Pablo Soberon Bravo

Assc Professor

Weissman School of Arts and Sciences

Department: Mathematics

Areas of expertise:

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Ph.D., Mathematics, University College London London UK

Licenciatura, Mexican equivalent of BA, Mathematics, Universidad Nacional Autonoma de Mexico Mexico City Mexico

SemesterCourse PrefixCourse NumberCourse Name
Spring 2023MTH4010Mathematical Analysis I
Fall 2022MTH4030Topology
Spring 2022MTH4100Linear Alg & Matrix Methods
Fall 2021MTH4005Problem-Solving Seminar
Spring 2021MTH4100Linear Alg & Matrix Methods
Spring 2021MTH2610Calculus I
Fall 2020MTH4005Problem-Solving Seminar
Spring 2020MTH4100Linear Alg & Matrix Methods
Fall 2019MTH4005Problem-Solving Seminar
Spring 2019MTH4100Linear Alg & Matrix Methods
Spring 2019MTH2610Calculus I
Fall 2018MTH4430Mathematics of Inferential Sta
Fall 2018MTH2003Precal & Elem of Cal 1A


Soberón, P. (2013). Problem-Solving Methods in Combinatorics. (p. 1--183). Problem-Solving Methods in Combinatorics.

Soberón Bravo, P. (2010). Combinatoria para olimpiadas internacionales. (p. 193). Mexico City, Mexico, Instituto de Matemáticas, UNAM.

Journal Articles

Roldán-Pensado, E., & Soberón, P. (2022). A survey of mass partitions. Bulletin of the American Mathematical Society, 59. 227-267.

Sarkar, S., & Soberón, P. (2022). Tolerance for colorful Tverberg partitions. European Journal of Combinatorics, 103. Paper 103527.

Soberón, P. (2022). Fair distributions for more participants than allocations. Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society, Series B, 9(38). 404-414.

Carvalho, J., & Soberón, P. (2022). COUNTEREXAMPLES TO THE COLORFUL TVERBERG CONJECTURE FOR HYPERPLANES. Acta Mathematica Hungarica, 167. 385-392.

Soberon Bravo, P., & Takahashi, Y. (2022). Lifting methods in mass partition problems. International Mathematics Research Notices, rnac224.

Messina, J. A., & Soberón, P. (2022). Isometric and affine copies of a set in volumetric Helly results. Computational Geometry, 103. Paper 101855.

Axelrod-Freed, I., & Soberon Bravo, P. (2022). Bisections of mass assignments using flags of affine spaces. Discrete & Computational Geometry,

Chirvasitu, A., Ladisch, F., & Soberón, P. (2021). Finite groups as prescribed polytopal symmetries. Israel Journal of Mathematics, 245. 75–91.

Soberón, P., & Tang, Y. (2021). Tverberg's theorem, disks, and Hamiltonian cycles. Annals of Combinatorics, 25. 995–1005.

Sarkar, S., Xue, A., & Soberón, P. (2021). Quantitative combinatorial geometry for concave functions. Journal of Combinatorial Theory, Series A, 182. article 105465.

Dillon, T., & Soberón, P. (2021). A mélange of diameter Helly-type theorems. SIAM Journal on Discrete Mathematics, 35(3). 1615-1627.

Soberón, P. (2019). Tverberg partitions as weak epsilon-nets. Combinatorica, 39(2).

Palic, N., Blagojevic, P., Soberón, P., & Ziegler, G. M. (2019). Cutting a part from many measures. Forum of Mathematics, Sigma, 7(37E).

Bárány, I., & Soberón, P. (2018). Tverberg Plus minus. Discrete & Computational Geometry, 60(3). 588-598.

Bárány, I., & Soberón, P. (2018). Tverberg’s theorem is 50 years old: A survey. Bulletin of the American Mathematical Society, 55. 459--492.

Soberón, P. (2018). Robust Tverberg and Colourful Carath\'eodory Results via Random Choice. Combinatorics, Probability and Computing, 27(3). 427--440.

Bárány, I., & Soberón, P. (2018). Tverberg's theorem is 50 years old: a survey. Bulletin if the American Mathematical Society, 55(4). 459-492.

Blagojevi'c, P., & Soberón, P. (2018). Thieves can make sandwiches. Bulletin of the London Mathematical Society, 50(1). 108--123.

Barvinok, A., & Soberón, P. (2017). Computing the partition function for graph homomorphisms. Combinatorica, 37(4). 633--650.

De Loera, J. A., La Haye, R. N., Rolnick, D., & Soberón, P. (2017). Quantitative Tverberg theorems over lattices and other discrete sets. Discrete & Computational Geometry, 58(2). 435--448.

De Loera, J. A., La Haye, R. N., Rolnick, D., & Soberón, P. (2017). Quantitative combinatorial geometry for continuous parameters. Discrete & Computational Geometry, 57. 318--334.

Rolnick, D., & Soberón, P. (2017). Quantitative (p, q) theorems in combinatorial geometry. Discrete Mathematics, 340(10). 2516--2527.

Amenta, N., De Loera, J., & Soberón, P. (2017). Helly’s theorem: new variations and applications. Algebraic and geometric methods in discrete mathematics (Contemporary Mathematics), 685. 55--96.

Soberón, P. (2017). Gerrymandering, sandwiches, and topology. Notices of the AMS, 64(9).

Magazinov, A., & Soberón, P. (2017). Positive-fraction intersection results and variations of weak epsilon-nets. Monatshefte f\"ur Mathematik", 183(1). 165--176.

Karasev, R. N., Roldán-Pensado, E., & Soberón, P. (2016). Measure partitions using hyperplanes with fixed directions. Israel Journal of Mathematics, 212(2). 705--728.

Soberón, P. (2016). Helly-type theorems for the diameter. Bulletin of the London Mathematical Society, 48(4). 577--588.

Barvinok, A., & Soberón, P. (2016). Computing the partition function for graph homomorphisms with multiplicities. Journal of Combinatorial Theory, Series A, 137. 1--26.

Montejano, A., Montejano, L., Roldán-Pensado, E., & Soberón, P. (2015). About an Erd\Hos-Gr\"unbaum conjecture concerning piercing of non bounded convex sets". Discrete & Computational Geometry, 53(4). 941--950.

Soberón, P. (2015). Equal coefficients and tolerance in coloured Tverberg partitions. Combinatorica, 35(2). 235--252.

Jerónimo-Castro, J., Magazinov, A., & Soberón, P. (2015). On a problem by Dol’nikov. Discrete Mathematics, 338(9). 1577--1585.

Soberón, P. (2014). An Extension of a Theorem of Yao and Yao. Discrete & Computational Geometry, 51(2). 285--299.

Soberón, P., & Strausz, R. (2012). A Generalisation of Tverberg’s Theorem. Discrete & Computational Geometry, 47(3). 455--460.

Soberón, P. (2012). Balanced Convex Partitions of Measures in R\^d. Mathematika, 58(01). 71--76.

Montejano, L., & Soberón, P. (2011). Piercing numbers for balanced and unbalanced families. Discrete & Computational Geometry, 45(2). 358--364.

Extensions of discrete Helly theorems for boxes.

Bisecting masses with families of parallel hyperplanes.

Generalizations of the Yao-Yao Partition Theorem and Central Transversal Theorems. DISCRETE & COMPUTATIONAL GEOMETRY,

The Bárány-Kalai conjecture for certain families of polytopes.

Tverberg's theorem and multi-class support vector machines.

Tverberg Partition Graphs.

High-dimensional envy-free partitions.

Book Chapters

Schulte, E., Soberón, P., & Williams, G. I. (2021). Prescribing Symmetries and Automorphisms for Polytopes. In Cunningham, G., Mixer, M., & Schultee, E. (Eds.), Polytopes and Discrete Geometry (pp. 221-234). Contemporary Mathematics, American Mathematical Society.

Conference Proceedings

Schnider, P., & Soberón, P. (2023). Combinatorial Depth Measures for Hyperplane Arrangements. Leibniz International Proceedings in Informatics (LIPIcs).


Soberón, P., & Takahashi, Y. (2024, January 9). Lifting Methods in Mass partitions. Joint Mathematics Meetings, MSRI Special session on Geometric and Topological Combinatorics. Boston, MA

Soberón, P. (2021, March 31). Quantitative Helly Theorems. Bard College Mathematics Colloqium. Bard, NY: Bard College.

Soberon-Bravo, P. (2021, March 31). Quantitative Helly Theorems. Binghampton Combinatorics Seminar. Binghampton, NY: University of Binghampton (SUNY).

Soberon-Bravo, P. (2021, March 31). Quantitative Helly Theorems. Budapest Big Combinatorics and Geometry seminar. Budapest: Renyi Institute.

Soberon-Bravo, P. (2021, March 31). Tverberg's theorem beyond prime powers. Copenhagen-Jerusalem Combinatorics Seminar. Copenhagen: University of Copenhagen.

Soberón, P. (2021, March 31). Teoremas de Helly Cuantitativos. Seminario de Matemáticas discretas. Juriquilla, Querétaro, México: Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México.

Soberón, P. (2021, March 31). Quantitative Helly Theorems. University of Massachusetts Lowell mathematics colloqium. Lowell, MA: University of Massachusets Lowell.

Soberón, P. (2021, January 31). The topological Tverberg theorem beyond prime powers. IST Austria Seminar. Austria: IST Austria.

Soberón, P. (2020, December 2). The topological Tverberg Theorem beyond prime powers. COMBINATORICS AND GEOMETRY DAYS III. Moscow (conference was done via zoom): Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology.

Soberon-Bravo, P. (2020, July 30). Variations of equipartitions of measures with convex sets. CoSP seminar on Topologial Combinatorics. Online (due to COVID19): University of Iowa.

Soberon-Bravo, P. (2020, June 12). Teoría de Tverberg sin potencias de primos. Mathematics Colloqium. Online (CCM is in Morelia, Mexico): Centro de Ciencias Matemáticas.

Frick, F., & Soberón, P. (2020, June 2). The topological Tverberg theorem beyond prime powers. Combinatorial and Additive Number Theory Conference. Online (due to COVID19): CUNY Graduate Center.

Soberon-Bravo, P. (2019, December 31). Barvinok's method to approximate the permanent I. New York Number Theory Seminar. Graduate Center, CUNY

Soberon-Bravo, P. (2019, December 31). Barvinok's method to approximate the permanent II. New York Number Theory Seminar. Graduate Center, CUNY

Soberon-Bravo, P. (2019, December 31). Tverberg’s theorem and weak epsilon-nets. NYC Discrete Geometry Seminar. Courant Institute: CUNY GC / NYU Courant Insitute.

Soberon-Bravo, P. (2019, December 31). Exact Quantitative Helly Theorems. CMO-BIRS Workshop 19w5028. Oaxaca, Mexico: Casa Matematica Oaxaca.

Soberon-Bravo, P. (2019, December 31). Prescribing symmetries of centrally symmetric polytopes. AMS Southeastern sectional meeting. University of Auburn, AL: American MAthematical Society + University of Auburn.

Soberón, P. (2019, September 23). Exact Quantitative Versions of Tverberg's theorem. Rutgers Combinatorics Seminar.

Soberon-Bravo, P. (2019, December 31). Matroids, Helly's theorem, and ellipsoids. AMS Fall Southeastern sectional meeting. University of Florida, FL: American Mathematical Society + University of Florida.

Soberon-Bravo, P. (2019, December 31). Probabilistic Methods for the colorful Tverberg theorem. AMS Sectional mmeting 1151, special session on oriented matroids and related topics. University of Binghampton, NY: American Mathematical Society + University of Binghampton.

Soberon-Bravo, P. (2018, December 31). Different approaches to the colorful Tverberg theorem. "Pick my brain seminar". Northeastern University: Northeastern University.

Soberon-Bravo, P. (2018, December 31). Tverberg-type results, weak epsilon-nets and the probabilistic method. Worlwide Center of Mathematics Lecture Series. Cambridge, MA: Worlwide Center of Mathemtics.

Soberon-Bravo, P. (2018, December 31). Extending robust versions of Tverberg’s theorem. Special Session on Polytopes and Discrete Geometry, AMS Northeastern Sectional Meeting. Boston: American Mathematical Society.

Soberon-Bravo, P. (2018, December 31). Packing densities, kissing numbers and piercing numbers.. Northeastern university math club. Northeastern University: Northeastern University.

Soberon-Bravo, P. (2018, December 31). Tverberg’s theorem: a gem in discrete geometry. Latinx in the mathematical sciences conference. Los Angeles, CA: Institute of Pure and Applied Mathematics.

Soberon-Bravo, P. (2018, December 31). Random partitions and the Colorful Tverberg theorem. ACO Seminar. Carnegie Mellon University: Carnegie Mellon University.

Soberon-Bravo, P. (2017, December 31). Symmetries in mass partition problems. BIRS-CMO Workhop 17w5015: Symmetries and Discrete Structures in Geometry. Oaxaca, Mexico: Banff International Research Station: Casa Matematica Oaxaca.

Soberon-Bravo, P. (2017, December 31). Fair division problems and high-dimensional necklaces. Pacific Rim Mathematical Associaton 3rd Congress. Oaxaca, Mexico: Pacific Rim Mathmatical Association.

Soberon-Bravo, P. (2017, December 31). Robust Tverberg results via the probabilistic methdod.. Ninth Discrete Geometry and Algebraic Combinatorics Conference. South Padre Island, TX: University of Texas Rio Grande Valley.

Soberon-Bravo, P. (2017, December 31). Linear versions of Tverberg’s theorem: progress and problems. Introductory Workshop: Geometric and Topological Combinatorics. (program 309). Berkeley, CA: MSRI.

Soberon-Bravo, P. (2017, December 31). Tensors, colors, convex hulls.. Discrete Geometry and Convexity: Barany 70. Budapest, Hungary: Renyi Insitute.

Soberon-Bravo, P. (2017, December 31). Problemas de particiones justas (Fair partition problems). Coloquium of Centro de Ciencias Matematicas. Morelia, Mexico: Centro de Ciencias Matematicas, UNAM.

Soberon-Bravo, P. (2017, December 31). Thieves and High-dimensional necklaces. University of Washington Combinatorics Seminar. Seattle, WA: University of Washington.

Soberon-Bravo, P. (2016, December 31). An application of the probabilistic method to Tverberg’s theorem. CMO-BIRS workshop: Transversal, Helly and Tverberg type Theorems in Geometry. Oaxaca, Mexico: Banff International Research Station: Casa Matematica Oaxaca.

Soberon-Bravo, P. (2016, December 31). A probabilistic approach to Tverberg-type results. AMS Eastern Sectional Meeting. Brunswick, ME: American Mathematical Society.

Soberon-Bravo, P. (2016, December 31). Quantitative and Colorful combinatorial geometry. 8th Algebraic Combinatorics and Discrete Geometry Conference. South Padre Island, TX: University of Texas Rio Grande Valley.

Soberon-Bravo, P. (2016, December 31). A toolbox for topologists. ICERM workshop: Topology and Geometry in a Discrete Setting. Providence, RI: ICERM.

Soberon-Bravo, P. (2016, December 31). Quantitative Helly-type theorems. SIAM Discrete Mathematics Conference. Atlanta, GA: Society of Industrial and Applied Mathematics.

Soberon-Bravo, P. (2016, December 31). A glimpse of combinatorial geometry. Northeastern University Posdoc Seminar. Boston, MA: Northeastern University.

Soberon-Bravo, P. (2016, December 31). Positive-fraction results in combinatorial geometry. MIT Combinatorics Seminar. Cambridge, MA: MIT.

Soberon-Bravo, P. (2015, December 31). Variations of positive-fraction intersection results in combinatorial geometry. Freie Universitet Topological Combinatorics Seminar. Berlin, Germany: Freie Universitet Berlin.

Soberon-Bravo, P. (2015, December 31). Fixed directions in mass partition problems. University of Michigan Combinatorics Seminar. Ann Arbor, MI: University of Michigan.

Soberon-Bravo, P. (2015, December 31). Quantitative Helly-type theorems in combinatorial geometry. University of Massachusetts Coloquium. Boston, MA: University of Massachusetts.

Soberon-Bravo, P. (2015, December 31). Quantitative Helly-type theorems. Laszlo Fejes Toth centenial conference. Budapest, Hungary: Renyi Institute.

Soberon-Bravo, P. (2015, December 31). Measure partitions using hyperplanes with fixed directions. GASC Seminar (Geometry, Algebra, Singularities and Combinatorics). Boston, MA: Northeastern University.

Soberon-Bravo, P. (2014, December 31). Mass Partitions with Hyperplanes of Fixed Directions. Oberwolfach Workshop 1436. Oberwolfach, Germany: Oberwolfach Mathematics Instute.

Soberon-Bravo, P. (2014, December 31). Variations of Tverberg’s theorem. MIT Combinatorics Seminar. Cambridge, MA: MIT.

Soberon-Bravo, P. (2014, December 31). Aproximando nu ´meros de homomorfismos (Approximating homomorphism numbers, in spanish. II Reunion de Matematics Mexicano en el Mundo (II Reunion of Mexican Mathematicians in the world). Guanajuato, Mexico: CIMAT.

Soberon-Bravo, P. (2014, December 31). Tverberg’s theorem and the Birkhoff Polytople. Discrete Mathematics Seminar. Berlin, Germany: Freie Universitet Berlin.

Soberon-Bravo, P. (2014, December 31). Teoremas coloreados y productos tensoriales (Colorful theorems and tensor products). CIM Seminar. Queretaro, Mexico: Centro de Inovacion en Matematicas.

Soberon-Bravo, P. (2014, December 31). Splitting points and hyperplanes.. SIAM conference in discrete mathematics. Minneapolis, MN: Society of Industrial and Applied Mathematics.

Soberon-Bravo, P. (2014, December 31). Variations of the ham sandwich theorem. Algebra and Discrete Mathematics Seminar. Davis, CA: UC Davis.

Soberon-Bravo, P. (2013, December 31). Equal Coefficients and Tolerance in Coloured Tverberg Partitions. 29th ACM Symposium on Computational Geometry. Rio de Janeiro, Brazil: ACM.

Soberon-Bravo, P. (2013, December 31). Tverberg’s theorem: different approaches to the colorful version. University of Michigan Combinatorics Seminar. Ann Arbor, MI: University of Michigan.

Soberon-Bravo, P. (2013, December 31). Variaciones del teorema de Tverberg (Variations of Tverberg’s Theorem. Seminario de Matematicas Discretas. Santander, Spain: University of Cantabria.

Soberon-Bravo, P. (2013, December 31). Partitions of measures and combinatorial geometry. Seminar. Warwick, United Kingdom: Warwick University.

Soberon-Bravo, P. (2013, December 31). Particiones balanceadas de medidas en R^d (Balanced Partitions of Measure in IRd. National Congress of the Royal Spanish Mathematical Society. Santiago de Compostela, Spain: Royal Spanish Mathematical Society.

Soberon-Bravo, P. (2012, December 31). An extension of a theorem by Yao and Yao. European Workshop on Computational Geometry. Assisi, Italy

Soberon-Bravo, P. (2012, December 31). Variations of Tverberg’s theorem. Geometry Seminar. Budapest, Hungary: Renyi Institute.

Soberon-Bravo, P. (2012, December 31). Some generalisations of Radon’s theorem. LSE Lunchtime Seminar. London, United Kingdom: London School of Economics.

Soberon-Bravo, P. (2012, December 31). Equal coefficients in coloured Tverberg partitions. Recent Advances in Transversal and Helly-type thoerems in Geometry, Combinatorics and Topology. Banff, Canada: Banff International Research Station.

Soberon-Bravo, P. (2011, December 31). On the tolerated Tverberg theorem. Discrete Geometry Workshop (Workshop ID 1136). Oberwolfach, Germany: Oberwolfach Mathematical Institute.

Soberon-Bravo, P. (2011, December 31). Balanced equipartitions of measures in R^d. Discrete Mathematics Seminar. London, United Kingdom: University College London.

Soberon-Bravo, P. (2011, December 31). Round table for the 25 years of the Mexican Mathematical Olympiad. National Congress of the Mexican Mathematical Society. San Luis Potosi, Mexico: Mexican Mathematical Society.

Soberon-Bravo, P. (2011, December 31). Balanced partitions of measures in R^d. Convexity, Topology, Combinatorics and Beyond: A workshop in honor of Montejano's 60th Birthday. Puerto Vallarta, Mexico: UNAM.

Soberon-Bravo, P. (2009, December 31). Piercing numbers for balanced families. Transversals and Helly-type theorems in Geometry, Combinaotrics and Topology. Banff, Canada: Banff International Research Station.

Other Scholarly Works

Xue, A., & Soberon-Bravo, P. (2020). Balanced convex partitions of lines in the plane.

Soberon Bravo, P. (2013). Partition problems in discrete geometry. 86.

TitleFunding Agency SponsorStart DateEnd DateAwarded DateTotal FundingStatus
Quantitative Combinatorial Geometry PSC CUNY 5207/01/202106/30/202304/15/20214530Completed
Combinatorial topology in discrete geometryPSC-CUNY 5107/01/202012/31/202204/17/20204530Completed
Combinatorial Properties of Convex Sets and Measures in Euclidean spacesNational Science Foundation01/01/202012/31/202003/20/202012000Completed
Linear-algebraic and topological approaches to Tverberg theoryPSC-CUNY 5007/01/201912/31/202204/15/20195700.07Completed
Combinatorial Properties of Convex Sets and Measures in Euclidean spaces SubmittingNational Science Foundation08/27/201806/30/202108/28/2018105211Completed
S-STEM: Sustained Cascade Mentoring in Mathematics and Related FieldsNational Science Foundation03/15/202402/28/203008/23/2023999997Funded - In Progress
CAREER: Discrete Geometry at the crossroads of Combinatorics and TopologyNational Science Foundation06/01/202305/31/202801/27/2023416784Funded - In Progress
Combinatorial topology motivated by high-dimensional mass partition problemsPSC-CUNY 5407/01/202306/30/202404/18/20234551Funded - In Progress
Topology and Linear Algebra in Discrete GeometryNational Science Foundation07/01/202106/30/202403/24/2021195094Funded - In Progress
Honor / AwardOrganization SponsorDate ReceivedDescription
Feliks Gross AwardCUNY2021
National Researcher Level 1CONACyT (Consejo Nacional de Ciencia y Tecnologia)2019CONACyT is the Mexican Equivalent of the National Science Foundation. Mexican researchers can apply for a National Researcher status, which makes it easier to obtain collaborative grants. The status is subject to significant research activity and is evaluated every three years.


Committee NamePosition RoleStart DateEnd Date
REU organizerFaculty Mentor6/14/20218/12/2021
PUTNAM organizerFaculty Mentor9/1/202012/31/2020
REU organizerFaculty Mentor6/17/20208/9/2020
PUTNAM organizerFaculty Mentor9/1/201912/31/2019
Combinatorics REU organizerFaculty Mentor6/17/20198/9/2019
PUTNAM organizerFaculty Mentor9/1/201812/31/2018


Committee NamePosition RoleStart DateEnd Date
Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion allianceFaculty AdvisorPresent
New York Discrete Mathematics REUOrganizerPresent
DEI AllianceCommittee Member8/31/2021
REU organizerFaculty Mentor8/12/2021
REU organizerFaculty Mentor8/12/2021
PUTNAM organizerFaculty Mentor12/31/2020
REU organizerFaculty Mentor8/9/2020
PUTNAM organizerFaculty Mentor12/31/2019
Combinatorics REU organizerFaculty Mentor8/9/2019
PUTNAM organizerFaculty Mentor12/31/2018


OrganizationPosition RoleOrganization StateOrganization CountryStart DateEnd DateAudience
Refereeing for math journalsrevieweronlineUnited StatesPresentInternational
United States Mathematical Olympiad (USAMO)EditoronlineUnited StatesPresentNational
NSF PanelReviewer, Grant Proposal7/1/20217/31/2021
Mathematics Association of AmericanGrader for the Putnam Mathematical Competition2/22/20213/3/2021
Reviewer, Journal Article1/1/202012/31/2020
CONICYT (Chilean equivalent to NSF)Reviewer, Grant Proposal7/1/20209/30/2020
Panama Mathematical OlympiadCoachPanama1/20/20201/24/2020
Reviewer, Journal Article1/1/201912/31/2019
CONICYT (Chilean equivalent to NSF)Reviewer, Grant Proposal7/1/20199/30/2019