Robert Smith

Robert Courtney Smith


Marxe School of Public and International Affairs

Department: Public Affairs

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Robert Courtney Smith is Professor in the Austin W. Marxe School of Public and International Affairs, Baruch College, and Sociology Department, Graduate Center, CUNY. He authored Mexican New York: Transnational Worlds of New Immigrants (California, 2006), which won ASA’s 2008 Distinguished Book Award and three section awards (International Migration; Latino/a Sociology; and Urban and Community Sociology), and a CUNY Presidential Award. He has received grants from NSF, SSRC, Spencer and other foundations; and has been both a Russell Sage Foundation Fellow and a Guggenheim Foundation Fellow. His most recent publication is “Black Mexicans, Conjunctural Ethnicity and Operating Identities,” American Sociological Review, 2014.

Smith’s public sociology seeks to identify strategic sites of intervention, and use social science research to affect those sites. He chairs MASA (, a nonprofit promoting educational achievement and civic engagement in the Mexican community in New York. He founded and has been the Lead Faculty for the Baruch College-Mexican Consulate Leadership Program; and is a Board Member of the CUNY Mexican Studies Institute. He served as an expert witness for the Department of Justice in the case of US v. Port Chester, about which he is now writing a book. He also routinely advises community organizations and public and private institutions working with immigrants. He also does expert testimony in deportation and wrongful death cases.

Smith is writing two books. Horatio Alger Lives in Brooklyn, But Check His Papers (California, forthcoming) ethnographically follows the paths of 100 children of Mexican immigrants through adolescence into early adulthood, seeking to explain their differing life outcomes. This long term research demonstrates the disruptive effect of long term legal status on the well-being of these youth compared to their US citizen counterparts. This is Still America! Voting Rights and Immigration. (with Andy Beverage) analyzes the political integration of immigrants into Port Chester New York, including the 2007 Voting Rights Act lawsuit against the town, and the subsequent changes in politics after the voting system was changed.


Ph.D., Political Science, Columbia University

M.A., Political Science, Columbia University

B.A., Economics/Political Science, University of Delaware

SemesterCourse PrefixCourse NumberCourse Name
Fall 2023PAF9490International Affairs Capstone
Fall 2023SOC81200Sem:Field Techniques in Resrch
Spring 2023PAF9430Diaspora, Migr, & Trnsntl Life
Spring 2023IMS79000Capstone
Fall 2022SOC89000Independent Research
Fall 2022SOC81200Sem:Field Techniques in Resrch
Fall 2022PAF9490International Affairs Capstone
Spring 2022PAF9490International Affairs Capstone
Fall 2021SOC90000Dissertation Supervision
Fall 2021PAF9430Diaspora, Migr, & Trnsntl Life
Spring 2021SOC90000Dissertation Supervision
Spring 2021PAF9490International Affairs Capstone
Fall 2020SOC90000Dissertation Supervision
Fall 2020PSC72510Governmnt/Pol of New York City
Fall 2020PAF9490International Affairs Capstone
Spring 2020SOC90000Dissertation Supervision
Fall 2019PAF9490International Affairs Capstone
Fall 2019SOC90000Dissertation Supervision
Spring 2019SOC90000Dissertation Supervision
Spring 2019PAF9430Diaspora, Migr, & Trnsntl Life
Spring 2019PAF9999Ind Study In PAF
Spring 2018PAF9190Public Affairs Capstone Semina
Spring 2018IDC3001HHonors - People of New York
Spring 2018SOC90000Dissertation Supervision
Fall 2017SOC90000Dissertation Supervision
Fall 2017SOC81200Ethnography & Methods
Spring 2017SOC90000Dissertation Supervision
Spring 2016SOC89000Independent Research
Spring 2016SOC90000Dissertation Supervision
Spring 2016SOC81200Urban Ethography
Spring 2016IDC3001HHonors - People of New York
Fall 2015SOC90000Dissertation Supervision
Spring 2015PAF9190Public Affairs Capstone Semina
Spring 2015SOC90000Dissertation Supervision
Fall 2014PAF9190Public Affairs Capstone Semina
Fall 2014SOC90000Dissertation Supervision
Fall 2014PAF3015Qualitative Studies of Comm
Spring 2014PAF9999Ind Study In PAF
Spring 2014SOC90000Dissertation Supervision
Spring 2014SOC828002nd plus Gen & Am Imm Intgrtn
Fall 2013SOC90000Dissertation Supervision
Spring 2013SOC90000Dissertation Supervision
Fall 2012SOC81200Ethnography
Fall 2012SOC90000Dissertation Supervision
Fall 2012PAF9999Ind Study In PAF
Spring 2012PAF9190Public Affairs Capstone Semina
Spring 2012PAF9199Selected Topics In PAF
Fall 2011PAF9999Ind Study In PAF
Spring 2011PAF9190Public Affairs Capstone Semina
Fall 2010PAF9199Selected Topics In PAF
Spring 2009PAF9190Public Affairs Capstone Semina
Fall 2008PAF9699Topics Public Policy
Spring 2007PAF9190Public Affairs Capstone Semina
Spring 2007PAF9180Policy Analysis
Fall 2006PAF9190Public Affairs Capstone Semina
Spring 2006IDC3001HHonors - People of New York
Fall 2005PAF9999Ind Study In PAF
Fall 2005PAF5000Independent Study PAF I
Fall 2005PAF9190Public Affairs Capstone Semina
Spring 2005IDC3001HHonors - People of New York
Spring 2005PAF9199Selected Topics In PAF
Fall 2004PUB1250Pub Adm In Mod Soc
Fall 2004PUB1250Pub Adm In Mod Soc


Smith, R. (2021). Horatio Alger Lives in Brookly, But Dont Check His Papers . Russell Sage Foundation/ ASA Rose Series in Sociology..

Smith, R., & Waisanen, D. (2019). 2019. Smith, Robert Courtney, Don Waisanen, Guillermo Yrizar Barbosa. Immigration and Strategic Public Health Communication:Lessons from Seguro Popular Healthcare Project. Routledge. . Routledge.

Smith, R., yrizar, g., Waisanen, D., & Castro, M. (2015). How we should Talk to Immigrants: Lessons from the Seguro Popular Program. NY , USA, University of California Press .

Smith, R. (2014). Los Migrantes y el Seguro Popular: Politica Publica y La Vida Transnacional. (Migrants and Seguro Popular: Public Policy and Transnational Life). Palgrave in English; Autonomous University of Puebla in Spanish .

Smith, R., Waisanen, D., Yrizar, G., Lucero, A., & Castro, M. (2012). How to Talk to Migrants About Seguro Popular. (Como Hablar Con Los Migrantes Sobre El Seguro Popular). Contract report for CIDE (Centro de Investigacion y Docenia Economica), Mexico City, Mexico.

Smith, R. (2006). Mexican New York: Transnational Worlds of New Immigrants. (p. 385). Berkeley CA, University of California Press.

Smith, R. (2006). Translation: Mexico en Nueva York: las Vidas Transcionales de los Nuevos Immgrantes Mexico City: Miguel Angel y Porrua and Zacatecas. (p. pp 412). University of Zacatecas and Purrua.

Smith, R., Cordero- Guzman, H., Smith, R. C., & Grosfoguel, (2001). Race and Ethnicity, Transnationlization, and the Political Economy of Immigration to New York in the 1990's . (p. pp 304). Philadelphia , Temple University Press .

Smith, R. (1996). Counting Migrant Farm Workers: Causes of the Undercount of Farmerwork in Northeastern United States and Strategies for Improving the 2000 Cenus . (p. pp 34). Final States Census Bureau Report.

Smith, R., & Zolberg , A. (1996). Final Report to the United States State Department, Bureau of Population, Refugess and Migration foor 1996 United States-European Union Summit . (p. 105 pgs).

Journal Articles

Smith, R., Besserer, A., Cabrera, A., Flores, D., Xique, M., & Torres, E. (2021). Driving as a Strategic Site for Constructing and Devaluating Citizenship. In Progress.

Smith, R. (2021). In the Emergency Room with Erving Goffman and Oliver Sacks: Analytic Autoethnography of Familial and Institutional Social Identity Construction of an Alzheimer’s Patient. . Social Science and Medicine , Volume 277, May 2021, 113894.

Smith, R., & N/A, i. (2021). Disrupting the Traffic Stop to Deportation Pipeline in New York State. journal of migration and human security ,

Smith, R. (2020). 2021 Hawthorne Effects in Ethnography: Epistemology, Ethics and Scientific Validity (under review) .

Smith, R. (2020). 2020 Why and How NY State’s Greenlight Law Decreases Preventable Harms to Children. Robert Smith with MIDA Team: Andres Besserer Rayas, Angelo Cabrera, Daisy Flores, Guillermo Yrizar, Maria Xique, Karina Weinstein, Averi Guidicessi. (drafted). In Progress.

Smith, R. (2017). 2017 “Don’t Let the Illegals Vote! The Myths of Voter Fraud and Illegal Latino Voters. Russell Sage Foundation Journal Special Issue on Undocumented Immigration. . RSF journal,

Smith, R. (2017). Dont Let the Illegals Vote: The Myths of Voter Fraud and Illegal Latino Voters. Russell Sage Journal,

Smith, R. (2016). Policy Cracks and Organizational Bridges: Best Practices in Promoting DACA. In Progress.

Smith, R. (2016). What’s A Life Worth? Ethnographic Counterfactual Analysis, Undocumented Status and Sociological Autopsy in a Wrongful Death Lawsuit. Ethnography ,

Smith, R. (2015). Racial Science on the Street: the Social Dynamics of the "Step Up". In Progress.

Smith, R. (2015). Cinderella Can Go to School in American, But Not To Work: Our Natural Experiment with Undocumented Children. Harvard Educational Review , In Progress.

Smith, R. (2014). Black Mexicans, Conjunctural Ethnicity and Socially Advantaged Operating Identities: What Strivers, Thugs and Good Girls Can Teach Us About Immigration, Race and Assimilation. . American Sociological Review , 43 pages.

Smith, R. (2013). "Communities of Interest" and Voting Rights. In Progress.

Smith, R. (2013). How Did You Pick That School?:Ethnography, Epistemology, and Counterfactual Causality.

Smith, R., Weiss, T., & Mollenkopf, J. (2012). Transnational and Local Dimensions of Immigrant Political Mobilization: Comparing Mexican, Pakistani and Liberian Experiences in New York. 35 pages. In Progress.

Smith, R. (2008). Contradictions of Diasporic Institutionalization: The 2006 Mexican Migrant Vote and Other Forms of Inclusion and Control. Ethnic and Racial Studies, 31(4). pp 708-714..

Smith, R. (2008). Horatio Alger Lives in Brooklyn: Extra Family Support, Intra Family Dynamics and Socially Neutral Operating Identities in Exceptional Mobility Among Children of Mexican immigrants. . Annals of the American Academy of Political and Social Science, November(620). pp 270-290.

Smith, R. (2008). Contradictions in Diasporic Institutionallization: the 2006 Mexican Migrate Vote and other Forms of Inclusion and Control. Ethnic and Racial Studies , 31(4). 708-741.

Smith, R. (2005). "Los Ausentes Siempre Presentes: Tecnologia, Comunidad, y la Politica de Miembresia en el contexto de migracion Mexicana hacia Estados Unidos" . Las Disputas por el Mexico Rural , El Colegio de Michoacan ,

Smith, R. (2003). "Diasporic memberships in Historical Perspective: Comparative Insights from the Mexican and Italian Cases". International Migration Review , 37(3). pp 722-757.

Smith, R. (2003). "Migrant Membership as an Instituted Process: Migration, the State and the Extra-Territoral Conduct of Mexican Politics". International Migration Review , 37(2). pp 297-343.

Smith, R. (2000). "How Durable and New is Transitional Life? Historical Retrieval through Local Comparison" . Diaspora , 9(2). pp 203-235.

Book Chapters

Smith, R. (2017). Mexicans in New York at a Crossroads in the Second Decade of the New Millenium.. In Falcon, A., Baver, S., & Haslip-Viera. , G. (Eds.), Latinos in New York: Communities in Transition .Second Edition.

Smith, R. (2017). Cuatro reflexiones en las limitaciones diarias y las posibilidades reales y practicas de la vida transnacional y la globalizacion. (Four reflections on the daily limitations and real and practical possibilities of transnational life and globalization).. In Besserer, F. (Ed.), Intersecciones urbanas: Ciudad transnacional / Ciudad global. Mexico City,Mexico. Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana-Unidad Iztapalapa y Juan Pablos..

Smith, R. (2015). Diasporic Bureaucracies and other Institutions of and Limitations on Transnational Life: Some Caveats for Theorizing. In Besserer, F. (Ed.), Transnacionales y globales: Trabajo, violencia y movilización social en las ciudades contemporáneas. (Transnationalisms and Globalisms: Work, Violence and Social Mobilization in Contemporary Cities) Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana y Editorial Juan Pablos. (Autonomous Metropolitan University and Juan Pablos Press).

Smith, R. (2013). Mexicans in New York at a Crossroads in the Second Decade of the New Millenium. In Falcon, A., Baver, S., & Haslip-Viera, G. (Eds.), Latinos in New York: Communities in Transition University of Notre Dame Press.

Smith, R. (2013). Mexicans: Civic Engagement, Education, and Progress Achieved and Inhibited. In Foner, N. (Ed.), New Immigrants in New York New York. Columbia University Press.

Smith, R. (2010). Increasing Concrete Knowledge and Community Capacity: How CUNY and other Institutions Can Help Reshape Mexican Educational Futures in New York. Helping Young Refugees and Immigrants Succeed Palgrave MacMillan.

Smith, R. (2010). Helping Mexican Youth in New York Succeed in School: Institutional, Organizational and Cultural Sites of Intervention. In Sonnert, G., & Holton, G. (Eds.), (p. Book title: Helping Young Refugees and Immigrants Succeed. 20 pages). NY,USA. Palgrave.

Smith, R. (2010). Jeffersonian Science, Public Sociology, and Academic Careers: Some Insights and Suggestions for Potential Future Social Scientists.. In Korgan, K., White, J., & White, S. (Eds.), (p. 7 pages). USA. Pine Forge Press.

Smith, R. (2009). REPRINT: Contradictions of Diasporic Institutionalization: The 2006 Mexican Migrant Vote and Other Forms of Inclusion and Control. In LeFleur, J. M., & Martinello, M. (Eds.), The Transnational Political Participation of Immigrants: A Transatlantic Persepctive (pp. 64-97). London,UK. Routledge.

Smith, R. (2008). "Latino Incorporation into the United States: Local and Transnational Perspectives." Sourcebook on Latino/as in the United States. In Rodriguez, H., Saenz, R., & Menjivar, C. (Eds.), (p. 32). Springer.

Smith, R. (2006). REPRINT "Racializacion y los Mexicanos en NY" in Los Latinos en las ciudades de los Estados Unidos.. In Zimmerman, M., Bedoya, C., & Belpoliti, F. (Eds.), (p. 35 pages). Texas,USA. University of Houston.

Smith, R. (2005). "Racialization and Mexicans in new York City". In Leon, R. H., & Zuniga, V. (Eds.), New York. New Destinations for Mexican Migration, Russell Sage Foundation.

Smith, R. (2005). REPRINT: Migrant Membership as an Instituted Process: Migration the State and the Extra Territorial Conduct of Mexican Politics. In Koslowski, R. (Ed.), International Migration and the Globalization of Domestic Politics (pp. 105-129). London,UK. Routledge.

Smith, R. (2003). "Imagining Alternative Educational Futures for Mexicans in New York in New York City". In Cotina, R., & Gendreau, M. (Eds.), State Island ,New York. The Schooling of Mexican Children in New York State, Center for Migration Studies.

Smith, R. (2003). "Trasnational Communities". In Christensen, K., & Levinson, D. (Eds.), (pp. 1402-1404). Thousand Oaks, CA. Encyclopedia of Community, Sage.

Smith, R. (2002). "Race, Ethinicity and gender in the School Outcomes of Second Generation Mexican Americans in New York ". In Suarez-Orozco, M., & Paez, M. (Eds.), (pp. pp 110-125). Latinos in the 21st Century, University of California Press.

Smith, R. (2002). "Social Location, Generation and Life Course as Social Outcomes of Sexual Second Generation Mexican Americans in New York". In Levitt, P., & Waters, M. (Eds.), (pp. pp 145-168). New York. The Changing Face of Home, Russell Sage Foundation.

Smith, R. (2002). "Social Location and Generation and Life Course as Social Processes Shaping Secod Generation Transnational Life". In Levitt, P., & Waters, M. (Eds.), (pp. pp 145-168). New York. The Changing Face of Home, Russell Sage Foundation.

Smith, R. (2001). "Current Dilemmas and Future Prospects of the Inter-American Migration System". In Zolberg, A., & Benda, P. (Eds.), (pp. pp 121-171). Global Migrants, Global Refugees,. New York and Oxford Berghahn Books.

Smith, R., Guzman , H. C., & Grosoguel, R. (2001). "Introduction". In Cordero- Guzman, H., Smith, R. C., & Grosfoguel, R. (Eds.), (pp. pp 1-31). Philadelphia. Race and Ethnicity, Transnationalization, and the Political Economy of Immigration to New York in the 1990's, Temple University Press.

Smith, R. (2001). "Mexicans: Social Educational, Educational, Economic and Politcal Problems and Prospects in New York. In Foner, N. (Ed.), (pp. pp 121-171). New Immigrants in New York, Columbia University Press.

Smith, R. (2001). Comparing local-level Swedish and Mexican transnational life: an essay in historical retrieval. In Pries, L., & Pries, L. (Eds.), New transnational social spaces: International migration and transnational companies in the early twenty-first century (pp. 37-58). London. Routledge.

Smith, R. (2000). "The Transnational Practice of Migrant Politics and Membership: An Analysis of the Mexican Case with Some Comparative and Practical Reflections on Regional Development". In Rodriguez, H., & Longoria, M. M. (Eds.), (pp. pp 217-239). Zacatecas,Mexico City. Migration and Regional Economic Development, Autonomous University of Mexico.

Smith, R. (2000). "Dilemas y persoectivas del sistema migtratorio de Amercian del Norte. (pp. pp 289-304). Comercio Exterior.

Smith, R. (1999). Relexiones Sobre El Estado, Migracion, y la Durabilidad de la Vida Transnacional: Comparando el caso Mexicano y el caso Italiano". In Mummert, G. (Ed.), (pp. pp 55-87). Zamora, Michoacan ,Mexico. Memorias del XX Congreso del Colegio de Michoacan, El Colgeio de Michaocan.

Smith, R. (1998). "Comment". In Suarez-Orozco, M. (Ed.), (pp. pp 145-155). Cambridge: Harvard University Press. Crossings: Interdisciplinary Perspectives on Mexican Migration.

Smith, R. (1998). "Reflections on the Stat, Migration and Durability and Newness of Transnational Life: Comparative Insights from the Mexican and Itallian Cases". In Pries, L. (Ed.), (pp. pp 198-217). Soziale Welt: Transnational Migration.

Smith, R. (1998). REPRINT: Transnational Localities: Comunity, Technology and the Politics of Memberships Within the Context of Mexico and U.S. Migration. In Napolitano, V., & Solano, X. L. (Eds.), London. Encuentos Anthropologicos: Power, Identity, and Mobility, Institute of Latin American Studies.

Smith, R. (1998). Transnational Localities: Technology, Community the Politics of Membership within the Context of Mexico-Us Migration. In Smith, M. P., & Guarnizo, L. (Eds.), Transnationalism from Below (pp. pp 196-240). New Brunswick, NJ. Transaction Publishers.

Smith, R. (1997). "Transnational Migration, Assimilation and Political Community". In Crahan , M., & Vourvoulias-Bush, A. (Eds.), (pp. pp 110-132). New York, Council on Foriegn Relations Press. The City and the World.

Smith, R. (1996). "Mexicans in New York City: Membershio and Incorporation of New Immigrant Group. In Baver, S., & Haslip-Viera, G. (Eds.), (pp. pp 57-103). Notre Dame/IN Universityt of Notre Dame Press. Latinos In New York.

Media Contributions

Smith, R. C. (2022). Diario de Mexico.

Smith, R. C. (2022). New York Times.

Smith, R. C. (2022). WNYC.

Smith, R. C. (2022). CITY TALK.

Smith, R. C. (2022). Nueva York: NY Historical Society.

Smith, R. C. (2022). POINT OF VIEW PBS: The Sixth Section.

Smith, R. C. (2022). WLIW Crossing the Line: The Marcelo Lucero Murder.

Smith, R. C. (2022). UNIVISION.

(2019). CUNY Thought Project.

(2019). Greenlight Campaign website.

(2019). Daily News.

(2015). Al Jazeera.

(2015). New York Times article.

(2015). Noticias Fox Mundo -- Peggy Carranza reporting.

(2011). CUNY TV CUNY FORUM with Bob Liff.

(2011). Vera Institute of Justice -- Webcaste.


Smith, R. (2021, February 28). . WTGrant mentor mentee Conference Workshop. : WTGrant FOundation..

Smith, R. (2021, March 31). 2021 How has the pandemic affected immigrants? Colegio de Mexico. March. Remotely (remotely). : Colegio de Mexico.

Smith, R., & Besserer, A. (2020, August 31). 2020 Disrupting the Traffic Stop to Deportation Pipeline: The New York State Greenlight Law’s Intent and Implementation. With Andres Besserer Rayas. American Political Science Association..

Smith, R. (2020, February 28). . WTGrant Foundation Mentor-Mentee Conference Workshop. : WTGrant foundation.

Smith, R. (2020, July 31). 2020 Impacts of Covid19 Pandemic on Immigrant Communities in New York. Ruhr University, Bochum. July 2020 (remotely).

Smith, R. (2020, June 30). Impacts of Covid19 in Immigrant Communities in New York State. Migration and Corona -- Initiative of the UNIC member universities in Europe. Ruhr University Bochum Germany remotely: Eight European universities making up the UNIC group.

Smith, R. (2020, February 28). 128. Author-Meets-Critics: Edward Telles and Christina A. Sue, Durable Ethnicity: Mexican Americans and the Ethnic Core, Oxford University Press (2019) --Freedom E. Eastern Sociological Society.

Smith, R. (2020, February 28). Ethnography, applied work and mentoring. WTGrant Foundation Mentor-Mentee Conference. : WTGrant Foundation.

Smith, R. (2020, October 31). 2020 Oral History of Life of Angelo Cabrera: Marshall Ganz’ Public Narratives from Stories of Self, Us, and Now. Universidad Iberoamericana, Mexico City. 10-20.. Mexico: Universidad Iberoamericana, Mexico City. 10-20..

Smith, R. (2020, December 31). WTGrant Annual Grantee Conference. : WTGrant foundation.

Smith, R., & Besserer, A. (2020, August 31). 2020 Political Ethnography and Erosion of Liberal Norms: Evidence from Fieldwork. With Andres Besserer Rayas. American Political Science Association.. : APSA.

Smith, R. (2019, December 31). Workshops and Lectures for and with Grantees at their Grantee conference. : WTGrant Foundation.

Smith, R. (2019, December 31). 2019 The Hawthorne Effect in Ethnography . August. American Sociological Association.. 2019 The Hawthorne Effect in Ethnography . August. American Sociological Association.. : 2019 The Hawthorne Effect in Ethnography . August. American Sociological Association..

Smith, R. (2019, February 28). How To Get Fieldwork Based Research Funded and Defend Its Scientific Validity.. Eastern Sociological Society -- Thematic Conversation: How to Fund Your Research. : Eastern Sociological Society.

Smith, R. (2019, February 28). Silences, Absences, Fears and Forced Separation: How Deportation Affects Families Robert Smith, CUNY, Baruch College and The Graduate Center. Eastern Sociological Society Presidential Panel. : Eastern Sociological Society Presidential Panel.

Smith, R. (2018, December 31). Long Term Effects of Legal Status/DACA Across Local Ecosystem and Through Changes in Immigration Federalism. WTGrant Grantee Meeting. : WTGrant.

Smith, R. (2018, October 31). Long Term Effects of Legal Status/DACA Across Local Ecosystem and Through Changes in Immigration Federalism. Hitotsubashi University Conference on International Migration. Tokyo, Japan

Smith, R. (2018, October 31). Epistemic and Methodological Strengths and Issues in Ethnographic Research. Hitotsubashi University Seminar on Methods. Tokyo Japan: Hitotsubashi University Seminar on Methods.

Smith, R. (2018, February 28). What Promotes or Derails Upward Mobility and Positive Integration Among Children of Mexican Immigrants in New York? An Ethnographic Longitudinal Study Using Case-Oriented and Net-Effects Approaches and Methods.. : University of California Irvine, Population Research Center.

Smith, R. (2017, September 30). “Three Methods and Two Logics of Analysis in a Longitudinal Ethnographic Project.” Sept.. : Population Research Center, National Opinion Research Center, University of Chicago..

Smith, R. (2017, January 31). The Construction of Legal Status and DACA's Impacts.. “Una Introducion a la dinamica demografica y las politicas migratorias en America del Norte y el triangulo septentrional de Centroamerica: Recorrido academico y cultural.”. Mexico City: El Colegio de Mexico.

Smith, R. (2017, August 31). Conjunctural Ethnicity and Contexts Across the Life Course.. American Sociological Association. Montreal: American Sociological Association.

Smith, R. (2017, June 30). DACA’s Impacts and Limitations.. ny ny: Juntos Podemos Grantees..

Smith, R. (2017, May 31). “Don’t Let the Illegals Vote!”: Myths of Voter Fraud and Illegal Latino Voters.. ARC Talk. CUNY Graduate Center: Advanced Research Cooperative.

Smith, R., Waisanen, D., & Yrizar Barbosa, G. (2017, May 16). How We Should Communicate With Immigrants: Lessons from the Seguro Popular Healthcare Project. World Social Marketing Conference. Washington, D.C.

Smith, R. (2017, April 30). Ethnography and Net-Effects Analysis: Two Logics and Three Methods of Analysis in a Longitudinal Ethnographic Project.. Humbolt Chair Conference.. : El Colegio de Mexico.

Smith, R. (2017, March 31). . Fellows Meeting. Washington DC: National Academy of Education/Spencer Foundation..

Smith, R. (2016, November 30). Estatus Legal, Integracion, y Trajectorias de la Segunda Generacion y DACA.. International Conference on InterCultural Education.. Puebla Mexico: University of Puebla Benemerita,.

Smith, R. (2016, August 31). International Migration Roundtable. American Sociological Association. : American Sociological Association.

Smith, R. (2015, February 28). Author Meets Critic. author meets critic session. ny: Eastern Sociological Association.

Smith, R. (2015, February 28). A Conversation with Roberto Gonzales and Robert Smith --2. Conversation between Experts.. NY NY: Eastern Sociological Association.

Smith, R. (2015, February 28). Author Meets Critic -- Critic for Rogert Waldinger's The Transnational Connection.. Eastern Sociological Society. : Eastern Sociological Society.

Smith, R. (2015, February 28). Author Meets Critic -- Critic for L. Smaulzbauer book Last Best Place. Easterns. : Eastern Sociological Society.

Smith, R. (2015, February 28). Contested Political Integration in Contemporary America. Princeton Center for Migration and Development. Princeton: Princeton University.

Smith, R. (2015, December 31). THE MIDA PROJECT. BUAP-CUNY Conference. Puebla Mexico: Benemerita Universidad Autonoma de Puebla.

Smith, R. (2015, November 30). Why NYC's DACA Efforts Fell Short, and how to fix those problems.. Baruch Faculty Seminar. Baruch: Baruch.

Smith, R. (2015, October 31). Contested Immigrant Political Integration. Research on Undocumented Immigration. NYC: Russell Sage foundation.

Smith, R. (2015, September 30). Preliminary Results of the MIDA project. Juntos Podemos Network. Dallas Tx: Juntos Podemos.

Smith, R. (2015, June 30). Combining Qualitative and Quantitative Methods in Case Oriented Field Research. Eramus Mundus Lecture. Bilbao Spain: Univ. de Deusto.

Smith, R. (2015, June 30). Immigration and Contermporary American Politics. Eramus Mundus Lecture. Bilbao Spain: Univ. de Deusto.

Smith, R. (2015, June 30). Political Integration of Immigrants. Undocumented Research Conference. NYC: Russell Sage foundation.

Smith, R. (2015, April 30). Horatio Alger Lives in Brooklyn But Check His Papers. Rice University. Texas: Rice University.

Smith, R. (2015, April 30). Horatio Alger Lives in Brooklyn But Check His Papers. University of Chicago. Chicago: University of Chicago.

Smith, R. (2015, February 28). Author Meets Critic. author meets critic session. NY NY: Eastern Sociological Association.

Smith, R. (2014, December 31). KEYNOTE ADDRESS -- Construction of Undocumented Status. Benemerita Autonomous University of Puebla. Puebla: Autonmous University of Puebla.

Smith, R. (2014, December 31). . Keynote Address - Conferencia Internacional Sobre Migracion Mexico-Estados Unidos (International Conference on Migration from Mexico to the US). Puebla, Mexico: BUAP (Benemerita Autonomous University of Puebla) and CUNY.

Smith, R. (2014, November 30). DACA Access Project -- NYC work on DACA. Migration Policy Institute DACA Policy Meeting/WorkShop. Washington DC: Migration Policy INstitute.

Smith, R. (2014, October 31). Public and Academic Sociology.. Graduate Student Conferece. : University of Southern California.

Smith, R. (2014, February 28). Invisible Work and Undocumented Immigrants -- A Conversation with Roberto Gonzales and Robert Smith. Invited Session. Baltimore, Maryland: Eastern Sociological Society Meetings.

Smith, R. (2014, March 31). Migracion Mexicana hacia NY, Integracion y Estatus Legal. International Migration. Tlaxcala: University of Tlaxcala, Research College.

Smith, R. (2014, September 30). Horatio Alger and other Research. NYC: Columbia University.

Smith, R. (2014, October 31). Horatio Alger Lives in Brooklyn, BUt Check His Papers. Stanford University Sociology Department. Stanford: same.

Smith, R. (2013, December 12). New Methods for Cased Data Based Analysis in Longitudinal Fieldwork on Children of Immigrants. Fellow Presentation. Gottingen, GERMANY: Max Planck Institute, Center for Study of Religion and Ethnicity.

Smith, R. (2013, April 24). Gender Processes and Children of Immigrants. Conference on Gender and Migration. : Harvard University.

Smith, R. (2013, May 2). Theories of Race in Public Life and Immigrant Integration: Voting and Politics in Port Chester, N. Seminar on Immigration, Center for Migration and Development. : Sociology Department, Princeton University.

Smith, R. (2013, May 9). Children of Immigrants, Transnational Processes, and Voting Rights: Twenty five years of Research between Puebla and New York. CUNY-BUAP (Autonomous University of Puebla) Conference,. New York, NY: John Jay College, CUNY.

Smith, R. (2013, May 31). Longitudinal Ethnographic Research Children of Immigrants, the Mexican Diaspora, and Public Policy. : Syracuse University.

Smith, R. (2013, July 14). . Sirius Radio Interview re: National Journal Op-Ed on "America's Natural Experiment with Undocumented Immigrant Children" (8 minutes).

Smith, R. (2013, August 11). Immigrant New York in the Twenty First Century. New York, NY: American Sociological Association.

Smith, R. (2013, October 11). Bringing the University into the Community: Baruch's Mexican Leadership Program. APPAM. Washington, DC

Smith, R. (2013, October 31). Natural Experiments in American Immigration: Evidence from Long Term Ethnographic Research. Plenary Session. Conference on Illegality and Youth. : Harvard University.

Smith, R. (2013, November 20). Horatio Alger Vive En Brooklyn, Pero Hay Que Checkar Sus Papeles. Faculty Seminar. : BUAP (Autonomous University of Mexico, Institute for Governmental and Strategic Development Sciences.

Smith, R. (2013, November 21). Social Mobility and Labor Market Dynamics of Children of Immigrants as they Enter Early Adulthood. Invited Lecture.. Puebla, Mexico: University of Monterrey, Puebla Campus.

Smith, R. (2013, November 30). Diasporic Bureaucracies and other Institutions of and Limitations on Transnational Life: Some Caveats for Theorizing. Plenary Session "Transnacionalidad y la Ciudad", Conference celebrating the 20th Anniversary of the Doctoral Program in Anthropology. Mexico City, Mexico: Autonomous Metropolitan University, Iztapalapa.

Smith, R. (2013, December 31). Black Mexicans and Theories of Immigrant Integration and Racial Process. Graduate Pro Seminar Presentation. : Sociology Department, Princeton University.

Smith, R. (2013, December 31). Voting Rights and Immigrant Integration: Long Term Fieldwork. Conference on Migration. New York, NY: CUNY Graduate Center.

Smith, R. (2012, May 11). Links Between Puebla and New York. CUNY-BUAP (Autonomous University of Puebla) Conference presentation. : CUNY.

Smith, R. (2012, February 28). Longitudinal Ethnography. Panel on Long Term Social Science Research. : Eastern Sociological Association Meetings.

Smith, R. (2012, February 28). Seguro Popular: Findings from a Recent Survey and Field Research. Conference on Seguro Popular Insurance Program. Mexico City: CIDE Center for Advanced Economic Research and Teaching, Mexico City.

Smith, R. (2012, March 8). How did you pick that school?: Ethnography, Epistemology, and Counterfactual Causality. Conference on Ethnography and Causality. : AJS/University of Chicago.

Smith, R. (2012, March 14). Structural Violence and the Global Frontier: Central America, Mexico and the US. Conference on Structural Violence. : CUNY Graduate Center.

Smith, R. (2012, November 12). Horatio Alger Lives in Brooklyn, But Check His Papers: Determinants of Diverging Fates Among Children of Mexican Immigrants in NY. Latino Studies Colloquium. : Cornell University.

Smith, R. (2012, March 31). Epistemology and Slow Sociology. Eastern Sociological Society. NY NY: ESS.

Smith, R. (2011, December 31). Author Meets Critic Session for Brokered Boundaries by Doug Massey and Magaly Sanchez. Eastern Sociological Society. Philadelphia: ESS.

Smith, R. (2011, December 31). Presider, Round Table, International migration Section. American Sociological Association. Las Vegas: ASA.

Smith, R. (2011, December 31). . Perhaps the single most important media impact of my work was never publicly reported. It was a two hour meeting with the editorial and managerial staff (including then editor Bill Keller) of the New York Times during Winter 2009. Three academics (including myself) were asked to discuss the NYT coverage of immigration. I argued for a focus on making undocumented immigrants into three dimensional persons, contradicting the dominant image of them in the media as lawbreakers only. This priority has since been reflected in the reporting of several of their reporters, including Kirk Semple, David Gonzalez, Nina Bernstein, and Julia Preston. I believe my argument strengthened the hand of reporters at the Times who wanted to do this kind of work.

Smith, R. (2011, November 25). . Cited in Kirk Semple. "Mexicans in New York Lag in Education." New York Times.

Smith, R. (2011, June 29). How Much Do Migrants Know About Seguro Popular?. Research Briefing. Presentation of Research Results to Officials from Seguro Popular and CIDE (Centro de Investigacion y Docenia Economica), Mexico City. : School of Public Affairs, Baruch College.

Smith, R. (2011, June 25). . Interview on "City Talk." CUNY TV to discuss Mexican New York.

Smith, R. (2011, May 31). Horatio Alger Lives in Brooklyn, but Check His Papers. Vera Institute Speaker Series. NY NY: Vera Institute of Justice.

Smith, R. (2011, May 26). Immigration Research and Public Engagement in New York. Immigration Conference. : School of Public Affairs, Baruch College.

Smith, R. (2011, May 18). . Featured Guest on "Brian Lehrer Live!: Mexico to New York." WNYC Feet in Two Worlds.

Smith, R. (2011, April 4). Horatio Alger Lives in Brooklyn, But Check His Papers: Ethnographic Research and Public Engagement. Immigration Conference. : University of Delaware.

Smith, R. (2011, March 10). Undocumented Immigrants and Service Delivery. Lecture/Seminar to the Hispanic Federation. : School of Public Affairs, Baruch College.

Smith, R. (2011, February 28). Immigration Research and Public Policy. Philadelphia, PA: Eastern Sociological Association Meetings.

Smith, R. (2011, February 10). Long Term Ethnography and LifeCouse Research with Children of Mexican Immigrants. : Northwestern University, Sociology Department.

Smith, R. (2010, December 31). Author Meets Critic Session for Generations of Exclusion, E Telles and V Ortiz. Eastern Sociological Society. Boston: ESS.

Smith, R. (2010, December 31). . Ric Burns. New York: A Documentary. PBS. Long interview for his segment on Latinos/Mexicans in New York.

Smith, R. (2010, December 31). Urban Ethnography and Epistemology. Eastern Sociological Society. : ESS.

Smith, R. (2010, December 31). Presider, Round Table, International migration Section. American Sociological Association. Atlanta: ASA.

Smith, R. (2010, December 31). Migration, Networks and Development. Our Common Future. Essen, Germany: European Union, Capital of Culture Conference.

Smith, R. (2010, February 24). . Panelist. Crossing The Line: The Lucero Murder. WLIW Channel 21. Hour-long feature on Marcelo Lucero murder on Long Island.

Smith, R. (2010, March 18). Children of Immigrants. Invited Lecture. Boston, MA: Eastern Sociological Association.

Smith, R. (2010, April 21). Voting Rights and Immigrant Integration. Invited Lecture. : Syracuse University, Maxwell School of Public Policy.

Smith, R. (2010, May 8). Immigrants and American Institutions. Invited Lecture. : University of Delaware, Departments of Sociology and Political Science.

Smith, R. (2010, June 30). No lo hagas lo que yo hice -- ethnografia a traves del curso de la vida: epistemologia, metodos y intervenciones estrategicas en el estudio de la migracion." (Ethnography through the Life Course: Epistemology, Methods and Strategic Intevention in the Study of Migration). Plenary Session. Red de Migrantologos. Mexico City, MEXICO: Universidad Nacional Autonoma de Mexic (UNAM).

Smith, R. (2010, July 31). Combined Methods in the Long Term Study of Migration. Workshop for Graduate Summer School. Bochum, Germany: Ruhr University.

Smith, R. (2010, July 31). Social Science Methods and Immigration Research. University of Bochum, Social Science Summer School. Germany: Univ of Bochum.

Smith, R. (2010, August 29). . "El Tiempo” (a weekly roundtable discussion on Latino issues with Joe Torrez on Chanel 7. Featured on a program on Mexican American Students Alliance (MASA) and Mexican Educational Foundation (MexEd) featured on this program.

Smith, R. (2010, September 30). . Mexican New Yorkers are Steady Force in Workplace. Kirk Semple. New York Times.

Smith, R. (2010, October 31). Migracion, Asimilacion y Desarollo Social -- Migration, Assimilation and Social Development. Mexican Psychological Association Meetings. Mexico City: Mexican Psychological Association.

Smith, R. (2010, October 31). Immigration Research, Multi-Methods and Strategic Sites of Intervention. KEYNOTE Address. Mexico City. MEXICO: Universidad Iberoamericana.

Smith, R. (2010, December 31). Migrating People, Migrating Culture. Eastern Sociological Society. Boston: ESS.

Smith, R. (2009, December 31). Presider, Round Table, International migration Section. American Sociological Association. San Franscisco: ASA.

Smith, R. (2009, December 31). Second Generation - What we know? What have we learned?. Eastern Sociological Society. Bmore: ESS.

Smith, R. (2009, October 31). Constructing Undocumented Status. MacArthur Conference on "Undocumented Hispanic Migration: On the Margins of a Dream". : Connecticut College.

Smith, R. (2009, April 9). Racial and Ethnic Theories and the Study of New Immigrants. National Association of Chicano and Chicana Studies. New Brunswick, NJ: Rutgers University.

Smith, R. (2009, May 4). Second Generation Children of Immigrants. Invited Lecture. : Sociology Department, University of Madison, Wisconsin.

Smith, R. (2009, February 26). . Guest. Underreported: Mexican Remittances in a Bad Economy. Leonard Lopate Show. WNYC.

Smith, R. (2009, May 20). Public Policy, Immigration, and Higher Education. KEYNOTE Address. Conference on Latinos, Immigrants and Public Higher Education. Chicago, IL: Northeastern Illinois University.

Smith, R. (2008, December 31). Jeffersonian Science and Academic Careers.. Honors Program 25th Anniversary Research Conference. DE: University of Delaware.

Smith, R. (2008, December 31). . Interview (feature) on "Nueva York" CUNY Spanish language TV with Patricio Lerzundi.

Smith, R. (2008, December 31). Nonprofits and Immigrant Communities. Invited Lecture. : Hispanic Federation, Baruch College.

Smith, R. (2008, December 31). Round Tables, International Migration Review. Presider, Round Table, International migration Section. Boston: ASA.

Smith, R. (2008, December 24). . Sam Dillon. A Mexican Celebration of Christ and Community. Quoted in New York Times.

Smith, R. (2008, October 21). Ethnography and Mexican New York. Invited Lecture/Discussion. Urban Research Seminar (Eric Klinenberg). : Department of Sociology, New York University.

Smith, R. (2008, October 17). Ethnography and Long Term Research. Invited Lecture, Ethnography Seminar. : Department of Sociology, University of Pennsylvania.

Smith, R. (2008, August 4). . Acceptance Speech. Distinguished Book Award; Major Prizes Convocation. American Sociological Association Meeting. Boston, MA

Smith, R. (2008, June 6). Transnational Family Processes. Invited Lecture. Ackerman Conference on Transnational Families. : Hunter College, School of Social Work.

Smith, R. (2008, April 3). Black Mexicans and Operating Identities. Invited Lecture. Austin, TX: Sociology Department, University of Texas.

Smith, R. (2007, December 31). Immigration and Politics. Eastern Sociological Society. Boston: ESS.

Smith, R., Reilly, J., Ruiz, Y., Mollenkopf, J., & Weiss, T. (2007, December 31). Political Mobilization in local and transnational contexts: comparing Mexican, Pakistani and Liberian Experiences in NY. American Sociological Association. NY: ASA.

Smith, R. (2007, March 29). Racialization, Language and Transnational Life. Plenary Session. XVI Congress of German Hispanicists. : Dresden Technical University. Also lectures in Berlin, Germany.

Smith, R. (2007, March 31). Racialization, Language and Transnational Life. Invited Lectures in Berlin, Germany, and various Universities.

Smith, R., Reilly , J., Ruiz , Y., & Suhail , Z. (2007, March 31). Political Mobilizations of New Immigrants in New York: Comparing Mexicans Pakistanis and Liberians. Eastern Sociological Association.

Smith, R., Reilly, J., Ruiz, Y., & Suhail, Z. (2007, March 31). Political Mobilization of New Immigrants in New York: Comparing Mexicans Pakistanis and Liberians. Eastern Sociological Association.

Smith, R. (2007, June 4). . Nina Bernstein. A Mexican Baby Boom in New York Shows. Quoted in New York Times.

Smith, R. (2007, June 24). . Emily Brady. New York Up Close: When the Diploma is Just a Dream. Quoted in the New York Times.

Smith, R. (2007, July 16). . David Gonzalez. Citywide, Raising Young Voices for Illegal Mexican Immigrants. Quoted in New York Times.

Smith, R. (2007, August 31). Patterns and Contradictions of Diasporic Institutionalization in Mexican Politics. : American Sociological Association.

Smith, R. (2007, December 31). Contradictions of Diasporic Mobilization. American Sociological Association. NY: ASA.

Smith, R. (2007, December 31). Undocumented Students and the Dream Act. Eastern Sociological Society. : ESS.

Smith, R., Reilly, J., & Suhail, Z. (2007, December 31). Political Mobilization of New Immigrants in New York. : American Sociological Association.

Smith, R. (2007, December 13). Mexican Immigration to New York: An Overview and Research Agenda. Invited Lecture. : Rutgers University.

Smith, R. (2007, November 28). On Ex Mex: From Migrants to Immigrants, by former Minister Jorge Castaneda. Panel Member. Book Critique/Discussion. New York, NY: America's Society.

Smith, R. (2007, October 3). Local and Transnational Worlds of First and Second Generation Immigrants. Invited Lecture. New York, NY: Steinhardt School of Education, New York University.

Smith, R. (2007, September 17). Black Mexicans, Nerds and Upward Mobility. Fellow's Presentation. New York, NY: Russell Sage Foundation.

Smith, R. (2006, December 31). Black Mexicans, Nerds and Cosmopolitans.. American Sociological Association. Montreal, Quebec: ASA.

Smith, R. (2006, May 25). Children of Mexican Immigrants in New York and Education. Invited Lecture. Conference on Immigration. New York, NY: Steinhardt School of Education, New York University.

Smith, R. (2006, June 30). Citizenship and Political Participation in Transnational Context. Invited Lecture. Budapest, HUNGARY: Central European University.

Smith, R. (2006, June 30). Citizenship and Political Participation in Transnational Context. Budapest: Central European University.

Smith, R. (2006, February 16). . Featured Interview on "The Brian Lehrer Show." WNYC. "Mexico en Nueva York". Interview about Mexican New York: Transnational Worlds of New Immigrants.

Smith, R. (2006, August 31). Black Mexicans, Chameleons and Cosmopolitans: Key Cases for Assimilation Theory. American Sociological Association. Montreal

Smith, R. (2006, November 30). Embedded Citizenship: Understanding Immigrant Student Mobilization in the US and Mexican Migrant Voting Rights. Red Internacional de Desarollo. Cuatla, Morelos, Mexico

Smith, R. (2006, November 30). Embedded Citizenship: Understanding Immigrant Student Mobilization in the US and Mexican Migrant Voting Rights. Invited Lecture. Red Internacional de Desarollo. Cuatla, Morelos, MEXICO

Smith, R. (2006, August 31). Black Mexicans, Chameleons and Cosmopolitans: Key Cases for Assimilation Theory. American Sociological Association Meetings. Montreal, CANADA

Smith, R. (2005, May 17). Who We Are: A mid Decade View of the New York City Census Data. Panel Member. Public Policy Breakfast. New York, NY: Baruch College.

Smith, R. (2005, December 1). . Eduardo Porter. Manhattan's Little Ones Come in Bigger Numbers. Quoted in New York Times.

Smith, R. (2005, December 31). I'll go back next year: transnational life and the life course. American Sociological Association. Philadelphia: ASA.

Smith, R. (2005, May 17). "Who We Are: A mid Decade View of the New York City Census Data". Public Policy Breakfast. Baruch College

Smith, R. (2005, February 28). Communal,Market and Development logics and Issues in Transnational Communities. Transnational Community Development Conference. Santa Domingo: Ford Foundation.

Smith, R. (2005, February 28). Communal, Market and Developmental Logics and Issues in Transnational Communities. Transnational Community Development Conference. Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic: Ford Foundation.

Smith, R. (2005, April 30). Ethnographic Research with Mexican Second Generation Children. PENN Ethnography Conference. : University of Pennsylvania, Sociology Department.

Smith, R. (2005, April 30). Migracion Mexicana y Procesos Transnacionales. Invited Lecture. Mexico City, MEXICO: Centro Regional de Investigacion Multidisciplinario. Universidad Nacional Autonoma de Mexico.

Smith, R. (2005, May 11). . Panelist. The Brian Lehrer Show. Feet in Two Worlds: Immigrants in a Global City. WNYC Radio.

Smith, R. (2004, November 4). Mexican Immigrants and their Children in New York. Speakers Series. : American Museum of Natural History.

Smith, R. (2004, December 31). In Ticuani, he goes crazy.. American Sociological Association. San Francisco: ASA.

Smith, R. (2004, October 31). The State of Undocumented Students in America. David Dinkins Forum. New York, NY: Columbia University.

Smith, R. (2004, October 31). The state of Undocumented Students in America. David Dinkins Forum. Columbia University, New York

Smith, R. (2004, June 30). Tranationalism -- Pro and Con.. Invited Lecture/Panel Discussion. Migration Institute. : Social Science Research Council. UCLA, Department of Sociology.

Smith, R. (2004, October 31). Transnational Life and Theories: Hard and Easy Lessons for Community Development. Latin American Studies Association. Las Vegas, NE: Inter-American Foundation.

Smith, R. (2004, October 31). Transnational Life and Theories: Hard and Easy Lessons for Community Development. Latin American Studies Association. Las Vegas, NV: Inter-American Foundation.

Smith, R. (2004, August 31). Gender Bargains and Transnational Life. American Sociological Association Meetings. San Francisco, CA

Smith, R. (2004, August 31). Genders Bargains and Transnational Life. American Sociological Association Meetings. San Francisco

Smith, R. (2004, October 31). Dimensiones Locales y Institutiones de la Vida Transnational. (Local Dimensions and Institutions of Transnational Life). Fronteras Fragmentadas (Fragmented Borders; also title of subsequent book from conference). Zamora, Michoacan, MEXICO: El Colegio de Michoacan.

Smith, R. (2003, October 31). Illegal, but politically active: Latino Immigrants reactions to the aftermath 9-11. Oral History Association Meetings. Bethesda, MD

Smith, R. (2003, December 31). Gender strategies, settlement and transnational life.. American Sociological Association. Atlanta: ASA.

Smith, R. (2003, October 31). ‘Illegal’ but politically active: Latino immigrants reactions to the aftermath of 9-11. Oral History Association Meetings. Bethesda, MD

Smith, R. (2003, March 31). Gender and Life course in Transnational Life. Latin American Studies Assocation. Houston

Smith, R. (2003, July 12). Complementary Articulation: Matching Qualitative data and Qunatitative Methods. "Workshop on Scientific Foundations of Qualitative research. Arlington, Virginia: National Science Foundation, Sociology Section.

Smith, R. (2003, August 31). Gender, Strategies, Settelment and Transnational Life. American Sociological Association Meetings. Alanta

Smith, R. (2003, August 31). Gender Strategies, Settlement and Transnational Life. American Sociological Association Meetings. Atlanta, GA

Smith, R. (2003, September 30). Diaspora, Immigration and Transnational Life. Invited speaker series. Gettysburg, PA: Gettysburg College.

Smith, R. (2003, September 30). Diaspora, Immigration and Transnational Life. Invited Speaker Series. Gettysburgh, PA: Gettysburgh College.

Smith, R. (2002, December 31). Mexico-US relations and immigration reform after 9-11. Invited Guest. New School University Forum. New York, NY

Smith, R. (2002, December 31). Mexico-US relations and immigration reform after 9-11. New School university Forum. New York

Smith, R. (2002, October 22). . Introductory Remarks for Exhibition of Mexican Migrant Photographs by Michael Kamber (New York Times); I invited Kamber to exhibit at Barnard and organized the event. Barnard Forum on Migration.

Smith, R. (2002, August 18). Globalization, Adolescence and the Transnationalization of Mexican Gangs between New York and Mexico. American Sociological Association Meetings. Chicago, IL

Smith, R. (2002, December 31). Globalization, Adolescence and the Transnationalization of the Mexican Gangs between New York and Mexico. American Sociological Association. Chicago

Smith, R. (2002, May 2). Mexican Immigration to New York. : Institute for Latin American and Iberian Studies, Columbia University.

Smith, R. (2001, May 31). Migration, Transnational Life, and Globalization. Journalists Briefing on Migration. : David Rockefeller Center for Latin American Studies, Harvard University.

Smith, R. (2001, May 31). Imagining Alternative Futures for the Mexican and Mexican American Students in New York City. Steinhardt School Education. New York: New York University.

Smith, R. (2001, May 11). Imagining Alternative Futures for Mexican and Mexican American Students in New York City. New York, NY: Steinhardt School of Education, New York University.

Smith, R. (2001, December 31). Tansnational Life in Historical and Theoretical Perspective. American Sociological Association Meetings. Irvine, CA

Smith, R. (2001, December 31). Transnational Life in Historical and Theoretical Perspective. American Sociological Association Meetings. Irvine, CA

Smith, R. (2001, December 31). Border Games: Policing the U.S.-Mexico Divide. Panel Member. Author Meets Critics. Peter Andreas.

Smith, R. (2001, August 31). New Frontiers of Immigration Research. American Sociological Association.

Smith, R. (2000, October 31). School Selection, Gender and Migration in producing school outcomes among Mexican American students. ational Academy of Education Annual Meeting/Spencer Postdoctoral Fellowship Meeting. : New York University.

Smith, R. (2000, March 31). Ethnic Girls and Racialized Boys: Preliminary Findings from research with second generation Mexican americans in New York. National Academy of Education/Spencer Foundation Fellowship. New York University

Smith, R. (2000, September 30). Migrant membership, democratization and political calculation: Why Mexico cares so much about its absent migrants. Autonomous Technological Institute of Mexico. Mexico City

Smith, R. (2000, September 30). Migrant membership, democratization and political calculation: Why Mexico cares so much now about its absent migrants. Seminar given at the Autonomous Technological Institute of Mexico. Mexico City, MEXICO

Smith, R. (2000, July 31). Historical Retrieval in Transnational Research: Comparing Italian and Mexican State-Diaspora Relations in Historical Perspective. Comparison of Transnational Life. Oxford, ENGLAND: Oxford University, Transnational Communities Program.

Smith, R. (2000, July 31). Historical Tretrieval in Transnational Research: Comparing Italian and Mexcian State -Diaspora Relations in Historical Perspective. Transnational Communities Program. Oxford, England

Smith, R. (2000, May 31). Why you gotta mess upa good place?: the transnationalization of adolescence and gangs between New York and rural Mexico. Orak History Rockeffelelr Fellowship Presentation. Columbia University

Smith, R. (2000, May 31). ‘Why you gotta mess up a good place’?: the transnationalization of adolescence and gangs between New York and rural Mexico. Oral History Rockefeller Fellowship Presentation. : Columbia University.

Smith, R. (2000, April 30). Three strategic sites for investigating gender’s effects on Mexican Americans school and work trajectories. Conference on Latinos: Remaking America. Cambridge, MA: Harvard Graduate School of Education.

Smith, R. (2000, April 30). Threes strategic sites investigating gender's effecs on Mexican Americans school work trajectories. Conference on Latinos: Remaking America. Havard Graduate School of Education, Cambridge MA

Smith, R. (2000, April 30). Sacred, Secular and Profane Space: Religion as an organizing structure in local level transnational life. Pew Speaker Series on Migration. New York, NY: New School University.

Smith, R. (2000, April 30). Sacred, Secular, and Profane Space: Religion as an organzizing structure in level trasnational life. Pew Speaker Series on Migration. New School University

Smith, R. (2000, April 30). Sacred, Secular, and Profane Space: Religion as an organzizing structure in level trasnational life. Pew Speaker series on Migration. New School University

Smith, R. (2000, March 31). Ethnic Girls and Racialized Boys: Preliminary Findings from research with second generation Mexican Americans in New York. National Academy of Education Annual Meeting /Spencer Foundation Fellowship Meeting. New York, NY: New York University.

Smith, R. (2000, October 31). School Selection, Gender and Migation in produciing school outcomes among Mexican American students. National Academy of Education/Spencer Foundation Fellowship. New York University

Smith, R. (1999, July 31). Migrant Membership and Mexican Politics in the U.S.. Paper presenter for and participant in Workshop on Migrants and the Vote in 2000, Zacatecas. Zacatecas, MEXICO

Smith, R. (1999, March 31). Transnational and Local Migrants, Communities, Problems and Solutions: Some Pratical Reflections on How to Address Migrant related problems. Intregrated family Development Department of the Mexican government and the University of Texas, Austin. Universidad Iberoamericana Tijuana, Mexico

Smith, R. (1999, August 31). Thick and Thin Memberships in Transnational Public Spheres, Inviite, Thematic Session,. New York City Department of Health, Presentation and Workshop on Mexican population in New York. Chicago

Smith, R. (1999, August 31). Thick and Thin Memberships in Transnational Public Spheres. Invited, Thematic Session. American Sociological Association Meetings. Chicago, IL: New York City Department of Health, Presentation and Workshop on Mexican population in New York.

Smith, R. (1999, September 30). Doing Research with immigrant children in the New York City public schools: first refelctions. National Academy of Education/Spencer Foundation Fellowship. University of Pittsburgh

Smith, R. (1999, September 30). Doing Research with immigrant children in the New York City public schools: first reflections. National Academy of Education Annual Meeting/Spencer Foundation Fellowship Meeting. : University of Pittsburgh.

Smith, R. (1999, December 31). Thick and Thin Memberships in Transnational Public Spheres, Inviite, Thematic Session,. American Sociological Association Meetings. Chicago 1999

Smith, R., & Lara, S. (1999, December 31). The Educational and Economic Mobility of Second Generation Mexicans in New York City. American Sociological Association Meetings. Chicago, IL

Smith, R. (1999, December 31). The Edcuational and Economic Mobility of Second Generation Mexicans in New York City (Sandra Lara). American Sociological Association Meetings. Chicago

Smith, R. (1999, May 31). Oral History, Interview and other research with First and Sceond Generation Immigrants. Columbia University Oral History Research Office. New York

Smith, R. (1999, May 31). Oral History, Interview and other Research with First and Second Generation Immigrants. Oral History Seminar. New York, NY: Columbia University Oral History Research Office.

Smith, R. (1999, April 30). Italian and Mexican Transnational Life in Historical Perspective. American Historical Association Meetings. Toronto, CANADA

Smith, R. (1999, April 30). Italian and Mexican Transnational Life in Historical Perspective. American Historical Association Meetings. Toronto, Canada

Smith, R. (1999, March 31). Mexican Prospects of Second Generation Mexicans in New York. Conference on Racial and Ethnic Minorities Mobility. Bloomington, IN: Indiana University.

Smith, R. (1999, March 31). The Educational and Economic Mobility of Second Generation Mexicans in New York City. Conference on Racial and Ethnic Minorities Mobility. Bloomington, IN

Smith, R. (1999, March 31). Changing State-Diaspora Relations and Implications for Transnational Theory. Conference on Transnational Social Spaces. Gottingen, GERMANY: University of Gottingen.

Smith, R. (1999, March 31). Changing State-Diaspora relations and Implications for Transnational Theory. Conference on Transnational Social Spaces. University of Gottigen, Germany

Smith, R. (1999, March 31). Transnational and Local Migrants, Communities, Problems and Solutions: Some Practical Reflections on How to Address Migrant related problems. Conference organized by the Integrated Family Development Department of the Mexican government and the University of Texas, Austin. : Universidad Iberoamericana in Tijuana, Mexico.

Smith, R. (1999, March 31). Gender, Strategic Sites and Soft Skills: Explaining Divergence in Second Generation Boys and Girls Work and Educational Success. Eastern Sociological Association. Boston, MA

Smith, R. (1999, March 31). Gender, Strategic Sites and Soft Skills: Explaining Divergence in Second Generation Boys and Girls Work and Educational Success. Eastern Sociological Association. Boston, MA

Smith, R. (1999, July 31). Migrant Membership and Mexican Politics i the US. Migrants and the Vote in 2000, Zacatecas. Zacatecas, Mexico

Smith, R. (1998, March 31). Ethnic Girls and Racial Boys: The Negotiation of Ethnic Identity at the Workplace, in School and in the Community for Secodn Generation Mexican Americans in New York City. Eastern Sociological Association Meetings. Philadelphia

Smith, R. (1998, April 30). Reinas, Homeboys and The Committee: Gender, Cohort and Patriarchy in Second Generation Transnationalism. Conference on Second Generation Transnationalism. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University.

Smith, R. (1998, April 30). Reinas, Homeboys and the Committee: Gender, Cohort and Partiarchy in Second Generation Transnationalism. Conference on Second Generation Transnationalism. Harvard University, Cambridge

Smith, R. (1998, May 31). Changing Conceptions of Nationality, Citizenship and Membership: Comparative Insights from the Mexican and Italian Cases. Transnationalism Conference. Manchester, ENGLAND: University of Manchester.

Smith, R. (1998, May 31). Changing Conceptions of Nationality, Citizenship and Membership: Comparative Insights from the Mexican and Italian Cases. Transnationalism Conference. University of Manchester, England

Smith, R. (1998, October 31). Reflexiones Sobre Migracion, El Estado, y la Novedad y Durabilidad de la Vida Transnacional, Plenary Session (invited). XX Coloquio El Colegio de Michoacan, "Fronteras Fragmentadas". Zamora, Michoacan, MEXICO

Smith, R. (1998, October 31). Work and Educational Mobility of the Second Generation: How do current theories help us an fail us in understanding the Mexican case in New York City. Mexican Migrants in New York and Mexicao. Barnard College and the New School, New York

Smith, R. (1998, October 31). Reflexiones Sobre Migracion El Estado y la Novedad y Durabilidad de la Vida Transanacional (Keynote address). Fronteras Fragmentadas. Zamora, Michoacan, Mexico: XX Coloqiou El Colegio de Michoacan.

Smith, R. (1998, October 31). Work and Educational Mobility of the Second Generation: How do current theories help us and fail us in understanding the Mexican case in New York City. Conference on Mexican Migrants in New York and Mexico. New York, NY: Barnard College and the New School.

Smith, R. (1998, March 31). Ethnic Girls and Racial Boys: The Negotiation of Ethnic Identity at the Workplace, in School and in the Community for Second Generation Mexican Americans in New York City. Eastern Sociological Association Meetings. Philadelphia, PA

Smith, R. (1997, June 30). Undergraduate Research Experience and Professional Research in the Social Sciences. Keynote speaker, Honors Program Graduation, University of Delaware. Newark, Delaware

Smith, R. (1997, June 30). Undergraduate Research Experience and Professional Research in the Social Sciences (keynote speaker). Honors Program Graduation. University of Delware, Newark, Delware

Smith, R. (1997, December 31). Does it really matter how the demand for labor became embedded in the US economy. Conference on Immgration and the Socio-cultural Remaking of the North American Space. David Rockefeller Center for Latin Amercian Studies, Havard University, Cambridge

Smith, R. (1997, December 31). Scope and Usage of Migrant Remittances. Workshop Participant. Washington, DC: Mexican Consulate.

Smith, R. (1997, February 28). Race, immigration and Dubois "Public Wage" : Fictive Co-Ethnicity and Immigrant Socio-Economic Mobility. Conference on Transnational Communities and the Political Economy of New York,. New School University, New York

Smith, R. (1997, April 30). Does it really matter how the demand for labor became embedded in the U.S. economy. Conference on Immigration and the Socio-cultural Remaking of the North American Space. Cambridge, MA: David Rockefeller Center for Latin American Studies, Harvard University.

Smith, R. (1997, March 31). Current Prospects and Future Dilemmas of the Inter-American Migration System. Conference on Global Migrants, Global Refugees: Problems and Solutions. New York, NY: New School University.

Smith, R. (1997, March 31). Current Prospects and Future Dilemmas of the Inter-American Migration System. Conference on Global Migrants, Global Refugees: Problems and Solutions. New School University, New York

Smith, R. (1997, February 28). Race, Immigration and DuBois’ ‘Public Wage’: Fictive Co-Ethnicity and Immigrant Socio-Economic Mobility. Conference on Transnational Communities and the Political Economy of New York. New York, NY: New School University.

Smith, R. (1997, December 31). Scope and Usage of Migrant Remittances. Washington, DC

Smith, R. (1996, May 31). Social Ties, and Transnational Migration between the US and Mexico. Current European Research on Mexico and the Caribbena Institute on Latin America Studies. University College, London

Smith, R. (1996, May 31). Social Ties and Transnational Migration between the U.S. and Mexico. Conference on Current European Research on Mexico and the Caribbean. London, ENGLAND: Institute on Latin American Studies, University College.

Smith, R. (1996, August 31). Domestic Politics Abroad, Diasporic Politics at Home: Chicano-Mexican relations, Neoliberalism, and the Program for Mexican Communities Abroad. American Sociological Association Meeting. San Francisco, CA

Smith, R. (1996, August 31). Domestic Politics Abroad Diasporic Politics at Home: Chican-Mexican relations, Neolliberalism and the Prgram for Mexican Communities Abroad. American Political Science Assocation Meeting. San Francisco, CA

Smith, R. (1996, December 31). Domestic Politics Abroad, Diasporic Politics at Home: Chicano-Mexican relations, Neoliberalism, and the Program for Mexican Communities Abroad. American Political Science Association Meeting. San Francisco, CA

Smith, R. (1996, April 30). Degrees of membership and citizenship in the Mexican Diaspora. American Ethnological Society Meetings. Puerto Rico

Smith, R. (1996, February 28). Incorporating Second Generation Immigrants into New York City: gender, race and labor markets in structuring inequality and upward mobility. American Planning Association Meeting. New York City

Smith, R. (1996, February 28). Incorporating Second Generation Immigrants into New York City: gender, race and labor markets in structuring inequality and upward mobility. American Planning Association Meeting. New York, NY

Smith, R. (1996, April 30). Degrees of memership and citizenship in the Mexican Diaspora. American Ethnological Society Meetings. Puerto Rico

Smith, R. (1995, December 31). Transnational Communities and Politics. Institute for Latin American and Iberian Studies. New York, NY: Columbia University.

Smith, R. (1995, December 31). Transnational Communities and Politics. Institute for latin American and Iberian Studies. Columbia University, New York

Smith, R. (1995, November 30). Mapping migration. Pew Trust Workshop. New School University

Smith, R. (1995, November 30). Mapping Migration. Pew Trusts Workshop. New York, NY: New School University.

Smith, R. (1995, November 30). Fiction Co-Ethnicity for Mexican employees and their Korean and Greek employers. Social Science History Association. Chicago

Smith, R. (1995, August 31). Political Conflict and Transnational Community Formation. American Sociological Association Meetings. New York, NY

Smith, R. (1995, October 31). Politcal Contestation and Transnational Community Formation. Latin American Studies Association. Alanta GA

Smith, R. (1995, October 31). Political Contestation and Transnational Community Formation. Latin American Studies Association. Atlanta, GA

Smith, R. (1995, August 31). Political Conflict and Transnational Community Formation. American Sociologial Association Meetings. New York City

Smith, R. (1995, September 30). The Rhetoric and Reality of Migration. Pew trusts Global Migration Seminar. New School University, New York

Smith, R. (1995, September 30). The Rhetoric and Reality of Migration. Paper presenter and Workshop participant. Pew Trusts Global Migration Seminar. New York, NY: New School University.

Smith, R. (1995, November 30). Fictive Co-Ethnicity for Mexican employees and their Korean and Greek employers. Social Science History Association. Chicago, IL

Other Scholarly Works

Smith, R., Castro, M., & Besserer, a. `. (2020). 2020. Prof. Robert Courtney Smith, Manuel Castro, Andrés Besserer Rayas, and the NICE team. Immigrant Serving Organizations: Key Partners with Government to Help Those Worst-Hit and Least-Served Through the Lifecycle of the Pandemic. Marxe School Center for Nonprofit Management and Strategy. Baruch College, CUNY.

Smith, R., & Castro, M. (2020). 2020. Castro, Manuel and Robert C. Smith. City Budget Crisis Threatens Lifeline for Day Laborers and Immigrant Workers. Gotham Gazette. 6-24-20.

Smith, R. (2019). 2019 Smith, Robert Courtney. Want to Help Children? Let Undocumented Parents Drive. New York Daily News. 6-10-19.

Smith, R., Patler, C., Massey, D., Bean, F., Menjivar, C., Abrego, L., Bachmeier, J., Waters, M., Aranda, E., Brown, S., & Amuedo-Dorantes, C. (2019). 2019 Amici Curiae Brief of Empirical Scholars in Support of Respondents. Supreme Court of the United States. Three Consolidated DACA Cases (18-587, 18-588, 18-589) 1-12-19..

Smith, R. (2019). 2019 Smith, Robert Courtney. Thought Project, CUNY Graduate Center. How and Why the NY State Greenlight Law Will Help US Citizen Children in New York State.

Smith, R. (2015). FIrst Report -- DACA Access Project.

Smith, R. (2012). Report on Long Term Prospects and Future Family Service Needs of Decedent X.

Smith, R. (2012). Estudio del Nivel de Informacion Sobre El Seguro Popular Con Que Cuenta La Poblacion Migrante Mexicana de la Ciudad de Nueva York, EE.UU. (Study of Knowledge of Seguro Popular Among the Mexican Migrant Population in New York City).

Smith, R. (2011). REPRINT: Horatio Alger Lives in Brooklyn: Extra Family Support, Intra Family Dynamics and Socially Neutral Operating Identities in Exceptional Mobility Among Children of Mexican immigrants..

Smith, R. (2011). Separate and Unequal: A History of Segregation and Discrimination on Long Island and in Nassau County, and African American and Latino "Communities of Interest".

Smith, R. (2010). America’s Tragic “Natural Experiment” With the Children of Immigrants: Should We Create an Underclass or Help Our Children?.

Smith, R. (2010). America's Cruel Natural Experiment With the Children of Immigrants: Should We Create an Underclass or Help Our Children?. 3 pages.

Smith, R., Korgan, K., White, J., & White, S. (2010). Jeffersonian Science, Public Sociology, and Academic Careers: Some Insights and Suggestions for Potential Future Social Scientists. Sociologists in Action.

Smith, R., & Jackson, K. T. (2010). Mexicans in New York. The Encylopedia of New York City. (2),

Smith, R. (2009). Urgente Legalizar Aquellos que vinieron siendo ninos: El Dream Act puede ser parte de la solucion. (It's Urgent to Legalize Migrants Who Came as Children: Dream Act Could Be Part of a Solution).

Smith, R. (2007). US. v Village of Port Chester. Second Declaration of Robert Courtney Smith.

Smith, R., & Caban, P. (2006). "Globalization, Transnational Political Life and Latinos. The Oxford Encyclopedia of Latinos and Latinas in the United States.

Smith, R. (2006). US. v Village of Port Chester. Declaration of Robert Courtney Smith.

Smith, R., & Oboler, S. (2005). Undocumented Immigrants in America's Inclusionary and Exclusionary Projects". The Oxford Encylopedia of Latinos and Latinas in the United States. 4.

Smith, R., Castaneda , E., Martino , L. M., Coffey , J., Franco , A., & Landow , C. (2004). The New York-Mixreca Transnational Study.

Smith, R., Christensen, K., & Levinson, D. (2003). "Transnational Communities". pp 1402-1404.

Smith, R., McNees , M., & Suile , N. (2003). Final Report to the United Hospitals Corporation.

Smith, R. (2002). "Al Este de Aztlan: La Migracion Mexicana al Este de Estados Unidos".

Smith, R. (2001). "Mexican-ness in New York: Migrants Seeks New Place in Old racial Order".

Smith, R. (1998). "Mexican Immigrants, the Mexican State and the Transnational Practice of Mexican Politics and Memberships". 29(2), pp 19-21.

Smith, R. (1997). "Closing the door on the Underdocumented".

Smith, R. (1996). "Street Vendors in New York City".

Smith, R. (1993). "Uns comunidad transnacional (A Transnational Community).

Smith, R. (1992). "Mixteca in New York; New York in the Mixteca".


Smith, R. (2008,January 1). How and Why We Could Do Immigration Well, But Do It Badly. Contemporary Sociology.

Smith, R. (1997,January 1). "Global Diaporas" by Robin Cohen. Political Science Quarterly .

Smith, R. (1997,January 1). "In the Search of Respect: Selling Cracl in El Barrio by Phillippe Bourgois. Theoretical Criminolgy .

Smith, R. (1994,January 1). "Global Production: The Apparel Industry in the Pacific Run by E. Bonocich L. Cheng, N Chincilla, N Hamilton and P Ong. American Journal of Ethnic History.

Smith, R. (1990,January 1). "Law and Market Society in Mexico" by George Armstrong Jr. Columbia Journal of International Affairs .

Research Currently in Progess

Smith, R.(n.d.). Horatio Alger Lives in Brooklyn, But Check His Papers. (book). In Progress.

This book analyzes the bifurcated integration paths of integration of children of Mexican immigrants in New York. Those with legal status are mainly doing fairly well, while those without status are stalled.

Smith, R.(n.d.). How Do Legal Status and Local Institutions Affect how the Pandemic Affects Immigrants?. In Progress.

This project is funded by the Samuels Center at Baruch. It looks at how the pandemic's effects on immigrant families varies by locality (upstate v NYC), by job sector (can work home or not; essential worker or not; shut down in sector or not), whether one has legal status or not, and other factors. It includes cases from upstate NY and NYC that we have been following in our DACA project since 2015.

Smith, R., Waisanen, D., & Earner, I.(n.d.). How Has the Pandemic Affected Immigrants? . In Progress.

This project studies how the pandemic has affected immigrants and their mostly US citizen children in NY State. Working with immigrant organizations, this study has baseline data on wellbeing on a variety of measures, and will be able to generate longitudinal data on the impacts of the pandemic on immigrant family income, schooling, health, and children's wellbeing and other outcomes. The study includes a 6000 person survey, 1000 person survey, and will draw on a large number of in depth interviews.

Smith, R., & yrizar, g.(n.d.). Long Term Effects of Legal Status and Deferred Action Across Legal Status Categories and Institutional Ecosystems (book). . In Progress.

This research analyzes the effects of having, lacking or getting legal status on children of immigrants who have grown up in the US. It is the basis of a book to be written.

Smith, R.(n.d.). Separate But Equal/Separate and Unequal in Nassau County. In Progress.

Examines segregation and its complicated dynamics in educational and other arenas in Nassau County, NY.

Smith, R., & Beveridge, A.(n.d.). This Is Still America! Immigration and Contested Political Incorporation (Book). In Progress.

draws on 7 years of ethnographic work, examining contested immigrant integration into locality, from a Voting Rights Act lawsuit to a new, cumulative voting system. (With Andy Beveridge)

TitleFunding Agency SponsorStart DateEnd DateAwarded DateTotal FundingStatus
Legal Status, Locality, and Other Determinants of the Pandemic’s Impact on Immigrants Across New Yor PSC CUNY 5207/01/202106/30/202304/15/20215993.48Completed
“Don’t Call An Ambulance”: How Local Policies Increase or Decrease the Impact of Legal Status AcrossPSC-CUNY 5107/01/202012/31/202204/17/20205998.52Completed
"Don't Call an Ambulance": How Local Policies Increase or Decrease the Impact of Legal Status AcrossPSC-CUNY 4907/01/201812/31/201904/15/20185999.2Completed
DACA and Special Visa Recipients or Applicants In the New Poliical ContextPSC-CUNY 4807/01/201706/30/201804/14/20175999.46Completed
Long Term Effects of Legal Status/DACA, Across Local Legal Status and Institutional EcosystemsRussell Sage Foundation12/01/201611/30/201709/20/2016149842Completed
Thinking Through Epistemology and Methods for Analyzing Long Term Qualitative DataPSC-CUNY 4507/01/201406/30/201504/15/20143130.44Completed
America's Natural Experiments in Immigration: Assessing DACA's Effects In the Context of Long Term Ethnographic Research.PSC-CUNY 4407/01/201306/30/201404/15/20133497.6Completed
Seguro PopularNational Commission for the Social Protection of Health06/26/201210/31/201306/25/201214167Completed
The Contested Place of Race and Immigrants in Public Life: Port Chester's Voting Rights Act Trial and Subsequent Elections.PSC-CUNY 4207/01/201106/30/201204/15/20113482.84Completed
A before-intervention-after study of knowlege and utilization of Seguro Poplular's new programs by Mexicans in New York 2011 - 2012.Mexican Immigrants and the New Insurance Program07/27/201107/26/2012213381Completed
Contested Immigrant Incorporation and American Institutions: Race, ethnicity and immigration, and the violation and enforcement of Voting RightsCUNY Collaborative09/30/201109/28/201230000Completed
Assimilation and Transition to Early Adulthood for Mexican AmericansNational Science Foundation06/01/201005/31/2012331322Completed
Case Based Quantitative and Qualitative Research on Children of ImmigrantsPSC-CUNY 4107/01/201006/30/20115989.52Completed
Long Term Research on Children of ImmigrantPSC-CUNY 4007/01/200906/30/20103516.28Completed
Undocumented Students, Early Adulthood and CollegePSC-CUNY 3907/01/200812/31/20093350Completed
ASSIMILATION AND EARLY ADULTHOOD William T. Grant Foundation06/01/200505/31/2010224031Completed
How Has the Pandemic Affected Mostly Undocumented Parents and their Mostly US Citizen Children in New York?CUNY Central Office02/01/202101/31/202208/18/202120000Funded - In Progress
Mentoring and Career Development: 2019 Smith and BessererWilliam T. Grant Foundation07/01/201906/30/202307/17/201959625Funded - In Progress
Effects of Legal Status Change (DACA) on Individuals, within Families, and Across Local EcosystemsWilliam T. Grant Foundation11/01/201810/31/202405/07/2018231896Funded - In Progress
How and How Much Has New York State's Excluded Workers Fund Affected Immigrants' Health? National Institutes of Health03/01/202302/28/202460000Submitted for Review
Impacts of NY State and NYC Cash Payments Programs on Food Insecurity, Health, Wellbeing of mostly Undocumented Parents and mostly US citizen childrenRobert Wood Johnson Foundation 06/01/202211/30/2023250000Submitted for Review
R01 (Octuber) How and How Much Has New York State's Excluded Workers Fund Affected the Housing and Food Security and Health of Immigrants?National Institutes of Health07/01/202306/30/20261264773Work Discontinued
Honor / AwardOrganization SponsorDate ReceivedDescription
2020 Public Sociology Award, Section on International Migration, American Sociological Association. American Sociological Association, Intl Migration Section2020This award may be given each year to scholars whose work has contributed to helping those they study, or advanced public understanding of the issues or people they study, in the field of migration research.
2019 Migrant and Seasonal Headstart, Plate of Bounty Award. 20192019 Migrant and Seasonal Headstart, Plate of Bounty Award.
2019 Baruch College Alumni Association Professor Service Award2019 Baruch College Alumni Association Professor Service Award20192019 Baruch College Alumni Association Professor Service Award
2018-2021 William T. Grant Foundation. Effects of Legal Status Change (DACA) on Individuals, within Families, and Across Local Ecosystems. $599,00020182018-2021 William T. Grant Foundation. <i>Effects of Legal Status Change (DACA) on Individuals, within Families, and Across Local Ecosystems. $599,000</i>
2016-2018 Russell Sage Foundation. Long Term Effects of Legal Status and Deferred Action Across Legal Status Categories and Institutional Ecosystems. $149,00020162016-2018 Russell Sage Foundation. <i>Long Term Effects of Legal Status and Deferred Action Across Legal Status Categories and Institutional Ecosystems.</i> $149,000
Honorable Mention, Best Article Award, Latino/a Section, ASAAmerican Sociological Association, Latino/a Section2015Honorable Mention for best article on Latino/a sociology, for the Black Mexicans article in the American Sociological Review.
2015 Universidad de Deusto, Bilbao, Spain. Erasmus Mundus Fellow. May/June 2015. 20152015 Universidad de Deusto, Bilbao, Spain. Erasmus Mundus Fellow. May/June 2015.
2015 Sociological Research Association (inducted)20152015 Sociological Research Association (inducted)
Louis Wirth AwardAmerican Sociological Association, International Migration Section2015Award for best article on International Migration from that section of the American Sociological Association. For the article on Black Mexicans in the American Sociological Review.
Ersamus Mundus Fellow, European Commission University of Deusto, Bilbao2015Fellowship will support international scholarly collaboration in Spain; and teaching in the Masters in International Migration and Social Cohesion; both at the Unversity of Deusto.
InductionSociological Research Association2015Induction into the Sociological Research Association is by election of one's peers, and is extended to up to 14 sociologists per year.
DACA Access Project Mexican Consulate/IME 2014The DACA Access project is a combined service/research project that will legalize at least 1000 new people via Deferred Action programs for children and adults, and study the process of implementation and the long term effects of having, gaining or lacking legal status.
2014 Citation by NYC Public Advocate Leticia James for Masa (as Board Chair) w ED A. Lucero. 20142014 Citation by NYC Public Advocate Leticia James for Masa (as Board Chair) w ED A. Lucero.
2015-2016 Mexican Initiative on Deferred Action MIDA. Principal Investigator, Lead and Coordinator. Service, capacity building, research project promoting DACA applications and studying the effects of having, lacking, gaining, or losing legal status? US$1.25 million (Institute for Mexicans Abroad, Mexican Consulate,). 20142015-2016 <i>Mexican Initiative on Deferred Action MIDA. </i>Principal Investigator, Lead and Coordinator. Service, capacity building, research project promoting DACA applications and studying the effects of having, lacking, gaining, or losing legal status? US$1.25 million (Institute for Mexicans Abroad, Mexican Consulate,).
FellowMax Planck Institute for the Study of Religion and Ethnicity, Gottingen, Germany2013
2013 Max Planck Institute (Study of Religion and Ethnicity) Germany. Fellow, December. 20132013 Max Planck Institute (Study of Religion and Ethnicity) Germany. Fellow, December.
2011-2013 CIDE (Centro de Investigacion y Docenia Economica), Mexico City. "How to Talk to Mexican Migrants About Seguro Popular." $80,000.20112011-2013 CIDE (Centro de Investigacion y Docenia Economica), Mexico City. "How to Talk to Mexican Migrants About Seguro Popular." $80,000.
2011-2013 CIDE, Mexico City. "How Much Do Mexican Migrants in New York Know about Seguro Popular?" $200,000.20112011-2013 CIDE, Mexico City. "How Much Do Mexican Migrants in New York Know about Seguro Popular?" $200,000.
Strengthening Qualitative Research: Assimilation and Transition to Early Adulthood. National Science Foundation2010Do follow up research on 15 year long project following children of Mexican immigrants, for book, Horatio Alger Lives in Brooklyn, But Check His Papers.
John Simon Guggenheim Fellow. Guggenheim Foundation2009Do research and write for book Horatio Alger Lives in Brooklyn, But Check His Papers.
2008 Youth Advocate of the Year, Associacion Tepeyac. New York. 20082008 Youth Advocate of the Year, Associacion Tepeyac. New York.
Visiting Fellow Russell Sage Foundation 2008Full Time, residential fellowship to write my next book, Gendered Ethnicity based on work done with funding from the National Science Foundation and WT Grant Foundation
William T. Grant Foundation 2008Transitions through Adolescence to Early Adulthood: The Effects Family, Schools and labor Market Contexts 2005-2008
William T. Grant Foundation 2008d: The Effects of Family, School and Labor Market Contexts" 2005-2008
Best Book Award Latino/a Section, ASAAmerican Sociology Association2008Sectional award for best book 2008 for Mexican New York.
Youth Advocate of the Year AwardAssociation Tepeyac, the largest Mexican nonprofit in NY2008Award to recognize efforts to help Mexican community promote education among its growing youth population.
Distinguished Book AwardAmerican Sociology Association2008Only single award for a book given by the American Sociological Association as a whole.
Author Meets Critic Session, ASA, for Mexican New York: Transnational Worlds of New Immigrants. American Sociology Association2007Review and critical appraisal of my book, as part of the annual ASA meetings.
Robert E Park Award, Community and Urban Sociology Section, ASAAmerican Sociology Association2007Award for best book in community and urban sociology 2007
Presidential Excellence Award, Baruch College Baruch College2007Prize awarded annually by the Baruch College President for Outstanding Scholarship
Author Meets Critics Session, Population Association of AmericaPopulation Association of America2007critical appraisal of my book, sponsored by Population Association.
Thomas and Znaniecki Award, 2006. American Sociology Association2006Award for Mexican New York as best book from the International Migration section of the ASA.
Faculty Research Fellow, Institute for Social and Economic research and Policy Columbia University 20052001-2005
Transnational and Local Dimensions of Immigrant Political Mobilization: Mexican, Pakistani and Liberian Experiences in New YorkCarnegie Foundation2005Research on how these three groups are integrating politically in New York and engaged politically with their homelands.
Rockafeller Postdoctoral FellowColumbia University 2001Institute for Social and Economic Research and Policy 2001-2001
Postdoctoral FellowSpencer Foundation/National Academy of Education 20012000-2001
Postdoctoral fellow Social Science Research Council 1999Program in International Migration


Committee NamePosition RoleStart DateEnd Date
Lead Faculty - Mexican Leadership ProgramLead FacultyPresent
Promotion and Budget CommitteeSecretaryPresent
Executive CommitteeCommittee MemberPresent
Ackerman Chair at Marxe School Ackerman ChairPresent
MacCauley Honors Admissions CommitteeCommittee Member3/31/2021
Diversity CommitteeCommittee Member12/31/2019
Samuels Selection CommitteeCommittee Member12/31/2019
Admissions Committee Sociology Graduate CenterCommittee Member12/31/2018
Lang Research Committee 2017 and 2019Committee Member12/31/2017
Search Committee, Western Hemisphere Chair, MSPIA, 2017. Committee Member12/31/2017
DACA ACCESS PROJECTCommittee Chair12/31/2016
Admissions Committee, School of Public AffairsCommittee Member12/31/2012
Personnel and Budget Committee, School of Public AffairsCommittee Member12/31/2012
Promotion and Budget Committee - SPACommittee Member12/31/2012
Dream Act Event -- undergraduate clubsInvited Speaker12/31/2011
Baruch SPA Conference on Immigration Presenter12/31/2011
Search Committee, CommunicationsCommittee Member12/31/2010
Executive Committee 12/31/2008
Mexican Consulate-SPA Training Program for Mexican Leaders 12/31/2007
Personal and Budget Committee 12/31/2006
Drafted Funding Pitch for Scholarship Prgram at SPA for Undocumented America 12/31/2005
Scholarship Program at SPA 11/30/2005
Committee of Strategic Planning 12/31/2004
Committee on Strategic Planning 12/31/2004
CUNY Immigration Forum on the Future of Mexican Americans in the US 9/30/2004


Committee NamePosition RoleStart DateEnd Date
Dissertation Committees Committee Member1/1/2004Present
Dissertation Committees Committee Chair1/1/2005Present
Regularly Attending talks/dinners for outside speakers in Migration Series. 1/1/2005Present
CUNY Mexican InstituteBoard Member (advisory)3/1/2012Present
McCauley Honors Program Admissions CommitteeCommittee Member1/1/20214/30/2021
Admissions Committee, Sociology DepartmentCommittee Member11/1/20163/31/2017
Mexican Consulate Leadership Program 1/1/200712/31/2016
Mexican Studies Institute 10/1/201212/31/2015
SubCommittee on ScholarshipsTask Force Member1/1/200412/31/2012
Admissions Committee - Sociology DepartmentCommittee Member1/1/200912/31/2012
Subcommittee on Outreach, Chancellor's Commission on Mexicans and Mexican Americans and Educational OpportunityTask Force Member1/1/200412/31/2012
Chancellors Committee on Mexicans and Mexican Americans and Educational OpportunityCommittee Member1/1/200412/31/2012
Admissions Committee, Graduate Center, Sociology DepartmentCommittee Member1/1/200912/31/2011
FMC CommitteeCommittee Member1/1/200612/31/2007
CUNY Civil Rights Calendar Wrote Entry 1/1/200412/31/2005
Teaching Honors Class "The Peopling of New York" 12/31/2005
Panel on Trasnational Life: Comparing Mexico and China Student Placement3/3/2005
Cuba Today, Bilden Center Panel Moderator 10/4/2004


OrganizationPosition RoleOrganization StateOrganization CountryStart DateEnd DateAudience
Public Sociology Award, International Migration Section, ASACommittee ChairNew YorkUnited StatesPresentInternational
Lead Faculty, Mexican Leadership Program, School of Public Affairs1/1/2007Present
Global Networks -- journalEditor, Associate Editor1/1/1998Present
Eastern Sociological SocietyOfficer, President/Elect/PastEast CoastUnited States3/1/2020Present
Chair, Committee on Public Sociology Award for Pre and Post Tenure ScholarsChairpersonMassachusettsUnited StatesPresentInternational
Eastern Sociological SocietyOfficer, President/Elect/PastMassachusettsUnited StatesPresentInternational
2019 The Hawthorne Effect in Ethnography . August. American Sociological Association. Conference-Related1/1/201912/31/2019
2019. ASA. Workshop On How to Do Expert Witness Testimony in Asylum and Deportation Cases (organized with Cecilia Menjivar and expert participation of Neil Hernandez of Baruch r)Workshop Organizer1/1/201912/31/2019
American Socioloigical AssociationConvenor and Organizer8/31/2019
2018 Three Methods of Analysis in a Longitudinal Ethnographic Project. University of Chicago, Population Research Center. Invited Seminar Speaker1/1/201812/31/2018
2017 El Colegio de Mexico, Humbolt Chair Conference. “Workshop on longitudinal approaches in migration studies, focusing on regions of arrival”. April. Plenary Session Anchor. Two Logics and Three Methods of Analysis in a Longitudinal Ethnographic Project. Humbolt Chair conference invited speaker. 1/1/201712/31/2017
2017 American Sociological Association. Invited Paper on Culture and Immigration. Conjunctural Ethnicity and Contexts Across the Life Course. Montreal. August. Invited to be on special panel1/1/201712/31/2017
2016 University of Puebla Benemerita, International Conference on InterCultural Education. Keynote Address on Migration, Integration and Legal Status in the US. November. 1/1/201612/31/2016
2016. ARC Fellow: “Don’t Let the Illegals Vote!”: Myths of Voter Fraud and Illegal Latino Voters. 1/1/201612/31/2016
American Sociological Association -- Louis Wirth CommiteeChairperson8/1/20158/31/2016
American Sociological Association -- Session organizerCommittee Chair8/1/20158/31/2016
2015 Keynote Address. Conference on Migration, Development and Policy. Universidad de Tlaxcala, 1/1/201512/31/2015
2014. Invited Session: "Invisible Work and Undocumented Immigrants -- A Conversation with Roberto Gonzales and Robert Smith." Eastern Sociological Society Meetings. Baltimore. 1/1/201412/31/2014
Public Sociology Award, International Migration Section, ASA. Committee Chair12/31/2013
Public Understanding Sociology Award, ASA Committee Member1/1/201112/31/2013
ADVANCE Mentor (Prof. Nadia Flores)1/1/201212/31/2013
Award for Public Understanding of Sociology, ASA. Member1/1/201112/31/2013
2013 Fellow Seminar. "New Methods for Cased Data Based Analysis in Longitudinal Fieldwork on Children of Immigrants." Max Planck Institute. Center for Study of Religion and Ethnicity, Gottingen, Gremany. December 12, 2013. 1/1/201312/31/2013
CUNY and Columbia University Dissertation Advisor or Committee MemberNY 1/1/199512/31/2012
International Migration Section CouncilOfficer, Other Officer1/1/200912/31/2011
Robert Park Book Award Committee, ASAChairperson12/31/2011
Robert Park Prize Committee 2011Chairperson1/1/201112/31/2011
SPA Institutional Proposal The CUNY Latino and Immigrant Student Initiative: 12/31/2010
Latino/a Section Best Book Award 2009Chairperson1/1/200912/31/2009
Latino/a Section Best Book Award CommitteeChairperson12/31/2009
Thomas and Znaniecki Award, International migration section ASAChairperson1/1/200712/31/2007
"CUNY, Mexican Immigrants and Legal Status" Report to the CUNY Diversity Projects Development Fund, University Affirmative Action Committee8/24/2006


OrganizationPosition RoleOrganization StateOrganization CountryStart DateEnd DateAudience
CUNY Mexican InstituteBoard Member1/1/2012Present
(Board Chair). MASA -- committed to promoting educational attainment, civic engagement and committed leadership in the Mexican community. (
Mexican American Students Alliance and Mexican Educational Foundation of New York Vice President and Co-Founder 1/1/199912/31/2020
IME Becas Selection Committee, CUNY Mexican Studies Institute1/1/201312/31/2015
New York Immigration Coalition Working Group on Implementation of DACA (Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals) -- goal to help design approach of public and nonprofit institutions to maximize applications for DACA in New York City1/1/201312/31/2015
Dream Fellowship, New York Immigration Coalition. Selection Committee. Winter12/31/2012
(Co-Founder and Board Member). Mexican Educational Foundation and (after 2008) Mexican American Students Alliance (MASA), which merged in 2009. Programs included after school homework help; ESL for parents; high school mentorship program; college readiness and application; others1/1/199012/31/2012
Boone v Nassau. Voting Rights Act Case. Expert Witness for plaintiffs12/31/2011
National Science Foundation Review Panel 1/1/200312/31/2005
Social Science Research Council, Summer Institute on Migration Institute Faculty Member 6/30/2004
Mexican American Students Alliance 9/30/2003
The Sixth SectionConsultant 9/30/2003
Scientific Foundations of Qualitative research National Science Foundation 7/31/2003
Youth, Migration and Citizenship Social Science Research Council 5/31/2003
Foundation Conference on Creative Engagement with Diasporas 3/31/2003
testimony, City Council of New York 2/28/2003
City Council of New York Testimony 12/31/2002
Drafting CommitteeCommittee Member12/31/2002
National Academy of Education/Spencer Postdoctoral Fellows Mentor to 2002 Fellows 12/31/2002
Catholic Church, Mexican Immigration Task Force Advisor 1/1/199812/31/2002
Seminar 12/31/2000
Intergrated Family Development Department of the Mexican Government12/31/1999
Latino Advisory Committee on the Census, Puerto Rican Legal Defense Fund8/1/19999/30/1999
Mexican Migrants in Mexico and New York: New Analytical and Practical Perspectives on Trasnationalization and Immigrant Incorporation 12/31/1998
States and Diaporas 12/31/1998
Forum on Migration 10/31/1998
Transnational Communities and the Political Economy of New York in the 1890sWorkshop Organizer12/31/1997