Michael Stauffer


Zicklin School of Business

Department: N. P. Loomba Dept of Mgt

Areas of expertise:

Email Address: michael.stauffer@baruch.cuny.edu

Beginning in 1996, initially as an adjunct and, since 2014 as a full-time tenured faculty member, Michael Kirk Stauffer lectures in business ethics, corporate social responsibility and environmental sustainability at the Zicklin School of Business, Baruch College of The City University of New York.  He has also taught business ethics as an adjunct lecturer in the graduate division of Touro College.

He retired from Verizon in November 2003 as Director - Corporate Social Responsibility, having planned Verizon’s comprehensive corporate responsibility and community affairs strategies. He also developed and coordinated the nation-wide Verizon Consumer Advisory Board (VzCAB.) During thirteen years in the telecommunications industry, Mr. Stauffer developed and managed a series of stakeholder/company dialogues designed to examine the public benefits of advanced telecommunications technologies. He was project manager of the New York State Telephone Association’s 1990 - 1992 opinion-leader task force which produced the report, TOMORROW’S INFORMATION HIGHWAYS: A TELECOMMUNICATIONS-BASED DEVELOPMENT STRATEGY FOR NEW YORK STATE.  The report challenged New York’s public and private sector leadership to endorse universal access to an upgraded public switched telephone network (now known as the INTERNET) as the best means of stimulating the State’s economy, and improving delivery of needed services in health care, education and other areas.

Beginning in 1992, Mr. Stauffer planned and managed the consumer advisory boards of the former New York Telephone, NYNEX, Bell Atlantic and the current Verizon.  Composed of opinion leaders from a broad array of stakeholder groups, the VzCAB enables Verizon to maintain an on-going dialogue with its constituencies on issues of mutual concern and helps Verizon identify and respond to emerging trends and issues affecting the company and its customers.

Previously, Mr. Stauffer served for ten years as an Issues Manager and Public Affairs Director for Citibank.  As an Assistant Vice President and head of Citibank’s External Issues Unit, he developed a public issues tracking model that identified emerging social and political trends impacting financial industry business decisions. As an International Public Affairs Officer, Mr. Stauffer was a liaison between Citibank and the Sullivan Signatories Organization in which Citibank played a leading role. The Sullivan Principles governed Citibank’s engagement with South Africa during the Apartheid era. He organized the Citibank Board meeting that took the decision to disinvest from South Africa after the Reverend Leon Sullivan ended his involvement with South Africa because of the regime’s continuing failure to meet its commitments to dismantle the Apartheid system. He participated for several years in an on-going issues management seminar at Pennsylvania State University resulting, in 1984, in his presentation of the Citicorp issues management model at the annual meeting of the Academy of Management.  Mr. Stauffer was, for five years, Vice President of the Forum for Corporate Responsibility, Inc., a church-related not-for-profit group that examines issues affecting business and society.  For FCR, he designed and negotiated funding for a series of seminars in business ethics for middle managers.

Earlier in his career, Mr. Stauffer was a university counselor, a college and prep school history teacher, a vocational counselor, and a grants writer. He qualified, by examination, for certification as a professional member of the National Rehabilitation Counseling Association.

Trained in European and American history and political theory (M.A./ABD), Mr. Stauffer completed his doctoral studies at the University of Minnesota. At the U of M, he was actively involved in Senator McCarthy’s 1968 presidential campaign. He received a B.A. in History from the State University of New York, College at Fredonia, which he attended after winning a New York State Regent’s College Scholarship. At Fredonia, Mr. Stauffer was active in student affairs, serving as President of the Student Government Association.


Certificate, Vocational Counseling, Teachers College, Columbia University New York City

M.A., Modern European History, University of Minnesota Minneapolis Minnesota

B.A., American History, S.U.N.Y, College at Fredonia Fredonia New York

SemesterCourse PrefixCourse NumberCourse Name
Fall 2022MGT9200Bus and Society Relationships
Fall 2022BUS9700Sust Bus: Pers, Theo & Practic
Fall 2022MGT3800Management and Society
Fall 2022MGT9200Bus and Society Relationships
Spring 2022MGT9200Bus and Society Relationships
Spring 2022MGT3800Management and Society
Spring 2022BUS9700Sust Bus: Pers, Theo & Practic
Fall 2021BUS9700Sust Bus: Pers, Theo & Practic
Fall 2021MGT3800Management and Society
Fall 2021MGT3800Management and Society
Fall 2021MGT9200Bus and Society Relationships
Summer 2021MGT9200Bus and Society Relationships
Spring 2021MGT3800Management and Society
Spring 2021BUS9700Sust Bus: Pers, Theo & Practic
Fall 2020BUS9700Sust Bus: Pers, Theo & Practic
Fall 2020MGT3800Management and Society
Fall 2020MGT3800Management and Society
Spring 2020MGT3800Management and Society
Spring 2020MGT4493Spe Topics-Human Resource Mgmt
Spring 2020MGT3800Management and Society
Fall 2019MGT3800Management and Society
Fall 2019MGT3800Management and Society
Fall 2019MGT3800Management and Society
Spring 2019MGT9200Bus and Society Relationships
Spring 2019MGT3800Management and Society
Spring 2019MGT3800Management and Society
Spring 2019MGT3800Management and Society
Fall 2018MGT3800Management and Society
Fall 2018MGT3800Management and Society
Summer 2018MGT9200Bus and Society Relationships
Spring 2018MGT3800Management and Society
Spring 2018MGT3800Management and Society
Fall 2017MGT3800Management and Society
Fall 2017MGT3800Management and Society
Summer 2017MGT9200Bus and Society Relationships
Spring 2017BUS9100Business and Society
Spring 2017MGT3800Management and Society
Spring 2017BUS9100Business and Society
Spring 2017MGT3800Management and Society
Fall 2016MGT3800Management and Society
Fall 2016MGT3800Management and Society
Fall 2016BUS9100Business and Society
Spring 2016MGT3800Management and Society
Spring 2016BUS9100Business and Society
Spring 2016BUS9100Business and Society
Fall 2015BUS9100Business and Society
Fall 2015MGT3800Management and Society
Fall 2015MGT3800Management and Society
Summer 2015MGT3800Management and Society
Summer 2015BUS9100Business and Society
Spring 2015BUS9100Business and Society
Spring 2015MGT3800Management and Society
Spring 2015BUS9100Business and Society
Spring 2015BUS9100Business and Society
Fall 2014BUS9100Business and Society
Fall 2014MGT3800Management and Society
Fall 2014MGT3800Management and Society
Summer 2014BUS9100Business and Society
Summer 2014MGT3800Management and Society
Spring 2014BUS9100Business and Society
Spring 2014BUS9100Business and Society
Fall 2013BUS9100Business and Society
Fall 2013MGT3800Management and Society
Fall 2013MGT3800Management and Society
Fall 2013BUS9100Business and Society
Summer 2013BUS9100Business and Society
Spring 2013BUS9100Business and Society
Spring 2013BUS9100Business and Society
Spring 2013BUS9100Business and Society
Fall 2012BUS9100Business and Society
Fall 2012MGT3800Management and Society
Fall 2012MGT3800Management and Society
Fall 2012MGT3800Management and Society
Summer 2012BUS9100Business and Society
Spring 2012MGT3800Management and Society
Spring 2012BUS9100Business and Society
Spring 2012BUS9100Business and Society
Fall 2011BUS9100Business and Society
Fall 2011MGT3800Management and Society
Fall 2011MGT3800Management and Society
Summer 2011BUS9100Business and Society
Spring 2011BUS9100Business and Society
Spring 2011BUS9100Business and Society
Fall 2010MGT3800Management and Society
Fall 2010MGT3800Management and Society
Fall 2010BUS9100Business and Society
Summer 2010BUS9100Business and Society
Summer 2010BUS9100Business and Society
Spring 2010BUS9100Business and Society
Spring 2010BUS9100Business and Society
Fall 2009BUS9100Business and Society
Fall 2009MGT3800Management and Society
Fall 2009BUS9100Business and Society
Fall 2009MGT3800Management and Society
Summer 2009BUS9100Business and Society
Summer 2009BUS9100Business and Society
Spring 2009MGT9864Seminar in Entrepreneurship
Spring 2009BUS9100Business and Society
Spring 2009BUS9100Business and Society
Spring 2009MGT9800MBA Leadership Certificate
Fall 2008BUS9100Business and Society
Fall 2008BUS9100Business and Society
Summer 2008BUS9100Business and Society
Summer 2008BUS9100Business and Society
Spring 2008BUS9100Business and Society
Spring 2008BUS9100Business and Society
Fall 2007BUS9100Business and Society
Fall 2007MGT3800Management and Society
Fall 2007MGT3800Management and Society
Fall 2007MGT3800Management and Society
Summer 2007BUS9100Business and Society
Summer 2007MGT9690Seminar Strategic Mg
Summer 2007BUS9100Business and Society
Spring 2007MGT3800Management and Society
Spring 2007BUS9100Business and Society
Spring 2007BUS9100Business and Society
Fall 2006MGT3800Management and Society
Fall 2006MGT3800Management and Society
Fall 2006MGT3800Management and Society
Summer 2006BUS9100Business and Society
Summer 2006MGT3800Management and Society
Spring 2006BUS9100Business and Society
Spring 2006BUS9100Business and Society
Spring 2006BUS9100Business and Society
Fall 2005MGT3800Management and Society
Fall 2005MGT3800Management and Society
Fall 2005BUS9600Current Topics in Business
Fall 2005MGT3800Management and Society
Summer 2005BUS9100Business and Society
Summer 2005BUS9100Business and Society
Spring 2005MGT3800Management and Society
Spring 2005BUS9100Business and Society
Spring 2005BUS9100Business and Society
Spring 2005MGT3800Management and Society
Fall 2004MGT3800Management and Society
Fall 2004BUS9100Business and Society
Summer 2004BUS9100Business and Society
Summer 2004BUS9100Business and Society
Spring 2004MGT3800Management and Society
Spring 2004MGT3800Management and Society
Spring 2004MGT3800Management and Society
Spring 2004BUS9100Business and Society
Summer 2003BUS9100Business and Society
Spring 2003BUS9100Business and Society
Spring 2003BUS9100Business and Society
Summer 2002BUS9100Business and Society
Summer 2002BUS9100Business and Society
Spring 2002BUS9100Business and Society
Fall 2001BUS9100Business and Society
Summer 2001BUS9100Business and Society
Summer 2001BUS9100Business and Society

Journal Articles

(1992). Tomorrow’s Information Highways: A Telecommunications-based Development Strategy for New York State. New York State Telephone Association, 83 pages.

Media Contributions

(2010). Ethical Corporation Magazine.


Stauffer, M. (2003, December 31). Corporate Social Responsibility. National Consumers League Annual Conference. Washington, DC: National Consumers League.

Stauffer, M. (2002, December 31). Corporate Social Responsibility. Business for Social Responsibility. Miami, FL: Verizon.

Stauffer, M. (2001, December 31). The VzCAB and Corporate Social Responsibility. Quarterly Meeting. New York, NY: Issues Management Association.

Stauffer, M. (2000, December 31). Verizon’s Consumer Advisory Board. Society of Consumer Affairs in Business (SOCAP). Boston, MA: Verizon.

Stauffer, M. (1987, December 31). Citibank in South Africa. Interfaith Center on Corporate Responsibility Annual Conference. New York, NY: National Council of Churches.

Stauffer, M. (1986, December 31). Citibank's Issues Management Model. International Association of Business Communicators Annual Conference. New York, NY: IABC.

Stauffer, M. (1985, December 31). Corporate Social Responsibility. Citicorp's Board of Directors Public issues Committee. New York, NY: Citicorp.

Stauffer, M. (1985, December 31). Corporate Social Responsibility. Citicorp's Board of Directors Public issues Committee. New York, NY: Citicorp.

Stauffer, M. (1985, December 31). Corporate Social Responsibility. Citicorp's Board of Directors Public issues Committee. New York, NY: Citicorp.

Stauffer, M. (1984, December 31). Citicorp’s Issues Management Model. Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management. Boston, MA: Academy of Management.

Stauffer, M. (1983, December 31). Citicorp’s Issues Management Model. Issues Management Seminar. State College, PA: Pennsylvania State University.

Stauffer, M. (1983, December 31). Citicorp’s Issues Management Model. Issues Management Seminar. State College, PA: Pennsylvania State University.

Honor / AwardOrganization SponsorDate ReceivedDescription
Who's Who in America (50th Edition)Marquis Who's Who Publication Board1996In recognition of "outstanding achievement in ... fields of endeavor" and ... "contribut[ing] significantly to the betterment of contemporary society."
President’s AwardNew York Telephone Company1992


Committee NamePosition RoleStart DateEnd Date
Continuous Improvement CommitteeCommittee MemberPresent
Participated in the Development of a New Sustainability MajorCommittee MemberPresent
Undergraduate Curriculum CommitteeAttendee, MeetingPresent
Managed Honors MBA Mentoring Program for the Zicklin School of BusinessFaculty Mentor12/31/2008
Zicklin School MBA Leadership CertificateProject Coordinator12/31/2008


OrganizationPosition RoleOrganization StateOrganization CountryStart DateEnd DateAudience
Vice President, Ridgewood Restoration Corporation1/1/198812/31/1989
Vice President, Forum for Corporate Responsibility1/1/198012/31/1985


OrganizationPosition RoleOrganization StateOrganization CountryStart DateEnd DateAudience
Forum for Corporate Responsibility (Episcopal Church)Board MemberNew YorkUnited States3/13/19823/13/1989Regional