Nizan Packin

Nizan G Packin


Zicklin School of Business

Department: Law

Areas of expertise: Tech policy, financial regulaiton, consumer protection, business law. business ethics

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Nizan Packin is a Professor of Law at the Zicklin School of Business at Baruch College. Her primary research interests lie at the intersection of Tech Policy, Consumer Protection, and Financial Regulation, and she regularly publishes parts of her studies in her Column at Forbes. In addition, Nizan has published Op-Eds in prestigious publications such as the Wall Street Journal, Toronto Star, American Banker, and Newsday, garnering national recognition for her expertise. Her work and perspectives on financial regulation and tech policy have received coverage in renowned media outlets such as Financial Times, Business Insider, Yahoo Finance, Protocol, Medium, Vox, and Coindesk.

Before embarking on an academic career, Nizan practiced corporate law for six years at the New York office of Skadden, Arps, Slate, Meagher & Flom LLP. Her legal experience also includes serving as a law clerk in the Israeli Supreme Court, interning at the FTC, and externing at the U.S. District Court for the Eastern District of New York. She has also advised regulators in the U.S. as well as in Israel in connection with open banking regulation. Nizan obtained her law degree from Columbia Law School and pursued a doctorate degree in legal studies and risk management at the University of Pennsylvania. Her undergraduate degrees in economics and law were earned at the University of Haifa. Furthermore, she has contributed to the academic community as a visiting researcher and professor at the Annenberg School of Communication and Goethe University, and taught Tech Policy at NYU.

Her scholarly work has been featured or is forthcoming in top peer-review journals such as Science and ACM, as well as leading law review like the Harvard Law and Policy Review, Washington University Law Review, Indiana Law Journal, Illinois Law Review, Cardozo Law Review, Wisconsin Law Review, Utah Law Review, Houston Law Review, William and Mary Law Review, Hastings Law Journal, Stanford Journal of Blockchain Law & Policy, Chicago Kent Law Review, American Business Law Journal, Berkeley Business Law Journal, Columbia Business Law Review, Harvard Law School Corporate Governance Forum, Oxford Business Blog, and Columbia Blue Sky Blog.  In addition, she is currently editing ‘The Cambridge Handbook on the Law and Policy of NFT’ (forthcoming 2024), a significant project she has spearheaded. Finally, she has authored multiple book chapters, which appeared in the following edited volumes: ‘The Cambridge Handbook of the Law of Algorithms,’ ‘The Research Handbook on the Law of Artificial Intelligence’, ‘YOLO Capitalism: Perspectives on Retail Investors in Modern Financial Markets’, and ‘The Electronic Payment Systems’.


SJD - Doctorate in Law, University of Pennsylvania, School of Law Philadelphia Pennsylvania

LLM, Columbia University, School of Law United States

B.A., Economics, Haifa University Haifa Israel

LLB, Law, Haifa University

SemesterCourse PrefixCourse NumberCourse Name
Fall 2023LAW1101Fundamentals of Business Law
Fall 2023LAW9800Intensive Survey Law
Fall 2022LAW3093Special Topics in Law
Fall 2022LAW9800Intensive Survey Law
Spring 2022IDC4001HHon NY In 21st Cent
Spring 2022LAW1101Fundamentals of Business Law
Fall 2021LAW3093Special Topics in Law
Fall 2021LAW9800Intensive Survey Law
Spring 2021LAW3250Fin Reg of Emerging Tech
Spring 2021IDC4001HHon NY In 21st Cent
Fall 2020LAW1101Fundamentals of Business Law
Fall 2020LAW1101Fundamentals of Business Law
Spring 2020LAW3250Fin Reg of Emerging Tech
Spring 2020IDC4001HHon NY In 21st Cent
Spring 2019LAW3250Fin Reg of Emerging Tech
Spring 2019IDC4001HHon NY In 21st Cent
Fall 2018LAW1101Fundamentals of Business Law
Fall 2018LAW1101Fundamentals of Business Law
Spring 2018LAW3102Law of Business Organizations
Fall 2017LAW3102Law of Business Organizations
Fall 2017LAW1101Fundamentals of Business Law
Fall 2016LAW1101Fundamentals of Business Law
Spring 2016LAW4093Special Topics in Law
Spring 2016IDC4001HHon NY In 21st Cent
Fall 2015LAW3102Law of Business Organizations
Spring 2015LAW1101Fundamentals of Business Law
Spring 2015LAW1101Fundamentals of Business Law
Fall 2014LAW1101Fundamentals of Business Law
Fall 2014LAW1101Fundamentals of Business Law
Fall 2014LAW1101Fundamentals of Business Law
Spring 2014LAW1101Fundamentals of Business Law
Spring 2014LAW3102Law of Business Organizations
Fall 2013LAW1101Fundamentals of Business Law
Fall 2013LAW1101Fundamentals of Business Law
Fall 2013LAW1101Fundamentals of Business Law

Journal Articles

(2023). Science For Policy To Protect Children In Cyberspace. Science ,

Packin, N., & Lev-Aretz, Y. (2016). Big Data and Social Netbanks: What Happens When Tech Companies Become Financial Companies?. Computers & Society, 46(1).

Book Chapters

Packin, N. (2021). Children in the securities markets: the wrong kind of financial inclusion” in YOLO Capitalism: Perspectives on Retail Investors in Modern Financial Markets. In Chohan, U. W., & Kerckhoven, S. V. (Eds.), Routledge Press (2022).

Packin, N., & Lev-Aretz, Y. (2020). Algorithmic Analysis of Social Behavior for Profiling, Ranking, and Assessment. Cambridge Handbook on the Law of Algorithms (Woodrow Barfield & Ugo Pagallo ed., Cambridge Press

Packin, N., & Lev-Aretz, Y. (2018). Learning Algorithms & Discrimination. Research Handbook of Law and AI (2018).

Packin, N., & Lev-Aretz, Y. (2017). "Alternative Credit and Enhanced Access". In Morse, P. A. (Ed.), Electronic Payments in the 21st Century ABA Publishing.

Packin, N., & Lev-Aretz, Y. (2016). Use of Online Social Information for Reputational Profiling and Supplementary Assessment. In Yanisky-Ravid, D., & Ledkovsky, E. (Eds.), The Challenges Of The Digital Era: Privacy, Information And More (forthcoming 2016). Fordham University Press.

Law Reviews

Lev-Aretz, Y., & Packin, N. G. (2024). Decentralized Credit Scores: Black Box 3.0 (Forthcoming:2024, American Business Law Journal) (No.2).

Packin, N. G. (2024). Crypto Native Credit Score: Between Financial Inclusion And Predatory Lending. Cardozo Law Review.

Packin, N. G., & Jabotinsky, H. (2024). Blocking as Regulating? Blacklisting Generative AI (Forthcoming: 2024 American University Law Review) .

Packin, N. G., & Beck, A. A. (2024). Board Observers (Forthcoming: 2024) .

Packin, N. G., Anidjar, L., & Panezi, A. (2023). The Matrix of Privacy: Data Infrastructure in the AI-Powered Metaverse. Harvard Law & Policy Review.

Packin, N. G., & Stein, S. S. (2023).  ESG, Crypto, and What Has the IRS Got To Do With It? Stanford Journal of Blockchain Law & Policy also featured at the Oxford Business Law Blog & the Duke Law School FinReg Blog..

Packin, N. G. (2023).  Financial Inclusion Gone Wrong? When (Digital) Money Is A Children’s Game. (2023, Hastings Law Journal).

Packin, N. (2021). Show Me the (Data About the) Money! Utah Law Review (2021).

Packin, N. (2021). Disability Discrimination Using AI Systems: Can We Disable Digital Bias? The Journal of International and Comparative Law – a special symposium issue:The Implication of Artificial Intelligence for a Just Society.

Packin, N., & Bagby, J. (2021). RegTech and Predictive Lawmaking: Closing the RegLag between Prospective Regulated Activity and Regulation Michigan Business & Entrepreneurial Law Review (2021).

Packin, N., & Nippani, S. (2021). Ranking Season: Combating Commercial Banks' Systemic Discrimination of Consumers. Amercain Business Law Journal (2022) .

Packin, N. (2020). In Too-Big-To-Fail We Trust: Ethical Banking in the Era of COVID19. Wisconsin Law Review (2020).

Packin, N. (2020). Consumer Finance and AI: The Death of Second Opinions? N.Y.U. Journal of Legislation & Public Policy (2020)..

Packin, N. (2018). RegTech, Compliance and Technology Judgment Rule Chicago-Kent Law Review Symposium 2018, 93:193.

Packin, N., Edwards, B. P., & Reyes, C. (2017). Distributed Governance William and Mary Law Review Online, 59.

Packin, N. (2017). Too-Big-To-Fail 2.0: Cybersecurity & Digital Service Providers Indiana Law Journal (2018).

Packin, N., & Lev-Aretz, Y. (2016). "Big Data and Social Netbanks: Are You Ready to Replace Your Bank?" Houston Law Review 53(5) .

Packin, N., & Lev-Aretz, Y. (2016). "On Social Credit And The Right To Be Un-networked" Columbia Business Law Review.

Packin, N., & Edwards, B. (2016). Regulating Culture: Improving Corporate Governance Via Antiarbitration Provisions, 58 William and Mary Law Review .

Packin, N. (2015). Supersize Them? Large Banks, Taxpayers and the Subsidies That Lay Between (No.2). The Northwestern Journal of International Law and Business.

Packin, N. (2014). "Breaking Bad: Big Banks Not Guilty As Not Charged" (No.4). Washington University Law Review.

Packin, N. G. (2013). The Case Against the Dodd-Frank Act’s Living Wills: Contingency Planning Following the Financial Crisis The Berkeley Business Law Journal; also featured at the Harvard Law School Corporate Governance Forum.

Packin, N. G. (2013). It’s (Not) All About the Money:  Using Behavioral Economics to Improve Regulation of Risk Management in Financial Institutions , 15 The University of Pennsylvania Journal of Business Law 2; also featured at the Harvard Law School Corporate Governance Forum.

Packin, N. G. (2011). The Other Side of Health Care Reform: An Analysis of the Missed Opportunity Regarding Infertility Treatments The Scholar: St. Mary’s Law Review on Minority Issues 1 .

Media Contributions

Packin, N. G. Regulation By Enforcement And Crypto Assets, Forbes.

Packin, N. G. Artificial intelligence products cannot be moral agents, Toronto Star.

Packin, N. G. Bankruptcy And Crypto, Forbes.

Packin, N. G., Nippani, S., & Deen, D. (2024). Commercial Real Estate And Bank Conduct Risk: The Next Domino?, Forbes.

Packin, N. G., & Alon Beck, A. (2024). Shadow Governance And Antitrust In The Age Of Big Tech, Forbes.

Packin, N. G. (2024). Observing OpenAI’s Affair With Musk: A Legal Drama Unfolds,  Forbes.

Lev-Aretz, Y., & Packin, N. G. (2023). Who’s Afraid Of (Suing) DeFi Entities?.

Packin, N. G., & Lev-Aretz, Y. (2023).  Who’s Afraid of (Suing) DeFi Entities?, Forbes.

Packin, N. G., & Freiman, O. (2023).  Automation's Hidden Costs: The Case Against A Paywalled Human Touch, Forbes..

Packin, N. G. (2023). When VCs Benefit From FDIC Funds: Examining The Implications, Forbes.

Packin, N. G., & Nippani, S. (2023).  Policing Banks' 'Conduct Risk' Should Be A Formalized Regulatory Duty, American Banker .

Packin, N. (2021). Banking And Societal Impact — It’s Time To Step It Up!, Forbes.

Packin, N. (2021). Securities Trading For Children: Sound Investment Education Or An Early Gambling Addiction?, Forbes.

Packin, N. (2021). It’s Time For The CFPB To Empower Consumers With Their Data?, Forbes.

Packin, N. G. (2020). Social Credit: Much More Than Your Traditional Financial Credit Score Data, Forbes.

Packin, N., & Alon Beck, A. (2020). Antitrust Is Back: A Q&A With The Experts, Forbes.

Packin, N. (2020). Will A COVID-19 Vaccine Inoculate FinTech Startups Or Lead To Their Demise?, Forbes.

Packin, N. G. (2020). Restructuring America’s Plans, Forbes.

Packin, N. G. (2020). We Need Ethical Banking In The Era Of COVID-19, Forbes.

Packin, N. G. (2020). Let Fintech Help Jumpstart the Economy!. Forbes.

Packin, N. G. (2020). Show Me The (Data About The) Money! What You Didn’t Know About Data Aggregation Can Hurt You, Forbes.

Packin, N. G. (2019). Beware the Hazards of Robo Advisors, Bottom Line Inc.

Packin, N. G. (2019). Why Investors Should Be Wary of Automated Advice, WSJ.

Packin, N. G. (2019). Big Banks Vs. Silicon Valley Startups: Whose Customer Financial Data Is It Anyway?, Forbes.

Packin, N. G. (2019). Is RegTech The Answer To Corporate Governance And Risk Management Issues?, Forbes.

Packin, N. G. (2018). Why We Still Want Humans, And Not (Just) Robots, To Invest Our Money, Forbes.

Packin, N. G. (2018). Breaking Up Is Hard To Do, But That May Be Where Big Tech Is Heading, Forbes.


Lev-Aretz, Y., & Packin, N. G. Decentralized Credit Scores. Automating Bias: Cardozo Law Review 2023 Symposium. Cardozo Law School, New York

Lev-Aretz, Y., & Packin, N. G. (2024, March 6). Chatting with the Future: Exploring the Legal and Ethical Challenges of ChatGPT and Generative AI. Ethics Week Events, Baruch College. Baruch College: The Zicklin Center for Corporate Integrity.

(2024, June 6). Decentralized Credit Scores. Privacy Law Scholars Conference. University of Colorado

Packin, N. (2021, December 31). Ranking Season, Banking, ESG, and DEI. ALSB – University of Minnesota - ZOOM (August 2020). : University of Minnesota.

Packin, N. (2021, December 31). Show Me the (Data About the) Money!. Boston University Law Seminar – ZOOM (February 2021). : Boston University.

Packin, N. (2021, December 31). Show Me the (Data About the) Money!. CPDP – Computers, Privacy and Data Protection Org. : CPDP – Computers, Privacy and Data Protection conference - ZOOM (January 2021).

Packin, N. (2021, December 31). Ranking Season, Banking, ESG, and DEI. National Business Law Conference, University of Tennessee - ZOOM (June 2021).. : National Business Law Conference.

Packin, N. (2021, December 31). Show Me the (Data About the) Money!. Tel Aviv Law Faculty Seminar, Tel Aviv University, Tel Aviv, Israel (April 2021). : Tel Aviv Law Faculty, Tel Aviv University.

Packin, N. (2021, December 31). "Financial and Corporate Regulation in the Biden Administration," December 2020, at The Business Scholarship Podcast. : The Business Scholarship Podcast.

Packin, N. (2021, December 31). Disability Discrimination Using Big Data Systems: Can We Disable Digital Bias?. The Implication of Artificial Intelligence for a Just Society, The Journal of International and Comparative Law Virtual Conference – by invitation. : Tulane Law School & SMU Dedman School of Law - ZOOM (October 2020).

Packin, N. (2021, December 31). Wisconsin Law Review. : Wisconsin Law Review – Forward, PODCAST EPISODE, The Legal Impact of COVID-19,.

Packin, N. (2020, December 31). Show Me the (Data About the) Money!. ALSB – University of Connecticut – ZOOM (August 2020). : University of Connecticut.

Packin, N. (2020, December 31). RegTech and Predictive Lawmaking: Closing the RegLag between Prospective Regulated Activity and Regulation. ALSB – University of Connecticut – ZOOM (August 2020). : University of Connecticut.

Packin, N. (2020, December 31). Algorithmic Analysis of Social Behavior for Profiling, Ranking, and Assessment. Interdisciplinary Workshop on ML and Consumer Credit, Oxford University, UK - ZOOM (June 2020). : Oxford University.

Packin, N. (2020, December 31). Financial Technology & Regulation, Season 1, Ep. 288, Ipse Dixit (a podcast on legal scholarship. Each episode of Ipse Dixit features a different guest discussing their scholarship), June 27, 2019, at Ipse Dixit. : Ipse Dixit.

Packin, N. (2020, December 31). Season 1, Ep. 23, March 9, 2020, at The Academic Podcast. : The Academic (AKA The Sub0 Podcast).

Packin, N. (2020, February 28). Show Me the (Data About the) Money!. Fifth ASCL YCC Workshop on Comparative Business and Financial Law. Akron, OH: University of Akron School of Law, Akron, OH.

Packin, N. (2020, June 30). Show Me the (Data About the) Money!. National Business Law Conference. Zoom: University of Tennessee, Knoxville, TN.

Packin, N. (2020, June 30). Show Me the (Data About) the Money!. Privacy Law Scholars Conference. Zoom: Berkeley University.

Packin, N. (2020, May 31). Show Me the (Data About the) Money!. Ethics of Big Data. Zoom: Georgia Institute of Technology, GA.

Packin, N. (2020, March 31). Show Me the (Data About the) Money!. The 10th Annual Internet Law Works-in-Progress Conference. Zoom: New York Law School, New York, NY.

Packin, N. (2020, June 30). Algorithmic Analysis of Social Behavior for Profiling, Ranking, and Assessment. Interdisciplinary Workshop on ML and Consumer Credit (June 2020). Zoom: Oxford University, UK.

Packin, N. (2019, October 31). In Big Data Algorithms We Trust: The Death of the Second Opinion. How Entrepreneurs Are Using AI for the Right Reasons. Baruch College, NY: Baruch College, NY.

Packin, N. (2019, October 31). In Big Data Algorithms We Trust: The Death of the Second Opinion. Baruch College's 3rd Annual Symposium on Data Analytics. Baruch College, NY: Baruch College, NY.

Packin, N. (2019, June 30). Show Me the (Data About the) Money!. Fintech Forum – National Business Law Conference. Berkeley University School of Law, CA: Berkeley University.

Packin, N. (2019, March 7). Algorithms & Trust. New York Law Scool - Privacy Talks Event featuring me. NY: New York Law Scool.

Packin, N. (2019, March 7). Algorithmic DecisionMaking and the Case of Robo- Advisers. 4. The 4th annual Citi Global Information Security Conference. NY: Citi bank.

Packin, N. (2019, March 19). Algorithms and Trust. 1. Law and Ethics of Big Data, Baruch College's 16th-Annual Ethics Week. NY: Baruch College.

Packin, N. (2019, April 10). Social Justice And Emerging Technology. Social Justice And Emerging Technology. NY: CUNY.

Packin, N. (2018, November 26). In Big Data Algorithms We Trust. AI, Law & Policy. Israel: Center for Cyber Law and Policy in Haifa in collaboration with Cybersecurity Research Center at the Hebrew University..

Packin, N. (2018, October 31). Robo-advisers --About AI and Ethics. Toledo Law School - AI & Ethics. : Toledo Law School.

Packin, N. (2018, September 30). In Big Data Algorithms We Trust. Fordham IPLJ Symposium. : Fordham Law School.

Packin, N. (2018, June 30). In Big Data Algorithms We Trust. National Business Law Conference,. University of Georgia School of Law Athens: National Business Law Association.

Packin, N. (2018, March 15). The Law and Ethics of Big Data. Big Data and Ethics. Baruch College: Baruch’s Robert Zicklin Center for Corporate Integrity and Corporate Communication International.

Packin, N. (2018, April 27). In Big Data Algorithms We Trust. Ethics of Big Data. Boston, MA: Babson College.

Packin, N. (2018, May 17). In Big Data Algorithms We Trust. Annual Privacy Law Conference,. Tel Aviv, Israel: Tel Aviv University,.

Packin, N. (2018, June 7). In Big Data Algorithms We Trust. Law and Society Annual Meeting,. Toronto, Canada: Law and Society.

Packin, N. (2018, March 24). In Big Data Algorithms We Trust. The 8th Annual Internet Law Works-in-Progress Conference. NY: New York Law School.

Packin, N. (2017, June 8). Too-Big-To-Fail 2.0: Cybersecurity & Digital Service Providers. National Business Law Conference. Utah: University of Utah, S.J. Quinney College.

Packin, N. (2017, May 17). Too-Big-To-Fail 2.0: Cybersecurity & Digital Service Providers:. ASU Law Governance of Emerging Technologies Conference. Arizona: Sandra Day O’Connor College of Law, Arizona State University.

Packin, N. (2017, April 21). Granular Data - Comments. Law and Ethics of Big Data. Philadelphia, PA: The Wharton School of the University of Pennsylvania.

Packin, N. (2017, April 27). Too-Big-To-Fail 2.0: Cybersecurity & Digital Service Providers:. Inaugural Ostrom Workshop Colloquium on Cybersecurity and Internet Governance. Indiana: Indiana University Bloomington, IN.

Packin, N. (2016, May 30). AI & Financial Services. Challenges of New technology: Robots and Artificial Intelligence, Following Ex Machina and More,. Yale Law School, New Haven, CT: Yale Law School & ISP.

Packin, N. (2016, June 4). On Social Credit. Law and Society Annual Meeting. New Orleans, LA: Law and Society.

Packin, N. (2016, June 13). Alternative Credit. Innovation, Technology & the Law. Haifa University, Haifa, Israel: Haifa University.

Packin, N. (2016, April 14). Corporate Law Panel. Corporate Law. Baruch College: Golden Key & ALPFA Baruch.

Packin, N. (2016, January 5). Big Data and Social Netbanks. Many Faces of Innovation Conference. Israel: Bar Ilan University.

Packin, N. (2016, April 7). On Social Credit. Mid-Atlantic Academy of Legal Studies in Business Annual Conference. Baruch College: Mid-Atlantic Academy of Legal Studies in Business.

Packin, N. (2016, April 6). Fintech in Business Schools. Fintech in Academia. Latham & Watkins LLP, 885 3rd Avenue, New York, NY: Latham & Watkins LLP; Empire Startups.

Packin, N. (2016, March 5). On Social Credit. The 6th Annual Internet Law Works-in-Progress Conference. New York, NY: New York Law School.

Packin, N. (2016, April 9). On Social Credit. Ethics of Big Data. Bloomington, Indiana University, IN: Indiana University,.

Packin, N. (2015, October 23). Financial Settlements: Law Enforcement, So Called. The Administrative State and Its Law. Washington DC: George Mason University.

Packin, N. (2015, October 29). On Loans And Credit And The Right To Be Unpopular. Law Faculty Forum. Creighton University, Omaha, NE: Creighton University School of Law & Heider College of Business.

Packin, N. (2015, October 30). On Loans And Credit And The Right To Be Unpopular. Institute for Economic Inquiry. Creighton University, Omaha, NE: Creighton University School of Law & Heider College of Business.

Packin, N., & Lev-Aretz, Y. (2015, October 14). Social Credit. Privacy Research Group. : NYU Information Law Institute.

Packin, N. (2015, March 21). Big Data & Social Netbanks. Mid Atlantic Academy Business Law Studies Annual Conference. York, PA: Mid Atlantic Academy Business Law Studies (NEALSB).

Packin, N. (2015, April 25). Big Data & Social Netbanks. North Eastern Academy Business Law Studies Annual Conference. Princeton, NJ: North Eastern Academy Business Law Studies (NEALSB).

Packin, N. (2015, June 4). Big Data and Social Netbanks. Annual National Business Law Conference (NBLC) 2015. Seton Hall Law School, NJ: NBLC.

Packin, N. (2015, July 30). Big Data and Social Netbanks. Cardozo Law School Corporate Center's Faculty Workshop. Cardozo Law School, NYC, NY

Packin, N. (2015, August 10). Big Data and Social Netbanks. Annual Academy of Legal Studies in Business National Conference. Philadelphia, Pennsylvania: Academy of Legal Studies in Business.

Packin, N. (2014, October 9). Too Big To Fail. The Conference on “The Reform of International Economic Governance”. Spain: University of Granada.

Packin, N. (2014, June 19). Supersize them? Big Banks Subsidies. The National Business Law Scholars Conference. Los Angeles: Loyola Law School.

Packin, N. (2014, February 26). . Univeristy of Pennsylvania, Faculty of Law.

Packin, N. (2014, April 8). Supersize them? Too-Big-To-Fail Banks and Their Subsidies. Baruch's Law Department Scholarship Series. Baruch: Zicklin School of Business.

Packin, N. (2013, December 6). . 3rd Mid-Atlantic SJD Roundtable. D.C.: American Univeristy Faculty of Law.

Packin, N. (2013, December 30). . Hebrew University, Faculty of Law.

Packin, N. (2011, December 31). Japanese and Cross-Border Insolvency and Bankruptcy Law. Transnational Law Conference. Japan: University of Tokyo & Waseda University Law School.

Packin, N. (2011, December 31). European Traditions: Integration or Disintegration. XVIIth Annual Forum of Young Legal Historians. Netherlands: Faculty of Law, Maastricht University.

Other Scholarly Works

Packin, N. (2017). Where is Donald Trump headed on financial regulations?.

Packin, N. (2017). Submission to the Consumer Protection Financial Bureau (CFPB) Re: Request for Information Regarding Use of Alternative Data and Modeling Techniques in the Credit Process [Docket No. CFPB-2017-0005] on the Risks of Social Credit (with Yafit Lev-Aretz) (May 2017)..

Packin, N. (2017). Too-Big-to-Fail 2.0? Digital Service Providers as Cyber-Social Systems.

Packin, N., Edwards, B. P., & Reyes, C. L. (2017). Companies Face Risk and Opportunity with Distributed Governance Structures.

Packin, N., & Edwards, B. P. (2016). Should Corporate Whistleblowers Go to Arbitration?.

Packin, N., & Lev-Aretz, Y. (2016). Facebook & Google’s Next Step: Financial Services.

Packin, N., & Lev-Aretz, Y. (2016). Don't Let Facebook Likes Sway Credit Decisions.

Packin, N., & Edwards, B. P. (2016). Should Corporate Whistleblowers Go to Arbitration?.

Packin, N. (2014). Supersize Them: Big Banks, Taxpayers, and the Subsidies That Lay Between.

Packin, N. (2014). Breaking Bad: Big Banks Not Guilty As Not Charged.

Packin, N. (2012). It’s (Not) All About the Money.


Packin, N. (1970,January 1). A review of “A History of Financial Technology from Corporations to Crowdfunding” by Seth C. Oranburg, Cambridge University Press. Journal of International and Comparative Law (2023)..

Packin, N. (2018,January 1). Banking Regulation in Israel. Prudential Regulation versus Consumer Protection,” by Ruth Plato-Shinar, Wolters Kluwer. The Banking and Finance Law Review.

TitleFunding Agency SponsorStart DateEnd DateAwarded DateTotal FundingStatus
Social CreditPSC-CUNY 4707/01/201606/30/201704/15/20163500Completed
Honor / AwardOrganization SponsorDate ReceivedDescription
ISF Grant2024-07-01
Zicklin Teaching InnovationZicklin School of Business2023-11-21
Baruch College 2019 Faculty Excellence and AchievementBaruch2019
Baruch College Law Department 2018 Faculty Excellence Teaching AwardBaruch2018
Research FellowMinerva Center – Cyber Initiative2016
Paper chosen for ALSB Conference ProceedingsALSB2015Paper elected for Academy of Legal Studies in Business Conference Proceedings
Immigration Equality 2011 Annual Safe Haven Award2011
New York State Courts Access to Justice Program Pro Bono AwardNew York County Lawyer's Association, New York State Bar Association, and the Office of the NYC Mayor20082008-2012
Merrill Lynch's Women Leadership Scholarship2007
Dean's Distinguished Merit ScholarshipColumbia University, School of Law2007


Committee NamePosition RoleStart DateEnd Date
BBA Redesign - Zicklin School of BusinessCommittee MemberPresent
Law Department Curriculum Committee Committee MemberPresent
Law Department Executive CommitteeCommittee MemberPresent
Chapter Advisor for Delta Sigma PiFaculty AdvisorPresent
A College-Wide Assessment CommitteeCommittee MemberPresent
The School of Public Affairs Curriculum CommitteeCommittee MemberPresent
Law Department Search CommitteeEquity Advocate12/31/2017
Ad Hoc Continuous Improvement Committee / Continuous Improvement Committee Committee Member12/31/2016
Secretary of the Faculty of Zicklin School of BusinessExecutive Secretary 8/31/2016
New Honors Student Course DevelopmentFaculty Advisor5/31/2016
New Special Topic Course DevelopmentFinancial Regulation of Emerging Technologies3/11/2016
Zicklin Undergraduate Orientation Welcoming Members Faculty Advisor8/5/2015
BBA Learning Assurance Committee Committee Member5/26/2015
Zicklin Undergraduate Business Case Club Serve as the professor presenting the business case4/28/2015
Admitted Students DayFaculty Advisor3/23/2014
College For A DayFaculty Mentor11/8/2013
New Course DevelopmentThe Law of Corporate Governance9/30/2013


OrganizationPosition RoleOrganization StateOrganization CountryStart DateEnd DateAudience
Mid-Atlantic Academy of Legal Studies in Business Officer, Treasurer1/1/2021Present
American Business Law JournalReviewer, Journal Article9/1/2014Present
United Nations - International Trade Law Division-UNCITRAL, Legal Affairs OfficeObserver / participantNew York4/21/2014Present
Mid-Atlantic Academy of Legal Studies in Business Annual ConferenceConference-RelatedNew York1/1/20164/30/2016