Michael A Kaplan
Asst Professor
Weissman School of Arts and Sciences
Department: Communication Studies
Areas of expertise:
Email Address: michael.kaplan@baruch.cuny.edu
> View CV- Biography
- Teaching
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Ph.D., Communication Studies, Northwestern University Evanston IL
M.A., Communication Studies, Northwestern University Evanston IL
B.A., English, University of Chicago Chicago IL
Semester | Course Prefix | Course Number | Course Name |
Fall 2024 | COM | 3111 | Markets, Media, and Meaning |
Fall 2024 | COM | 3066 | Rhetorical Theory & Criticism |
Fall 2024 | COM | 3057 | Intro to Digital Comm & Cult |
Spring 2024 | COM | 3066 | Rhetorical Theory & Criticism |
Spring 2024 | COM | 3057 | Intro to Digital Comm & Cult |
Spring 2024 | COM | 3111 | Markets, Media, and Meaning |
Spring 2024 | COM | 3057 | Intro to Digital Comm & Cult |
Fall 2023 | COM | 3111 | Markets, Media, and Meaning |
Fall 2023 | COM | 3057 | Intro to Digital Comm & Cult |
Fall 2023 | COM | 3066 | Rhetorical Theory & Criticism |
Spring 2023 | COM | 3111 | Markets, Media, and Meaning |
Spring 2023 | COM | 3066 | Rhetorical Theory and Criticis |
Spring 2023 | COM | 3070 | Persuasion |
Spring 2021 | COM | 3060 | Media Analysis and Criticism |
Spring 2021 | COM | 3057 | Intro to Digital Comm & Cult |
Spring 2021 | COM | 3057 | Intro to Digital Comm & Cult |
Spring 2021 | COM | 3111 | Markets, Media, and Meaning |
Fall 2020 | COM | 3057 | Intro to Digital Comm & Cult |
Fall 2020 | COM | 3060 | Media Analysis and Criticism |
Spring 2020 | COM | 3111 | Markets, Media, and Meaning |
Spring 2020 | COM | 4101 | Selected Topics |
Spring 2020 | COM | 9505 | Media Analysis |
Fall 2019 | COM | 3111 | Markets, Media, and Meaning |
Fall 2019 | COM | 4101 | Selected Topics |
Spring 2019 | COM | 3111 | Markets, Media, and Meaning |
Spring 2019 | COM | 3071 | Argumentation and Debate |
Fall 2018 | COM | 3071 | Argumentation and Debate |
Fall 2018 | COM | 4101 | Selected Topics |
Spring 2018 | COM | 3071 | Argumentation and Debate |
Spring 2018 | COM | 3060 | Media Analysis and Criticism |
Spring 2018 | COM | 3070 | Persuasion |
Fall 2017 | COM | 3060 | Media Analysis and Criticism |
Fall 2017 | COM | 3071 | Argumentation and Debate |
Fall 2017 | COM | 3060 | Media Analysis and Criticism |
Spring 2017 | COM | 3071 | Argumentation and Debate |
Spring 2017 | COM | 3071 | Argumentation and Debate |
Spring 2017 | COM | 3111 | Markets, Media, and Meaning |
Fall 2016 | COM | 3060 | Media Analysis and Criticism |
Fall 2016 | COM | 3071 | Argumentation and Debate |
Fall 2016 | COM | 5010 | Internship Bus Comm |
Summer 2016 | COM | 5010 | Internship Bus Comm |
Spring 2016 | COM | 3071 | Argumentation and Debate |
Spring 2016 | COM | 3060 | Media Analysis and Criticism |
Spring 2016 | COM | 5010 | Internship Bus Comm |
Fall 2015 | COM | 3071 | Argumentation and Debate |
Fall 2015 | COM | 3060 | Media Analysis and Criticism |
Fall 2015 | COM | 4101 | Selected Topics |
Fall 2015 | COM | 5010 | Internship Bus Comm |
Spring 2015 | COM | 4101 | Selected Topics |
Spring 2015 | COM | 3060 | Media Analysis and Criticism |
Spring 2015 | COM | 3070 | Persuasion |
Fall 2014 | COM | 3071 | Argumentation and Debate |
Fall 2014 | COM | 3060 | Media Analysis and Criticism |
Fall 2014 | COM | 4101 | Selected Topics |
Spring 2014 | COM | 3060 | Media Analysis and Criticism |
Spring 2014 | COM | 3070 | Persuasion |
Fall 2013 | COM | 3071 | Argumentation and Debate |
Fall 2013 | COM | 3060 | Media Analysis and Criticism |
Spring 2013 | COM | 5000 | Independent Study COM I |
Spring 2013 | COM | 3060 | Media Analysis and Criticism |
Spring 2013 | COM | 3070 | Persuasion |
Fall 2012 | COM | 3071 | Argumentation and Debate |
Fall 2012 | COM | 3060 | Media Analysis and Criticism |
Kaplan, M. (2010). Friendship Fictions: The Rhetoric of Citizenship in the Liberal Imaginary. (p. 272). Tuscaloosa, Alabama, University of Alabama Press.
Journal Articles
Kaplan, M. (2021). Official Protest. Journal of Contemporary Rhetoric, In Progress.
Kaplan, M. (2021). On Suicidal Sovereignty. Philosophy & Social Criticism, In Progress.
Kaplan, M. (2019). Amplifying the Asshole: Learning Democracy from Algorithms, Bots and Trolls. Social Media & Society,
Kaplan, M. (2019). "The Digital Potlatch: The Uses of Uselessness in the Political Economy of Social Media". New Media & Society, 21(9). 1947-1966.
Kaplan, M. (2019). “The Self-consuming Commodity: Audiences, Users and the Riddle of Digital Labor”. Television & New Media, 20pp.
Kaplan, M. (2018). "Prohibiting the People: Populism, Procedure and the Rhetoric of Democratic Desire". Constellations: An International Journal of Critical & Democratic Theory, 26(1). 94-115.
Kaplan, M. (2018). "'Spying for the People:' surveillance, democracy and the impasse of cynical reason". JOMEC Journal, (12). 166-190.
Kaplan, M. (2017). "Fauxpologies: Abject Publics, Democracy and the Scandal of Genre". Rhetoric Society Quarterly , 20pp (revising to resubmit in February 2019).
Kaplan, M. (2012). "Missing Misrecognition". Culture, Theory and Critique, 53(3). 265-285.
Kaplan, M. (2012). "Capitalizing On The Dialectical Economy Of Hegemony: Laclau, populism and the liberal wager". Cultural Studies, 26(2). 346-369.
Kaplan, M. (2010). "The Rhetoric of Hegemony: Laclau, Radical Democracy, and the Rule of Tropes". Philosophy & Rhetoric, 43(3). 253-283.
Kaplan, M. (2008). "Rebel Citizenship and the Cunning of the Liberal Imaginary in Thelma & Louise". Communication and Critical/Cultural Studies, 5(1). 1-23.
Kaplan, M. (2005). "Imagining Citizenship as Friendship in The Big Chill". Quarterly Journal of Speech, 91(4). 423-455.
Kaplan, M. (2003). "Iconomics: The Rhetoric of Speculation". Public Culture, 15(3). 477-493.
Book Chapters
Kaplan, M. (2014). "The Communicative Efficacy of Markets". In Hanan, J., & Hayward, M. (Eds.), Communication and The Economy: History, Value, and Agency (pp. 119-144). Peter Lang.
Kaplan, M. (2019, November 16). Surveillance Capitalism as Algorithmic Interpassivity. National Communication Association. Baltimore, MD
Kaplan, M. (2019, May 18). Amplifying the Asshole: Learning Democracy from Algorithms, Bots and Trolls. Democracy & Digital Media. Cambridge, MA: Massachussetts Institute of Technology.
Kaplan, M. (2018, November 14). "The Theory of Juvenile Citizenship". National Communication Association Annual Conference. Salt Lake City, UT: National Communication Association.
Kaplan, M. (2018, June 2). "The Sublimation of Persuasion". Rhetoric Society of America. Minneapolis, MN: Rhetoric Society of America.
Kaplan, M. (2017, October 13). Excommunicating Rhetoric. Rhetorical Theory Conference. Columbia, SC: University of South Carolina.
Kaplan, M. (2016, November 30). Too Much Is Never Enough: Productive Non-knowledge in Data Culture. National Communication Association. Philadelphia, PA
Kaplan, M. (2016, May 31). Ontologies of Economic Rationality. Rhetoric Society of America. Atlanta, GA
Kaplan, M. (2015, October 31). Harrowing Indifference and the Algorithmic Unconscious. University of South Carolina Conference on Rhetorical Theory. Columbia, SC
Kaplan, M. (2014, November 21). Prices and the Rhetoric of Economic Sovereignty. National Communication Association. Chicago, IL: National Communication Association.
Kaplan, M. (2014, November 19). Demanding Times and Risky Subjects: Economic Populisms in the Age of (Il)liquid Capital. National Communication Association. Chicago, IL: National Communication Association.
Kaplan, M. (2014, October 24). The Peoples of Populism. Whose Voice? Global Populisms, Media and Political Institutions in Uncertain Times. Baruch College
Kaplan, M. (2014, May 31). "Impasse Unbound: Toward Rhetorical Aimlessness". Rhetoric Society of America. San Antonio, TX: Rhetoric Society of America.
Kaplan, M. (2014, May 31). "Rhetorical Possibilities after Neoliberalism". Rhetoric Society of America. San Antonio, TX: Rhetoric Society of America.
Kaplan, M. (2013, November 30). . Connecting through/as Value: Money, Risk & Debt. Washington, DC: Economic Rhetoric Symposium.
Kaplan, M. (2013, October 31). "Architecture's Theory of Rhetoric and the Aesthetics of Social Form". Rhetorical Theory Conference. Columbia, SC: University of South Carolina.
Kaplan, M. (2013, April 6). From Obamacare to Romnesia: Senior Scholars on Presidential Rhetoric in America. : Central States Communication Association.
Kaplan, M. (2012, May 31). Competitive Markets and the Performativity of Prices. Rhetoric Society of America. : Rhetoric Society of America.
Kaplan, M. (2012, May 31). Transnationalism and Rhetoric". Rhetoric Society of America. Philadelphia, PA: Rhetoric Society of America.
Kaplan, M. (2011, October 31). The End(s) of Publicity. Rhetorical Theory Conference. Columbia, SC: University of South Carolina.
Kaplan, M. (2011, January 31). Friendship Fictions. Chicago, IL: University of Illinois at Chicago.
Kaplan, M. (2010, November 30). Allegoricity. National Communication Association. San Francisco, CA: National Communication Association.
Kaplan, M. (2009, March 31). Globalizing Liberalism: Hollywood Rhetoric of Post-national Citizenship. Society for Cinema and Media Studies annual conference. Tokyo, Japan: Society for Cinema and Media Studies.
Kaplan, M. (2008, May 31). Democracy, Dis-integration and Post-foundationalist Rhetorical Theology. Rhetoric Society of America. Seattle, WA: Rhetoric Society of America.
Kaplan, M. (2007, November 30). Deconstruction as Democratic Agency. National Communication Association. San Antonio, TX: National Communication Association.
Kaplan, M. (2007, November 30). Liberalism, Allegory and the ‘Act’: Psychoanalysis vs. Deconstruction. National Communication Association. Chicago, IL: National Communication Association.
Kaplan, M. (2006, November 30). Branding Radical Democracy? Hegemony, Performativity and Mediated Misrecognition. National Communication Association. San Antonio, TX: National Communication Association.
Kaplan, M. (2006, November 30). Déjà vu All Over Again: How ‘Culture’ Gets Lost (and Found) in Translation". National Communication Association. San Antonio, TX: National Communication Association.
Kaplan, M. (2006, May 31). Democracy, Elective Attachment and the Fantasy of Exit. Cultural Studies Association (US). Washington, DC: Cultural Studies Association (US).
Kaplan, M. (2004, November 30). Liberalism, Friendship and the ‘Displacement’ of Politics. National Communication Association. Chicago, IL: National Communication Association.
Kaplan, M. (2003, November 30). Liberal Citizenship and Postfeminist Culture". National Communication Association. Miami, FL: National Communication Association.
Kaplan, M. (2002, June 30). The Rebel Citizen and the Invagination of Genre: Thelma & Louise. Crossroads Cultural Studies conference. Tampere, Finland: Crossroads Association for Cultural Studies.
Kaplan, M. (2001, November 30). The Gift of Allegory: Politics and Friendship in Smoke. National Communication Association. Atlanta, GA: National Communication Association.
Kaplan, M. (2001, May 31). Iconicity, Ideology and the Public Sphere. International Communication Association conference. Washington, DC: International Communication Association.
Kaplan, M. (2001, February 28). The Gift of Allegory: Politics and Friendship in Smoke. Midwestern Conference on Film, Language and Literature. De Kalb, IL: Northern Illinois University.
Kaplan, M. (1997, November 30). Green-Span Iconomics: Risk and the Rhetoric of Speculation. National Communication Association. Chicago, IL: National Communication Association.
Kaplan, M. (1997, November 30). Metaphor in the Text of Philosophy: The Semiology of Home/Exile in Derrida’s ‘White Mythology'. National Communication Association. Chicago, IL: National Communication Association.
Other Scholarly Works
Kaplan, M. (2014). "Lacan in Public: Psychoanalysis and the Science of Rhetoric". 47(3), 334-340.
Kaplan, M. (2013). "The Promise of Hopeless Politics". 524-530.
Kaplan, M. (2011). Culture + Rhetoric Project. 44(2), 194-204.
Kaplan, M. (2011,January 1). Modus Vivendi Liberalism Review. Rhetoric & Public Affairs.
Kaplan, M. (2007,January 1). Being Made Strange Review. Quarterly Journal of Speech.
Committee Name | Position Role | Start Date | End Date |
Ad Hoc working group on Rhetoric & Public Advocacy concentration curriculum | Organizer | 12/1/2018 | Present |
M.A. Program committee | Committee Member | 1/1/2014 | Present |
Search Committee | Committee Member | 9/1/2012 | Present |
Executive Committee | Committee Member | 7/1/2015 | 6/30/2017 |
Communication Studies B.A. | Committee Member | 9/1/2012 | 7/31/2015 |
Undergraduate Studies Committee | Committee Member | 8/1/2013 | 5/31/2014 |
Committee Name | Position Role | Start Date | End Date |
Search Committee | Committee Member | Present | |
M.A. Program committee | Committee Member | Present | |
Ad Hoc working group on Rhetoric & Public Advocacy concentration curriculum | Organizer | Present | |
School Committee on Undergraduate Academic Standing | Committee Member | 5/31/2020 | |
Executive Committee | Committee Member | 6/30/2017 | |
Communication Studies B.A. | Committee Member | 7/31/2015 | |
Undergraduate Studies Committee | Committee Member | 5/31/2014 |
Organization | Position Role | Organization State | Organization Country | Start Date | End Date | Audience |
American Studies Association | Member | Present | ||||
Communication and Economy Symposium | Program Organizer | DC | United States | Present | ||
National Communication Association | Track Organizer | 11/1/2015 | 4/30/2017 | |||
National Communication Association | Member | 1/1/1992 | 12/31/2014 | |||
National Communication Association | Workshop Organizer | Illinois | 11/19/2014 | 11/19/2014 | ||
National Communication Association | Reviewer, Ad Hoc Reviewer | 1/1/2005 | 12/31/2013 | |||
Rhetoric Society of America | Member | 1/1/2004 | 12/31/2013 | |||
Society for Cinema and Media Studies | Member | 1/1/2004 | 12/31/2013 |