Marie Della Thomas

Marie Della Thomas


Weissman School of Arts and Sciences

Department: Communication Studies

Areas of expertise: Corporate Communication, Professional Speech, Public Speaker, Marketing Management, General Education

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March 22, 2024, The Pecha-Kucha, chosen as one of the Baruch College Presenters during the third Annual Cross-College Faculty Research Symposium. Presentation on research:
Racial Microaggressions Against Black Women in the Workforce.


Ed.D., Specialization - General Education, National University San Diego

M.A., Master of Arts, Corporate Communication, CUNY - Baruch College New York, NY United States

B.A., Bachelor of Arts, Corporate Communications, CUNY - Baruch College New York, NY United States

A.A.S., Marketing Management, CUNY - Bronx Community College - Bronx, NY New York United States

SemesterCourse PrefixCourse NumberCourse Name
Fall 2023COM2020Intro to Business Comm
Fall 2023COM3150Business Communication
Fall 2023COM3150Business Communication
Fall 2023COM2020Intro to Business Comm