Monica I. Neamtiu


Zicklin School of Business

Department: Stan Ross Dept Accountancy

Areas of expertise:

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Ph.D., Business Administration, Pennsylvania State University

M.S., Decision and Control in Accounting, Academy of Economic Studies, Bucharest

SemesterCourse PrefixCourse NumberCourse Name
Fall 2023ACCT70400Contemp Issues Managerial Acct
Fall 2023ACC4100Financial Accounting III
Fall 2023ACC4100Financial Accounting III
Fall 2022ACC4100Financial Accounting III
Fall 2022ACC4100Financial Accounting III
Spring 2022BUS90000Dissertation Supervision
Fall 2021BUS90000Dissertation Supervision
Fall 2021ACC4100Financial Accounting III
Fall 2021ACC4100Financial Accounting III
Spring 2021ACC4100Financial Accounting III
Spring 2021BUS90000Dissertation Supervision
Fall 2020BUS90000Dissertation Supervision
Spring 2020BUS90000Dissertation Supervision
Fall 2019BUS90000Dissertation Supervision
Fall 2019BUS89500Independent Study
Fall 2019ACC4100Financial Accounting III
Fall 2019ACC4100Financial Accounting III
Fall 2019ACCT70400Contemp Issues Managerial Acct
Spring 2019BUS90000Dissertation Supervision
Fall 2018ACC4100Financial Accounting III
Fall 2018ACC4100Financial Accounting III
Fall 2018BUS90000Dissertation Supervision
Fall 2017ACCT70400Contemp Issues Managerial Acct
Fall 2017ACC4100Financial Accounting III
Fall 2017ACC4100Financial Accounting III
Spring 2017ACC4100Financial Accounting III
Spring 2017ACC4100Financial Accounting III
Fall 2016ACC4100Financial Accounting III
Fall 2016ACC4100Financial Accounting III

Journal Articles

Li, E. X., Neamtiu, M., & Tu, Z. T. (2024). Do Firms Withhold Loan Contract Details?. The Accounting Review,

(2023). SEC confidential treatment and regulatory filing reviews. Journal of Accounting and Public Policy, 3(42). 107069.

Bonsall, S., Koharki, K., & Neamtiu, M. (2022). The disciplining effect of credit default swap trading on the quality of credit ratings. Contemporary Accounting Research , 39(2). Pages 1297-1333.

Goodman, T., Neamtiu, M., & Zhang, F. (2018). Fundamental Analysis and Option Returns. Journal of Accounting, Auditing, and Finance, 31(1). 72-97.

Bonsall, S., Koharki, K., & Neamtiu, M. (2017). When do differences in credit rating methodologies matter? Evidence from high information uncertainty borrowers. The Accounting Review, 92(4). 53-79.

Bens, D., Cheng, M., & Neamtiu, M. (2016). The Impact of SEC Disclosure Monitoring on the Uncertainty of Fair Value Estimates. The Accounting Review, 91(2). 349-375.

Bonsall, S., Koharki, K., & Neamtiu, M. (2015). The Effectiveness of Credit Rating Monitoring: Evidence from Asset Securitizations. The Accounting Review, 90(5). 1779-1810.

Neamtiu, M., Shroff, N., White, H., & Williams, C. (2014). The Impact of Ambiguity on Managerial Investment and Cash Holdings. Journal of Business, Finance and Accounting, 41(Sept/Oct). 1071–1099.

Goodman, T., Neamtiu, M., Shroff, N., & White, H. (2014). Management Forecast Quality and Capital Investment Decisions. The Accounting Review, 89(1). 331-365.

Bens, D., Goodman, T., & Neamtiu, M. (2012). Does Investment-Related Pressure Lead to Misreporting? An Analysis of Reporting Following M&A Transactions. The Accounting Review, 87(3). 839-865.

Cheng, M., Dhaliwal, D., & Neamtiu, M. (2011). Asset Securitization, Securitization Recourse and Information Uncertainty. The Accounting Review, 86(2). 541-568.

Dhaliwal, D., Lee, G., & Neamtiu, M. (2011). The Impact of Operating Leases on Firm Financial and Operating Risk. Journal of Accounting Auditing and Finance, 26(2). 151-197.

Cheng, M., & Neamtiu, M. (2009). An Empirical Analysis of Changes in Credit Rating Properties: Timeliness, Accuracy and Volatility. Journal of Accounting and Economics, 47(1-2). 108–130.


Bonsall IV, S. B., Koharki, K., Lock, B. M., & Neamtiu, M. I. (2025, March 3). Optimistic Gatekeepers: Credit Rating Optimism in M&A Deals. University of Maryland Accounting Research Seminar. College Park, Maryland: Robert H. Smith School of Business, University of Maryland.

Bonsall IV, S. B., Koharki, K., Lock, B., & Neamtiu, M. I. (2024, January 19). Optimistic Gatekeepers: Credit Rating Optimism in M&A Deals. Financial Accounting and Reporting Section Midyear Meeting 2024. Denver, Colorado: American Accounting Association.

Bonsall IV, S. B., Koharki, K., Lock, B. M., & Neamtiu, M. I. (2025, December 3). Optimistic Gatekeepers: Credit Rating Optimism in M&A Deals. University of Maryland Accounting Research Seminar. College Park, Maryland: Robert H. Smith School of Business, University of Maryland. In Progress.

Bonsall, S., Koharki, K., Lock, B. M., & Neamtiu, M. I. Optimistic Gatekeepers: Credit Rating Optimism around M&A Deals. Research seminar. Syracuse University

Bonsall IV, S. B., Koharki, K., Lock, B., & Neamtiu, M. I. (2022, August 12). Optimistic Gatekeepers: Credit Rating Optimism in M&A Deals. AAA Annual Meeting 2022. Virtual: American Accounting Association.

Bonsall, S., Koharki, K., Lock, B. M., & Neamtiu, M. I. Optimistic Gatekeepers: Credit Rating Optimism around M&A Deals. Syracuse University Accounting Research Workshop. Syracuse University

Bonsall IV, S. B., Koharki, K., Lock, B. M., & Neamtiu, M. I. (2025, October 3). Optimistic Gatekeepers: Credit Rating Optimism in M&A Deals. UC Berkeley Haas Accounting Seminar. Berkeley, CA: Haas School of Business, UC Berkeley. In Progress.

Lock, B., Bonsall, S., Koharki, K., & Neamtiu, M. (2021, March 12). Rating Agencies’ Forecasts and Credit Rating Quality. Accountancy Brown Bag Research Series. Virtual: Baruch College.

Lock, B., Bonsall, S., Neamtiu, M., & Koharki, K. (2021, April 2). Rating Agencies' Forecasts and Credit Rating Quality. Penn State University Accounting Research Colloquium. Virtual: Penn State University.

Research Currently in Progess

Lock, B., Neamtiu, M., Koharki, K., & Bonsall, S.(n.d.). Assessing Credit Rating Quality Using Rating Agencies’ Forecasts. In Progress.

This study examines the informative value of forecasts made by Moody’s Investors Service. Using a sample of credit opinion reports that provide regular forward-looking analysis of the creditworthiness of issuers rated by Moody’s, we extract forecasts of revenue, leverage, and profitability and calculate the accuracy and bias of these forecasts. We find that both inaccuracy and optimistic bias decrease with a longer Moody’s relationship and a higher quality information environment. We also find that forecast bias is larger for issuers with recent poor performance and upcoming debt issuances. More importantly, we provide evidence that less accurate, more optimistically biased, and less certain forecasts are associated with lower quality credit ratings and that optimism in forecasts is associated with future rating downgrades and widening bond yield spreads. Overall, our study provides important implications for the evaluation of credit rating quality by showing that rating agencies’ forecasts—because of their regularity, short-horizon realizations, and usage as key inputs in the rating process—provide a valuable signal of the underlying quality of credit ratings.

Lock, B., Neamtiu, M., & Basu, R.(n.d.). Credit Ratings Quality over the Business Cycle: Evidence from the COVID-19 Recession. In Progress.

We examine whether and how credit ratings quality varies over the COVID-19 Recession for issuer and investor-paid rating agencies.

Honor / AwardOrganization SponsorDate ReceivedDescription
Teaching Excellence in the Zicklin School of Business2023-05-05


Committee NamePosition RoleStart DateEnd Date
Executive CommitteeCommittee Member2/1/2017Present
Faculty Search CommitteeCommittee Member8/1/2015Present
Dissertation CommitteeCommittee Chair8/1/20188/31/2019


Committee NamePosition RoleStart DateEnd Date
Zicklin Executive CommitteeCommittee MemberPresent
Zicklin Undergraduate Honors Program CommitteeCommittee MemberPresent
Doctoral Program Executive CommitteeCommittee MemberPresent
Accounting Department Executive CommitteeCommittee MemberPresent
Faculty Recruiting CommitteeCommittee MemberPresent
PhD Admissions Committee Committee MemberPresent
Faculty Recruiting CommitteeCommittee MemberPresent
Faculty RecruitingCommitteeCommittee ChairPresent
Dissertation CommitteeCommittee Chair8/31/2019
Undergraduate Curriculum CommitteeCommittee Member5/31/2018


OrganizationPosition RoleOrganization StateOrganization CountryStart DateEnd DateAudience
Accounting HorizonsEditorial Review Board Member1/1/2019PresentNational
Reviewer, Conference Paper8/1/2006Present
Reviewer, Ad Hoc Reviewer8/1/2006Present