Mitchell Cohen
Professor Emeritus
Weissman School of Arts and Sciences
Department: Political Science
Areas of expertise:
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- Research and Creative Activity
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Ph.D., Political Science, Columbia University
MPhil, Political Science, Columbia University
M.A., Political Science, Columbia University
B.A., Political Science, Case Western Reserve Univ.
Semester | Course Prefix | Course Number | Course Name |
Fall 2023 | POL | 1101 | Amer Govt Pract & Values |
Fall 2022 | POL | 1101 | Amer Govt Pract & Values |
Fall 2022 | POL | 1101 | Amer Govt Pract & Values |
Spring 2022 | POL | 1101 | Amer Govt Pract & Values |
Fall 2021 | POL | 1101 | Amer Govt Pract & Values |
Spring 2020 | POL | 1101 | Amer Govt Pract & Values |
Fall 2019 | POL | 1101 | Amer Govt Pract & Values |
Fall 2019 | POL | 3337 | Contemp Political Ideologies |
Spring 2019 | POL | 3336 | Modern Political Theory |
Spring 2019 | POL | 1101 | Amer Govt Pract & Values |
Fall 2018 | POL | 1101 | Amer Govt Pract & Values |
Fall 2018 | POL | 1101 | Amer Govt Pract & Values |
Fall 2018 | POL | 1101 | Amer Govt Pract & Values |
Spring 2018 | POL | 3336 | Modern Political Theory |
Fall 2017 | POL | 1101 | Amer Govt Pract & Values |
Fall 2017 | POL | 1101 | Amer Govt Pract & Values |
Fall 2017 | POL | 3337 | Contemp Political Ideologies |
Spring 2017 | POL | 1101 | Amer Govt Pract & Values |
Spring 2017 | POL | 1101 | Amer Govt Pract & Values |
Spring 2017 | POL | 3337 | Contemp Political Ideologies |
Fall 2016 | POL | 3337 | Contemp Political Ideologies |
Fall 2016 | POL | 1101 | Amer Govt Pract & Values |
Fall 2016 | POL | 1101 | Amer Govt Pract & Values |
Fall 2015 | POL | 1101 | Amer Govt Pract & Values |
Fall 2015 | POL | 3337 | Contemp Political Ideologies |
Fall 2015 | POL | 1101 | Amer Govt Pract & Values |
Spring 2015 | POL | 1101 | Amer Govt Pract & Values |
Spring 2015 | POL | 3336 | Modern Political Theory |
Spring 2015 | POL | 3337 | Contemp Political Ideologies |
Fall 2014 | POL | 1101 | Amer Govt Pract & Values |
Fall 2014 | POL | 3337 | Contemp Political Ideologies |
Spring 2013 | POL | 1101 | Amer Govt Pract & Values |
Spring 2013 | POL | 1101 | Amer Govt Pract & Values |
Fall 2012 | POL | 1101 | Amer Govt Pract & Values |
Fall 2012 | POL | 3337 | Contemp Political Ideologies |
Fall 2011 | POL | 1101 | Amer Govt Pract & Values |
Fall 2011 | POL | 1101 | Amer Govt Pract & Values |
Spring 2010 | POL | 3337 | Contemp Political Ideologies |
Spring 2010 | POL | 3336 | Modern Political Theory |
Fall 2009 | POL | 1101 | Amer Govt Pract & Values |
Fall 2009 | POL | 3337 | Contemp Political Ideologies |
Fall 2009 | POL | 3336 | Modern Political Theory |
Spring 2009 | POL | 3336 | Modern Political Theory |
Fall 2008 | POL | 1101 | Amer Govt Pract & Values |
Fall 2008 | POL | 3337 | Contemp Political Ideologies |
Fall 2008 | POL | 3337 | Contemp Political Ideologies |
Spring 2008 | POL | 3337 | Contemp Political Ideologies |
Spring 2008 | POL | 3336 | Modern Political Theory |
Fall 2007 | POL | 1101 | Amer Govt Pract & Values |
Fall 2006 | POL | 1101 | Amer Govt Pract & Values |
Fall 2005 | POL | 3337 | Contemp Political Ideologies |
Spring 2005 | POL | 1101 | Amer Govt Pract & Values |
Fall 2004 | POL | 3337 | Contemp Political Ideologies |
Fall 2004 | POL | 3336 | Modern Political Theory |
Spring 2004 | POL | 3336 | Modern Political Theory |
Spring 2004 | POL | 1101 | Amer Govt Pract & Values |
Spring 2004 | POL | 1101 | Amer Govt Pract & Values |
Fall 2003 | POL | 3337 | Contemp Political Ideologies |
Fall 2003 | POL | 1101 | Amer Govt Pract & Values |
Spring 2002 | POL | 2337 | Cont Pol Ideologies |
Fall 2001 | REA | 3702 | Valuation/Appraisal |
Fall 2001 | POL | 2336 | Modern Political Theory |
Fall 2001 | POL | 1101 | Amer Govt Pract & Values |
Artistic and Creative Activities
Cohen, M. (2019). Politics and Opera. 92nd St. Y.
Cohen, M. (2018). Politics and Opera.
Cohen, M. (2017). Politics and Opera. New York Institute for the Humanities at NYU.
Cohen, M. (2017). Politics and Opera. Close Encounters with Music.
Cohen, M. (2016). Colliding Dreams. Riverside Films.
Cohen, M. (2020). The Politics of Opera: A History from Monteverdi to Mozart. Princeton New Jersey, USA, Princeton University Press.
Cohen, M. (2018). Princeton Readings in Political Thought. (p. 741). Princeton, Princeton University Press.
Cohen, M. (1994). The Wager of Lucien Goldmann. (p. 368). Princeton, Princeton University Press.
Cohen, M. (1992). Rebels and Reactionaries: An Anthology of Great Political Short Stories. (p. 520). New York, Dell/Delacorte Books.
Cohen, M. (1992). Zion and State: Nation, Class, and the Shaping of Modern Israel. (p. 351). NY, Columbia University Press.
Cohen, M. (1990). Du Reve sioniste a la realite Israelienne. Paris, France, Editions la Decouverte.
Cohen, M., & Cohen, M. (1984). Class Struggle and the Jewish Nation: Selected Essays by Ber Borochov. (p. 218). New Brunswick, Transaction.
Journal Articles
Mitchell, C. (2017). What Lenin's Critics Got Right. Dissent,
Mitchell, C. (2017). A Crisis in Jewish Political Culture?. Jewish Social Studies,
Cohen, M. (2016). A Dissonant Moses in Berlin and Paris ("Moses und Aron"). Jewish Review of Books,
Cohen, M. (2015). Labor Zionism, the State and Beyond: An interpretation of Changing Realities and Changing Histories. Israel Studies Review, 30(2). 1-27.
Cohen, M. (2015). Going Under with Klinghoffer. Jewish Review of Books,
Cohen, M. (2014). Verdi, Wagner, Politique et Opéra. Ruminations bicentenaires. L'Homme et la societie, 192(2). 197-206.
Cohen, M. (2014). The Values of Dissent. Dissent Magazine, 60(1).
(2014). "Reading Time". Nexus,
(2010). T.H. Marshall's "Citizenship and Social Class". Dissent, 57(4). 81.
(2010). Life and Fetters: Janacek, Dostoyevsky, Chereau. Dissent, 57(3). 73-79.
(2010). Should We Trust Intellectuals?. Common Knowledge (Duke University Press), 16(1). 7-21.
(2009). Moral Burdens: Iraq and the Ghosts of 1956. World Affairs, 171(3). 84-95.
(2008). Auto-emancipation et antisemitisme. Hommage à Bernard Lazare. Controverses, number 7. 213-220.
(2008). Gandhi’s Burden-- and Ours: Thoughts after "Satyagraha" at the Metropolitan Opera. Dissent, 55(3). 73-78.
(2006). A Roasted Cat will never make a Hare-pie; Thoughts on Political Opera, In German: Aus einer gebratener Katze wird doch kein Hasenpastete: Uberlegungen zum politschen oper. Musik und Asthetik (Klett-Cotta), 10(39). 51-66.
(2004). Un male che somiglia all' alcolismo. Rest, 85-88.
Cohen, M. (2004). Reflexions sur l' opera politique: Musique et politique. Raisons Politiques (National Foundation for Political Science and Doctoral Faculty of the Institute d' Etudes Politiques de Paris/Presses de la Fondation Nationale des sciences politique, (14). 41-59.
(2003). Auto-emancipation and Anti-Semitism: Homage to Bernard Lazare. Jewish Social Studies (New Series Indiana University Press), 9(4). 69-71.
(2003). A Preface to the Study of Modern Jewish Political Thought. Jewish Social Studies ( New Series, Indiana University Press), 9(2). 1-27.
(2002). Preface a l' etude de pensee politique juive moderne. Raisons Politiques Etudes de Pensees Politique (Doctoral Faculty of the Institute d'Etudes Politiques de Paris/Presses de la Fondation Nationale des sciences politique), 103-133(7). 193-207.
(2001). Ces Courants Qui Traversent l' Amerique. Raisons Politiques Etudes de Pensees Politique (Doctoral Faculty of the Institute d' Etudes Politiques de paris/Presses e la Fondation Nationale des sciences politque, (1). 193-207.
(1994). A Preface to the Study of Jewish Nationalism. Jewish Social Studies (New Series, Indiana University Press; Old Series, Conference on Jewish Social Studes, 1939-1992), 1(1). 73-93.
(1992). Introduction to Special Issue on Lucien Goldmann. Philosophical Forum (Baruch College, CUNY), XXIII(1-2). 3-8.
Cohen, M. (1992). Between Revolution and Normalcy: Social Class in Zionist Political Thinking. Modern Judaism (John Hopkins University Press), 12. 259-276.
Cohen, M. (1991). Lucien Goldmann in Romania . Philosophical Forum (Baruch College, CUNY), XXIII(1-2). 44-70.
(1989). The Contours of Ber Borochov's Political Thought . Ya'ad: Studies in the History and Problems of the Israeli Labour Movement (Tel-Aviv University), 1(19). 91-96.
Cohen, M. (1986). The Concept of Community in the Thought of Lucien Goldmann. Praxis International (Blackwell of Oxford Publishers), 6(3). 220-234.
Book Chapters
Cohen, M. (2017). "Zionism and the Left". In Jacobs, J. (Ed.), The Left and the Jews (p. 25). Cambridge, UK,United Kingdom. Cambridge University Press.
Cohen, M. (2014). "Anti-Semitim and the Left that Doesn't Learn". In Nelson, C., & Brahm, G. (Eds.), The Case Against Academic Boycotts of Israel Michigan. Wayne State University Press.
Cohen, M. (2008). "To the Dresden Barricades: The Genesis of Richard Wagner’s Political Ideas". In Grey, T. S. (Ed.), The Cambridge Companion to Wagner (pp. 47-64). Cambridge. Cambridge University Press.
Cohen, M. (2007). "Socialist Zionism". In Yovel, Y., & Brinker, M. (Eds.), New Jewish Time: Jewish Culture in a Secular Age, An Encyclopedic View (pp. 73-83). Tel Aviv,Israel. Keter.
Cohen, M. (2005). In the Murk of it: Iraq Reconsidered. In Cushman, T. (Ed.), (pp. 76-92). Berkeley and Los Angeles. A Matter of Principle (Univ. of California Press).
Cohen, M. (2004). Decades of Dissent. In Mills, N., & Walzer, M. (Eds.), (pp. 1-8). New Haven. Fifty Years of Dissent: An Anthology (Yale University Press).
Cohen, M. (2004). Il socialismo liberale americano: un' introduzione. In Urbinati, N., & Canto-Sperber, M. (Eds.), (pp. 197-214). Venice. Liberal-socialisti: il futuro di una tradizione (Marsilio Editori.
Cohen, M. (2004). Decades of Dissent. (pp. 5-8). Dissent (Foundation for the Study of Independent Social Ideas).
Cohen, M. (2003). Le socialisme liberal aux Etats-unis: Introduction. In Canto-Sperber, M., & Urbinati, N. (Eds.), (pp. 267-282). Paris. Le socialisme liberal (Editions Esprit).
Cohen, M. (1999). Tragedia e facto nel marxismo del xx secolo, da Gyorgy Lukacs a Lucien Goldmann (Tragedy and the fate of Marxism in the 20th Century). In Vacca, G. (Ed.), (pp. 331-348). Rome. Gramsci e il Novocento (Carocci editore).
(1999). David Stern's Cosmos. (pp. 64-67). Dissent (Found.for the Study of Independent Social Ideas).
(1999). David Stern's Cosmos. New York. David Stern: Recent Paintings (Rosenburg/Kaufman Fine Art).
Cohen, M. (1998). In Defense of Shaatnez: A Politics for Jews of Multicultural America." Insider/Outsider: Jews and Multiculturalism. Earlier version presented to the Seminar on Histoire et Historiographie comparee des Juifs (XIX et XXe siecles) of the Centre de rechereches historiques of the Ecole des hautes etudes en sciences sociales, Paris, France, January 16, 1996. In Biale, D., Heschel, S., & Galchinsky, M. (Eds.), (pp. 34-54). Berkeley/Los Angeles: Universtiy of California Press.
Cohen, M. (1995). "Rooted Cosmopolitanism: The Left, Nationalism, and Multiculturalism," What's Left? The Left and Nationalism in a Post-Socialist Europe. In Minkenberg, M. (Ed.), (pp. 69-86). Ithaca. Cornell University Institute for Eurpoean Studies Western Societies Occassional Paper #33.
(1994). "Roots of Dissent" Introductory essay in Legacy of Dissent 40 Years of Writing from Dissent Magazine. (pp. 17-35). New York. Simon & Schuster.
(1994). "The Questions of Intervention," American Foreigh Policy 1994/95: Annual Editions; Originally in Dissent, winter 1993 (foundation for the Study of Independent Ideas, pp 21-25). (pp. 91-95). Gulford CT. Dushkin Publishing.
Cohen, M. (1988). "The Lavon Affair" The Politics of Scandal. In Markovits, A. S., & Silverstein, M. (Eds.), (pp. 230-253). New York, NY. Holmes and Meier.
Media Contributions
(2017). BYU -- Sirius "Thinking Aloud".
(2017). "Thinking Aloud," Hour long interview..
(2016). "Colliding Words" (Documentary Film).
(2016). Fonet.
(2014). New York Times Sunday Book Review.
Cohen, M. (2019, November 30). Roundtable: the World Today. "Wagner's 'Ring,' or who will Rule the World Today". The Amsterdam Opera House: The Nexus Institute.
Cohen, M. (2018, April 30). Politics of Opera. : Casa Itlaiana, New York University.
Cohen, M. (2018, February 10). Politics of Opera. Princeton Festival. Princeton NJ: Prnceton Public Lbrary and Princeton University Press.
Cohen, M. (2017, September 14). The Politics of Opera. Books at Lunchtime. Manhattan: 92nd St. Y.
Cohen, M. (2017, November 30). Politics of Opera. NYU: New York Institute for the Humanities at NYU.
Cohen, M. (2015, February 13). Charlie Hebdo and After. Panel Discussion on Terrorism in France. New York University: New York Insitute for the Humanities.
Cohen, M. (2012, May 8). Anti-Semitism, Anti-Zionism and the Left. Jews and the Left. New York: YIVO Instotute for Jewish Research.
Cohen, M. (2012, May 23). The Meaning of 1977. History and Memory. Stanford: Stanford University European Center and the Van Leer Institute.
Cohen, M. (2012, April 15). Anti-Semitism and Anti-Zionism. Conference on Anti-Semitism and Anti-Zionism. Madison: University of Wisconsin.
Cohen, M. (2010, November 30). The Politics of Richard Wagner. Jerusalem Israel: Center for European Studies, Hebrew University.
Cohen, M. (2010, November 30). Ghosts of the Past: The American Extreme Right. "Ghosts of the Past". University of Tilburg, Tilburg, the Netherlands: The Nexus Institute.
Cohen, M. (2009, January 31). Wagner and Parsifal. Paris, France: School of Higher Studies in Social Science (Ecole des Huates Etudes en Sciences Sociales).
Cohen, M. (2008, November 30). Politics and Compassion in Wagner's "Parsifal". Ethics and Art. Venice Italy: University of Venice and Nexus Institute.
Cohen, M. (2006, May 26). Transnational America: Philosophical Reflections. Imagining (the) American Community (ies) in History, Politcs and the Arts. Potsdam: 36th Annual "Fachleiter" Seminar for German High School Teachers of American Studies, sponsored by the US Mission to Germany, Berlin and the Amerikazentrum of Hamburg.
Cohen, M. (2006, June 16). Humanitarian Intervention. First Galilee Dialogue on Moral and Political Philosophy. Kfar Blum, Israel: The Swiss-Israel Philosophy Society.
Cohen, M. (2004, March 26). Richard Wagner's Politics. Lecture at the American University. Washington DC
Cohen, M. (2003, May 8). Irving Howe: The Politics of a New York Intellectual. Stanford University: Center for Integrative Studies in the Sciences and Humanities.
Cohen, M. (2003, February 6). Listening to Wagner's Politics. Center for Integrative Studies in the Sciences and Humanities. Stanford University
Cohen, M. (2003, March 2). Auto-emancipation et antisemitisme. Presented to the Colloquium, Qui emancipe-t-on? Femmes, Juifs, Noirs, College des etudes juives, Alliance israelite universelle. Mairie of the 9th Arrondisement,Paris, France
Cohen, M. (2002, November 13). Thinking about Politics and Opera. Center for Integrative Studies in the Sciences and Humanities. Stanford University
Cohen, M. (2002, April 11). Political Ideas and Opera. Seminar in Comparative Politics/Sociology. New Haven: Yale Univesity.
Cohen, M. (2001, January 31). Wagner and Politics. Ecole des Hautes Etudes en Sciences Sociales. Paris
Cohen, M. (2001, March 31). Thoughts on Politics and Opera. American Center of the Institut d' Etudes Politiques de Paris.
Cohen, M. (2001, March 31). The Politics of Dissent: The Founding of An American Intellectual Journal. American University of Paris
Cohen, M. (2001, January 31). Politics and the Birth of Opera. Ecole des Hautes Etudes en Sciences Sociales. Paris
Cohen, M. (1998, October 31). . Co-Chair,International Conference on the Future of the Welfare State. Abano, Italy: Mayor of Abano, Dissent and Reset.
Cohen, M. (1997, May 8). Panel Chair, German and American Jewish Relations to Israel. Conference on Postwar Jewish Communities: Survival and Revival, Berlin-New York. : Center for European Studies of New York University, the Goethe-Institut and the Center for German and European Studies of Georgetown University at NYU.
Cohen, M. (1997, April 30). Political Canons: What are the Great Books of Politics?. Chair of and Speaker in symposium on Mitchell Cohen and Nicole Fermon's Princeton Readings in Political Thought. Televised on C-Span
Cohen, M. (1997, April 9). Political Canons: What are the Great Books of Politics?. Chair of and Speaker in symposium on Mitchell Cohen and Nicole Fermon's Princeton Readings in Political Thought. Barnes and Noble, 2289 Broadway, New York City
Cohen, M. (1997, April 6). Panel chair, Democracy and Distributive Justice. International Meeting of the Conference for the Study of Political Thought. Columbia University
Cohen, M. (1996, November 8). Discussant of paper by E.J. Hobsbawn on Is Ideology a Necessary Resource?. International Conference on Democracy between Populism and Oligarchy. Princeton University
Cohen, M. (1996, September 30). Embattled Minorities. Chair of panel and speaker in symposium on Dissent's special issue on "Embattled Minorities". Televised on C-Span
Cohen, M. (1996, September 12). Embattled Minorities. Chair of panel and speaker in symposium on Dissent's special issue on Embattled Minorities. Barnes and Noble, 2289 Broadway, New York City
Cohen, M. (1995, May 2). The Future of Intellectual Journalism. Participant/discussant, International Seminar, Institute for Advance European Studies. New York University
Cohen, M. (1995, April 30). Zionism and the Emergence of Modern Jewish Politics. The Abba Hillel Silver Lecture on the Thirtieth Anniversary of Jewish Studies. Case Western Reserve University, Clevand
Cohen, M. (1994, September 30). The Origins of Middle East Nationalism. The Resnick Lecture. SUNY at New Paltz
Cohen, M. (1994, April 30). The Utopianism of Irving Howe. Symposium on Irving Howe and his World. : CUNY Center for the Humanities at the Graduate Center.
Cohen, M. (1993, December 31). A Preface to study of Jewish Nationalism. Elise B. Lipset Endowment Lecture. Stanford University
Cohen, M. (1991, September 28). American Intellectuals and the Transformation of Europe. Lecture at "Seminaire de Reflexion: Une Certaine Idee de l`Europe". French Senate, Paris, France: Le Monde diplomatique, L E venement Europeen and the Condorcet Circle.
Cohen, M. (1989, January 15). The Political Situation in Israel. Lecture to the Editorial Board of Esprit. Paris
Cohen, M. (1988, April 21). Peace in the Middle East: Can We Get There From Here?. Lecture at Kenyon College. Gambier,Ohio
Cohen, M. (1988, February 28). The Middle East 40 Years After the Birth of Israel. Panel Chair and Discussant at the 13th Annual CUNY Political Science Conference.
Cohen, M. (1986, June 15). Israeli State-building on the West Bank: Theory and Practice. Discussant of paper at the Second Conference of the Association for Isreal Studies. Rutgers University
Cohen, M. (1985, June 30). Issues and Trends in Israeli Politics. Round table Discussant at the Founding Conference of the Association for Israel Studies. Dartmouth College
Cohen, M. (1985, December 31). Israel: The Politics of the National Unity Government. Panel Chair and Discussant at 11th Annual CUNY Political Science Conference.
Cohen, M. (1985, April 18). Radical Chains: Class in Zionist Politics and Thought from Borochov to Ben-Gurion. Lecture at the Center for European Studies. Harvard University
Cohen, M. (1984, July 31). Rutenberg, Weizmann and the Conflict over the Shape of the Zionist Movement, The Changing Character of Jewish Authority in Modern Age. Discussant of paper. London: Oxford Centre for Post-graduate Hebrew Studies and the Instute of Jewish Studies of University College.
Cohen, M. (1984, August 31). First Clash: Origins of the Split Between Left and Right in Israeli Politics. Lecture at the Summer Colloquia of the Oxford Centre for Post-graduate Hebrew Studies. Oxford University, Oxford, England
Cohen, M. (1983, February 6). The Road to Statehood: Zionist Political and Economic Strategies Before 1948. Lecture before the Continuing Seminar on Zionist Organization. World Zionist Organization, New York
Cohen, M. (1983, December 31). Historical Perspectives on the Theory of Peace and War. 9th Annual CUNY Political Conference, discussant of papers in panel on.
Cohen, M. (1982, December 31). The Middle East 1982. 8th Annual CUNY Political Science Conference, Panel Discussant.
Cohen, M. (1981, April 30). Lucien Goldmann and the Wager of Marxist Humanism. Paper Presented at the Annual Conference of New York State Political Science Association.
Cohen, M. Wagner and Verdi. Public Event (Roundtable Discussion) at the CUNY Graduate Center. CUNY Graduate Center: Levy Center of the CUNY Graduate Center.
Other Scholarly Works
Cohen, M. (2021). In gespannen tijden (In Edgy Times). (83), 75-90.
Cohen, M. (2020). "Irving Howe". 127-137.
Cohen, M. (2020). "New York-la-Virale".
Cohen, M. (2019). "The Example of Agnes Heller". 4.
Cohen, M. (2018). Did the Crusade for Human Rights lead to More Inequality?.
Cohen, M. (2015). "France's New Deal".
Cohen, M. (2015). Jewish Social Studies.
Cohen, M. (2015). Israel Studies Forum Editorial Board.
Cohen, M. (2015). Dissent Co-Editor Emeritus.
Cohen, M. (2014). L'Etranger.
Cohen, M. (2014). "Israeli Reality: New Politics and New History". "Zion and State" (French trans.).
Cohen, M. (2013). Verdi, Wagner and Politics in Opera. (5), 6.
Cohen, M. (2010). Raisons Politiques.
Cohen, M. (2007). Words in Search of a Masterpiece (published in Dutch as Woorden op zoek naar een meesterwerk). 4751-70.
Cohen, M. (2007). France: Red Rose, Blue Grip. 54(4), 19-26.
Cohen, M. (2006). French Crisis, Left Crisis: Report by a Compromised Social Democrat. 53(3), 65-76.
Cohen, M. (2005). Socialism as a Regulative Idea: The Politics of Irving Howe. The Worlds of Irving Howe: The Critical Legacy. (in Dissent, Spring 1995 pp. 254-257. Originally presented at the Conference on "Irving Howe and His World" at the CUNY Graduate Center, April 15, 1994).
Cohen, M. (2003). On a Letter from Boito to Verdi. 15-16.
Cohen, M. (2002). An Empire of Cant: Hardt, Negri, and Post-Modern Political Theory (French translation in Controverses Vol. 1 No. 1 March 2006. 19-39. Italian translation in Reset, Sept-October 2002, pp 16-20). 17-28.
Cohen, M. (1999). Operas and Citizens. 91-95.
Cohen, M. (1999). Ten Years after the Fall: Post-Communist Reflections. Symposium participant. 91-95.
Cohen, M. (1996). Embattled Minorities (Introductory essay to special issue of Dissent on "Embattled Minorites around the Globe). 6-11.
Cohen, M. (1995). Nations and Sausages: A Report on Politics in Central and Eastern Europe. 18-29.
Cohen, M. (1994). The Crimes of Communism (Symposium participant). 377-378.
Cohen, M. (1994). Politics at the Opera (Italian translation in Micromega, Rome:Editrice Periodici Culturali. September 1994, pp210-228). 254-264.
Cohen, M. (1992). Theories of Stalinism. 176-191.
Cohen, M. (1990). Creating a New-Old Europe: A Report from Berlin and Budapest (reprinted in Aesthetik und kommunkikation, Heft 73/74, 1990. Published at the Free University of Berlin. Excerpted in Hebrew in Davar. Tel Aviv, The Histradrut. April 15, 1990. p.4). 161-170.
Cohen, M. (1989). Jordan Should Sign a Peace Treaty with Israel (Published in Paris by The New York Times and the Washington Post Corporations). 4.
Cohen, M. (1989). A Profusion of Land Mines: Israel, the PLO, and the Path to Moderation. 275-278.
Cohen, M. (1989). The Withering Away of a Communist State? Political Change in Hungary (Abridged version appeared as "A Party Withers Away: Report from Hungary" L.A. Weekly. October 20-26, 1989. LA Weekly Inc.). 455-461.
Cohen, M. (1988). The Butcher's Company (On the Barbie Trial). 6-7.
Cohen, M. (1988). Israel Goes to the Polls. 235-238.
Cohen, M. (1987). Israel is in a Position to Deal Now.
Cohen, M. (1987). Portrait of the Young Lukacs. 368-373.
Cohen, M., & Gorman, R. A. (1985). Borochov, Ber; Gorz, Andre; Lefebvre, Henri; Mallet, Serge; Mounier, Emmanuel; Serge, Victor. Biographical Dictionary of Neo-Marxism. 81-82; 175-178; 254-258; 274-276; 317-319; 381-383.
Cohen, M. (1982). Vanishing Dynamism. 8.
Cohen, M. (2020,November 22). "A Socialist Future?". New York,USA: The New York Times Sunday Book Review.
Cohen, M. (2017,February 24). "Ben-Gurion: A Difficult Exit". London,United Kingdom: Times Literary Supplement.
Cohen, M. (2012,April 1). Communitas: The Origin and Destiny of Community. USA: Common Knowledge.
Cohen, M. (2007,April 1). France Uncovered. New York Times Book Review.
Cohen, M. (2002,January 17). "The Character of Genius." Review of Peter Kivy, The Possessor and the Possessed: Handel, Mozart, Beethoven, and the Idea of Musical Genius in The Wall Street Journal.
Cohen, M. (1999,September 29). "Peace it's Possible." Review of Itamar Rabinovich, Waging Peace: Israel and the Arabs at the End of the Century in The New York Times Book Review. The New York Times Publishing Corporation.
Cohen, M. (1999,February 4). "All Too Human." Review of Joachim Kohler, Nietzsche and Wagner in The Wall Street Journal. Dow Jones Co..
Cohen, M. (1998,June 19). "The Right to Opt Out." Review of Stephen L. Carter, The Dissent of the Governed and Margert Levi, Consent, Dissent and Patriotism in the Times Literary Supplement (TLS). Times of London.
Cohen, M. (1998,July 1). "Wagner as a Problem" (A Review-Essay), German Politics and Society. the Center for German and European Studies, University of California; The Gunzberg Center for European Studies, Harvard University; and the Center for German and European Studies, Georgetown University.
Cohen, M. (1997,November 23). "No More Systems." Review of Ralf Dahrendorf, After 1989: Moral, Revolution, and Civil Society, in The New York Times Book Review. New York Times Publishing Corp.
Cohen, M. (1997,February 16). "E Pluribus Unum." Review of Amitai Etzioni, The New Golden Rule: Community and Morality in a Democratic Society in The Los Angeles Times Book Review. Los Angeles Times inc.
Cohen, M. (1996,January 1). "Imaginary Jews and Jewish Imagination". Review- essay on Alain Finkielkraut, The Imaginary Jew, in Studies in Contemporary Jewry XII. New York, Oxford, Jerusalem: Oxford University Press and the Hebrew University.
Cohen, M. (1996,February 23). "How Do We Make Citizens?" Review-essay on Will Kymlicka, Multicultural Citizenship: A Liberal Theory of Minority Rights, in TLS/Times Literary Supplement. The Times of London.
Cohen, M. (1990,January 1). Zionism and the Arabs, 1882-1948: A Study in Ideology. Studies in Zionism (Te Aviv University).
Cohen, M. (1989,January 1). Jews and Germany Philosophy. Review of Nathan Rotenstreich. Studies in Contemporary Jewry (Bloomington/Jerusalem: Indiana University Press and Hebrew University).
Cohen, M. (1989,June 1). "Formulating the Future" Review of S. Avineri, Arlosoroff, TLS. The Times of London.
Cohen, M. (1987,April 1). Politics in Israel. Review of Asher Arian. The Middle East Journal (The Middle East Institute, Washington DC, University Press, and Hebrew University).
Cohen, M. (1986,January 1). Leon Blum. Review of Jean Lacouture. Studies in Conemporary Jewry (Bloomington and Jerusalem: Indiana University Press and the Institute of Contemporary Jewry of The Hebrew University).
Cohen, M. (1984,January 1). Into the Dark: Hannah Arendt and Totalitarianism. Review of Stephen J. Whitfield. Studies in Contemporary Jewry (Bloomington and Jerusalem: Indiana University Press and the Institute of Contemporary Jewry of the Hebrew University).
Cohen, M. (1983,July 1). Andre Gorz, Farewell to the Working Class: An Essay on Post-Industrial Socialism, in New Politcal Science. The Caucus for a New Political Science.
Cohen, M. (1983,July 1). "Salvationist Hope, Terrorist Dictatorship." Review of J.L. Talmon, The Myth of the Nation and the Vision of Revolution, Dissent. Foundation for the Study of Independent Social Ideas.
Cohen, M. (1982,October 1). "The Politics of the Powerless," Review of Jonathan Frankel, Prophecy and the Politics: Nationalism, Socialism, and the Russian Jews. (In Hebrew translation in Shvut No 10. Tel Aviv University, Fall 1984. pp 179-181). Dissent (Foundation for the Study of Independent Social Ideas).
Cohen, M. (1982,October 25). Dissenter in Zion: From the Writings of Judan L Magnus, The New Republic. New Republic Publishers.
Research Currently in Progess
Cohen, M.(n.d.). The Political Passions of Richard Wagner: A Political and Biographical Study. In Progress.
Currently in the process of completion.
Cohen, M.(n.d.). The Values of Social Democracy. In Progress.
Title | Funding Agency Sponsor | Start Date | End Date | Awarded Date | Total Funding | Status |
Wagner's Politics and the Politics of Interpretation | PSC-CUNY 50 | 07/01/2019 | 12/31/2020 | 04/15/2019 | 6000 | Completed |
Wagner and his Others | PSC-CUNY 49 | 07/01/2018 | 06/30/2019 | 04/15/2018 | 6000 | Completed |
The Late Politics of Wagner | PSC-CUNY 44 | 07/01/2013 | 06/30/2014 | 04/15/2013 | 3500 | Completed |
After the Revolution: Wagner in Exile | PSC-CUNY 40 | 07/01/2009 | 06/30/2010 | 1950 | Completed | |
Wagner and the Revolution of 1830 | PSC-CUNY 38 | 07/01/2007 | 06/30/2008 | 2250 | Completed |
Honor / Award | Organization Sponsor | Date Received | Description |
Short listed in Nov. 2019 for the Laura Shanon Prize in European Studies | Nanovic Institute for European Studies, Notre Dame University | 2020 | "The Politics of Opera" was short listed in Nov. 2019 (the final winner to be announced Winter 2020) for the prize for books published in 2017-18. The prize is described as being for "the best book in European Studies that transcends a focus on any one country, state or people to stimulate new ways of thinking about contemporary Europe as a whole." |
Presidential Acievement Award for Scholarly Excellence | Baruch College | 2018 | |
Winner, "The Prose Award in Music and Performing Arts" | Association of American Publishers | 2018 | For "The Politics of Opera: A History from Monteverdi to Mozart" (Princeton University Press, 2017). |
Named One of the Best Books of 2017 | Londn Evening Standard (newspaper) | 2017 | On the critics list of the London daily. |
Gold Endowment Distinguished Lecture in Jewish Studies | University of California, Santa Cruz | 2008 | |
Visiting Professor | Center for Integrative Research in the Sciences and Humanities, Stanford University (academic year 2002-2003) | 2003 | |
Summer Fellowship from Deutscher Akademischer Austauschdienst (German Academic Exchange Service) to spend summer 1998 at the Goethe Institute, Berlin | 1998 | ||
Elected a Member of PEN (1994-present) | 1994 | ||
Elected Fellow of the New York Institute for Humanities (1994-present) | 1994 | ||
National Endowment for the Humanities fellow (1993-1994) | The Institute for Advanced Study, Princeton | 1993 | |
Guest editor, special double issue of "Philosophical Forum" on Lucien Goldmann Vol. XXIII, nos. 102 | 1991 | ||
Presidential Acievement Award | Baruch College | 1988 | |
Presidential Achievement Award, Best Book | Baruch College | 1988 | |
Visiting Scholar, Oxford Centre for Post-Graduate Hebrew Studies, Oxford, England | 1984 | ||
Released Time Awards from the Dean (2006, 1999, 1998, 1997, 1994, 1991, 1987, 1985, 1984, 1983) | School of Liberal Arts and Sciences | 1983 | |
Chamberlain Fellowship | Columbia University | 1982 |
Committee Name | Position Role | Start Date | End Date |
Helper prepare course on Contemporary Political Ideologies | Present | ||
Helper prepare new course on "Topics in Politics and Literature" | Present | ||
Department Executive Committee | Committee Member | 12/31/2018 | |
Executive | Committee Member | 5/31/2018 | |
Executive Committee | 12/31/2015 | ||
Executive Committee | Committee Member | 12/31/2015 | |
Discussant of paper presented for the former president of the American Association of University Professors | 2/14/2015 | ||
Panel Speaker | 10/14/2010 | ||
Panel Speaker | 11/30/2009 | ||
Faculty Advisor Committee, The Coexistence Center | 12/31/1999 | ||
"Politics and Method in the Thought of Lucien Goldmann" paper presented at the Provost's Colloquium, Baruch College | 10/15/1998 | ||
"Politics and Opera: Thoughts on the Problem of Richard Wagner" - Dean's Lecture Series, Baruch College | 12/9/1997 | ||
College Committee on Research | 12/31/1990 | ||
Globus Committee | 12/31/1990 | ||
Discussant of paper on "The Collapse of Socialism: What Does it Mean" presented by Mihaly Vajda, The Baruch Colloquium for Philosophy, Politics, and the Social Sciences | 4/30/1990 | ||
Discussant of paper on "Marxism and Nationalism" presented by Shlomo Avineri, the Baruch Colloquium for Philosophy, Politics and the Social Sciences | 2/24/1988 |
Committee Name | Position Role | Start Date | End Date |
First Examination Committee | 1/1/1997 | 12/31/2006 | |
Steering Committee, CUNY/Brooklyn College Program for Study in Israel | 1/1/1997 | 12/31/1997 | |
Second Examination Committee | 1/1/1994 | 12/31/1995 | |
Admissions Committee | 1/1/1994 | 12/31/1995 | |
Admissions Committee | 1/1/1992 | 12/31/1993 | |
Curriculum Committee | 1/1/1992 | 12/31/1993 | |
Second Examination Committee | 1/1/1991 | 12/31/1992 | |
Curriculum Committee | 1/1/1990 | 12/31/1991 | |
Second Examination Committee | 1/1/1989 | 12/31/1990 | |
First Examination Committee | 10/31/1987 | ||
"The Evolution of Zionist Politcs" Lecture to the Presidential Seminar of Queens College on "Israel: Dream and Reality" at the Caumsett Center | 2/28/1986 | 2/28/1986 |
Organization | Position Role | Organization State | Organization Country | Start Date | End Date | Audience |
Journal of Israel Studies | Board Member | 5/1/2011 | Present | International | ||
Correspondant Americain, Raisons Politiques: Etudes de Pensee Politique (Paris: Doctoral Faculty of the Institute d'Etudes Politiques de Paris/Presses de la Fondation Nationale des sciences politique) | 1/1/2001 | Present | ||||
Editorial Board, Jewish Social Studies | 1/1/1994 | Present | ||||
Associate Member, University Seminar on Social and Political Thought, Columbia University | 1/1/1982 | Present | ||||
National Advisory Board of the Koret Foundation Jewish Book Awards | 1/1/2004 | 12/31/2005 | ||||
National Advisory Board, American Friends of the Medem Library, Paris (the leading conntinental library for the study of Yiddish culture and east European and Jewish history) | 1/1/1996 | 12/31/2000 | ||||
Nationalism, Friday Forum lecture, CUNY Grad. Center | 2/26/1992 | 12/31/1992 | ||||
"Worldview Television appearance as discussant and interviewer of the Egyptian Minister of State for Foreign Affairs Boutrus Ghali (together with former Assistant Secretary of State Richard Murphy)."Worldview" is nationally syndicated television program produced by the Council on Foreign Relations and CUNY-TV | 10/30/1989 | 10/30/1989 | ||||
"Visions of the Zionist State" lecture at the Queens College, CUNY Presidential Seminar at Caumsett State Park on "Israel: Vision and Reality" | 4/30/1988 | 4/30/1988 | ||||
"The Evolution of Zionist Politics" lecture at the Queens College, CUNY Presidential Seminar at Caumsett State Park on "Israel: Dream and Reality" | 3/2/1986 | 3/2/1986 | ||||
"Noa at 17" lecture/discussion of feature film on the crisis in the Israeli Kibbutz movement in the early 1950s for the "Israel Film Festival" 92nd Street YMHA | 12/22/1985 | 12/22/1985 |