2015). USA Today.
(2015). NBC.com.
(2015). The Irish Times.
(2015). IGaming Business.
(2015). Washington Post.
(2015). The State News (Lansing, MI).
(2015). World Casino News.
(2015). Legal Sports Report.
(2015). The Fan 590 (Toronto).
(2015). Reuters.
(2015). Sirius XM Bleacher Report Interview.
(2015). Boston Herald.
(2015). Heartland Magazine.
(2015). American Soccer Now.
(2015). Sirius XM Bleacher Report Interview.
(2015). 740 AM The Game/WYGM .
(2015). Casino.org.
(2015). NBC.com.
(2015). Legal Sports Report.
(2015). Trib Live.
(2015). 99.9 The Fan -- ESPN Radio (North Carolina).
(2015). Al Jazeera.
(2015). WOR Radio AM710.
(2015). .
(2015). CBS News.
(2015). Fox 5 News (NY).
(2015). Associated Press.
(2015). Policy and Regulation Report - Global (PaRR Global) .
(2015). Fox 5 News (NY).
(2015). MSNBC Code Forward.
(2015). TheStreet.com.
(2015). USA Today.
(2015). Reuters Television.
(2015). ABC News (ABC.com).
(2015). WAMC Public Radio (Northeast Public Radio).
(2015). New York 1 (Time Warner News).
(2015). Back 9 Network.
(2015). WOR Radio AM710.
(2015). Pittsburgh Tribune Review.
(2015). San Francisco Chronicle.
(2015). New York Times.
(2015). New York 1 (Time Warner News).
(2015). International Business Times.
(2015). CBS News.
(2015). CNBC Closing Bell.
(2015). The Boston Globe.
(2015). The Fan 590 (Toronto).
(2015). The Tampa Tribune.
(2015). PaRR Global.
(2015). NewJersey.com.
(2015). Press of Atlantic City.
(2015). National Journal.
(2015). International Business Times.
(2015). Los Angeles Times.
(2015). San Francisco Chronicle.
(2015). NPR (90.9 WBUR).
(2015). NBC.com.
(2015). Boston Globe.
(2015). NBC News.com.
(2015). Fortune.com.
(2015). Complex Magazine.
(2015). Sirius XM Ch. 111 (Powered by Wharton School).
(2015). San Francisco Chronicle.
(2015). New York Times.
(2015). ProFootballTalk (NBC.com).
(2015). International Business Times.
(2015). Mother Jones.
(2014). Street.com, Behind The Sidelines.
Edelman, M. (2014). Florida State Football Players Miss the First Day of Class for College Football's National Championship Game.
Edelman, M. (2014). Syracuse Road to the Men's Basketball Championship Would Likely Cost Players 17 Days of Class; 24.2% of Overall Semester.
Edelman, M. (2014). Hall of Fame Electee Frank Thomas Favored Steroid Testing in Baseball since 1995.
Edelman, M. (2014). A-Rod Will Have a Tough Time Challenging His 162 Game Suspension in Court.
Edelman, M. (2014). The A-Rod Ruling Might Have Been Legally Wrong, But That Doesn't Make the Arbitrator Biased.
Edelman, M. (2014). The Proposed NFL Concussion Settlement is a Win for Retired Players and the League.
Edelman, M. (2014). As The NCAA Argues Non-Commercial Status, Three Men's Basketball Teams Miss the First Day of Class to Play on ESPN.
Edelman, M. (2014). Should the Major League Baseball Players Union Fire Frederic Horowitz for His A-Rod Decision?.
Edelman, M. (2014). Fantasy Sports Legal Issues Will Remain a Hot Topic in 2014.
Edelman, M. (2014). Why Two of Baseball's Past Arbitrators Might Have Been More Lenient on A-Rod's Suspension.
Edelman, M. (2014). Fantrax Has a Niche Hosting Daily Fantasy Sports Leagues.
Edelman, M. (2014). A-Rod's Decision to Sue Players Union May Be More Strategic Than Legal.
Edelman, M. (2014). Why Most Forms of Daily Fantasy Football are Illegal on Super Bowl Sunday.
Edelman, M. (2014). If Free To Enter, The Quicken Loans $1 Billion NCAA Tournament Pool Is Likely Legal.
Edelman, M. (2014). Twenty Years Ago Today, The California Supreme Court Upheld Mandatory Drug Testing In College Sports.
Edelman, M. (2014). Iowa Lawmakers Move To Limit 1880 Court Ruling; Legalize Play-For-Cash Fantasy Sports.
Edelman, M. (2014). If College Football Players Unionize, It May Hurt Their Antitrust Case Against The NCAA.
Edelman, M. (2014). 21 Reasons Why Student-Athletes Are Employees And Should Be Allowed To Unionize.
Edelman, M. (2014). The Legal Risk Of Super Bowl Squares Pools.
Edelman, M. (2014). Florida Court Allows Taking Of Private Land To Build A Major League Soccer Stadium Based On A Broad Application Of "Public Use" Doctrine.
Edelman, M. (2014). When It Comes To Paying College Athletes, Title IX Is Just A Red Herring.
Edelman, M. (2014). The NFL Age Requirement Was Briefly 'Sacked' Ten Years Ago Today.
Edelman, M. (2014). Yahoo!, CBS Sports, and ESPN Adopt Diverging Business Strategies For 2014 Fantasy Baseball.
Edelman, M. (2014). Is Your Online Fantasy Baseball League Legal?.
Edelman, M. (2014). Is CBS Pricing Itself Out Of The Fantasy Sports Marketplace?.
Edelman, M. (2014). How NCAA Greed Has Led To A Student-Athlete Uprising.
Edelman, M. (2014). FanDuel Blocks Washington Residents From Play-For-Cash Contests.
Edelman, M. (2014). Why Commissioner Silver's Attempt To Raise The NBA Age Requirement Is A Colossal Mistake.
Edelman, M. (2014). Yahoo! Partners With Quicken Loans On $1 Billion NCAA Tournament Bracket Challenge.
Edelman, M. (2014). Yahoo! Replaces CBS Sports As The Official Fantasy Game Of Major League Baseball.
Edelman, M. (2014). ESPN's NCAA Tournament Contest Does Not Guarantee A Prize To The Best Bracket; Are NCAA Leaders To Blame?.
Edelman, M. (2014). Comparing The Free 2014 NCAA Tournament Contests.
Edelman, M. (2014). What Is The Fair Market Wage For Playing In The NCAA Men's Basketball Tournament? Perhaps, $340,000?.
Edelman, M. (2014). Eight Reasons Why In March, NCAA Stands For 'Not Caring About Athletes'.
Edelman, M. (2014). Major League Baseball Reverses Course; Now Fully Endorses Daily Fantasy Sports .
Edelman, M. (2014). Commissioner Silver Continues To Legally Misstep On NBA Age Rule.
Edelman, M. (2014). NLRB Ruling: Northwestern Football Players Are Employees And May Unionize .
Edelman, M. (2014). Six Overlooked Aspects Of The NLRB Ruling That College Athletes Are Employees.
Edelman, M. (2014). Northwestern University Is Squandering The Golden Opportunity To Support Its Football Players.
Edelman, M. (2014). In Arizona, Operating Fantasy Sports Contests For Money Remains A Felony.
Edelman, M., & Zalan, K. (2014). College Athletes Deserve a Voice.
Discusses reasons why college athletes should have the legal right to unionize, should they so choose. http://www.usnews.com/debate-club/should-college-athletes-unionize/college-athletes-deserve-a-voice
Edelman, M. (2014). So Fresh, So Unclean: NCAA Tries To Make College Freshmen Into NBA Outcasts.
Edelman, M. (2014). NFL Lawyers Lose Again In American Needle; Case Likely Headed For Trial.
Edelman, M. (2014). The Truth About Gender Equity In College Sports And The College Athletes' Rights Movement.
Edelman, M. (2014). New NBA Age Rule: It's Not Okay If It's A Three-Way.
Edelman, M. (2014). Cheering The End Of Donald Sterling; Fearing The End Of Sports-Antitrust.
Edelman, M. (2014). Why NBA Owners Should Relish Donald Sterling's Expected Legal Challenge.
Edelman, M. (2014). Man In The Mirror: Why Daniel Snyder Could End Up Sharing Donald Sterling's Sorry Legacy If He Doesn't Act Fast .
Edelman, M. (2014). $1.8 Billion for the L.A. Clippers? That's 3.27 Times More Than Any Other NBA Team, and 120 Times the Team's Operating Income.
Edelman, M. (2014). The Donald Sterling Epilogue: Did His Racist Rant Make the Clippers More Valuable? .
Edelman, M. (2014). BetAmerica's Home Run Derby Tests the Outer Limits of Legal Sports Gaming .
Edelman, M. (2014). Expanding the NFL Into Europe Could Expose the League's Draft to Liability under EC Law.
Edelman, M. (2014). Don't Believe the Hype: Why the NCAA Will Likely Lose its Antitrust Case at Trial.
Edelman, M. (2014). What a Win for the Plaintiffs in O'Bannon v. NCAA Means for Sports Fans: More Power to the Athletic Conferences.
Edelman, M. (2014). O'Bannon v. NCAA Trial Begins Today: Is the College Sports Cartel About to Fall?.
Edelman, M. (2014). The NCAA's Newest Farce: Comparing its Concerted Restraints of Trade to Little League Baseball's Unilateral Licensing Practices.
Edelman, M. (2014). Analyzing Days 1-3 of the Ed O'Bannon Trial: A Sports Law Professor Plays 'Monday Morning Quarterback'.
Edelman, M. (2014). Why the O'Bannon v. NCAA Trial Matters to the Fantasy Sports Industry.
Edelman, M. (2014). Months After His A-Rod Ruling, Frederic Horowitz Surprisingly Remains Baseball's Impartial Arbitrator.
Edelman, M. (2014). Counterpoint: Today's Redskins Ruling Is Critically Important, Could Divide NFL Owners on Future Use of Team Name.
Edelman, M. (2014). Traveling with Ajax Soccer Could Give Daniel Snyder a Better Perspective on the Harm of "Redskins".
Edelman, M. (2014). As Legal Risks Decline, Sports Illustrated Rumored to Enter the Daily Fantasy Sports Marketplace.
Edelman, M. (2014). College Football Was Hugely Popular Long Before the NCAA's Restraints.
Edelman, M. (2014). Despite Increased Market Pressures, CBS Keeps Its Fantasy Football Payout Rate Below the Competition.
Edelman, M. (2014). Lindsay Lohan's New Lawsuit Could Impact NFL Players And College Sports Video Games.
Edelman, M. (2014). IAC Rumored to be Selling DraftStreet Assets to DraftKings; Will Antitrust Scrutiny Follow?.
Edelman, M. (2014). Committee On Uniform Athlete Agents Act Meets Today.
Edelman, M. (2014). The Daily Fantasy Sports Shakeup -- DraftStreet Out; Sports Illustrated In; DraftKings Gets Bigger; FanDuel Still Biggest.
Edelman, M. (2014). NFL Launches Pay-to-Enter Fantasy Football in 43 States.
Edelman, M. (2014). Removing the NCAA Name-and-Likeness Release Is Just 'Smoke and Mirrors' in the Fight for College Athlete Rights.
Edelman, M. (2014). Will Major League Baseball's Recent Statements Lead Yahoo!, CBS Sports and Others into the 'Daily Fantasy Sports' Market?.
Edelman, M. (2014). Ray Rice Suspension Is in Line with NFL Precedent for Domestic Abuse, But Not with Goodell's Other Punishments.
Edelman, M. (2014). Yahoo!, CBS, ESPN and the NFL Are Using Pay-To-Play Fantasy Football To Drive Website Traffic In Fall 2014.
Edelman, M. (2014). Could A Water Main Break Derail The Daily Fantasy Sports Industry?.
Edelman, M. (2014). Is Your Fantasy Football League Legal?.
Edelman, M. (2014). Major League Baseball Lifts Its Signage Restrictions On Daily Fantasy Sports.
Edelman, M. (2014). The Renaissance Of Baseball's Ivy League Control Pitchers.
Edelman, M. (2014). Kansas Takes Steps To Outlaw Fantasy Football: Bad News For Yahoo!, CBS, And The NFL.
Edelman, M. (2014). Why Fantasy Football Websites Don't Offer Pay-To-Enter Survivor Pools.
Edelman, M. (2014). Kansas Gaming Commission Backtracks After Fantasy Football Faux Pas; Replaces Claims Of Illegality With Useless Double-Talk.
Edelman, M. (2014). Why The NFL's Indefinite Ban Of Ray Rice Won't Stand.
Edelman, M. (2014). Should College Athletes Be Paid?.
Solicited author to explain argument of why college athletes should have a right to accept pay.
Edelman, M. (2014). If The NFL Opposes Sports Gambling In New Jersey, It Shouldn't Play Football Games In London.
Edelman, M. (2014). Updating The Legal Status Of Fantasy Basketball.
Edelman, M. (2014). Yahoo! Abandons Play-for-Cash Fantasy Basketball.
Edelman, M. (2014). Global Brands Are Using Fantasy Sports In Their Marketing Mix.
Edelman, M. (2014). Controversial U.S. Sports Gambling Law Turns 22 Years Old.
Edelman, M. (2014). 'Betting' On Legalization: Yahoo! Launches Texas-Holdem Poker Portal.
Edelman, M. (2014). Todd Gurley Suspension Showcases The NCAA Cartel At Its Worst.
Edelman, M. (2014). NFL Is Running Out Of Time To Define "Sports Gambling" On Its Own Terms.
Edelman, M. (2014). Yahoo! Can Improve Its Texas Hold'em Game By Replacing Entry Fees With Prizes.
Edelman, M. (2014). U.S. Lawyer Finishes Top 10 In 2014 NYC Marathon.
Edelman, M. (2014). NFL Fans Should Expect Ray Rice's Suspension Overturned.
Edelman, M. (2014). Ray Rice Will Find A New NFL Team If He Is Still An Elite Running Back.
Edelman, M. (2014). Todd Gurley's Suspension: Just One More Reason Why College Athletes Need A 'Union'.
Edelman, M. (2014). FanDuel Hires Richard Sherman As Endorser Despite Contest's Illegality In Washington.
Edelman, M. (2014). Unilever And Gillette Fight For Fantasy Football Ad Space.
Edelman, M. (2014). NFL's Handling Of The Adrian Peterson Suspension Cannot Be Compared To Ray Rice Debacle.
Edelman, M. (2014). Adam Silver's View On Sports Gambling: Imperfect But Refreshingly Honest.
Edelman, M. (2014). Why Todd Gurley Should Have Said 'No' To NCAA Reinstatement.
Edelman, M. (2014). Kenyan Marathoners: The Next Great Doping Scandal?.
Edelman, M. (2014). Daily Fantasy Sports Hedge Funds: Coming Soon To A Market Near You?.
Edelman, M. (2014). In The NFL, Personal Conduct Matters ... Sometimes.
Edelman, M. (2014). Why Florida's Dante Fowler Jr. Should Leave College Football Today, And Not At Season's End.
Edelman, M. (2014). Ray Rice Decision Expected By Thanksgiving; NFL Reinstatement Seems Likely.
Edelman, M. (2014). 21 Storylines That Make Fans Thankful For Sports In 2014.
Edelman, M. (2014). Ray Rice's NFL Reinstatement Should Surprise Nobody.
Edelman, M. (2014). Redskins-Colts Game Highlights More 'Arbitrary and Capricious' Conduct Under NFL Personal Conduct Policy.
Edelman, M. (2014). Yahoo! To Shut Down Texas-Holdem Poker Portal.
Edelman, M. (2014). FanDuel Sued In Florida Court Over "Double Your Deposit" Promotion.
Edelman, M. (2014). Do Athlete Endorsements Still Matter In Daily Fantasy Sports?.
Edelman, M. (2014). NFL Is Running Out Of Time To Resolve Adrian Peterson's Suspension Appeal.
Edelman, M. (2014). Why The New NFL Personal Conduct Policy Violates Federal Labor Law.
Edelman, M. (2014). NFL Upholds Adrian Peterson's Suspension, Even Though Jim Irsay Got Just Six Games For His Misdemeanor.
Edelman, M. (2014). It's Friday 4:00 P.M.: Do You Know Where The Adrian Peterson Arbitration Ruling Is?.
Edelman, M. (2014). Illegal Procedure? Rob Gronkowski Endorses Two Daily Fantasy Sports Games In The Same Season.
Edelman, M. (2014). Charles Schwab Is The Latest Company To Add Fantasy Football To Its Marketing Mix.
Edelman, M. (2014). U. of Michigan Said To Offer Harbaugh Nearly 10 Times Its President's Salary To Coach Football Team.
(2014). Christian Science Monitor.
(2014). Financial Times.
(2014). 590 THE FAN Toronto.
(2014). WHYY/Newsworks (Philadelphia).
(2014). Law 360.
(2014). Chicago Sun-Times.
(2014). Sportsnet 590 THE FAN Toronto.
(2014). WWWL 1350am (New Orleans).
(2014). Lansing City Pulse.
(2014). Washington Post / Volokh Conspiracy.
(2014). Sirius XM Fantasy Network (Ch. 87, Sirius 210).
(2014). CBS Radio 880 (CBS Network News).
(2014). Daily Journal (California).
(2014). Sports Illustrated.
(2014). Forbes SportsMoney.
(2014). WWWL 1350am (New Orleans).
(2014). Above the Law Redline.
(2014). Reuters Legal.
(2014). Boston.com.
(2014). 98.3 FM KPPC (Southern California).
(2014). Ron Kaplan's Baseball Bookshelf.
(2014). Law 360.
(2014). Slate.
(2014). The Brooklyn Paper.
(2014). Wall Street Journal (Online).
(2014). Associated Press (also published by Sports Illustrated & CSNBC).
(2014). Newsday.
(2014). 740 The Game (WYGM Orlando).
(2014). 92.9 “The Game” (CBS Radio Atlanta).
(2014). Newsday.
(2014). Smithsonian.com.
(2014). Campus Governance Ticker (University of Kansas).
(2014). Sports Illustrated Online.
(2014). Deadspin.
(2014). CBS Sports (CBSSports.com).
(2014). NJTV News with Mike Schneider.
(2014). AZ Central (A Gannett Company).
(2014). ESPN.com.
(2014). CBC Network (Lang & O'Leary Exchange).
(2014). Cleveland Plain Dealer.
(2014). MacLean's (Canada).
(2014). KGNU Denver (88.5 FM/1390 AM).
(2014). Decatur Daily (Tennessee Valley, TN).
(2014). 89.3 KPPC (Sourthern California).
(2014). International Business Times.
(2014). 590 The Fan Toronto.
(2014). Newsday.
(2014). Scripps Broadcasting Network.
(2014). New York Times.
(2014). The Hollywood Reporter.
(2014). American Bar Association Journal.
(2014). International Business Times.
(2014). The Buffalo News.
(2014). CBS Sports (CBSSports.com).
(2014). The Buffalo News.
(2014). Bloomberg News.
(2014). Charleston Post Carrier.
(2014). Sacramento Business Journal.
(2014). CNN.
(2014). AM 970 The Answer: New York.
(2014). Sirius XM Radio.
(2014). Bloomberg Businessweek.com.
(2014). Forbes.
(2014). Associated Press (also published by San Francisco Chronicle among others)).
(2014). Sports on Earth.
(2014). International Business Times.
(2014). Buzzfeed.
(2014). Washington Times.
(2014). 100/5 FM KXNT & 1140 AM KXST (Las Vegas, NV).
(2014). Slate.
(2014). Daily Journal.
(2014). Sportsnet 590 The Fan (Toronto).
(2014). Bleacher Report.
(2014). WBAL 1090 AM (Baltimore).
(2014). 92.9 The Game (Atlanta) -- CBS Affiliate.
(2014). The Kansas City Star.
(2014). Business Insider.
(2014). The Washington Post.
(2014). Fox Business (Varney & Co.).
(2014). International Business Times.
(2014). International Business Times.
(2014). Associated Press (also published by ESPN.com, Washington Post, and Newsday).
(2014). Blog Talk Radio.
(2014). 590 The Fan Toronto.
(2014). HuffPost Live (Huffington Post Video).
(2014). CBS Sports Radio (National Broadcast).
(2014). 92.9 “The Game” (CBS Radio Atlanta).
(2014). CNN News.
(2014). New Hampshire Public Radio.
(2014). CNN News.
(2014). New York Times.
(2014). International Business Times.
(2014). Florida Courier.
(2014). 100.5 FM KXBT / 1140 AM KXST (Las Vegas, NV).
(2014). LA Weekly.
(2014). National Post (Toronto).
(2014). KABC (California).
(2014). Albany Times Union.
(2014). New York Business Journal.
(2014). Casino.com.
(2014). The Daily Tarheel.
(2014). USA Today.
(2014). The New York Times.
(2014). Above the Law.
(2014). Golf.com.
(2014). ESPN.
(2014). Atlanta Journal Constitution (blog).
(2014). Atlanta Black Star.
(2014). Yellow Hammer.
(2014). MSNBC -- Up with Steve Kornacki.
(2014). Associated Press (also published Fox Sports & others).
(2014). 77 WABC Radio New York (The Ride Home withPat Kiernan and Rita Cosby ).
(2014). Time Magazine.
(2014). 590 THE FAN Toronto.
(2014). Sports Cheat Sheet.
(2014). 740 The Game/WYGM (Orlando, FL).
(2014). Poker News.
(2014). SportsNet 590 The Fan Toronto.
(2014). Newsday.
(2014). 100.5FM KXNT/1140 AM KXST Las Vegas, NV.
(2014). The Daily Aztec.
(2014). International Business Times.
(2014). 88.7 FM WRHU.
(2014). Daily Journal (California).
(2014). Sacramento Business Journal.
(2014). 590 THE FAN Toronto.
(2014). The Atlantic.
(2014). 100.5FM KXNT/1140 AM KXST Las Vegas, NV.
(2014). ValueWalk.
(2014). Law 360.
(2014). Gaming Today.
(2014). New Jersey Star-Ledger.
(2014). 590 The Fan Toronto.
(2014). International Business Times.
(2014). Wichita Eagle.
(2014). Miami Herald.
(2014). Associated Press (also published by various other sources).
(2014). Forbes SportsMoney.
(2013). The Ticker (Baruch College's School Newspaper).
Edelman, M. (2013). Startups are Signing Endorsers by Paying Them Equity, But at What Legal Risk?.
Edelman, M. (2013). Pablo Sandoval's Endorsement of Daily Fantasy Sports Could Trigger Major League Baseball Scrutiny.
Edelman, M. (2013). The Pros and Cons of Hiring Jay-Z As a Player Agent.
Edelman, M. (2013). Is it Time to End the NBA Draft?.
Edelman, M. (2013). Will Paying the NFL Concussion Settlement Pave the Way for an Expansion Team in Los Angeles?.
Edelman, M. (2013). Is it Legal to Play in NFL Survivor Pools for Money?.
Edelman, M. (2013). Monday Night Football Will Showcase the NFL's Hypocrisy on Hate Speech.
Edelman, M. (2013). CBS Sports Inches Closer to 'Daily Fantasy Football'.
Edelman, M. (2013). Will NCAA Concussion Lawsuit Be the Next to Settle?.
Edelman, M. (2013). New Partnership Indicates FSTA is Warming to 'Daily Fantasy Sports'.
Edelman, M. (2013). FanDuel Secures an Important Victory in Daily Fantasy Sports Lawsuit; However Plaintiff Plans to Appeal.
Edelman, M. (2013). Is Your Fantasy Basketball League Legal?.
Edelman, M. (2013). Federal Court Ruling Paves the Way for Class Action Antitrust Challenge to NCAA Amateurism Rules.
Edelman, M. (2013). Why the NCAA Could Lose the O'Bannon Lawsuit.
Edelman, M. (2013). NBA/Yahoo! Fantasy Basketball Partnership Enters Year Two.
Edelman, M. (2013). The NCAA Claims to Support Athletes Turning Pro Early; I Call Hogwash.
Edelman, M. (2013). How Sunday's Philadelphia Snow Storm Impacts the Fantasy Football Industry.
Edelman, M. (2013). Should College Student-Athletes Be Paid?.
Edelman, M. (2013). Pennsylvania Governor to File Antitrust Lawsuit against NCAA.
Edelman, M. (2013). CBS Sports Moves into Riskier Fantasy Games.
Edelman, M. (2013). Fantasy Golf: Yahoo!'s Ticket to Improved Online Advertising Sales?.
Edelman, M. (2013). Rashard Mendenhall Settles Lawsuit with Hanesbrands over Morals Clause.
Edelman, M. (2013). MLB's New 'Fantasy Sports' Strategy: Selling Ad Space to Other Fantasy Host Sites.
Edelman, M. (2013). Will Lawsuit Help to Clarify the Legal Status of Daily Fantasy Sports?.
Edelman, M. (2013). Did Comcast Invest in FanDuel Too Soon?.
Edelman, M. (2013). Will an Empty Marlins Park Create Backlash Against Sports Stadium Subsidies?.
Edelman, M. (2013). Are NCAA Tournament Bracket Pools Legal?.
Edelman, M. (2013). Appellate Court Decision in Hart v. Electronic Arts Is a Win for Athletes and Entertainers Everywhere.
Edelman, M. (2013). Lawyer Who Sued FanDuel Brings Another Gambling Lawsuit Against Winner of DraftDay Contest.
Edelman, M. (2013). Will the New Uniform Athlete Agents Act Continue to Pander to the NCAA?.
Edelman, M. (2013). Is the Fantasy Sports Trade Association Becoming More Legally Savvy?.
Edelman, M. (2013). Is Concussion Litigation the Nest Big Threat to the NCAA?.
Edelman, M. (2013). Why the District Court's Decision in Penn State was Wrong.
Edelman, M. (2013). Daily Fantasy Sports Websites Benefit from Higher Tolerance to Legal Risk.
Edelman, M. (2013). The Biggest Problem with the Team Name Redskins Lies With the NFL's Unique Labor Market.
(2013). The Daily Tar Heel.
(2013). Newsday.com.
(2013). International Business Times.
(2013). CDC Gaming Reports.
(2013). ESPN.com (Outside the Lines).
(2013). 590 THE GAME Toronto.
(2013). The State News (East Lansing, MI).
(2013). Law 360.
(2013). Los Angeles TImes.
(2013). Associated Press / Washington Post / ESPN.com.
(2013). Law360.
(2013). USA Today.
(2013). MSN Money.
(2013). Law 360.
(2013). Washington Times.
(2013). Crains New York .
(2013). As the World Turns Left Blog.
(2013). New York Times.
(2013). TSN 1050 (Toronto).
(2013). Yahoo! Sports.
(2013). San Francisco Chronicle.
(2013). Newark Star-Ledger.
(2013). Law 360.
(2013). Philadelphia Business Journal.
(2013). Bloomberg Law (via YouTube).
(2013). The Ticker (Baruch Daily Newspaper).
(2013). Chicago Daily Bulletin / Chicago Lawyer Magazine.
(2013). KT AM Radio (92.3, Phoenix Arizona).
(2013). TheHockeyWriters.com.
(2013). Sirius Radio, Mad Dog Radio Ch, 86.
(2013). FoxNews.com.
(2013). Sportsnet 590 The Fan (Toronto).
(2013). WHYY Philadelphia (Online Website).
(2013). Al Jazeera America.
(2013). Law 360.
(2013). Associated Press.
(2013). USA Today.
(2013). 590 The Fan Toronto.
(2013). Law 360.
(2013). 740 The Game (WYGM Orlando).
(2013). 740 The Game/WYGM.
(2013). Sportsnet 590 The Fan (Toronto).
(2013). Associated Press.
(2013). The Wall Street Journal.
(2012). Christian Science Monitor.
Edelman, M. (2012). NBC/Yahoo! Partnership is Trouble for Fox.
Edelman, M. (2012). Hockey Union Begins Vote to Disband: Antitrust Lawsuit Next?.
Edelman, M. (2012). Why a Cap on College Coaches' Salaries Would Be Illegal.
(2012). Los Angeles Times (reprinted by Chicago Tribune).
(2012). Sirius XM, Mad Dog Radio (Ch. 86).
(2012). ESPN.com.
(2012). Toledo Blade.
(2012). The Washington Times.
(2012). The Harvard Crimson.
(2012). The Washington Times.
(2012). FoxBusiness.com.
(2011). AmericanLawyer.com.
(2011). Law 360.
(2011). Siruis XM (Mad Dog Radio, Ch. 86).
(2011). Chicago Daily Law Bulletin (Chicago Lawyer).
(2011). St. Petersburg Times.
(2011). Tampa Tribune.
(2011). USA Today.
(2011). USA Today.
(2011). USA Today.
(2010). American Bar Association Journal.
Edelman, M. (2010). American Needle Ruling May Have Impact in Other Areas of Sports Business.
(2010). Rip Ten Magazing.
(2010). Sun Sentinel (Fort Lauderdale, FL).
(2010). Globe and Mail (Toronto, CA).
(2010). Tampa Tribune.
(2010). Washington Post.
(2010). Washington Times.
(2009). Associated Press.
(2009). Orlando Sentinel.
(2009). 92.9 KICK FM (Winnipeg, Manitoba).
(2009). ESPN.com.
(2009). National Post (Canada).
(2009). Globe & Mail (Toronto, CA).
(2009). Globe and Mail (Toronto, CA).
(2009). The Hollywood Reporter.
(2009). Wall Street Journal Online.
(2009). Arizona Republic.
(2009). Commonwealth.
(2009). New Jersey Jewish News.
(2008). The AM Law Daily.
Edelman, M. (2008). Single-Entity Sports Ruling: ‘Needle’ in a Haystack.
Edelman, M. (2008). MLB Owners Missed Golden Opportunity (Benefits of a Neutral Commissioner.
Edelman, M. (2008). Single Entity Status (of AFL) Must Pass Legal Test.
(2008). TheStreet.com.
(2008). The AM Law Daily.
(2008). AM Law Daily .
(2008). AM Law Daily .
(2008). USA Today Sports Weekly.
(2008). Law 360.
(2008). Seattle Post Intelligencer.
(2008). Computerworld.
(2008). Computerworld.
(2008). Computerworld.
(2008). Computerworld.
(2008). 4Ps Business & Marketing (New Delhi, India).
(2008). 710 KIRO (Seattle, WA).
(2008). Seattle Post-Intelligencer .
(2008). 710 KIRO (Seattle, WA).
(2008). Computerworld.
(2008). Competition 360.
(2008). Seattle Post-Intelligencer.
(2008). Competition Law 360.
(2008). WPIX 1060 (syndicated in six New England states).
(2007). Santa Monica Daily Press.
(2007). Competition Law 360.
(2007). Financial Times.
(2007). Competition Law 360.
(2007). Maryland Lawyer (Daily Record).
(2007). ESPN the Magazine.
(2007). ESPN.com.
(2007). LawyersUSA.
(2007). Jacksonville Times-Union.
Edelman, M. (2007). Time for CFL to Rethink Suspension Rule.
Edelman, M. (2007). Fan Ownership Can Give UFL a Leg Up On Building Loyalty.
Edelman, M. (2005). Strike Against Diamond Diplomacy (US Trade Policy Involving Cuba).
Edelman, M. (2003). Clarett's Run to Court No Sure Score.
Edelman, M. (2020, December 4). College Sports in the Supreme Court. American Bar Association Panel Debate. Zoom: American Bar Association.
Edelman, M. (2020, February 6). Vaulted into Victims: Preventing Further Sexual Abuse in U.S. Olympic Sports through Unionization and Improved Governance. University of Arizona Law Review Keynote Address and Fireside Chat. Tucson, AZ: University of Arizona Law School.
Edelman, M. (2020, February 21). Sports Gambling and Fantasy Sports After the Supreme Court Decision in Murphy v. NCAA. University of Pennsylvania Law School's 7th Annual Sports Law Symposium. Philadelphia, PA: University of Pennsylvania Law School.
Edelman, M. (2020, February 28). The NCAA, Fair Pay to Play, Antitrust Scrutiny, and the Need for Institutional Reform. Wake Forest Law School Journal of Business and Intellectual Property Law Annual Symposium. Winston Salem, NC: Wake Forest Law School.
Edelman, M. (2020, March 10). (1) Intellectual Property Issues in Sports Gambling; (2) Sports Gambling Versus Fantasy Sports; (3) Sports Gambling Panel. Seton Hall Law School Gaming Law, Compliance and Integrity Inaugural Bootcamp. Newark, NJ: Seton Hall Law School.
Edelman, M. (2020, August 18). Name, Image and Likeness in College Sports. University of Florida Law School Sports Law Program. Gainesville, FL: Florida Law School.
Edelman, M. (2020, October 15). Antitrust and Labor Issues in College Sports. National Association of Attorney Generals Antitrust and Labor Issues in College Sports. Zoom: National Association of Attorney Generals.
Edelman, M. (2020, November 6). Chartering a Future of Intercollegiate Athletics Without the NCAA. University of Virginia Sports & Entertainment Law School Speaker Series. Zoom: University of Virginia Law School.
Edelman, M. (2020, October 22). College Football, COVID and Dollars: the NCAA's Ethical Obligations to Student-Athletes. Robert Zicklin Center: One-on-One with Larry Zicklin. New York, NY (Zoom): The Robert Zicklin Center for Corporate Integrity at Baruch College’s Zicklin School of Business.
Edelman, M. (2020, October 20). Legal Issues in Esports. Harvard Law School Sports Law Symposium. Cambridge, MA (Zoom): Harvard Law School.
Edelman, M. (2019, October 3). The Importance of Protecting Student Athletes and Olympic Athletes from Abuse and Exploitation. University of Baltimore Law School Presentation. Baltimore, MD: University of Baltimore Law School.
Edelman, M. (2019, February 15). Intellectual Property Issues in Sports Gambling. 6th Annual NYU Law School Sports Law Colloquium. New York, NY: NYU Law School.
Edelman, M. (2019, February 22). Power in Numbers: The Benefits of Unionization and the Challenges Players Associations Confront. University of Pennsylvania Law School's 6th Annual Sports Law Symposium. Philadelphia, PA: University of Pennsylvania Law School.
Edelman, M. (2019, February 22). Sports Gambling and Fantasy Sports. 23th Annual Fordham Sports Law Symposium. New York, NY: Fordham University School of Law.
Edelman, M. (2019, May 15). Reforming U.S. Women's Gymnastics. SLA Conference Academic Paper Session. Phoenix, AZ: Sports Lawyers Association.
Edelman, M. (2019, February 5). Colin Kaepernick, Donald Trump and NFL Players' Rights to Protest. St. John's Law School Speaker Series. Queens, NY: St. John's Law Review and St. John's Sports and Entertainment Law Society.
Edelman, M. (2019, February 4). Sports Gambling in the Aftermath of Murphy v. NCAA. Federal Bar Association, Eastern District of Pennsylvania, Speaker Series. Philadelphia, PA: Drinker Biddle.
Edelman, M. (2018, February 9). Big League Litigation. University of Pennsylvania Law School's 5th Annual Sports Law Symposium. Philadelphia, PA: University of Pennsylvania Law School.
Edelman, M. (2018, April 8). The Compensation and Equitable Treatment of College Athletes: A Distinctly American Problem. Southwestern University of Finance and Economics (China) Speaker Series. Chengdu, Sichuan Province, China: SWUFE School of Sports Science and Physical Education.
Edelman, M., & Baker, T. A. (2018, June 21). Redesigning U.S. Intercollegiate Athletics to Better Conform With UNESCO’s Best Practices in Student Affairs. 18th Annual Conference of the European Academy of Management, Sports Track. Reykjavik, Iceland: European Academy of Management (EURAM).
Edelman, M. (2018, September 13). Off the Field: Addressing the Intersection of Sports and Politics, Economics and Society. Grinnell College Rosenfeld Program in Public Affairs, Speaker Series. Grinnell, IA: Grinnell College Rosenfield Program in Public Affairs, International Relations and Human Rights.
Edelman, M. (2018, October 4). Free Speech in Sports. Cardozo Arts & Entertainment Law Journal Speaker Series. New York, NY: Cardozo Arts & Entertainment Law Journal.
Edelman, M. (2017, October 26). Ezekiel Elliott, Colin Kaepernick and Player Discipline in the NFL. Cardozo Sports & Entertainment Law Society. New York, NY: Cardozo Sports & Entertainment Law Society.
Edelman, M. (2017, January 27). Emerging Trends: College Sports After O'Bannon v. NCAA. Blurring Line$: Emerging Trends and Issues in Sports and Gaming Law. Baton Rouge, LA: LSU Law School & Louisiana Law Review.
Edelman, M. (2017, March 3). Winners and Losers under America's New Daily Fantasy Sports Laws. 30th Annual Sport and Recreation Law Conference. Las Vegas, NV: Sport and Recreation Law Association ("SRLA").
Edelman, M. (2017, March 9). On the Future of Sports Gambling. Fifth Annual Cardozo Sports Law Symposium. New York, NY: Cardozo Law School.
Edelman, M. (2017, March 24). Pay for Play for Student Athletes: Applying Antitrust Laws to the NCAA. 21th Annual Fordham Sports Law Symposium. New York, NY: Fordham University School of Law.
Edelman, M. (2017, April 14). team Relocation and League Expansion. 6th Annual Sports Law Colloquium. New York, NY: New York University Law School.
Edelman, M. (2017, August 9). Legalization of Sports Betting. 17th Annual Saratoga Institute on Equine, Racing and Gaming. Saratoga, NY: Albany Law School & American Bar Association Business Law Section.
Edelman, M. (2016, July 13). Daily Fantasy Sports. National Council on Problem Gambling Sports Summit. Tarrytown, NY: National Council on Problem Gambling.
Edelman, M. (2016, April 1). Daily Fantasy Leagues. 20th Annual Fordham Sports Law Symposium. New York, NY: Fordham University School of Law.
Edelman, M. (2016, March 26). Debate on NCAA Antitrust Exemption. College Athletes' Rights and Empowerment Conference. Lawrence, KS: Drexel University.
Edelman, M. (2016, March 18). Addressing Current Legal Issues in Daily Fantasy Sports. Fourth Annual Cardozo Sports Law Symposium. New York, NY: Cardozo Law School.
Edelman, M. (2016, March 17). The Legal Status of Fantasy Sports. Town Hall Discussion on Sports, Gambling, and Online Sports Gambling. Concord, NH: University of New Hampshire.
Edelman, M. (2016, February 5). Legal Issues in Daily Fantasy Sports. The Big Business of the Game: Wake Forest Journal of Business and Intellectual Property Law Symposium. Winston Salem, NC: Wake Forest Law School Journal of Business and Intellectual Property Law.
Edelman, M. (2016, February 19). The Evolving Role and Legal Position of Daily Fantasy Sports. 3rd Annual Penn Law Sports Law Symposium. Philadelphia, PA: Penn Sports & Entertainment Law Society.
Edelman, M. (2016, March 4). Daily Fantasy Sports and Sports Gambling. 26th Annual DePaul Law Review Symposium. Chicago, IL: DePaul Law School.
Edelman, M. (2016, March 16). A Sure Bet: The Legal Status of Daily Fantasy Sports. White Plains, NY: Pace Law School Forum on Intellectual Property, Sports and Entertainment Law.
Edelman, M. (2016, August 10). Blurring the Line: Implications of the Next Generation of Gaming Including Fantasy Sports. 16th Annual Saratoga Institute on Equine, Racing and Gaming Law. Saratoga, NY: Albany Law School.
Edelman, M. (2016, September 8). Native American Imagery in North American Sports: Fair or Foul?. Robert Zicklin Center Speaker Series. New York, NY: The Robert Zicklin Center for Corporate Integrity at Baruch College’s Zicklin School of Business.
Edelman, M. (2016, March 11). Sports Commissioners' Powers to Curb Native American Mascots. 20th Annual Tribal Law & Government Conference. Lawrence, KS: University of Kansas.
Edelman, M. (2016, September 9). Legal Issues in Fantasy Sports and Sports Gambling. ABA Business Law Section on Gaming Law. Boston, MA: American Bar Association, Section on Business Law.
Edelman, M. (2016, October 21). Amateurism, Economics, Employment and Pay within Collegiate Athletics. The Changing Landscape of Intercollegiate Athletics: Legal and Business Issues. Milwaukee, MI: Marquette University, National Sports Law Institute.
Edelman, M. (2016, November 9). Fantasy Sports, Gaming Law, and Assessing Legal Risk. Cardozo Gaming Law Association. New York, NY: Cardozo Law School.
Edelman, M. (2016, January 15). Legal Issues in Daily Fantasy Sports. Duke Law Sixth Annual Sports & Entertainment Law Symposium. Durham, NC: Duke Law School.
Edelman, M. (2016, September 8). Native American Imagery in North American Sports: Fair or Foul?. New York, NY: Robert Zicklin Center for Corporate Integrity.
Edelman, M. (2015, December 4). Basics in Antitrust Law, and the Players' Rights Movement. Arena Football League Players Union Annual Meeting. Atlanta, GA: Arena Football League Players Union.
Edelman, M. (2015, November 13). Morals Clauses AND Legal Issues in Daily Fantasy Sports. Valparaiso Sports Law Symposium. Valparaiso, Indiana: Valparaiso Law School.
Edelman, M. (2015, November 11). Legal Issues in Daily Fantasy Sports. NY City Bar Ass’n Sports Law Committee.. New York, NY: NY City Bar Association.
Edelman, M. (2015, November 6). Game Change: The NCAA's New Autonomy Structure. 5th Annual Mississippi Sports Law Review Symposium. Oxford, MI: University of Mississippi Law School.
Edelman, M. (2015, August 9). Current Legal Issues in Sports Industry: A 2014-15 Year in Review. Academy of Legal Studies in Business 2015 Annual Conference. Philadelphia, PA: Academy of Legal Studies in Business.
Edelman, M. (2015, July 8). Where Fantasy Meets Reality: An Overview of the Legal Issues in the Fantasy Sports Industry. Where Fantasy Meets Reality: An Overview of the Legal Issues in the Fantasy Sports Industry. Phone Conference: Practicing Law Institute.
Edelman, M. (2015, June 16). Legal Issues in Fantasy Sports. The Sports Report: Sports, Consumer Protection, and Antitrust – What’s Hot in 2015. Teleconference Presentation: American Bar Association, Consumer Protection Committee.
Edelman, M. (2015, June 11). Sports Law: NCAA Lawsuits and Potential Fantasy Sports Litigation. Nassau County Bar Association, Committee on Sports, Entertainment and Media Meeting. Mineola, NY: Nassau County Bar Association.
Edelman, M. (2015, April 3). Solving Football's Off-Field Crisis. 4th Annual NYU Law School Sports Law Colloquium. New York, NY: NYU Law School.
Edelman, M. (2015, April 3). How Antitrust Law Could Ultimately Fix the NCAA: Section One of the Sherman Act and the Hope for Change. Rutgers Law Journal Annual Sympoisum. Newark, NJ: Rutgers Law School.
Edelman, M. (2015, April 1). The Power of the Public: How Fans Affect Team Ownership & League Management. New York State Bar Association's Ninteenth Annual Symposium on Current Legal Issues in Sports Law. New York, NY: Fordham Law School.
Edelman, M. (2015, March 20). Legal Issues in Fantasy Sports. The New Era in Gaming Law Symposium. Highland Heights, Kentucky: Northern Kentucky University Chase College of Law.
Edelman, M. (2015, March 6). Right of Publicity in Commerical Video Games. First Annual Fordham Law School Media & Entertainment Law Symposium. New York, NY: Fordham Law School Media & Entertainment Law Society.
Edelman, M. (2015, March 2). Legal History of NCAA Amateurism. New York City Bar Association, Legal History Committee. New York, NY: New York City Bar Association.
Edelman, M. (2015, February 13). The Emergence of Conglomerate Sports Agencies Including those with an Entertainment Representation Component. Penn Law Sports Law Symposium. Philadelphia, PA: University of Pennsylvania Law School.
Edelman, M. (2015, February 6). Using Eminent Domain to Build Sports Stadiums and Arenas. Richard E. Nelson Symposium. Gainesville, FL: University of Florida Law School.
Edelman, M. (2015, January 29). Amateur In Name Only? The Intersection Between Antitrust Law and College Athletics. New York State Bar Association, Antitrust Committee Annual Meeting. New York, NY: New York State Bar Assocation.
Edelman, M. (2014, October 29). Fantasy Sports & the Law. Association of Corporate Counsel Annual Meeting. New Orleans, LA: Association of Corporate Counsel.
Edelman, M. (2014, December 5). Analysis of District Court Decision in O'Bannon v. NCAA. Antitrust and the NCAA: The O'Bannon Litigation and More. Washington, D.C. (Phone Participant): American Bar Association, Section of Antitrust Law.
Edelman, M. (2014, January 4). The NCAA's 'Death Penalty' Sanction: Reasonable Self-Governance or an Illegal Group Boycott in Disguise?. 16th Annual Federalist Society Faculty Meeting. New York, NY: Federalist Society.
Edelman, M. (2014, February 14). The New Face of Sports Agency: The Runner Rule and Roc Nation’s Challenge to Traditional Notions of Athlete Representation. New York State Bar Association's Eigteenth Annual Symposium on Current Legal Issues in Sports Law. New York, NY: Fordham Law School.
Edelman, M. (2014, February 14). Should Some Advantages be Allowable? The Argument Surrounding the Permissibility of Performance Enhancement. New York State Bar Association's Eighteenth Annual Symposium on Current Legal Issues in Sports Law. New York, NY: Fordham Law School.
Edelman, M. (2014, February 28). A Blurred Line: Issues Surrounding the Transition from Amateur to Professional Status in Sports. The Inaugural Penn Law Sports Law Symposium. Philadelphia, PA: University of Pennsylvania Law School.
Edelman, M. (2014, March 7). From Labor Law to Antitrust Law: Different Strategies To Increase Student-Athlete Rights. DePaul Journal of Sports Law & Contemporary Problems 2014 Symposium. Chicago, IL: DePaul Law School.
Edelman, M. (2014, March 28). The Rising Popularity of Participating in Fantasy Sports for Cash. Second Annual Cardozo Sports Law Symposium. New York, NY: Cardozo Law School.
Edelman, M. (2014, April 2). The Business of College Athletics: Should Student-Athletes Be Paid. University of Kansas, Robert J. Dole Institute of Politics Faculty Debate Series. Lawrence, KS: University of Kansas, Robert J. Dole Institute of Politics.
Edelman, M. (2014, April 4). Amateurism and Collegiate Athletes. University of Florida 2014 Sports Law Symposium. Gainesville, FL: Florida Law School.
Edelman, M. (2014, April 11). The NCAA In Crisis: The Crossroads of Intercollegiate Sports. University of Oregon Sports Law Symposium. Eugene, OR: University of Oregon Law Review.
Edelman, M. (2014, April 15). The Future of the NCAA. The Third Annual NYU Sports Law Colloquium. New York, NY: NYU Law School.
Edelman, M. (2014, September 18). . Panel Discussion on College Athlete Unionization. New York, NY: New York City Chapter of the Labor and Employment Relations Association.
Edelman, M. (2014, October 18). . Sports Law Works in Progress Conference. Milwaukee, WI: Marquette Law School.
Edelman, M. (2013, October 1). Pay to Play: Legal and Ethical Issues Surrounding College Sports and the NCAA. Robert Zicklin Center Speaker Series. New York, NY: The Robert Zicklin Center for Corporate Integrity at Baruch College’s Zicklin School of Business.
Edelman, M. (2013, November 9). Steroids and Drug Testing. Arizona State University Sandra Day O'Connor College of Law Fourth Annual Conference on Sports and Entertainment Law. Tempe, AZ: Arizona State University Sandra Day O'Connor College of Law.
Edelman, M. (2013, November 7). NCAA Amateurism and the Business of College Sports. Rutgers University School of Law-Camden 3rd Annual Sports & Entertainment Law Symposium. Camden, NJ: Rutgers School of Law-Camden.
Edelman, M. (2013, October 4). Why Professional Athletes File for Bankruptcy. Lewis & Clark Law Review Symposium. Portland, OR: Lewis & Clark Law School.
Edelman, M. (2013, April 19). Congressional Regulation in Sports. New York State Bar Association's Seventeenth Annual Symposium on Current Legal Issues in Sports Law. New York, NY: Fordham Law School.
Edelman, M. (2013, March 8). Hurdles: Legal Issues a Modern Athlete Must Overcome. DePaul Journal of Sports Law & Contemporary Problems 2013 Symposium. Chicago, IL: DePaul Law School.
Edelman, M. (2013, March 15). The Concussion Conundrum. Jeffrey S Moorad Sports Law Symposium. Villanova, PA: Villanova Law School.
Edelman, M. (2013, March 28). The Sports Stadium Experience. Harvard Law School Sports Law Symposium. Cambridge, MA: Harvard Law School.
Edelman, M. (2012, March 2). Money & Sports: Economic Realities of Being an Athlete. DePaul Journal of Sports Law & Contemporary Problems 2013 Symposium. Chicago, IL: DePaul Law School.
Edelman, M. (2012, March 30). The Globalization of American Sports. New York State Bar Association’s Sixteenth Annual Symposium on Current Legal Issues in Sports Law. New York, NY: Fordham Law School.
Edelman, M. (2012, May 16). Legal Issues in Online Gaming and Fantasy Sports. New Jersey State Bar Association Annual Meeting on Internet Gaming and Sports Wagering. Atlantic City, NJ: New Jersey Bar Association.
Edelman, M. (2012, November 10). Sports Law: Collision of Interests? Ethical Issues in the Representation of Athletes. Brooklyn Entertainment and Sports Law Society's Fourth Annual Panel Discussion. Brooklyn, NY: Brooklyn Law School.
Edelman, M. (2012, May 17). ‘Lin’tellectual Property: IP Issues in Representing Professional Athletes. Meeting of NY County Bar Association’s Entertainment. New York, NY: NY County Bar Association.
Edelman, M. (2011, June 20). Baseball and its Historic Antitrust Exemption. Meeting of the NYC Bar Association Legal History Committee. New York, NY: NYC Bar Association.
Edelman, M. (2011, November 4). The Legal Status of Amateur Athletics. New York Law School Sports Law Symposium. New York, NY: New York Law School.
Edelman, M. (2011, January 29). Implications of the Supreme Court’s Ruling in American Needle. Villanova Law School Sports & Entertainment Law Symposium. Villanova, PA: Villanova Law School.
Edelman, M. (2011, April 1). The Long-Term Effect of Concussions and Potential Legal Liability. New York State Bar Association’s Fifteenth Annual Symposium on Current Legal Issues in Sports Law. New York, NY: Fordham Law School.
Edelman, M. (2011, February 15). Labor Concerns in Sports and Entertainment. Seton Hall Sports & Entertainment Law Symposium. Newark, NJ: Seton Hall Law School.
Edelman, M. (2011, March 4). Compliance in the World of Sports. DePaul Law School Sports Law Symposium. Chicago, IL: DePaul Law School.
Edelman, M. (2011, March 25). The Changing Face of Intercollegiate Athletics. Harvard Law School Sports Law Symposium. Cambridge, MA: Harvard Law School.
Edelman, M. (2010, November 12). Current Issues in Sports Law. New York Law School Sports Law Symposium. New York, NY: New York Law School.
Edelman, M. (2010, April 13). Antitrust Issues Stemming from the Phoenix Coyotes Bankruptcy Petition. Seton Hall University Sports & Entertainment Law Symposium. Newark, NJ: Seton Hall School of Law.
Edelman, M. (2010, March 26). The Likely Impact on Sports Leagues of American Needle v. Nat’l Football League. New York State Bar Association’s Fourteenth Annual Symposium on Current Legal Issues in Sports Law. New York, NY: Fordham Law School.
Edelman, M. (2010, February 24). The Perfect Storm: Collective Bargaining in Major Sports 2011. Widener Law School Sports & Entertainment Law Symposium. Wilmington, DE: Widener Law School.
Edelman, M. (2010, February 2). Alternative Dispute Resolution in Real and Fantasy Sports. Winter Meeting, Pace Law School Alternative Dispute Resolution Society. White Plains, NY: Pace Law School.
Edelman, M. (2010, January 29). Bargaining Collectively (Discussing the Baseball, Basketball and Football Collective Bargaining Agreements). University of Florida Sports Law Symposium. Gainesville, FL: Florida Law School.
Edelman, M. (2009, November 13). American Needle v. NFL and the Future of Pro Sports' Single Entity Defense. Stetson Law School Junior Faculty Colloquium (for Florida law professors). Gulfport, FL: Stetson University.
Edelman, M. (2009, April 20). Can the NFL Permanently Suspend Michael Vick?. New York University Sports & Entertainment Law Society Meeting. New York, NY: NYU Law School Sports & Entertainment Law Society.
Edelman, M. (2009, April 17). Gambling in Sports: The Final Line Between Fantasy Sports and Illegal Activity. New York State Bar Association’s Thirteenth Annual Symposium on Current Legal Issues in Sports Law. New York, NY: Fordham Law School.
Edelman, M. (2009, March 25). The Problem with Age Limits in Professional Sports Leagues. New York Law School Media, Entertainment & Sports Law Symposium. New York, NY: New York Law School.
Edelman, M. (2009, March 13). The Ethics of Building New Sports Stadiums During the Recession. Harvard Law School Sports Law Symposium. : Harvard Law School.
Edelman, M. (2009, January 23). Labor Issues in Professional Sports. University of Florida Sports Law Symposium. : Florida Law School.
Edelman, M. (2008, November 7). Commissioner Suspensions and Antitrust Law. Seton Hall University Sports & Entertainment Law Symposium. Newark, NJ: Seton Hall Law School.
Edelman, M. (2008, October 25). The House that Taxpayers Built: Exploring the Rise in Publicly Funded Baseball Stadiums. Villanova Law School Sports & Entertainment Law Journal Symposium. Villanova, PA: Villanova Law School.
Edelman, M. (2008, April 5). The Contractual Underpinnings of Baseball: Players, Teams and Agents. MICLE Bar/Bri Continuing Legal Education Program. New York, NY: Marino Institute & Bar Bri.
Edelman, M. (2008, April 10). Is There a Property Right in Sports Statistics?. New York Law School IP Surprise Lecture Series. New York, NY: New York Law School Institute for Information Law & Policy.
Edelman, M. (2008, April 11). NCAA Law & Ethics. New York State Bar Association's Twelfth Annual Symposium on Current Legal Issues in Sports Law. New York, NY: Fordham Law School.
Edelman, M. (2008, May 4). The Right to Publicity and Its Impact on Athletes, Entertainers and the Media. MICLE Bar/Bri Continuing Legal Education Program. New York, NY: Marino Institute & Bar Bri.
Edelman, M. (2008, June 26). Athletes' Names & Stats: Intellectual Property or Fantasy. New York State Bar Association Meeting. New York, NY: New York State Bar Association.
Edelman, M. (2008, October 2). How to Land a Job in Sports Law. University of Michigan Law School Sports Law Society Meeting. Ann Arbor, MI: University of Michigan Law School Sports Law Society.
Edelman, M. (2008, October 7). Right to Publicity and the Fantasy Football and Baseball Cases. New York City Bar Association, Entertainment, Media, IP & Sports Committee Meeting. New York, NY: New York City Bar Association.
Edelman, M. (2007, May 13). Contractual & Antitrust Issues in Professional Sports. MICLE Bar/Bri Continuing Legal Education Program. New York, NY: Marino Institute & Bar Bri.
Edelman, M. (2007, May 8). League Constitutions and Collective Bargaining Agreements. Professor Elliot Axelrod's Entertainment Law Class. New York, NY: Baruch College, Zicklin School of Business.
Edelman, M. (2007, September 17). The Changing Landscape of Professional Sports: Legal and Business Implications of Fantasy Gaming, the Internet, and Viral Marketing. Michigan Sports Management Program, Professor Richard Wolfe's Class. Ann Arbor, MI: Michigan School of Kinesiology.
Edelman, M. (2007, October 10). Breaking Into the Sports Industry. Hofstra Law School Sports Law Society Meeting. Hempstead, NY: Hofstra Law School.
Edelman, M. (2007, October 18). League Constitutions and Collective Bargaining Agreements. Professor Ira Goldstein's Entertainment Law Class. New York, NY: Baruch College, Zicklin School of Business.
Edelman, M. (2007, May 19). Ethical Issues in Sports Agency. Manhattanville College's First Annual Symposium on Best Practices in the Sports World. Purchase, NY: Center for Ethics in Sports at Manhattanville.
Edelman, M. (2006, September 17). Introductory Issues in Sports Law. MICLE Bar/Bri Continuing Legal Education Program. New York, NY: Marino Institute & Bar Bri.
Other Scholarly Works
Edelman, M., & Eigen, Z. (2015). Should College Athletes Be Allowed To Unionize.
Edelman, M. (2008). Marlins Stadium: Deal Expensive, Maybe Unconstitutional. 19A.
Honor / Award | Organization Sponsor | Date Received | Description |
Abraham Briloff Faculty Prize in Ethics | Baruch College | 2022-04-04 | Awarded to one faculty member who has written an important topical article, essay or book on ethics (awarded for article “After Alston: Reimagining the Governance Structure of College Sports for the Twenty-First Century” and advocacy work on behalf of college athlete rights). |
Best Paper by the Sports and Entertainment Section of the Academy of Legal Studies in Business | Academy of Legal Studies in Business | 2020 | Awarded at 2020 Academy of Legal Studies in Business annual conference |
U.S. Fulbright Scholar | The Fulbright Program | 2020 | Awarded Fulbright U.S. Scholarship for Fall 2021 semester to study and conduct research on the comparative governance of sports at the University of Canberra in Canberra, Australia (originally offered for Spring 2021, delayed due to COVID-19. |
Distinguished Proceedings Award | Academy of Legal Studies in Business | 2018 | Awarded for distinguished proceedings at 2018 Academy of Legal Studies in Business annual conference |
Virginia Mauer: "Best Ethics Paper" Award | Academy of Legal Studies in Business | 2018 | Awarded for best paper in business ethics at Academy of Legal Studies in Business annual conference. |
2017 Faculty Excellence Celebration | Baruch College | 2017 | One of seven Baruch College professors honored with promotion to full professor |
Chancellor's Reception Celebrating Faculty in Teaching and Public Service | City University of New York | 2017 | Among select group of CUNY faculty honored by CUNY Chancellor James Milliken in his home for significant contributions to teaching and services. |
Teaching Excellence Award | Baruch College (CUNY) Zicklin School of Business | 2015 | Awarded for excellence in teaching. |
Professor of the Year | Barry Law School | 2013 | In recognition of unyielding dedication to the Barry Law students (voted on by student body) |
John M. Olin Student Fellowship Stipend in Law & Economics | John M. Olin Foundation | 2002 | Awarded fellowship from John M. Olin foundation to perform legal and economic research on sports stadium subsidies. |
Scribes Award | Michigan Journal of Law Reform | 2002 | Awarded to best student note on journal |
Committee Name | Position Role | Start Date | End Date |
Bylaws Committee | Committee Member | Present | |
Law Department Curriculum Committee | Committee Member | Present | |
Law Department Hiring Committee | Committee Member | Present | |
Law Department Executive Committee | Committee Member | Present | |
Zicklin School Executive Committee | Committee Member | Present | |
Faculty Athletics Representative (FAR) for Baruch College. | Committee Chair | 5/31/2020 | |
Faculty Research & Scholarship Coordinator | Committee Chair | 5/31/2019 | |
Speaker at Pre Law Society Panel Presentation: Careers in Sports, Entertainment & Fashion Law | 11/29/2018 | ||
General Faculty Committee on Collegiate Athletic Activities | Committee Member | 8/31/2016 | |
Speaker at Pre Law Society Panel Presentation: Careers in Law | 4/8/2016 | ||
Created New Undergraduate Course: Commercial Sports Business & Governance | 1/31/2016 | ||
Created New Undergraduate Course: Online Gaming, Contests and Sweepstakes | 3/31/2015 | ||
Zicklin School Orientation | Discussed Business Law Minor | 2/18/2015 | |
Speaker at Pre Law Society Panel Presentation: Careers in Sports, Entertainment & Fashion Law | 11/13/2014 | ||
Edited Departmental Law 1101 Final Exam for Day Sections | 4/30/2014 | ||
Created New Undergraduate Course: Sports Law | 1/31/2014 | ||
Zicklin School Orientation | Discussed Business Law Minor | 1/13/2014 | |
Drafted Departmental Law 1101 Final Exam for Day Sections | 12/31/2013 | ||
Speaker at Pre Law Society Panel Presentation: Careers in Sports, Entertainment & Fashion Law | 11/21/2013 | ||
Speaker, Robert Zicklin Center for Corporate Integrity | 10/1/2013 | ||
2013 Convocation | 8/27/2013 |
Committee Name | Position Role | Start Date | End Date |
Attended the Annual Reception for New Faculty | 11/14/2013 |
Organization | Position Role | Organization State | Organization Country | Start Date | End Date | Audience |
Law and Ethics Initiative of the Football Players Health Study at Harvard University | Reviewer, Book | 2/1/2016 | Present | |||
Business Law Blog | 3/1/2015 | Present | ||||
Sports Law Blog | Blogger | 8/1/2007 | Present | |||
Amended Uniform Athlete Agents Act Drafting Committee | Observer | 10/1/2012 | Present | |||
Journal for Sport & Social Issues | Reviewer, Journal Article | 12/20/2013 | Present |
Organization | Position Role | Organization State | Organization Country | Start Date | End Date | Audience |
2nd Annual Fordham National Basketball Negotiation Competition | Judge (Semi-Finals and Finals) | New York | 3/23/2014 | Present | ||
Leadership In Law Course: Columbia University | Discussant | New York | 7/2/2014 | Present |