Raquel Fich

Raquel Fich


Zicklin School of Business

Department: Paul Chook Dept InfoSys & Stat

Areas of expertise: User behavior, Multitasking, Virtual Teams, Social Computing

Email Address: raquel.fich@baruch.cuny.edu

> View CV

Raquel Benbunan-Fich received her Ph.D. in Management Information Systems from Rutgers University, Graduate School of Management. Her research areas include User Behavior and Human-Computer Interaction, Virtual Teams and Virtual Collaboration, Usability and Faculty Productivity. Her papers are published in highly recognized peer-reviewed journals such as Academy of Management Learning and Education, ACM Transactions on Human Computer-Interaction, CACM, Decision Support Systems, European Journal of Information Systems, Information & Management, International Journal of Electronic Commerce, Journal of Strategic Information Systems and other journals. Two prestigious awards have distinguished her academic trajectory at Baruch College: In 2011, she received the Sidney Lirtzman award for outstanding research, teaching and service at the Zicklin School of Business. In 2013, she received Baruch College’s Presidential Excellence Award for Faculty Service. From Jan 2021 until Jan 2024, she was appointed Senior Editor of the European Journal of Information Systems. In 2022, she was named Distinguished Member of the Association of Information Systems for her contributions to the discipline. Recently, she was included among the top 2% researchers in her discipline in the world, according to an Elsevier/Standford study.

Since January 2023, she has been serving as Associate Provost for Faculty Affairs, Research, and Innovation at Baruch College.

Google Scholar Link


Ph.D., Management Information Systems, Rutgers University, Graduate School of Management, Newark Campus

M.B.A., Marketing, IESA (Institute of Graduate Studies in Business Administration), Caracas, Venezuela

B.S., Computer Engineering, Universidad Simon Bolivar, Edo. Miranda, Venezuela

SemesterCourse PrefixCourse NumberCourse Name
Fall 2024DCT90101Rsrch Design & Methodology
Fall 2022BUS88500Research Methods I
Fall 2022CIS9650Programming for Analytics
Fall 2022BUS90000Dissertation Supervision
Fall 2022DCT90101Rsrch Design & Methodology
Fall 2022CSC90000Dissertation Supervision
Spring 2022CIS3120Programming for Analytics
Spring 2022BUS90000Dissertation Supervision
Fall 2021CIS3120Programming for Analytics
Fall 2021BUS89500Independent Study
Fall 2021DCT90101Rsrch Design & Methodology
Spring 2021BUS90000Dissertation Supervision
Spring 2021CIS9797Spec Top in Info Syst Strategy
Spring 2021CIS9000Info Technology Strategy
Spring 2021CIS3120Programming for Analytics
Spring 2021CSC90000Dissertation Supervision
Fall 2020BUS90000Dissertation Supervision
Fall 2020BUS88500Research Methods I
Fall 2020CIS9000Info Technology Strategy
Fall 2020CIS3770Usability, Privacy & Security
Fall 2020CSC90000Dissertation Supervision
Spring 2020BUS90000Dissertation Supervision
Spring 2020CSC90000Dissertation Supervision
Spring 2020DCT90311Dissertation Research - Final
Spring 2020CIS3770Usability, Privacy & Security
Spring 2020CIS84000Selected Topics: Info Systems
Fall 2019CIS9000Info Technology Strategy
Fall 2019CSC90000Dissertation Supervision
Fall 2019BUS90000Dissertation Supervision
Fall 2019BUS88500Research Methods I
Fall 2019DCT90301Dissertation Research - Propos
Summer 2019DCT90220Position Paper Defense
Spring 2019CIS9000Info Technology Strategy
Spring 2019CIS3770Usability, Privacy & Security
Spring 2019CSC90000Dissertation Supervision
Fall 2018CIS3770Usability, Privacy & Security
Fall 2018DBA90101Research Design and Methodology
Fall 2018CSC90000Dissertation Supervision
Summer 2018DBA90120Position Paper Research
Spring 2018CIS9000Info Technology Strategy
Spring 2018CIS3770Usability, Privacy & Security
Spring 2018CIS9777Ind Study In CIS I
Spring 2018CIS84000Virtual Teams
Fall 2017CIS9000Info Technology Strategy
Fall 2017BUS89500Independent Study
Fall 2017CIS84000Research Methods
Fall 2017DBA90101Research Design and Methodology
Spring 2017CSC80010Research Methods&Exper Design
Spring 2017CIS84000Virtual Teams & Virual Communi
Spring 2017CIS9000Info Technology Strategy
Spring 2017CIS9000Info Technology Strategy
Fall 2016CIS9001Info Sys For Man I
Fall 2016CIS9001Info Sys For Man I
Fall 2016CIS9002Info Sys For Man II
Fall 2016CIS9002Info Sys For Man II
Fall 2016CIS84000Research Methods
Fall 2015CIS2200Intro Info Systems
Fall 2015CIS9001Info Sys For Man I
Fall 2015CIS84000Research Methods
Spring 2015CIS9002Info Sys For Man II
Spring 2015CIS2200Intro Info Systems
Spring 2015CIS9001Info Sys For Man I
Spring 2015CIS2200Intro Info Systems
Fall 2014CIS9001Info Sys For Man I
Fall 2014CIS84000Research Methods
Spring 2014CIS9002Info Sys For Man II
Spring 2014CIS2200Intro Info Systems
Spring 2014CIS9001Info Sys For Man I
Fall 2013MGT88000Research Methods & Design
Fall 2013CIS9001Info Sys For Man I
Spring 2013CIS9000Info Technology Strategy
Spring 2013CIS9001Info Sys For Man I
Spring 2013CIS84000Selected Topics: Info Systems
Fall 2012CIS9001Info Sys For Man I
Fall 2012CIS9001Info Sys For Man I
Fall 2012CIS9002Info Sys For Man II
Spring 2012CIS2200Intro Info Systems
Spring 2012CIS9002Info Sys For Man II
Fall 2011CIS9001Info Sys For Man I
Fall 2010CIS9000Info Technology Strategy
Spring 2010CIS9000Info Technology Strategy
Spring 2010CIS3367Spreadsht App In Bus
Fall 2009CIS3367Spreadsht App In Bus
Fall 2009CIS2200Intro Info Systems
Spring 2009CIS3367Spreadsht App In Bus
Fall 2008CIS3367Spreadsht App In Bus
Fall 2008CIS2200Intro Info Systems
Spring 2008CIS2200Intro Info Systems
Spring 2008CIS2200Intro Info Systems
Fall 2007CIS2200Intro Info Systems
Spring 2007CIS2200Intro Info Systems
Fall 2006CIS2200Intro Info Systems
Spring 2006CIS2200Intro Info Systems
Fall 2005CIS2200Intro Info Systems
Fall 2004CIS2200Intro Info Systems
Spring 2004CIS2200Intro Info Systems
Spring 2004CIS2200HHon Info Systems
Fall 2003CIS2200HHon Info Systems
Fall 2003CIS2200Intro Info Systems
Spring 2003CIS5000Independent Study CIS I
Spring 2003CIS2200Intro Info Systems
Spring 2003CIS5001Independent Study CIS II
Fall 2002CIS2200LCis 2200 Lecture
Fall 2002CIS2200Intro Info Systems
Fall 2002CIS2200Intro Info Systems
Fall 2002CIS2200Intro Info Systems
Fall 2002CIS2200Intro Info Systems
Fall 2002CIS2200Intro Info Systems
Fall 2002CIS2200Intro Info Systems
Spring 2002CIS4800Systems Analysis and Design
Spring 2002CIS2200Intro Info Systems
Fall 2001CIS9000Info Technology Strategy
Fall 2001CIS9000Info Technology Strategy

Journal Articles

Yazdanmehr, A., Jawad, M., Benbunan-fich, R., & Wang, J. (2024). The role of ethical climate in employee information security policy violations. Decision Support Systems, 177(114086). In Progress.

Moussawi, S., Koufaris, M., & Benbunan-fich, R. (2023). The role of user perceptions of intelligence, anthropomorphism, and self-extension on continuance of use of personal intelligent agents¿. European Journal of Information Systems, 32(3). 601-622.

Benbunan-Fich, R. (2023). To pay or not to pay? Handling crowdsourced participants who drop out from a research study. Ethics and Information Technology, 25.

Moussawi, S., & Benbunan-fich, R. (2021). The Effect of Voice and Humor on Personal Intelligent Agent Users’ Trust. Behavior and Information Technology, 40(15). 1603-1626.

Mamonov, S., & Benbunan-fich, R. (2021). Unlocking the Smart Home: Exploring Gender Differences in Factors Affecting the Smart Lock Adoption Intention. Information Technology and People, 34(2). 835-861.

Benbunan-fich, R., Desouza, K., & Andersen, K. N. (2020). IT-enabled innovation in the public sector: introduction to the special issue. European Journal of Information Systems, 29(4). 323-328.

Raghupathi, V., & Benbunan-fich, R. (2020). A social capital perspective on computer-mediated group communication and performance: An empirical study. Group Decision and Negotiation, 29. 747–801.

Triantoro, T., Gopal, R., Benbunan-fich, R., & Lang, G. (2020). Personality and Games: Enhancing Online Surveys through Gamification. Information Technology and Management, 21. 169–178.

Benbunan-fich, R. (2020). User Satisfaction with Wearables. AIS Transactions on Human Computer Interaction, 12(1). 1-27.

Moussawi, S., Koufaris, M., & Benbunan-fich, R. (2020). How Perceptions of Intelligence and Anthropomorphism Affect Adoption of Personal Intelligent Agents. Electronic Markets,

Benbunan-fich, R. (2019). An Affordance Lens for Wearable Information Systems. European Journal of Information Systems, 28(3). 256-271.

Triantoro, T., Gopal, R., Benbunan-fich, R., & Lang, G. (2019). Would You Like to Play? A Comparison of a Gamified Survey with a Traditional Online Survey Method. International Journal of Information Management, 49. 242-252.

Mamonov, S., & Benbunan-fich, R. (2018). The impact of information security threat awareness on privacy-protective behaviors. Computers in Human Behavior, 83. 32-44.

Mamonov, S., & Benbunan-fich, R. (2017). Exploring factors affecting social e-commerce service adoption: The case of Facebook Gifts. International Journal of Information Management, 37(6). 590-600.

Benbunan-fich, R. (2017). The Ethics on Online Experimentation with Unsuspecting Users: From A/B Testing to C/D Experimentation. Research Ethics, 13(3-4).

Mamonov, S., Koufaris, M., & Benbunan-fich, R. (2017). The role of user psychological contracts in the sustainability of social networking sites. Communications of the Association for Information Systems, 40(Article 10). 32 pgs.

Mamonov, S., & Benbunan-fich, R. (2017). What can we learn from past mistakes? Lessons from Data Mining. Journal of Real Estate Research, 39(2). 235-262.

Altschuller, S., & Benbunan-fich, R. (2017). An Integrated perspective of Multi-tasking and Multiple Team Membership. Communications of the IIMA, 15(1). Article #1.

Mavlanova, T., Benbunan-fich, R., & Lang, G. (2016). The role of external and internal signals in E-commerce. Decision Support Systems, 87. 59-68.

Mamonov, S., Koufaris, M., & Benbunan-fich, R. (2016). The role of sense of community in the sustainability of social network sites. International Journal of Electronic Commerce, 20(4). 470-498.

Mavlanova, T., Koufaris, M., Benbunan-fich, R., & Lang, G. (2015). The Effect of Positive and Negative Signals on Perceived Deceptiveness of Websites in Online Markets. Journal of Theoretical and Applied Electronic Commerce Research, 10(1).

Mamonov, S., & Benbunan-fich, R. (2015). An empirical investigation of privacy breach perceptions among smartphone users. Computers in Human Behavior, 49(August). 427-436.

Adler, R. F., & Benbunan-fich, R. (2015). The Effects of Task Difficulty and Multitasking on Performance. Interacting with Computers, 27(4). 430-439.

Adler, R. F., & Benbunan-fich, R. (2013). Self-Interruptions in Discretionary Multitasking. Computers in Human Behavior, 29(4). 1441-1449.

Benbunan-fich, R., & Koufaris, M. (2013). Public Contributions to Private Collective Systems: The case of Social Bookmarking. Internet Research, 23(2). 183-203.

Altschuller, S., & Benbunan-fich, R. (2013). The Pursuit of Trust in Ad-hoc Virtual Teams: How much Electronic Portrayal is Too Much?. European Journal of Information Systems, 22(6). 619–636.

Benbunan-fich, R. (2012). The Ethics and Etiquette of Multitasking in the workplace. IEEE Technology and Society, 31(3). 15-19.

Mavlanova, T., Benbunan-fich, R., & Koufaris, M. (2012). Signaling Theory and Information Asymmetry in Online Commerce. Information & Management, 49(5). 240-247.

Adler, R. F., & Benbunan-fich, R. (2012). Juggling on a high wire: Multitasking effects on performance. International Journal of Human-Computer Studies, 70(2). 156-168.

Jain, R., Benbunan-fich, R., & Kannan, M. (2011). Assessing Green IT Initiatives Using the Balanced Scorecard. IT Professional, 13(1). 26-32.

Ocker, R. J., Huang, H., Benbunan-fich, R., & Hiltz, S. R. (2011). Leadership Dynamics in Partially Distributed Teams: An Exploratory Study of the Effects if Configuration and Distance. Group Decision and Negotiation/Springer Netherlandds, 20(3). 273-292.

Benbunan-fich, R., Adler, R., & Mavlanova, T. (2011). Measuring Multitasking Behavior with Activity-Based Metrics. ACM Transactions on Computer-Human Interaction, 18(2).

Richardson, K., & Benbunan-fich, R. (2011). Examining the Antecedents of Work Connectivity Behavior during Non-Work Time. Information and Organization, 21(3). 142-160.

Mavlanova, T., & Benbunan-fich, R. (2011). Counterfeit Products on the Internet: The Role of Product and Seller Information. International Journal of Electronic Commerce, 15(2). 79-104.

Lang, G., & Benbunan-fich, R. (2010). The Use of Social Media in Disaster Situations: Framework and Cases. International Journal of Information Systems for Crisis Response Management , 2(1). 11-23.

Altschuller, S., & Benbunan-fich, R. (2010). Trust, Performance and the Communication Process in Ad-hoc Decision Making Virtual Teams. Journal of Computer-Mediated Communication, 16(1). 17-47.

Benbunan-fich, R. (2010). Is Self-Reported Learning a Proxy Metric for Learning? Perspectives from the Information Systems Literature. Academy of Management Learning and Education, 9(2). 321-328.

Benbunan-fich, R., & Koufaris, M. (2010). An Empirical Examination of the Sustainability of Social Bookmarking Websites. Journal of IS and e-Business Management, 8(2). 131-148.

Mohan, K., Kumar, N., & Benbunan-fich, R. (2009). Examining Communication and Information Processing in Software Development Traceability: An Empirical Investigation. IEEE Transactions on Professional Communication, 52(1). 17-39.

Arakji, R., Benbunan-fich, R., & Koufaris, M. (2009). Exploring Contributions of Public Resources in Social Bookmarking Systems. Decision Support Systems, 47(3). 245-253.

Benbunan-fich, R., & Truman, G. E. (2009). Multitasking with Laptops during Meetings. Communications of the ACM, 52(2). 139-141.

Altschuller, S., & Benbunan-fich, R. (2009). Is Music Downloading the New Prohibition?: What students reveal through an ethical dilemma. Ethics and Information Technology, 11(1). 49-56.

Gallivan, M., & Benbunan-fich, R. (2008). Exploring the Relationship Between Gender and Career Outcomes for Social Scientists: Implications for Research on IS Scholarship. Information Technology & People, 21(2).

Benbunan-fich, R., & Koufaris, M. (2008). Motivations and Contribution Behavior in Social Bookmarking Systems: An Empirical Investigation. Electronic Markets, 18(2).

Benbunan-fich, R., & Altschuller, S. (2008). "In search of trust for newly formed disaster recovery virtual teams". International Journal of Technology, Policy and Management, 8(4). 383-400.

Arbaugh, J. B., & Benbunan-fich, R. (2007). "The importance of participant interaction in online environments". Decision Support Systems, 43(3). 853-865.

Benbunan-fich, R., & Benbunan, A. (2007). "Understanding User Behavior with New Mobile Applications". Journal of Strategic Information Systems,

Gallivan, M. J., & Benbunan-fich, R. (2007). "Analysing IS Research Productivity: An inclusive approach to global IS scholarship". European Journal of Information Systems, 16. 36-53.

Arbaugh, J. B., & Benbunan-fich, R. (2006). "An investigation of epistemological and social dimensions of teaching in online learning environments". Academy of Management Learning and Education, 5(4). 435-447.

Benbunan-fich, R., & Mohan, K. (2006). Information Technology and Systems III: Research Publications in Systems Development during 2000-2004. Communications of the Association for Information Systems, 17(18). 373-390.

Benbunan-fich, R., & Arbaugh, J. B. (2006). "Separating the effects of knowledge construction and group collaboration in outcomes of web-based courses". Information & Management, 43(6). 778-793.

Benbunan-fich, R. (2006). "From the Blackberry to the Blogosphere: The influence of Information Technology in the recent US presidential elections". IEEE Technology & Society, 25(1). 6-9.

Benbunan-fich, R., & Mohan,, K. (2006). "Research publications in Systems Development during 2000-2004". Communications of the AIS, 14(18). 373-390.

Benbunan-fich, R., & Fich, E. (2005). "Measuring the value of redesigning a web presence". Journal of Electronic Commerce in Organizations, 3(1). 35-52.

Benbunan-fich, R., & Gallivan, M. (2005). "A Framework for Analyzing Levels of Analysis Issues in Studies of E-collaboration". IEEE Transactions on Professional Communication, 48(1). 87-104.

Benbunan-fich, R., & Altschuller, S. (2005). "Web presence transformations in the 1990s: An analysis of press releases". IEEE Transactions on Professional Communication, 48(2). 131-146.

Benbunan-fich, R., & Fich, E. (2004). "Effects of web site traffic announcements on firm value". International Journal of E-commerce, 8(4). 161-181.

Arbaugh, J. B., & Benbunan-fich, R. (2004). "In defense of using quantitative approaches to research networked management learning". Management Learning, 35(2). 117-124.

Benbunan-fich, R., & Hiltz, S. R. (2003). "Mediators of effectiveness of online courses". IEEE Transactions on Professional Communication, 46(4). 298-312.

Benbunan-fich, R., & Springstead, C. (2003). "From levers to clicks: A voting technology decision". Case Research Journal, 23(1). 87-108.

Benbunan-fich, R., & Stoever, W. (2003). "Using Information Technology to promote Multi-Cultural Case Teaching: A Pedagogical Framework". Journal of Teacjing in International Business, 14(2/3). 13-27.

Benbunan-fich, R., Hiltz, S. R., & Turoff, M. (2003). "A comparative content analysis of face-to-face vs. asynchronous group decision making". Decision Support Systems, 34(4). 457-469.

Benbunan-fich, R., & Gallivan, M. (2002). "AmericanGreetings.com". Case Research Journal, 22(2). 85-100.

Benbunan-fich, R. (2002). "Improving Education and Training with Information Technology". Communications of the ACM, 45(6). 94-99.

Benbunan-fich, R. (2001). "Using Protocol Analysis to evaluate the usability of a commercial web site". Information & Management, 39(2). 151-163.

Benbunan-fich, R., Lozada,, H., Priluck, R., Pirog, S., & Wisenblit, J. (2001). "Integrating Information Technology into the Marketing Curriculum: A Pragmatic Paradigm". Journal of Marketing Education, 23(1). 5-15.

Benbunan-fich, R., Hiltz, S., Coppola, N., Rotter, N., & Turoff, M. (2000). "Measuring the Importance of Collaborative Learning for the Effectiveness of ALN: A Multi-Measure, Multi-Method Approach". Journal of Asynchronous Learning Networks, 4(2). 20 pgs.

Benbunan-fich, R. (1999). "Electronic Greetings vs. Paper Cards: Managerial Challenges and Entrepreneurial Opportunities". Journal of Applied Management and Entrepreneurship, 5(1). 119-134.

Benbunan-fich, R., & Hiltz, S. R. (1999). "Impacts of Asynchronous Learning Networks on Individual and Group Problem Solving: A Field Experiment". Group Decision and Negotiation, 409-426.

Benbunan-fich, R. (1999). "Assessing Learning Effectiveness of Computer-Mediated Communications in the Classroom". Journal of Computer Information Systems, XXXIX(4). 82-97.

Benbunan-fich, R., & Hiltz, R. S. (1999). "Educational Applications of Computer-Mediated Communications: Solving Case Studies through Asynchronous Learning Networks". Journal of Computer-mediated Communication, 4(3). 19 pgs.

Benbunan-fich, R. (1998). "Guidelines for Using Case Scenarios to Teach Computer Ethics". ACM SIGCAS, 28(3). 20-24.

Book Chapters

Benbunan-fich, R., & Koufaris, M. (2011). Contributions to Social Bookmarking Systems: Integration of Three Empirical Studies. In White, B., King, I., & Tsang, P. (Eds.), Social Media Tools and Platforms in Learning Environments: Present and Future (p. 12 pages).

Benbunan-fich, R. (2007). Firm value effects of web site redesign. In Khosrow-Pour, M. (Ed.), Utilizing and Managing Commerce and Services Online (pp. 20-41). Idea Group Publishers.

Benbunan-fich, R., & Arbaugh, J. B. (2005). Contextual factors that influence ALN effectiveness. In Hiltz, S. R., & Goodman, R. (Eds.), Learning Together Online: Research on Asynchronous Learning Networks (pp. 123-144). Mahwah, NJ. Lawrence Erlbaum Publishers.

Benbunan-fich, R., Hiltz, R., & Harasim, L. (2005). The online interaction learning model: An integrated theoretical framework for learning networks. In Hiltz, S. R., & Goodman, R. (Eds.), Learning Together Online: Research on Asynchronous Learning Networks (pp. 19-37). Mahwah, NJ. Lawrence Erlbaum Publishers.

Benbunan-fich, R., & Arbaugh, J. B. (2005). Gender differences in online courses. In Trauth, E. M. (Ed.), Encyclopedia of Gender and Information Technology Idea Group Publishers.

Hiltz, S. R., Arbaugh, J. B., Shea, O., & Benbunan-fich, R. (2004). ALN Research: What we know and what we need to know about contextual influences. In Bourne, J., & Moore, J. C. (Eds.), (pp. 109-124). Elements of Quality of Online Education.

Benbunan-fich, R., & Stelzer, L. (2002). Computer-assisted learning of Information Systems: Matching pedagogy with technology. In Cohen, E. (Ed.), Challenges of Information Technology Education in the 21st Century (pp. 85-99). Idea Group Publishers.

Media Contributions

Benbunan-Fich, R. (2021). Interviewed by Aditi Shrikant and Quoted in "How taking more breaks at work can make you more productive".

Benbunan-Fich, R. (2021). Interviewed by Aditi Shrikant and Quoted in "Why setting deadlines at work can backfire".

Benbunan-Fich, R. (2020). Interviewed by Aditi Shrikant and Quoted in "How to multitask so you can actually be more productive".


Jawad, M., & Benbunan-fich, R. (2020, August 31). Impact of Information Presentation Format on User Decision-making: A Format-stage Fit Perspective. AMCIS (Americas Conference on Information Systems).

Alawajy, A., & Benbunan-fich, R. (2020, June 22). Would You Care to Share? The Effect of App Transparency and User Control on Privacy Concerns of Mobile Apps Users. PACIS (Pacific Asia Conference on Information Systems). Virtual: AIS.

Benbunan-fich, R., & Lund, A. C. (2019, October 14). United We Stand: Recruiting Veteran Students to EMBA. EMBAC Annual Meeting. Orlando, FL: Executive MBA Council (EMBAC).

Triantoro, T., Gopal, R., Benbunan-fich, R., & Lang, G. (2019, June 11). Does Gamification Enhance Survey Outcomes?. 15th Symposium on Statistical Challenges in eCommerce Research (SCECR). Hong Kong

Benbunan-fich, R., & Castellanos, A. (2018, December 13). Digitization of Land Records: From Paper to Blockchain. ICIS - International Conference on Information Systems. San Francisco, CA

Benbunan-fich, R. (2018, June 25). Is the first generation of Activity Theory still valuable in IS research?. Pre-ECIS Workshop: Developing Activity Theory in IS (DATIS). Portsmouth, UK

Benbunan-fich, R. (2018, April 23). Affordances in Wearable Information Systems. John Jay WiTNY (Women in Technology New York Chapter) Series. John Jay College: John Jay College of Criminal Justice.

Benbunan-fich, R. (2017, September 28). Usability of Wearables without Affordances. IS-STA Research Seminar. Baruch College: Paul H. Chook Department of Information Systems and Statistics.

Benbunan-fich, R. (2017, June 6). Activity Theory for Usability Research. Pre-ECIS Workshop: Developing Activity Theory in IS (DATIS). Guimaraes, Portugal

Benbunan-fich, R. (2017, August 10). Usability of Wearables without Affordances. AMCIS - Americas Conference on Information Systems. Boston, MA

Benbunan-fich, R., & Altschuller, S. (2015, October 31). Multitasking and Multiple Team Membership: An Integrated Perspective. IIMA- International Information Management Association. Chattanooga, TN: IIMA.

Mamonov, S., & Benbunan-fich, R. (2015, January 31). To give or not to give? An exploratory study of user beliefs influencing adoption of Facebook gifts. HICSS- Hawaii Conference on Systems Sciences. Hawaii: HICSS.

Samuel, J., Holowczak, R., Benbunan-fich, R., & Levine, I. (2014, January 31). Automating Discovery of Dominance in Synchronous Computer-Mediated Communication. HICSS- Hawaii International Conference on Systems Sciences. Hawaii: HICSS.

Mamonov, S., & Benbunan-fich, R. (2014, January 31). Factors Affecting Perceptions of Privacy Breach among Smartphone Application Users. HICSS- Hawaii Conference on Systems Sciences. Hawaii: HICSS.

Benbunan-fich, R., Chi-Wen, C., Jain, R., & Mohan, K. (2013, December 31). Evaluating consumer’s willingness to pay for green IT products (Equal contribution, Authors appear in alphabetical order). Pre-ICIS workshop on SIG-Green. Milan, Italy

Benbunan-fich, R. (2012, December 31). Measurement of Multitasking with Focus Shift Analysis. ICIS- International Conference on Information Systems. Orlando, Fl, USA: AIS.

Benbunan-fich, R. (2012, December 31). Developing a Theory of Multitasking Behavior. ICIS- International Conference on Information Systems. Orlando, Fl, USA: AIS.

Mavlanova, T., Koufaris, M., & Benbunan-fich, R. (2011, August 31). Website Signal Perceptions and Seller Quality Identification. AMCIS- Americas Conference on Information Systems. Detroit, MI, USA: AIS.

Benbunan-fich, R. (2011, December 31). An Entropy Index for Multitasking Behavior. ICIS- International Conference on Information Systems. Shanghai, China: AIS.

Adler, R. F., & Benbunan-fich, R. (2011, August 31). A Typology of Positive and Negative Self-Interruptions in Voluntary Multitasking. AMCIS- Americas Conference on Information Systems. Detroit, MI, USA: AIS.

Mavlanova, T., & Benbunan-fich, R. (2010, January 31). What Does Your Online Pharmacy Signal? A Comparative Analysis of Website Trust Features. HICSS- Hawaii Conference on Systems Sciences. Hawaii: HICSS.

Benbunan-fich, R., & Altschuller, S. (2010, October 31). Revelations in Decision Making: A Content Analysis of Ad hoc Virtual Team Communication. IIMA- International Information Management Association. Utretch, The Netherlands: IIMA.

Benbunan-fich, R., Adler, R. F., & Mavlanova, T. (2009, April 30). Towards New Metrics for Multitasking Behavior. CHI- Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems. Boston, MA, USA: ACM SIGCHI.

Mavlanova, T., & Benbunan-fich, R. (2009, August 31). The Effect of Product Presentation and Website Trust Features on the Perception of Counterfeit Deception. AMCIS- Americas Conference on Information Systems. San Francisco, CA, USA: AIS.

Benbunan-fich, R., Adler, R. F., & Mavlanova, T. (2009, August 31). Patterns of Home Computer Usage among College Students: An exploratory study. AMCIS- Americas Conference on Information Systems. San Francisco, CA, USA: AIS.

Benbunan-fich, R., Adler, R. F., & Mavlanova, T. (2009, December 31). Developing New Metrics for Computer-Based Multitasking Behavior. ICIS- International Conference on Information Systems. Phoenix, AZ, USA: AIS.

Benbunan-fich, R. (2009, August 31). 11870.com: Tagging Site or Social Recommendation System?. AMCIS- Americas Conference on Information Systems. San Francisco, CA, USA: AIS.

Benbunan-fich, R., & Altschuller, S. (2008, May 31). Antecedents to Trust in Ad-Hoc Emergency Response Virtual Teams. ISCRAM Annual Meeting. Washington, DC, USA: Information Systems for Crisis Response and Management.

Benbunan-fich, R., Mavlanova, T., & Kumar, N. (2008, December 31). Deception Tactics and Counterfeit Deception in Online Environments. ICIS- International Conference on Information Systems. Paris, France: AIS.

Benbunan-fich, R., & Koufaris, M. (2007, December 31). Understanding the sustainability of social bookmarking systems. pre-ICIS Workshop on eBusiness. Montreal, Canada: SIGeBiz (WeB).

Benbunan-fich, R., & Altschuller, G. S. (2007, October 12). "Impacts of Electronic Self-Portrayal on Newly Formed Virtual Teams". "The Network Nation and Beyond: A Festchuller in honor of Roxanne Hiltz and Murray Turoff". : NJIT.

Altschuller, S., & Benbunan-fich, R. (2007, December 31). Investigating the Effects of Electronic Self-Portrayal on Trust in Virtual Teams. ICIS- International Conference on Information Systems. Montreal, Canada: ICIS/AIS.

Benbunan-fich, R., Hiltz, S. R., & Ocker, R. (2006, June 25). Leadership and Virtual Distance in Virtual Teams: A Review and Research Agenda. presented. Germany: 2006 Group Decision and Negotiation Conference.

Gallivan, , & Benbunan-fich, R. (2006, April 30). Examining the relationship between gender and research productivity of IS faculty. Conference. Claremont, CA: SIGMIS-CPR.

Arbaugh, J. B., & Benbunan-fich, R. (2006, August 11). Examining the influence of participant interaction modes in web-based learning environments. Academy of Management. Atlanta, GA: Academy of Management.

Benbunan-fich, R., & Gallivan, M. (2006, March 3). Productivity and Impact of Gerry DeSanctis Scholarship. Conference Celebrating the Life and Scholarship of Gerry DeSanctis. Chapel Hill, NC: Fuqua School of Business at Duke University.

Benbunan-fich, R. (2005, December 11). Being there vs. Being wired: The effect of collocation on social capital in distributed teams by Priscilla Arling and Mani Subramani. Discussant. Las Vegas NV: Twenty-Sixth International Conference on Information Systems (ICIS).

Benbunan-fich, R. (2004, November 8). Payoffs of Initial Investments in Web Technologies. Information Systems seminar for faculty and Ph.D. students. Newark, NJ: New Jersey Institute of Technology (NJIT).

Benbunan-fich, R. (2004, October 21). Payoffs of Initial Investments in Web Technologies. Information Systems Research Workshop (ISRW). : Zicklin School of Business, Baruch College.

Benbunan-fich, R., & Hampton-Sosa, W. (2004, August 31). Investments in Web technologies and firm value effects. Americas Conference. : Information Systems.

Benbunan-fich, R. (2003, October 9). Transformation of commercial web sites in the late 1990s: A content analysis of press releases. Information Systems Research Workshop (ISRW). : Zicklin School of Business, Baruch College.

Arbaugh, J. B., & Benbunan-fich, R. (2003, August 31). Testing the applicability of learning theories to Web-based MBA courses. Proceedings. Seattle, WA: 2003 Academy of Management Meeting.

Benbunan-fich, R. (2002, April 19). Effects of Web Traffic Announcements on Firm Valuation. Research Seminar. : Presentation at the Georgia State University, Robinson College of Business.

Benbunan-fich, R. (2002, May 31). Creative Destruction: Examining the influence of e-commerce on information products. New York Innovation Research Network (NYIRN) Seminar. Seminar for researchers working in innovation-related topics. : New York University, Stern School of Business.

Benbunan-fich, R., & Hiltz, S. R. (2002, January 31). Correlates of effectiveness of learning networks: The effects of course level, course type and gender on outcomes. Proceedings of the 35th Hawaii International Conference. : System Sciences HICSS-35.

Benbunan-fich, R., & Springstead, C. (2001, October 6). Punch cards, levers or clicks? A voting technology decision. Proceedings. Memphis, TN: North American Case Research Association (NACRA).

Benbunan-fich, R. (2001, August 31). Survey of Computer-Integrated Teaching/Learning in Management Education. Workshop Presentation. Washington, DC.: Academy of Management.

Benbunan-fich, R., Hiltz, S. R., & Turoff, M. (2001, January 31). A Comparative Content Analysis of Face-to-Face vs. ALN-Mediated Teamwork. Proceedings. : 34th Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences HICSS-34.

Benbunan-fich, R. (2000, May 10). Metaphors of Information Technology in Management Education. Proceedings/37th Annual Meeting. Danvers, MA: Eastern Academy of Management,.

Benbunan-fich, R. (2000, August 31). Know time Just-in-Time in Computer-Mediated Learning. Workshop Presentation. Toronto, CA: Academy of Management.

Benbunan-fich, R., & Gallivan, M. (2000, September 12). The Threat of Electronic Products: The case of AmericanGreetings.com. Proceedings. San Antonio, TX: North American Case Research Association (NACRA).

Benbunan-fich, R. (1999, August 31). Methods for Evaluating the Usability of Web-based Systems. Proceedings. : Americas Conference on Information Systems.

Benbunan-fich, R. (1999, May 31). Leveraging Management Education with Information Technology. : Eastern Academy of Management.

Benbunan-fich, R. (1999, June 30). The Role of Information Technology in Higher Education. Summer Seminar. : Center for Catholic Studies.

Benbunan-fich, R. (1999, April 30). Information Technology in the Greeting Card Industry. : Second FDU Regional Business Symposium.

Benbunan-fich, R., & Hiltz, S. R. (1998, January 31). Learning Effects of Asynchronous Learning Networks: A Comparison of Groups and Individuals solving Ethical Case Scenarios. Conference on System Sciences. : Thirty-First Annual Hawaii International HICSS-31.

Benbunan-fich, R., & Hiltz, S. R. (1997, October 31). The Importance of Collaborative Learning in Asynchronous Learning Networks (ALN's). Third International Conference on ALN. New York

Benbunan-fich, R. (1997, November 30). Evaluating the importance of collaborative learning in ALN’s. Presentation/Conference. Pittsburgh, PA.: ASEE/IEEE Frontiers in Education.

Benbunan-fich, R. (1997, April 28). Supporting Collaborative Learning in Asynchronous Learning Networks. Invited Keynote Address. : UNESCO/ Open University Symposium on Virtual Learning Environments and the role of the Teacher.

Benbunan-fich, R. (1997, January 31). An Interaction Meta-Model for Groupware Theory and Research. Thirtieth Annual Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences. : HICSS-30.

Benbunan-fich, R. (1995, December 31). Information Technology in Organizations: Tool, Machine or Weapon?. Conference. : Association of Management.

Other Scholarly Works

Benbunan-fich, R., & Frances, A. (1993). Alo Venezuela!: Apertura y privatizacion de las telecommunicaciones [History of telecommunications in Venezuela (in Spanish)]. 79-100.

Astorga, P., Benbunan-fich, R., & Kelly, J. (1993). Information Systems in Local Governments (in Spanish). La Gerencia Municipal/ Ediciones IESA. 165-181.

Benbunan-fich, R., Betancourt, N., Frances, A., & Davalos, L. (1991). Marketing in an Inflationary Context" (in Spanish). Inflacion: Economia, Empresa y Sociedad. 165-199.

Benbunan-fich, R., & DiTrolio, S. (1989). The Local Gasoline Market (in Spanish).

Betancourt, N., & Benbunan-fich, R. (1989). The Mayonnaise War (in Spanish). Caso de Estudio IESA (IESA's Case Study), N. 89-1.


Benbunan-fich, R. (2008,March 1). Blended Learning in Higher Education. Academy of Management Learning and Education.

Benbunan-fich, R. (2000,December 1). Internet Business Models and Strategies: Text and Cases by Afuah, A. and Tuci, C.. The Mid-Atlantic Journal of Business.

Benbunan-fich, R. (2000,September 1). The Business of e-Commerce: From Corporate Strategy to Technology by May P.. The Mid-Atlantic Journal of Business.

Benbunan-fich, R. (2000,March 1). Huff, S., Wade M., Parent, M., Schneberger S. and Newson, P. Cases in Electronic Commerce. The Mid-Atlantic Journal of Business.

Benbunan-fich, R. (1999,September 1). Glass, R. Computing Calamities: Lessons learned from products, projects and companies that failed. The Mid-Atlantic Journal of Business.

Benbunan-fich, R. (1998,December 1). Davis, S. and Meyer, C. BLUR: The Speed of Change in the Connected Economy. The Mid-Atlantic Journal of Business.

TitleFunding Agency SponsorStart DateEnd DateAwarded DateTotal FundingStatus
Usability, Privacy and Security of Wearable TechnologyPSC-CUNY 4907/01/201806/30/201904/15/20186000Completed
Antecedents and Consequences of Computer-Based Multitasking BehaviorPSC-CUNY 4407/01/201306/30/201404/15/20133443.47Completed
What Does Your Online Pharmacy Signal?PSC-CUNY 4107/01/201006/30/20116000Completed
Understanding Computer-Based Multitasking BehaviorPSC-CUNY 4007/01/200906/30/20103200Completed
Truth and Trust in Commercial WebsitesPSC-CUNY 3907/01/200812/31/20093000Completed
Honor / AwardOrganization SponsorDate ReceivedDescription
Distinguished Member of the AISAssociation for Information Systems2022-06-23https://credential.certifyme.online//verify/b2c680f02167
Top researcher in Information SystemsStandford led study of scholars in various disciplines2020-12-30https://zicklin.baruch.cuny.edu/zicklin_news/zicklin-professors-are-among-top-researchers-in-world-says-stanford-study/
Outstanding Associate Editor in the Global IS Issues Theme TrackInternational Conference on Information Systems (ICIS)2017
Best Associate Editor in the Social Media and Digital Collaboration TrackInternational Conference on Information Systems (ICIS)2016
Abraham J. Briloff Prize in Ethics for the paper “The Ethics of Online Experimentation with Unsuspecting users.”Baruch College2015
Best paper award in the Digital and Social Media track of HICSS-48Hawaii International Conference on Systems Sciences2015
Presidential Excellence Award in Faculty ServiceBaruch College2013
Faculty Scholarship and Creative Achievement AwardBaruch College2011
Sidney Lirtzman AwardZicklin School of Business2011For outstanding Research, Teaching and Service
Faculty Scholarship and Creative Achievement AwardBaruch College2010
Beta Gamma Sigma Teaching Excellence AwardBaruch College2010
Faculty Scholarship and Creative Achievement AwardBaruch College2009
Faculty Scholarship and Creative Achievement AwardBaruch College2008
Faculty Scholarship and Creative Achievement AwardBaruch College2007
Faculty Scholarship and Creative Achievement AwardBaruch College2006
Faculty Scholarship and Creative Achievement AwardBaruch College2005
Faculty Scholarship and Creative Achievement AwardBaruch College2004
Teaching Excellence Recognition at Baruch College for receiving teaching evaluations higher than 4.5 in CIS 2200 – TV24HBaruch College2003
Faculty Scholarship and Creative Achievement Award for outstanding academic contribution to Baruch College during the year 2002Baruch College2003
Best Paper in Management Education: “Testing the applicability of learning theories to Web-based MBA courses” Academy of Management Meeting2003Seattle, WA
Faculty Excellence Award in Research Stillman School of Business, Seton Hall University 2001recognition for outstanding research productivity in the academic year 2000-2001
Outstanding paper of the year 2001 award "Integrating Information Technology into the Marketing Curriculum: A Pragmatic Paradigm" Journal of Marketing Education2001
Beta Gamma Sigma Business Honorary Society2000
Best Paper Award "Information Technology in the Greeting Card Industry"Second Fairleigh Dickinson University Regional Business Symposium1999
Outstanding Graduate Faculty AwardSeton Hall University1999in recognition for superior teaching evaluations (academic year 1998-1999)
Outstanding Management Education and Development paper "Leveraging Management Education with Information Technology"Eastern Academy of Management (EAM) Annual Conference1999
Outstanding Undergraduate Faculty AwardNYU-Stern (Member of Club Six)1998distinction awarded for course teaching evaluations higher than six on a seven-point scale in the academic year 1997-1998
Fulbright Scholar1992
First prize in case study competition for “The Mayonnaise War” (in Spanish)CLADEA (Council of Latin American Schools of Business)1989


Committee NamePosition RoleStart DateEnd Date
HRPP/IRB Faculty Liaison for Zicklin and Marxe SchoolFaculty Liaison5/31/2023
Course Coordinator CIS 9000Course Coordinator12/30/2022
IS Lecturer Search CommitteeCommittee Chair12/30/2022
Executive MBA Admissions CommitteeCommittee Member12/30/2022
New Faculty Orientation Scholarship SessionPanelist8/17/2022
ISS Department Executive Committee Committee Member5/31/2022
Presidential Excellence Awards in Service CommitteeCommittee Member4/28/2022
Panelist at Seek Event: Career Journey and Networking EventFaculty Mentor3/8/2022
New Faculty Orientation Scholarship SessionPanelist8/18/2021
Presidential Excellence Awards in Service CommitteeCommittee Member5/31/2021
Zicklin Undergraduate Curriculum CommitteeCommittee Member5/31/2021
Panelist at Seek Event: Career Journey and Alumni Networking EventFaculty Mentor3/16/2021
Academic Director, Executive MBA ProgramAcademic Director12/31/2020
BBA RedesignCommittee Member5/31/2020
Presidential Excellence Awards in Service CommitteeCommittee Member5/31/2020
Faculty Search CommitteeCommittee Member5/31/2019
Presidential Excellence Awards in Service CommitteeCommittee Member5/31/2019
Ad-Hoc Admissions Committee for Ph.D. (IS concentration) Committee Member4/30/2019
Faculty Advisory Committee for Online MBACommittee Member12/31/2018
ISS Department Alumni RelationsDirector8/15/2018
Ad-Hoc Admissions Committee for Ph.D. (IS concentration) Committee Member4/30/2018
Ad-Hoc Admissions Committee for Ph.D. (IS concentration) Committee Member4/30/2017
SCIS Undergraduate Curriculum CommitteeCommittee Member9/30/2016
SCIS Committee on Research and Professional DevelopmentCommittee Member9/30/2016
SCIS Committee on LibraryCommittee Member9/30/2016
SCIS Executive CommitteeCommittee Member5/31/2016
CIS Faculty Search CommitteeCommittee Member5/31/2016
Faculty Senate - Undergraduate Curriculum Committee5/31/2016
Ad-Hoc Admissions Committee for Ph.D. (IS concentration) Committee Member3/31/2016
Blackboard Resource Site for Instructors of CIS 2200Developed and maintain1/31/2016
Coordinator of CIS 2200– Largest CIS undergraduate courseCourse Coordinator12/31/2015
CIS2200 Hybridization GroupCommittee Member12/31/2015
MBA/MS Graduate Open HouseAttendee, Meeting10/1/2015
Executive Committee Doctoral ProgramCommittee Member6/30/2015
Zicklin School Bylaws Revision CommitteeCommittee Member5/31/2015
Ad-Hoc Admissions Committee for Ph.D. (IS concentration) Committee Member3/31/2015
CIS2200 Participation in Harvard's FICSIT SurveySupervised Survey Administration in Selected Sections 3/31/2015
BBA Learning Assurance CommitteeCommittee Member12/31/2012
Undergraduate Honors Thesis Committee of Y.MendozaCommittee Member12/31/2012
Led Excel Workshops for Student Organizations at BaruchGolden Key Int. Honour Sociatey and African Students Association12/31/2011
Technological Skills Assessment - BBACoordinator3/31/2011
Undergraduate Honors CommitteeCommittee Member6/30/2010
Freshmen Text Selection CommitteeCommittee Member5/31/2009
Ad-hoc Committee charged with reviewing the Undergraduate CIS CurriculumCommittee Member5/31/2009
Led a CIS Learning Community Pilot Section of CIS22005/31/2008
SCIS Committee on Research and Professional DevelopmentCommittee Member5/31/2008
Technological Skills Assessment - BBACoordinator3/31/2008
Zicklin Undergraduate Curriculum Committee - CIS Dept RepresentativeCommittee Member12/31/2007
web page (http://cisnet.baruch.cuny.edu/cisinfo) to post internship opportunities and job announcements for CIS majorsDeveloped and maintain3/31/2007
"Maneuvering through the Journal World" at the "Faculty Development Seminar on Tenure and Promotion for New and Junior Faculty" Sponsored by the Baruch College Affirmative Action CommitteePanel Participant2/23/2007
Designed Excel Proficiency Exams for administration through SIMNET12/31/2006
MIS Major Undergraduate Orientation Session, sponsored by the Dean's OfficeDepartment Representative9/9/2004
IS Doctoral Program Review Committee Evaluation Report submitted to the Ph.D. Program Director (Joseph Weintrop)Member5/31/2004
Information Systems Research Workshop (ISRW)Coordinator9/30/2003
Information Systems Research Workshop (ISRW)Coordinator3/31/2003
Designed a pilot study to evaluate the delivery of CIS 2200 to a section of 240 students following the large lecture/recitation model, used in other undergraduate courses of the Zicklin School of Business12/31/2002
Developed (along with H. Levecq) 2 projects for CIS 2200 using the Reuters system at the Subotnick Financial Services Center. These projects introduce students to the center and allow them to practice their Excel and Access skills.8/31/2002
Graduate Open House Participant to promote the MBA concentration in CIS and MS in IS3/4/2002


Committee NamePosition RoleStart DateEnd Date
Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion - Grad Center Comp Sci ProgramCommittee Member8/29/2022Present
Doctoral Faculty – Ph.D. program in Business / Baruch CollegeMember3/1/2003Present
Doctoral Faculty – Ph.D. program in Computer Science / CUNY Grad CenterMember9/1/2003Present
Dissertation Advisor of Muhammad JawadCommittee Chair9/1/20198/31/2021
Dissertation Advisor of Arwa Alawajy (Grad Center Comp Sci Ph.D.)Committee Chair1/1/20194/30/2021
Dissertation Committee of Katerina GonzalezCommittee Member4/1/20184/30/2019
Dissertation Committee of Sara MoussawiCommittee Member5/1/20158/31/2016
Dissertation Committee of Hernisa KacorriCommittee Member1/1/20152/1/2016
Dissertation Committee of Allen HarperCommittee Member7/1/20146/30/2015
Dissertation Committee of Chi-Wen ChenCommittee Member9/1/20135/31/2014
Dissertation Committee of Stanislav MamonovCommittee Member9/1/20125/31/2013
Dissertation Advisor of Tamilla MavlanovaCommittee Chair1/1/20109/30/2012
Dissertation Committee of Guido LangCommittee Member9/1/20115/31/2012
Dissertation Advisor of Rachel F. AdlerCommittee Chair1/1/20105/31/2012
Dissertation Committee of Katherine McPaddenCommittee Member3/1/200712/31/2008
Dissertation Advisor of Viju RaghupathiCommittee Chair1/1/20085/31/2008
Dissertation Advisor of Shoshana AltschullerCommittee Chair9/1/20057/31/2007
online delivery of one section of CIS101 (Computer Fundamentals and Applications) in the first semester of the CUNY BA Online ProgramMonitored9/30/2006
Dissertation Committee of Ilan LevineCommittee Member3/1/20046/30/2006
Dissertation Committee of Jerald HughesCommittee Member9/1/20056/30/2006
Dissertation Committee of Rhoda JosephCommittee Member9/1/20024/30/2005
discussion meetings for pre-business degree program and articulation agreements with Community CollegesBaruch College representative4/30/2005
CUNY-BA student Ohad FolmanFaculty Mentor9/1/20013/31/2003


OrganizationPosition RoleOrganization StateOrganization CountryStart DateEnd DateAudience
European Journal of Information Systems (EJIS)Editor, Journal Editor1/1/2021Present
Academy of Management Learning and EducationEditorial Review Board Member1/1/2007PresentInternational
Americas Conference on Information Systems (AMCIS)Track Organizer9/15/20228/12/2023International
Americas Conference on Information Systems (AMCIS)Track Organizer10/13/20218/14/2022International
ACM Digital Government: Research and PracticeEditorial Review Board Member5/1/202011/11/2021International
European Journal of Information Systems (EJIS)Editor, Associate Editor1/1/201212/31/2020
Information Systems Journal - Special Issue on PowerEditor, Associate Editor1/1/20193/31/2020
European Conference on Information Systems (ECIS)Editor, Associate Editor12/1/20191/31/2020
European Conference on Information Systems (ECIS)Editor, Associate Editor12/1/20181/31/2019
International Conference on Information Systems (ICIS)Editor, Associate Editor6/1/20189/30/2018
International Conference on Information Systems (ICIS)Editor, Associate Editor6/1/20179/30/2017
Association for Information Systems (AMCIS)Reviewer, Conference Paper1/1/20173/31/2017
International Conference on Information Systems (ICIS)Editor, Associate Editor6/1/20169/30/2016
Board of Editors of the Academy of Management Learning and EducationEditorial Review Board Member9/1/200812/15/2015International
European Journal of Information Systems (EJIS)Editor, Associate Editor1/1/200912/31/2011
Board of Reviewers of IEEE Transactions on Professional CommunicationEditorial Review Board Member9/3/20079/1/2010International
Board of Editors of the International Journal of E-collaborationEditorial Review Board Member9/3/20078/31/2010International
Journal of Management Information SystemsAd-hoc Referee12/31/2007
Academy of Management Learning and EducationAd-hoc Referee12/31/2007
International Journal of Electronic CommerceAd-hoc Referee12/31/2007
International Journal of E-CollaborationAd-hoc Referee12/31/2007
International Journal of Electronic CommerceAd-hoc Referee12/31/2006
Journal of Management Information SystemsAd-hoc Referee12/31/2006
International Journal of Electronic CommerceAd-hoc referee12/31/2006
IEEE Transactions on Professional CommunicationAd-hoc Referee12/31/2006
European Journal of Information SystemsAd-hoc Referee 12/31/2006
Communications of the ACMAd-hoc Referee 12/31/2006
Dissertation Committee of Richard Egan (Ph.D. student at the New Jersey Institute of Technology)Member9/1/200612/31/2006
Academy of Management Learning and EducationAd-hoc Referee12/31/2006
Information Systems ResearchAd-hoc Referee12/31/2005
IEEE Transactions on Professional CommunicationAd-hoc Referee12/31/2005
International Journal of E-CollaborationAd-hoc Referee12/31/2005
International Journal of Electronic CommerceAd-hoc referee12/31/2005
Dissertation Committee of Jeffrey Saltz (Ph.D. student at the New Jersey Institute of Technology)Member9/1/20048/31/2005
IEEE Transactions on Professional CommunicationAd-hoc Referee 12/31/2004
MIS QuarterlyAd-hoc Referee12/31/2002
MIS QuarterlyAd-hoc Referee12/31/2001
Journal of Computer-Mediated CommunicationAd-hoc Referee12/31/2000
MIS QuarterlyAd-hoc referee12/31/2000