Minna Kristiina Logemann
Assc Professor
Weissman School of Arts and Sciences
Department: Communication Studies
Areas of expertise:
Email Address: minna.logemann@baruch.cuny.edu
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Minna Logemann is Associate Professor at Baruch, Department of Commucation in WSAS. Her research comprises strategic transformations and organizational communication in digital and AI-infused global organizations. She teaches in undergraduate, graduate, and executive programs. After receiving her doctoral degree from the School of Business at Aalto U, the largest university of Finland, Minna Logemann worked there as Professor of Practice 2014-2017. Prior academia, she worked as business executive in global organizations based in Finland, the UK and in the USA. Before moving to the USA, she was Senior Vice President, Corporate Communication & Investor Relations at KONE Corporation, and then Director of International Communications at Lutron Electronics, Inc., in the USA. She started her career in international investment banking, and from there moved to investor relations and corporate communication, working both in corporate as well as agency positions for nearly 30 years.
Ph.D., International Business Communication, Aalto University School of Business Helsinki Finland
MSc, International Marketing, Turku School of Economics and Business Administration Turku Finland
Semester | Course Prefix | Course Number | Course Name |
Fall 2024 | COM | 3102 | Communication for Executives |
Fall 2024 | COM | 9991 | Masters Thesis In Cc |
Spring 2024 | COM | 9658 | Reputation Mngment |
Spring 2024 | COM | 9991 | Masters Thesis In Cc |
Spring 2024 | COM | 3080 | Virtual Teamwork |
Spring 2024 | COM | 3080 | Virtual Teamwork |
Spring 2024 | COM | 9991 | Masters Thesis In Cc |
Fall 2023 | COM | 9991 | Masters Thesis In Cc |
Fall 2023 | COM | 9900 | Independent Study |
Fall 2023 | COM | 9660 | Sel Topics/Corp Comm |
Fall 2023 | COM | 4000 | Corporate Communication |
Spring 2023 | COM | 3080 | Virtual Teamwork |
Spring 2023 | COM | 9658 | Reputation Mngment |
Spring 2023 | COM | 9900 | Independent Study |
Spring 2023 | COM | 9991 | Masters Thesis In Cc |
Fall 2022 | COM | 9900 | Independent Study |
Fall 2022 | COM | 4000 | Corporate Communication |
Spring 2022 | COM | 3080 | Virtual Teamwork |
Spring 2022 | COM | 9991 | Masters Thesis In Cc |
Spring 2022 | COM | 9658 | Reputation Mngment |
Spring 2022 | COM | 9900 | Independent Study |
Fall 2021 | COM | 4000 | Corporate Communication |
Fall 2021 | COM | 9900 | Independent Study |
Fall 2021 | COM | 9991 | Masters Thesis In Cc |
Fall 2021 | COM | 9139 | Communication Strategy |
Fall 2021 | COM | 9900 | Independent Study |
Spring 2021 | COM | 9658 | Reputation Mngment |
Spring 2021 | COM | 5000 | Independent Study COM I |
Spring 2021 | COM | 9991 | Masters Thesis In Cc |
Fall 2020 | COM | 4000 | Corporate Communication |
Fall 2020 | COM | 9139 | Communication Strategy |
Fall 2020 | COM | 9991 | Masters Thesis In Cc |
Fall 2020 | COM | 9900 | Independent Study |
Summer 2020 | COM | 9900 | Independent Study |
Summer 2020 | COM | 9900 | Independent Study |
Spring 2020 | COM | 3080 | Virtual Teamwork |
Spring 2020 | COM | 3080 | Virtual Teamwork |
Spring 2020 | COM | 9991 | Masters Thesis In Cc |
Spring 2020 | COM | 9900 | Independent Study |
Fall 2019 | COM | 9900 | Independent Study |
Fall 2019 | COM | 9139 | Communication Strategy |
Fall 2019 | COM | 4000 | Corporate Communication |
Fall 2019 | COM | 9900 | Independent Study |
Summer 2019 | COM | 9900 | Independent Study |
Spring 2019 | COM | 3080 | Virtual Teamwork |
Spring 2019 | COM | 3080 | Virtual Teamwork |
Spring 2019 | COM | 9658 | Reputation Mngment |
Spring 2019 | COM | 9991 | Masters Thesis In Cc |
Fall 2018 | COM | 9630 | Corporate Media Relations |
Fall 2018 | COM | 4000 | Corporate Communication |
Fall 2018 | COM | 4101 | Selected Topics |
Spring 2018 | COM | 4101 | Selected Topics |
Spring 2018 | COM | 3080 | Virtual Teamwork |
Spring 2018 | COM | 9900 | Independent Study |
Spring 2018 | COM | 5000 | Independent Study COM I |
Spring 2018 | COM | 5000 | Independent Study COM I |
Spring 2018 | COM | 9658 | Reputation Mngment |
Fall 2017 | COM | 9620 | Corporate Communication |
Fall 2017 | COM | 3080 | Virtual Teamwork |
Mars (prior name), M., Virtanen, M., & Virtanen, O. V. (2000). “Sijoittajaviestintä strategisena työkaluna” (Investor relations as a strategic tool). (p. 1-228). Helsinki, Finland, Edita.
Journal Articles
(2024). The Multilevel Well-Being Paradox: Towards an Integrative Process Theory of Coping in Teams. Journal of Organizational Behavior,
(2023). The Challenges and Opportunities of AI-Assisted Writing: Developing AI Literacy for the AI Age. Business and Professional Communication Quarterly,
(2023). Competencies Needed by Business Professionals in the AI Age: Character and Communication Lead the Way https://doi.org/10.1177/23294906231208166. Business and Professional Communication Quarterly,
Charoensap-Kelly, P., Logemann, M., & Bryant, K. (2022). Foreign-Born Instructor Humor Perception and Effects on Self-Perceived Affective and Cognitive Learning https://doi.org/10.1075/japc.00075.cha. The Journal of Asian Pacific Communication (JAPC) , 37.
Logemann, M., Aritz, J., Cardon, P., Swartz, S., Elhaddaoui, T., Fleischmann, C., Getchell, K., Helens-Hart, R., Li, X., Palmer-Silveira, J., Ruiz-Garrido, M., Springer, S., & Stapp, J. (2022). Standing Strong Amid a Pandemic: A Global Team Project Stands up to a Real-Life Test during the Public Health Crisis https://doi.org/10.1111/bjet.13189. British Journal of Educational Technology, 53(3). 577-592.
Logemann, M. (2019). Engagement and Involvement in Strategy (Strategiaan osallistamisesta strategiaan osallistumiseen) http://doi.org/10.31885/2019.00008. ProComma-Academic, 2019(1). 58-72.
Logemann, M., Piekkari, R., & Cornelissen, J. (2019). The Sense of It All: Framing and Narratives in Sensegiving about a Strategic Change https://doi.org/10.1016/j.lrp.2018.10.002. Long Range Planning, Elsevier B.V. , 52(5). 1-17.
Järventie-Thesleff, R., Logemann, M., Piekkari, R., & Tienari, J. (2016). Roles and identity work in ‘at-home’ ethnography https://doi.org/10.1108/JOE-07-2016-0015. Journal of Organizational Ethnography, 5 (2016)(3). pp. 235-257.
Logemann, M., & Piekkari, R. (2015). Localize or local lies? The power of language and translation in the multinational corporation. critical perspectives on international business (cpoib), 11(2015)(1). pp. 30-53.
Charoensap-Kelly, P., Phoborisut, P., & Logemann Dr., M. K. Predicting Sense of Belonging and Psychological Distress of Asians, Asian Americans, and Pacific Islanders in US Colleges: Conservation of Resources and Communication Theory of Resilience Perspectives. Communication Monographs,
Book Chapters
Logemann, M. (2021). Reimagine Your Classroom: Preparing for the Global, Digital Workplace in a Virtual Teamwork Course. Developments in Virtual Learning Environments and the Global Workplace (pp. 1-23). Hershey, PA,United States. IGI Global.
Hahn, A., & Logemann, M. (2020). Corporate Communication in Twenty Years: Longitudinal Study of the Developments of a Profession and Discipline. In Goodman, M., & Hirsch, P. (Eds.), Corporate Communication: Transformation of Strategy and Practice (through Understanding the Influence of Intangibles, Digital Technologies, Big and Alternative Data, Uncertainty, Demographics) (pp. 13-23). New York,USA. Peter Lang.
Conference Proceedings
Brand, T., Wanasika, I., & Logemann Dr., M. K. (2025). Psychological Capital and Adaptation to AI . Psychological Capital and Adaptation to AI.
Brandt, T., Logemann Dr., M. K., & Wanasika, I. (2024). Communication Styles and qualities of high and low performing transformational leaders– subordinates’ perspective. . 35th International RAIS Conference on Social Sciences and Humanities, Conference Proceedings.
Fleischmann, C., Logemann Dr., M. K., Heidewald, J., Cardon, P., Aritz, J., & Swartz, S. Fostering GenAI Literacy in Higher Education for Future Workplace Preparedness: A Mixed-Methods Study. 2023. In Progress.
Logemann, M. K., Charoensap-Kelly, P., & Phoborisut, P. (2022, November 1). Asian, Asian American, and Pacific Islander (AAAPI) Experiences and Needs on College Campuses in the United States - NCA Panel Nov 17, 2022. National Communication Association NCA. New Orleans, USA: NCA.
Logemann, M. (2021, August 5). The Vitality Paradox: Balancing Tensions Between Individual And Team Coping With The Demands Of Virtual Work. Academy of Management 2021. Online
Logemann, M. (2021, August 27). Standing Strong Amid a Pandemic: A Global Team Project Stands up to a Real-Life Test during the Public Health Crisis. ABC Europe, Vienna 2021 (online). online
Logemann, M. (2020, September 17). Cultural resonance/dissonance of strategic concepts in engagement with the strategy in global organizations. CCI International Conference - Online Conference Sept 17, 2020. Online: Corporate Communication International.
Logemann, M. (2019, May 22). ABC Special Panel: Global Communication for Corporate and Interpersonal Engagements. CCI Conference on Corporate Communication. Los Angeles - University of Southern California, Marshall School of Management
Logemann, M. (2019, October 25). Why Doesn't Our Management Philosophy Fly in the West? Struggles of Sensemaking Across Culture and Language in Global Strategy Communication. ABC Annual Conference 2019. Detroit, USA: Association for Business Communication.
Logemann, M., & Hahn, A. (2019, May 24). Are We Moving Towards Convergence? Revisiting Communication Disciplines, Theories and Concepts. ICA Pre-Conference Programme. Washington, D.C.: ICA International Communication Association.
Logemann, M., Nordback, E., Cardon, P., & Aritz, J. (2018, July 5). Getting fast-on-track: communicative approach to the organizing of short-term virtual teams. European Group for Organizational Studies (EGOS) Colloquium. Tallinn, Estonia
Logemann, M. (2018, March 13). Teaching case: COM3080 Virtual team work at Baruch College. COIL Conference. New York
Logemann, M. (2018, October 25). The Panel: Virtual Business Professional Project as a Source for Reseaerch. Association for Business Communication (ABC). Miami, United States
Other Scholarly Works
Logemann, M. (2014). Strategic change under construction: Role of strategy narratives. Doctoral Dissertation. 216/2013(1799-4934), 220.
Research Currently in Progess
Logemann Dr., M. K., Medved, C., & Haddadin, Z.(n.d.). Strategic Communicator and Generative AI: An Exploration into Use, Adoption and Role Change. In Progress.
Generative Artificial Intelligence (GAI) represents a revolutionary advancement perhaps as significant as Gutenberg's printing press over 600 years ago. Historical shifts in communication technologies, from the printing press to the digital revolution marked by the emergence of the Internet and social media, continually reshape how we strategically communicate across key organizational stakeholders. Changes in communication technologies offer new opportunities for engagement and content creation but also ethical and practical challenges for today’s strategic communication professionals. Rapid integration of GAI into the workplace is shifting routines and tasks along with providing clear benefits, for example, increasingly personalized and efficient services, increased customer satisfaction and loyalty, and growth in companies' results (Vijayakumar, 2023).
Title | Funding Agency Sponsor | Start Date | End Date | Awarded Date | Total Funding | Status |
Cross-cultural sensemaking in global strategy communication | PSC-CUNY 50 | 07/01/2019 | 12/31/2022 | 04/15/2019 | 3450.04 | Completed |
Getting Fast-on-track: Communicative Approach to the Organizationality of Short-term Virtual Teams | PSC-CUNY 49 | 07/01/2018 | 06/30/2019 | 04/15/2018 | 3500 | Completed |
Honor / Award | Organization Sponsor | Date Received | Description |
Best Conference Paper Runner-up in Academy of Management 2021 | Academy of Management Conference - OSCIS Division | 2021 | Our paper "The Vitality Paradox: Rising Tensions between Individual and Team Well-being during Forced Virtual Work" was the first runner-up in the Best Paper Award in this year's Academy of Management Conference Papers submitted for the OSCIS (Organizational Communication and Information Systems) Division in the Academy of Management (AOM) conference 2021. |
Best Reviewer Award 2020 | Academy of Management Annual Conference 2020 | 2020 | I received the Best Reviewer Award (3 out of 141 reviewers received this award) for my review work for the annual Academy of Management Conference Papers submitted for the OSCIS Division (Organizational Communication and Information Systems ) for the conference 2020. |
Emerald Innovation Award | Emerald Group Publishing | 2017 | 2017 Emerald Innovation Award in recognition of excellence in poster presentation of the international virtual business professional project at 2017 International Business Pedagogy Workshops, Georgia State University Center for International Business Education and Research (CIBER) |
Highly Commended Paper | Emerald Group Publishing | 2016 | 2016 Highly Commended Paper certificate from the Emerald Group Publishing Limited for the article Logemann, M. and Piekkari, R. (2015). Localize or local lies? The power of language and translation in the multinational corporation, critical perspectives on international business, 11(1), pp. 30 – 53. |
Distinguished Doctoral Dissertation Paper 2015 | European Doctoral Programs Association in Management and Business Administration(EDAMBA) | 2016 | One of the six Distinguished Doctoral Dissertation Papers in Europe in the area of management 2015 by EDAMBA (European Doctoral Programs Association in Management and Business Administration) |
Outstanding Doctoral Dissertation 2015 | Association for Business Communication (ABC) | 2015 | 2015 Outstanding Doctoral Dissertation of 2015 by the Association for Business Communication (ABC) |
Top Paper of the Social Construction Division in NCA Centennial Conference 2014 | National Communication Association (NCA) | 2014 | 2014 Top Paper of the Social Construction Division in National Communication Association (NCA) Centennial Conference in Chicago, Logemann, M., Piekkari, R. and Charles, M-L: Identification as a Communicative Construct: Textual Agency of the Strategic Concept Must-win Battle |
Committee Name | Position Role | Start Date | End Date |
Graduate Admission Committee | Committee Member | 9/1/2019 | 12/6/2019 |
Committee Name | Position Role | Start Date | End Date |
Department Executive Committee | Committee Member | Present | |
WSAS Executive Committee by Dean Lang | Committee Member | Present | |
WSAS Graduate Affairs Committee | Committee Member | Present | |
CCMA Graduate Program | Committee Member | Present | |
Cross-College Committee on AI Curriculum Development | Committee Member | 5/15/2025 | |
Teaming @Baruch site | Cross-school collaboration partner | 1/31/2023 | |
Department Curriculum Committee | Committee Member | 7/30/2021 | |
Deputy Chair for the Spring period 2021 | deputy chair | 6/30/2021 | |
Library Committee | Committee Member | 5/30/2020 | |
Graduate Admission Committee | Committee Member | 12/6/2019 |
Organization | Position Role | Organization State | Organization Country | Start Date | End Date | Audience |
Academy of Management Annual Conference | ad hoc reviewer for the subtrack Organization, Communication and Technoloy | New York | United States | 2/9/2020 | 2/28/2023 | International |
International Journal of Business Communication / SAGE Publishing ISSN: 2329-4884 | ad hoc reviewer | California | United States | 1/1/2018 | 1/2/2023 | International |
British Journal of Management, Special Issue; Wiley Publishing | ad hoc reviewer | New Jersey | United States | 11/3/2021 | 4/19/2022 | International |
Finnish American Chamber of Commerce, New York [www.facc-ny.com] | Interaction with Industry | New York | United States | 10/15/2019 | 3/8/2022 | International |
HICCS Conference Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences | ad hoc reviewer for the conference papers on virtual teams and remote work. | Hawaii | United States | 6/29/2021 | 7/23/2021 | International |
Association for Business Communication (ABC) research committee | Member | Virginia | United States | 8/3/2020 | 8/31/2020 | International |
Long Range Planning (International Journal of Strategic Management), Science Direct, Elsevier | ad hoc reviewer | Netherlands | Netherlands | 6/1/2018 | 8/31/2020 | International |
Association for Business Communication (ABC) research committee | Member | Virginia | United States | 8/1/2019 | 8/26/2019 | International |
Association for Business Communication ABC Research Committee | Member | Virginia | United States | 8/1/2017 | 8/31/2018 | International |