Naomi A Gardberg

Assc Professor

Zicklin School of Business

Department: N. P. Loomba Dept of Mgt

Areas of expertise:

Email Address:


Ph.D., Management & International Business, Stern School of Business, New York University

M.Phil., Management & International Business, Stern School of Business, New York University

M.B.A., Marketing & International Business, Tulane University

B.A., Political Economy & International Relations, Tulane University

SemesterCourse PrefixCourse NumberCourse Name
Spring 2024BUS80200Higher Educ Teaching Seminar
Fall 2023BPL5100Business Policy
Fall 2023MGT4880Mgt Of Multinat Corp
Spring 2023BUS89500Independent Study
Spring 2023BUS80200Higher Educ Teaching Seminar
Spring 2023MGT4880Mgt Of Multinat Corp
Fall 2022MGT4880Mgt Of Multinat Corp
Fall 2022BPL5100Business Policy
Spring 2022MGT4880Mgt Of Multinat Corp
Fall 2021MGT4880Mgt Of Multinat Corp
Spring 2021BUS80200Higher Educ Teaching Seminar
Spring 2021MGT4880Mgt Of Multinat Corp
Fall 2020MGT4880Mgt Of Multinat Corp
Fall 2020BPL5100Business Policy
Spring 2020MGT88000Special Topics in Business
Spring 2020MGT4880Mgt Of Multinat Corp
Fall 2019BPL5100Business Policy
Fall 2017MGT4880Mgt Of Multinat Corp
Fall 2016MGT4880Mgt Of Multinat Corp
Spring 2016MGT4880Mgt Of Multinat Corp
Fall 2015MGT88000Practical Development Sem
Fall 2015MGT4880Mgt Of Multinat Corp
Spring 2015BUS89500Independent Study
Spring 2015MGT9994Special Topics In Entreprenshp
Spring 2015MGT4880Mgt Of Multinat Corp
Fall 2014MGT88000Practical Development Seminar
Spring 2014MGT4880Mgt Of Multinat Corp
Spring 2014MGT9994Special Topics In Entreprenshp
Fall 2013MGT4880Mgt Of Multinat Corp
Fall 2013BUS85000Cross-Cultural Management
Spring 2013MGT4880Mgt Of Multinat Corp
Spring 2013BUS9200Business Policy
Fall 2012MGT4880Mgt Of Multinat Corp
Fall 2012MGT88000Practical Development Sem II
Spring 2012BUS9200Business Policy
Spring 2012MGT4880Mgt Of Multinat Corp
Fall 2011MGT4880Mgt Of Multinat Corp
Spring 2011BUS9200Business Policy
Fall 2010MGT4880Mgt Of Multinat Corp
Spring 2009BPL5100Business Policy
Spring 2009BPL5100Business Policy
Fall 2008BPL5100Business Policy
Fall 2008BPL5100Business Policy
Fall 2008BPL5100Business Policy
Spring 2008BPL5100HHonors - Business Policy
Spring 2008BUS9200Business Policy
Fall 2007BPL5100Business Policy
Fall 2007BUS9200Business Policy
Spring 2007BPL5100Business Policy
Fall 2006BPL5100Business Policy
Fall 2006MGT9870Internatl Comp Mgt
Fall 2006BPL5100Business Policy
Fall 2006MGT9870Internatl Comp Mgt
Spring 2006BPL5100Business Policy
Spring 2006MGT9870Internatl Comp Mgt
Fall 2005BPL5100Business Policy
Fall 2005BPL5100Business Policy
Spring 2005BPL5100Business Policy
Spring 2005BPL5100Business Policy
Spring 2004BPL5100Business Policy
Spring 2004BPL5100Business Policy
Spring 2004BPL5100Business Policy
Fall 2003BPL5100Business Policy
Fall 2003BPL5100Business Policy
Fall 2003BPL5100Business Policy
Spring 2003BPL5100Business Policy
Spring 2003BPL5100Business Policy
Spring 2003BPL5100Business Policy
Fall 2002BPL5100Business Policy
Fall 2002BPL5100Business Policy
Fall 2002BPL5100Business Policy


Deephouse, D., Gardberg, N., & Newburry, W. (2019). Global Aspects of Reputation and Strategic Management. Bingley, United Kingdom, Emerald Publishing Ltd.

Journal Articles

(2024). Firm Rivalry and Foreign Direct Investment Pace: The Contingent Role of Competitor FDI Disclosure and New Market Complexity. Journal of International Management, 41.

(2024). The Tension between Corporate Reputation’s Buffering Market Valuation and Its Suffering during Misconduct Investigations. Business & Society, 33.

Bundy, J., Deephouse, D. L., Gardberg, N. A., & Newburry, W. (2022). Can We Adequately Assess Corporate Reputation?. Rutgers Business Review, 7(2). 193-210.

Gardberg, N. A., Newburry, W., Hudson, B. A., & Viktora-Jones, M. (2022). Adoption of LGBT-inclusive policies: Social construction, coercion, or competition?. Social Forces, 101(3). 1116–1142.

Gardberg, N., Genc, M., Yin, X., & Onez, E. (2021). Waves of Foreign Direct Investment and Divestment: Mimetic Behavior and Exit.

Gardberg, N., Zyglidopoulos, S., & Symeou, P. (2021). From Corporate Social Performance to Reputation and Financial Performance: A Cross-National Comparison of How Trust in Business Matters. Journal of Management (Reject and resubmit) (FT 50 Journal), 40.

Deephouse, D., Gardberg, N., & Newburry, W. (2021). Letter from the Editors: Special Forum on Managing Reputation across Borders. AIB Insights, 21(3). 1-4.

Gardberg, N., Zyglidopoulos, S., Symeou, P. C., & Schepers, D. (2019). The Impact of Corporate Philanthropy on Reputation for Corporate Social Performance. Business and Society, 58. 1177-1208.

Symeou, P. C., Zyglidopoulos, S., & Gardberg, N. (2019). Corporate Environmental Performance: Revisiting the Role of Organizational Slack. Journal of Business Research, 96. 169-182.

Sampath, V., Gardberg, N., & Rahman, N. (2018). Corporate Reputation’s Invisible Hand: Bribery, Rational Choice, and Reputational Penalties. Journal of Business Ethics, 151(3). 743 - 760.

Gardberg, N. (2017). Corporate Reputation: Fad, Fashion or Phenomenon?. Corporate Reputation Review, 20(3). 177-180.

Newburry, W., Gardberg, N., & Sanchez, J. I. (2014). Employer Attractiveness in Latin America: The Association among Foreignness, Internationalization and Talent Recruitment. Journal of International Management, 20. 327-344.

Gardberg, N., & Newburry, W. (2013). Who Boycotts Whom? Marginalization, Company Knowledge and Strategic Issues. Business and Society, 52. 318-357.

Kopelman, R., Gardberg, N., & Brandwein, A. (2011). Recognition and Reward to Improve Service: A Field Study in a Public Higher Education Institution. Journal of Public Personnel Management, 40(2). 133-149.

Ponzi, L. J., Fombrun, C. J., & Gardberg, N. (2011). Reputation Pulse: Conceptualizing and Validating a Short-Form Measure of Corporate Reputation. Corporate Reputation Review, 14(1). 13-35.

Gardberg, N., & Fombrun, (2006). Corporate Citizenship: Creating Intangible Assets across Institutional Environments. Academy of Management Review, 31. 329-346.

Gardberg, N. (2006). Reputation, Reputazione, Reputatie, Ruf: A Cross-Cultural Qualitative Analysis of Construct and Scale Equivalence. Corporate Reputation Review, (9(1)). 39-61.

Newburry, , Gardberg, N., & Belkin, L. (2006). Organizational Attractiveness Is in the Eye of the Beholder: The Interaction of Movement Capital with Foreignness. Journal of International Business Studies, (37(5)). 666-686.

Schepers, D., & Gardberg, N. (2004). Enron: On the Side of Angels. Journal of Behavioral and Applied Management, 5(2). 166-184.

Gardberg, N., & Fombrun, (2002). The Reputation Quotient Project: First Steps towards a Cross-Nationally Valid Measure of Corporate Reputation. Corporate Reputation Review, (4(4)). 303-307.

Gardberg, N., & Fombrun, C. (2002). The Most Visible Corporate Reputations in the U.S. Corporate Reputation Review, (4(4)). 385-391.

(2000). Towards One Vision, One Voice: A Review Essay of the Third International Conference on Corporate Reputation, Image and Competitiveness. Corporate Reputation Review, (3(2)). 101-111.

Fombrun, C., & Gardberg, N. (2000). Who's Tops in Corporate Reputations?. Corporate Reputation Review, (3(1)). 13-17.

Fombrun, C., Gardberg, N., & Sever, J. (2000). The Reputation Quotient: A Multi-Stakeholder Measure of Corporate Reputation. Journal of Brand Management, (7(4)). 241-255.

Fombrun, C., Gardberg, N., & Barnett, M. (2000). Opportunity Platforms and Safety Nets: Corporate Reputation and Reputational Risk. Business and Society Review, (105(1)). 85-106.

Book Chapters

Gardberg, N. A. (2024). Corporate Citizenship and Corporate Reputation. Nuvola Lavazza: a Strategic Communication Framework (p. 12). Bocconi University Press.

Newburry, W., Deephouse, D., & Gardberg, N. (2019). Introductory Chapter. Global Aspects of Reputation and Strategic Management (pp. 1-20). Bingley, United Kingdom. Emerald Publishing Ltd.

Dowling, G., & Gardberg, N. (2014). Measuring Corporate Reputation. Sustainability Matters 2014: How Sustainability Can Enhance Corporate Reputation (pp. 64-69). New York, New York. Conference Board.

Gardberg, N., & Schepers, D. (2012). "Mattel’s Misfit Toys". In Dess, G. G., Lumpkin, G. T., Eisner, A., & McNamara, G. (Eds.), Strategic Management (pp. C178-C192). McGraw-Hill Irwin.

Dowling, G., & Gardberg, N. (2012). Keeping Score: The Challenges of Measuring Corporate Reputation. In Barnett, M., & Pollock, T. (Eds.), (pp. 34-68). Oxford, UK. Oxford University Press.

Schepers, D., & Gardberg, N. (2010). Enron: On the Side of Angels. In Dess, G. G., Lumpkin, G. T., & Eisner, A. (Eds.), Strategic Management: Text and Cases (pp. C38-C47). New York, NY. McGraw-Hill Irwin.

Gardberg, N., & Schepers, D. (2010). "Mattel’s Misfit Toys". In Dess, G. G., Lumpkin, G., & Eisner, A. (Eds.), Strategic Management (pp. C141-C154). McGraw-Hill Irwin.

Schepers, D., & Gardberg, N. (2009). Enron: On the Side of Angels. In Ketchen, D. J., & Eisner, A. (Eds.), Strategy (pp. 213-219). New York, NY. McGraw-Hill Irwin.

Schepers, D., & Gardberg, N. (2008). Enron: On the Side of Angels. In Dess, G. G., Lumpkin, G. T., & Eisner, A. (Eds.), Strategic Management (pp. 798-807). NY, NY. McGraw-Hill Irwin.

Schepers, D., & Gardberg, N. (2007). Enron: On the Side of Angels. In Dess, G. G., Lumpkin, G. T., & Eisner, A. (Eds.), Strategic Management (pp. 798-807). New York, NY. McGraw-Hill Irwin.

Media Contributions

Gardberg, N. A. (2012). "A Measure of Transparency" in BizEd.

(2011). Huffington Post.

(2011). The Economist.

(2011). ICT Magazine.

(2011). The Conference Board.

(2011). WNYC.

(2011). Agenda Week.

(2011). Nature Medicine.

(2011). CUNY TV.

(2011). Mother Jones News.


Newburry, W., Gardberg, N. A., Hudson, B., Mohliver, A., Meyers, A. D., & Ito, H. (2024, August 27). Multinational LGBTQIA+ Policies in Contested International Business Environments. 84th Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management. Chicago, IL: Academy of Management.

Gardberg, N. A. (2024, June 27). Institutional Contestation, Divisive Issues, and Social Evaluations: Implications for Business and Society. International Association of Business and Society Conference. Annapolis, MD: International Association of Business and Society.

Viktora-Jones, M., Gardberg, N. A., & Newburry, W. (2024, July 27). Does International Activity Impact the Initiative of U.S. Firms to Adopt LGBTQ-Supportive Policies?. AIB 2024 Seoul Conference. Seoul, South Korea: Academy of International Business.

Gardberg, N. A., Sampath, V., & Rahman, N. (2024, March 27). Corporate Corruption, Corporate Reputation, and Recovery. Faculty Research Symposium - Pecha Kucha. Baruch College

Gardberg, N. A., Colleoni, E., & Barnett, M. L. (2024, August 27). Exploring the Real Effects of Fake News on Corporate Reputations. 2023 AOM Annual Meeting. Boston, MA: Academy of Management.

Gardberg, N. A., Sampath, V., & Rahman, N. (2024, June 27). Corporate Corruption, Corporate Reputation, and Recovery. 34th Annual Meeting. Bath, United Kingdom: International Association of Business & Society.

Gardberg, N. A., Colleoni, E., & Barnett, M. L. (2024, June 27). Fake News, Signalling Theory, and Corporate Reputations. 34th Annual Meeting. Bath, United Kingdom: International Association of Business & Society.

Newburry, W., Gardberg, N. A., Moliver, A. C., & Raskovic, M. (2024, July 27). Multinational LGBTQIA+ Policies in Contested International Business Environments. 2023 Annual Meeting. Warsaw, Poland: Academy of International Business.

Gardberg, N. A., Colleoni, E., & Barnett, M. L. (2024, June 27). Exploring Signaling Theory, Fake News, and Corporate Reputations. International Association of Business and Society Annual Meeting. San Francisco, CA: International Association of Business and Society.

Gardberg, N. A., Colleoni, E., & Barnett, M. L. (2024, June 27). Workshop: Unbelievable! How Fake News Affects the Relationship between Business and Society. International Association of Business and Society Annual Meeting. San Francisco, CA: International Association of Business and Society.

Gardberg, N. A., Colleoni, E., & Barnett, M. L. (2024, September 27). Reputation is dead; long live reputation! Exploring signaling theory, fake news, and corporate reputations . Oxford University Symposium on Corporate Reputation. Oxford, England: Oxford University Centre for Corporate Reputation.

Illia, L., Colleoni, E., Zyglidopoulos, S., Gardberg, N., & Romenti, S. (2021, July 31). How to Mitigate the Impact of Fake News on Corporate Reputation. 37th EGOS Colloquium. Amsterdam / Virtual: EGOS.

Gardberg, N., Zyglidopoulos, S., Fotaki, M., & Illia, L. (2021, July 31). The Social Performance of Stigmatized Firms. 81st Annual Meeting. Virtual: Academy of Management, PDW - Demonstrating Stigma in Research: Practical and Theoretical Considerations.

Gardberg, N., Bantimaroudis, P., Barnett, M. L., Colleoni, E., Illia, L., & Zyglidopoulos, S. (2021, July 31). Panel Symposium - Fake News: Implications for Management, Organization, and Society. Academy of Management Annual Meeting. Virtual: Academy of Management.

Gardberg, N. (2021, July 31). Social Issues in Management Doctoral Consortium. Academy of Management Annual Meeting. Virtual

Gardberg, N. A., Yin, X., & Liu, J. (2021, June 30). Mimetic Behavior and Internationalization Pace: The Moderating Effects of Ownership and FDI Disclosure. Academy of International Business. Virtual

Bundy, J., Deephouse, D., Gardberg, N., & Newburry, W. (2021, May 31). Can We Adequately Assess Corporate Reputation?. The Questions & Unanswers About Social Innovation (QUASI) Seminar Series. : Rutgers University.

Zyglidopoulos, S., Gardberg, N., Fotaki, M., & Illia, L. (2020, August 31). Counteracting Stigma through CSP and Emotions. 80th Annual Meeting. Vancouver, Canada: Academy of Management.

Gardberg, N., Zyglidopoulos, S., & Symeou, P. (2020, July 31). From Corporate Social Performance to Reputation and Financial Performance: How Trust Differs across Institutional Environments. 2020 Academy of International Business Annual Meeting. Miami, FL: Academy of International Business.

Zyglidopoulos, S., Gardberg, N., Fotaki, M., & Illia, L. (2020, June 30). Atoning through CSP: The Social Performance of Stigmatized Firms. International Association of Business and Society. Lisbon, Portugal

Gardberg, N., & Westermann-Behaylo, M. (2019, August 31). Social Issues in Management Doctoral Consortium. Academy of Management Annual Meeting. Boston, MA

Zyglidopoulos, S., Gardberg, N., Illia, L., & Fotaki, M. (2019, September 30). Atoning through CSP: The Social Performance of Stigmatized Firms. 2019 Organizational Stigma Paper Development Workshop. Paris, France

Zyglidodoupolis, S., & Gardberg, N. (2019, March 31). Do Firms in Stigmatized Industries Depend More on Their Social Performance to Internationalize?. International Association of Business and Society Annual Meeting. San Diego, CA

Gardberg, N., Barnett, M., Ekema-Agbaw, M., & Zyglidopoulos, S. (2019, March 31). The Role of Corporate Reputation in Business and Society Research. International Association of Business and Society Annual Meeting. San Diego, CA

Gardberg, N., Yin, X., & Liu, J. (2018, August 31). Competition, Ownership, and Internationalization Pace. Academy of Management. Chicago, IL

Gardberg, N. (2018, August 31). Roundtable: Oxford Handbook – Ten Years Later. Reputation Symposium. Said Business School: Oxford University.

Sampath, V., Gardberg, N., & Rahman, N. (2018, June 30). Corporate Misconduct and Comorbidity: A Pathological View of Corporate Wrongdoing. International Association of Business and Society Conference. Hong Kong

Gardberg, N., & Kher, R. (2018, June 30). BOYCOTT VERSUS BUYCOTT: MARGINALIZATION AND VOICE. Making the Invisible Visible in Business & Society Research. Hong Kong: Intl Association of Business & Society.

Gardberg, N., Yin, X., & Genc, M. (2017, August 31). Entry Timing in a Fragmented Industry: Bandwagon Effects, Mutual Forbearance, and Strategic Groups. Academy of Management. Atlanta, GA

Gardberg, N., Schepers, D., & Carroll, C. (2017, August 31). Corporate Political Disclosure: Theoretical Construct Development and Measure Validation. Academy of Management. Atlanta, GA

Liu, J., Ning, K., Gardberg, N., & Apostoloski, N. (2017, July 31). Consequences of Cultural Practices for Entrepreneurial Intentions. Academy of International Business. Dubai, UAE

Zyglidopoulos, S., Gardberg, N., Dieleman, M., Foster, S., Hirsch, P., & Sampath, V. (2017, June 30). Symposium: The Role of Compliance in Preventing Corporate Corruption and Financial Crime. International Association of Business and Society. Amsterdam, Netherlands

Gardberg, N. (2017, June 30). Refining Signal Detection Theory: Characteristics of Philanthropic Portfolios. International Association of Business and Society. Amsterdam, Netherlands

Gardberg, N., Yin, X., & Liu, J. (2016, December 31). Internationalization Pace: Competition, Experiential Learning and New Market Complexity. Academy of International Business Annual Meeting. New Orleans, LA

Genc, M., & Gardberg, N. (2016, January 31). Advanced Economy MNES (AMNEs) In Emerging Markets: An Empirical Study of Survival. Global Strategy & Emerging Markets Conference. Miami, Florida

Zyglidopoulos, S., & Gardberg, N. (2016, June 30). Corporate Philanthropy, Corporate Reputation, Environmental Munificence and Performance. International Association of Business and Society Annual Conference. Salt Lake City, UT: IABS.

Zyglidopoulos, S., & Gardberg, N. (2016, September 30). The Role of Environmental Munificence on the Impact of Corporate Philanthropy on Reputation and Performance. Strategic Management Society Annual Conference. Berlin, Germany: SMS.

Gardberg, N., Yin, X., & Liu, J. (2016, December 31). Internationalization Pace in a Fragmented Industry: Experiential Learning and Competitive Dynamics. Annual Meeting of Academy of Management. Anaheim, CA

Gardberg, N., Zyglidopoulos, S., & Symeou, P. (2015, August 31). Public Trust's Duality in the CSP - Reputation - Financial Performance Relationship across Countries. Proceedings of the Seventy-Fifth Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management. Vancouver, Canada

Gardberg, N., Zyglidopoulos, S., & Symeou, P. (2015, March 31). Corporate Social Performance, Trust, Corporate Reputation and Corporate Financial Performance: Crossnational Study. 26th Annual IABS Conference. Guanacaste, Costa Rica: International Association of Business & Society.

Gardberg, N., Zyglidopoulos, S., & Symeou, P. (2015, August 31). Public Trust's Duality in the CSP - Reputation - Financial Performance Relationship across Countries. 2015 Academy of Management Annual Conference. Vancouver, Canada

Rahman, N., Sampath, V., & Gardberg, N. (2015, August 31). Crime and punishment: A meta-analysis of the effects of firm misconduct on market valuation. 2015 Academy of Management Annual Conference. Vancouver, Canada

Gardberg, N., Newburry, W., Hudson, B., & Feffer, Y. (2015, August 31). Adoption of LGBT-friendly policies: Social construction, coercion, competition, or learning?. 2015 Academy of Management Annual Conference. Vancouver, Canada

Gardberg, N., Rahman, N., & Sampath, V. (2015, March 31). The Supply of MNE’s Voluntary Disclosure of Foreign Corruption. 26th Annual IABS Conference. Guanacaste, Costa Rica: International Association of Business & Society.

Gardberg, N., Yin, X., Liu, J., & Newburry, W. (2015, December 31). Internationalization Pace in a Fragmented Industry: Environmental and Competitive Factors. International Conference of Strategic Management Society. : Denver, Colorado.

Gardberg, N., Newburry, W., Hudson, B., & Feffer, Y. (2014, August 31). Arbiter Evaluations of Controversial Corporate Policies: LGBT-Friendly Practices and Reputation. Academy of Management. Philadelphia, PA

Gardberg, N., Zyglidopolous, S., & Symeou, P. C. (2014, June 30). Corporate Social Performance and Corporate Financial Performance: The Mediating and Moderating Effects of Corporate Reputation. International Association of Business & Society. Sydney, Australia

Rahman, N., Sampath, V., & Gardberg, N. (2013, August 31). Firm Misconduct and Rehab: Do Corporate Reintegration Initiatives Lessen Sanction Severity?. Academy of Management. Orlando, FL

Gardberg, N., Genc, M., & Newburry, W. (2013, July 31). Foreign Direct Divestment: Strategic Groups, Firm Capabilities and Market Exit. Academy of International Business. Istanbul, Turkey

Gardberg, N., Sampath, V. S., & Rahman, N. (2012, August 31). Corruption and Corporate Reputation: The Paradox of Buffering and Suffering, In Leslie Toombs (Ed.) ISSN 1543-8643. doi:10.5465/AMBPP.2012.206. Proceedings of the Seventy-Second Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management. Boston, MA

Gardberg, N., Genc, M., & Newburry, W. (2012, December 31). When to Leave the Party: Which Factors Contribute to Market Exit. Strategic Management Society Conference. Prague, Czech Republic

Newburry, W., Gardberg, N., Hudson, B., & Feffer, Y. (2012, December 31). Organizational Actions in the Face of Institutional Contestation: Diffusion of LGBT-Friendly Policies, In Leslie Toombs (Ed.) ISSN 1543-8643.. Proceedings of the Seventy-Second Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management. Boston, MA

Newburry, W., Gardberg, N., Feffer, Y., & Hudson, B. (2012, May 31). Reputational Consequences Stemming from the Adoption of LGBT-Friendly Practices. 16th International Conference on Corporate Reputation, Brand, Identity and Competitiveness. Milan, Italy: Reputation Institute.

Newburry, W., Gardberg, N., & Sanchez, J. (2011, December 31). Employer Attractiveness in Emerging Markets: Is Foreignness a Liability in the War for Talent?. Iberoamerican Academy of Management International Conference. Lima, Peru: Iberoamerican Academy of Management.

Sampath, V. S., Gardberg, N., & Rahman, N. (2011, August 31). Corporate Reputation's Invisible Hand: Bribery and Reputational Penalties. Academy of Management. San Antonio, TX

Gardberg, N., Schepers, D., & Lipani, L. (2011, June 24). Antecedents of Corporate Political Finance Disclosure. International Association of Business & Society Annual Meeting. Bath, UK: International Association of Business & Society.

Sampath, V. S., Gardberg, N., & Rahman, N. (2011, May 31). Corruption and Corporate Reputation: How Buffering Reputational Capital Loss during a Bribery Crisis Causes Corporate Reputation to Suffer. 15th International Conference on Corporate Reputation, Brand, Identity and Competitiveness. New Orleans, LA: Reputation Institute.

Gardberg, N. (2011, May 31). How Cajun & Creole Food as well as Jazz & Cajun music underpin New Orleans’ reputation, image & identity. 15th International Conference on Corporate Reputation, Brand, Identity and Competitiveness. New Orleans, LA: Reputation Institute.

Chiou, A., & Gardberg, N. (2010, August 31). A Social Identity Approach to Culture and Cultural Change. Annual Meeting. Montreal, Canada: Academy of Management.

Gardberg, N., & Dowling, G. (2010, September 30). Keeping Score: Measures of Corporate Reputation. Oxford Reputation Handbook and Symposium. Oxford, UK: Oxford University Centre for Corporate Reputation.

Gardberg, N., Genc, M., & Newburry, W. (2010, September 30). Strategic Group Membership and Foreign Direct Investment: Location Choice and Timing in Fragmented Industries. Annual Meeting. Rome, Italy: Strategic Management Society.

Newburry, W., & Gardberg, N. (2010, August 31). Marginalization and Attraction to Foreign Firms. Annual Meeting. Montreal, Canada: Academy of Management.

Kopelman, R., Gardberg, N., & Brandwein, A. (2009, December 31). Using a Recognition and Reward Initiative to Improve Service Quality: A Quasi-Experimental Field Study in a Public Higher Education Institution. Northeast Decision Sciences Institute 2009 Conference.

Zhou, W., Gardberg, N., & Zachary, R. (2009, October 31). Entrepreneurial Intentions, Work-Family Conflict and Entrepreneurial Success: A Cross-Cultural Study. 2009 Annual Conference. New York, NY: Academy of International Business – Northeast.

Gardberg, N., & Schepers, D. (2008, December 31). Mattel's Misfit Toys: Recalls in the Toy Industry, pp. 217-256. Proceedings of the Eastern Academy of Management 2008 Meetings.

Gardberg, N., & Schepers, D. (2008, December 31). Do Stakeholders Detect Corporate Social Performance Signals, In George T. Solomom. ISSN1453-8643. Proceedings of the Sixty-Sixth Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management (CD).

Gardberg, N. (2008, August 31). Do Stakeholders Detect Corporate Social Performance Signals. Academy of Management. Anaheim, Ca

Gardberg, N. (2008, May 31). Mattel's Misfit Toys: Recalls in the Toy Industry. Eastern Academy of Management 2008 Meetings. Washington, DC

Gardberg, N., & Schepers, D. (2007, December 31). CSP Visibility and Awareness: The Missing Link [pp. 144-148]. Proceedings of the International Association of Business and Society.

Gardberg, N. (2007, October 31). Global Corporate Reputations. Strategic Management Society. San Diego, CA

Gardberg, N. (2007, June 30). CSP Visibility and Awareness: The Missing Link. International Association of Business and Society. Florence, Italy

Gardberg, N. (2007, October 31). Who Boycotts Whom? Marginalization, Company Knowledge and Strategic Issues. Strategic Management Society. San Diego, CA

Gardberg, N. (2006, August 31). Keep Your Friends Close and Your Enemies Closer: Strategic Group Membership and Foreign Direct Investment Location Choice. Academy of Management. Atlanta, GA

Gardberg, N. (2006, May 31). Who Boycotts Whom? Social Identities & Strategic Issues. 10th Reputation Institute Conference on Reputation, Image, Identity, and Competitiveness. New York, NY

Gardberg, N. (2005, August 31). Who Boycotts Whom: A Social Identity Perspective of Consumer Boycotts. Academy of Management. Honolulu, HI

Gardberg, N. (2005, October 31). Intangible Liabilities: Identifying Sources of Sustainable Competitive Disadvantage. Strategic Management Society. Orlando, FL

Gardberg, N. (2005, July 31). Financial Isomorphism and the Liabilities of Foreignness: Knowledge, Reputation, Stock Availability and Investment Attractiveness. Academy of International Business. Quebec City, Canada

Gardberg, N. (2004, May 31). Competitive Advantage from Corporate Citizenship across Institutional Environments. 8th Reputation Institute Conference on Reputation, Image, Identity, and Competitiveness. Fort Lauderdale, FL

Gardberg, N. (2004, May 31). Isolating the Liabilities of Foreignness: The Mediating Effects of Knowledge and Reputation When Predicting Organizational Attractiveness. 8th Reputation Institute Conference on Reputation, Image, Identity, and Competitiveness. Fort Lauderdale, FL

Gardberg, N., & Newburry, W. (2004, December 31). "Isolating the Liabilities of Foreignness: The Mediating Effects of Knowledge and Reputation When Predicting Organizational Attractiveness" pp. 1-43. Proceedings of the 8th Annual Reputation Institute Conference on Reputation, Image, Identity, and Competitiveness.

Gardberg, N., & Fombrun, C. J. (2004, December 31). "Competitive Advantage from Corporate Citizenship across Institutional Environments pp. 1-44. Proceedings of the 8th Reputation Institute Conference on Reputation, Image, Identity, and Competitiveness.

Gardberg, N. (2004, August 31). Recognizing the Liabilities of Foreignness: Knowledge, Corporate Reputation and Investment Attractiveness. Academy of Management. New Orleans, LA

Gardberg, N. (2004, July 31). The Influences of Interoffice Ties and Distance on Shared Global Integration Perceptions and Office Effectiveness. Academy of International Business. Stockholm, Sweden

Gardberg, N. (2003, December 31). Core Meltdown: The Many Strands of Enron's Rise and Fall. Eastern Academy of Management Case Competition. Baltimore, MD

Schepers, D., & Gardberg, N. (2003, December 31). "Core Meltdown: The Many Strands of Enron's Rise and Fall" pp. K1-K40. Proceedings of the Eastern Academy of Management Case Competition.

Gardberg, N., Newburry, W., & Belkin, L. (2003, December 31). "Organizational Attractiveness in the Eye of the Beholder: Movement Capital, Cultural Distance and Internationalization" pp. 244-259. Proceedings of the Eastern Academy of Management International Conference.

Gardberg, N. (2003, July 31). Organizational Attractiveness Is in the Eye of the Beholder: Movement Capital, Cultural Distance and Internalization. Academy of International Business. Monterey, CA

Gardberg, N. (2003, June 30). The Moderating Effect of Movement Capital on the Relationships of Culture Distance and Internationalization with Organizational Attractiveness. Eastern Academy of Management International Conference. Porto, Portugal

Gardberg, N. (2002, September 30). Direct and Indirect Impacts of Foreign Status and Internationalization on Organizational Attractiveness. Northeast Conference. Salisbury, MD: Academy of International Business.

Gardberg, N. (2002, May 31). CEO Visibility and Corporate Reputation: Do Star CEOs Lead Star Companies. Sixth International Conference on Corporate Reputation, Identity and Competitiveness. Boston, MA

Gardberg, N. (2001, August 31). Corporate Reputations as Social Constructions: Exploring Cross-National and Institutional Effects. MOC and IM Divisions Symposium. Washington, DC: Academy of Management.

Gardberg, N. (1999, November 30). Can Corporate Reputation Shed Light on Alliance Dynamics. Academy of International Business. Charleston, SC

Gardberg, N. (1999, November 30). International Market Diversity and Firm Performance: Evidence from the Food Industry. Academy of International Business. Charleston, SC

Gardberg, N. (1999, August 31). Why Corporate Citizenship? To Mitigate the Liability of Foreignness. Academy of Management. Chicago, IL

Gardberg, N. (1999, June 30). Mitigating the Liability of Foreignness: Corporate Citizenship in Global Companies. International Association for Business and Society. Paris, France

Gardberg, N. (1999, January 31). Corporate Reputation and Alliance Dynamics: How Corporate Reputation Affects Alliance Formation. Third International Conference on Corporate Reputation, Identity and Competitiveness. San Juan, Puerto Rico

Gardberg, N. (1998, October 31). MNE Corporate Philanthropy: Tangible Benefits from Intangible Assets. Academy of International Business. Vienna, Austria

Gardberg, N. (1998, January 31). Corporate Global Citizenship: Assistance, Legitimacy and Performance. Second International Conference on Corporate Reputation, Identity and Competitiveness. Amsterdam, Netherlands

Gardberg, N. (1997, December 31). On Measuring Cultural Distance Between Countries. Sixth Symposium on Cross-Cultural Consumer and Business Studies. Honolulu, HI

Gardberg, N., & Chandra, R. (1997, December 31). "On Measuring Cultural Distance between Countries" pp. 150-156. Proceedings of the Sixth Symposium on Cross-Cultural Consumer and Business Studies.

Gardberg, N. (1997, October 31). Global Retailing: Difference between International and Domestic Retailers and Implications for Growth. Academy of International Business. Monterey, Mexico

Gardberg, N., & Chen, Y. (1997, August 31). Caucus on Cross-Cultural Research. Academy of Management Annual Meeting. Boston, MA: Academy of Management.

Other Scholarly Works

Deephouse, D., Gardberg, N., & Newburry, W. (2021). Managing Reputations across Borders. AIB Insights. 21(3),

Gardberg, N., Alloza, A., & Carroll, C. E. (2016). Scales for Measuring Reputations. The SAGE Encyclopedia of Corporate Reputation. 2721-735.

Carroll, C. E., Gardberg, N., & Carroll, C. E. (2016). Research Methodology in Corporate Reputations. The SAGE Encyclopedia of Corporate Reputation. 2686-694.

Gardberg, N., & Carroll, C. E. (2016). Corporate Social Performance and Corporate Reputation. The SAGE Encyclopedia of Corporate Reputation. 1211-217.

Gardberg, N. (2007). The Cream of the Crop: ZSB Service Excellence Awards Recognize Exceptional Employees.

Gardberg, N. (2007). ZSB Service Excellence Rewarded.

Fombrun, C. J., & Gardberg, N. (2001). The Reputation Quotient: Why and How to Measure Reputation. 4(2), 16-25.


Gardberg, N. (2010,April 1). Biblio Service: Knowledge Sharing among Scientists. Management International Review.

Gardberg, N. (1999,January 1). For Your Bookshelf: Waltzing With Raptors. Corporate Reputation Review.

Research Currently in Progess

Viktora-Jones, M., Gardberg, N. A., & Newburry, W.(n.d.). Adopting LGBT-Friendly Policies: Signaling Cues on Corporate Character and Capability. In Progress.

2nd paper in series. In preparation for Strategic Management Journal (FT50)

Gardberg, N., Sampath, V., & Rahman, N.(n.d.). Temporality Corporate Misconduct and Market Value Recovery. In Progress.

To be submitted to the Management Science (FT 50 journal). 3rd paper in series; polishing analyses.

Gardberg, N. A., Colleoni, E., Barnett, M. L., & Romenti, S.(n.d.). Exploring Fake News, Signaling Theory, and Corporate Reputation. In Progress.

Gardberg, N., Zyglidopoulos, S., Illia, L., & Fotaki, M.(n.d.). Offsetting Stigma through CSP: The Social Performance of Stigmatized Firms. In Progress.

Work-shopping during the 2021 Academy of Management Conference prior to journal resubmission. Target journal - Organization Science (FT 50 Journal)

Viktora-Jones, M., Newburry, W., & Gardberg, N. A.(n.d.). The Influence of Firm Internationalization on the Adoption of LGBT Policies. In Progress.

In preparation for submission to the Journal of International Business (FT 50)

TitleFunding Agency SponsorStart DateEnd DateAwarded DateTotal FundingStatus
Multiple Incidences of Corpoate Misconduct: Coincidence or Systematic Disorder?PSC-CUNY 5107/01/202012/31/202204/17/20203500Completed
Multiple Incidences of Corporate Misconduct: Coincidence or Systematic Disorder?PSC-CUNY 5007/01/201912/31/202204/15/20193500Completed
Refining Signaling Theory: Characteristics of Philanthropy PortfoliosPSC-CUNY 4807/01/201706/30/201804/14/20173500Completed
Signaling Theory: Extending the Metaphor in Organization Science with PhysicsPSC-CUNY 4707/01/201606/30/201704/15/20163500Completed
Internationalization Pace and ProcessPSC-CUNY 4407/01/201306/30/201404/15/20133500Completed
Corporate Reputation, Bribery, Governance and Market PenaltiesPSC-CUNY 4207/01/201106/30/201204/15/20113500Completed
Corporate Reputation, Corporate Political Strategy and Social NetworksPSC-CUNY 4107/01/201006/30/20116000Completed
Halo Effects in the Construction of Corporate Reputations and Perceptions of PerformancePSC-CUNY 4007/01/200906/30/20103200Completed
Corporate Social Responsibility, Knowledge Characteristics, Corporate Reputation and Stakeholder BehaviorPSC-CUNY 3907/01/200812/31/20093000Completed
Corporate Social Responsibility, Credence Goods, Corporate Reputation and Stakeholder BehaviorPSC-CUNY 3807/01/200706/30/20082600Completed
Fake News, Social Evaluations, and SocietyPSC-CUNY 5407/01/202306/30/202404/18/20233499.99Funded - In Progress
Honor / AwardOrganization SponsorDate ReceivedDescription
International Research Fellow Oxford University Centre for Corporate Reputation 2019
Finalist, Halloran Best Paper on the History of CSR AwardSocial Issues Management Division, Academy of Management2015
Best Paper, Social Issues Management DivisionAcademy of Management, Vancouver, Canada2015
Faculty Scholarship and Creative AchievementBaruch College2012
Best Paper, Social Issues Management DivisionAcademy of Management, Boston, MA2012
Best Paper, Gender and Diversity in Organizations DivisionAcademy of Management, Boston, MA2012
Nominee for the 2012 Carolyn Dexter Award for Best International Paper, Social Issues Management DivisionAcademy of Management, Boston, MA2012
FinalistPR News’ CSR Awards2012CSR on a Shoestring
Runner-Up, 2012 Dorothy Harlow Best Paper AwardGender and Diversity Division, Academy of Management2012
Faculty Scholarship and Creative AchievementBaruch College2011
Faculty Scholarship and Creative AchievementBaruch College2010
Zicklin School of Business Teaching Excellence AwardZicklin School of Business 2009
Best Paper, Social Issues Management DivisionAcademy of Management, Anaheim CA2008
Faculty Scholarship and Creative AchievementBaruch College2007
First Runner Up, Haynes PrizeAcademy of International Business, Monterey, CA2003
Finalist, Best Paper AwardAcademy of International Business, Monterey, CA2003
Participant, Junior Faculty ConsortiumInternational Management Division, Academy of Management, Seattle2003
Nominee, Best Empirical PaperAcademy of International Business - NE Conference2002
Nichols Doctoral FellowshipNew York University20001999-2000
Beta Gamma Sigma National Honor SocietyNew York University2000
Outstanding Reviewer AwardCorporate Reputation Review2000
Nadler Doctoral FellowshipNew York University19991998-1999
Emily and Eldridge Lowe ScholarshipPhi Mu Sorority19981997-1998
Stern School of Business Graduate Fellowship19981995-1998
Omicron Delta Kappa National Leadership Honor Society1986
Alpha Lambda Delta Freshman Honor Society1984
Phi Eta Sigma Freshman Honor Society1984


Committee NamePosition RoleStart DateEnd Date
Caught in the Vise: Corporate Responsibility and Political SpendingPanelistPresent
Academic Freedom and Responsibility, Baruch College Faculty SenateCommittee MemberPresent
BBA Curriculum Subcommittee on Information LiteracyCommittee MemberPresent
Comprehensive Exam CommitteeCommittee MemberPresent
Strategy Curriculum CommiteeCommittee MemberPresent
BPL 5100 / Strategy Course Curriculum CommitteeCommittee ChairPresent
ZSB Graduate Curriculum CommitteeCommittee MemberPresent
Baruch College Faculty SenateAttendee, MeetingPresent
Department of Management Curriculum CommitteeCommittee MemberPresent
Strategy AreaCoordinatorPresent
Faculty Advisory Council, Bernard L. Schwartz Communication InstituteCommittee MemberPresent
Global Civic Literacy, Council for Foreign RelationsParticipantPresent
Honors Program Admissions CommitteeCommittee MemberPresent
Doctoral Program in Management Admissions CommitteeCommittee Member6/30/2023
Recruitment Committee - Assistant Professor in StrategyCommittee Chair2/28/2023
Joint Committee on ResearchCommittee Member12/31/2021
Honors Faculty Advisory Committee Member12/31/2019
Baruch Doctoral Committee on Admissions and AwardsCommittee Member12/31/2018
ZSB Business Ethics Curriculum Steering CommitteeCommittee Member12/31/2018
Academic Course Coordinator - Undergraduate Capstone [BPL 5100]12/31/2018
Doctoral Program in ManagementCoordinator6/30/2018
Doctoral Committee6/30/2018
Academy of Management Alumni ReceptionFaculty Advisor12/31/2017
Strategy/Business & Society Hiring CommitteeCommittee Chair12/31/2016
Health Care MBA Admissions Committee12/31/2015
Health Care MBA Steering CommitteeCommittee Member12/31/2015
Management Department ListservAdministrator12/31/2015
Department WebsiteDesigner, Creator, and Administrator6/30/2015
Bernard L. Schwartz Communication Institute Associate Director Search CommitteeCommittee Member6/30/2015
Bernard L. Schwartz Communication Institute 'Thinking Through Design: The 15th Symposium on Communication-Intensive Teaching and Learning'Facilitator5/31/2015
Provost’s Office of Undergraduate Research (POUR) Advisory CouncilCommittee Member1/31/2015
Executive Committee, Management Department6/30/2014
Knowledge Integration Subcommittee, MBA Learning Assurance12/31/2013
Strategic Management Position Search CommitteeCommittee Member12/31/2013
Honors Thesis Committee, Mazen MbayedCommittee Member5/31/2013
ZCCI panel: The Impact of a Foreign Corrupt Practices Act Investigation on a Company's Reputation, Ethics Week ProgramParticipant3/31/2013
Joint Committee on ResearchCommittee Member12/31/2012
Strategy GroupCoordinator8/31/2012
Management Department Brown Bag SeminarsCo-founder and Organizer12/31/2009
ZSB Strategic Planning CommitteeCommittee Member12/31/2009
Strategic Management Position Search CommitteeCommittee Member12/31/2008
Undergraduate Curriculum CommitteeAlternate12/31/2008
Service Excellence InitiativeDirector12/31/2008
Graduate Admissions CommitteeCommittee Member8/31/2008
ZCCI panel on "Everyone's Going Green: A Corporate Leader's Challenge in the 21st Century"Moderator4/30/2008
Career Week 2007 Management PanelModerator9/30/2007
ZCCI panel on "The Effect of Reputation on Corporate Performance'Moderator5/31/2007
Zicklin Focus Group on Educational TechnologyParticipant3/31/2007
Service Excellence InitiativeCo-Director12/31/2006
Zicklin Women in Business Roundtable on NegotiationParticipant3/31/2006
Weissman Center of International Business CIBER ProposalContributor12/31/2005
Zicklin Women in Business Roundtable on Work-Life BalanceParticipant12/31/2005
Women Re-Entering the Workforce ProjectOrganizer6/30/2005
Beta tested the Baruch College Copyright Tutorial1/31/2005
Zicklin Women in Business Roundtable on Work-Life BalanceParticipant11/30/2004
CREGA luncheon on Social ResponsibilityParticipant3/31/2004
MBA Lunch and Learn - Corporate Image Management4/28/2003


Committee NamePosition RoleStart DateEnd Date
Dissertation Committee, Michael Ekema-Agbaw1/1/20206/30/2021
Dissertation Comittee, Jing Liu12/1/20178/31/2019
Dissertation Committee, Zhu Zhu6/1/201412/31/2016
Dissertation Committee, Andy Chiou9/1/20128/31/2014
Appointment to the doctoral faculty1/31/2008


OrganizationPosition RoleOrganization StateOrganization CountryStart DateEnd DateAudience
Business & SocietyEditor, Associate Editor7/1/2021Present
Academy of Management JournalReviewer, Ad Hoc Reviewer1/1/2009Present
Journal of Business ResearchEditorial Review Board Member1/1/2023PresentInternational
Corporate Reputation ReviewReviewer, Ad Hoc Reviewer1/1/1998Present
Journal of International Business StudiesReviewer, Ad Hoc Reviewer1/1/2003Present
Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of CanadaReviewer, Grant Proposal1/1/2004Present
Journal of Management StudiesReviewer, Ad Hoc Reviewer1/1/2007Present
Academy of Management ReviewReviewer, Ad Hoc Reviewer1/1/2007Present
British Journal of ManagementReviewer, Ad Hoc Reviewer1/1/2009Present
Journal of World BusinessReviewer, Ad Hoc Reviewer1/1/2013Present
International Association of Business & Society (IABS)Officer, Other Officer6/13/2024PresentInternational
Journal of International ManagementReviewer, Ad Hoc Reviewer1/1/2014Present
Global Strategy JournalReviewer, Ad Hoc Reviewer1/1/2014Present
Business Ethics QuarterlyReviewer, Ad Hoc Reviewer1/1/2014Present
Academy of Management DiscoveriesReviewer, Ad Hoc Reviewer1/1/2014Present
Journal of Management InquiryReviewer, Ad Hoc Reviewer1/1/2016Present
Oxford University Centre for Corporate ReputationInternational Research Fellow1/1/2019Present
Journal of Business EthicsEditorial Review Board Member1/1/2019Present
Organization ScienceReviewer, Ad Hoc Reviewer1/1/2021Present
Corporate Reputation ReviewEditorial Review Board Member11/15/2022PresentInternational
Academy of Management 2024 Conference, Social Issues in Management DivisionEditor, Associate EditorIllinois1/1/20248/14/2024International
Academy of ManagementSession Chair8/12/20248/12/2024International
International Association of Business and Society Nominating CommitteeMember6/9/20236/21/2024International
Israel Science FoundationReviewer, Grant Proposal3/12/20244/15/2024International
International Association of Business and SocietyReviewer, Conference PaperMaryland11/1/202312/31/2023International
Academy of Management 2023 Conference, Social Issues in Management DivisionEditor, Associate EditorMassachusetts1/1/20238/9/2023International
Academy of International BusinessReviewer, Conference PaperPoland2/1/20232/28/2023International
Academy of International BusinessReviewer, Conference PaperKorea, South1/1/20242/15/2023International
Academy of Management 2023 Conference, Social Issues in Management DivisionEditor, Associate EditorMassachusetts1/1/20228/10/2022International
Academy of International BusinessReviewer, Conference Paper12/31/2021
Academy of Management 2021 Conference, Social Issues in Management DivisionEditor, Associate Editor12/31/2021
Strategic Management SocietyReviewer, Conference PaperCanada12/31/2021
Dissertation Committee for Viktor Dimitrov KoritarovExternal ReviewerNetherlands5/1/202111/30/2021International
Nominating Committee, International Association of Business & SocietyMember3/1/20195/31/2021
Academy of Management 2019 Conference, Social Issues in Management DivisionEditor, Associate EditorGeorgia12/31/2019
Strategic Management SocietyReviewer, Conference PaperMinnesota12/31/2019
JBE Best Paper in Business Ethics, SIM Division, AOMCommittee Chair1/1/201812/31/2019
Social Issues in Management Division Doctoral ConsortiumProgram Organizer1/1/201812/31/2019
Best Paper Committee, 2018 Strategic Management Society ConferenceMember12/31/2018
Social Issues in Management Division Nominating Committee12/31/2018
International Association of Business and SocietyReviewer, Conference PaperCalifornia12/31/2018
Academy of Management - International Management DivisionReviewer, Conference PaperIllinois12/31/2018
Academy of Management 2017 Conference, Social Issues in Management DivisionEditor, Associate EditorGeorgia1/1/201812/31/2018
Academy of Management - SIM DivisionSession chairIllinois12/31/2018
Academy of Management - International Management DivisionSession chairIllinois12/31/2018
International Association of Business and SocietyReviewer, Conference Paper12/31/2018
The OCR Network Senior Corporate Affairs SummitModeratorNew York12/4/2018
Academy of International BusinessReviewer, Conference Paper12/31/2017
Academy of Management 2017 Conference, Social Issues in Management DivisionEditor, Associate EditorGeorgia1/1/201712/31/2017
Journal of Business Ethics' Best Paper in Business Ethics, SIM Division, AOMCommittee Member12/31/2017
Strategic Management SocietyReviewer, Conference PaperTexas12/31/2017
The SAGE Encyclopedia of Corporate ReputationEditorial Review Board Member6/1/201412/31/2017
Academy of International BusinessReviewer, Conference PaperLouisiana12/31/2016
Best Paper on the History of CSR CommitteeCommittee Member12/31/2016
Academy of Management 2016 Conference, Social Issues in Management DivisionEditor, Associate EditorCalifornia1/1/201612/31/2016
International Association of Business and Society Best Paper CommitteeCommittee Chair3/1/201512/31/2016
Academy of Management 2015 Conference, Social Issues in Management DivisionEditor, Associate Editor1/1/201512/31/2015
International Association of Business and SocietyReviewer, Conference PaperGeorgia12/31/2014
Dissertation Committee - Arthur O'ConnorCommittee Member1/1/201412/31/2014
Academy of Management 2014 Conference, Social Issues in Management DivisionEditor, Associate Editor1/1/201412/31/2014
Strategic Management SocietyReviewer, Conference PaperGeorgia12/31/2013
Dissertation Committee - Vijay SampathCommittee Member9/1/201212/31/2013
Academy of Management 2013 Conference, Social Issues in Management DivisionEditor, Associate Editor1/1/201312/31/2013
Academy of International BusinessReviewer, Conference PaperTurkey12/31/2013
Academy of Management ConferenceSession ChairFlorida8/1/20138/31/2013
16th International Conference on Corporate Reputation, Brand, Identity and CompetitivenessProgram OrganizerItaly1/1/201212/31/2012
Reputation InstituteDoctoral Consortium FacultyItaly1/1/201212/31/2012
Reputation InstituteDoctoral Consortium FacultyLouisiana12/31/2011
International Management Division, Academy of ManagementPanelist - "How to be a great international management teacher"Texas12/31/2011
Academy of Management - OMT DivisionReviewer, Conference PaperIllinois12/31/2009
Eastern Academy of ManagementReviewer, Conference Paper12/31/2008
International Association of Business & SocietyReviewer, Conference PaperItaly12/31/2007
Academy of Management - IM DivisionReviewer and DiscussantGeorgia12/31/2006
Administrative Sciences Association of CanadaReviewer, Conference PaperCanada12/31/2006
10th Anniversary Conference on Reputation, Identity, Image and CompetitivenessDoctoral Consortium ParticipantNew York12/31/2006
10th Anniversary Conference on Reputation, Identity, Image and CompetitivenessReviewer and Session ChairNew York12/31/2006
Academy of International BusinessReviewer, Conference PaperCanada12/31/2005
Academy of Management - IM and SIM DivisionsReviewer, Conference PaperHawaii12/31/2005
Prudential Business Ethics Center at Rutgers UniversityColloquium Speaker - Corporate and Government Reputations: What Are They and Why Do They Matter?New Jersey4/30/2005
Academy of International Business Reviewer, Conference PaperSweden12/31/2004
Academy of Management - OMT DivisionReviewer, Conference PaperWashington12/31/2003
International Journal of Cross-Cultural Management, Special Issue on Identifying CultureReviewer, Journal Article12/31/2003
Academy of International Business Reviewer, Conference PaperCalifornia12/31/2003
Journal of International Management, Special Issue on the Liability of ForeignnessReviewer, Journal Article1/1/200112/31/2002
Academy of Management - IM DivisionReviewer, Conference PaperColorado12/31/2002
Academy of International Business Reviewer, Conference PaperPR12/31/2002
Academy of International Business Reviewer, Conference PaperAustralia12/31/2001
Academy of International Business Reviewer, Conference PaperSouth Carolina12/31/1999
NYU's Stern School of Business PhD CommitteeStudent Representative1/1/199812/31/1999
Academy of Management - MOC DivisionReviewer, Conference PaperCalifornia12/31/1998


OrganizationPosition RoleOrganization StateOrganization CountryStart DateEnd DateAudience
Board of Trustees, The Community SynagogueCommittee MemberPresentLocal
Girl Scouts of Nassau CountryDelegateNew YorkUnited States1/1/20196/30/2025Local
Girl Scouts of Nassau CountryTroop LeaderNew YorkUnited States1/1/20136/30/2025Local
Port Washington Girl Scout AssociationFall Product (Mags & Munchies) ManagerNew YorkUnited States1/1/201712/31/2018Local