Ramona Kay Zachary
Zicklin School of Business
Department: Entrepreneurship & Innovation
Areas of expertise:
Email Address: ramona.zachary@baruch.cuny.edu
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Ph.D., Management & Consumer Economics, Purdue University
M.S., Consumer Economics and Management, Purdue University
Semester | Course Prefix | Course Number | Course Name |
Spring 2024 | ENT | 3962 | Family Enterprise Dynamics |
Spring 2019 | BUS | 90000 | Dissertation Supervision |
Fall 2018 | BUS | 90000 | Dissertation Supervision |
Spring 2018 | BUS | 90000 | Dissertation Supervision |
Spring 2017 | BUS | 90000 | Dissertation Supervision |
Spring 2015 | MGT | 9962 | Managing the Family Business |
Fall 2014 | BUS | 89500 | Independent Study |
Spring 2014 | MGT | 9962 | Managing the Family Business |
Fall 2013 | BUS | 89500 | Independent Study |
Spring 2013 | MGT | 9962 | Managing the Family Business |
Spring 2013 | MGT | 88000 | Theories of Entrepreneurship |
Spring 2012 | MGT | 9962 | Managing the Family Business |
Spring 2011 | MGT | 9962 | Managing the Family Business |
Spring 2010 | MGT | 9962 | Managing the Family Business |
Fall 2009 | MGT | 4962 | Family Business Management |
Spring 2009 | MGT | 9867 | Managing the Family Business |
Spring 2008 | MGT | 4867 | Family Business Management |
Spring 2008 | MGT | 4867 | Family Business Management |
Fall 2007 | MGT | 4867 | Family Business Management |
Fall 2007 | MGT | 4867 | Family Business Management |
Spring 2007 | MGT | 4867 | Family Business Management |
Fall 2006 | MGT | 3860 | Entrepreneurship Management |
Fall 2005 | MGT | 4867 | Family Business Management |
Spring 2005 | MGT | 9867 | Managing the Family Business |
Fall 2004 | MGT | 4867 | Family Business Management |
Spring 2004 | MGT | 9867 | Managing the Family Business |
Fall 2003 | MGT | 4867 | Family Business Management |
Spring 2003 | MGT | 9867 | Managing the Family Business |
Fall 2002 | MGT | 4867 | Family Business Management |
Spring 2002 | MGT | 3860 | Entrepreneurship Management |
Fall 2001 | MGT | 3860 | Entrepreneurship Management |
Zachary PhD, R. K., Danes, S. M., & Elisabram, E. (2023). Concise Introduction to the Family Firm (part of the Elgar Concise Introduction Series).. London, UK, Edward Elgar Publishing Limited.
Mishra, C., & Zachary, R. (2014). The Theory of Entrepreneurship. (p. 303). New York, NY, Palgrave McMillan.
Zachary, R., Puryear, A. N., Tombline, P. A., Heck, R. K., Puryear, A. N., & Tombline, P. A. (2003). A toolkit for home-based entrepreneurs. (p. 171 pgs). NY, NY, Baruch College, Lawrence N. Field Center of Entrepreneurship and Small Business.
Zachary, R., & Heck, R. K. (1998). The entrepreneurial family. (p. 76 pgs). Needham, MA, Family Business Resources Publishing.
Zachary PhD, R. K., Owen, A. J., & Rowe, B. R. (1995). Home-based employment and family life. (p. 295). Westport, CT, Auburn House.
Journal Articles
Michael-Tsabari, N., Labaki, R., & Zachary, R. (2014). Toward the Cluster Model: The Family Firm’s Entrepreneurial Behavior over Generations. Family Business Review, 27(2). 161-185.
Zachary, R., Labaki, R., & Michael-Tsabari, N. (2013). Exploring the Emotional Nexus in Cogent Family Business Archetypes. Entrepreneurship Research Journal, 3(3).
Mishra, C., & Zachary, R. (2013). The Nature of the Firm, the Growth and Resource-Based Theories of the Firm, and the Emergent Theory of the Entrepreneur: A Dedication to Nobel Laureate Ronald Coase. Entrepreneurship Research Journal, 3(4). 433-436.
Zachary, R., & Mishra, C. (2013). Research on Angel Investments: The Intersection of Equity Investments and Entrepreneurship. Entrepreneurship Research Journal, 3(2).
Zachary, R., Goel, S., Mazzol, P., Phan, P., & Pieper, T. (2012). Strategy, Ownership, Governance, and Socio-Psychological Perspectives on Family Businesses From Around the World. Journal of Family Business Strategy, 3(20). 54-65.
Zachary, R. (2012). Research for All to Behold (poem). Journal of Family Business Strategy, 3(2). 53.
Zachary, R. (2011). The Importance of the Family System in Family Business. Journal of Family Business Management, 1(1). 26-36.
Zachary, R., & Mishra, C. (2011). The future of entrepreneurship research: Calling all researchers. Entrepreneurship Research Journal, 1(1).
Zachary, R., & Mishra, C. (2011). Revisiting, Reexamining and Reinterpreting Schumpeter’s Original Theory of Entrepreneurship. Entrepreneurship Research Journal, 1(1).
Zachary, R., Lee, M., Puryear, A., Rogoff, E., Onochie, J., & Haynes, G. (2010). Exploring the impact of education on Korean-American entrepreneurs. New England Journal of Entrepreneurship, 13(1). 47-59.
Zachary, R., & Mishra, C. (2010). Entrepreneurship research today and beyond: Hidden in plain sight!. Journal of Small Business Management, 48(4). 471-474.
Haynes, G. W., Onochie, J. I., Lee, M., Puryear, A. N., Rogoff, E. G., & Zachary, R. (2009). Financial Intermingling in Korean-American and Mexican-American Small Businesses. Journal of Developmental Entrepreneurship, 14(3). 297-310.
Rogoff, E. G., & Zachary, R. (2008). The Empirical Truths About Minority Entrepreneurs. Journal of Developmental Entrepreneurship, 13(3).
Zachary, R., Danes, S., Lee, J., & Stafford, K. (2008). The effects of ethnicity, families and culture on entrepreneurial experience: An extension of Sustainable Family Business Theory. Journal of Developmental Entrepreneurship, 13(3). 229-268.
Zachary, R., & Mishra, C. (2008). Family entrepreneurship. Journal of Small Business Management, 46(3). 313-316.
Zachary, R., & Mishra, C. (2008). Family entrepreneurship (Special Issue). Journal of Small Business Management, 46(3).
Puryear, A. N., Rogoff, E., Lee, M., Zachary, R., Grossman, E., Haynes, G. W., & Onochie, J. (2008). Sampling Minority Business Owners and Their Families: The Understudied Entrepreneurial Experience. Journal of Small Business Management, 46(3). 422-455.
Zachary, R., Hoy, F., Poutziouris, P. Z., & Steier, L. P. (2008). Emerging Paths of Family Entrepreneurship Research. Journal of Small Business Management, 46(3).
Puryear, A., Rogoff, E., Lee, M., Zachary, R., Grossman, E. B., Haynes, G. W., & Onochie, J. (2007). Sampling minority business owners and their families: The understudied entrepreneurial experience. Journal of Small Business Management, (Special Issue titled, “Family Entrepreneurship”).
Zachary, R. (2004). Commentary on S. A. Zahra, J. C. Hayton, and C. Salvato’s “Entrepreneurship in family vs. non-family firms: A resource-based analysis of the effect of organizational culture. Entrepreneurship Theory and Practice, 28. 383-389.
Olson, P. D., Zuiker, V. S., Danes, S. M., Stafford, K., Zachary, R., & Duncan, K. A. (2003). Impact of family and business on family business sustainability. Journal of Business Venturing, 18(5). 639-666.
Rogoff, E. G., & Zachary, R. (2003). The evolving family/entrepreneurial business relationship. Journal of Business Venturing, 18(5/ Special Issue). 128 journal pages.
Rogoff, E. G., & Zachary, R. (2003). Evolving research in entrepreneurship and family business: Recognizing family as the oxygen that feeds the fire of entrepreneurship. Journal of Business Venturing, 18(5 /Introductory Editorial Note for Special Issue). 559-566.
Duncan, K. A., Zuiker, V. S., & Zachary, R. (2000). The importance of household management for the business-owning family. Journal of Family and Economic Issues, 21(3). 287-312.
Zachary, R., & Trent, E. S. (1999). The prevalence of family business from a household sample. Family Business Review, 12(3). 209-224.
Zachary, R., & Saltford, N. C. (1998). Child care expenditures for preschoolers: A study of employees at a major university within New York state. Marriage and Family Review, 27(1/2). 145-166.
Winter, M., Fitzgerald, M. A., Zachary, R., Haynes, G. W., & Danes, S. M. (1998). Revisiting the study of family businesses: Methodological challenges, dilemmas, and alternative approaches. Family Business Review, 11(3). 239-252.
Winter, M., Zachary, R., Puspitawati, H., & Stafford, K. (1993). Time management strategies used by households with home-based work. Journal of Family and Economic Issues, 14. 69-96.
Zachary, R., & Walker, R. (1993). Family-owned home businesses, their employees, and unpaid helpers. Family Business Review, 6. 397-416.
Zachary, R., Winter, M., & Stafford, K. (1992). Managing work and family in home-based employment. Journal of Family and Economic Issues, 13. 187-212.
Zachary, R. (1992). The effects of children on the major dimensions of home-based employment. Journal of Family and Economic Issues, 13. 315-346.
Zachary, R., Saltford, N. C., Rowe, B., & Owen, A. J. (1992). The utilization of child care by households engaged in home-based employment. Journal of Family and Economic Issues, 13. 213-237.
Zachary, R. (1991). Employment location choices: Factors associated with generating income at home. Lifestyles: Family and Economic Issues, 12. 217-233.
Loker, S., Scannell, E., Furry, M. M., & Zachary, R. (1990). Building home businesses in rural communities. Journal of Extension, 18-20.
Zachary, R., & Walker, R. (1989). Verification of human capital models, conventional and non-conventional places of work. Ekonomista, 1-2. 237-247.
Zachary, R. (1987). Differences in utilization behaviors among credit card types. The Service Industries Journal, 7(1). 41-64.
Zachary, R. (1984). The determinants of financial management behavior of college students: Implications for consumer education. The Illinois Journal of Consumer Education, 2. 12-17.
Zachary, R. (1983). An analysis of the utilization of financial counseling services. Journal of Consumer Studies and Home Economics, 7. 271-285.
Zachary, R. (1983). A preliminary test of a family management research model. Journal of Consumer Studies and Home Economics, 17. 117-135.
Zachary, R., & Douthitt, R. A. (1982). Research modelling implications of conceptual frameworks in Family Management. Journal of Consumer Studies and Home Economics, 6(265-276).
Zachary, R. (1981). An econometric analysis of interstate differences in nonbusiness bankruptcy and chapter thirteen rates. Journal of Consumer Affairs, 15. 13-31.
Zachary, R. (1980). Identifying insolvent households. Journal of Home Economics, 72(4). 14-17.
Book Chapters
Danes PhD, S. M., & Zachary PhD, R. K. (2023). Family in Business: Structure and Function. In Cruz, A. D., & Howorth, C. (Eds.), Elgar Encyclopedia of Family Business London, UK. Edward Elgar Publishing Limited.
Danes, S. M., & Zachary PhD, R. K. (2021). Danes, S. M., & Zachary, R. K. (2021). Families and Entrepreneurship.. Invited book chapter in Global Encyclopedia of Public Administration: Section Small Business Enterprise Management and Public Administration (DOI Number, TBD). NY: Springer International Publishing. NY, NY. Springer International Publishing..
Zachary, R. (2021). Discerning the Importance and Nature of the Family System in Relation to the Family Firm: A Paradigm Shift.. In Allen, M. R., & Gartner, W. B. (Eds.), In M. R. Allen & W. B. Gartner (Eds.) (Invited book chapter, pp. 49-72), Family Entrepreneurship: Insights from Leading Experts On Multi-Generational Entrepreneurial Families. (p. 23). London,Uk. Palgrave Macmillan.
Danes, S. M., & Zachary, R. (2021). Families and Entrepreneurship. In Flood, F., & Klausner, M. (Eds.), Invited book chapter in Global Encyclopedia of Public Administration: Section Small Business Enterprise Management and Public Administration (DOI Number, TBD New York,USA. Springer International Publishing..
Zachary, R. (2015). The Entrepreneurial Family, Revisited. Family Enterprises: How to Build Growth, Family Control and Family Harmony (pp. 27 - 37). London,UK. Globe Law and Business.
Zachary, R., Labaki, R., & Michael-Tsabari, N. (2013). Emotional dimensions within the family business – Toward a conceptualization. Handbook of Research on Family Business (pp. 734-763). Cheltenham, UK: Edward Elgar Publishing in association with International Family Enterprise Research Academy (IFERA).
Zachary, R., Danes, S., & Stafford, K. (2013). Extensions of the Sustainable Family Business Theory (SFBT): Operationalization and Application. In Smyrnios, K., Poutziouris, P. Z., & Goel, S. (Eds.), Handbook of Research on Family Business (pp. 507-553). Cheltenham, UK: Edward Elgar Publishing in association with International Family Enterprise Research Academy (IFERA).
Zachary, R., Rogoff, E., & Phinisee, I. (2011). Defining and Identifying Family Entrepreneurship: A New View of Entrepreneurs. The Dynamics of Entrepreneurship: Evidence form Global Entrepreneurship Monitor Data (pp. 57-76). Oxford, UK, & New York, USA. Oxford University Press.
Olson, P. D., Zuiker, V. S., Danes, S. M., Stafford, K., Zachary, R., & Duncan, K. (2008). "Impact of the Family Business on Family Business Sustainability." Culturally-Sensitive Models of Family Business in Anglo Culture: A Compendium Using the GLOBE Paradigm. ICFAI University Press.
Zachary, R., Danes, S. M., Fitzgerald, M. A., Haynes, G. W., Jasper, C. R., Schrank, H. L., Stafford, K., & Winter, M. (2006). Role of family in family business entrepreneurship. (pp. 80-105, Chapter 5). Chelten ham,UK. Handbook of Research on Family Business/ Edward Elgar Publishing in association with International Family Enterprise Research Academy (IFERA).
Orrange, R. M., Firebaugh, F. M., & Zachary, R. (2003). Managing households. It’s about time/ (pp. 153-167). Ithaca, NY. Cornell University Press.
Zachary, R., & McCann, G. K. (2001). The Conclusion: Reshaping our vision and ideas about family business. Destroying myths and creating value in family business (pp. 65-71). Deland, FL. Stetson University.
Zachary, R., Jasper, C. R., Goebel, K., & Stafford, K. (2000). Gender differences and similarities of management practices of home-based business owners. In Hennon, C. B., Loker, S., & Walker, R. (Eds.), (pp. 119-136). Westport, CT: Auburn House. Gender and home-based work.
Zachary, R., Jasper, C., Goebel, K., & Stafford, K. (2000). A gender comparison of business management practices of home-based business owners. Gender and home-based work (pp. 119-136). Westport, CT. Auburn House.
Hunts, H. J., Danes, S. M., Haynes, D. C., & Zachary, R. (2000). Home-based employment: Relating gender and household structure to management and child care. Gender and home-based work (pp. 79-117). Westport, CT. Auburn House.
Cox, E. S., & Zachary, R. (2000). Stakeholder responses: Summary views of the key stakeholders. The holistic model: Rethinking the role of the university-based family business center/ Stetson University Family Business Center (pp. 87-99). Deland, FL. The Stetson University Family Business Center.
Upton, N. B., & Zachary, R. (2000). The family business dimension of entrepreneurship. (pp. 243-266). Chicago, IL. Entrepreneurship/ Upstart Publishing Company.
Zachary, R., Jasper, C. R., Stafford, K., Winter, M., & Owen, A. J. (2000). Using a household sampling frame to study family businesses: The 1997 National Family Business Survey. Databases for the study of entrepreneurship (Advances in entrepreneurship, firm emergence and growth) (pp. 229-287). Stanford, CT. JAI Press.
Zachary, R., & Upton, N. (1997). The family business dimension of entrepreneurship. In Sexton, D. L., & Smilor, R. W. (Eds.), Entrepreneurship: 2000 (pp. 243-266). Chicago, IL. Upstart Publishing Company.
Kher, R., & Zachary, R. (2018, January 31). Incorporating MakerHub Activities In Classroom Curriculum: Challenges and Opportunities. USASBE. Los Angeles, CA: USASBE.
Zachary, R. K. (2018, January 11). Doctoral Consortium Networking Session: Meet the Editors. 2018 Annual Conference. Hollywood, CA: United States Association of Small Business and Entrepreneurship.
Zachary, R. K. (2018, January 12). Meet the Editors Workshop. 2018 Annual Conference. Hollywood, CA: United States Association of Small Business and Entrepreneurship.
Zachary, R. K. (2016, March 29). Family Entrepreneurship: The Interconnections Between the Family System and Business System. Graduate Seminar. Shanghai, China: School of Internatoinal Business Administration at Shanghai University.
Zachary, R. K. (2016, March 21). Family Entrepreneurship: The Interconnections Between the Family System and Business System. Graduate Seminars. Beijing Institute of Technology (BIT): School of Internatoinal Business Administration at Shanghai University.
Zachary, R. (2015, October 15). The Role of the Family. A Gathering of Essayists, Family Enterprises: How to Build Growth, Family Comtrol and Family Harmony. Babson College
Zachary, R. (2015, August 10). The Role of Family Businesses in Global Cities. WC2 (World Cities World Class) Symposium: Business Strand. City University of London, Cass Business School
Wang, N. (2015, May 17). A Prologue to the Nature of the Family Firm. The Tel Aviv International Conference on Family Business Research. Tel Aviv University: The Raya Strauss Center for Family Business Research at the Recanati Business.
Zachary, R., D'Allura, G., & Lambrechts, F. (2014, June 24). Developing and Teaching Family Business Concepts. Faculty Development Consortium. Lappeenranta, Finland: International Family Enterprise Research Academy (IFERA).
Zachary, R. (2014, June 24). Developing and Teaching Family Business Concepts. Faculty Development Consortium, International Family Enterprise Research Academy (IFERA). Lappeenranta, Finland
Zachary, R., Michael-Tsabari, N., & Labaki, R. (2013, July 1). How Do Social and Economic Norms Drive Our Behavior and Decision Making Overtime? The Natural Experiment of the Family Business. 2013 International Family Enterprise Research Academy (IFERA) Annual Conference. St. Gallen, Switzerland
Zachary, R., & Rogoff, E. (2013, June 6). Entrepreneurship Expands Social Opportunities for the Next Generation of the Family Firm. Family Business Network (FBN-I) Next Gen (NXG) International Event. Baruch College
Zachary, R. (2013, July 1). Exploring Family Business Theories and Constructs. Junior Faculty Consortium. St. Gallen, Switzerland: International Family Enterprise Research Academy (IFERA).
Zachary, R. (2013, July 1). Developing Research Partnerships and Networking. Doctoral Consortium - Beginners. St. Gallen, Switzerland: International Family Enterprise Research Academy (IFERA).
Zachary, R., Mishra, C., Corbetta, G., & Minichilli, A. (2012, October 31). . The Inaugural European Entrepreneurship Research Forum, “Entrepreneurship as an European Experience”. Milan, Italy: AldAF-Alberto Falck Chair of Strategic Management in Family Business, Bocconi University and the Entrepreneurship Research Journal.
Zachary, R., Michael-Tsabari, N., & Labaki, R. (2012, June 26). The cluster paradigm updating the circles paradigm: The family firm and entrepreneurship among generations. 2012 International Family Enterprise Research Academy (IFERA) Annual Conference. Bordeaux, France
Zachary, R. (2012, June 26). Honing Theories: Integrating Family and Business Contexts. Doctoral and Junior Faculty Consortium. Bordeaux, France: International Family Enterprise Research Academy (IFERA).
Zachary, R. (2011, June 28). IFERA Board Meeting. The Eleventh Annual International Family Enterprise Research Academy (IFERA), Annual Conference. Palermo, Sicily
Zachary, R., & Goel, S. (2011, June 28). Crafting Theories: Integrating Family and Business Contexts. Doctoral and Junior Faculty Consortium. Palermo, Sicily: International Family Enterprise Research Academy (IFERA).
Zachary, R., Labaki, R., & Michael-Tsabari, N. (2011, June 28). Exploring the Emotional Nexus in Predominant Family Business Archetypes. 2011 International Family Enterprise Research Academy (IFERA) Annual Conference. Palermo, Sicily
Zachary, R. (2011, June 28). Succession. The Eleventh Annual International Family Enterprise Research Academy (IFERA), Annual Conference. Palermo, Sicily
Zachary, R. (2010, July 6). Managing the publications cycle: Determining your research outlets. Junior Faculty Consortium. Lancaster, England: International Family Enterprise Research Academy (IFERA).
Zachary, R. (2010, July 7). IFERA Board Meeting. The Tenth Annual International Family Enterprise Research Academy (IFERA), Annual Conference. Lancaster, England
Zachary, R. (2010, July 7). Historical Perspectives. The Tenth Annual International Family Enterprise Research Academy (IFERA), Annual Conference. Lancaster, England
Zachary, R. (2010, July 31). Lancaster, England. IFERA Board Meeting.
Zachary, R., Brundin, E., Labaki, R., & Michael-Tsabari, N. (2010, July 6). Emotions in the family business. Presentation at Professional Development Workshop. Professional Development Workshop. Lancaster, England: International Family Enterprise Research Academy (IFERA).
Zachary, R. (2009, June 24). Managing the Publications Cycle: Determining Your Research Outlets. Junior Faculty Consortium. Limassol, Cyprus: International Family Enterprise Research Academy (IFERA).
Zhou, W., Gardberg, N., & Zachary, R. (2009, October 31). Entrepreneurial Intentions, Work-Family Conflict and Entrepreneurial Success: A Cross-Cultural Study. 2009 Annual Conference. New York, NY: Academy of International Business – Northeast.
Zachary, R., Onochie, J., Rogoff, E., Haynes, G., Lee, M., & Puryear, A. (2008, December 31). Exploring the Impact of Education on Korean-American Entrepreneurs. 53st International Council for Small Business Conference. Nova Scotia, Canada
Zachary, R., Rogoff, E., & Lee, M. (2007, November 2). National Minority Business Owners Surveys: Data Overview. 2007 Kauffman Symposium on Entrepreneurship and Innovation Data.
Zachary, R. (2007, March 10). Proceedings of The Third Annual Office Depot Small Business Research Forum: Family Entrepreneurship. Papers/presentations managed by R. K. Z. Heck, Executive Committee Chair and JSBM Associate Editor. Fort Lauderdale: Sponsored by The College of Business at Florida Atlantic University and The Journal of Small Business Management, In partnership with The Ewing Marion Kauffman Foundation.
Zachary, R., Hoy, F., Steier, L., & Poutziouris, P. (2007, March 10). Keynote Panel: Emerging Paths of Family Entrepreneurship Research. The Third Annual Office Depot Small Business Research Forum, “Family Entrepreneurship”. Fort Lauderdale: The College of Business at Florida Atlantic University and The Journal of Small Business Management, In partnership with The Ewing Marion Kauffman Foundation.
Puryear, A., Rogoff, E., Lee, M., Zachary, R., Haynes, G. W., Onochie, J., & Grossman, E. B. (2007, March 10). Sampling minority business owners and their families: The understudied entrepreneurial experience. Presentation at The Third Annual Office Depot Small Business Research Forum, “Family Entrepreneurship.”. Fort Lauderdale: The College of Business at Florida Atlantic University and The Journal of Small Business Management, In partnership with The Ewing Marion Kauffman Foundation.
Zachary, R. (2007, March 10). . The Third Annual Office Depot Small Business Research Forum, “Family Entrepreneurship”. Fort Lauderdale: The College of Business at Florida Atlantic University and The Journal of Small Business Management, In partnership with The Ewing Marion Kauffman Foundation.
Zachary, R., Lee, M., Puryear, A. N., & Rogoff, E. G. (2006, December 31). . 2006 Minority Entrepreneurs Research Conference (implementing use of 2003 and 2005 National Minority Business Owner Surveys (2003 &2005 NMBOS)).
Zachary, R., Lee, M., Puryear, A. N., & Rogoff, E. G. (2006, August 15). . 2006 Minority Entrepreneurs Research Conference (implementing use of 2003 and 2005 National Minority Business Owner Surveys (2003 &2005 NMBOSs), August 15, 2006 through present at $35,000. : Ewing Marion Kauffman Foundation.
Zachary, R., Puryear, A. N., & Tombline, P. A. (2003, December 31). Home-based entrepreneurs conference proceedings. Heck, R. K. Z., Puryear, A. N., & Tombline, P. A. (Eds.). NY, NY: Baruch College, Lawrence N. Field Center of Entrepreneurship and Small Business.
Zachary, R., Puryear, A., & Tombline, P. (2003, December 31). A toolkit for home-based entrepreneurs. NY, NY: Baruch College, Lawrence N. Field Center of Entrepreneurship and Small Business.
Zachary, R. (2003, April 11). . 2003 Home-Based Entrepreneurs Conference. Baruch College, New York, New York: Lawrence N. Field Center of Entrepreneurship and Small Business.
Zachary, R. (2002, December 11). Commentary on S. A. Zahra, J. C. Hayton, and C. Salvato’s Organizational Culture and Entrepreneurship in Family Firms: A Resources-Based Analysis,” Presented at “Theories of Family Firms. Conference. Philadelphia, PA: Wharton School of Business, University of Pennsylvania.
Zachary, R. (2002, November 7). The myths and truths about family business: Reshaping our university vision and programs. Eva Goble Lecture Series. West Lafayette, Indiana: School of Consumer and Family Sciences, Department of Consumer Sciences and Retailing.
Zachary, R. (2002, August 11). Family business research. Family Business Teaching, Research, and Outreach: A Survival Guide,” Entrepreneurship Professional Development Session. Denver, Colorado: Academy of Management.
Zachary, R. (2002, April 24). The family business: A special focus on women. Seminar presented to Women MBA’s of Zicklin School of Business. NY, NY: Baruch College.
Zachary, R., Rogoff, E. G., Lee, M., & Stafford, K. (2002, January 17). The economic contributions of family business. Annual Conference. Reno, NV: United States Association of Small Business and Entrepreneurship.
Rogoff, E. G., Lee, M., & Zachary, R. (2001, February 7). The effects of education with the family business context. Annual Conference. Orlando, FL: United States Association of Small Business and Entrepreneurship.
Zachary, R., McCann, G., DeMoss, M., & Upton, N. B. (2000, March 13). Building a family business research program within the Stetson holistic model. The 2000 International Applied Business Research Conference (Proceedings on CD). Puerto Vallarta, Mexico
Zachary, R. (2000, February 16). The research dimension of the Stetson holistic model. Pre-Conference. San Antonio, TX: United States Association of Small Business and Entrepreneurship.
Zuiker, V. S., Zachary, R., & Stafford, K. (1999, December 31). Policy and regulation in small business. Proceedings of the 45rd Annual Conference of the American Council on Consumer Interests, Leech, I. E. (Ed.). Columbia, MO: American Council on Consumer Interests.
Zachary, R., & Goebel, K. (1999, November 4). Family business succession profiles. Presentation at the Annual Meeting. Wisconsin, Madison: NC-52 Research Committee on Family Economics.
Zachary, R. (1999, October 15). Facilitator for Family Business Gathering 2000. DeLand, FL: Stetson University.
Zachary, R., & Hong, G. H. (1999, July 7). The American family business: Overview, methods, prevalence, and trends. Proceedings of Third Biennial Meeting of the Asian Consumer and Family Economics Association (ACFEA), G. Olson, (Ed.), (p. 238). Seoul, Korea
Zachary, R., & Stafford, K. (1999, May 13). Reconceptualizing business performance theory within the family business context: Helping high growth firms remain competitive in global markets. Paper presented at the 1999 Babson College-Kauffman Foundation Entrepreneurship Research Conference. Columbia, South Carolina: The Darla Moore School of Business at the University of South Carolina.
Scannell, E., & Zachary, R. (1998, December 31). Surveying families in businesses: The prevalence of businesses owned and operated by families. Proceedings of the 44rd Annual Conference of the American Council on Consumer Interests, Leech, I. E.(Ed.), (p. 194). Columbia, MO: American Council on Consumer Interests.
Zachary, R. (1998, August 31). 1997 Family Business Survey. Academy of Management Annual Conference, Entrepreneurship Division.
Zachary, R. (1998, August 31). 1997 Family Business Survey: Overview, definitions and prevalence. Professional Development Workshop of Entrepreneurship Division. San Diego, CA: Academy of Management.
Zachary, R. (1998, July 27). . 1998 Chautauqua Family Business Conference: Women and Men in the Family Firm. Chautauqua, New York
Zachary, R. (1998, July 23). Family business viability: An initial examination from a recent national study. (Research Panel), Proceedings of the 1998 Annual Conference. San Antonio, TX: International Family Business Program Association.
Zachary, R. (1997, August 9). 1997 Family Business Survey. Presentation as part of session entitled “Innovations in Entrepreneurship Research: New Initiatives and Opportunities Using Large Databases”. : Academy of Management Annual Conference, Entrepreneurship Division.
Zachary, R. (1997, August 10). Performance: The fundamental DV in new and small venture research. Presider for Research Paper Session in the Entrepreneurship Division. Boston, MA: Academy of Management Meetings.
Zachary, R., & Narva, R. L. (1997, August 8). Consulting to family firms: State of the art, issues and concerns. Entrepreneurship Division. Boston, MA: PreConference of the Academy of Management.
Zachary, R. (1997, August 7). 1997 Family Business Survey: Overview, definitions and prevalence. Research Panel Presentation entitled “Surveying American Family Businesses from a Household Perspective: Sampling and Methods”. San Diego, CA: Professional Development Workshop of Entrepreneurship Division, Academy of Management.
Zachary, R. (1997, July 14). . 1997 Chautauqua Family Business Conference: Growth and Transitioning. Chautauqua, New York
Zachary, R., & Scannell, E. (1997, July 10). Defining and counting family businesses: Results from a national pilot study. Proceedings of the 1997 Annual Conference. Amherst, MA: International Family Business Program Association.
Garner, T. I., Stinson, L. L., Zachary, R., Stum, M. S., & Fast, J. E. (1997, April 30). Coping during periods of economic uncertainty. Proceedings of the 43rd Annual Conference of the American Council on Consumer Interests, Leech, I. E. (Ed.), (pp. 196-199). Columbia, MO: American Council on Consumer Interests.
Zachary, R. (1996, March 31). . The Cornell University Conference on the Entrepreneurial Family. New York City at the Cornell Club and Grand Hyatt Hotel
Zachary, R., Upton, N. B., Bellet, W., Dunn, B., Parady, P., & Powell, J. (1995, December 31). Family business as a field of study. Family Business Annual. : International Family Business Program Association (IFBPA).
Bian, J., & Zachary, R. (1995, December 31). What we can learn about family businesses over time from the Panel Study of Income Dynamics, 1988-1992. 1 (Section I), 39-63. : Family Business Annual.
Zachary, R. (1995, October 14). Family types and home-based businesses. Workshop Presentation at 45th Annual Meeting. Ithaca, New York: Board of Trustees and Cornell University Council.
Zachary, R. (1995, April 30). Home-based business management. Presentation. Lincoln, Nebraska: Home-Based Business Conference: Choices, Challenges & Changes.
Owen, A. J., & Zachary, R. (1995, July 17). Family functioning and family management. Presentation at Chautauqua Institution’s Family Business Conference. Chautauqua, New York
Zachary, R., & BenDaniel, D. (1994, September 30). . Cornell Executive Education Conference entitled, FAMILY BUSINESS FORUM.
Zachary, R. (1994, October 20). . Research/Policy Conference entitled, HOMEWORKING FAMILIES: A FOCUS ON HOME BUSINESSES.
Zachary, R. (1994, October 31). . Cooperative Extension In-Service entitled, HOME BUSINESSES AND THEIR FAMILIES.
Chen, L. O., & Zachary, R. (1994, December 31). Home-based workers in New York state: A selected focus on home businesses. Consumer Close-Ups, Series 1994-1995, No. 1. : Cornell University, Department of Consumer Economics and Housing.
Zachary, R. (1993, June 24). Children in rural households engaged in home-based employment. Diversity Among Economically Vulnerable Households, (pp. 90-94). Orlando, Florida: Proceedings of 1993 Preconference Workshop sponsored by the Family Economics-Home Management Section of the American Home Economics Association.
Zachary, R., Stafford, K., Winter, M., & Hennon, C. B. (1993, April 30). Home-based business and family outcomes. Proceedings of 39th Annual Conference of the American Council on Consumer Interests, T. A. Mauldin (Ed.) (pp. 352-356). Columbia, MO: American Council on Consumer Interests.
Zachary, R., & Owen, A. J. (1993, November 30). Today's homeworking households: A summary of what we do and do not know and the implications of both. Women Working: Working Differences. West Lafayette, Indiana: Third Purdue University Women's Studies Symposium sponsored by Women's Studies Program.
Rowe, B. R., Zachary, R., Bentley, M. T., & Haynes, G. W. (1993, April 30). Family owned business practices and their economic outcomes. Proceedings of 39th Annual Conference of the American Council on Consumer Interests, T. A. Mauldin (Ed.) , (pp. 362-365). Columbia, MO: American Council on Consumer Interests.
Stafford, K., Zachary, R., & Winter, M. (1993, November 30). Gender differences in family and business management behavior. Women Working: Working Differences. West Lafayette, Indiana: Third Purdue University Women's Studies Symposium sponsored by Women's Studies Program.
Zachary, R., & Saltford, N. C. (1992, November 4). The affordability of child care for preschoolers: A case study of employees at a major university within New York state. Presentation in Symposium entitled, Family policies at the workplace: Public and private initiatives in New York state for the 1992 National Council on Family Relations (NCFR) Annual Conference. Orlando, Florida
Walker, R., & Zachary, R. (1992, August 16). The utilization of paid and unpaid workers in home-based businesses. Presentation at 1992 World Congress on the Family. Columbus, Ohio
Zachary, R., & Stafford, K. (1991, December 31). Earning income at home. Human Ecology Forum, 19(4), 21-23.
Zachary, R., Stafford, K., & Winter, M. (1991, June 30). Family management practices. Family Economic Well-Being in the Next Century: Challenges, Changes, Continuity, (pp. 75-77). Minneapolis, Minnesota: Proceedings of a Preconference Workshop sponsored by the Family Economics-Home Management Section of the American Home Economics Association.
Zachary, R. (1991, April 30). Research paper discussion, comments. 37th Annual Conference. Cincinnati, Ohio: American Council on Consumer Interests.
Zachary, R., Stafford, K., & Winter, M. (1991, April 30). Home-based work and management practices. Proceedings of 37th Annual Conference of the American Council on Consumer Interests, In V. Haldeman (Ed.), (pp. 79-80). Columbia, MO: American Council on Consumer Interests.
Zachary, R., Rowe, B. R., Owen, A. J., & Saltford, N. C. (1991, April 30). Child care and home-based employment. Proceedings of 37th Annual Conference of the American Council on Consumer Interests, V. Haldeman (Ed.), (pp. 81-82). Columbia, MO: American Council on Consumer Interests.
Zachary, R. (1989, March 31). Refereed papers session: New issues in consumer demand, comments. Proceedings of 35th Annual Conference of the American Council on Consumer Interests M. Carsky (Ed.), (pp. 35-36). Columbia, MO: American Council on Consumer Interests.
Zachary, R. (1988, December 31). A profile of home-based workers. Human Ecology Forum 16(4), 15-18..
Zachary, R., & Walker, R. (1987, April 30). The incidence, characteristics and types of home-based employment. Proceedings of 33rd Annual Conference of the American Council on Consumer Interests, V. Hampton (Ed.) (p. 341). Columbia, MO: American Council on Consumer Interests.
Zachary, R. (1985, March 31). Comments on papers in research session on consumer credit. Proceedings of 31th Annual Conference of the American Council on Consumer Interests, K. P. Schnittgrund (Ed.), (pp. 187-188). Columbia, MO: American Council on Consumer Interests.
Zachary, R. (1984, April 30). Presider of refereed papers session: Household economics. 30th Annual Conference of the American Council on Consumer Interests. Atlanta, Georgia
Zachary, R. (1984, March 26). Extension In-service Education. Research applications in family resource management.
Zachary, R. (1983, December 31). Credit card behavior of consumers: A survey of research studies. Consumer Close-Ups, Series 1982-83, No. 8. : Cornell University, Department of Consumer Economics and Housing.
Zachary, R. (1983, March 31). Presider of refereed papers session: Family composition and consumer's choice. 29th Annual Conference of the American Council on Consumer Interests. Kansas City, Missouri
Zachary, R. (1983, June 30). The determinants of consumer choice in financing purchases. Oral research report for Family Economics-Home Management section at 1983 Annual Convention. Milwaukee, Wisconsin: American Home Economics Association.
Zachary, R. (1983, November 30). The utilization of credit cards in financing consumer purchases. 1983 Proceedings of the Home Management-Family Economics Education Conference, (pp. 30-38). Salt Lake City, Utah
Zachary, R. (1982, April 30). The determinants of consumer repayment behavior in the use of credit cards. Proceedings of 28th Annual Conference of the American Council on Consumer Interests (pp. 127-133). Columbia, MO: American Council on Consumer Interests.
Zachary, R. (1982, December 31). Consumer Close-Ups. Credit card behavior of consumers: A survey of research studies. Cornell University, Department of Consumer Economics and Housing
Zachary, R. (1981, April 30). An analysis of the utilization of financial counseling services. Proceedings of 27th Annual Conference of the American Council on Consumer Interests (pp. 65-69). Columbia, MO: American Council on Consumer Interests.
Zachary, R. (1981, December 31). Are we adapting our research efforts to a changing environment. Dynamic Planning for Uncertain Times: Living in an Era of Economic Uncertainty, invited research paper presented at section workshop (pp. 137-147). Pomona, New Jersey: Proceedings of a Workshop sponsored by the Family Economics-Home Management Section of the American Home Economics Association.
Zachary, R. (1981, February 28). Household's satisfaction levels with management outputs. Proceedings of 1981 Annual Conference, (pp. 40-50). Lexington, Kentucky: Southeastern Regional Association of Family Economics-Home Management.
Zachary, R. (1979, May 31). An economic analysis of household insolvency. Research report. Boston, Massachusetts: Eastern Economic Association Conference.
Zachary, R. (1979, June 30). Inputs into household production: A research focus. The Household as Producer: A Look Beyond the Market, Proceedings of a Workshop, (p. 239). St. Charles, Missouri: Family Economics-Home Management Section of the American Home Economics Association.
Zachary, R. (1979, June 30). Selected variables in relation to nonbusiness bankruptcies in fifty states. Research report presented. St. Louis, Missouri: American Home Economics Association Annual Convention.
Zachary, R. (1979, April 30). Nonbusiness bankruptcy and chapter XIII rates in the fifty states. Proceedings of 25th Annual Conference of the American Council on Consumer Interests (pp. 89-97). Columbia, MO: American Council on Consumer Interests.
Other Scholarly Works
Danes, S. M., Grossman, E. B., Lee, J., Stafford, K., & Zachary, R. (2007). The Minority Entrepreneurial Experience: An Adaptation of the Sustainable Family Buisness Model.. 2003 & 2005 National Minority Business Owner Surveys (2003 & 2005 NMOS).
Zachary, R., & Walker, R. (1993). The impact of paid and unpaid workers on the economic output measures of home-based businesses. RP93-9
Zachary, R., & Saltford, N. (1993). Utilization of child care with a special focus on preschoolers of employees at a major university. RP93-17
Saltford, N. C., & Zachary, R. (1989). An overview of employee benefits supportive of families.
Zachary, R. (1987). Traditional and nontraditional workplaces: A comparison of workers. Research Paper RP87-3, revised
Zachary, R. (1985). Management, management styles and production within the family. Research Paper RP84-4, revised
Zachary, R. (1983). Tests for differences among consumer repayment behavior by credit card types. Research Paper RP83-5
Zachary, R. (1983). The determinants of credit card possession behavior: A test for differences among types of credit cards. Research Paper RP83-3, revised
Zachary, R. (1980). A survey of bankruptcy studies. Research paper RP80-12
Zachary, R. (1980). Extension Financial Counseling Programs. Research paper RP80-1
Zachary, R. (1977). Warranties and guarantees: Consumer rights. Indiana Extension Home Economics Bulletin, HE 544
Zachary, R. (1977). When do I need an attorney?. Indiana Extension Home Economics Bulletin, HE 532
Zachary, R. (2002,January 1). The daughter also rises: How women overcome obstacles and advance in the family-owned business. Family Business Review.
Zachary, R. (1990,January 1). As We Forgive Our Debtors: Bankruptcy and Consumer Credit in America, by Teresa A. Sullivan, Elizabeth Warren and Jay Lawrence Westbrook. Financial behaviors, Science.
Research Currently in Progess
Wang, N., Zachary, R. K., Labaki, R., & Michael-Tsabari, N..(n.d.). A Prologue to the Nature of the Family Firm: A Rebuttal (Planned submission to Academy of Management Journal or Journal of Management Studies or The Economist). In Progress.
Zachary, R., Danes, S. M., & Balabram, E.(n.d.). A Review of Models and Theories of the Family Firm: The Nature and Importance of the Business and the Family Domemsions (Planned submission to Family Business Review). In Progress.
Zachary, R., Danes, S. M., & Balabram, E.(n.d.). Advanced Introduction to the Family Firm (part of the Elgar Advanced Introduction Series). . In Progress.
Zachary, R. K., Danes, S. M., & Balabram, E. (In preparation; invited book contract). Advanced Introduction to the Family Firm (part of the Elgar Advanced Introduction Series). London, UK: Edward Elgar Publishing Limited.
Zachary, R., Labaki, R., & Michael-Tsabari, N..(n.d.). Emotional dimensions within the family business – Toward a conceptualization and extension (Planned submission to Family Business Review). In Progress.
Mishra, C. S., & Zachary, R. K.(n.d.). Entrepreneurial Absorptive Capacity (EAC) (Planned submission to Entrepreneurship Research Journal). In Progress.
Kher, R., & Zachary, R. K.(n.d.). Entrepreneurial Active and Experiential Learning: Incorporating MakerHub Activites in Classroom Curriculum (Planned submission to Entrepreneurship Research Journal). In Progress.
Michael-Tsabari, N.., Labaki, R., & Zachary, R. K.(n.d.). Expansion of the Cluster Model: The Family System’s Entrepreneurial Effects over Generations (Planned submission to Family Business Review). In Progress.
Michael-Tsabari, N.., Labaki, R., & Zachary, R. K.(n.d.). How Do Social and Economic Norms Drive Our Behavior and Decision Making Overtime? The Natural Experiment of the Family Business (Planned submission to Journal of Business Ethics or Business Ethics Quarterly). In Progress.
Aydinliyim, L., Labaki, R., Michael-Tsabari, N., & Zachary, R.(n.d.). Social Norms and Family Firms. In Progress.
We explore how social versus economic norms operate within family firms. Anticipated submission to the Journal of Business Ethics (FT50).
Honor / Award | Organization Sponsor | Date Received | Description |
2012 FBR Best Unpublished Research Paper Award | 2022-10-15 | Michael-Tsabari, N., Labaki, R., & Zachary, R. K. (Revise and resubmit). Towards the Cluster Model: The Family Firm’s Entrepreneurial Behavior over Generations. Family Business Review, Under review. | |
2012 Emerald Literati Network Awards for Excellence for 2012 Outstanding Paper in Journal of Family Business for 2012 | 2012 | “The Importance of the Family System in Family Business,” Journal of Family Business Management, 1(1), 26-36. | |
Selected as 2002 Speaker for “Eva Goble Lecture Series,” Purdue University | 2002 | ||
Northeastern Regional Association of State Agricultural Experiment Station Directors, “2001 Award for Excellence” for research relative to NE 167, “Family Business Viability in Economically Vulnerable Communities” | 2001 | ||
Distinguished Alumni Award, Consumer and Family Sciences Alumni Association, Purdue University | 1993 | ||
Public Policy Research Award | American Council on Consumer Interests | 1979 | |
ACCI Research Award Winner for "Nonbusiness bankruptcy and chapter XIII rates in the fifty states" | 1979 | ||
General Food Fund Fellowship | 1977 | ||
Purdue Dean's List | 1971 | graduated with distinction | |
Purdue Alumni Scholarship | 1968 | 1968-1971 | |
Hoosier Scholarship | 1967 | 1967-71 | |
Sears Scholarship | 1967 |
Committee Name | Position Role | Start Date | End Date |
Committee on Collegiate Athletics Activities | Committee Member | Present | |
Baruch College, Entrepreneurship Competition | Faculty Mentor | Present | |
Field Center Mentor, Field Center counseling and seminars on “home-based entrepreneurs” and “time and human resource management;” serve as internal faculty mentor for Baruch College Entrepreneurship Competition teams | Faculty Mentor | Present | |
Entrepreneurship | Academic Advisor and Area Coordinator | Present | |
Zicklin Undergraduate Curriculum Committee | Committee Member | 12/31/2011 | |
Search Committee for Field Chair | Committee Chair | 12/31/2010 | |
Baruch College, Entrepreneurship Competition | Faculty Mentor | 12/31/2008 | |
MBA Orientation presentation | Presentor | 12/31/2008 | |
Executive Committee for Real Estate Department | Committee Member | 12/31/2008 | |
Graduate Committee on Academic Standing | Committee Member | 12/31/2007 | |
Ph.D. Second Examination Committee for David Prottas | Committee Member | 12/31/2006 | |
Tenure Committee for Shyam Kumar | Committee Member | 12/31/2006 | |
Search Committee for Field Family Chair | Committee Chair | 12/31/2006 | |
Graduate Admissions Committee, Zicklin School of Business | Committee Member | 12/31/2005 | |
Graduate Admissions Committee, Zicklin School of Business | Committee Member | 12/31/2005 | |
Graduate Admissions Committee, Zicklin School of Business | Committee Member | 12/31/2005 | |
Ph.D. Graduate Field Examination Committee for Munehiko Matsuyama | Committee Member | 12/31/2004 | |
Ph.D. Graduate Field Examination Committee for Robert Panco | Committee Member | 12/31/2002 |
Committee Name | Position Role | Start Date | End Date |
Search Committee for Provost | Committee Member | 1/1/2005 | 12/31/2006 |
Joint Committee on Research | Committee Member | 1/1/2004 | 12/31/2006 |
Faculty Review Committee for Selecting New President | Committee Member | 1/1/2004 | 12/31/2005 |
Committee on Commencement Planning | Committee Member | 1/1/2002 | 12/31/2003 |
Committee on Prizes, Scholarships, and Awards | Committee Member | 1/1/2002 | 12/31/2003 |
Freshman Text Selection Committee | Committee Member | 1/1/2002 | 12/31/2003 |
Organization | Position Role | Organization State | Organization Country | Start Date | End Date | Audience |
Entrepreneurship Research Journal | Editor | 1/1/2016 | Present | |||
Reviewer of Conference Papers for National Science Foundation, Department of Agriculture, Joint Conference of Asian Consumer and Family Economics Association and China Consumer Economics Research, Academy of Management, Family Firm Institute, United States Association of Small Business and Entrepreneurship, American Council on Consumer Interests & International Family Business Program Association | Editor, Conference Proceedings | Present | ||||
Entrepreneurship Research Journal | Co-Editor | 10/1/2009 | Present | |||
Journal of Family and Economic Issues | Editorial Board | 1/1/2000 | Present | |||
Academy of Management, Entrepreneurship Division | Reviewer, Conference Paper | 1/1/1999 | Present | |||
Editorial Reviewer for Journal of Small Business Management, Journal of Business Venturing, Journal of Family and Economic Issues, The Journal of Consumer Affairs, Advancing the Consumer Interests, Journal of Consumer Studies and Home Economics & Journal of Family Issues | 1/1/1980 | Present | ||||
Family and Founders Owned Enterprises and Women and Minority Owned Enterprises | Editor, Associate Editor | 1/1/2005 | 12/31/2009 | |||
Journal of Small Business Management | Editorial Board | 1/1/2003 | 12/31/2009 | |||
Family Business Review | Editorial Board and reviewer | 1/1/1994 | 12/31/2009 | |||
Journal of Developmental Entrepreneurship | Guest Co-Editor (with Edward G. Rogoff) | 1/1/2008 | 12/31/2008 | |||
Journal of Small Business Management | Editor, Associate Editor | 1/1/2008 | 12/31/2008 | |||
Family Business Research Conference | Reviewer | Oregon | 5/21/2005 | 5/22/2005 | ||
Journal of Business Venturing | Guest Co-Editor (with Edward G. Rogoff) | 1/1/2003 | 12/31/2003 | |||
Joint Conference of Asian Consumer and Family Economics Association and China Consumer Economics Research | Reviewer, Conference Paper | 1/1/2003 | 12/31/2003 | |||
United States Association for Small Business and Entrepreneurship, Strategic Planning Committee | Committee Member | 1/1/2001 | 12/31/2002 | |||
United States Association of Small Business and Entrepreneurship | Reviewer, Conference Paper | 1/1/1998 | 12/31/2002 | |||
Center for Families, Purdue University | Advisory Board | 1/1/1998 | 12/31/2001 | |||
Academy of Management, Entrepreneurship Division | Committee Member | 1/1/1999 | 12/31/2001 | |||
Joint Conference of Asian Consumer and Family Economics Association and China Consumer Economics Research | Reviewer, Conference Paper | 1/1/2001 | 12/31/2001 | |||
Journal of Consumer Studies and Home Economics | Member, Overseas Advising Board | 1/1/1989 | 12/31/2001 | |||
Journal of Consumer Affairs | Reviewer, Journal Article | 1/1/1979 | 12/31/2001 | |||
Journal of Family and Economic Issues | Editor, Associate Editor | 1/1/1998 | 12/31/2000 | |||
Thesis Award Committee, American Council on Consumer Interests | Committee Member | 1/1/1996 | 12/31/2000 | |||
Family Firm Institute | Reviewer, Conference Paper | 1/1/1999 | 12/31/1999 | |||
Joint Conference of Asian Consumer and Family Economics Association and China Consumer Economics Research | Reviewer, Conference Paper | 1/1/1999 | 12/31/1999 | |||
Academy of Management, Entrepreneurship Division | Committee Member | 1/1/1998 | 12/31/1999 | |||
The entrepreneurial family | Editor, Book | 1/1/1998 | 12/31/1998 | |||
International Family Business Program Association | Reviewer, Conference Paper | 1/1/1998 | 12/31/1998 | |||
ESCOP/ACOP Leadership Development Program Participant, Class 8 | Committee Member | 12/31/1998 | ||||
Journal of Family and Economic Issues | 6/1/1992 | 12/31/1997 | ||||
U.S. Department of Agriculture, Cooperative State Research Service, National Research Initiatives, Rural Development Program Panel | Reviewer | 1/1/1995 | 12/31/1997 | |||
International Family Business Program Association | Reviewer, Conference Paper | 1/1/1997 | 12/31/1997 | |||
The Journal of Consumer Affairs | Editorial Board | 1/1/1992 | 12/31/1997 | |||
International Family Business Program Association | Reviewer, Conference Paper | 1/1/1996 | 12/31/1996 | |||
Home-based employment and family life | Editor, Book | 1/1/1995 | 12/31/1995 | |||
International Family Business Program Association | Reviewer, Conference Paper | 1/1/1995 | 12/31/1995 | |||
College Grant Applications submitted from Department of Policy Analysis and Management | Reviewer, Grant Proposal | 1/1/1993 | 12/31/1995 | |||
Applied Consumer Economics Award Committee, American Council on Consumer Interests | Committee Chair | 1/1/1991 | 12/31/1994 | |||
Advancing the Consumer Interest | Editorial Board | 1/1/1990 | 12/31/1993 | |||
Journal of Family and Economic Issues | Guest Editor | 1/1/1992 | 12/31/1992 | |||
ESCOP Ad Hoc Committee #4, Social Science Initiative Budget Strategy Subgroup, CSRS/USDA, Washington D.C. | Committee Member | 1/1/1991 | 12/31/1992 | |||
1992 Conference Poster Chair, American Council on Consumer Interests | Committee Member | 1/1/1991 | 12/31/1992 | |||
College Grant Applications submitted from Department of Policy Analysis and Management | Reviewer, Grant Proposal | 1/1/1991 | 12/31/1992 | |||
American Council on Consumer Interests | Reviewer, Conference Paper | 1/1/1991 | 12/31/1991 | |||
Applied Consumer Economics Award Committee, American Council on Consumer Interests | Committee Member | 1/1/1990 | 12/31/1991 | |||
Advancing the Consumer Interest | Reviewer, Journal Article | 1/1/1988 | 12/31/1991 | |||
Consumer Close Ups | 1/1/1988 | 12/31/1990 | ||||
Co-Chairman for Pre-conference Workshop of Family Economics and Home Management Section, American Home Economics Association, Cincinnati, Ohio | Conference-Related | 6/30/1989 | ||||
CSRS Review Team, Department of Family and Social Sciences, College of Home Economics, University of Minnesota | Conference-Related | 4/30/1989 | ||||
Ford Consumer Appeals Board | Committee Member | 1/1/1987 | 12/31/1988 | |||
Consumer Credit Counseling Centers of Michigan, Educational Advisory Board | Board of Advisors of a Company | 12/31/1987 | ||||
Southern District Home Economics Association | Consumer Interests and Legislation; Nominations Committee | 1/1/1984 | 12/31/1987 | |||
American Council on Consumer Interests | Reviewer, Conference Paper | 1/1/1983 | 12/31/1986 | |||
American Council on Consumer Interests, Member Board of Directors | Board of Directors of a Company | 1/1/1983 | 12/31/1985 | |||
National Science Foundation, Law and Social Science Program | Reviewer | 1/1/1983 | 12/31/1983 | |||
Southern District Home Economics Association | Officer, Vice President | 1/1/1981 | 12/31/1983 | |||
Journal of Family Issues | Reviewer, Journal Article | 1/1/1979 | 12/31/1980 |