Ramzi Khuri


Weissman School of Arts and Sciences

Department: Natural Sciences

Areas of expertise:

Email Address: Ramzi.Khuri@baruch.cuny.edu

> View CV


Ph.D., Physics, Princeton University

M.S., Physics, Yale University

B.S., Physics, Mathematics, Yale University

SemesterCourse PrefixCourse NumberCourse Name
Summer 2024PHY2001Fund Of Experimental Phy
Summer 2024PHY2002Fund Of Phy: Theory & Practice
Spring 2024PHY3001General Physics II
Spring 2024PHY4400Special Topics in Theoretical
Spring 2024PHY5000Independent Study Physics I
Spring 2024PHY3001General Physics II
Spring 2024PHY3001General Physics II
Summer 2023PHY2001Fund Of Experimental Phy
Summer 2023PHY2002LFund Of Phy: Theory & Practice
Summer 2023PHY2002LFund Of Phy: Theory & Practice
Summer 2023PHY2002LFund Of Phy: Theory & Practice
Summer 2023PHY2002LFund Of Phy: Theory & Practice
Summer 2023PHY2001Fund Of Experimental Phy
Spring 2023PHY5000Independent Study Physics I
Spring 2023PHY4400Special Topics in Theoretical
Spring 2023PHY3001General Physics II
Spring 2023PHY3001General Physics II
Summer 2022PHY2003General Physics I
Summer 2022PHY2003General Physics I
Spring 2022PHY5001HIndependent Study Physics II
Spring 2022PHY3001General Physics II
Spring 2022PHY4400Special Topics in Theoretical
Spring 2022PHY3001General Physics II
Fall 2021PHY5000HHonors Independent Study PHY I
Fall 2021PHY5000Independent Study Physics I
Fall 2021PHY2003General Physics I
Fall 2021PHY2003General Physics I
Fall 2021PHY5000Independent Study Physics I
Summer 2021PHY2003General Physics I
Summer 2021PHY2003General Physics I
Summer 2021PHY2003General Physics I
Spring 2021PHY5000Independent Study Physics I
Spring 2021PHY4400Special Topics in Theoretical
Spring 2021PHY3001General Physics II
Spring 2021PHY3001General Physics II
Spring 2021PHY5000Independent Study Physics I
Fall 2020PHY5000Independent Study Physics I
Fall 2020BIO5000Independent Study Biology I
Fall 2020PHY2003General Physics I
Fall 2020PHY2003General Physics I
Fall 2020PHY4201Astrophysics
Summer 2020PHY2002LFund Of Phy: Theory & Practice
Summer 2020PHY2001Fund Of Experimental Phy
Summer 2020PHY2001Fund Of Experimental Phy
Summer 2020PHY2002LFund Of Phy: Theory & Practice
Summer 2020PHY2002LFund Of Phy: Theory & Practice
Spring 2020PHY5000Independent Study Physics I
Spring 2020PHY3001General Physics II
Spring 2020PHY5000Independent Study Physics I
Spring 2020PHY5002Independent Study Physics III
Spring 2020PHY3001General Physics II
Fall 2019PHY5000Independent Study Physics I
Fall 2019PHY2003General Physics I
Fall 2019PHY5000Independent Study Physics I
Fall 2019PHY2003General Physics I
Spring 2019BIO5000Independent Study Biology I
Spring 2019PHY3001General Physics II
Spring 2019PHY5000Independent Study Physics I
Spring 2019PHY5000Independent Study Physics I
Spring 2019PHY5000Independent Study Physics I
Spring 2019PHY5000Independent Study Physics I
Spring 2019PHY5001Independent Study Physics II
Spring 2019PHY5001Independent Study Physics II
Spring 2019PHY5002Independent Study Physics III
Fall 2018PHY4201Astrophysics
Fall 2018PHY5000Independent Study Physics I
Fall 2018PHY5000Independent Study Physics I
Fall 2018PHY5001Independent Study Physics II
Fall 2018PHY2003General Physics I
Fall 2018PHY2003General Physics I
Fall 2018PHY5000Independent Study Physics I
Summer 2018PHY2002LFund Of Phy: Theory & Practice
Summer 2018PHY2002LFund Of Phy: Theory & Practice
Summer 2018PHY2002LFund Of Phy: Theory & Practice
Summer 2018PHY2001Fund Of Experimental Phy
Summer 2018PHY2002LFund Of Phy: Theory & Practice
Spring 2018PHY3001General Physics II
Spring 2018PHY5000Independent Study Physics I
Spring 2018PHY5000Independent Study Physics I
Spring 2018PHY5001Independent Study Physics II
Spring 2018PHY3001General Physics II
Spring 2018PHY3001General Physics II
Fall 2017PHY4201Astrophysics
Fall 2017PHY2003General Physics I
Fall 2017PHY2003General Physics I
Fall 2017BIO6001HBiology Honors I
Fall 2017BIO5000Independent Study Biology I
Spring 2017PHY2002LFund Of Phy: Theory & Practice
Spring 2017PHY2002LFund Of Phy: Theory & Practice
Spring 2017PHY4201Astrophysics
Spring 2017PHY2001Fund Of Experimental Phy
Spring 2017PHY2001Fund Of Experimental Phy
Spring 2017PHY5000Independent Study Physics I
Spring 2017PHY2002LFund Of Phy: Theory & Practice
Spring 2017PHY2002LFund Of Phy: Theory & Practice
Spring 2017BIO5000Independent Study Biology I
Fall 2016PHY2001Fund Of Experimental Phy
Fall 2016PHY2001Fund Of Experimental Phy
Fall 2016PHY5000Independent Study Physics I
Fall 2016PHY5000Independent Study Physics I
Fall 2016PHY2002LFund Of Phy: Theory & Practice
Fall 2016PHY2002LFund Of Phy: Theory & Practice
Fall 2016PHY2002LFund Of Phy: Theory & Practice
Summer 2016PHY5002Independent Study Physics III
Summer 2016PHY1003Concepts in Physics
Summer 2016PHY1003Concepts in Physics
Summer 2016PHY5001Independent Study Physics II
Spring 2016PHY5002Independent Study Physics III
Spring 2016PHY5000Independent Study Physics I
Spring 2016PHY5000Independent Study Physics I
Spring 2016PHY3001General Physics II
Spring 2016PHY3001General Physics II
Spring 2016PHY2001Fund Of Experimental Phy
Spring 2016PHY5001Independent Study Physics II
Summer 2015PHY1003Concepts in Physics
Summer 2015PHY1003Concepts in Physics
Spring 2015PHY5001Independent Study Physics II
Spring 2015PHY5001Independent Study Physics II
Spring 2015PHY4140Intro Nuclear & Particle Phys
Spring 2015PHY2001Fund Of Experimental Phy
Spring 2015PHY2001Fund Of Experimental Phy
Spring 2015PHY5002Independent Study Physics III
Fall 2014PHY1003Concepts in Physics
Fall 2014PHY1003Concepts in Physics
Fall 2014PHY1003Concepts in Physics
Fall 2014PHY5000Independent Study Physics I
Summer 2014PHY1003Concepts in Physics
Summer 2014PHY1003Concepts in Physics
Summer 2014PHY1003Concepts in Physics
Spring 2014PHY1003Concepts in Physics
Spring 2014PHY1003Concepts in Physics
Spring 2014PHY1003Concepts in Physics
Fall 2013PHY2001Fund Of Experimental Phy
Fall 2013PHY2001Fund Of Experimental Phy
Fall 2013PHY2002LFund Of Phy: Theory & Practice
Fall 2013PHY2002LFund Of Phy: Theory & Practice
Summer 2013PHY2003General Physics I
Spring 2013PHY1003Concepts in Physics
Spring 2013PHY4201Astrophysics
Spring 2013PHY3001General Physics II
Fall 2012PHY3500Biologic Apps of Physics
Fall 2012PHY1003Concepts in Physics
Fall 2012PHY1003Concepts in Physics
Spring 2012PHY3001LLect Conc In Physics
Spring 2012PHY1003Concepts in Physics
Spring 2012PHY1003Concepts in Physics
Spring 2012PHY3001General Physics II
Fall 2011PHY2003General Physics I
Fall 2011PHY1003Concepts in Physics
Fall 2011PHY2003LLect Gen Physics I
Spring 2011PHY1003Concepts in Physics
Spring 2011PHY1003Concepts in Physics
Spring 2011PHY3001General Physics II
Spring 2011PHY3001LLect Conc In Physics
Spring 2011PHY5000Independent Study Physics I
Fall 2010PHY2003General Physics I
Fall 2010PHY1003Concepts in Physics
Fall 2010PHY2003LLect Gen Physics I
Spring 2010PHY3001General Physics II
Spring 2010PHY3001LLect Conc In Physics
Fall 2009PHY2003General Physics I
Fall 2009PHY3010Quantitative Physics I
Fall 2009PHY2003LLect Gen Physics I
Spring 2009PHY3001LLect Conc In Physics
Spring 2009PHY1003Concepts in Physics
Spring 2009PHY3001General Physics II
Fall 2008PHY2003LLect Gen Physics I
Fall 2008PHY2003General Physics I
Fall 2008PHY1003Concepts in Physics
Spring 2008PHY3001LLect Conc In Physics
Fall 2007PHY2003LLect Gen Physics I
Summer 2007PHY1003Concepts in Physics
Summer 2007PHY1003Concepts in Physics
Summer 2007PHY2003General Physics I
Spring 2007PHY3001LLect Conc In Physics
Spring 2007PHY3001General Physics II
Fall 2006PHY2003General Physics I
Summer 2006PHY2003General Physics I
Summer 2006PHY2003General Physics I
Summer 2006PHY1003Concepts in Physics
Spring 2006PHY3001LLect Conc In Physics
Spring 2006PHY3001General Physics II
Fall 2005PHY2003LLect Gen Physics I
Fall 2005PHY2003General Physics I
Summer 2005PHY3001General Physics II
Summer 2005PHY1003Concepts in Physics
Summer 2005PHY1003Concepts in Physics
Spring 2005PHY3001General Physics II
Fall 2004PHY2003LLect Gen Physics I
Fall 2004PHY2003General Physics I
Fall 2004PHY2003General Physics I
Summer 2004PHY1003Concepts in Physics
Summer 2004PHY2003General Physics I
Summer 2004PHY1003Concepts in Physics
Spring 2004PHY3001General Physics II
Spring 2004PHY3001General Physics II
Fall 2003PHY2003LLect Gen Physics I
Summer 2003PHY2003General Physics I
Summer 2003PHY2003General Physics I
Summer 2003PHY2004General Physics II
Summer 2003PHY2003General Physics I
Spring 2003PHY5000Independent Study Physics I
Spring 2003PHY2004LLect Gen Physics II
Spring 2003PHY5000Independent Study Physics I
Fall 2002PHY5000Independent Study Physics I
Fall 2002PHY2003LLect Gen Physics I
Summer 2002PHY2003General Physics I
Summer 2002PHY2003General Physics I
Summer 2002PHY2004General Physics II
Summer 2002PHY2004General Physics II
Summer 2002PHY2004General Physics II
Summer 2002PHY2004General Physics II
Spring 2002PHY2004LLect Gen Physics II
Spring 2002PHY2004General Physics II
Fall 2001PHY2003LLect Gen Physics I
Fall 2001PHY5000Independent Study Physics I
Summer 2001PHY2003General Physics I
Summer 2001PHY2003General Physics I
Summer 2001PHY2003General Physics I
Summer 2001PHY2003General Physics I


Khuri, R., Liu, J., Chen, F., & Gan, W. (2001). The Universality of Physics: A Festschrift in Honor of Deng Feng Wang. Princeton, NJ, Kluwer Academic/Plenum.

Duff, M. J., Ferrara, S., & Khuri, R. (1994). Proceedings of the INFN Eloisatron Project, 26th Workshop: "From Superstrings to Supergravity". Erice, Italy, World Scientific.

Journal Articles

(2024). Memory of elastic collisions drives high minority spin and oscillatory entropy in underdamped chiral spinners. Communications Physics, 7. 136.

Khuri, R. R., Phan, T. V., & Austin, R. H. (2021). Protein dynamics implications of the low- and high-temperature denaturation of myoglobin. Physical Review E, 104. 0344414.

Khuri, R. (2019). Remark on Protein Collapse from a Random Walk. Physica A/Elsevier, 533. 122071.

(2004). Strings, Branes and an Accelerating Universe. Int. Jour. of Mod. Phys., A19(2004). 631-654.

(2003). Remarks on Fundamental String Cosmology. Phys. Lett., B548(2002). 9-11.

(2003). Dark Matter as Dark Energy. Phys. Lett., B568(2003). 8-10.

(2002). Velocity-Dependent Forces and an Accelerating Universe. Nucl. Phys, -B633(2002). 295-306.

(2002). Strings, Fivebrane and an Expanding Universe. Phys. Lett., B535(2002). 1-4.

(2001). Remarks on Black Hole Degrees of Freedom in String Theory. Nucl. Phys, B617(2001). 365-374.

(2001). Fundamental Strings and Cosmology. Phys. Lett., B520(2001). 353-356.

(2000). Worldvolume Theories, Holography and Timelike Duialities. Nucl. Phys., B575(2000). 231-254.

(2000). Entropy and String/Black Hole Correspondence. Nucl. Phys., B588(2000). 253-262.

(1999). Branes, Times and Dualities. Nucl. Phys., B536(1999). 219-244.

(1999). Self-Gravitating Strings and String/Black Hole Correspondence. Phys. Lett., B470(1999). 73-76.

(1998). Black Holes and Strings: the Polymer Link. Mod. Phys Lett., A13. 1407-1411.

(1998). "On Generalized Axionic Reductions". Phys. Lett., B428. 297-314.

(1997). "The Octonionic Membrane". Phys. Lett., (B412). 281-287.

(1996). "M-Theory on a Calabi-Yau Manifold". Phys. Lett, B375. 81-88.

(1996). "Entropy of 4D Extermal Black Holes". Phys. Lett., B378. 78-86.

(1996). "Supersymmetric Black Holes in N=8 Supergravity". Nucl. Phys., B467. 355-398.

(1996). "Is Strings Theory a Theory of Strings". Phys. Lett, B368. 71-77.

(1996). "Rusty, Scatter Branes". Nucl. Phys., B466. 60-74.

(1996). "A Non-Supersymmetric Dyonic Extreme Reissner-Nordstrom Black Hole". Phys. Lett, B373. 56-60.

(1995). "Supersymmetry and Dual String Solitions". Phys. Lett, B356. 479-486.

(1995). "Dynamics of Extreme Black Holes and Massive String States". Phys. Rev., D52. 6988-6996.

(1995). "String Solitons". Physics Reports , 259(4 & 5). 213-326.

(1994). "Four-Dimensional String/String Duality". Nucl. Phys., B411. 473-486.

(1994). "The Wu-Yang Ambiguity Revisited". Phys. Lett, B329. 263-270.

(1994). "New Black Hole, String and Membrane Soutions of the Four-Dimensional Heterotic String". Nucl. Phys., B418. 195-205.

(1994). "Black Holes and Solitons in String Theory". Helv. Phys. Acta , 67. 884-922.

(1993). "Classical Dynamics of Macroscopic Strings". Nucl. Phys., B403. 335-350.

(1993). "Veneziano Amplitude for Winding Stings". Phys. Rev., D48. 2823-2825.

(1993). "A Comment on the Stability of String Monopoles". Phys. Lett., B307. 298-301.

(1993). "Geodesic Scattering of Solitonic Strings". Phys. Lett., B307. 302-304.

(1993). "Remarks on String Solitons". Phys. Rev., D48. 2947-2948.

(1993). "String Motion in Fivebrane Geometry". Phys. Rev., D47. 570-577.

(1992). "A Heterotic Multimonopole Solution". Nucl. Phys., B387. 315-332.

(1992). "A Multimonopole Solution in String Theory". Phys. Lett., B294. 325-330.

(1992). "Orbits of a String around a Fivebrane". Phys. Rev., 68. 3391-3393.

(1992). "Monopoles and Instantons in String Theory". Phys. Rev., D46. 4526-4532.

(1992). "Manton Scattering of String Solitons. Nucl. Phys., B376. 350-364.

(1992). "String and Fivebrane Solitons: Singular or Non-singular?". Nucl. Phys., B377. 281-294.

(1992). "Scattering of String Monopoles". Phys. Lett., B294. 331-336.

(1991). "A Comment on the Scattering of Macroscopic Strings". Phys. Lett., B261. 363-368.

(1991). "Some Instanton Solutions in String Theory". Phys. Lett., B259. 261-266.


Khuri, R. (2019, October 31). Polymers, Proteins and Black Holes. Baruch College Biomedical Society. Baruch College: Baruch College Biomedical Society.

Khuri, R. (2014, November 7). Supersymmetry, Supergravity and the Second Superstring Revolution. Symposium Dedicated to the 70th Birthday of Professor V. Akulov. New York City College of Technology, Brooklyn, NY: New York City College of Technology.

Khuri, R. (2014, July 31). String Theory, Quantum Gravity, Black Holes and Cosmology. Leadership Academy, Baruch College (2014-2019). Baruch College

Khuri, R. (2013, July 22). Grand Unification, Quantum Gravity, String Theory and the Universality of Physics. Leadership Academy, Baruch College, 2013. Baruch College, CUNY: Baruch College, CUNY.

Khuri, R. (2013, July 15). The Foundations of Modern Physics. Leadership Academy, Baruch College, 2013. Baruch College, CUNY: Baruch College, CUNY.

Khuri, R. (2012, July 26). String Theory, Quantum Gravity and the Theory of Everything. Leadership Academy, Baruch College, 2012. Baruch College, CUNY: Baruch College, CUNY.

Khuri, R. (2012, July 24). Classical Physics, Modern Physics and Grand Unified Theories. Leadership Academy, Baruch College, 2012. Baruch College, CUNY: Baruch College, CUNY.

Khuri, R. (2006, June 30). Strings, Dark Matter and Dark Energy. 26th International Colloquium on Group Theoretical Methods in Physics. : The Graduate College and University Center, City University of New York.

Khuri, R. (2003, May 31). Strings, Dark Matter and Dark Energy. New York, NY: Graduate College, CUNY.

Khuri, R. (2003, March 31). Black Holes, Strings and Polymers. New York, NY: Baruch College.

Khuri, R. (2003, February 28). Black Holes, Strings and Cosmology. : Rockland Community College, SUNY.

Khuri, R. (2003, February 28). Black Hole Entropy. New York, NY: Baruch College.

Khuri, R. (2002, October 31). Black Holes, Strings and Cosmology. New York, NY: Baruch College, Bio-Med Society.

Khuri, R. (2002, October 31). Strings, Branes and an Accelerating Universe. New York, NY: NYU.

Khuri, R. (2002, September 30). Black Holes, Solitons and Cosmology. New York, NY: Hunter College.

Khuri, R. (2002, May 31). Strings, Branes and an Accelerating Universe. “Mathematics and Physics of Extra Dimensions” Workshop. Michigan Center for Theoretical Physics, April 8 – May 3, 2002: University of Michigan.

Khuri, R. (2001, November 30). Fundamental Strings and Cosmology. : Rockefeller University.

Khuri, R. (2001, December 31). Fundamental Strings and Cosmology. : CUNY.

Khuri, R. (2001, October 31). Fundamental Strings and Cosmology. : Yale University.

Khuri, R. (2000, August 12). Black Holes, String Theory and Fundamental Physics. Deng Feng Wang Memorial Conference. Princeton, NJ

Khuri, R. (2000, June 30). Black Hole Degrees of Freedom in Strings Theory. Workshop on “String Theory and Non-commutative Geometry”. The Center for Advanced Mathematical Sciences: American University of Beirut.

Khuri, R. (2000, March 31). Black Hole Entropy and String/Black Hole Correspondence. : University of Michigan.

Khuri, R. (1999, May 31). Magnetic Spatial Geometry and the Wu-Yang Ambiguity. Proceedings of the Workshop on Gauge-Variant Variables in Gauge Theories. Upton, NY: RIKEN Brookhaven National Laboratories.

Khuri, R. (1999, December 31). General Relativity and Relativistic Astrophysics. Eigth Canadian Conference. Quebec, Canada

Khuri, R. (1999, December 31). Black Holes, Thermodynamics and Polymers. CAMS Inaugural Conference.

Khuri, R. (1998, October 31). Black Holes, Thermodynamics and Polymers. New York, NY: Baruch College, Bio-Med Society.

Khuri, R. (2024, May 28). Black Holes and Strings: the Polymer Link. : Imperial College.

Khuri, R. (2024, July 28). Black Holes and Strings: the Polymer Link. : Queen Mary and Westfield College.

Khuri, R. (1998, November 30). Black Holes, Thermodynamics and Polymers. New York, NY: NYU.

Khuri, R. (1998, November 30). Black Holes, Thermodynamics and Polymers. : Rockefeller University.

Khuri, R. (1998, December 31). Black Holes, Thermodynamics and Polymers. New York, NY: City College, CUNY.

Khuri, R. (1998, March 31). Black Holes and Strings: the Polymer Link. New York, NY: Baruch College.

Khuri, R. (1998, January 31). String Solitons and Black Hole Thermodynamics. : Durham University.

Khuri, R. (2024, July 28). String Solitons and Black Hole Thermodynamics. : King's College, University of London.

Khuri, R. (2024, February 28). Solitons, Black Holes and Duality in String Theory (3 Lectures). 33rd Karpacz Winter School of Theoretical Physics. Karpacz, Poland

Duff, M. J., Evans, J. M., Khuri, R. R., Lu, J., & Minasian, R. (1997, December 31). The Octonionic Membrane. Strings 97' Conference. Amsterdam

Khuri, R. (1997, August 31). String Solitons and Duality (1) Bound States and Black Hole Thermodynamics (2) (2 Seminars). Minneapolis, MN: Higher Dimension Research.

Khuri, R. (1997, May 31). String Solitons and Black Hole Thermodynamics. Proceedings of the 19th Annual MRST meeting Syracuse University. Syracuse, NY

Khuri, R. (1997, March 31). String Solitons and Black Holes. : Rockefeller University.

Khuri, R. (1997, March 31). String Solitons and Black Holes. : Baruch College, CUNY.

Khuri, R. (1997, February 28). String Solitons and Duality (1) Bound States and Black Hole Thermodynamics (2) (2 Seminars). Berlin: Humboldt Unversity.

Khuri, R. (2024, November 28). Lectures on String Solitons (3 Lectures). Seoul, Korea: Asia Pacific Center for Theoretical Physics.

Khuri, R. (1996, November 30). String Solitons and Black Holes. Pennsyvlania, PA: Pennsylvania State University.

Khuri, R. (1996, October 31). String Solitions and Black Holes. : University of Pennsylvania.

Khuri, R. (1996, September 30). String Solitions and Black Holes. : LAPP-Annecy.

Khuri, R. (1996, August 31). String Solitons: General Overview and Recent Results. XXVIII Summer Institute (in memory of J. Scherk): Status of extended objects and higher-dimensional spacetimes. Paris: Ecole Normale Superieure.

Khuri, R. (1996, July 31). Supersymmetry, Duality and Bound States. Proceedings of Strings '96 Conference: "Current Trends in String Theory". : Institute for Theoretical Physics, UCSB.

Khuri, R. (1996, June 30). Strings and Black Holes from Membranes and D-barnes. : ETH-Zurich.

Khuri, R. (1996, April 30). Strings and Black Holes from Membranes and D-barnes. : CERN.

Khuri, R. (1996, April 30). Strings and Black Holes from Membranes and D-barnes. : University of Geneva.

Khuri, R. (1996, January 31). Strings Solitons and Supersymmetry. : Princton University.

Khuri, R. (1995, May 31). Spacetime Supersymmetry and Duality in String Theory. Proceedings of 17th Annual MRST Meeting. Rochester, NY: Rochester University.

Khuri, R. (1995, July 31). Supersymmetry and Dual String Solitions. : Queen Mary and Westfield College.

Khuri, R. (1995, April 30). Yang-Mills Spatial Geometry and the Wu-Yang Ambiguity. : Texas A&M University.

Khuri, R., & Myers, R. C. (1995, December 31). Low-Energy Scattering of Black Holes and p-branes in String Theory. 6th Canadian Conference on General Relativity and Gravitation. Fredericton, New Brunswick, Canada

Khuri, R. (1995, November 30). Strings from Membranes and Fivebranes. Workshop on STU-Dualities and Nonperturbative Phenomena in Superstrings and Supergravity. Geneva, Switzerland: CERN.

Khuri, R. (1995, October 31). Elementary Particles as Black Holes. : East Carolina University.

Khuri, R. (1995, July 31). Black Holes as Elementary Particles. : Queen Mary and Westfield College.

Khuri, R. (1995, September 30). Spatial Geometry of Yang-Mills and the Wu-Yang Ambiguity. : Pennsylvania State University.

Khuri, R. (1995, September 30). Elementary Particles as Black Holes. : Rockefeller University.

Khuri, R. (1995, September 30). Elementary Particles as Black Holes. : Pennsylvania State University.

Khuri, R. (1994, May 31). The Wu-Yang Ambiguity Revisited. : Harvard University.

Khuri, R., & Freedman, D. Z. (1994, May 31). The Wu-Yang Ambiguity Revisited: New Degeneracies. PASCOS-94 Meeting. Syracuse, NY

Duff, M. J., Khuri, R., Minasian, R., & Rahmfeld, J. (1994, May 31). Black Hole Solutions in String Theory. MRST-94 Meeting. Quebec, Canada

Freedman, D. Z., & Khuri, R. (1994, June 30). Spatial Geometry and the Wu-Yang Ambiguity. Gursey Memorial Conference. Istanbul, Turkey: Bogazici University.

Khuri, R. (1994, March 31). Black p-branes in Four-Dimensional String Theory. Workshop on Membranes and Higher-Dimensional Extended Objects. Cambridge, UK: Isaac Newton Institute.

Khuri, R. (1993, August 31). Four-Dimensional String/String Duality. : Texas A&M University.

Khuri, R. (1993, August 31). Four-Dimensional String/String Duality. : Massachussetts Institute of Technology.

Khuri, R. (1993, August 31). Four-Dimensional String/String Duality. : University of North Carolina.

Khuri, R. (1993, September 30). String Solitons. : Brown University.

Khuri, R. (1993, September 30). String Solitons. : Syracuse University.

Khuri, R. (1993, September 30). String Solitons. : University of Maryland.

Khuri, R. (1993, September 30). String Solitons. : Cornell University.

Khuri, R. (1993, October 31). String Solitons. : CERN.

Khuri, R. (1993, November 30). String Solitons. : ETH-Zurich.

Khuri, R. (1993, July 31). Four-Dimensional String/String Duality. : University of Pennsylvania.

Khuri, R. (1993, January 31). Instantons, Monopoles, Strings and Fivebranes. : Stanford Linear Accelerator Center.

Khuri, R. (1993, January 31). Instantons, Monopoles, Strings and Fivebranes. : University of Southern California.

Khuri, R. (1993, January 31). Instantons, Monopoles, Strings and Fivebranes. : California Institute of Technology.

Khuri, R. (1993, January 31). Instantons, Monopoles, Strings and Fivebranes. : Los Alamos National Laboratory.

Khuri, R. (1993, April 30). Classical String Solitons. International Workshop. The Woodlands, TX

Duff, M. J., & Khuri, R. (1993, May 31). Four-Dimensional String/String Duality. NATO Advanced Study. Erice, Italy

Khuri, R. (1993, July 31). String Solitons. Theoretical Physics Joint Seminar. Princeton University - Institute for Advanced Study: Institute for Advanced Study.

Duff, M. J., & Khuri, R. (1992, December 31). Four-Dimensional String/String Duality. INFN Eloisatron Progect.

Khuri, R. (1992, December 31). Instantons, Monopoles, Strings and Fivebranes. INFN Eloisatron Progect. Erice, Italy

Khuri, R. (1992, October 31). Solitonic Solutions in String Theory. : East Carolina University.

Khuri, R. (1992, July 31). Monopoles and Instantons in String Theory. : Rockefeller University.

Khuri, R. (1992, November 30). Monopoles and Instantons in String Theory. : Yale University.

Khuri, R. (1992, November 30). Monopoles and Instantons in String Theory. : Massachussetts Institute of Technology.

Khuri, R. (1992, November 30). Monopoles and Instantons in String Theory. : University of Pennsylvania.

Khuri, R. (1992, November 30). Monopoles and Instantons in String Theory. : Columbia University.

Khuri, R. (1992, November 30). Monopoles and Instantons in String Theory. : Baruch College.

Khuri, R. (1992, October 31). Monopoles and Instantons in String Theory. : University of Texas at Austin.

Khuri, R. (1992, October 31). Monopoles and Instantons in String Theory. : Virginia Polytechnic Institute.

Khuri, R. (1992, June 30). Monopoles and Instantons in String Theory. : Queen Mary and Westfield College.

Khuri, R. (1992, June 30). Monopoles and Instantons in String Theory. : Oxford University.

Khuri, R. (1992, June 30). Monopoles and Instantons in String Theory. : Cambridge University.

Khuri, R. (1991, June 30). Soliton and Instanton Solutions in String Theory. : Texas A&M University.

Khuri, R. (1991, November 30). Soliton and Instanton Solutions in String Theory. : University of North Carolina.

Khuri, R. (1991, June 30). Some Instanton Solutions in String Theory. XXth International Conference on Differential Geometric Methods in Theoretical Physics. New York, NY: Baruch College, CUNY.

Other Scholarly Works

Khuri, R. (2003). Supersymmetric Soliton Solutions in String Theory. Concise Encyclopedia of SUPERSYMMETRY and noncommutative structures in mathematics and physics.

Khuri, R. (1992). Solitons and Instantons in String Theory (Princeton University Doctoral Thesis). (UMI-92-025-32 52 08B),

TitleFunding Agency SponsorStart DateEnd DateAwarded DateTotal FundingStatus
Dark Matter, Dark Energy and Cosmic AccelerationPSC-CUNY 3807/01/200706/30/20083308.8Completed
Honor / AwardOrganization SponsorDate ReceivedDescription
Distinguished Teacher AwardBaruch College2010
Distinguished Scholar AwardBaruch College2003
NYC Mayor's Young Investigator Award2002NYC Mayor's Young Investigator Award for Excellence in Science and Technology
Research Fellowship (2000-2001)Eugene Lang Junior Faculty2000
CUNY Salute to ScholarsCUNY2000
Research Fellowship (1999-2000)Eugene Lang Junior Faculty1999
ITP Scholar AwardInstitute for Theoretical Physics, Santa Barbara1999
Associate MemberCenter for Advanced Mathematical Sciences (AUB)1999
AppointeeCUNY Graduate Faculty1999
Advanced FellowshipPPARC1997
John Stewart Bell Scholarship in Quantum Physics (1993-1996)1993
World Laboratory Fellowship (1991-1993)1991
Beckwith Prize with Proficency in Mathematics1986
DeForest mathematics Senior Prize for Proficiency in Pure and Applied Mathematics1986
Pierson College Polunin Cup for Scholastic AchievementYale University1986
Stanley Prize for Excellence in Pure and Applied MathematicsYale University1985
Member of Phi Beta Kappa Honor Society1984


Committee NamePosition RoleStart DateEnd Date
- Proposed PHY 3500 – Biological Applications of Physics (accepted Fall 2011)Present
- Created Assessment Rubrics for PHY 2001 and PHY 2002L Present
Deputy Chair for PhysicsPresent
Curriculum CommitteeCommittee MemberPresent
Faculty Interviewer for Honors College AdmissionsPresent
Committee on Presidential Excellence Award for Distinguished Teaching:Committee MemberPresent
proposed new course Biophysics (accepted 2011)Present
- Proposed PHY 2002L – Fundamentals of Physics, Theory and Practice (Pathways – Scientific World) (accepted Fall 2012)Present
- Proposed PHY 2001 – Fundamentals of Experimental Physics (Pathways - Life and Physical Sciences) (accepted Fall 2012) Present
proposed new course Methods of Theoretical Physics (accepted 2013)Present
- Applied Rubric for PHY 2001 and PHY 2002L for Fall 2013 Present
- Proposed PHY 4140 – Nuclear and Particle Physics (accepted Fall 2013)Present
proposed new course Nuclear and Particle Physics (accepted 2013)Present
proposed new course Topics in Theoretical Physics (accepted 2018)Present
Completed TIPPS evaluation forms for 13 CUNY Colleges (Physics)Present
Executive CommitteePresent
- Proposed PHY 3200 – Methods of Theoretical Physics (accepted Fall 2013)Present
Faculty AdvisorPresent
Independent Study CommitteeCommittee MemberPresent
Biomedical Recommendations CommitteeCommittee MemberPresent
Proposed new course PHY 3500, “Biological Applications of Physics” (accepted 2011)5/31/2011
Search Committee for Physics Hire12/31/2009
Joint Committee for Research12/31/2008
Deputy Chair for Physics12/31/2008
Chair of Search Committee for Physics Hire12/31/2008
Executive Committee12/31/2008
Search Committee for Physics Hire12/31/2007
Search Committee for Environmental Science Hires (3)12/31/2007
SPAR Faculty Liaison Search Committee12/31/2007
Executive Committee12/31/2004
Executive Committee12/31/2004
Deputy Chair for Physics12/31/2004
Deputy Chair for Physics12/31/2004
Search Committee for Biology Hire12/31/2003
College Honors Committee12/31/2002
Recording Secretary12/31/2002
AMP Mentor (1999-2002)Faculty Mentor12/31/2002
WSAS Committee for Research and Travel12/31/2002
SPAR Director Search Committee12/31/2002
Alliance for Minority Participation in Science, Engineering and Mathematic (AMP)Mentor12/31/2002
Search Committee for Chemistry Hire12/31/2002
Committee on Prizes, Scholarships and Awards12/31/2001
Globus Committee12/31/2000


Committee NamePosition RoleStart DateEnd Date
Co-authored proposal for creation of CUNY-wide Graduate Center for Theoretical PhysicsPresent
PSC-CUNY Grant CommitteeGrant Proposal Reviewer, Internal9/1/2014Present
University Faculty Senate1/1/2002Present
Faculty AdvisorPresent
Second Exam CommitteePresent
PhD (Third Exam) CommitteePresent
Committee for Computational Physics at CUNYPresent
Physics PhD Qualifying Exams (First Exam)1/1/200012/31/2009
Physics PhD ProgramDeputy Executive Officer1/1/200112/31/2009
First Exam CommitteeCommittee Chair1/1/20028/31/2009
PSC-CUNY Faculty Research Award Panel1/1/200212/31/2004
Doctoral Faculty Policy Committee1/1/200212/31/2004