Ryan Smith

Ryan Alan Smith


Marxe School of Public and International Affairs

Department: Public Affairs

Areas of expertise:

Email Address: ryan.smith@baruch.cuny.edu

> View CV

Ryan A. Smith’s areas of research include the causes and consequences of race, ethnic and gender stratification at work, racial attitudes in America, and the functional use of religion during times of existential crises.  His research has appeared in American Behavioral Scientist; American Sociological Review; Annals of the American Academy of Political and Social Science; Annual Review of Sociology; Du Bois Review; Religions; Review of Religious Research; Social Currents; Social Forces; Social Problems; Social Science Research; Sociological Quarterly; and Work and Occupations.  

Dr. Smith has served on the editorial board of Social Problems and has been a reviewer for Administrative Science QuarterlyAmerican Sociological ReviewWork and OccupationsHuman Resource Management JournalLaw and Society ReviewRutgers University Press, and the National Science Foundation.

He is a frequent guest lecturer, workshop facilitator, moderator, panelists and consultant to numerous nonprofit, for-profit and government agencies on a variety of issues pertaining to diversity, equity and inclusion in the workplace, the role of race in America, and social policies designed to increase equality of opportunity at work.

Dr. Smith is a former Scholar in Residence at the W.E.B. Du Bois Institute for African and African American Research at Harvard University.  He also served as the Lillie and Nathan Ackerman Chair of Social Justice at the Marxe School of Public and International Affairs at Baruch (2012 – 2015).  He received his Ph.D. in Sociology from the University of California, Los Angeles, his M.S. from the University of Wisconsin-Madison, and his B.A. from the University of Pennsylvania. For additional information please see Dr. Smith's personal website: https://www.ryanalansmith.org/


Ph.D., Sociology (Concentration: Social Stratification and Race and Ethnic Relations), University of California, Los Angeles

M.S., Sociology (Minor: African American Studies), University of Wisconsin, Madison

B.A., Sociology (Minor: Psychology), University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia

SemesterCourse PrefixCourse NumberCourse Name
Spring 2024PAF9117Pub Personnel & Hrm
Spring 2024ZEP9690Managing Diversity, Equity, an
Fall 2023PAF9127Managing Cultural Diversity
Spring 2022PAF9117Pub Personnel & Hrm
Spring 2022MGT9392Spe Top In Org Beh And Hrm
Spring 2022PAF9190Public Affairs Capstone Semina
Fall 2021PAF9127Managing Cultural Diversity
Fall 2021PAF9190Public Affairs Capstone Semina
Spring 2021PAF9117Pub Personnel & Hrm
Spring 2021MGT9392Spe Top In Org Beh And Hrm
Spring 2021PAF9190Public Affairs Capstone Semina
Fall 2020PAF9127Managing Cultural Diversity
Fall 2020PAF9190Public Affairs Capstone Semina
Spring 2020PAF9190Public Affairs Capstone Semina
Spring 2020MGT9392Spe Top In Org Beh And Hrm
Spring 2020PAF9117Pub Personnel & Hrm
Fall 2019PAF9190Public Affairs Capstone Semina
Fall 2019PAF9127Managing Cultural Diversity
Spring 2019PAF9190Public Affairs Capstone Semina
Spring 2019PAF9117Pub Personnel & Hrm
Fall 2018PAF9190Public Affairs Capstone Semina
Fall 2018PAF9127Managing Cultural Diversity
Spring 2018PAF9190Public Affairs Capstone Semina
Spring 2018PAF9117Pub Personnel & Hrm
Fall 2017PAF9190Public Affairs Capstone Semina
Fall 2017PAF9117Pub Personnel & Hrm
Spring 2017PAF9117Pub Personnel & Hrm
Spring 2017PAF9190Public Affairs Capstone Semina
Fall 2016PAF9117Pub Personnel & Hrm
Fall 2016PAF9190Public Affairs Capstone Semina
Spring 2015PAF9190Public Affairs Capstone Semina
Spring 2015PAF9199Selected Topics In PAF
Fall 2014PAF9190Public Affairs Capstone Semina
Fall 2014PAF9117Pub Personnel & Hrm
Spring 2014PAF9199Selected Topics In PAF
Spring 2014PAF9190Public Affairs Capstone Semina
Fall 2013PAF9117Pub Personnel & Hrm
Fall 2013PAF9117Pub Personnel & Hrm
Spring 2013PAF9190Public Affairs Capstone Semina
Spring 2013PAF9117Pub Personnel & Hrm
Spring 2013PAF9199Selected Topics In PAF
Fall 2012PAF9117Pub Personnel & Hrm
Fall 2012PAF9190Public Affairs Capstone Semina
Spring 2012PAF9190Public Affairs Capstone Semina
Spring 2012PAF9199Selected Topics In PAF
Fall 2011PAF9117Pub Personnel & Hrm
Fall 2011PAF9190Public Affairs Capstone Semina
Spring 2011PAF9117Pub Personnel & Hrm
Spring 2011PAF9190Public Affairs Capstone Semina
Fall 2010PAF9190Public Affairs Capstone Semina
Fall 2010PAF9117Pub Personnel & Hrm
Spring 2010PAF9117Pub Personnel & Hrm
Spring 2010PAF9120Pub/Non Prof Mgt I
Fall 2009PAF9117Pub Personnel & Hrm
Fall 2009PAF9190Public Affairs Capstone Semina
Spring 2009PAF9180Policy Analysis
Spring 2008PAF9117Pub Personnel & Hrm
Fall 2007PAF9190Public Affairs Capstone Semina
Fall 2007PAF9120Pub/Non Prof Mgt I
Spring 2007PAF9117Pub Personnel & Hrm
Spring 2007PAF9190Public Affairs Capstone Semina
Fall 2006PAF9120Pub/Non Prof Mgt I
Fall 2006PAF9190Public Affairs Capstone Semina
Fall 2006PAF9999Ind Study In PAF
Spring 2006PAF9190Public Affairs Capstone Semina
Spring 2006PAF9117Pub Personnel & Hrm
Fall 2005PAF9119Organization Theory
Fall 2005PAF9190Public Affairs Capstone Semina
Spring 2005PAF9190Public Affairs Capstone Semina
Spring 2005PAF9190Public Affairs Capstone Semina
Spring 2005PAF9117Pub Personnel & Hrm
Fall 2004PAF9190Public Affairs Capstone Semina
Fall 2004PAF9175Human Resources Policy
Spring 2004PAF9117Pub Personnel & Hrm
Spring 2004PAF9190Public Affairs Capstone Semina
Fall 2003PAF9120Pub/Non Prof Mgt I
Summer 2003PAF9120Pub/Non Prof Mgt I
Summer 2003PAF9119Organization Theory
Spring 2003PAF9190Public Affairs Capstone Semina
Fall 2002PAF9175Human Resources Policy

Journal Articles

(2023). Religiosity and Misanthropy across the Racial and Ethnic Divide. Religions, 14(393).

Smith, R. (2022). Executions of Whites for Crimes against Ethnoracial Minorities: Exceptions that Prove the Rule . DuBois Review: Social Science Research on Race,

Smith, R., & Hunt, M. (2021). White American’s Opposition to Affirmative Action: New Racism, Principled Conservatism, or Both. Social Currents,

Smith, R., & Valente, R. (2021). Colortocracies: Skin Color, Occupational Status and Wealth in Latin America.

Smith, R., & Hunt, M. (2021). Racial Preferences at Work: Examining White Americans’ Affirmative Action Attitudes Across the Supervisory Divide.

Smith, R., & Hunt, M. (2020). White Supervisor and Subordinate Beliefs about Black/White Inequality: A Missing Piece in Fully Explaining What Works and What Doesn’t Work to Reduce Workplace Inequality?. Social Problems,

Smith, R. (2020). Race, Ethnicity and the Functional use of Religion when Faced with Imminent Death. Religions, 11(10). 1-19.

Wilson, G., Petersen, N., Smith, R., & Maume, D. (2019). Particularism and Racial Mobility into Privileged Occupations. Social Science Research , (78). 82-94.

Smith, R. (2019). Framing Forgiveness: A Content Analysis of Change Over Time in the Last Statements of Death Row Inmates.” Review of Religious Research. 64(4). 341-363.

Smith, R. (2018). The Functional Use of Religion when faced with Imminent Death: An Analysis of Death Row Inmates’ Last Statements made Minutes before Execution. The Sociological Quarterly, 59(2). 279-300.

Smith, R. (2012). Money, Benefits and Power: A Test of Glass Ceiling and Glass Escalator. The Annals of the American Academy of Political and Social Science, 639(1). 148-171.

(2005). Do the Determinants of Promotion Differ for White Men versus Women and Minorities? An Exploration of Intersectionalism through Sponsored and Contested Mobility Processes. American Behavioral Scientist, 48(9). 1157-1181.

(2005). Family Structure and Organizational Power? A Multi-Racial/Ethnic Analysis of Men and Women. Du Bois Review: Social Science Research on Race/Cambridge University Press, 2(1). 69-90.

Elliott, J. R., & Smith, R. (2004). Race, Gender, and Workplace Power. American Sociological Review, 69(3). 365-386.

(2002). Race, Gender and Authority in the Workplace: Theory and Research. The Annual Review of Sociology, 28. 509-542.

(2002). Does Ethnic Niching Influence Access to Authority? An Examination of Race and Gender in Three Metro Areas. Social Forces/ Oxford University Press in partnership with the Department of Sociology at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, 81(1). 255-279.

(2001). Particularism in Control Over Monetary Resources at Work: An Analysis of Racioethnic Differences in the Authority Outcomes of Black, White and Latino Men. Work and Occupations, 28(4). 447-468.

(2001). Ethnic Matching of Supervisors to Subordinate Work Teams: Exploratory Findings on ‘Bottom-up’ Ascription. Social Problems/University of California Press, 48(2). 258-276.

(1999). Racial Differences in Access to Hierarchical Authority: An Analysis of Change Over Time, 1972-1994. The Sociological Quarterly/Official Journal of the Midwest Sociological Society, 40(3). 367-395.

(1997). Race, Income, and Authority at Work: A Cross-Temporal Analysis of Black and White Men, 1972-1994. Social Problems/University of California Press, 44(1). 701-719.

Book Chapters

Smith, R., & Wilson, G. (2018). Authority and Work. In Oxford Bibliographies in Sociology. Ed. Lynette Spillman New York. Oxford University Press.

Smith, R. (2015). Contributions and Barriers to Developing Black and Latino Leadership in the Public and Nonprofit Sectors of the Economy. In Pilati, M., Sheikh, H., Sperotti, F., & Tilly, C. (Eds.), How Global Migration Changes the Workforce Diversity Equation (pp. 249-293). Newcastle upon Tyne,United Kingdom. Cambridge Scholars Publishing.

Bobo, L., & Smith, R. (1998). From Jim Crow Racism to Laissez-Faire Racism: The Transformation of Racial Attitudes in the United States. In Katkin, W., Landsman, N., & Tyree, A. (Eds.), Beyond Pluralism: Essays on the Conceptions of Groups and Group Identities in America (pp. 182-220). Champaign, IL. University of Illinois Press.

Bobo, L., Kluegel, J. R., & Smith, R. (1997). Laissez Faire Racism: The Crystallization of a ‘Kinder, Gentler’ Anti-Black Ideology. In Tuch, S. A., & Martin, J. K. (Eds.), Racial Attitudes in the 1990s: Continuity and Change (pp. 15-42). Greenwood, CT. Praeger.

Bobo, L., & Smith, R. (1994). Antipoverty Policy, Affirmative Action, and Racial Attitudes. In Danziger, S., Sandefur, G., & Weinberg, D. (Eds.), Confronting Poverty: Prescriptions for Change (pp. 365-395). Camridge, MA. Harvard University Press.

Media Contributions

(2010). Diversity Inc.

(2004). Blacks in Higher Education. .

(2000). WRSU Radio..

(1999). Rutgers Focus..

(1997). Money Radio,.

(1997). Rutgers Magazine.

(1997). Star Ledger, .

(1997). Daily Targum. .

(1997). Rutgers Focus..


Smith, R. (2019, June 14). Inequality and Workplace Diversity: Race, Ethnic and Gender Differences in Decision-Making Authority at Work. Inequality by the numbers 5th Annual workshop. CUNY Graduate Center.

Smith, R. (2019, October 20). Demography, Diversity, and Decision-Making Positions at Work: How Racism Persists in the American Occupational Structure. 2019 Transatlantic Dialogue (TAD 15). : School of Public Affairs Administration, Rutgers Newark and the Marxe School of Public and International Affairs, Baruch College, City University of New York.

Smith, R. (2018, December 14). Prepared for the Partnership of After School Emerging Leaders Program. : Baruch College, Austin W. Marxe School of Public and International Affairs.

Wilson, G., Smith, R., & Maume, D. (2018, August 31). Particularistic Mobility and Racialized Glass Ceilings: An Analysis of African American and White Men’s Mobility into Privileged Occupations. American Sociological Association. Philadelphia, PA

Smith, R. (2018, June 8). Inequality and Workplace Diversity: Race, Ethnic and Gender Differences in Decision-Making Authority at Work. Inequality by the numbers 4th Annual workshop. New York: CUNY Graduate Center.

Smith, R. (2017, December 15). HR Basics and Current Trends in the Field: Diverse Teams. New York, NY: Prepared for the Partnership of After School Emerging Leaders Program, School of Public Affairs, Baruch College.

Smith, R. (2017, December 15). HR Basics and Current Trends in the Field: Diverse Teams.” Prepared for the Partnership of After School Emerging Leaders Program. : Baruch College, Austin W. Marxe School of Public and International Affairs.

Smith, R. (2015, November 7). Race and Power: How ‘Black Lives Matter at Work’: An Analysis of Survey Data. Black Lives Matter: Money Matters. Philadelphia, PA: University of Pennsylvania.

Smith, R. (2015, June 5). Do white supervisors attitudes toward blacks and antidiscrimination workplace policies impede their ability to promote, implement, and enforce diversity and inclusion efforts?. ILR/Cornell Conference. ILR Conference Center, New York: ILR Review and Cornell University.

Smith, R. (2015, May 28). Workplace Diversity in the Public Sector: Beyond the Glass Ceiling and Glass Escalator. Continuing Title VII: Commitment to Achieving Diversity in Today's Public Sector. Scholastic Auditorium, New York: New York City Equal Employment Practices Commission.

Smith, R. (2015, April 30). HR Professionals: Are you an all for diversity, equity and inclusion?. CUPA-HR New York Metro Chapter Meeting. Emblem Health, New York: CUPA-HR New York Metro.

Smith, R. (2015, April 24). Leading and Managing Diversity and Inclusion. NY Community Trust Leadership Program. Baruch, SPA: New York Community Trust Fellows Program.

Smith, R. (2013, June 1). Contributions and Barriers to Developing Black and Latino Leadership in the Public and Nonprofit Sectors of the Economy. How Global Migration Changes the Workforce Diversity Equation. University of California, Los Angeles.: Institute for Research on Labor and Employment Conference..

Smith, R. (2013, March 8). Theorizing the Structural Context and Attitudinal Pretext for Workplace Microaggressions. CUNY Faculty Diversity and Inclusion Conference. CUNY Graduate Center: University Advisory Council on Diversity (CUNY).

Smith, R. (2012, October 3). The Power of Perception: Workplace Discrimination among African Americans and Latinos in the Government and Nonprofit Sectors of the Economy. School of Public Affairs Weekly Colloquium. 135 East 22nd st., New York, New York: School of Public Affairs.

Smith, R. (2011, April 9). Exploring the Virtues and Costs of White Male Supervision: The Smoking Gun in Ascriptive Studies of Authority Inequality?. Annual Meetings of the Southern Sociological Society.. Jacksonville, Florida: Southern Sociological Society.

Smith, R. (2010, April 21). Four Imperatives for Developing Leadership Diversity. National Urban Fellows Public Service Diversity Summits. Washington, DC, Atlanta, GA Chicago, IL, Los Angeles, CA: National Urban Fellows.

Smith, R. (2009, May 20). Corporate Diversity Best Practices: Lessons for Community-Based and Faith-Based Organizations. Diversity Summit. Lawrenceville, NJ.: Rider University.

Smith, R. (2009, November 12). Managing for Diversity: A Social Problem in Need of Solutions. Zicklin School of Business. Baruch College, CUNY, New York, NY: Department of Management.

Smith, R. (2009, February 18). The Legitimacy of Race?. Brooklyn College, The City University of New York, Brooklyn, NY

Smith, R. (2008, June 24). Who’s In Charge and Why? Race, Ethnicity, Gender and Job Authority. Grayling Global Executive Dialogue. 22 Corlandt Street, 14th Floor, New York, NY: Grayling Global.

Smith, R. (2006, April 11). HR Basics and Current Trends in the Field. The Health and Hospitals Corporation. : School of Public Affairs, Baruch College.

Smith, R. (2006, April 7). HR Basics and Current Trends in the Field. The Partnership of After School Emerging Leaders Program. New York, New York: School of Public Affairs, Baruch College.

Smith, R. (2006, March 22). Diversity Management in the Workplace. 8th Annual EEO Liaison Conference. One Police Plaza, New York, NY: New York City Police Department’s Office of Equal Employment Opportunity.

Smith, R. (2006, March 3). Managing Diversity in the Workplace: A Human Resource Imperative. United Way Junior Fellows. : School of Public Affairs, Baruch College.

Smith, R. (2005, April 29). HR Basics and Current Trends in the Field. Prepared for the Partnership of After School Emerging Leaders Program. : School of Public Affairs, Baruch College.

Smith, R. (2004, April 22). Management Reform Under Fiscal Stress. New York, NY: School of Public Affairs. Baruch College. The City University of New York.

Smith, R., & Elliott, J. R. (2004, July 10). Workplace Diversity, Power, and Wages: An Ethnoracial Analysis of Men and Women. The annual meetings of the Society for the Advancement of Socio-Economics. Washington, DC: Society for the Advancement of Socio-Economics.

Smith, R., & Elliott, J. R. (2004, August 16). Workplace Diversity, Power, and Wages: An Ethnoracial Analysis of Men and Women. The annual meetings of the American Sociological Association.. San Francisco, CA: American Sociological Association.

Smith, R. (2004, March 25). Race, Gender, and Authority in the Workplace: Assessing the Role of Family Structure as a Mediating Variable. Zicklin School of Business, The City University of New York: Zicklin School of Business, The City University of New York.

Smith, R. (2004, February 29). Race, Gender, and Authority in the Workplace: Assessing the Role of Family Structure as a Mediating Variable. : School of Public Affairs.

Smith, R. (2003, February 19). Colortocracy at Work: Racial and Ethnic Authority Hierarchies in Organizations. W.E.B Du Bois Institute for Afro-American Research Colloquium Series. : W.E.B Du Bois Institute for Afro-American Research. Harvard University..

Smith, R. (2003, August 18). Family Structure and Access to High Authority: A Multi-Racial Analysis of Men and Women. The Annual Meetings of the American Sociological Association. Atlanta, GA: American Sociological Association.

Smith, R., & Elliott, J. (2002, August 18). Accessing Positions of Supervisory Authority: Differences by Race and Gender and Their Implications for Homosocial Reproduction. The annual meetings of the American Sociological Association. Chicago, Il: American Sociological Association.

Smith, R. (2002, August 18). Ascriptive Allocation of Workplace Authority: The Last Frontier in the Battle for Equal Opportunity at Work. The annual meetings of the American Sociological Association. Chicago, Il: American Sociological Association.

Smith, R., & Elliott, J. (2001, April 30). Ethnic Matching of Supervisors to Subordinate Work teams: Exploratory Findings on ‘Bottom Up’ Ascription. The annual meetings of the Population Association of America. Section on Demography of Inequality. Washington, DC: The Population Association of America.

Smith, R. (2001, April 17). The Meaning and Practice of Managing Workplace Diversity. Lecture. Washington, DC.: Howard University School of Business.

Smith, R. (2001, April 2). Paths to Pay Equity. New Perspectives on Pay Equity: A Mini Conference.. New Brunswick, NJ. Rutgers University: The Center for Women and Work.

Smith, R. (2000, November 30). Keys to Effective Leadership in a Diverse Workplace. Presentation. Trenton, New Jersey: Office of the Mayor, City of Trenton.

Smith, R. (2000, August 12). Particularism in Control Over Monetary Resources at Work: An Analysis of Racioethnic Differences in the Authority Outcomes of Black, White, Asian, and Latino Men. The Annual Meetings American Sociological Association. Washington, DC.: American Sociological Association.

Smith, R., & ogilvie, d. (2000, July 7). Does Family Structure Influence Access to Supervisory Authority Between Black and White Women?: An Examination of National and Urban Labor Markets. London, England: Society for the Advancement of Socioeconomics. London School of Economics.

Smith, R., & Elliott, J. (2000, April 19). Does Ethnic Niching Influence Access to Authority? An Examination of Race and Gender in Three Metro Areas. The Annual Meetings of The Southern Sociological Society. New Orleans, Louisiana: The Southern Sociological Society.

Smith, R. (2000, February 28). Black Men in the New Millennium. Panel Discussion. Rutgers University. New Brunswick, New Jersey: The Black Men’s Collective.

Smith, R. (1999, November 30). Assessing Managerial and Labor Union Responses to Diversity: Understanding the Challenge in Theoretical Context. Labor & Industrial Relations Comprehensive Seminar. Rutgers University. New Brunswick, New Jersey

Smith, R. (1999, December 31). Particularism in Authority Outcomes of Black, White, Asian, and Latino Men. Rutgers University. New Brunswick, New Jersey.: New State Advisory Council, School of Management and Labor Relations, Labor Education Center..

Smith, R. (1999, November 30). Managing Diverse Cultures at Work. Seminar. Clark Atlanta University, Atlanta, GA: Clark Atlanta Project, Industrial Relations Council on GOALS.

Smith, R. (1999, July 8). Particularism in Authority Outcomes of Black, White, Asian, and Latino Men. Annual Meetings of the Society of the Study of Socioeconomics. Madison, WI: The Society of the Study of Socioeconomics.

Smith, R. (1999, August 8). Particularism in Authority Outcomes of Black, White, Asian, and Latino Supervisors. Critical Management Studies Workshop of the Annual Meetings of the Academy of Management. Chicago, Illinois: Academy of Management.

Smith, R. (1998, August 9). The Effective Management of Diverse Workforces: Understanding the Challenge in Theoretical Context/A Critical Look at Current Topics in Diversity: What Should Matter? Versus What Does Matter. Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management/ Presented at the Showcase Symposium. San Diego, California. Westin Horton Plaza Hotel: Academy of Management.

Smith, R. (1996, August 31). Race and Authority at Work. New York, New York. Sheraton Hotel: American Sociological Association.

Smith, R. (1996, August 31). Race and Authority at Work. Sociology Lecture Series. Rutgers University

Smith, R. (1996, August 31). Theoretical and Conceptual Issues of Class and Mobility Revisited. New York, New York: American Sociological Association.

Smith, R. (1995, December 31). . Guest Lecturer, Course: Diversity in the Workplace. : Management, School of Business. Rutgers University. Instructor: Adrienne Collela.

Smith, R. (1995, December 31). . Guest Lecturer, Course: Managing Diversity in the Workplace. : Graduate School of Management. Rutgers University. Instructor: Nancy DiTomaso.

Smith, R. (1995, August 7). Racial Discrimination in the Workplace: Authority and Income Differentials Among Black and White Men. Seventh Annual International Conference on Socio-Economics. Key Bridge Marriott, Washington, D.C.: Society for the Study of Socioeconomics.

Smith, R. (1995, December 31). . Guest Lecturer, Guest Lecturer: University of Delaware Summer Program for High school Youth. : University of Delaware Summer, Program for High school Youth.

Smith, R. (1994, December 31). . Forum on "The Media and Immigration”. New Brunswick, NJ: Rutgers University School of Journalism.

Smith, R. (1993, August 15). Stratification and Demographic Determinants of Black/White Political Party Identification, 1972-1990. Miami Beach, Florida, Fontainebleau Hilton: American Sociological Association.

Smith, R., & Bobo, L. (1992, August 21). The Los Angeles Rebellion in Context: A Social Psychological View Before and After. Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, Sheraton Hotel: Association of Black Sociologists.

Smith, R. (1992, August 20). Race and Job Authority: The Declining or the Enduring Significance of Race. Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, Sheraton Hotel: Association of Black Sociologists.

Other Scholarly Works

Smith, R. (2010). National Urban Fellows: Changing the Face of Public Service. 1-45.

Gauda, J. C., Smith, R., Gadsden, E. N., Larner, J., & Mundinger, G. (2009). Corporate Environmental Scan: Best Practices in Diversity. 1-130.

Frye, J., Rapkin, I. G., & Smith, R. (2005). Best Practices Analysis: Recruitment, Selection and Retention in the Advertising Industry in New York. Discovery Report..

Smith, R. (1994). A House Divided: Authority and Income Differentials Among Black and White Workers. 15(1 & 2), 16-27.


Smith, R. (2003,January 1). Review of Prosperity for All? The Economic Boom and African Americans. New York: Russell Sage Foundation. : The British Journal of Industrial Relations.

Smith, R. (2000,November 1). Review of Why Americans Hate Welfare by Martin Gilens. The Annals of the American Academy of Political and Social Science. The Annals of the American Academy of Political and Social Science.

Research Currently in Progess

Smith, R.(n.d.). Cultural Diversity, Inclusion and Equity in the Workplace: Toward Full Structural Integration. In Progress.

Smith, R.(n.d.). Exploring the Social Functions of Religion. In Progress.

Smith, R.(n.d.). Is Demography Destiny? Implications for the American Workplace. In Progress.

Smith, R.(n.d.). Power at Work: The Persistence of Race, Ethnic, and Gender Inequality in the American Workplace. Book length manuscript. In Progress.

Smith, R.(n.d.). Toward a Sociology of Forgiveness. In Progress.

TitleFunding Agency SponsorStart DateEnd DateAwarded DateTotal FundingStatus
Racioethnic Differences in the Functional use of Religion when Faced with Imminent DeathPSC-CUNY 4807/01/201706/30/201804/14/20172636.16Completed
Managing For DiversityPSC-CUNY 4207/01/201106/30/201204/15/20113499.5Completed
Managing For DiversityPSC-CUNY 4207/01/201106/30/201204/15/20113499.5Completed
Managing For DiversityPSC-CUNY 4007/01/200906/30/20103516.28Completed
Money and Power: How Strong Is The Connection and for Whom?PSC-CUNY 3807/01/200706/30/20084125.41Completed
Department Chair Research Account Year 4 Ryan SmithPSC CUNY09/01/202308/31/202508/31/20233000Funded - In Progress
Honor / AwardOrganization SponsorDate ReceivedDescription
Nomination for Presidential Excellence Award for Distinguished TeachingBaruch College, Marxe School of Public & International Affairs. The City University of New York2019
Lillie and Nathan Ackerman Chair of Social JusticeSchool of Public Affairs, Baruch College, School of Public Affairs, The City University of New York2015
Presidential Excellence Award for Distinguished ScholarshipBaruch College, School of Public Affairs. The City University of New York2005
FellowW.E.B. Du Bois Institute of African American Research, Harvard University2002
Dissertation FellowshipInstitute of American Cultures, University of California, Los Angeles1993Approximately $12,000
First Place AwardGraduate Student Paper Competition, Association of Black Sociologists1992
Research FellowshipCenter for the Study of Urban Poverty, University of California, Los Angeles1991Approximately $15,000
Graduate Minority FellowshipNational Science Foundation1989$58,700
Advanced Opportunity FellowshipUniversity of Wisconsin, Madison1987$23,782


Committee NamePosition RoleStart DateEnd Date
Austin W. Marxe School of Public and International Affairs Research CommitteeCommittee MemberPresent
Austin W. Marxe School of Public and International Affairs Personnel and Budget CommitteeCommittee MemberPresent
Austin W. Marxe School of Public and International Affairs Representative Zicklin School of BusinessRepresentativePresent
DEI/Social Jusitce Search CommitteeCommittee Chair7/1/2022
Austin W. Marxe School of Public and International Affairs Personnel and Budget CommitteeCommittee Member8/31/2021
Public and Nonprofit Administration Search committeeCommittee Member2/28/2018
Lillie and Nathan Ackerman Chair of Social Justice, School of Public Affairs, Baruch College, School of Public Affairs, The City University of New YorkCommittee Member12/31/2015
Austin W. Marxe School of Public and International Affairs Personnel and Budget CommitteeCommittee Member8/31/2015
Promotions and Budgets CommitteeCommittee Member5/31/2015
Austin W. Marxe School of Public and International Affairs Personnel and Budget CommitteeCommittee Chair8/31/2013
Austin W. Marxe School of Public and International Affairs Personnel and Budget CommitteeCommittee Member8/31/2011
Institutional Review BoardCommittee Member5/31/2011
Provost Search Committee IICommittee Member9/30/2006
Provost Search Committee ICommittee Member5/31/2006
Executive CommitteeCommittee Member5/31/2006
National Urban Fellows Review CommitteeCommittee Chair4/30/2006
Curriculum CommitteeCommittee Member12/31/2005
Dean Search CommitteeCommittee Member10/31/2005
Human Resource CommitteeCommittee Member9/30/2005
Ackerman Search CommitteeCommittee Member12/31/2004


Committee NamePosition RoleStart DateEnd Date
Dissertation Committee , Alison RichardsonCommittee Member6/30/2021Present
Knowledge, Creation, Diversity, and Innovative Research committeeCommittee Member9/30/2017
University Advisory Council on DiversityCommittee Member9/1/20135/31/2015


OrganizationPosition RoleOrganization StateOrganization CountryStart DateEnd DateAudience
Occupation and Work, W. Richard Scott Article Award Committee for the American Sociological AssociationMember1/1/202112/31/2021
Social Problems Editorial Review Board Member1/1/199912/31/2003


OrganizationPosition RoleOrganization StateOrganization CountryStart DateEnd DateAudience
Corporate Environmental Scan: Best Practices in Diversity. author12/31/2009
Paid Family Leave in New York City. Manhattan Borough President’s Office in association with A Better Balance. Employee Focus GroupsEmployer Focus Groups10/23/2007
Paid Family Leave in New York City. Manhattan Borough President’s Office in association with A Better Balance. Employee Focus GroupsFocus Group Moderator10/16/2007
Organizations, Occupations and Work: Roundtable Discussions. Annual Meetings of the American Sociological AssociationPresiderNew York8/31/2007
Over and Underpayment of Workers. Annual Meetings of the American Sociological AssociationDiscussantNew York8/31/2007
(Bi-annual since 1995) Center for Management Development. Rutgers University. Equal Employment Opportunity Workshop Series. Managing Diverse Workforces. Full-day and Half-Day workshops. Workshop participants representing: AT&T, Prudential, New Jersey Education Association, Princeton Plasma Physics Lab, New Jersey Department of Corrections, Showboat Hotel Casino, Bell Atlantic, to name a few.Workshop Leader12/31/2005
Best Practices Analysis: Recruitment, Selection and Retention in the Advertising Industry in New York. Co-author and Researcher12/31/2005
Management Reform Under Fiscal Stress. Presenters: David M. Walker, Comptroller General of the United States and William C. Thompson, Jr. Comptroller of the City of New York. School of Public Affairs. Baruch College. The City University of New YorkModerator4/22/2004
Industrial Relations Research Association Education CommitteeMember1/1/200012/31/2001
Managing Cultural Diversity at Work. Executive Training Session Designed for Rhodia, IncWorkshop LeaderNew Jersey6/8/2001
Valuing Workplace Diversity. Training for Fire Fighters. Designed for City of Englewood, NJWorkshop Leader5/29/2001
Managing Diversity at Work. Designed for Bristol-Myers SquibbWorkshop LeaderNew Jersey4/20/2001
Managing Diversity at Work. Designed for Bristol-Myers SquibbWorkshop LeaderNew Jersey2/9/2001
Managing Diversity in the Workplace. Center for Management Development. Rutgers UniversityWorkshop Leader12/31/1999
Educational/Training Task force, First Baptist Community Development CorporationCo-ChairNew Jersey1/1/199712/31/1999
College Fair on Admissions and Financial Aid. First Baptist Community Development Corporation. Somerset, New Jersey In association with The College of New Jersey, Raritan Valley Community College, and Shaw University.Co-Organizer6/5/1999
Managing Diversity Workforces. Maher Terminals, International shipping firmWorkshop LeaderNew Jersey12/31/1998
Managing Diverse Workforces. AEP Industries, Inc., Plastics firm. Workshop LeaderPennsylvania12/31/1997
Theoretical and Conceptual Issues of Class and Mobility Revisited. American Sociological AssociationPresiderNew York8/31/1996
Human Resource Development Institute, Executive Development SeriesWorkshop LeaderNew Jersey12/31/1995