Pai Chun Ma

Assc Professor

Zicklin School of Business

Department: Paul Chook Dept InfoSys & Stat

Areas of expertise:

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Ph.D., Information Systems, New York University

M.B.A., Management Science / MIS, SUNY at Buffalo

B.S., Management Science, National Chiao-Tung U

SemesterCourse PrefixCourse NumberCourse Name
Fall 2024BUS3001Business Internship
Fall 2024BUS3002Business Internship
Fall 2024CIS5900CIS Internship
Summer 2024CIS5900CIS Internship
Summer 2024CIS5900CIS Internship
Summer 2024BUS3001Business Internship
Spring 2024BUS3002Business Internship
Spring 2024CIS5900CIS Internship
Spring 2024CIS5900CIS Internship
Spring 2024BUS3001Business Internship
Fall 2023BUS3001Business Internship
Fall 2023BUS3004Business Internship IV
Fall 2023CIS2200Intro Info Systems
Fall 2023CIS3100Object-Oriented Programming I
Fall 2023CIS5900CIS Internship
Summer 2023BUS3001Business Internship
Summer 2023BUS3003Business Internship
Summer 2023CIS5900CIS Internship
Spring 2023BUS3002Business Internship
Spring 2023BUS3006Business Internship VI
Spring 2023CIS3100Object-Oriented Programming I
Spring 2023CIS2200Intro Info Systems
Spring 2023CIS2200Intro Info Systems
Fall 2022BUS3001Business Internship
Fall 2022BUS3003Business Internship
Fall 2022BUS3004Business Internship IV
Fall 2022BUS3005Business Internship V
Fall 2022CIS3100Object-Oriented Programming I
Fall 2022BUS3002Business Internship
Fall 2022BUS3001Business Internship
Fall 2022CIS2200Intro Info Systems
Fall 2022CIS5900CIS Internship
Fall 2022CIS5900CIS Internship
Fall 2022CIS2200Intro Info Systems
Fall 2022BUS3006Business Internship VI
Summer 2022BUS3002Business Internship
Summer 2022BUS3004Business Internship IV
Summer 2022BUS3001Business Internship
Summer 2022BUS3001Business Internship
Spring 2022CIS5900CIS Internship
Spring 2022BUS3006Business Internship VI
Spring 2022BUS3006Business Internship VI
Spring 2022BUS3005Business Internship V
Spring 2022BUS3005Business Internship V
Spring 2022BUS3004Business Internship IV
Spring 2022BUS3004Business Internship IV
Spring 2022BUS3003Business Internship
Spring 2022BUS3003Business Internship
Spring 2022BUS3002Business Internship
Spring 2022BUS3002Business Internship
Spring 2022BUS3001Business Internship
Spring 2022BUS3001Business Internship
Fall 2021BUS3002Business Internship
Fall 2021BUS3001Business Internship
Fall 2021CIS5900CIS Internship
Fall 2021CIS3100Object-Oriented Programming I
Fall 2021CIS2200Intro Info Systems
Summer 2021CIS5900CIS Internship
Summer 2021BUS3001Business Internship
Spring 2021CIS2200Intro Info Systems
Spring 2021CIS5900CIS Internship
Spring 2021CIS3100Object-Oriented Programming I
Spring 2021BUS3001Business Internship
Fall 2020BUS3001Business Internship
Fall 2020CIS2200Intro Info Systems
Fall 2020CIS2200Intro Info Systems
Fall 2020CIS5900CIS Internship
Fall 2020BUS3001Business Internship
Fall 2020BUS3003Business Internship
Summer 2020BUS3001Business Internship
Summer 2020CIS5900CIS Internship
Summer 2020BUS3002Business Internship
Spring 2020BUS3006Business Internship VI
Spring 2020BUS3001Business Internship
Spring 2020BUS3001Business Internship
Spring 2020CIS3100Object-Oriented Programming I
Spring 2020CIS5900CIS Internship
Spring 2020CIS5900CIS Internship
Spring 2020CIS2200Intro Info Systems
Fall 2019BUS3005Business Internship V
Fall 2019BUS3003Business Internship
Fall 2019BUS3002Business Internship
Fall 2019BUS3001Business Internship
Fall 2019BUS3001Business Internship
Fall 2019CIS5900CIS Internship
Fall 2019BUS3006Business Internship VI
Fall 2019CIS2200Intro Info Systems
Fall 2019CIS5900CIS Internship
Summer 2019BUS3005Business Internship V
Summer 2019BUS3004Business Internship IV
Summer 2019BUS3003Business Internship
Summer 2019BUS3002Business Internship
Summer 2019BUS3001Business Internship
Summer 2019BUS3001Business Internship
Summer 2019CIS5900CIS Internship
Summer 2019CIS5900CIS Internship
Spring 2019BUS3004Business Internship IV
Spring 2019BUS3005Business Internship V
Spring 2019BUS3003Business Internship
Spring 2019BUS3003Business Internship
Spring 2019BUS3001Business Internship
Spring 2019BUS3002Business Internship
Spring 2019BUS3002Business Internship
Spring 2019CIS2200Intro Info Systems
Spring 2019BUS3001Business Internship
Spring 2019CIS5900CIS Internship
Spring 2019CIS3100Object-Oriented Programming I
Fall 2018BUS3003Business Internship
Fall 2018BUS3002Business Internship
Fall 2018BUS3001Business Internship
Fall 2018CIS5900CIS Internship
Fall 2018BUS3004Business Internship IV
Fall 2018CIS2200Intro Info Systems
Fall 2018CIS4100Object-Oriented Programming II
Summer 2018CIS5900CIS Internship
Summer 2018BUS3001Business Internship
Summer 2018BUS3002Business Internship
Summer 2018BUS3003Business Internship
Summer 2018BUS3006Business Internship VI
Spring 2018BUS3005Business Internship V
Spring 2018BUS3003Business Internship
Spring 2018BUS3001Business Internship
Spring 2018CIS2200Intro Info Systems
Spring 2018BUS3001Business Internship
Spring 2018BUS3002Business Internship
Spring 2018CIS5900CIS Internship
Spring 2018CIS3100Object-Oriented Programming I
Spring 2018BUS3002Business Internship
Fall 2017BUS3005Business Internship V
Fall 2017BUS3004Business Internship IV
Fall 2017BUS3002Business Internship
Fall 2017BUS3001Business Internship
Fall 2017CIS5900CIS Internship
Fall 2017CIS2200Intro Info Systems
Fall 2017CIS3100Object-Oriented Programming I
Summer 2017BUS3001Business Internship
Summer 2017BUS3002Business Internship
Summer 2017BUS3006Business Internship VI
Summer 2017CIS5900CIS Internship
Summer 2017BUS3004Business Internship IV
Summer 2017BUS3003Business Internship
Spring 2017CIS5900CIS Internship
Spring 2017CIS2200Intro Info Systems
Spring 2017CIS4100Object-Oriented Programming II
Spring 2017BUS3005Business Internship V
Spring 2017BUS3004Business Internship IV
Spring 2017BUS3003Business Internship
Spring 2017BUS3002Business Internship
Spring 2017BUS3001Business Internship
Spring 2017BUS3001Business Internship
Fall 2016BUS3003Business Internship
Fall 2016CIS2200Intro Info Systems
Fall 2016BUS3001Business Internship
Fall 2016BUS3002Business Internship
Fall 2016CIS5900CIS Internship
Fall 2016CIS3100Object-Oriented Programming I
Summer 2016CIS5900CIS Internship
Summer 2016BUS3001Business Internship
Summer 2016BUS3002Business Internship
Spring 2016CIS5900CIS Internship
Spring 2016CIS2200Intro Info Systems
Spring 2016BUS3001Business Internship
Spring 2016CIS3100Object-Oriented Programming I
Spring 2016BUS3002Business Internship
Fall 2015BUS3003Business Internship
Fall 2015BUS3001Business Internship
Fall 2015CIS5900CIS Internship
Fall 2015CIS3100Object-Oriented Programming I
Fall 2015CIS2200Intro Info Systems
Summer 2015BUS3002Business Internship
Summer 2015BUS3001Business Internship
Summer 2015BUS3001Business Internship
Summer 2015CIS5900CIS Internship
Spring 2015CIS2200Intro Info Systems
Spring 2015CIS3100Object-Oriented Programming I
Spring 2015BUS3002Business Internship
Spring 2015BUS3002Business Internship
Spring 2015CIS5900CIS Internship
Spring 2015BUS3001Business Internship
Spring 2015BUS3003Business Internship
Fall 2014BUS3001Business Internship
Fall 2014CIS5900CIS Internship
Fall 2014CIS2200Intro Info Systems
Fall 2014CIS4100Object-Oriented Programming II
Summer 2014BUS3001Business Internship
Summer 2014BUS3002Business Internship
Spring 2014CIS5900CIS Internship
Spring 2014BUS3001Business Internship
Spring 2014CIS3100Object-Oriented Programming I
Spring 2014CIS2200Intro Info Systems
Fall 2013BUS3001Business Internship
Fall 2013CIS3100Object-Oriented Programming I
Fall 2013CIS2200Intro Info Systems
Fall 2013BUS3002Business Internship
Fall 2013CIS5900CIS Internship
Summer 2013CIS5900CIS Internship
Summer 2013BUS3001Business Internship
Spring 2013BUS3001Business Internship
Spring 2013CIS2200Intro Info Systems
Spring 2013CIS5900CIS Internship
Fall 2012BUS3002Business Internship
Fall 2012BUS3001Business Internship
Fall 2012CIS5900CIS Internship
Fall 2012CIS2200Intro Info Systems
Fall 2012CIS2200Intro Info Systems
Summer 2012BUS3002Business Internship
Summer 2012CIS5900CIS Internship
Summer 2012BUS3001Business Internship
Spring 2012CIS5900CIS Internship
Spring 2012CIS2200Intro Info Systems
Spring 2012BUS3003Business Internship
Spring 2012BUS3001Business Internship
Spring 2012CIS2200Intro Info Systems
Fall 2011BUS3002Business Internship
Fall 2011BUS3001Business Internship
Fall 2011CIS3367Spreadsht App In Bus
Fall 2011CIS2200Intro Info Systems
Fall 2011CIS5900CIS Internship
Summer 2011CIS5900CIS Internship
Summer 2011BUS3001Business Internship
Spring 2011CIS2200Intro Info Systems
Spring 2011BUS3001Business Internship
Spring 2011CIS5900CIS Internship
Spring 2011CIS3100Object-Oriented Programming I
Fall 2010CIS2200Intro Info Systems
Fall 2010CIS3367Spreadsht App In Bus
Fall 2010CIS9771Spec Topic Info Tech
Fall 2010CIS9771Spec Topic Info Tech
Fall 2010CIS5900CIS Internship
Summer 2010CIS9771Spec Topic Info Tech
Summer 2010CIS9771Spec Topic Info Tech
Summer 2010BUS3001Business Internship
Summer 2010BUS3002Business Internship
Spring 2010MGT9610Dynamics of Competition
Spring 2010BUS3001Business Internship
Spring 2010BUS3002Business Internship
Spring 2010CIS9771Spec Topic Info Tech
Spring 2010CIS9771Spec Topic Info Tech
Spring 2010CIS5900CIS Internship
Spring 2010CIS3100Object-Oriented Programming I
Spring 2010CIS2200Intro Info Systems
Fall 2009CIS3100Object-Oriented Programming I
Fall 2009CIS3100Object-Oriented Programming I
Fall 2009CIS9771Spec Topic Info Tech
Fall 2009CIS9771Spec Topic Info Tech
Fall 2009CIS2200Intro Info Systems
Fall 2009BUS3001Business Internship
Summer 2009CIS5900CIS Internship
Summer 2009BUS3001Business Internship
Summer 2009BUS3002Business Internship
Summer 2009BUS3003Business Internship
Summer 2009CIS5900CIS Internship
Spring 2009CIS2200Intro Info Systems
Spring 2009BUS3001Business Internship
Spring 2009CIS2200Intro Info Systems
Spring 2009BUS3002Business Internship
Spring 2009BUS3003Business Internship
Spring 2009CIS5900CIS Internship
Fall 2008BUS3001Business Internship
Fall 2008BUS3001Business Internship
Fall 2008BUS3002Business Internship
Fall 2008BUS3002Business Internship
Fall 2008BUS3003Business Internship
Fall 2008BUS3003Business Internship
Fall 2008CIS2200Intro Info Systems
Fall 2008CIS2200Intro Info Systems
Fall 2008CIS5900CIS Internship
Fall 2008CIS9590Info Systems Dev Pro
Fall 2008CIS9771Spec Topic Info Tech
Fall 2008CIS9771Spec Topic Info Tech
Summer 2008CIS5900CIS Internship
Summer 2008BUS3001Business Internship
Summer 2008CIS5900CIS Internship
Spring 2008CIS2200Intro Info Systems
Spring 2008CIS5900CIS Internship
Spring 2008BUS3003Business Internship
Spring 2008CIS2200Intro Info Systems
Spring 2008MGT9610Dynamics of Competition
Spring 2008BUS3001Business Internship
Spring 2008BUS3002Business Internship
Fall 2007CIS5900CIS Internship
Fall 2007CIS2200Intro Info Systems
Fall 2007CIS2200Intro Info Systems
Fall 2007BUS3003Business Internship
Fall 2007BUS3001Business Internship
Fall 2007BUS3002Business Internship
Summer 2007BUS3003Business Internship
Summer 2007CIS5900CIS Internship
Summer 2007CIS5900CIS Internship
Summer 2007BUS3002Business Internship
Summer 2007BUS3001Business Internship
Spring 2007CIS2200Intro Info Systems
Spring 2007BUS3003Business Internship
Spring 2007BUS3001Business Internship
Spring 2007BUS3002Business Internship
Spring 2007CIS5900CIS Internship
Spring 2007CIS2200Intro Info Systems
Fall 2006BUS3002Business Internship
Fall 2006BUS3003Business Internship
Fall 2006CIS9771Spec Topic Info Tech
Fall 2006BUS3001Business Internship
Fall 2006CIS2200Intro Info Systems
Fall 2006CIS2200Intro Info Systems
Fall 2006CIS5900CIS Internship
Summer 2006BUS9802Graduate Internship Module II
Summer 2006CIS5900CIS Internship
Summer 2006CIS5900CIS Internship
Summer 2006BUS9803Graduate Internship Module III
Summer 2006BUS9803Graduate Internship Module III
Summer 2006BUS9803Graduate Internship Module III
Summer 2006BUS9802Graduate Internship Module II
Summer 2006BUS9802Graduate Internship Module II
Summer 2006CIS9590Info Systems Dev Pro
Summer 2006BUS9801Graduate Internship Module I
Summer 2006BUS9801Graduate Internship Module I
Summer 2006BUS9801Graduate Internship Module I
Summer 2006BUS9800Graduate Internship
Summer 2006BUS9800Graduate Internship
Summer 2006BUS9800Graduate Internship
Summer 2006BUS3003Business Internship
Summer 2006BUS3003Business Internship
Summer 2006BUS3002Business Internship
Summer 2006BUS3002Business Internship
Summer 2006BUS3001Business Internship
Summer 2006BUS3001Business Internship
Spring 2006BUS3002Business Internship
Spring 2006BUS3003Business Internship
Spring 2006BUS9800Graduate Internship
Spring 2006BUS9801Graduate Internship Module I
Spring 2006CIS2200Intro Info Systems
Spring 2006BUS9803Graduate Internship Module III
Spring 2006CIS5900CIS Internship
Spring 2006BUS3001Business Internship
Spring 2006BUS9802Graduate Internship Module II
Fall 2005CIS2200Intro Info Systems
Fall 2005CIS2200Intro Info Systems
Fall 2005CIS5900CIS Internship
Fall 2005BUS3001Business Internship
Fall 2005BUS3002Business Internship
Fall 2005BUS3003Business Internship
Fall 2005BUS9800Graduate Internship
Fall 2005BUS9801Graduate Internship Module I
Fall 2005BUS9803Graduate Internship Module III
Fall 2005BUS9802Graduate Internship Module II
Summer 2005CIS5900CIS Internship
Summer 2005BUS9802Graduate Internship Module II
Summer 2005BUS9803Graduate Internship Module III
Summer 2005BUS9802Graduate Internship Module II
Summer 2005CIS5900CIS Internship
Summer 2005BUS3001Business Internship
Summer 2005BUS3001Business Internship
Summer 2005BUS3002Business Internship
Summer 2005BUS3002Business Internship
Summer 2005BUS3003Business Internship
Summer 2005BUS3003Business Internship
Summer 2005BUS9800Graduate Internship
Summer 2005BUS9800Graduate Internship
Summer 2005BUS9801Graduate Internship Module I
Summer 2005BUS9801Graduate Internship Module I
Summer 2005BUS9803Graduate Internship Module III
Spring 2005BUS9803Graduate Internship Module III
Spring 2005BUS9802Graduate Internship Module II
Spring 2005BUS9801Graduate Internship Module I
Spring 2005BUS3003Business Internship
Spring 2005BUS9800Graduate Internship
Spring 2005CIS9590Info Systems Dev Pro
Spring 2005CIS5900CIS Internship
Spring 2005CIS5800Info Tech Devlpmnt Proj Mgmt
Spring 2005BUS3002Business Internship
Spring 2005BUS3001Business Internship
Fall 2004CIS5900CIS Internship
Fall 2004CIS5800Info Tech Devlpmnt Proj Mgmt
Fall 2004CIS9590Info Systems Dev Pro
Fall 2004BUS3001Business Internship
Fall 2004BUS3002Business Internship
Fall 2004BUS9802Graduate Internship Module II
Fall 2004BUS9801Graduate Internship Module I
Fall 2004BUS9800Graduate Internship
Fall 2004BUS3003Business Internship
Fall 2004BUS9803Graduate Internship Module III
Summer 2004BUS3002Business Internship
Summer 2004CIS5900CIS Internship
Summer 2004CIS5900CIS Internship
Summer 2004BUS9803Graduate Internship Module III
Summer 2004BUS9803Graduate Internship Module III
Summer 2004BUS9802Graduate Internship Module II
Summer 2004BUS9802Graduate Internship Module II
Summer 2004BUS9801Graduate Internship Module I
Summer 2004BUS9801Graduate Internship Module I
Summer 2004BUS9800Graduate Internship
Summer 2004BUS9800Graduate Internship
Summer 2004BUS3003Business Internship
Summer 2004BUS3003Business Internship
Summer 2004BUS3002Business Internship
Summer 2004BUS3001Business Internship
Summer 2004BUS3001Business Internship
Spring 2004CIS5900CIS Internship
Spring 2004BUS3001Business Internship
Spring 2004BUS3002Business Internship
Spring 2004BUS3003Business Internship
Spring 2004BUS9800Graduate Internship
Spring 2004BUS9801Graduate Internship Module I
Spring 2004BUS9802Graduate Internship Module II
Spring 2004BUS9803Graduate Internship Module III
Spring 2004CIS9590Info Systems Dev Pro
Fall 2003BUS9800Graduate Internship
Fall 2003BUS9801Graduate Internship Module I
Fall 2003BUS9802Graduate Internship Module II
Fall 2003BUS9803Graduate Internship Module III
Fall 2003BUS3002Business Internship
Fall 2003BUS3003Business Internship
Fall 2003BUS3001Business Internship
Fall 2003CIS5900CIS Internship
Summer 2003BUS3002Business Internship
Summer 2003CIS5900CIS Internship
Summer 2003BUS9803Graduate Internship Module III
Summer 2003BUS9803Graduate Internship Module III
Summer 2003BUS9802Graduate Internship Module II
Summer 2003BUS9802Graduate Internship Module II
Summer 2003BUS9801Graduate Internship Module I
Summer 2003BUS9801Graduate Internship Module I
Summer 2003BUS9800Graduate Internship
Summer 2003BUS3003Business Internship
Summer 2003BUS3003Business Internship
Summer 2003BUS3002Business Internship
Summer 2003CIS5900CIS Internship
Summer 2003BUS3001Business Internship
Summer 2003BUS3001Business Internship
Spring 2003BUS9800Graduate Internship
Spring 2003BUS9801Graduate Internship Module I
Spring 2003BUS9802Graduate Internship Module II
Spring 2003BUS9803Graduate Internship Module III
Spring 2003BUS3003Business Internship
Spring 2003CIS5800Info Tech Devlpmnt Proj Mgmt
Spring 2003BUS3001Business Internship
Spring 2003BUS3002Business Internship
Spring 2003CIS5900CIS Internship
Fall 2002BUS3002Business Internship
Fall 2002BUS3003Business Internship
Fall 2002BUS9800Graduate Internship
Fall 2002BUS9801Graduate Internship Module I
Fall 2002BUS9802Graduate Internship Module II
Fall 2002BUS9803Graduate Internship Module III
Fall 2002BUS3001Business Internship
Fall 2002CIS5800Info Tech Devlpmnt Proj Mgmt
Fall 2002CIS5900CIS Internship
Summer 2002BUS9801Graduate Internship Module I
Summer 2002CIS5900CIS Internship
Summer 2002BUS9803Graduate Internship Module III
Summer 2002BUS9803Graduate Internship Module III
Summer 2002BUS9802Graduate Internship Module II
Summer 2002BUS9802Graduate Internship Module II
Summer 2002CIS5900CIS Internship
Summer 2002BUS9801Graduate Internship Module I
Summer 2002BUS9800Graduate Internship
Summer 2002BUS3003Business Internship
Summer 2002BUS3003Business Internship
Summer 2002BUS3002Business Internship
Summer 2002BUS3002Business Internship
Summer 2002BUS3001Business Internship
Summer 2002BUS3001Business Internship
Spring 2002BUS9800Graduate Internship
Spring 2002BUS9801Graduate Internship Module I
Spring 2002BUS9802Graduate Internship Module II
Spring 2002BUS9803Graduate Internship Module III
Spring 2002CIS5900CIS Internship
Spring 2002CIS9410Object-Oriented Programming II
Spring 2002BUS3001Business Internship
Fall 2001BUS9803Graduate Internship Module III
Fall 2001CIS9310Object-Oriented Programming I
Fall 2001BUS9800Graduate Internship
Fall 2001BUS9801Graduate Internship Module I
Fall 2001BUS9802Graduate Internship Module II
Fall 2001CIS5900CIS Internship
Summer 2001BUS9802Graduate Internship Module II
Summer 2001BUS9803Graduate Internship Module III
Summer 2001CIS5900CIS Internship
Summer 2001BUS9801Graduate Internship Module I
Summer 2001CIS5900CIS Internship
Summer 2001BUS9800Graduate Internship

Journal Articles

Yen, J., Yan, Y., Ma, P., & Wu, F. (2000). Multi-Agent Approach to the Coalition Formation in the Power Industry. Decision Support Systems, 28(3). 279-290.

Hu, P. J., Ma, P., & Chau, P. Y. (1999). Evaluation of User Interface Dsigns for Information Retreival Systems: A Computer-based Experiment. Decision Support Systems, 27. 125-143.

Sheng, O., Hu, P., Wei, C., & Ma, P. (1999). Organizational Management of Telemedicine Technology: Conquering Time and Space Boundaries in Healthcare Services. IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management, 46(3). 265-278.

Bui, T., Bodart, F., & Ma, P. (1998). ARBAS: A Formal Language to Support Argumentation in a Network-Based Organization. Journal of MIS, 14(3). 223-237.

Ma, P. (1997). An Action-Resource Language for Negotiation Support. Journal of Computer Information Systems, 89-96.

Ma, P. (1996). An Implementation of LPFORM. INFORMS Journal on Computing, 8(4). 383-401.

Murphy, F. H., Stohr, E. A., & Ma, P. (1992). Composition Rules For Building Linear Programming Models from Component Models. Management Science, 38(7). 948-963.

Ma, P., Murphy, F. H., & Stohr, E. A. (1989). Representing Knowledge about Linear Programming Formulation. Annals of Operations Research, 21. 149-172.

Ma, P., Murphy, F. H., & Stohr, E. A. (1989). A Graphics Interface for Linear Programming. Communications of the ACM, 32(8). 996-1012.

Ma, P., Murphy, F. H., & Stohr, E. A. (1987). Computer-Assisted Formulation of Linear Programs. IMA Journal of Mathematics in Management, 1. 147-161.

Conference Proceedings

Hu, P. J., Ma, P., & Chau, K. (1998). Evaluating Effectiveness of User Interface Designs in Supporting Concept Communication: An Experimental Study. WITS'98.

Chen, H., Ramsey, M., Yang, C., Ma, P., & Yen, J. (1997). Intelligent Spider for Internet Search. 30th Annual Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences.

Bui, T., Ma, P., & Stricker, C. (1997). Supporting Augmentation in Software Development. 30th Annual Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences.

Yen, J., Ma, P., & Sivakumar, V. (1996). Software Agents for Issues Identification: An Experiment on Financial Documents. First Asia Pacific DSI Conference.

Bui, T., Kersten, G., & Ma, P. (1996). Supporting Negotiation with Scenario Management. 29th Annual Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences.

Binbasioglu, M., Bui, T., & Ma, P. (1995). An Action-Resource Language for Argumentation - The Case of Softwood Lumber Negotiation. 28th Annual Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences.

Ma, P., Murphy, F. H., & Stohr, E. A. (1989). Semantic Structures in Linear Programs. 22nd Annual Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences - Decision Support and Knowledge Based Systems Track.


Hu, P. J., Ma, P., & Chau, K. (1999, May 2). Evaluation of User Interface designed for Interactive Information Systems. 4th Informs Conference on Information Systems and Technology. Cincinnati

Ma, P. (1996, July 12). Design a Scenario Manager for LPFORM. 14th International Federation of Operational Research Society Triennial Conference. Vancouver, BC

Yen, J., Chen, H., Ma, P., & Bui, T. X. (1995, June 23). An Issues Identifier for On-line Financial Databases. Third International Conference of ISDSS. Hong Kong

Ma, P. (1995, November 30). An Integrated Issue-Based Decision Support System. Nationall Sun Yat-sen University. Taiwan

Yen, J., Ma, P., & Smith, M. A. (1995, June 23). Defining Business Constraints in Relational Databases Using a Semantic Data Model. Third International Conference of ISDSS. Hong Kong

Ma, P. (1995, May 31). Rapid Prototyping Techniques for Developing GDSS/NSS: The Case of ARBAS. Workshop on Group Support Systems and Negotiation Support Systems. China: Tianjin Univeristy, Northern Jiaotong University, and Fudan University.

Ma, P., & Murphy, F. (1994, April 27). Managing Model Scenarios in LPFORM. TIMS/ORSA Joint National Meeting. Boston

Ma, P. (1993, November 23). Scenario Management in a Linear Programming Modeling Environment. 1993 Decision Sciences Institute's annual meeting. Washington, DC

Ma, P., Devala, R., Mudgragreda, M., & Panchanadam, V. (1993, November 3). An Object-Oriented Design and Implementation of a System for Formulating Mathematical Programs. ORSA/TIMS Joint National Meeting. Phoenix

Ma, P., Devala, R., Mudgragreda, M., Murphy, F., & Panchanadam, V. (1993, May 19). Implementing LPFORM Using Object-Oriented Programming Techniques in a Windows Environment. TIMS/ORSA Joint National Meeting. Chicago

Ma, P., Murphy, F. H., Stohr, E. A., & Wang, L. (1991, November 6). Dialogue Model for Model Management. ORSA/TIMS Joint National Meeting. Anaheim, CA

Anderson, G. T., Wang, L., & Ma, P. (1990, October 31). A User Interface Management System for Model Management. TIMS/ORSA Joint National Meeting. Philadelphia

Ma, P., Murphy, F. H., & Stohr, E. A. (1990, October 31). Demonstration of a Graphics System for Formulating Linear Programs. TIMS/ORSA Joint National Meeting. Philadelphia

Buggy, J. J., & Ma, P. (1990, May 9). Accomodating Cognitive Style in a DSS to Improve Decision Quality. TIMS/ORSA Joint National Meeting. Las Vegas

Ma, P., Murphy, F. H., & Stohr, E. A. (1990, May 9). Composing Larger Models from Template Models. TIMS/ORSA Joint National Meeting. Las Vegas

Ma, P., Asthana, A., Murphy, F. H., & Stohr, E. A. (1989, May 10). Model Building Using Icons to Represent Real-world Objects. TIMS/ORSA Joint National Meeting. Vancouver, BC

Ma, P., Murphy, F. H., & Stohr, E. A. (1988, October 26). Organizing a Knowledge Base on LP Component Models and Their Structures. ORSA/TIMS Joint National Meeting. Denver, CO

Asthana, A., Ma, P., Murphy, F. H., & Stohr, E. A. (1988, April 27). An Interface for Specifying Linear Programs. TIMS/ORSA Joint National Meeting. Washington, DC

Ma, P., Murphy, F. H., & Stohr, E. A. (1988, April 27). Knowledge Representation and Model Management of Linear Programming Formulations. TIMS/ORSA Joint National Meeting. Washington, DC

Ma, P., Murphy, F. H., & Stohr, E. A. (1987, October 28). Conceptual Modeling Support for Formulating Linear Programs. ORSA/TIMS Joint National Meeting. St. Louis

Ma, P., Murphy, F. H., & Stohr, E. A. (1987, May 6). Representing Expertise Building LP Models. TIMS/ORSA Joint National Meeting. New Orleans

Honor / AwardOrganization SponsorDate ReceivedDescription
Nominated for Presidential Excellence Award for Teaching1999
Best Paper AwardHICSS1996
Beta Gamma Sigma Honor Fraternity1985


Committee NamePosition RoleStart DateEnd Date
IS & Statistics Department Internship Coordinator-UndergraduateFaculty AdvisorPresent
Graduate Committee on Academic StandingCommittee Member5/25/2022
Prizes, Scholarships and Awards CommitteeCommittee Member10/1/2019
International Executive MS in CIS Program CoordinatorCoordinator10/1/2009
Committee on Research and Professional DevelopmentCommittee Member8/31/2007
Undergraduate Curriculum CommitteeCommittee Member8/31/2007
Graduate Admission CommitteeCommittee Member6/30/2006
Department Representative to the Faculty SenateAttendee, Meeting12/31/2000
Trading Floor ProjectCommittee Member6/30/1999
Undergraduate Program AdvisorFaculty Advisor6/30/1999


Committee NamePosition RoleStart DateEnd Date
Doctoral Exam CommitteeCommittee MemberPresent
CUNY Doctoral Faculty Member of Computer ScienceCommittee Member4/1/2000Present
Dissertation CommitteeCommittee Member1/1/2001Present


OrganizationPosition RoleOrganization StateOrganization CountryStart DateEnd DateAudience
America Chinese Management Educators Institute (ACME)Present
International Conference on Information SystemsPresent
Organizing Committee, First Asia Pacific DSI ConferencePresent
Mini-track on Workflow TechnologiesPresent
Mini-track on Workflow and Reengineering on the internetPresent
The Institute for Operations Research and the Management Sciences (INFORMS)Present
The Decision Sciences Institute (DSI)Present
Management SciencePresent
INFORMS Journal on ComputingPresent
Thesis Advisor committee, Operations Research Ph.D. (P.Ouh), U. of DelawarePresent
Information Systems ResearchPresent
IEEE ComputerPresent
Decision Support SystemsPresent
Decision SciencesPresent
Association for Computing Machinery (ACM)Present
Annual Hawaii International Conference on System SciencesPresent
Annals of Operations ResearchPresent