Masako Darrough


Zicklin School of Business

Department: Stan Ross Dept Accountancy

Areas of expertise:

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Ph.D., Economics, University of British Columbia

SemesterCourse PrefixCourse NumberCourse Name
Summer 2024DCT90120Position Paper Research
Spring 2024ACC3200Cost Accounting
Fall 2023BUS90000Dissertation Supervision
Spring 2023BUS90000Dissertation Supervision
Spring 2023ACC3200Cost Accounting
Fall 2021ACC3200Cost Accounting
Fall 2021ACC3200Cost Accounting
Spring 2021DCT90311Dissertation Research - Final
Fall 2020DCT90301Dissertation Research - Propos
Fall 2020ACC3200Cost Accounting
Fall 2020ACC3200Cost Accounting
Summer 2020DCT90220Position Paper Defense
Spring 2020BUS90000Dissertation Supervision
Fall 2019BUS90000Dissertation Supervision
Fall 2019ACC3200Cost Accounting
Fall 2019ACC3200Cost Accounting
Summer 2019DBA90120Position Paper Research
Spring 2019BUS90000Dissertation Supervision
Fall 2018ACC3200Cost Accounting
Fall 2018BUS90000Dissertation Supervision
Fall 2018ACC3200Cost Accounting
Spring 2018BUS90000Dissertation Supervision
Fall 2017BUS90000Dissertation Supervision
Fall 2017ACC3200Cost Accounting
Fall 2017ACC3200Cost Accounting
Fall 2016ACC3200Cost Accounting
Fall 2016ACC3200Cost Accounting
Fall 2015ACC3200Cost Accounting
Fall 2015ACC3200Cost Accounting
Spring 2015BUS90000Dissertation Supervision
Fall 2014BUS90000Dissertation Supervision
Fall 2014ACC3200Cost Accounting
Spring 2014ACC3200Cost Accounting
Spring 2014BUS90000Dissertation Supervision
Fall 2013ACC3200Cost Accounting
Spring 2013ACC3200Cost Accounting
Spring 2013ACC3200Cost Accounting
Spring 2013BUS90000Dissertation Supervision
Fall 2012BUS90000Dissertation Supervision
Fall 2012ACC3200Cost Accounting
Fall 2011ACC3200Cost Accounting
Fall 2009ACC5000Independent Study Accounting I
Spring 2005ACC3200Cost Accounting
Spring 2005ACC3200Cost Accounting
Spring 2004ACC3200Cost Accounting
Spring 2004ACC3200Cost Accounting
Spring 2003ACC3200Cost Accounting
Spring 2003ACC3200Cost Accounting
Spring 2002ACC3200Cost Accounting
Spring 2002ACC5000Independent Study Accounting I
Spring 2002ACC9115Managerial Accounting
Spring 2002ACC3200HHonors - Cost Accounting
Fall 2001ACC3200Cost Accounting
Fall 2001ACC3200Cost Accounting
Fall 2001ACC3200HHonors - Cost Accounting
Fall 2001ACC3200Cost Accounting


Darrough, M., & Blank, R. (1983). Biological Differences and Social Equality: Implications for Social Policy. Westport, CT, Greenwood Press.

Darrough, M., Yaari, V., Ronen, J., & Elitzur, R. Monograph on Game Theory . In Progress.

Journal Articles

(2024). The impact of M&A delistings on the information environment for industry peer firms . The Accounting Review, 99(2). 85-112.

Darrough, M., & Ciftci, M. (2022). Inventory Policy Choice and Cost of Debt: A Private Debtholders’ Perspective. Journal of Accounting, Auditing & Finance, 37(1). 229-258.

Darrough, M., Byard, D., & Suh, J. (2021). Re-examining the impact of mandatory IFRS adoption on IPO underpricing. Review of Accounting Studies, 1-46.

Darrough, M., Huang, R., & Zhao, S. (2020). The Spillover Effect of Fraud Allegations and Investor Sentiment. Contemporary Accounting Research, 37(2). 982-1014.

Darrough, M., & Deng, M. (2019). The Role of Accounting Information in Optimal Debt Contracts with Informed Creditors. The Accounting Review , 94(6). 165-200.

Darrough, M., Banker, R., Li, S., & Threinen, L. (2019). The Value of Pre-contract Information about an Agent's Ability in the Presence of Moral Hazard and Adverse Selection. Journal of Accounting Research, 57(5). 1201-1245.

Darrough, M., Huang, R., & Zur, E. (2018). Acquirer Internal Control Weaknesses in the Market for Corporate Control. Contemporary Accounting Research, 35(1). 211-244.

Darrough, M., Kim, H., & Zur, E. (2018). The Impact of Corporate Welfare Policy on Firm-Level Productivity: Evidence from Unemployment Insurance. Journal of Business Ethics, 159(3). 795-815.

Darrough, M., Byard, D., Tian, Y., & Suh, J. (2018). Finding Diamonds in the Rough: Do Analysts Contribute to Valuing Loss Firms?. Journal of Business Finance & Accounting, 45(1-2). 140-165.

Darrough, M., Lee, Y., & Oh, H. I. (2017). Classification Shifting within Non-Recurring Items. Asia-Pacific Journal of Accounting & Economics, 1-23.

Darrough, M., Shi, L., & Wang, P. (2017). Do Peer Warnings Affect CEO Compensation?. Accounting Horizons, 31(4). 71-91.

Darrough, M., Donal, B., Anna, B., & Jangwon, S. (2017). Did U.S. Firms Experience Positive Information Externalities Associated with Mandatory IFRS Adoption?. In Progress.

Bertomeu, J., Darrough, M., & Xue, W. (2017). Optimal Conservatism with Earnings Manipulation. Contemporary Accounting Research, 34(1). 252-284.

Darrough, M., Donal, B., & Jangwon, S. (2017). Mandatory IFRS Adoption Studies: Omitting Key EU Institutional Details Can Result in Significant Sampling Error and Incorrect Inferences.

Ciftci, M., & Darrough, M. (2016). Does the Riskiness of R&D Outweigh its Benefits? A Private Lenders' Perspective from the U.S. Journal of Business Finance & Accounting, 43(5-6). 654-692.

Wang, P., Darrough, M., & Shi, L. (2016). Earnings Warnings and CEO Welfare. Journal of Business Finance & Accounting, 43(9-10). 1197 - 1243.

Darrough, M., & Cifci, M. (2015). What Explains the Valuation Difference between Intangible-intensive Profit and Loss Firms? . Journal of Business Finance & Accounting, 42(1-2). 138-160.

Darrough, M., Ciftci, M., & Mashruwala, R. (2014). Value-Relevance of Accounting Information for Intangible-Intensive Industries. European Accounting Review, 23(2). 199-226.

Darrough, M., Guler, L., & Wang, P. (2014). Goodwill Impairment Losses and CEO Compensation. Journal of Accounting, Auditing, and Finance, 29(4). 435-463.

(2013). The Relation between CEO Compensation and Past Performance. The Accounting Review , 88(1). 1-30.

Darrough, M. (2012). A discussion on “The effects of correlated demand on pricing, inventory, and production” by Suresh Govindaraj, Mahesh Kumar, and Bharat Sarath. Asia-Pacific Journal of Accounting & Economics, 19(1). 79-81.

(2011). Warranty Reserve: Contingent Liability, Information Signal, or Earnings Management Tool?. The Accounting Review, 86(2). 569-604.

(2010). The FCPA and the OECD Convention: The Lessons from the U.S. Experience. Journal of Business Ethics, 93(2). 255-276.

Ye, J. (2007). Valuation of Loss Firms in a Knowledge-Based Economy". Review of Accounting Studies , 12(1). 61-93.

Darrough, M., & Rangan, S. (2005). Do Managers Manipulate R&D Spending When They Sell Their Shares in an Initial Public Offering?. Journal of Accounting Research, 43(1). 1-33.

Darrough, M., & Russell, T. (2002). A Positive Model of Earnings Forecasts: Top Down and Bottom Up. Journal of Business, 75(1). 127-152.

Darrough, M. (2000). Privatization and Corruption: Patronage vs. Spoils. International Public Management Journal , 2(A). 273-298.

(1999). Earnings Management in Japanese Companies . International Journal of Accounting, 33(3). 313-334.

Darrough, M., Barber , B., & Click , R. (1999). The Impact of Shocks to Exchange Rates and Oil Prices on the Relative Competitiveness of American and Japanese Automakers . Japan and the World Economy, 11. 57-93.

(1996). Product Reliability and Firm Value: The Experience of American and Japanese Automakers, 1973-1992. Journal of Political Economy , 1084-1099.

(1995). Discussion of 'Disclosure of Predecision Information in a Duopoly'. Contemporary Accounting Research , 11(2). 861-872.

Darrough, M., & Melumad, N. (1995). Divisional vs. Company-wide Focus: The Tradeoff between Allocation of Managerial Attention and Screening of Talent . Journal of Accounting Research, 33. 65-93.

(1993). Intertemporal Cost Dependence in the Presence of Managerial Impatience . Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization , 20. 23-47.

(1993). Disclosure Policy and Competition: Cournot and Bertrand . The Accounting Review , 68(3). 534-561.

(1992). On the Compensation of American Top Management: An Agency's Approach (in Japanese). JICPA Journal , 40-45.

Darrough, M., & Stoughton, N. (1990). Financial Disclosure Policy in an Entry Game. Journal of Accounting and Economics , 12. 219-243.

(1989). A Bargaining Approach to Profit-Sharing in Joint Ventures. Journal of Business, 62(2). 237-270.

(1988). Variance Analysis: A Unifying Cost Function Approach. Contemporary Accounting Research, 5(1). 199-221.

(1987). Managerial Incentives for Short-Term Results: A Comment . Journal of Finance , 42(4). 1097-1102.

(1986). Moral Hazard and Adverse Selection: The Question of Financial Structure . Journal of Finance , 41(2). 501-513.

(1983). Dynamic and Stochastic Structure: An Analysis of Three Time Series of Household Budget Studies . Review of Economics and Statistics , 65(2).

(1983). Optimal Employment Contracts in a Principal-Agent Relationship. Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization , 4. 69-90.

(1982). Optimal Pricing Policy in the Presence of Experience Effects . Journal of Business, 55(4). 517-530.

(1980). Law Enforcement Agencies as Multi-Product Firms: Correcting Some Misconceptions . Public Finance , 35(3). 461-463.

(1980). Optimal Incentive Schemes: Existence and Characterization. Economics Letters , 5. 305-310.

(1979). Law Enforcement Agencies as Multi-Product Firms: An Econometric Investigation of Production Costs . Public Finance , 34(2). 176-195.

(1977). Flexible Functional Forms and Expenditure Distributions: An Application to Canadian Consumer Demand Functions. International Economic Review , 657-675.

(1977). Duality in Consumer Theory Made Simple: The Revealing of Roy's Identity. Canadian Journal of Economics , 307-317.

(1977). A Model of Consumption and Leisure in an Intertemporal Framework: A Systematic Treatment Using Japanese Data. International Economic Review , 677-696.

"Abnormal Operating Cash Flows: Implications for Financial Forecasting, Predicting Earnings Restatements, and Stock Returns".

"Disclosures in Oligopolies" . In Progress.

"Transparency and Disclosure Practice of Leveraged Firms". In Progress.

"Why Does Accounting Profitability Diverge? The Roles of Accounting Conservatism, R&D Expensing, and Industry Attributes". In Progress.

Book Chapters

Darrough, M. (2004). Supply-side Control of Corruption: the FCPA and the OECD Convention, Strategies for Public Management Reform. In Jones, L., Schedler, K., & Mussari, R. (Eds.), Elsevier.

Darrough, M. (1999). Performance Evaluation, The Technology Management Handbook. In Dorf, R. (Ed.), CRC Press.

Darrough, M., Dean, E., & Neef , A. (1991). Alternative Measures of Capital Inputs for Computation of Multifactor Productivity Growth in Japanese Manufacturing" Growth in Japan and the United States. In Hulten, C. (Ed.), (pp. 229-265). University of Chicago Press.

Darrough, M., & Harris, T. (1991). Do Management Forecasts of Earnings Affect Stock Prices in Japan? Accounting and Financial Globalization. In Ronen , J., & Livnat, J. (Eds.), (pp. 119-154). Quorum Books.

Darrough, M. (1991). Do Management Forecasts of Earnings Affect Stock Prices in Japan? Japanese Financial Market Research. In Ziemba, W., Bailey, W., & Hamao, Y. (Eds.), (pp. 197-229). North-Holland.

Darrough, M., & Stoughton, N. (1988). Managerial Compensation: Linear Sharing vs. Bonus Incentive Plans under Moral Hazard and Adverse Selection, Economic Analysis of Information and Contracts: Essays in Honour of John E. Butterworth. In Feltham, G., Amershi, A., & Ziemba, W. (Eds.), (pp. 319-341). Boston. Kluwer Academic Publishers.

Darrough, M., & Mattessich, R. (1984). Agency Theory and Information Economics (Introduction to Part IV), Modern Accounting Research: History, Survey, and Guide. Canadian Certified Accountants Research Foundation.

Darrough, M. (1983). Biological Differences and Economic Equality: Race and Sex. In Darrough, M., & Blank, R. (Eds.), Biological Differences and Social Equality: Implications for Social Policy (pp. 109-136). Westport, CT. Greenwood Press.

Darrough, M., & Clarke , F. (1983). Income Security or Employment Security? An Economic Analysis, Management by Japanese Systems. In Lee, M. (Ed.), (pp. 395-414). Praeger Publications.

Darrough, M. (1983). The Treatment of Housing in a Cost of Living Index: Rental Equivalence and User Cost" Price Level Measurement. In Diewert, W. E., & Montmarquette, C. (Eds.), (pp. 599-618). Canada. Ministry of Supply and Services.

Darrough, M., & Heineke, J. (1978). The Multi-Output Translog Production Cost Function: The Case of Law Enforcement Agencies, Economic Models of Criminal Behavior. In Heineke, J. M. (Ed.), (pp. 259-302). North Holland Publishing Company.


Byard, D., & Darrough, M. (2019, January 12). Did US firms experience positive information externalities associated with mandatory IFRS adoption?. FARS Mid-Year Meetings. Seattle: AAA.

Darrough, M. (2018, April 30). Do Mandatory Disclosure Regulations Result in Positive Informational Externalities? Evidence from The Effect of Mandatory IFRS Adoption on U.S. Firms. : London School of Economics.

Byard, D., & Darrough, M. (2017, August 3). Did US firms experience positive information externalities associated with mandatory IFRS adoption?. AAA Anaual Meetings. San Diego, CA: AAA.

Darrough, M. (2016, March 25). Do Peer Warnings Affect Relative Performance Evaluation. University of Texas, Dallas

Darrough, M. (2015, June 30). The Impact of International Financial Reporting Standards on Comparability: A Test Using IPO Underpricing. 9th Annual Tel Aviv International Conference in Accounting. Tel Aviv: Tel Aviv University.

Darrough, M. (2012, April 16). Internal Control Weaknesses in the Market for Corporate Control:. First Annual Accounting Conference. Lisbon, Portugal: Catolica-Lisbon University.

Darrough, M. (2012, May 9). Internal Control Weaknesses in the Market for Corporate Control:. Philadelphia: Temple University.

Darrough, M. (2012, April 27). Internal Control Weaknesses in the Market for Corporate Control:. Milan, Italy: Bocconi University.

Darrough, M. (2012, April 25). Internal Control Weaknesses in the Market for Corporate Control:. Pamplona, Spain: Public University of Navara.

Darrough, M. (2012, April 19). Internal Control Weaknesses in the Market for Corporate Control:. Madrid, Spain: Carlos III University of Madrid.

Darrough, M. (2007, April 30). . : George Washington University.

Darrough, M. (2007, May 31). . : Tilburg University.

Darrough, M. (2007, June 30). . AAA Doctoral Consortium. : AAA.

Darrough, M. (2007, April 30). . : SUNY Binghamton University.

Darrough, M. (2006, December 31). . American Accounting Association Annual Meetings. : American Accounting Association.

Darrough, M. (2005, December 31). . IAAER Conference. Bordeaux, France

Darrough, M. (2005, December 31). . American Accounting Association Annual Meetings. : American Accounting Association.

Darrough, M. (2004, September 30). . : Duke University.

Darrough, M. (2004, December 31). . American Accounting Association Annual Meetings. : American Accounting Association.

Darrough, M. (2004, September 30). . Dallas, Texas: University of Texas.

Darrough, M. Seminar Presentation. Calgary, Alberta: University of Alberta.

Darrough, M. . Seminar Presentation. : University of Chicago.

Darrough, M. . Seminar Presentation at Rutgers University.

Darrough, M. Seminar Presentation. Western Finance Association Meetings. : Western Finance Association.

Darrough, M. Seminar Presentation. : University of Tokyo.

Darrough, M. Seminar Presentation. : Rutgers University.

Darrough, M. Seminar Presentation. : University of Toronto.

Darrough, M. Seminar Presentation. : NYU.

Darrough, M. Seminar Presentation. Austin, Texas: University of Texas.

Darrough, M. Seminar Presentation. : International Public Management Network.

Darrough, M. Seminar Presentation. : INSEAD.

Darrough, M. Seminar Presentation. Berkeley, California: UC, Berkeley.

Darrough, M. Seminar Presentation. : University of Maryland.

Darrough, M. Seminar Presentation. : Hong Kong University of Science and Technology.

Darrough, M. Seminar Presentation. Palo Alto, California: Stanford University.

Darrough, M. Seminar Presentation. Los Angeles, California: UCLA.

Darrough, M. Seminar Presentation. : Purdue University.

Darrough, M. Seminar Presentation. : Northwestern University.

Darrough, M. Seminar Presentation. Econometric Society Meetings. : Econometric Society.

Darrough, M. Seminar Presentation. Chicago Quantitative Association Meetings.

Darrough, M. Seminar Presentation. Canadian Accounting Association Meetings. : Canadian Accounting Association.

Darrough, M. Seminar Presentation. American Finance Association Meetings. : American Finance Association.

Darrough, M. Seminar Presentation. American Accounting Association Meetings. : American Accounting Association.

Darrough, M. Seminar Presentation. : University of Minnesota.

Darrough, M. . : American Accounting Association.

Other Scholarly Works

Darrough, M. (1998). Measuring Practice Expense in GI and Liver Practices.

Darrough, M. (1998). Measuring Orthopedic Surgeons' Practice Expense.

Darrough, M. (1988). Measuring Thoracic Surgeons' Practice Expense.

Darrough, M. "Initial Public Offering" Encyclopedia of the Social Sciences. (2),


Darrough, M. (1994,December 1). Economic and Financial Modeling with Mathematica. Journal of Economic Literature .

Darrough, M. (1988,January 1). Measuring, Planning and Controlling Quality Costs. Accounting Review .

Darrough, M. (1986,January 1). The Debate on Inflation Accounting. Journal of Economic Literature .

Darrough, M. (1983,January 1). Research on Productivity of Relevance to Canada. Social Science Foundation of Canada .

Research Currently in Progess

Byard, D., Brown, A. B., Darrough, M., & Suh, J.(n.d.). Have M&A delistings negatively impacted U.S. capital markets? Evidence from the effect on industry peer firms.

Darrough, M., Hakyin, , John, , & Michael, (n.d.). The Agency Costs of Free Cash Flows: Evidence from Audit Pricing in the U.S.. In Progress.

Darrough, M., & Li, Y.(n.d.). The Restructuring of Compensation Practices in Response to Political Pressure. In Progress.

TitleFunding Agency SponsorStart DateEnd DateAwarded DateTotal FundingStatus
Have delisting negatively inopacted U.S. capital markets? Evidence from the effect of M&As on industry peer firmsPSC-CUNY 5107/01/202012/31/202204/17/20203499.31Completed
Management Earnings Forecasts and Earnings QualityPSC-CUNY 5007/01/201912/31/202204/15/20193350.12Completed
Rolling or Frozen GAAP: Regulatory Uncertainty, Asset Substitution, and Debt ContractingPSC-CUNY 4707/01/201606/30/201704/15/20163496.11Completed
Impact of Corporate Welfare Policy on the Firm Level Productivity: Evidence from the Unemployment InsurancePSC-CUNY 4607/01/201506/30/201604/17/20153496.8Completed
Loss-reporting Firms: Do Analysts Contribute to Finding Diamonds in the Rough?PSC-CUNY 4407/01/201306/30/201404/15/20133500Completed
Earnings warnignsPSC-CUNY 4307/01/201206/30/201304/17/20123047.6Completed
The Value of SOX 404 in the Market for Corporate ControlPSC-CUNY 4107/01/201006/30/20114400Completed
The agency costs of free cash flows eviPSC-CUNY 4007/01/200906/30/20101460Completed
Abnormal Cash Flows: Implications for Financial Forecasting and the Prediction of Earnigs RestatementsPSC-CUNY 3907/01/200812/31/20093000Completed
The Restructuring of Compensation Practices in Response to Political Pressure: Evidence from Stock-option CompensationPSC-CUNY 3807/01/200706/30/20083200Completed
Honor / AwardOrganization SponsorDate ReceivedDescription
Annual Celebration of Faculty Scholarship and Creative Achievement2010
Annual Celebration of Faculty Scholarship and Creative Achievement2008
Annual Celebration of Faculty Scholarship and Creative AchievementBaruch College2005
Abraham J. Briloff Prize in Ethics2004
Annual Celebration of Faculty Scholarship and Creative Achievement Baruch College 2004
Annual Celebration of Faculty Scholarship and Creative Achievement Baruch College2003
FellowCenter for Advanced Study in the Behavioral Sciences 1978


Committee NamePosition RoleStart DateEnd Date
Honors ProgramCommittee MemberPresent
College Academic Review CommitteeCommittee MemberPresent
Executive CommitteeCommittee MemberPresent
Accounting Comprehensive Examination Pilot ProjectPresent
Educational Policy CommitteeCommittee MemberPresent
Executive Doctorate ProgramCommittee MemberPresent
Executive Doctorate Program Steering CommitteeCommittee MemberPresent
Task Force on the PhD ProgramCommittee MemberPresent
Task Force of ResearchCommittee MemberPresent
Mission Statement CommitteeCommittee MemberPresent
Education Policy CommitteeCommittee MemberPresent
Recruiting CommitteeCommittee Chair12/31/2017
Stan Ross Department of Accountancy Executive CommitteeCommittee Member12/31/2017
Recruiting CommitteeCommittee Member12/31/2016
Faculty Advisor12/31/2015
VITA ProgramFaculty Advisor12/31/2011
Stan Ross Department of Accounting Chair of the Department12/31/2011
CPA Exam WorkshopCommittee Chair12/31/2011
AACSB AccreditationCommittee Chair11/30/2009
AACSB AccreditationCommittee Chair12/31/2006
Executive Committee of Zicklin School of BusinessCommittee Member12/31/2005
PhD Coordinator 12/31/2005
Zicklin Graduate Accounting SocietyGuest Speaker 11/30/2005


Committee NamePosition RoleStart DateEnd Date
CUNYGraduate FacultyPresent
PhD Dissertation of Andy Zhou1/1/201212/31/2015
PhD Dissertation of Sha ZhaoCommittee Member3/1/201212/31/2014
PhD Dissertation of Yannan ShenCommittee Chair3/1/201212/31/2014
PhD Dissertation of Jangwon SuhCommittee Chair10/1/201112/31/2013
Ph D Dissertation of Ping WangCommittee Chair1/1/201012/31/2011
PhD Dissertation of Aliza RotensteinCommittee Chair12/31/2007
Faculty Fellowship Publication ProgramMentor 1/1/200412/31/2005


OrganizationPosition RoleOrganization StateOrganization CountryStart DateEnd DateAudience
American Accounting AssociationChairpersonPresent
American Accounting AssociationConference-RelatedPresent
American Accounting AssociationCommittee Chair1/1/2012Present
Contemporary Accounting Research Editorial Review Board Member1/1/2014Present
Journal of International Accounting ResearchEditorial Review Board Member6/1/2017Present


OrganizationPosition RoleOrganization StateOrganization CountryStart DateEnd DateAudience
American Economic Review Ad Hoc Reviewer Present
Journal of Productivity AnalysisAd Hoc Reviewer Present
Canadian Journal of Economics Present
Management SciencePresent
Review of Economic Studies Present
Review of Economics and Statistics Present
Review of Financial Studies Present
Contemporary Accounting ResearchAd Hoc Reviewer Present
Review of Accounting Studies Ad Hoc Reviewer Present
The Accounting Review Present
National Science Foundation Ad Hoc Reviewer Present
Managerial and Decision Economics Ad Hoc Reviewer Present
Quarterly Journal of Economics Ad Hoc Reviewer Present
Journal of International Financial Management & AccountingAd Hoc Reviewer Present
Journal of Accounting and Economics Ad Hoc Reviewer Present
Econometrica Ad Hoc Reviewer Present
Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization Ad Hoc Reviewer Present
International Public Management Journal Ad Hoc Reviewer Present
International Economic Review Ad Hoc Reviewer Present
Journal of Accounting and Public PolicyAd Hoc Reviewer Present
Journal of Accounting Research Ad Hoc Reviewer Present
Journal of Accounting, Auditing and Finance Ad Hoc Reviewer Present
Journal of Business and Economic Statistics Ad Hoc Reviewer Present
Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization Ad Hoc Reviewer Present
External examiner for PhD dissertation, Ming Deng, AccountingNew YorkUnited States12/31/2007
Wilman Award CommitteeCommittee Member1/1/200512/31/2006
PhD dissertation committee, Irena YegorovaNew YorkUnited States12/31/2006
PhD dissertation committee, Farah Yunus, Finance New York12/31/2006
External examiner for PhD dissertation, Nir Yahuda, AccountingNew YorkUnited States12/31/2005
Research Committee, American Accounting Association Committee Member1/1/200212/31/2004
External examiner for PhD dissertation, Moshe Bereket, AccountingNew YorkUnited States12/31/2001
Oversight Committee for the Department of TreasuryBoard MemberCalifornia12/31/1998