Ryan Phillips

Ryan Phillips

Assc Professor

CUNY Baruch

Department: Library

Areas of expertise:

Email Address: ryan.phillips@baruch.cuny.edu

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M.L.S., Library Science, State University of New York-Buffalo New York

M.B.A., Business, University of Minnesota-Duluth Minnesota

BBA, Marketing, University of Minnesota-Duluth Minnesota

SemesterCourse PrefixCourse NumberCourse Name
Fall 2015LIB1016Info Research In Bus
Fall 2014LIB1016Info Research In Bus
Fall 2012LIB1015Info Res Soc Sci & Hum

Journal Articles

Phillips, R. (2020). Bloomberg Professional. The Charleston Advisor, 21(4). 16-22.

Phillips, R. (2019). AnythingResearch.com. Charleston Advisor, 21(2). 5-7.

Phillips, R. (2018). Book Citations in PhD Science Dissertations: An Examination of Commercial Book Publisher Influence. Library Trends, 67(2). 286-302.

Phillips, R., & Ormsby, R. (2016). Industry Classification Schemes: An Analysis and Review. Journal of Business and Finance Librarianship, 21(1). 1-25.

(2014). Bloomberg Professional. The Charleston Advisor, 15(4). 9-16.

Phillips, R. (2014). An Analysis of Small Business Assistance Websites: Content and Delivery. Journal of Business & Finance Librarianship, 19(2). 125-141.

(2013). A Review of Entrepreneur.com and Inc.com . Journal of Business & Finance Librarianship, 18(1). 62-73.

(2013). Developing Sustainable International Library Exchange Programs: The CUNY-Shanghai Library Faculty Exchange Model. Metropolitan Universities Journal, 24(3). 102-123.

(2011). Factiva. The Charleston Advisor, 12(3). 26-30.

Book Chapters

Chao, S., Evans, B., Phillips, R., Mark, P. A., Beth, P., & Ellen, S. (2017). "The CUNY-Shanghai Library Faculty Exchange Program: Participants Remember, Reflect and Reshape". In International Librarianship: Developing Professional, Intercultural, and Educational Leadership, edited by Constantia Constantinou, Michael Miller, and Kenneth Schlesinger (pp. 27-40). Albany, New York. State University of New York Press.


Phillips, R., Simon, J., Cronin-Kardon, C., & Machovec, G. (2019, November 7). Through the Looking Glass: Measuring Value in the Nontraditional Database Market. The Charleston Conference. Charleston, S.C.

Phillips, R. (2019, October 26). Evolving company disclosure: Environmental, social, governance (ESG) data and reporting. McCrann Lectures. : LACUNY.

Phillips, R. (2017, May 19). Frameworks for Determining Facts, Validity, and the Reliability of information: A Survey of Approaches from Various Disciplines. LACUNY Institute 2017: The Future of Librarianship: Exploring What’s Next for the Academic Librarian. LaGuardia Community College, CUNY: LACUNY.

Ormsby, R., & Phillips, R. (2015, June 13). . (2015, June). Understanding the New Sustainability Accounting Standards. Poster session presented at Business & Finance Division of the Special Libraries Association Annual Conference, Boston, MA.

Phillips, R. (2014, June 10). . (2014, June). Visualizing Global Company Operations through Identifiers and Classification Codes. Poster session presented at Business & Finance Division of the Special Libraries Association Annual Conference, Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada.

Phillips, R. (2014, March 24). . (2014, March). Bloomberg Professional. Presentation for Business and Economics Librarians Special Interest Group, METRO, New York, New York.

Phillips, R. (2013, July 31). . (2013, July). Corporate Social Responsibility Information Sources. Presentation for CSR-Sustainability Monitor. Baruch College, CUNY, Subotnick Financial Services Center, New York, New York.

Phillips, R., & Evans, B. (2013, June 20). . (2013, June). Education of the Chinese for Librarianship. Co-organizer for LACUNY International Relations Roundtable Panel, New York, New York.

Chao, J., Evans, B., Polger, M., Phillips, R., Posner, B., & Sexton, E. (2012, June 30). . (2012, June). CUNY Librarians in China. Poster presented at American Library Association 2012 Conference, Anaheim, California.

Chao, J., Evans, B., Phillips, R., Polger, M., Posner, B., & Sexton, E. (2011, December 2). . (2011, December). CUNY Librarians in China. Poster presented at 2011 Association of College and Research Libraries/NY Symposium, Baruch College, CUNY, New York, New York.

Phillips, R. (2011, October 14). . (2011, October). Spring 2011 Shanghai Normal University Residency. Presentation for the LACUNY International Relations Round Table, Graduate Center, CUNY, New York, New York.

Phillips, R. (2011, June 7). . (2011, June). Business Information in the United States. Presentation for CUNY–Shanghai Faculty Exchange Program, Shanghai Normal University, Shanghai, China.

Phillips, R. (2011, June 7). . (2011, June). The Newman Library & Subject Librarianship. Presentation for CUNY–Shanghai Faculty Exchange Program, Shanghai Normal University, Shanghai, China.

Phillips, R. (2011, May 25). . (2011, May). Newman Library Communication Tools for Librarian Preparedness and Professional Development. Presentation for CUNY–Shanghai Faculty Exchange Program, Shanghai University, Shanghai, China.

Phillips, R. (2010, August 24). . (2010, August). SLA NY offers Bloomberg Basics. Presentation for Special Libraries Association, New York Chapter, Employment Task Force and the Business & Finance Committee. Baruch College, CUNY, Subotnick Financial Services Center, New York, New York.

Gee, H., Ormsby, R., & Phillips, R. (2009, June 14). . (2009, June). Business information literacy: An example of library & faculty collaboration: Lessons learned. Poster session presented at the Business & Finance Division of the Special Libraries Association Annual Conference, Washington, D.C..

Other Scholarly Works

Phillips, R., Klusek, L., & N/A, C. T. (2019). Supporting the Changing Practices of Teaching in Business Baruch Summary. Supporting the Changing Practices of Teaching in Business Ithaka S+R.

Phillips, R., & Johnson, W. G. (2017). Mayan Apocalyptic. End of Days: An Encyclopedia of the Apocalypse in World Religions. 230.

Phillips, R. (2013). Bloomberg I: Introduction to Bloomberg Professional for Equities. 1-20.

Phillips, R. (2013). Bloomberg II: Fixed Income and Advanced Topics. 1-29.

Phillips, R. (2013). Bloomberg Professional at Baruch.

Phillips, R. (2011). A Librarian in Shanghai. Parts 1 & 2.

Gee, H., Ormsby, R., & Phillips, R. (2009). SLA’s first B&F poster session proves to be popular with attendees. 27-29.


Phillips, R. (2011,September 1). CUNY–Shanghai Library Faculty Exchange: Spring 2011 Residency Report. Report for CUNY Shanghai Faculty Exchange Program, CUNY, New York.

TitleFunding Agency SponsorStart DateEnd DateAwarded DateTotal FundingStatus
Business Information Benchmark for University LibrariesPSC-CUNY 4907/01/201806/30/201904/15/20182400Completed
Honor / AwardOrganization SponsorDate ReceivedDescription
Faculty Scholarship & Creative AchievementBaruch College, CUNY2012


Committee NamePosition RoleStart DateEnd Date
QuestionPointBaruch Administrator8/1/2011Present
Newman Library Idea LabCo-creator, Co-administrator2/1/2009Present
Tech SharecaseCo-convener2/1/2009Present
Service Excellence: Positioning Library Staffs for the FutureAttendee, Meeting9/21/20099/22/2009


Committee NamePosition RoleStart DateEnd Date
Baruch College Personnel and Budget CommitteeCommittee MemberPresent
Tech SharecaseCo-convenerPresent
QuestionPointBaruch AdministratorPresent
Newman Library Idea LabCo-creator, Co-administratorPresent
Zicklin BBA Learning Assurance CommitteeCommittee Member12/31/2015
Global Finance & Economics, Baruch Leadership AcademyTrack Manager8/1/2014
Global Finance & Economics, Baruch Leadership AcademyTrack Manager7/26/2013
Service Excellence: Positioning Library Staffs for the FutureAttendee, Meeting9/22/2009


Committee NamePosition RoleStart DateEnd Date
Library Association of the City University of New York (LACUNY), PresidentTreasurer7/1/20186/30/2020
Library Association of the City University of New York (LACUNY), President7/1/20177/31/2018
LACUNY Institute Planning CommitteeCommittee Member8/1/20166/30/2018
Library Association of the City University of New York (LACUNY), Vice President7/1/20167/31/2017
Library Association of the City University of New York (LACUNY), Executive Council Delegate5/1/20135/31/2016
Library Association of the City University of New York (LACUNY), Executive Council Alternative Delegate5/1/20125/31/2013


OrganizationPosition RoleOrganization StateOrganization CountryStart DateEnd DateAudience
Chinese American Librarians Association (CALA)Member2/1/2017Present
Association of College and Research Libraries (ACRL), Greater New York Metropolitan ChapterMember11/1/2011Present
Library Association of the City University of New York (LACUNY)Member10/1/2008Present
Special Libraries Association (SLA), NY Chapter, Business & Finance DivisionMember6/1/2005Present
Library Association of the City University of New York (LACUNY)Officer, Treasurer7/31/20187/31/2020
Library Association of the City University of New York (LACUNY)Officer, President/Elect/Past7/31/20177/31/2018
Library Association of the City University of New York (LACUNY)Officer, Vice President7/31/20167/31/2017


OrganizationPosition RoleOrganization StateOrganization CountryStart DateEnd DateAudience
The Desk SetMember5/1/2007Present