Richard J Wilkins

Assc Professor

Weissman School of Arts and Sciences

Department: Communication Studies

Areas of expertise:

Email Address:

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Ph.D., Communication, Univ. of Massachusetts

Adult Education, Tampere Univ., Finland

B.A., Education, Tampere Univ., Finland

SemesterCourse PrefixCourse NumberCourse Name
Fall 2024COM4906Comm Research Strategies
Fall 2024COM4905Language & Social Interaction
Summer 2024COM4905Language & Social Interaction
Spring 2024COM4906Comm Research Strategies
Spring 2024COM4905Language & Social Interaction
Fall 2023COM4906Comm Research Strategies
Fall 2023COM4905Language & Social Interaction
Summer 2023COM4905Language & Social Interaction
Spring 2023COM9991Masters Thesis In Cc
Spring 2023COM4906Comm Research Strategies
Spring 2023COM4905Lang and Soc Interaction
Fall 2022COM4906Comm Research Strategies
Fall 2022COM4905Lang and Soc Interaction
Summer 2022COM4905Lang and Soc Interaction
Spring 2022COM9991Masters Thesis In Cc
Spring 2022COM4905Lang and Soc Interaction
Spring 2022COM4905Lang and Soc Interaction
Fall 2021COM4905Lang and Soc Interaction
Fall 2021COM4905Lang and Soc Interaction
Summer 2021COM4905Lang and Soc Interaction
Spring 2021COM4905Lang and Soc Interaction
Spring 2021COM9991Masters Thesis In Cc
Fall 2020COM9660Sel Topics/Corp Comm
Fall 2020COM4905Lang and Soc Interaction
Summer 2020COM4905Lang and Soc Interaction
Spring 2020COM4905Lang and Soc Interaction
Spring 2020COM4905Lang and Soc Interaction
Fall 2019COM4905Lang and Soc Interaction
Spring 2018COM5000Independent Study COM I
Spring 2018COM4905Lang and Soc Interaction
Spring 2018COM4905Lang and Soc Interaction
Fall 2017COM4906Comm Research Strategies
Fall 2017COM2000Intro to Communication Studies
Spring 2017COM4905Lang and Soc Interaction
Fall 2016COM5000Independent Study COM I
Fall 2016COM4906Comm Research Strategies
Fall 2016COM2000Intro to Communication Studies
Spring 2016COM2000Intro to Communication Studies
Spring 2016COM4905Lang and Soc Interaction
Spring 2016COM1010HHonors Speech Communications
Spring 2016COM4906Comm Research Strategies
Spring 2016COM5000HHon Independent Study COM I
Fall 2015COM1010HHonors Speech Communications
Fall 2015COM2000Intro to Communication Studies
Fall 2015COM4905Lang and Soc Interaction
Spring 2015COM4900Capstone Commun Stud
Spring 2015COM1010HHonors Speech Communications
Spring 2015COM4900Capstone Commun Stud
Fall 2014COM4900Capstone Commun Stud
Fall 2014COM4900Capstone Commun Stud
Fall 2014COM2000Intro to Communication Studies
Spring 2014COM4900Capstone Commun Stud
Spring 2014COM4900Capstone Commun Stud
Spring 2014COM1010HHonors Speech Communications
Fall 2013COM4900Capstone Commun Stud
Fall 2013COM2000Intro to Communication Studies
Spring 2013COM1010HHonors Speech Communications
Spring 2013COM4900HHon Top In COM Stud
Spring 2013COM4900Capstone Commun Stud
Spring 2013COM4900Capstone Commun Stud
Spring 2013COM2000Intro to Communication Studies
Fall 2012COM4900HHon Top In COM Stud
Fall 2012COM4900Capstone Commun Stud
Fall 2012COM4101Selected Topics
Fall 2012COM4900Capstone Commun Stud
Spring 2012COM4900Capstone Commun Stud
Spring 2012COM4101Selected Topics
Spring 2012COM1010HHonors Speech Communications
Spring 2012COM4900Capstone Commun Stud
Spring 2012COM4900HHon Top In COM Stud
Fall 2011COM3069Intercultural Communication
Fall 2011COM4900Capstone Commun Stud
Fall 2011COM3075Interprsnl & Group Com
Spring 2010COM3075Interprsnl & Group Com
Spring 2010COM9900Independent Study
Spring 2010COM3075Interprsnl & Group Com
Spring 2010COM3069Intercultural Communication
Fall 2009COM9900Independent Study
Fall 2009COM9640Qualitative Research Methods
Fall 2009COM4900Capstone Commun Stud
Fall 2009COM3069Intercultural Communication
Summer 2009COM4900Capstone Commun Stud
Summer 2009COM3069Intercultural Communication
Spring 2009COM3069Intercultural Communication
Spring 2009COM3075Interprsnl & Group Com
Spring 2009COM4900Capstone Commun Stud
Spring 2009COM5000Independent Study COM I
Spring 2009COM5000Independent Study COM I
Spring 2009COM5001Independent Study COM II
Fall 2008COM9640Qualitative Research Methods
Fall 2008COM3069Intercultural Communication
Fall 2008COM3075Interprsnl & Group Com
Fall 2008COM4900Capstone Commun Stud
Fall 2008COM5000Independent Study COM I
Fall 2008COM5000Independent Study COM I
Fall 2008COM5000Independent Study COM I
Summer 2008COM5000Independent Study COM I
Summer 2008COM3075Interprsnl & Group Com
Summer 2008COM4900Capstone Commun Stud
Summer 2008COM9900Independent Study
Spring 2008COM3069Intercultural Communication
Spring 2008COM3075Interprsnl & Group Com
Spring 2008COM9900Independent Study
Spring 2008COM1010HHonors Speech Communications
Fall 2007COM3075Interprsnl & Group Com
Fall 2007COM3069Intercultural Communication
Fall 2007COM3075Interprsnl & Group Com
Fall 2007COM3069Intercultural Communication
Fall 2007COM5000Independent Study COM I
Fall 2007COM9640Qualitative Research Methods
Fall 2007COM9900Independent Study
Summer 2007COM3069Intercultural Communication
Summer 2007COM3075Interprsnl & Group Com
Spring 2007COM9900Independent Study
Spring 2007COM3075Interprsnl & Group Com
Spring 2007COM3075Interprsnl & Group Com
Spring 2007COM3069Intercultural Communication
Spring 2007COM5000Independent Study COM I
Fall 2006COM3075Interprsnl & Group Com
Fall 2006COM3069Intercultural Communication
Fall 2006COM9640Qualitative Research Methods
Fall 2006COM5000Independent Study COM I
Fall 2006COM1010Speech Communication
Summer 2006COM4101Selected Topics
Summer 2006COM3069Intercultural Communication
Spring 2006COM1010Speech Communication
Spring 2006COM3069Intercultural Communication
Spring 2006COM9635Qntv Res In Corp Com
Fall 2005COM3069Intercultural Communication
Fall 2005COM1010Speech Communication
Fall 2005COM9640Qualitative Research Methods
Summer 2005COM1010Speech Communication
Summer 2005COM3069Intercultural Communication
Summer 2005COM5000Independent Study COM I
Spring 2005COM9635Qntv Res In Corp Com
Fall 2004COM9640Qualitative Research Methods
Fall 2004COM1010Speech Communication
Fall 2004COM3069Intercultural Communication
Summer 2004COM3069Intercultural Communication
Summer 2004COM1010Speech Communication
Spring 2004COM3069Intercultural Communication
Spring 2004COM3069Intercultural Communication
Spring 2004COM9635Qntv Res In Corp Com
Fall 2003COM9640Qualitative Research Methods
Fall 2003COM3069Intercultural Communication
Spring 2003COM9635Qntv Res In Corp Com
Fall 2002COM3069Intercultural Communication
Fall 2002COM3069Intercultural Communication
Fall 2002COM1010Speech Communication


Wilkins, R., & Wolf, K. (2014). Culture in Rhetoric. (p. 146). New York, New York, Peter Lang, Language as Social Action, Vol. 19.

Wilkins, R., & Isotalus, P. (2009). Speech Culture In Finland. (p. 218). New York, New York, University Press of America.

Journal Articles

Wilkins, R. (2023). The Optimal Form: Advances in ethnographic description, interpretation, comparison, and critique. Western Journal of Communication, In Progress.

Wilkins, R. (2021). Expression vs. Restraint: Agonistic Tensions in British Emotional Discourse. In Progress.

(2011). Communicating Love: A Sociocultural Perspective. Communication Yearbook, 35. 199-240.

(2011). The role of ethnography in rhetorical analysis: the new rhetorical turn. Empedocles: European Journal for the Philosophy of Communication, 3(1). 7-23.

(2011). Love expression in the United States and Germany. International Journal of Intercultural Relations, 35. 307-319.

(2008). Expressive practices: The local enactment of culture in the communication classroom. Business Communication Quarterly, 71(2). 171-183.

Wilkins, R. (2007). Cultural frames: Loci of intercultural communication asynchrony in a CBS 60 Minutes news segment. International Journal of Intercultural Relations, 31. 243 - 258.

(2007). Cultural terms for communication: Sources of intercultural asynchrony in ESL settings in Finland. Communication Reports, 20(1). 1-10.

(2006). Emotion expression and the locution "I love you": A cross-cultural study. International Journal of Intercultural Relations, 30. 51 - 75.

(2006). Agonistic depictions of communication: Vaikeneminen [silence] vs. puhuminen [speaking] in classroom settings for adult education in Finland. Atlantic Journal of Communication, 14. 247 - 266.

(2005). The optimal form: Inadequacies and excessiveness within the asiallinen [matter of fact] nonverbal style in public and civic settings in Finland. Journal of Communication, 55. 383 - 401.

(2005). Teaching "culture" as an expressive practice. Texas Speech Communication Journal, 30. 86 - 88.

(2001). Reflexive Moments: Negotiating Researcher Roles in Participant Observation. The Iowa Journal of Communication, 33. 106 - 123.

Wilkins, R. (1994). Edistaako kansanopisto-opiskelu liberalismin periaatteille erustuvaa emansipatorista kasvatusta? [Is liberal education represented in the Folk High School]. Kansanopisto, 66. 25 - 28.

Book Chapters

Wilkins, R., Gulinello, F., & Wolf, K. (2019). Museum Tour Talk: Communicative Acts, Associated Identities, and their Idealizations. In Scollo, M., & Milburn, T. (Eds.), Engaging and Transforming Global Communication Through Cultural Discourse Analysis: A Tribute to Donal Carbaugh (pp. 111-126). London,UK. Fairleigh Dickinson University Press.

Wilkins, R. (2017). The Optimal Form and Its Use in Cross-cultural Analysis: A British “Stiff Upper Lip” and a Finnish Matter-of-Fact Style. In Carbaugh, D. (Ed.), The Handbook of Communication in Cross-cultural Perspective (pp. 129-141). New York, NY. Routledge.

Wilkins, R. (2009). Celebrating Infocentrism through the Asiasta Puhumisen Event: A Term for Talk in Settings for Adult Education in Finland. In Isotalus, P., & Wilkins, R. (Eds.), Speech Culture in Finland (pp. 63-84). University Press of America.

Wilkins, R., & Isotalus, P. (2009). Finnish Speech Culture. In Wilkins, R., & Isotalus, P. (Eds.), Speech Culture in Finland (pp. 1-16). University Press of America.

Wilkins, R. (1995). An ethnographic study of the classroom and boarding school life of a folk high school. In Kauppi et al. (Eds). Adult Learning in a Cultural Context: Adult and Continuing Education Research in Finland (pp. 46 - 56). Tampere,Finland. Tammer Paino.


Wilkins, R. J. Cultural variability in the use and meanings of the locution “I love you.”. The International Conference on Love Studies. Las Palmas de Gran Canaria: Love Studies Institute.

Wilkins, R. J. (2025, January 14). Cultural variability in the use and meanings of the locution “I love you.”. First International Conference on Love Studies. Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, Spain: Love Studies Institute.

Wilkins, R. J. (2025, June 14). Development of a research measure: Willingness to communicate love as a crosscultural variable. 75th ANNUAL ICA CONFERENCE. Colorado: International Communication Association.

Wilkins, R. (2020, March 2). Morale: British constructions of community in the face of adversity in 1940. History of Experience. Tampere, Finland: Tampere University.

Wilkins, R. (2019, November 15). Using Cultural Discourse Analysis (CuDA): A research method to present in Intercultural of Topic-Based Courses. NCA 105th Annual Convention: Communitation for Survival. Baltimore, Maryland: National Communication Association.

Wilkins, R. (2019, November 13). Engaging and Transforming Communitation and Community Through Cultural Discourse Analysis: A Thoeretical and Methodological Workshop. NCA 105th Annual Convention: Communitation for Survival. Baltimore, Maryland: National Communication Association.

Wilkins, R. (2017, June 8). Expression vs. Restraint: Agonistic Tensions in British Emotional Discourse. New Horizons in Ethnography of Communication. New York: College of Mount Saint Vincent.

Wilkins, R. (2017, June 7). Context, Form, and Meaning as Analytical Entry Points to Cultural Discourse Analysis. New Horizons in the Ethnography of Communication Conference. New York: College of Mount Saint Vincent.

Wilkins, R. (2017, March 8). Ethnography of Communication: Theories of Description, Interpretation and Applied Application. The Deaprtment of Communications First Annual Colloquium. Long Island: Nassau County Community College.

Wilkins, R. (2016, November 11). Communication and Emotion: A Study of Emotion Expression in its Cultural Context. National Communication Association. Philadelphia

Wilkins, R. (2015, September 21). Form in Communication: Advances in Ethnographic Inquiry and the Analysis of Oral Tradition. Sharing Cultures 2015: The 4th International Conference on Intangible Heritage. Lagos, Portugal: Green Lines Institute for Sustainable Development.

Wilkins, R. (2014, May 9). Optimal Forms of Virtue and Sensibility of the Modern British Subject. Sussex Centre for Cultural Studies New Racisms 2014 Conference. Brighton, Sussex: Sussex University, UK.

Wilkins, R. (2011, March 10). Form in Communication: Advances in Qualitative Analysis.. Department of Speech Communication Annual Meeting. Tampere University: Tampere University.

Wilkins, R. (2007, April 30). British Understatement. Eastern Communication Association's Annual Conference. Providence, RI

Wilkins, R., N/A, M. T., & N/A, W. K. (2005, November 30). Expressions of Culture in the Communication Classroom. National Communication Association. Boston, MA

Wilkins, R., & Gareis, E. (2005, May 31). Emotion Expression and the Locution "I Love You": A Cross-Cultural Study. International Communication Association's annual conference. New York, NY

Wilkins, R., O'Keefe Bazzoni, J., Gareis, E., N/A, M. T., & N/A, M. R. (2004, October 31). Developing a Graduate Program in Corporate Communication: Successes and Challenges. 69th Annual Convention of the Association for Business Communication. Cambridge, Massachusetts

Wilkins, R., N/A, M. T., & N/A, W. K. (2004, October 31). Communicating Culture in Classrooms. New York State Communication Association's 62nd Annual Convention. Kerhonkson, New York

Wilkins, R. (2003, November 30). Finnish Terms for Communication. National Communication Association. Miami

Wilkins, R. (2002, April 30). Gaining access on Reservations: Ethical Questions and Historical Problems. Eastern Communication Association conference. New York, NY

Wilkins, R. (2002, November 30). Seeing the Native American and Anglo Perspectives on Educational Communication: An Approach to Encourage Retention and Active Participation Among Ethnic Minorities. National Communication Association. New Orleans

Wilkins, R. (2001, November 4). Studies in Second Language Use. National Communication Association. Atlanta, Georgia

Wilkins, R. (2000, July 16). Asia [Matter-of-Fact] Communication: Finnish-English-American communication in Intercultural and Cross-Cultural Analysis. International Meeting of National Communication Association. Jyvaskyla, Finland

Wilkins, R. (2000, November 12). Personalized Interaction and Electronic Communications: Dueling Codes of Communication in an Academic Institution. National Communication Association. Seattle

Wilkins, R. (1999, November 30). Asia [Matter-of-Fact] Communication: A Finnish Cultural Term for Talk. National Communication Association. Chicago

Wilkins, R. (1999, May 31). Speaking Asia [Matter-of-factly]: Relational Codes in a Finnish Cultural Term for Communication. International Communication Association. San Francisco

Wilkins, R. (1998, July 24). Speaking to the fact of the matter: Asia Talk in Formal Educational Scenes in Finland. The 6th International Pragmatics Conference. Reims, France

Wilkins, R. (1998, November 30). Asia talk: Finnish cultural organization and identity in a term for Communication. National Communication Association. New York City

Wilkins, R. (1998, March 19). Talking asiaa: A cultural term for education communication in formal educational scenes in Finland. The Centre for Applied Language Studies. University of Jyvaskyla

Wilkins, R. (1997, January 30). The means of speech and silence in Finnish classrooms: an ethnographic case study of educational communication. The Institute of International Education (IIE). Stockholm University

Wilkins, R. (1997, June 1). Genuine questions" and "friendly talk": Cultural terms for communication among participants in Finnish Folk High Schools. The Ninth Annual Conference on Ethnographic and Qualitative Research in Education. University of Massachusetts, Amherst

Wilkins, R. (1996, September 13). Sivistys' and the Kansanopisto: Social drama and identification within Finnish civic discourse at the turn of the century. ESREA European Research Network, Fifth European Research Seminar. Strobl, Austria

Wilkins, R. (1996, March 17). The personal narrative: narrating in Finnish talk. Finnish-American Club of Rutland. Massachusetts

Wilkins, R. (1994, August 11). An ethnographic study of the classroom and boarding school life of a folk high school. ESREA European Research Network Seminar. Lahti, Finland

TitleFunding Agency SponsorStart DateEnd DateAwarded DateTotal FundingStatus
The Experience and Expression of Emotion: Advances in Cultural Discourse AnalysisPSC-CUNY 4907/01/201806/30/201904/15/20183500Completed
Emotionology and Communicative Practice: Agonistic Tensions in British Emotional DiscoursePSC-CUNY 4807/01/201706/30/201804/14/20173500Completed
Context, form, and meaning: Reading accounts at the Mass Observation Archive in Great BritainPSC-CUNY 4507/01/201406/30/201504/15/20146000Completed
Emotion expression and the locution “I love you”: A cross-cultural studyPSC-CUNY 3807/01/200706/30/20081500Completed
Honor / AwardOrganization SponsorDate ReceivedDescription
Nominated for the Baruch College Presidential Excellence Award for Distinguished Teaching2020
Outstanding Scholarly Publication AwardNational Communication Association, Division of Language & Social Interaction2020At its annual NCA convention meeting the LSI Division recognizes outstanding scholarship in the form of a book published in the last 5 years. I am the lead author on one of the chapters submitted and published in the edited book "Engaging and Transforming Global Communication through Cultural Discourse Analysis: A Tribute to Donal Carbaugh" (Eds. Scollo and Milburn). The chapter title is "Museum Tour Talk: Communicative Acts, Associated Identities, and their Idealizations." This award is recognized across the community of scholars in LSI as one of the highest achievements in our arena and previous recipients of this award include Gerry Philipsen (UWashington), Vernon Cronen (UMass), Barnett Pearce (UMass), Philip Glenn (Emerson), Lawrence Wieder (UOklahoma), Anita Pomerantz (UAlbany), Karen Tracy (UColarado), Robert Hopper (UTexas) and Curtis LeBaron (BYU).
Fellowship LeaveBaruch College, CUNY2018One-year fellowship leave awarded in support of my scholarship.
Visiting Research FellowSussex Centre for Cultural Studies, Sussex University, UK2014Two-month fellowship awarded for the purpose of gathering data at the Mass Observation Archive housed at the university.
Fellowship LeaveBaruch College, CUNY2010One-year fellowship leave awarded in support of my scholarship.
Interim ProfessorSchool of Media, Communication, and Theatre, Tampere University, Finland2010Awarded in support of my continuing ethnographic fieldwork in Finland.
Faculty Fellowship Publications Program 2005University Office of Compliance and Diversity Programs at CUNY2005
National Endowment for the Humanities Summer StipendWeissman School of Arts and Sciences at Baruch College2004
Top Dissertation in Intercultural Communication AwardIntercultural and Development Communication Division of the International Communication Association2001
Outstanding Dissertation in the Field of Language and Social InteractionThe Division of Language and Social Interaction, National Communication Association2000
Foreign Student Tuition Scholarship Office of Foreign Students and Scholars at the University of Massachusetts1998
Dissertation Research: 42000 FMK's ($8,200)University of Tampere1997
Foreign Student Tuition ScholarshipOffice of Foreign Students and Scholars at the University of Massachusetts1997
Dissertation Research: 45000 FMK's ($10,000)Center for International Mobility (CIMO) #HA6 0771997
Graduate FellowshipDepartment of Communication at the University of Massachusetts, Amherst, USA1996
Outstanding teachingDepartment of Communication, University of Massachusetts1996
Outstanding teaching Department of Communication, University of Massachusetts1995
Outstanding TeachingDepartment of Communications, University of Massachusetts1995
Masters Thesis nominated for full publication Publication Committee of the Faculty of Education, University of Tampere, Finland1995
Outstanding teaching Department of Communication, University of Massachusetts1994


Committee NamePosition RoleStart DateEnd Date
Baruch College Faculty SenateSenatorPresent
Baruch College Faculty SenateSecretaryPresent
Baruch College Faculty Senate Executive CommitteeCommittee MemberPresent
Baruch College Faculty Senate Committee on Planning and FinanceCommittee MemberPresent
Baruch College COACHE Communications Task ForceCommittee Member2/28/2020
Ad Hoc COACHE Analysis Committee Committee Member5/31/2016
Executive CommitteeCommittee Member5/31/2015
Communication Studies Major Proposal CommitteeCommittee Member6/1/2014
MA Proposal Working GroupCommittee Member5/31/2014
Communication Studies Major Proposal CommitteeCommittee Chair12/15/2012
Curriculum CommitteeCommittee Member5/31/2010
Executive CommitteeCommittee Member5/31/2009
STARR Grant Advisory CommitteeCommittee Member12/31/2007
WSAS Faculty Committee on Research and TravelCommittee Member12/31/2005
WSAS Faculty Committee on Research and TravelCommittee Member12/31/2004


OrganizationPosition RoleOrganization StateOrganization CountryStart DateEnd DateAudience
ICA Handbook of Communication in Cross-cultural Perspective Editorial Review Board Member9/1/20149/30/2015
NCA's Division of International and Intercultural CommunicationConference Paper Reviewer12/31/2007
ICA's Division of Language and Social InteractionConference Paper Reviewer12/31/2003
NCA's Division of Language and Social InteractionConference Paper Reviewer12/31/2001


OrganizationPosition RoleOrganization StateOrganization CountryStart DateEnd DateAudience
Merrick Gables Association, IncOfficer, President/Elect/PastNew YorkUnited States4/17/2017PresentLocal
International Communication AssociationCommittee Member1/1/1997Present
National Communication AssociationCommittee Member1/1/1996Present
Fairchilds BooksBook Proposal Reviewer5/31/2003
Wadsworth/Thompson Learning Focus group participant3/31/2003
International Pragmatics AssociationCommittee Member1/1/199812/31/2000
European Society for Research into the Education of AdultsCommittee Member1/1/199412/31/1997