Nermin Eyuboglu
Zicklin School of Business
Department: Allen Aaronson Dept of Mkt/IB
Areas of expertise:
Email Address: nermin.eyuboglu@baruch.cuny.edu
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Nermin Eyuboglu, PhD, is Professor and Chair at the Zicklin School’s Allen G. Aaronson Department of Marketing and International Business. Her research and teaching interests focus on marketing channel design and management, building long-lasting buyer-seller relationships, negotiations in the supply chain, and survey research. Dr. Eyuboglu has published articles in the Journal of Marketing, Multivariate Behavioral Research, Journal of Personal Selling and Sales Management, Journal of Marketing Channels, Industrial Marketing Management, and Psychology and Marketing; one of her articles was nominated for the prestigious Harold H. Maynard Award for Significant Contribution to Marketing Theory and Thought by the Journal of Marketing in 2007. She has received various teaching excellence awards during her career at Baruch College. Eyuboglu received her PhD from the Kenan-Flagler Business School of the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill.
Ph.D., Marketing, University of North Carolina Chapel Hill
M.B.A., Marketing, Fairleigh Dickinson University
BSc, Business, Middle East Technical University Ankara - Turkey
Semester | Course Prefix | Course Number | Course Name |
Fall 2018 | MKT | 3000 | Marketing Foundations |
Fall 2018 | MKT | 3000 | Marketing Foundations |
Spring 2018 | MKT | 3000 | Marketing Foundations |
Spring 2018 | MKT | 3000 | Marketing Foundations |
Fall 2017 | MKT | 3000 | Marketing Foundations |
Fall 2017 | MKT | 3000 | Marketing Foundations |
Spring 2017 | MKT | 3000 | Marketing Foundations |
Fall 2016 | MKT | 3000 | Marketing Foundations |
Fall 2016 | MKT | 3000 | Marketing Foundations |
Fall 2016 | MKT | 3000 | Marketing Foundations |
Spring 2016 | MKT | 3000 | Marketing Foundations |
Spring 2016 | MKT | 3000 | Marketing Foundations |
Fall 2015 | MKT | 3000 | Marketing Foundations |
Fall 2015 | MKT | 3000 | Marketing Foundations |
Spring 2015 | MKT | 3000 | Marketing Foundations |
Spring 2015 | MKT | 3000 | Marketing Foundations |
Fall 2014 | MKT | 3000 | Marketing Foundations |
Fall 2014 | MKT | 3000 | Marketing Foundations |
Spring 2014 | MKT | 5000 | Independent Study Marketing I |
Spring 2014 | MKT | 3000 | Marketing Foundations |
Spring 2014 | MKT | 3000 | Marketing Foundations |
Fall 2013 | MKT | 3000 | Marketing Foundations |
Spring 2012 | MKT | 3000 | Marketing Foundations |
Fall 2011 | MKT | 4511 | Marketing Channels |
Fall 2011 | MKT | 3000 | Marketing Foundations |
Spring 2011 | MKT | 3000 | Marketing Foundations |
Spring 2011 | MKT | 9730 | Channels of Distribution |
Fall 2010 | MKT | 3000 | Marketing Foundations |
Fall 2010 | MKT | 4511 | Marketing Channels |
Spring 2010 | MKT | 3000 | Marketing Foundations |
Spring 2010 | MKT | 3000 | Marketing Foundations |
Fall 2009 | MKT | 3000 | Marketing Foundations |
Fall 2009 | MKT | 4511 | Marketing Channels |
Spring 2009 | MKT | 3000 | Marketing Foundations |
Spring 2009 | MKT | 4511 | Marketing Channels |
Fall 2008 | MKT | 4511 | Marketing Channels |
Fall 2008 | MKT | 3000 | Marketing Foundations |
Spring 2008 | MKT | 3000 | Marketing Foundations |
Fall 2007 | MKT | 3000H | Honors - Marketing Foundations |
Spring 2007 | MKT | 3000 | Marketing Foundations |
Fall 2006 | MKT | 3000 | Marketing Foundations |
Fall 2006 | MKT | 3000 | Marketing Foundations |
Spring 2006 | MKT | 3000 | Marketing Foundations |
Spring 2006 | MKT | 3000 | Marketing Foundations |
Fall 2005 | MKT | 3000 | Marketing Foundations |
Fall 2005 | MKT | 3000 | Marketing Foundations |
Spring 2005 | MKT | 4511 | Marketing Channels |
Spring 2005 | MKT | 9730 | Channels of Distribution |
Spring 2005 | MKT | 9730 | Channels of Distribution |
Fall 2004 | MKT | 3000 | Marketing Foundations |
Spring 2004 | MKT | 3000 | Marketing Foundations |
Fall 2003 | MKT | 3600 | Marketing Research |
Fall 2003 | MKT | 3600 | Marketing Research |
Spring 2003 | MKT | 4511 | Marketing Channels |
Fall 2002 | MKT | 3000 | Marketing Foundations |
Spring 2002 | MKT | 3000 | Marketing Foundations |
Fall 2001 | MKT | 3500 | Channels of Distribution |
Journal Articles
Eyuboglu, N., Kabadayi, S., & Buja, A. (2017). Multiple Channel Complexity:Conceptualization and Measurement. Industrial Marketing Management, 65(August). 194-205.
Eyuboglu, N., & Buja, A. (2007). Quasi Darwinian Selection in Marketing Relationships. Journal of Marketing , Vol. 71(October). 48-62.
Ryu, S., & Eyuboglu, N. (2007). The Environment and Its Impact on Satisfaction with Supplier Performance: An Investigation of Mediating Effects of Control Mechasnisms from the Perspective of the Manufacturer in the USA. Industrial Marketing Management, 36(4). 458-469.
Kabadayi, S., Eyuboglu, N., & Thomas, G. (2007). The Performance Implications of Designing Multiple Channels to Fit with Strategy And Environment. Journal of Marketing , Vol. 71. 195-211.
Eyuboglu, N., & Kabadayi, S. (2005). Dealer-Manfacturer Alienation in a Multiple Channel System: The Moderating Effect of Structural Variables. Journal of Marketing Channels , 12(3). pp 3-24.
(2003). Current and Future Interdependence: Effects on Channel Relationships. Journal of Marketing Channels , 11(1). 3-26.
(2002). The Impact of a Saleperson's In-House Conflicts and Influence Attempts on Buyer Committment. Journal of Personal Selling and Sales Management , 22(3). 157-172.
(1993). Dynamics of Channel Negotiations: Contention and Reciprocity. Psychology and Marketing , 10(1). 47-65.
(1993). Remarks on Parallel Analysis. Multivariate Behavioral Research, 27(4). 509-540.
(1992). Structural Power in Channel Relationships. Advances in Distribution Channel Research, 1. 81-113.
(1991). Channel Power in Business Markets. Journal of Marketing Channels, 1(1). 39-58.
(1991). Information Power: A Means for Increased Control in Channels of Distribution. Psychology and Marketing , 8(3). 197-213.
Sumrall, D. A., Eyuboglu, N., & Ahlawat, S. (1991). Developing a Scale to Measure Hospital Sales Orientation. Journal of Health Care Marketing , 11(4). 39-50.
(1989). Policy for Hospital Sales Programs: An Investigation of Differences in Implementation. Journal of Health Care Marketing , 9(4). 41-48.
Media Contributions
(2014). Baruch zole website.
(2013). Baruch zole website .
Eyuboglu, N., Kabadayi, S., & Buja, A. (2013, July 31). A Classification of Marketing Channel Organizations. International Academy of Business and Public Administration Disciplines. Istanbul Turkey: IABPAD.
Eyuboglu, N., & Kabadayi, S. (2012, August 31). Managing Channel Complexity. ISBM Academic Conference. University of Chicago, Chicago, Illinois: ISBM.
Eyuboglu, N., Kabadayi, S., & Buja, A. (2010, August 31). Typology of Marketing Channel Organizations. ISBM Academic Conference : Advances in Business to Business Marketing. Harvard University, Cambridge, MA.: ISBM.
Eyuboglu, N., & Kabadayi, S. (2009, December 31). A Typology of Channel Organizations. Annual Conference of the Academy of Marketing Science. Baltimore, Maryland: Academy of Marketing Science.
Ryu, S., & Eyuboglu, N. (2004, December 31). Enviroments and Performance: The Mediating Effect of Unilateral and Bilateral Control Mechanisms in Buyer-Seller Relationships. AMA Winter Eduactor's Conference. Arizona
Kabadayi, S., & Eyuboglu, N. (2004, November 30). Manufacturer -Industrial Distributor Conflict in Multiple Channel Systems: When is it Less Likely?. Society for Marketing Advances (SMA). St. Pete, Florida
Ryu, S., Eyuboglu, N., & Cook, M. (2003, December 31). Long Term Orientation Culture As a Determinant of Channel Contract. International Applied Business Research Conference. Acapulco, Mexico
Ryu, S., & Eyuboglu, N. (2003, December 31). The Influence of Long-Term Orientation Culture on Channel Relationships: The Korean Case. International Conference on Business, The Third Annual Conference. Honolulu, Hawaii
Eyuboglu, N., Ryu, S., & Smith, S. (1998, May 31). Interfirm Trust and Dependence Asymmetry. Annual Conference of the Academy of Marketing Science.
Eyuboglu, N. (1993, December 31). Securing Marketing Support from Channel Members: Insights from an Empirical Study. Sixth Bi-Annual Conference of the Academy of Marketing Science.
Eyuboglu, N., & Gilmore , R. (1989, December 31). The Relationship of a Hypothetical Given Matrix and Experienced Interfirm Conflict. ORSA/TIMS Annual Conference. New York, NY: ORSA/TIMS.
Eyuboglu, N., & Sumrall, D. A. (1989, May 31). Dynamics of Service Encounters: Insights from Role and Interdependence Theories and Implications for Customer Satisfaction. Academy of Marketing Science Annual Conference.
Buja, A., & Eyuboglu, N. (1988, December 31). Permutation Tests: A Tool for Determining Underlying Dimensions of Marketing Constructs. Marketing Science Conference. Seattle, WA: ORSA-TIMS.
Eyuboglu, N., & Didow, N. M. (1987, August 31). A Preliminary Test of the Applicability of Interdependence Theory in Explaining Interfirm Power and Conflict in Marketing Channels. American Marketing Association Summer Educators' Conference.
Eyuboglu, N., & Russ, F. A. (1985, November 30). Information as Power Resource in Marketing Channels: A Laboratory Study. Southern Marketing Association Conference.
Research Currently in Progess
Eyuboglu, N., Buja, A., & Kabadayi, S.(n.d.). Organizational Complexity and Control in a Quasi-Darwinian Theory of Marketing Channels. In Progress.
Completed paper (looking for a proper outlet for publication to be repositioned accordingly)
Title | Funding Agency Sponsor | Start Date | End Date | Awarded Date | Total Funding | Status |
Department Chair Research Account Year 1 - Nermin Eyuboglu | PSC CUNY | 02/01/2021 | 08/31/2022 | 02/01/2021 | 1750 | Completed |
Department Chair Research Account Year 2 - Nermin Eyuboglu | PSC CUNY | 09/01/2021 | 08/31/2023 | 09/01/2021 | 3000 | Completed |
Department Chair Research Account Year 4 Nermin Eyuboglu | PSC CUNY | 09/01/2023 | 08/31/2025 | 08/31/2023 | 3000 | Funded - In Progress |
Department Chair Research Account Year 3 - Nermin Eyuboglu | PSC CUNY | 09/01/2022 | 08/31/2024 | 09/01/2022 | 3000 | Funded - In Progress |
Honor / Award | Organization Sponsor | Date Received | Description |
Board Member | Advertising Education Foundation | 2019 | |
Aaronson Fellowship for Pedagogy | Department of Marketing and International Business | 2011 | |
Finalist of Journal of Marketing's Harold H. Maynard Award for ``Significant Contribution to Marketing Theory and Thought.'' | 2008 | ||
Summer Research Award | Zicklin School Business, Baruch College | 2008 | |
Featured Article in Journal of Marketing's Blog for the October 2007 Issue | 2007 | ||
Summer Research Award | Zicklin School of Business, Baruch College | 2007 | |
Summer Research Award, Zicklin School of Business, Baruch College | 2006 | ||
Summer Research Award, Zicklin School Business, Baruch College | 2005 | ||
Summer Research Award, Zicklin School of Business, Baruch College | 2004 | ||
Teaching Excellence Award, Zicklin School of Business, Baruch College | 2004 | ||
Best Paper Award (with Sungmin Ryu and Martha Cook) | The International Applied Business Research Conference, Acapulco, 2003. | 2003 | |
Dean's List of Business School Faculty with Teaching Evaluations between 4.25 and 4.50 | Zicklin School of Business | 2002 | |
Continued Teaching Excellence Award | School of Business and Public Administration, Baruch College | 1992 | |
Continued Teaching Excellence Award | School of Business and Public Administration, Baruch College | 1991 | |
Invited Participant | American Marketing Association's Faculty Consortium on Marketing Channels and Distribution | 1988 | Blacksburg: Virginia |
Faculty Research Fellowship Grant | Baruch College, School of Business and Public Administration | 1987 | |
Faculty Research Fellowship Grant | Baruch College, School of Business and Public Administration | 1986 | |
Honorable Mention and Cash Award | Marketing Science Institute's Dissertation Proposal Competition | 1984 | 1984 National Dissertation Proposal Competition, Title of the Proposal: Measurement of Interfirm Power and Analysis of the Relationship between Internal Socio-Political Structures and Processes in Marketing Channels. |
Graduate Assistantship | University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill | 1982 | 1982-1985 |
Committee Name | Position Role | Start Date | End Date |
Zicklin School of Business P&B Committee | Committee Member | Present | |
Department Curriculum Committee | Committee Member | Present | |
Executive Committee | Committee Member | Present | |
Marketing Department Chair | Present | ||
Zicklin Dean Search Committee | Committee Member | 5/30/2023 | |
Deputy Chair | 1/31/2019 | ||
Marketing 3000 Coordinator | 1/31/2019 | ||
Department Search Committee | Committee Chair | 5/15/2017 | |
Executive Committee | Committee Member | 9/30/2012 | |
Committee on Academic Standing | Committee Member | 9/30/2012 | |
IRB | Committee Member | 12/31/2011 | |
Doctoral Pro Seminar Participant | 12/31/2011 | ||
Recruiting Committee | Committee Member | 12/31/2010 | |
Marketing 3000 Coordinator | 12/31/2010 | ||
Undergraduate Curriculum Committee | Committee Member | 12/31/2009 | |
MBA Open House | Attendee, Meeting | 12/31/2007 | |
MBA Open House | 9/30/2007 | ||
Summer Teaching Seminar | Committee Member | 6/30/2007 | |
Department Tenure Review Committee | Committee Member | 12/31/2006 | |
Marketing Department Ph. D Taskforce | Committee Chair | 12/31/2005 | |
Various Marketing Area Doctoral Comprehensive Exam Preparation and Administration | Committee Chair | 12/31/2005 | |
Committee on Academic Standing | Ad Hoc | 12/31/2004 | |
Marketing Department Tenure and Promotion Standards Committee | Committee Member | 12/31/2004 | |
Baruch College Honor's Committee Marketing Department Representative | Committee Member | 12/31/2002 | |
Executive Committee | Committee Member | 12/31/2000 | |
Doctoral Program in Marketing | Coordinator | 12/31/1999 | |
Graduate Curriculum Committee | Committee Member | 12/31/1995 | |
Baruch College Affirmative Action Committee | Committee Member | 12/31/1994 | |
Affirmative Action Officer | Committee Chair | 12/31/1994 | |
Deputy Chair Person | 12/31/1994 | ||
Department Recruiter | Committee Chair | 12/31/1992 | |
SBPA Undergraduate Honors Committee | Committee Member | 12/31/1990 | |
Marketing Department Honors Committtee | Committee Member | 12/31/1987 | |
Committee on Departmental Admission Standards | Committee Member | 3/14/1987 | |
CTAM Awards Competition Project | Co-Administrator | 1/1/1970 | |
Textbooks and Outlines | Coordinator | 1/1/1970 |
Committee Name | Position Role | Start Date | End Date |
Doctoral Curriculum Committee | Committee Member | Present | |
Doctoral Position Paper Committees | Present | ||
Sertan Kabadayi: Configuration Theory Based Performance Anaylysis of Multiple Channel Systems | Dissertation Committees Chair | 12/31/2005 | |
CUNY BA Program | Mentor | 12/31/2003 | |
Sungmin Ryu: The Mediating Effect of Unilateral and Bilateral Control Mechanisms | Dissertation Committees Chair | 12/31/2001 | |
Marketing Area Doctoral Program | Program Coordinator | 1/1/1994 | 12/31/1999 |
Tom Tellefsen: The Impact of Intra-Organizational Politics on Interorganizational Exchange | Dissertation Committees Chair | 12/31/1999 | |
Doctoral Executive Committee | Committee Member | 1/1/1994 | 12/31/1999 |
Deep Bhandari: The Value of Commercial Web Sites | Dissertation Committee Chair | 12/31/1998 | |
Faculty Committee CUNY Baccalaureate Program | 1/1/1988 | 12/31/1991 |
Organization | Position Role | Organization State | Organization Country | Start Date | End Date | Audience |
European Journal of Marketing | Reviewer | 12/31/2013 | ||||
IABPAD Summer Conference | Discussant | Turkey | 12/31/2013 | |||
European Journal of Marketing | Reviewer | 12/31/2012 | ||||
European Journal of Marketing | Reviewer | 12/31/2011 | ||||
ISBM Academic Conference | Session Chair | 12/31/2010 | ||||
Journal of Marketing Research | Reviewer | 12/31/2009 | ||||
International Journal of Operations and Quantitative Management | Reviewer | 12/31/2004 | ||||
Journal of Business to Business Marketing | Board Member | 1/1/1993 | 12/31/2003 | |||
Organizational Buying and Business to Business Track, Academy of Marketing | Reviewer | Virginia | 12/31/1998 | |||
AMA Relationship Marketing Conference | Reviewer | 12/31/1997 | ||||
AMA Winter Educators' Conference | Reviewer | 12/31/1997 | ||||
Academy of Marketing Science Annual Conference | Reviewer | 12/31/1995 | ||||
Journal of Business-to-Business Marketing | Reviewer | 12/31/1992 | ||||
AMA Summer Educators' Conference | Reviewer | 12/31/1989 | ||||
Textbook Marketing Channels: A Management View - Review | Task Force Member | 12/31/1988 | International | |||
Decision Sciences Institute Annual Meeting | Reviewer | 12/31/1987 | ||||
Association for Consumer Research Annual Conference | Chairperson | 10/31/1986 | ||||
Eastern Economic Association and Annual Convention | Chairperson | 10/31/1986 |