Myung Soo Lee


Zicklin School of Business

Department: Allen Aaronson Dept of Mkt/IB

Areas of expertise:

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Ph.D., Marketing, State University of New York at Buffalo Amherst New York

M.B.A., Marketing, State University of New York at Albany Albany New York

BBA, Business Administration, Chung-Ang University Seoul Korea

SemesterCourse PrefixCourse NumberCourse Name
Spring 2022MKT4420International Marketing
Fall 2020DCT90120Position Paper Research
Fall 2019BUS1011Business Fundamentals
Spring 2016MKT9750Marketing Strategy
Fall 2014MKT9703Marketing Management
Spring 2012BUS1000Introduction to Business
Spring 2012BUS1000Introduction to Business
Spring 2012BUS1000Introduction to Business
Spring 2012BUS1000Introduction to Business
Spring 2012BUS1000Introduction to Business
Spring 2012BUS1000Introduction to Business
Spring 2012MBA9135Exec MBA Module H
Spring 2012BUS1000Introduction to Business
Spring 2012BUS1000Introduction to Business
Spring 2012BUS1000Introduction to Business
Spring 2012BUS1000Introduction to Business
Spring 2012BUS1000Introduction to Business
Spring 2012BUS1000Introduction to Business
Fall 2011BUS1000Introduction to Business
Fall 2011BUS1000Introduction to Business
Fall 2011BUS1000Introduction to Business
Fall 2011BUS1000Introduction to Business
Fall 2011BUS1000Introduction to Business
Fall 2011BUS1000Introduction to Business
Fall 2011BUS1000Introduction to Business
Fall 2011BUS1000Introduction to Business
Fall 2011BUS1000Introduction to Business
Fall 2011BUS1000Introduction to Business
Fall 2011BUS1000Introduction to Business
Fall 2011BUS1000Introduction to Business
Spring 2011MKT9750Marketing Strategy
Summer 2010MKT9750Marketing Strategy
Summer 2007MKT5000Independent Study Marketing I
Summer 2007MKT5000Independent Study Marketing I
Summer 2007MKT9703Marketing Management
Spring 2007MKT5000Independent Study Marketing I
Spring 2007MKT9702Marketing Research
Spring 2006BUS1000Introduction to Business
Spring 2006BUS1000Introduction to Business
Spring 2006BUS1000Introduction to Business
Spring 2006BUS1000Introduction to Business
Spring 2006BUS1000Introduction to Business
Spring 2006BUS1000Introduction to Business
Spring 2006BUS1000Introduction to Business
Spring 2006BUS1000Introduction to Business
Spring 2006BUS1000Introduction to Business
Spring 2005MKT9730Channels of Distribution
Fall 2004MKT9703Marketing Management
Fall 2004MKT9703Marketing Management
Fall 2004MKT9703Marketing Management
Fall 2004MKT9703Marketing Management
Spring 2003BUS1000TIntroduction to Business - Rec
Spring 2003BUS1000TIntroduction to Business - Rec
Spring 2003BUS1000TIntroduction to Business - Rec
Spring 2003BUS1000TIntroduction to Business - Rec
Spring 2003BUS1000TIntroduction to Business - Rec
Spring 2003BUS1000TIntroduction to Business - Rec
Spring 2003BUS1000TIntroduction to Business - Rec
Spring 2003BUS1000TIntroduction to Business - Rec
Fall 2002BUS1000HHon Intr To Business
Fall 2002BUS1000HHon Intr To Business
Fall 2002BUS1000HHon Intr To Business
Fall 2002BUS1000HHon Intr To Business
Fall 2002MKT9702Marketing Research
Spring 2002BUS1000Introduction to Business
Spring 2002BUS1000Introduction to Business
Fall 2001MBA9100Executive MBA Mod A


Kim, C., Lee, M. S., Kim, M., Jun, M., & Lee, J. K. (2024). How Asian Brands Soar 9: Lessons from World's Top 10 Asian Cases. Seoul, Korea, The 1000 Years' Treasurers.

Kim, C. K., Lee, M., Kim, M., & Jun, M. (2023). How Asian Brands Soar 8: Lessons from World Top 10 Asian Cases. Seoul, Korea, The 1000 Years' Treasures.

Kim, C. K., & Lee, M. (2022). How Asian Brands Soar 7: Lessons from World Top 10 Asian Cases. Seoul, Korea, The 1000 Years' Treasures.

Kim, C. K., & Lee, M. (2021). How Asian Brands Soar 6: Lessons from World Top 10 Asian Cases. Seoul, Korea, The 1000 Years' Treasures.

Kim, C. K., & Lee, M. (2020). How Asian Brands Soar 5: Lessons from World Top 10 Asian Cases. Seoul, Korea, The 1000 Years' Treasures.

Kim, C., Lee, M., & Jeong, W. (2019). How Asian Brands Soar 4. Seoul, Korea, The 1000 Years' Treasures.

Kim, C., Lee, M., & Jeong, W. (2018). How Asian Brands Soar 3. Seoul, Korea, The 1000 Years' Treasures.

Kim, C., Lee, M., & Jun, M. (2017). How Asian Brands Soar II: Lessons from World's Top 10 Asians Cases. Seoul, Korea, The 1000 Years' Treasures.

Kim, C. K., Lee, M., Jun, M., Kim, M., & Han, J. (2016). How Asian Brands Soar: Lessons from World's Top Asian Cases. (p. 204). Seoul, Korea, Korea, The 1000 Years' Treasures.

Journal Articles

Lee, M. (2019). Do You Want to Become a Global Leader in the 21st Century?:Develop Your Own Global Perspective. Academy of Asian Business Review, 5(2). 1-14.

Lee, Y. G., & Lee, M. (2019). The Impact of Business Ownership Motives and Goals on Success in Immigrant Owned Family Businesses. Management Issues, 17(1(81)). 17-41.

Gould, S., & Lee, M. (2017). Consumers' Car Careers: A Phenomenological Study of Their Lifetime Experiences with Automobiles. Academy of Asian Business Review, 3(1). 1-53.

Ha, H., Lee, M., & Janda, S. (2016). Effects of Economic and Social Satisfaction on Partner Trust: An Investigation of Temporal Carryover Effects. European Journal of Marketing, 50(1/2). 100-123.

Lee, Y. G., Fitzerald, M. A., Barkus, K. R., & Lee, M. (2015). Adjustment Strategies and Business Success in Minority-Owned Family Firms. New England Journal of Entrepreneurship, 18(1). 9-26.

Lee, Y. G., Barkus, K. R., & Lee, M. (2015). The Diversity of Legacy Motivation: Succession Planning of African-Amerian, Mexican-American, and Korean-American Business Owners. American Entrepreneurship Journal, 8(1). 71-93.

Vaccaro, V. L., Ahlawat, S., Yucetepe, V., & Lee, M. (2011). The Relationship of Liked Music with Music Emotion Dimensions, Shopping Experience, and Patronage Intentions in Retail and Sevice Settings. Journal of Academy of Business and Economics, 11(4). 94-106.

(2010). "Exploring the Impact of Education of Korean-American Entrepreneurs". New England Journal of Entrepreneurship, 13(1). 47-60.

(2009). "Financial Intermingling in Korean-American and Mexican-American Small Businesses". Journal of Developmental Entrepreneurship, 14(3). Pages: 297-310.

(2009). Mexican Immigrant and Mexican-American Owned Businesses: Motivations for Entry, Business Management, and Succession Planning. Journal of Developmental Entrepreneurship, 14(3). 273-295.

(2008). Sampling Minority Business Owners and Their Families: The Understudied Entrepreneurial Experience. Journal of Small Business Management, 46(3). 422-455.

(2007). The Impact of the Internet on Consumers' Use of Information Sources for Automobiles: A Re-Inquiry. Journal of Consumer Research, 34(1). 111-119.

(2004). "Who Done it? Attributions by Entrepreneurs and Experts of the Factors that Cause and Impede Small Business Success". Journal of Small Business Management, 42(4). 364-376.

(2003). "The Impact of the Internet on Information Search for Automobiles". Journal of Marketing Research, 40(2). 193-209.

(2002). "The Upward Spiral Drug Costs: A Longitudinal Study of Drugs Used in teh Treatment of Hemophilia". Thrombosis and Haemostasis, 88. 545-553.

(2001). "The Impact of the Internet on Information Search for Automobiles". Research of Marketing Science (ROM), (on-line refereed journal), 2.

(2001). "A Model of Consumer Choice of the Internet as an Information Source". International Journal of Electronic Commerce, 5(3). 7-21.

(1999). "Combining the Resources of Government, Academic, and Financial Institutions: A Model of Entrepreneurship Development". Global Focus, 11(3). 105-118.

(1997). "The Accuracy of the Conference Board's Buying Plans Index: A Comparison of Judgmental vs. Extrapolation Forecasting Methods". International Journal of Forecasting, 13. 127-135.

(1997). "A Dual Path Model of Education Effects on Entrepreneurship: An Empirical Analysis". Journal of Business and Enterpreneurship, 9(1). 99-115.

(1997). "Attitudinal Constructs Towards Sponsorship: Scale Development Using Three Global Sporting Events". International Marketing Review, 14(3). 159-169.

(1996). "Black Entrepreneurship: It Has a Past and It Can Have a Future". Entrepreneurial Executive, 1(2). 1-9.

(1996). "Putting Government's Role in Perspective: The Impact of Goverment Programs on Entrepreneurs and Small Business Owners". Journal of Developmental Entrepreneurship, 1(1). 57-73.

(1996). "Comparison of Family Owned and Non-Family Owned Businesses: An Investigation of Differences in Goals, Attitudes, and Family/Business Conflict". Family Business Review, 9(4). 423-437.

(1996). "Do Women Entrepreneurs Require Special Training? An Empirical Comparison of Men and Women Entrepreneurs in the United States. Journal of Small Business and Entrepreneurship, 14(1). 4-30.

(1996). "Does Firm Origin Matter? An Empirical Examination of Types of Small Business Owners and Entrepreneurs". Academy of Entrepreneurship Journal, 1(2). 1-17.

(1995). "The Combined Influence Hypothesis: Central and Peripheral Antecedents of Attitude toward the Ad". Journal of Advertising, 24(1). 73-85.

(1994). "Program Context Antecedents of Attitude Toward Radio Commercials". Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science, 22(1). 3-15.

(1989). "A Causal Model of Consumer Involvement". Journal of Economic Psychology, 10(3). 363-389.

Book Chapters

Ratchford, B. T., Lee, M., & Talukdar, D. (2005). "Consumer Use of the Internet in Search for Automobiles: Literature Review, a Conceptual Framework, and an Empirical Investigation". In Malhotra, N. K. (Ed.), Review of Marketing Research (pp. 81-107). New York. M.E. Sharpe.

Lee, M. (2002). "Global Marketing". In Kwak, D. (Ed.), (pp. 483-513). Seoul, Korea. Dong-Sung Publishing House(written in Korean).


Watnick, V., & Lee, M. (2016, March 31). Watnick, V., Lee, Myung-Soo, Chairpersons and Deans Conference, March 2016.. Chairs and Dean's Annual Conference. : University of Kansas.

Ha, H., Janda, S., & Lee, M. (2014, December 31). The Effect of Economic and Social Satisfaction on Partner Trust. Academy of Marketing Science 17th World Marketing Congress. Lima, Peru: The Academy of Marketing Science.

Lee, Y. G., Bartkus, K. R., & Lee, M. (2013, December 31). Succession Planning Among Ethnic Groups: A Look at Family Business Owners. American Council on Consumer Interests Annual Conference. Portland, Oregon: American Council on Consumer Interests.

Vaccaro, V. L., Ahlawat, S., Yucetepe, V., & Lee, M. (2012, December 31). Pleasant Music's Relationship with Patronage Experience and Return Intentions in Retail and Service Environments. AMA Winter Educators' Conference. Orlando, Florida: American Marketing Association.

Vaccaro, V. L., Veysel, Y., Torres-Baumgarten, G., & Lee, M. (2009, December 31). The Influence of Music-Retail Consistency and Atmospheric Lighting on Consumer Behavior Intentions. Proceedings of AMS/ACRA 2009 Fall Triennial Retailing Conference. New Orleans, Louisiana

Lee, M. (2007, December 31). "Marketing and Advertising to Children in the United States". A Keynote Speech at the "Small Children, Big Customers - Advertising and Marketing toward Children" Conference. Tel Aviv, Israel: The School of Business Administration and the School of Communication of The College of Management.

Lee, M., Puryear, A. N., Rogoff, E. G., Onochie, J., & Haynes, G. (2007, December 31). Gender Differences in Family Business Management: An Empirical Investigation of Mexican-American and Korean-American Businesses in the United States ". United States Association of Small Business and Entrepreneurship (USASBE) Annual National Conference, Minority and Women Workshop Session. Orlando, Florida

Puryear, A. N., Rogoff, E. G., Lee, M., Heck, R. K., Haynes, G. W., Onochie, J., & Grossman, E. B. (2006, December 31). "Sampling Minority Business Owners and Their Families: The Understudied Entrepreneurial Experience". Presentation at the 2003 and 2005 National Minority Business Owner Surveys (2003 and 2005 NMBOSs) Invited Research Conference. New York City, New York

Lee, M., Puryear, A. N., Rogoff, E. G., Onochie, J. I., & Haynes, G. W. (2006, December 31). "Gender Differences in Family Business Management: An Empirical Investigation of Mexican-American and Korean-American Businesses in the United States". Proceedings of 51st International Council for Small Business Conference (CD-ROM format). Melobourne, Australia

Lee, M. (2005, December 31). "The Impact of the Internet on Product Information Search: a Synthesis of a Research Project". School of Management Seminar Series, SUNY at Buffalo. Buffalo, New York

Rogoff, E. G., Lee, M., & Puryear, A. N. (2004, December 31). "The Model of an Academically Based Entrepreneurship Development: A Ten-Year Retrospective". Proceedings of the United States Association of Small Business and Entrepreneurship (USASBE) Annual National Conference (CD-ROM format). Dallas, Texas

Ratchford, B. T., Lee, M., & Talukdar, D. (2003, December 31). "Consumer Use of the Internet in Search for Automobiles". Association for Consumer Research Annual Conference. Toronto, Canada

Lee, M., Ratchford, B. T., & Talukdar, D. (2003, December 31). "Evolving Role of the Internet on Consumers' Product Information Search: Insights from the Automobile Market". INFORMS Marketing Science Conference. University of Maryland, College Park, Maryland

Talukdar, D., Lee, M., & Ratchford, B. T. (2003, December 31). "The Impact of the Internet on Consumers' Product Information Search Behavior". School of Management Seminar Series, SUNY at Buffalo. Buffalo, New York

Rogoff, E. G., Lee, M., & Suh, D. (2002, December 31). "Who Done it? Attributions by Entrepreneurs and Experts of the Causes of Small Business Success and Impeding Factors". Proceeding of the United States Association for Small Business and Entrepreneurship (USASBE) Annual National Conference (CD-ROM format). Reno, Nevada

Heck, R. K., Rogoff, E. G., Lee, M., & Stafford, K. (2002, December 31). "The Economic Contributions of Family Business and Their effects on Communities". United States Association of Small Business and Entrepreneurship (USASBE) Annual National Conference, Family Business. Reno, Nevada

Lord, K. R., Lee, M., & Choong, P. (2001, December 31). "Difference in Normative and Informational Social Influence". Advances in Consumer Research , in Mary C. Gilly and Joan Meyers-Levy(eds.), Vol. XXVII PP. 280-285.

Rogoff, E. G., Lee, M., & Heck, R. K. (2001, December 31). "The Effects of Education Within The Family Business Context". Proceedings of the Second United States Association for Small Business and Entrepreneurship (USASBE) / Small Business Institute Director's Association (SBIDA) Joint National Conference (CD-ROM format). Orlando, Florida

Liu, B., Lee, M., & Ratchford, B. T. (2001, December 31). "The Role of Loyalty and Satisfaction in a Channel Relationship: An Empirical Investigation in Auto Dealership". INFORMS Marketing Science Conference. Wiesbaden, Germany

Ratchford, B. T., Lee, M., & Talukdar, D. (2000, December 31). "The Impact of the Internet on the Search for Automobiles". INFORMS Annual Conference. San Antonio, TX

Rogoff, E. G., Lee, M., & Fenton, C. (1998, December 31). "An Analysis of Services Offered to SBDC Clients: Implications for Process Management". 1998 National Small Business Development Center (SBDC) Conference Proceedings pp. 218-222. Savannah, Georgia

Lee, M., Rogoff, E. G., & Puryear, A. N. (1998, December 31). "Differences between Aspiring Minority and Established, Non- Minority Business Owners: Is There a Goal Gap?". Proceedings of the United States Association of Small Business and Entrepreneurship (USASBE) 12th Annual Conference, Lynn Neeley (Ed.), pp. 1-11.

Rogoff, E. G., Lee, M., & Puryear, A. N. (1998, December 31). "Combining the Resources of Government, Academic, and Financial Institutions: A Model of Entrepreneurship Development". The International Conference on Globalization and Emerging Business. McGill University, Montreal

Sandler, D., Shani, D., & Lee, M. (1997, December 31). "How Consumers Learn about Sponsors: The Impact of Information Sources on Sponsorship". Presented at the Three American Marketing Association Special Conferences. Dublin, Ireland

Sandler, D., Shani, D., & Lee, M. (1996, December 31). "Special Event Sponsorship: Developing a Structural Equation Model". Northeast Decision Science Institute 1996 Conference Proceeding, pp. 354-355.

Shani, D., Lee, M., & Sandler, D. (1996, December 31). "Sports Marketing: Problems and Opportunities of Product Endorsement by Sport Celebrities". Presented at the Academy of Business Administration Conference. Acapulco, Mexico

Lee, M., Rogoff, E. G., & Puryear, A. N. (1995, December 31). "Entrepreneurship Education for Minorities through a Small Business Lab". The Art & Science of Entrepreneurship Education, Vol. 3, pp. 101-110.

Lee, M., & Popkowski-Leszczyc, P. (1994, December 31). "The Dealer's Role in New Automobile Purchases". Presented at the Recent Advances in Retailing and Services Science Conference. Lake Louise, Alberta, Canada

Ratchford, B. T., Lee, M., & Sambandam, R. (1993, December 31). "Satisfaction, Preference, Search and Choice". Presented at the Marketing Science Conference. Washington University, St. Louis, Missouri

Kalita, J., & Lee, M. (1992, December 31). "An Industry Equilibrium Analysis of Downstream Vertical Integration with Demand Uncertainty". Presented at the Joint National Meeting of TIMSIORSA Conference. Orlando, FL.

Mittal, B., & Lee, M. (1991, December 31). "Extended Consumer Involvement Profiles: The Concept and its Illustration". Developments in Marketing Science, 1991 Academy of Marketing Science Proceedings, Vol. XIV, pp. 46-5O.

Sauer, P., Lee, M., & Young, M. (1990, December 31). "A Model of the Impact of Electronic Catalog Shopping". Presented at the Marketing Science Conference. University of Illinois

Mittal, B., & Lee, M. (1988, December 31). "Separating Brand-Choice Involvement from Product Involvement Via Consumer Involvement Profiles". Advances in Consumer Research, Association for Consumer Research , XV, pp. 43-49. Provo, UT

Lee, M. (1988, December 31). "Two-part Pricing in a Competitive Market; An Empirical Investigation of the Video Movie Rental Case". Proceedings of the 1988 Summer AMA Educators' Conference, pp. 195-199.


Lee, M. (1999,January 1). Review of Customer Centered Selling: Eight Steps to Success from the World's Best Sales Force by Robert L. Jolles. Global Forces.

Lee, M. (1996,January 1). Review of Marketing and Entrepreneurship: Research Ideas and Opportunities by Gerald E. Hills. Journal of Business-to-Business Marketing.

Research Currently in Progess

Lee, M.(n.d.). "Satisfaction and Complaining Behavior of Immigrant Consumers". In Progress.

Additional data analysis is needed

Lee, M. S., & Stephen, G. J.(n.d.). Consumer Car Careers: A Comparative Phenomenological Study of Their Lifetime Experiences with Automobiles. In Progress.

TitleFunding Agency SponsorStart DateEnd DateAwarded DateTotal FundingStatus
Zicklin School of Business of PayrollDeferred Funds Group01/01/201406/30/201907/06/201418622.23Completed
Honor / AwardOrganization SponsorDate ReceivedDescription
Eminent Scholar AwardAcademy of Asian Business2019
Honorary Member InducteeGolden Key International Honor Society2012
9th Annual Faculty Scholarship and Creative Achievement AwardBaruch College2011
8th Annual Faculty Scholarship and Creative Achievement AwardBaruch College2010
Employee Service Award: 20 Years of ServiceBaruch College2010
7th Annual Faculty Scholarship and Creative Achievement AwardBaruch College2009
Faculty InducteeBeta Gamma Sigma Honor Society2009
6th Annual Faculty Scholarship and Creative Achievement AwardBaruch College2008
5th Annual Faculty Scholarship and Creative Achievement AwardBaruch College2007
4th Annual Faculty Scholarship and Creative Achievement AwardBaruch College2006
3rd Annual Faculty Scholarship and Creative Achievement AwardBaruch College2005
Employee Service Award: 15 Years of ServiceBaruch College2005
2nd Annual Faculty Scholarship and Creative Achievement AwardBaruch College2004
Certificate of Recognition, " Salute to Scholars"CUNY2003
FellowColeman Foundation Scholarship20011999, 2000, 2001
Recognition AwardBoard of Education of the City of New York1999
Nomination, The Distinguished Teaching AwardBaruch College1994
Award for Continued Teaching ExcellenceSchool of Business, Baruch College1993
Nomination, The Distinguished Teaching AwardBaruch College1993
Nomination, The Doctoral Student Achievement AwardSUNY Buffalo1993
Honorable Mention, Excellence in Teaching AwardSUNY Buffalo1990
FellowAmerican Marketing Association Doctoral Consortium1989


Committee NamePosition RoleStart DateEnd Date
Recruiting CommitteeCommittee Chair1/1/201512/31/2016
Executive MS in Marketing International ProgramCoordinator1/1/200312/31/2007
Department Chair1/1/200612/31/2007
Faculty Compensation Review CommitteeCommittee Member1/1/200312/31/2007
Excutive CommitteeCommittee Member1/1/200012/31/2007
External Review Committee for Tenure and Promotion CasesCommittee Chair1/1/199812/31/2006
Recruiting CommitteeCommittee Chair1/1/199812/31/1999
Computer Resources LabCoordinator1/1/199012/31/1993


Committee NamePosition RoleStart DateEnd Date
Executive Committee for Baruch College Faculty SenateCommittee MemberPresent
Advisory Board for Conversation Partners ProgramCommittee MemberPresent
Board of Directors for SWUFE 3+1 Dual Degree ProgramMemberPresent
Graduate Curriculum CommitteeCommittee ChairPresent
Executive Director of Doctor of Professional Studies in Business ProgramPresent
Search Committee for IB FacultyCommittee Chair11/30/2022
Search Committee for the Marxe School DeanCommittee Chair5/31/2022
Board of Directors for Confucius Institute for Global FinanceMember6/30/2020
Steering Committee for Executive Doctorate ProgramCommittee Member12/31/2019
Strategic Planning Steering CommitteeCommittee Member12/31/2018
Lawrence N. Field Chair Professor of Entrepreneurship Search CommitteeCommittee Chair12/31/2017
Search Committee for Assistant Dean for Corporate OutreachCommittee Member12/31/2017
Search for Assistant Provost for Assessment, Accreditation, and Institutional EffectivenessCommittee Chair12/31/2017
Recruiting CommitteeCommittee Chair12/31/2016
Interim Dean6/30/2014
Strategic Planning Steering CommitteeCommittee Chair12/31/2012
Associate Dean for Academic Affairs12/31/2010
Department Chair12/31/2007
Executive MS in Marketing International ProgramCoordinator12/31/2007
Faculty Compensation Review CommitteeCommittee Member12/31/2007
Executive CommitteeCommittee Member12/31/2007
School Personnel and Budget CommitteeCommittee Member12/31/2007
Executive MBA Program Open Houses and OrientationsPresenter12/31/2007
Robert Zicklin Chair Professor and Director of The Zicklin Center for Corporate Integrity Search CommitteeCommittee Chair12/31/2007
Director of Instructional Technology Search CommitteeCommittee Member12/31/2007
Baruch College Entrepreneurship CompetitionMentor12/31/2006
Bernard M. Baruch College Association, Inc.Board Member12/31/2006
External Review Committee for Tenure and Promotion CasesCommittee Chair12/31/2006
The Lawrence N. Field Center for EntrepreneurshipField Mentor12/31/2006
Executive MBA ProgramTeaching Faculty12/31/2006
International Executive Program Associate Director Search CommitteeCommittee Member12/31/2006
Senate Committee on Academic Freedom and ResponsibilityCommittee Member12/31/2006
Baruch College and Merrill Lynch IPO ChallengeMentor12/31/2006
Banking Bazaar, The Lawrence N. Field Center for EntrepreneurshipSpeaker12/31/2005
College for a DayPresenter12/31/2003
Freshman Text Selection CommitteeCommittee Member12/31/2002
2000 Entrepreneurship SummitSpecial Session Moderator12/31/2000
Middle State Accreditation CommitteeCommittee Member12/31/2000
Recruiting CommitteeCommittee Chair12/31/1999
Family Business ConferenceOrganizing Committee12/31/1999
Freshman Year Initiative CommitteeCommittee Member12/31/1997
Financial Aid CommitteeCommittee Member12/31/1996
Honor Thesis by Syed Sajid Mukhtar titled" An Empirical study of Immigrant Consumers' Complaining Behavior"Faculty Sponsor12/31/1995
Social Activities CommitteeCommittee Member12/31/1994
Small Business LabFaculty Coordinator12/31/1994
Ceremonial Occasions CommitteeCommittee Member12/31/1994
Multicultural WorkshopFaculty Participant12/31/1993
Workshop on Writing and the ESL SequenceFaculty Participant12/31/1993
Computer Resources LabCoordinator12/31/1993
Faculty-Student Disciplinary CommitteeCommittee Member12/31/1992


Committee NamePosition RoleStart DateEnd Date
University Faculty SenateUniversity Senate Service1/1/2019Present
CUNY Representative to World Cities and World Class University (WC2) NetworkProgram Organizer1/1/201512/31/2018
CUNY Global Strategic Framework CommitteeCommittee Member12/31/2016
Doctoral ProseminarPresenter1/1/200412/31/2010
PSC-CUNY Research Grant Evaluation, CUNYCoordinator12/31/2002
PSC-CUNY Research Grant Evaluation, CUNYReviewer12/31/2000
Asian-American Higher Education Council ConferenceOrganizing Committee12/31/1995
PSC-CUNY Research Grant Evaluation, CUNYPanel Member and Reviewer12/31/1994
Diamond Fellowship Program WorkshopFaculty Presenter12/31/1992


OrganizationPosition RoleOrganization StateOrganization CountryStart DateEnd DateAudience
New England Journal of EntrepreneurshipReviewer, Journal Article12/31/2020
Journal of Entrepreneurship ResearchReviewer, Journal Article12/31/2012
Journal of Developmental EntrepreneurshipReviewer, Journal Article12/31/2008


OrganizationPosition RoleOrganization StateOrganization CountryStart DateEnd DateAudience
Journal of Small Business ManagementReviewer1/1/200512/31/2007
Academy of Marketing Science Annual ConferenceReviewer12/31/2007
Mary Long, Ph. D., Pace University for her promotion to fullExternal Reviewer12/31/2006
Journal of MarketingAd-Hoc Reviewer12/31/2006
Pola Gupta, Ph. D., Wright State University for tenure (2003) and promotion to full (2006)External Reviewer1/1/200312/31/2006
Dawn Lerman, Ph. D., Fordham University for her tenureExternal Reviewer12/31/2005
Valerie Vaccaro, Ph. D., SUNY at Old Westbury for her reappointmentReviewer12/31/2005
Electronic MarketsAd-Hoc Reviewer1/1/200412/31/2005
The Korean School of New Jersey, Teaneck, New JerseyBoard Member1/1/199812/31/2005
Marketing ScienceAd-Hoc Reviewer12/31/2003
Peggy Choong, Ph. D., Niagara University for her tenureExternal Reviewer12/31/2003
Occupational Educational Commission, New York City Board of EducationAdvisory Board Member1/1/199912/31/2002
Virtual Enterprise International, Inc., New York City Board of EducationAdvisory Board Member1/1/199712/31/2002
International Journal of Electronic CommerceAd-Hoc Reviewer12/31/2002
Yooncheong Cho's Ph. D. Dissertation, Rutgers UniversityOutside Reader12/31/2002
Journal of Business VenturingAd-Hoc Reviewer12/31/2002
Research Grant Program Evaluation, Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of CanadaReviewer1/1/199412/31/1996
Uday Kumar's Ph. D. Dissertation, SUNY BuffaloOutside Reviewer12/31/1994
Brooklyn Local Development CorporationBoard MemberNew York1/1/199012/31/1994
Academy of Marketing Science QOL ConferenceReviewer12/31/1992
AMA Summer Educators' ConferenceReviewer12/31/1992
International Journal of ForecastingReviewer1/1/199012/31/1991