Rui Yao

Assc Professor

Zicklin School of Business

Department: Bert Wasserman Dept Eco & Fin

Areas of expertise:

Email Address:

> View CV


Ph.D., Finance and Real Estate, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill

B.S., Urban Planning, Peking University

SemesterCourse PrefixCourse NumberCourse Name
Fall 2024FIN4750Options
Fall 2024FIN4750Options
Fall 2024FIN4710Advanced Investment Analysis
Spring 2024FIN4750Options
Spring 2024FIN4710Advanced Investment Analysis
Spring 2024FIN4750Options
Fall 2023FIN4750Options
Fall 2023FIN4750Options
Fall 2023FIN4710Advanced Investment Analysis
Spring 2023FIN4710Advanced Investment Analysis
Fall 2022FIN4710Advanced Investment Analysis
Fall 2022FIN4750Options
Fall 2021FIN4710Advanced Investment Analysis
Fall 2021FIN4710Advanced Investment Analysis
Fall 2021FIN4750Options
Spring 2021FIN4710Advanced Investment Analysis
Fall 2020FIN4750Options
Spring 2020FIN4710Advanced Investment Analysis
Spring 2020ECO4000Sta Analysis Eco/Fin
Fall 2019FIN4750Options
Fall 2019FIN4710Advanced Investment Analysis
Spring 2019ECO4000Sta Analysis Eco/Fin
Spring 2019FIN4710Advanced Investment Analysis
Fall 2018FIN4750Options
Spring 2018FIN4750Options
Spring 2018FIN4710Advanced Investment Analysis
Fall 2017FIN4710Advanced Investment Analysis
Fall 2017FIN4750Options
Spring 2017FIN4750Options
Fall 2016ECO4000Sta Analysis Eco/Fin
Fall 2016FIN4710Advanced Investment Analysis
Spring 2016ECO4000Sta Analysis Eco/Fin
Spring 2016FIN4710Advanced Investment Analysis
Fall 2015ECO4000Sta Analysis Eco/Fin
Spring 2015FIN4710Advanced Investment Analysis
Fall 2014ECO4000Sta Analysis Eco/Fin
Fall 2014FIN4710Advanced Investment Analysis
Spring 2014FIN4710Advanced Investment Analysis
Spring 2014BUS90000Dissertation Supervision
Spring 2014ECO4000Sta Analysis Eco/Fin
Fall 2013ECO4000Sta Analysis Eco/Fin
Fall 2013ECO4000Sta Analysis Eco/Fin
Fall 2013BUS90000Dissertation Supervision
Spring 2013FIN9783Investment Analysis
Spring 2013ECO4000Sta Analysis Eco/Fin
Spring 2013BUS90000Dissertation Supervision
Fall 2012ECO4000Sta Analysis Eco/Fin
Fall 2012ECO4000Sta Analysis Eco/Fin
Fall 2012BUS3001Business Internship
Fall 2012BUS90000Dissertation Supervision
Spring 2012RES9850Real Estate Capital Markets
Spring 2012ECO4000Sta Analysis Eco/Fin
Fall 2011ECO4000Sta Analysis Eco/Fin
Fall 2011BUS3001Business Internship
Fall 2011BUS3002Business Internship
Fall 2011RES9850Real Estate Capital Markets
Spring 2011RES9776Real Estate Finance
Spring 2011RES3400Real Estate Capital Markets
Spring 2011BUS3001Business Internship
Spring 2011FIN9776Real Estate Finance
Fall 2010RES9850Real Estate Capital Markets
Spring 2010RES9776Real Estate Finance
Spring 2010FIN9776Real Estate Finance
Spring 2010RES4200Invstmnt Strategies
Spring 2010BUS3001Business Internship
Fall 2009BUS3002Business Internship
Fall 2009FIN9776Real Estate Finance
Fall 2009RES9850Real Estate Capital Markets
Fall 2009RES9776Real Estate Finance
Spring 2009RES9850Real Estate Capital Markets
Spring 2009RES3400Real Estate Capital Markets
Fall 2008FIN9776Real Estate Finance
Fall 2008RES9776Real Estate Finance
Fall 2008RES4200Invstmnt Strategies
Spring 2008FIN6002Honors Courses in Finance
Spring 2008FIN9776Real Estate Finance
Spring 2008RES4200Invstmnt Strategies
Spring 2008RES9776Real Estate Finance
Fall 2007BUS3001Business Internship
Fall 2007RES9776Real Estate Finance
Fall 2007FIN9776Real Estate Finance
Fall 2007FIN6001Honors Courses in Finance
Summer 2007BUS3002Business Internship
Summer 2007BUS3001Business Internship
Spring 2007RES3200Real Estate Fin and Investment
Spring 2007RES3200Real Estate Fin and Investment
Spring 2007BUS3001Business Internship
Fall 2006REA4725Financing Real Esta
Fall 2006REF4200Finance and Investments in Real Estate
Spring 2006REF4200Finance and Investments in Real Estate
Spring 2006FIN3710Investment Analysis
Spring 2006FIN3710Investment Analysis
Fall 2005FIN4777Special Topics in Finance
Fall 2005FIN4777Special Topics in Finance
Spring 2005FIN3710Investment Analysis
Spring 2004FIN3710Investment Analysis
Spring 2004FIN3710Investment Analysis
Fall 2003FIN3710Investment Analysis
Fall 2003FIN3710Investment Analysis
Spring 2003FIN3710HHonors-Investments & Analysis
Spring 2003FIN3710Investment Analysis
Fall 2002FIN3710Investment Analysis
Fall 2002FIN3710Investment Analysis

Journal Articles

Li, W., Liu, H., & Yang, F. (2016). Housing Over Time and Over the Life-Cycle: A Structural Estimation. International Economic Review, 10(2013).

(2008). "Life Cycle Asset Allocation with Housing as a Collateral" (with Harold Zhang). Journal of Finance and Quantitative Analysis,

(2007). "The Life-Cycle Effects of Housing Price Changes" . Journal of Money Credit and Banking, 39(6). 1375-1409.

(2006). "How Do House Price Changes Affect Consumption?". Federal Reserve Bank pf Philadelphia Business Review ,

(2005). "Optional Consumption and Portfolio Choices with Risky Housing and Borrowing Constraint". Review of Financial Studies , 18(1). pp 197-239.

(2003). "A Proportional Hazard Model of Commercial Mortgage Default with Originator Bias". Journal of Real Estate Finance and Economics , 27(1). pp 5-23.

(2002). "The Termination of Lending Relationships through Prepayment and Default in the Commercial Mortgage Markets: A Proportional Hazard Approach with Completing Risks". Real Estate Economics, 30(4). pp 595-633.

Media Contributions

(2009). NYC Metro.

(2007). Crain's New York.


Yao, R., & Li, W. (2009, January 31). Housing Over Time and Over the Life-Cycle: A Structural Estimation. American Economic Association. Boston, MA

Yao, R. (2006, July 31). Optimal Life-Cycle Asset Allocation with Housing as a Collateral. American Real Estate and Urban Economics Association International Conference. Vancouver, Canada

Yao, R. (2006, January 31). The Life-Cycle Effects of Housing Price Changes. Econometric Society Winter Conference. Boston, MA

Yao, R. (2005, June 30). Optimal Life-Cycle Asset Allocation with Housing as a Collateral. Western Finance Annual Meeting. Portland, OR

Yao, R. (2005, May 31). The Life-Cycle Effects of Housing Price Changes, Housing, Mortgage Finance and the Macroeconomy. Federal Reserve Bank of Atlanta. Atlanta, GA

Yao, R. (2005, April 30). Taxable and Tax-Deferred Investing with Home Ownership. Brownbag Seminar. Baruch College, New York, NY: Department of Economics and Finance, Baruch College.

Yao, R. (2005, April 30). The Life-Cycle Effects of Housing Price Changes. Columbus, OH: Department of Economics, Ohio State University.

Yao, R. (2005, January 31). The Life-Cycle Effects of Housing Price Changes. AREUEA Annual Meeting. Philadelphia, PA

Yao, R. (2005, November 30). Optimal Life-Cycle Asset Allocation with Housing as a Collateral. University of Wisconsin -Madison Real Estate Seminar. Madison, WI

Yao, R. (2005, August 31). The Life-Cycle Effects of Housing Price Changes. Econometric Society World Congress. London, England

Yao, R. (2005, June 30). The Life-Cycle Effects of Housing Price Changes. Society of Economic Dynamics Annual Meeting. Budapest, Hungary

Yao, R. (2004, July 31). Optimal Life-Cycle Asset Allocation with Housing as a Collateral. China International Conference in Finance. Shanghia, China

Yao, R. (2004, October 31). Optimal Consumption. Real Estate Department Seminar. Wharton School, Philadelphia, PA

Yao, R. (2004, October 31). The Wealth and Welfare Effects of Housing Appreciation. Brownbag Seminar. Baruch College, New York, NY: Department of Economics and Finance, Baruch College.

Yao, R. (2004, November 30). Optimal Life-Cycle Asset Allocation with Housing as Collateral. Symposium on Asset Allocation and Pension Management. Frederiksberg, Denmark

Yao, R. (2004, November 30). Optimal Life-Cycle Asset Allocation with Housing as a Collateral. Real Estate Area Seminar. Haas School of Business, Berkeley, CA

Yao, R. (2004, June 30). Optimal Consumption and Mortgage Choices with Housing and Labor Income Risks. AREUEA Mid-Year Meeting. Washington, DC

Yao, R. (2004, April 30). Optimal Consumption and Mortgage Choices with Housing and Labor Income Risks. American Real Estate Society Annual Meeting. Florida

Yao, R. (2004, May 31). Optimal Consumption and Mortgage Choices with Housing and Labor Risks. Midwest Macroeconomics Conference. Ames, Iowa

Yao, R. (2004, June 30). Optimal Consumption and Mortgage Choices with Housing and Labor Income Risks. Society of Economics Dynamics Summer Meeting. Florence, Italy

Yao, R. (2003, March 31). Portfolios of Renters Versus Homeowners: A Panel Data Approach. Brownbag Seminar. Baruch College, New York, NY: Department of Economics and Seminar Baruch College.

Yao, R. (2003, November 30). Optimal Consumption Life-Cycle Asset Allocation with Costly Mortgage Default and Refinancing. Brownbag Seminar. Baruch College, New York, NY: Department of Economics and Finance, Baruch College.

Yao, R. (2002, February 28). Optimal Consumption and Portfolio Choices with Risky Housing and Stochastic Labor Income. Finance Area Seminar. University of Texas at Dallas

Yao, R. (2002, February 28). Optimal Consumption and Portfolio Choices with Risky Housing And Stochastic Labor Income. Finance Area Seminar. CUNY-Baruch College

Yao, R. (2002, June 30). Optimal Consumption and Portfolio Choices with Risky Housing and Stochastic Labor Income. Western Finance Annual. Park City, Utah

Yao, R. (2002, August 31). Optimal Consumption and Portfolio Choices with Risky Housing and Stochastic Labor Income. Federal Reserve Board of Governors. Washington, DC

Yao, R. (2002, January 31). Optimal Consumption and Portfolio Choices with Risky Housing and Stochastic Labor Income. ASSA/AREUEA Annual Meeting. Atlanta, GA

Yao, R. (2002, January 31). Optimal Consumption and Portfolio Choices with Risky Housing and Stochastic Labor Income. Finance Area Seminar. University of Colorado at Boulder

Yao, R. (2002, January 31). Optimal Consumption and Portfolio Choices with Risky Housing and Stochastic Labor Income. Fannie Fae, Credit Policy Group Seminar. Washington, DC

Yao, R. (2001, October 31). Optimal Consumption and Portfolio Choices with Risky Housing and Stochastic Labor Income. Finance Area Seminar. UNC at Chapel Hill

Yao, R. (2001, January 31). The Termination of Lending Relationships Through Prepayment and Default in the Commercial Mortgage Markets: A Proportional Hazard Approach with Competing Risks. ASSA/AREUEA Annual Meeting. New Orleans

Yao, R. (2001, April 30). Optimal Consumption and Portfolio Choices with Housing. Economics Department Brown-Bag Workshop. UNC at Chapel Hill

Yao, R. (2001, January 31). A Proportional Hazard Model of Commercial Mortgage Default with Originator Bias. ASSA/AREUEA Annual Meeting. New Orleans

Yao, R. (2000, July 31). A Proportional Hazard Model of Commercial Mortgage default and Prepayment. Asian Real Estate Society Annual Meeting. Beijing

Research Currently in Progess

Yao, R.(n.d.). "Asset Location and Allocation with Risky Housing and Tax-Deferred Investing". In Progress.

Yao, R.(n.d.). "Housing Choices, Credit Card, Debt and Time Inconsistency". In Progress.

Yao, R.(n.d.). "Optimal Housing Tenure Choice When House Prices and Predictable" . In Progress.

TitleFunding Agency SponsorStart DateEnd DateAwarded DateTotal FundingStatus
Optimal Housing Decisions with Price Predictability and Adjustment CostsPSC-CUNY 4207/01/201106/30/201204/15/20113500Completed
Cost Structure and Termination of Adjustible Rate MortgagePSC-CUNY 4107/01/201006/30/20115465.3Completed
Household Finance with Costly MortgagePSC-CUNY 4007/01/200906/30/20102900.5Completed
THE SUBSTITUTABILITY OF HOUSINGPSC-CUNY 3907/01/200812/31/20094500Completed
Asset Location and Allocation with Risky Housing and Tax-Deferred InvestingPSC-CUNY 3807/01/200706/30/20085100Completed
Honor / AwardOrganization SponsorDate ReceivedDescription
PSC-CUNY Research GrantPSC-CUNY2010
PSC-CUNY Research GrantPSC-CUNY2009
PSC-CUNY Research GrantPSC-CUNY2008
PSC-CUNY Research GrantPSC-CUNY2007
Eugene M Lang Junior Faculty Research Fellowship 2007July 2006 - June 2007
Baruch College Faculty Recognition Award2006
PSC-CUNY Research GrantPSC-CUNY2005
Baruch College Faculty Recognition Award 2004
PSC-CUNY Research GrantPSC-CUNY2004
Pittsburgh Supercomputing Center 200410,000 TCS1 Hours through NSF's Partnership for Advanced Computational Infrastructure (PACI) program, June 2003 - June 2004
The 2003 American Real Estate and Urban Economics Association (AREUEA) Homer Hoyt Institute Annual Dissertation Award2003First Place Award
PSC-CUNY Research GrantPSC-CUNY2003
North Carolina Supercomputing Center High Performance Computing Resources Allocating Award200227,000 IBM SP3 and 200 SGI Origin Hours
University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill Graduate Scholarship2002August 1998 - May 2002
North Carolina Supercomputing Center High Performance Computing Resources Allocating Award200140,000 IBM SP# and 200 10,000 SGI ORIGIN Hours
North Carolina Supercomputing Center High Performance Computing Resources Allocating Award20012000 IBM SP3 and 200 SGI ORIGIN Hours
UCLA University Fellowships 1998September 1996 - July 1998


Committee NamePosition RoleStart DateEnd Date
Coordinator of Eco/Fin/Real Estate Brownbag seminarsPresent
Graduate Curriculum CommitteeDepartment Representative8/31/2010
Graduate Student Real Estate ClubFaculty Advisor12/31/2006
Executive Committee, Department of Real Estate12/31/2006
FIN 3710Acting Coordinator12/31/2005
Curriculum Committee, Department of Real Estate 12/31/2005
Recruiting Committee, Department of Finance 12/31/2004
Ad Hoc Committee to develop Real Estate Curriculum for BBA Program in Real Estate12/31/2003


Committee NamePosition RoleStart DateEnd Date
Doctoral student's position paper (Jiajin Chen)Committee Member1/1/200912/31/2010
Doctoral student's position paper (Yili Lian)Committee Member1/1/200812/31/2009
Doctoral student's position paper (Yi Tan)Committee Member1/1/200312/31/2004


OrganizationPosition RoleOrganization StateOrganization CountryStart DateEnd DateAudience
International Real Estate ReviewEditorial Review Board Member1/1/201112/31/2011
Dissertation Award Committee, American Real Estate and Urban Economics AssociationCommittee Member1/1/200412/31/2006


OrganizationPosition RoleOrganization StateOrganization CountryStart DateEnd DateAudience
Real Estate EconomicsReferee12/31/2005
Journal of Business and Economics Statistics Referee10/31/2004
Journal of Business and Economic Statistics Referee5/31/2004