Sankar Sen


Zicklin School of Business

Department: Allen Aaronson Dept of Mkt/IB

Areas of expertise: Consumer Decision Making, Corporate Social Responsibility, Social Marketing

Email Address:

Sankar Sen is the Lawrence and Carol Zicklin Chair in Corporate Integrity and Governance, and Professor of Marketing at Baruch College/City University of New York.  Sen received his PhD from the Wharton School of the University of Pennsylvania, and has held full time or visiting positions at Temple University, New York University, Boston University, and the Sasin School of Management at Chulalongkorn University.

Sen’s primary research interest lie at the intersection of sustainability and consumer behavior. In particular, he investigates when, how and why consumers and employees respond to companies’ sustainability/ corporate social responsibility endeavors. He has lectured extensively on this topic in academic, company and industry forums in Africa, Asia, Europe and North and South America, and his book, Leveraging Corporate Responsibility: The Stakeholder Route to Maximizing Business and Social Value, was published by Cambridge University Press.  Sen is also interested, more generally, in prosocial behaviors, social marketing, and moral perspectives on consumption behavior.

Sen’s research has appeared in both academic (Journal of Business Ethics; Journal of Consumer Research; Journal of Economic Theory; Journal of Marketing Research; Journal of Marketing; Management Science) and practitioner journals (California Management Review; Sloan Management Review; McKinsey Quarterly; Business Horizons). He has consulted with various companies (communications, FMCG’s, airlines) and his research has been cited in various media outlets (New York Times; BusinessWeek).

Sen is an associate editor at the Journal of Consumer Psychology, and serves on the editorial boards of Journal of Consumer Research, Journal of Marketing, Journal of Public Policy and Marketing, Academy of Marketing Science Review, and Corporate Reputation Review. Sen teaches at the undergraduate, MBA/MS, Executive MBA/MS and PhD levels, and has received numerous teaching awards over the years.


Ph.D., Business Administration, University of Pennsylvania

M.S., Chemical Engineering, University of Minnesota

B.A., Biochemistry, Brandeis University


Lindgreen, A., Maon, F., Vanhamme, J., & Sen, S. (2013). Sustainable Value Chain Management: Analyzing, Designing, Implementing, and Monitoring for Social and Environmental Responsibility. Aldershot, UK, Gower Publishing.

Bhattacharya, C., Sen, S., & Korschun, D. (2011). Leveraging Corporate Responsibility: The Stakeholder Route to Maximizing Business and Social Value. Cambridge University Press.

Journal Articles

(2023). Corporate Purpose and Employee Sustainability Behaviors. Journal of Business Ethics, 183(4), 963–981.

(2023). Low Fit Cause-Related Marketing: When and Why do Consumers Respond Positively?. Journal of Consumer Psychology ,

(2023). Implicit Mindset and Preference for In-kind CSR Contributions. Journal of Marketing, In Progress.

Sen, S., & Du, S. (2023). AI Through a CSR Lens: Consumer Issues and Public Policy. Journal of Public Policy and Marketing, 42(4).

(2022). I’ll Smile with You, But Please Cry without Me: How Virtual Reality and Imagination Perspectives Influence Charity Appeal Efficacy. Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science, In Progress.

Wongkitrungrueng, A., Hildebrand, D., Sen, S., & Nuttavuthisit, K. (2020). Is Salesperson Attractiveness a Boon or a Bane? The Moderating Role of Perceived Labor Cost-To-Price Ratio in Retail Bargaining. Journal of Consumer Psychology, 30(3). 447 - 465.

Einwiller, S., Lis, B., Ruppel, C., & Sen, S. (2019). When CSR-based identification backfires: Testing the effects of CSR-related negative publicity. Journal of Business Research, 104. 1 - 13.

Trudel, R., Klein, J., Sen, S., & Dawar, N. (2019). Feeling Good by Doing Good: A Selfish Motivation for Ethical Choice. Journal of Business Ethics, 166. 39 - 49.

Carvalho, S., Hildebrand, D., & Sen, S. (2019). Dressed to Impress: The Effect of Victim Attire on Helping Behavior. Journal of the Association for Consumer Research, 4(4). 376 - 386.

Wongkitrungrueng, A., Szabo-Douat, T., Nuttavuthisit, K., & Sen, S. (2019). Customer deference to service providers in ordinary service encounters. Journal of Service Theory and Practice, 29(2). 189 - 212.

Sen, S., Baskentli, S., Du, S., & Bhattacharya, C. B. (2019). Consumer Reactions to Corporate Social Responsibility: The Role of CSR Domains. Journal of Business Research, 95. 502 - 513.

Wongkitrungrueng, A., Valenzuela, A., & Sen, S. (2018). The Cake Looks Yummy on the Shelf Up/Down There: The Interactive Effect of Product Shelf Location and Consumer Dispositional Power. Journal of Retailing, 94(3). 280 - 295.

(2018). Are Two Reasons Better Than One? The Role of Appeal Type in Consumer Responses to Sustainable Products. Journal of Consumer Psychology, 28(4). 644-664.

Du, S., Bartels, J., Reinders, M., & Sen, S. (2017). Organic Consumption Behavior: A Social Identification Perspective. Food Quality and Preference, 62C. 190 - 198.

Du, S., Yu, K., Bhattacharya, C., & Sen, S. (2017). The Business Case for Sustainability Reporting: Evidence from Stock Market Reactions. Journal of Public Policy and Marketing, 36 (3), 313-330.

Irmak, C., Kramer, T., & Sen, S. (2017). Choice under Incomplete Information on Incumbents: Why Consumers with Stronger Preferences Are More Likely to Abandon Their Prior Choices. Journal of Consumer Psychology, 27(2). 264 - 269.

Hildebrand, D., DeMotta, Y., Sen, S., & Valenzuela, A. (2017). Consumer Responses to Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) Contribution Type. Journal of Consumer Research, 44(4). 738 - 758.

Demotta, Y., & Sen, S. (2017). How Psychological Contracts Motivate Employer-Brand Patronage. Marketing Letters, 28(3). 385 - 395.

Gupta, R., & Sen, S. (2016). Learning and Liking through Comparison: The Effects of Analogy Pairs on Product Interpretations and Evaluations.

Sen, S., Du, S., & Bhattacharya, C. (2016). Corporate Social Responsibility: A Consumer Psychology Perspective. Current Opinion in Psychology, 10. 70-75.

Du, S., Bhattacharya, C., & Sen, S. (2015). Corporate Social Responsibility, Multi-faceted Job-Products, and Employee Outcomes. Jounal of Business Ethics, 131(2). 319-335.

Janssen, C., Sen, S., & Bhattacharya, C. (2015). Corporate Crises in the Age of Corporate Social Responsibility. Business Horizons, 58(2). 183-192.

Sen, S., Johnson, A., Bhattacharya, C., & Wang, J. (2015). Identification and Attachment in Consumer-Brand Relationships. Review of Marketing Research, 12. 151 - 175.

Irmak, C., Sen, S., & Bhattacharya, C. (2015). Consumer Reactions to Business-Nonprofit Alliances: Who Benefits and When?. Marketing Letters, 26(1). 29-42.

Kachersky, L., Sen, S., Kim, H., & Carnevale, M. (2014). Buyer Beware of Your Shadow: How Price Moderates the Effect of Incidental Similarity on Buyer Behavior. Journal of Applied Social Psychology, 44. 643-649.

Du, S., Swaen, V., Lindgreen, A., & Sen, S. (2013). The Roles of Leadership Styles in Corporate Social Responsibility. Journal of Business Ethics, 114(1). 155 - 169.

Hildebrand, D., DeMotta, Y., Komsompong, K., & Sen, S. (2013). Ingroup and Outgroup Influences on the Consumption Behavior of Minority Groups: The Case of Gay Men. Journal of Public Policy and Marketing, 32(May). 70 - 78.

DeMotta, Y., Komsompong, K., & Sen, S. (2013). Mai Dongxi: Materialism, Social Influence, and China’s One-Child Policy. Social Influence, 8(1). 27 - 45.

Gupta, R., & Sen, S. (2013). The Effect of Changing Resource Synergy Beliefs on the Intentions-Behavior Discrepancy in Ethical Consumption. Journal of Consumer Psychology, 23(1). 114 - 121.

Bhattacharya, C., Korschun, D., & Sen, S. (2012). What really drives value in corporate responsibility?. McKinsey Quarterly , 1. 14-16.

Du, S., Bhattacharya, C., & Sen, S. (2012). Using corporate social responsibility to motivate and retain female employees. Center for Gender in Organizations Insights, 31. 1-3.

Stokburger-Sauer, N., Ratneshwar, S., & Sen, S. (2012). The Drivers of Consumer-Brand Identification. International Journal of Research in Marketing, 29(4). 406 - 418.

Bhattacharya, C., Du, S., & Sen, S. (2011). What board members should know about communicating CSR. Director Notes by The Conference Board , 3(6).

Bhattacharya, C., Sen, S., & Korschun, D. (2011). The next challenge for corporate responsibility. EFMD Global Focus, 5(3). 45-47.

Bhattacharya, C., Sen, S., & Korschun, D. (2011). How to co-create responsibility strategy. Ethical Corporation, 11. 35-38.

Wilcox, K., Kramer, T., & Sen, S. (2011). Indulgence or Self-Control: A Dual Process Model of the Effect of Incidental Pride on Indulgent Choice. Journal of Consumer Research, 38(1). 151-163.

Bhattacharya, C., Sen, S., & Korschun, D. (2011). Maximizing ROI from corporate responsibility. The European Financial Review , 11/12. 48-50.

Du, S., Bhattacharya, C., & Sen, S. (2011). Corporate Social Responsibility and Competitive Advantage: Overcoming the Trust Barrier. Management Science, 57(9). 1528 –1545.

Hildebrand, D., Sen, S., & Bhattacharya, C. (2011). Corporate Social Responsibility: A Corporate Marketing Perspective. European Journal of Marketing, 45(9/10). 1353 - 1364.

Irmak, C., Antonuk, B., & Sen, S. (2010). You Like What I Like but I Don’t Like What You Like: The Role of Uniqueness Motivations in Product Preferences. Journal of Consumer Research, 37(October). 443 - 455.

Carvalho, S. W., Sen, S., de Oliveira Mota , M., & Carneiro Lima , R. (2010). Consumer Reactions to Corporate Social Responsibility: A Brazilian Perspective. Journal of Business Ethics, 91. 291-310.

Bhattacharya, C., Korschun, D., & Sen, S. (2009). Strengthening Stakeholder-Company Relationships Through Mutually Beneficial Corporate Social Responsibility Initiatives. Journal of Business Ethics, 85(Supplement 2). 257 – 272.

Wilcox, K., Kim, H. M., & Sen, S. (2009). Why Do Consumers Buy Counterfeit Luxury Brands?. Journal of Marketing Research, 46(2). 247 - 259.

Sen, S., & Block, L. (2009). Why My Mother Never Threw Anything Out: The Effects of Product Freshness on Consumption. Journal of Consumer Research, 36(1). 47 - 55.

Du, S., Bhattacharya, C., & Sen, S. (2009). Maximizing Business Returns to Corporate Social Responsibility: The Role of CSR Communications. International Journal of Management Reviews, 12(1). 8 - 16.

Du, S., Sen, S., & Bhattacharya, C. (2008). Exploring the Social and Business Returns of a Corporate Oral Health Initiative Aimed at Disadvantaged Hispanic Families. Journal of Consumer Research, 35(3). 483-494.

Bhattacharya, C., Sen, S., & Korschun, D. (2008). Using Corporate Social Responsibility to Win the War for Talent. MIT Sloan Management Review, 49(2). 37-44.

Du, S., Bhattacharya, C. B., & Sen, S. (2007). Reaping Relational Rewards From Corporate Social Responsibility: The Role of Competitive Positioning. International Journal of Research in Marketing, 24(3). pp.224-241.

Sen, S., Bhattacharya, C. B., & Korschun, D. (2006). The Role of Corporate Social Responsibility in Strenthening Multiple Stakeholder Relationships. Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science, 34(2). pp.158-167.

Bhattacharya, C. B., & Sen, S. (2004). Doing Better at Doing Good: When, Why and How Consumers Respond to Corporate Social Initiatives. California Management Review/ University of California, 47(1). 9-24.

Sen, S. (2004). The Behavioral Consequences of HIV Testing: An Experimental Investigation. Journal of Public Policy and Marketing, 23(1). 28-43.

Bhattacharya, C. B., & Sen, S. (2003). "Consumer-Company Identification: A Framework For Understanding Conumers' Relationships With Companies". Journal of Marketing/ American Marketing Association, 67(April). 76-88.

Johnson, E. J., Camerer, C., Sen, S., & Rymon, T. (2002). Detecting Failures of Backward Induction: Monitoring Information Search in Sequential Bargaining. Journal of Economic Theory, 104(1). 16-47.

Sen, S., Block, L. G., & N/A, S. C. (2002). Window-Displays and Consumer Shopping Decisions. Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services, 99. 277-290.

Sen, S., & Bhattacharya, C. B. (2001). Does Doing Good Always Lead to Doing Better? Consumer Reactions to Corporate Social Responsibility. Journal of Marketing Research, 38(2). 225-244.

Sen, S., Gurhan-Canli, Z., & Morwitz, V. (2001). Withholding Consumption: A Social Dilemma Perspective on Consumer Boycotts. Journal of Consumer Research, 28(December). 399-417.

Sen, S. (1999). The Effects Of Brand Name Suggestiveness And Decision Goal On The Development Of Brand Knowledge. Journal of Consumer Psychology, 8(4). 431-455.

Sen, S. (1998). Knowledge, Information Mode and the Attraction Effect. Journal of Consumer Research, 25(March). 64-77.

Sen, S., & Johnson, E. J. (1997). Mere-Possession Effects without Possession in Consumer Choice. Journal of Consumer Research, 24(March). 105-117.

Sen, S., & Morwitz, V. (1996). Is It Better to Have Loved and Lost Than Never To Have Loved At All? Consumer Reaction to Product Changes Over Time. Marketing Letters, 7(3). 225-235.

Sen, S., & Morwitz, V. (1996). Consumer Reactions to a Provider's Position on Social Issues: The Effect of Varying Frames of Reference. Journal of Consumer Psychology, 5(1). 27-48.

Sen, S. (1996). Marketing and Minority Civil Rights: The Case of Amendment 2 and the Colorado Boycott. Journal of Public Policy and Marketing, 15(2). 311-318.

Sen, S., Hu, W., & Srienc, F. (1990). Flow Cytometric Study of Hybridoma Cell Culture: Correlation between Cell Surface Fluorescence and IgG Production Rate. Enzyme and Microbial Technology/ Elsvier, 12. 571-576.

Sen, S., Srienc, F., & Hu, W. (1989). Distinct Volume Distribution of Viable and Non-viable Hybridoma Cells: A Flow Cytometric Study. Cytotechnolgy/ Kluwer Academic Press, 2. 85-94.

Book Chapters

Du, S., Korschun, D., Bhattacharya, C., & Sen, S. (2014). Leveraging Corporate Social Responsibility to Maximize Social Value. Handbook of Persuasion and Social Marketing

Korschun, D., Bhattacharya, C., & Sen, S. (2013). Stakeholder-Centricity – Managing Sustainability Successfully. Sustainability Management Berlin. Logos Verlag.

Bhattacharya, C., & Sen, S. (2010). Corporate Responsibility and Marketing. Mainstreaming Corporate Responsibility Wiley-VCH.

Sen, S., Du, S., & Bhattacharya, C. (2009). Building Brand Relationships Through Corporate Social Responsibility. Handbook of Brand Relationships Irvine, CA. ME Sharpe.

Sen, S., & Bhattacharya Shuili Du, C. B. (2007). Building Relationships through Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR): The Role of Communication. (p. 70). New Frontiers in Branding: Attitudes, Attachments, and Relationships.

Colin, C., Johnson, E. J., Raymon, T., & Sen, S. (1993). Sequential Bargaining in Gains and Losses. In Binmore, K., Kirman, A., & Tani, P. (Eds.), Frontiers in Game Theory Cambridge: MIT Press.


Sen, S. (2024, February 26). The Rhetoric of Marketplace Morality: A Consumer Perspective. SPSP 2023 Sustainability Psychology Preconference.

Fajardo Nunes Hildebrand, D., Hadi, R., & Sen, S. (2024, June 26). Sharing the Smiles But Not the Tears: How Perspective Taking Influences Charitable Appeal Efficacy. Behavioural Insights into Business for Social Good. Vancouver, BC, Canada

Sen, S. (2020, June 30). The Role of Thinking Style in Consumer Reactions to Corporate Social Responsibility. GIBS Research Colloquium. Johannesburg, South Africa: GIBS, University of Pretoria.

Sen, S. (2019, March 31). The Rhetoric of Marketplace Morality: A Consumer Perspective. Singapore: ESSEC.

Sen, S. (2019, May 31). Knowledge Creation and Dissemination in the Social Sciences. Publishing Academic Research and Knowledge Dissemination in the Academy Training Session. Bangkok, Thailand: Chulalongkorn University.

Sen, S. (2018, April 30). The Rhetoric of Marketplace Morality: A Consumer Perspective. Research Seminar Series. Coral Gables, FL: Miami Business School, University of Miami.

Sen, S. (2018, October 31). The Rhetoric of Marketplace Morality: A Consumer Perspective. Doctoral Colloquium. Cape Town, SOUTH AFRICA: Graduate School of Business, University of Cape Town.

Sen, S. (2018, October 31). The Rhetoric of Marketplace Morality: A Consumer Perspective. Research Seminar. Johannesburg, SOUTH AFRICA: Gordon Institute of Business Sciences.

Sen, S. (2018, March 31). The Rhetoric of Marketplace Morality: A Consumer Perspective. Research Seminar. Herzeliya, ISRAEL: Arison School of Business, IDC.

Sen, S. (2017, September 30). The Rhetoric of Marketplace Morality: A Consumer Perspective. Keynote Address, International CSR Communication conference. Vienna, Austria

Sen, S. (2016, April 8). Consumer Reactions to CSR Contribution Types. "Corporate Social Responsibility Research in Marketing” ,Voya Financial Colloquium,. Storrs, CT: University of Connecticut.

Sen, S. (2016, February 19). Consumer Reactions to CSR Contribution Types. Baltimore, MD: Carey School of Business, Johns Hopkins University.

Sen, S. (2015, June 30). Keepin’ it Gangsta: Authenticity, Identity and the Consumer. CSR Research Seminar. IESEG School of Business, Paris, FR

Sen, S. (2015, March 31). Consumer Reactions to Corporate Social Responsibility: The Case of Disaster Relief. Victoria Business School, Victoria University of Wellington, Wellington, NZ

Sen, S. (2015, March 31). Corporate Social Responsibility: Do Stakeholders Really Care?. Victoria Business School, Victoria University of Wellington / Wellington, NZ

Sen, S. (2014, September 30). Keepin’ it Gangsta: Authenticity, Identity and the Consumer. Keynote Address, 9th International CIARG (Corporate Identity/Associations Research Group) Conference. VU, Amsterdam, NL

Sen, S. (2014, January 31). Consumer Reactions to Corporate Social Responsibility: The Case of Disaster Relief. ESSEC Asia-Pacific, Singapore

Sen, S. (2014, March 31). Consumer Reactions to Corporate Social Responsibility: The Case of Disaster Relief. Brunel University, London, UK

Sen, S. (2014, April 30). Consumer Reactions to Corporate Social Responsibility: The Case of Disaster Relief. Distinguished Lecture Series. Trulaske College of Business, University of Missouri, Columbia, MO, USA

Sen, S. (2013, December 31). Consumer Reactions to Corporate Social Responsibility: The Case of Disaster Relief. Distinguished Scholar Lecture. Ruhr-Universität Bochum, Bochum, Germany

Sen, S. (2013, July 31). Consumer Reactions to Corporate Social Responsibility: The Case of Disaster Relief. International Conference on Management Science and Engineering. Harbin Institute of Technology, PRC

Sen, S. (2013, February 28). Consumer Reactions to Corporate Social Responsibility: The Case of Disaster Relief. I. Cass School of Business, City University London, London, UK

Sen, S. (2013, January 31). Consumer Reactions to Corporate Disaster Relief Efforts: The Role of Contribution- Controllability Fit. Sasin Graduate Institute of Business Management, Chulalongkorn University. Bangkok, Thailand

Sen, S. (2013, January 31). Consumer Reactions to Corporate Social Responsibility: The Case of Disaster Relief. School of Management, Asian Institute of Technology, Bangkok, Thailand

Sen, S. (2012, November 30). Consumer Reactions to Corporate Disaster Relief Efforts: The Role of Contribution- Controllability Fit. Queen’s School of Business, Queen’s University, Kingston, Ontario, Canada

Hildebrand, D., & Sen, S. (2012, February 28). To Imagine is to Feel: The Role of Mental Simulation in the Effectiveness of Charity Appeals. Society for Consumer Psychology. Las Vegas, NV

Hildebrand, D., Demotta, Y., Sen, S., & Valenzuela, A. (2012, February 28). Corporate Donations to Victims of Disasters: When Contributions Make Sense. Society for Consumer Psychology. Las Vegas, NV

Hildebrand, D., Demotta, Y., Sen, S., & Valenzuela, A. (2011, October 31). Maximizing the Effectiveness of Disaster Relief Contribution: The Idea of Fit to Control. Association for Consumer Research. St. Louis, MO

Hildebrand, D., & Sen, S. (2010, October 31). Living a Second Life: The Role of Goals and Mental Imagery on Satisfaction Online. Association for Consumer Research. Jacksonville, FL

Sen, S. (2009, April 30). Creating CSR Value. Lehigh University

Sen, S. (2009, April 30). Creating CSR Value. Louvain School of Management, Université Catholique de Louvain, Belgium

Sen, S. (2009, April 30). Creating CSR Value. IESEG School of Management, Lille, France

Sen, S. (2009, November 30). Creating CSR Value. NetImpact Seminar Series. Sasin Graduate Institute of Business Administration, Chulalongkorn University

Sen, S. (2009, March 31). Creating CSR Value. Ivey School of Business, University of Western Ontario

Sen, S. (2009, January 31). Creating CSR Value. Nanyang Business School, Singapore

Sen, S. (2009, January 31). Creating CSR Value. Singapore Management University

Sen, S. (2009, February 28). Creating CSR Value: Stakeholder Reactions to Corporate Social Responsibility. Keynote Address, LIG International CSR Forum. Seoul, Korea

Sen, S. (2008, November 30). Creating CSR Value. Meteor Colloquium. University of Maastricht Business School, Maastricht, The Netherlands

Sen, S. (2008, October 31). Measuring CSR Returns to an Oft-Neglected Stakeholder Group: The Cause Beneficiaries. Stakeholder Marketing: Beyond the 4P’s and the Customer. Boston University School of Management, Boston, MA

Sen, S. (2008, September 30). CSR Today: Doing Well By Doing Good. Reputation Institute Study Tour, New York, NY

Sen, S. (2008, July 31). CSR Today: Doing Well By Doing Good. Sasin Graduate Institute of Business Administration, Chulalongkorn University, Bangkok, Thailand

Sen, S. (2008, July 31). CSR Today: Doing Well By Doing Good. the Reputation Forum Netherlands (RfN) Executive Workshop. Noordwijk, The Netherlands

Sen, S. (2008, February 28). A Multinational Examination of Customer-Company Identification. AMA Winter Educator Conference/ Discussant. Austin, TX

Sen, S., Stokburger-Sauer, N., Ratneshwar, S., & Baur, H. (2007, October 31). Antecedents and Consequences of Consumer-Brand Identification: Theory and Empirical Test. Association of Consumer Research Conference. Memphis, TN

Sen, S., Irmak, C., & N/A, B. (2007, October 31). The Role of Uniqueness Motivations in Social Comparison Process. Association of Consumer Research Conference. Memphis, TN

Sen, S. (2007, October 31). Does Doing Well Lead to Doing Better? Insights and Challenges. Rotterdam School of Management, Erasmus University

Sen, S. (2007, September 30). Hidden Challenges in the New World Order. Stakeholder marketing Consortioum/ Aspen, CO

Sen, S., Bhattacharya, C. B., & Korschun, D. (2007, June 30). Winning the War for Talent by "Making a Difference": Corporate Social Responsibility as an Internal Marketing Strategy. 11th International Conference on Corporate Reputation, Brand, Identity and Competitiveness. Oslo, Norway

Sen, S., & Bhattacharya, C. B. (2007, June 30). Building Relationships through Coroporate Social Responsibility (CSR): The Role of Communication. Advertising & Consumer Psychology Conference. Santa Monica, CA

Sen, S., Du, S., & Bhattacharya, C. B. (2006, October 31). Convergence of Interests - Cultivating Consumer Trust through Corporate Social Initiatives. Association of Consumer Research Conference. Orlando, FL

Sen, S., & Gupta, R. (2006, October 31). Learning and Liking Through Comparision: The Influence of Multiple Analogies on New Product Interpretations and Preferences. Association of Consumer Research Conference. Orlando, FL

Sen, S., Wilcox, K., & Kim, H. M. (2006, October 31). What's in a Logo? Exploring Consumer Motivations to Purchase Counterfeit Brands. Association of Consumer Research Conference. Orlando, FL

Sen, S. (2004, December 31). Developing A Dissertation: Reference Dependence and Loss Aversion in Consumer Choice. Invited Presentations/ Doctoral Seminar in Behavioral Decision Theory. Graduate School of Business, Columbia University/ New York, NY

Sen, S., & Bhattacharya, C. B. (2004, December 31). Assessing the Returns to Corporate Social Marketing Initiatives: The Crest Healthy Smiles Program. MSI Conference on Collaborative Research. Yale University/ New Haven, CT

Sen, S., & Morwitz, V. G. (2004, October 31). Order Effects in Anti-Boycott Communications. Association of Consumer Research Conference. Portland, OR

Sen, S., & Bhattacharya, C. B. (2004, April 30). Measuring the Effectiveness of Corporate Social Responsibility: A Consumer-Centric Perspective. Conference on Corporate Identity and Associations. University of California/ Los Angeles, CA

Sen, S. (2004, March 25). Does It Pay to be a Good Corporate Citizen: Consumer Reactions to Corporate Social Responsibility. CREGA, Barcuh College/CUNY, New York, NU

Sen, S., & Bhattacharya, C. B. (2004, March 14). Consumer Reactions to Corporate Sponsorship Programs. IEG's 21st Annual Sponsorship Conference. Chicago, IL

Sen, S. (2003, October 31). Measuring the Effectiveness of Corporate Social Responsibility: A Consumer-Centric Perspective. Association of Consumer Research Conference. Toronto, Canada

Sen, S., & Morwitz, V. G. (2003, October 31). The Effect of Pro-Boycott and Anti-Boycott Communications on the Individual Boycott Decision. Association of Consumer Research Conference. Toronto, Canada

Sen, S. (2003, March 31). Mere-Ownership Effects in Consumer Choice. Invited Presentation/ Doctoral Seminar on Behavioral Decision Theory. Stern School of Business, New York University/ New York, NY

Sen, S. (2003, April 30). Corporate Social Responsibility and Corporate Reputation: Does It Pay to Be a Good Citizen. Lunch and Learn Seminar. Zicklin School of Business, Baruch College/CUNY, New York, NY

Sen, S. (2003, September 30). Measuring the Effectiveness of Corporate Social Responsibility: A Consumer-Centric Perspective. International Conference on Integrating Social Responsibilty and Marketing Strategy. Boston, MA

Sen, S. (2003, February 28). Cross-Sector Partnerships: The Effect Of Corporate Reputation, Involvement And Fit. Research Seminar Series. Department of Marketing, Fox School of Business and Management, Temple University/ Philadelphia, PA

Sen, S. (2002, April 30). Consumer-Company Identification: A Framwork for Understanding Consumers' Relationship with Companies. Exploring Corporate Associations: Developing A Research Agenda. Stillwater, OK

Sen, S., & Bhattacharya, C. B. (2002, October 31). Cross-Sector Partnerships: The Effects of Corporate Reputation, Involvement And Fit. Association of Consumer Research Conference. Atlanta, GA

Sen, S., Johnson, R., & Bhattacharya, C. B. (2002, October 31). The Behavioral Consequences of HIV Testing. Association of Consumer Research Conference. Atlanta, GA

Sen, S., & Bhattacharya, C. B. (2002, May 31). Consumer-Company Identificaton: A Framework for Understanding Consumers' Relationships with Companies. 6th International Conference on Corporate Reputation. Boston, MA

Sen, S. (2001, June 30). The Behavioral Consequences of HIV Testing. Association of Consumer Research European Conference. Belin, Germany

Sen, S. (2001, June 30). The Behavioral Consequence of HIV Testing. Innovations in Social Marketing Conference. Washington, D.C.

Sen, S. (2001, March 31). Mere-Ownership Effects in Consumer Choice. Doctoral Seminar on Behavioral Decision Theory. Stern School of Business, New York University/ New York, NY

Sen, S. (2000, November 30). Withholding Consumption: A Social Dilemma Perspective on Consumer Boycotts. Marketing Department, The School of Management, Boston University/ Boston, MA

Sen, S., & Bhattacharya, C. B. (2000, May 31). Consumer Reactions to Corporate Social Responsibility. 4th International Conference on Corporate Reputation, Identity, Competitiveness. Copenhagen, Denmark

Sen, S., & Bhattacharya, C. B. (1999, October 31). The Company of the Consumer: The Relevance and Scope of Organizational Identification in the Consumer Realm. Association of Consumer Research Conference. Columbus, OH

Sen, S. (1999, April 30). Does Doing Good Always Lead to Doing Better? Consumer Reactions to Corporate Social Responsibility. Research Seminar Series. Marketing Department, The School of Management, Boston University/ Boston, MA

Sen, S. (1999, March 31). Understanding consumer Decision Making. Doctoral Seminar on Behavioral Research Methods. Temple University/Philadelpha, PA: Fox School of Business and Management.

Sen, S. (1999, March 31). Does Doing Good Always Lead to Doing Better? Consumer Reactions to Corporate Social Responsibility. Research Seminar Series. Marketing Group, The Graduate School of Business, University of Chicago/ Chicago, IL

Sen, S. (1999, February 28). Consumer Reactions to Corporate Social Responsibility. Society for Consumer Psychology Conference. St. Petersburg, FL

Sen, S. (1998, October 31). Mere-Ownership Effects in Consumer Choice. Doctoral Seminar on Behavioral Decision Theory. Stern School of Business, New York University/ New York, NY

Sen, S., & Menon, G. (1997, October 31). I Like You, Do You Like Me: The Persuasive Power of Personals. Association of Consumer Research Conference. Denver, CO

Sen, S., & Mitra, A. (1997, October 31). The Effect of Corporate Social Responsibility on Product Evaluations: An Organizational Identification Perspective. Association of Consumer Research Conference. Denver, CO

Sen, S., & Johnson, E. J. (1994, October 31). Causes of the Ownership Effect. Association of Consumer Research Conference. Boston, MA

Sen, S., & Morwitz, V. G. (1994, October 31). Consumer Reactions to Dynamic Product Environments. Association of Consumer Research Conference. Boston, MA

Sen, S., & Johnson, E. J. (1992, October 31). Reference Dependence and Loss Aversion in Consumer Choice. Association of Consumer Research Conference. Vancouver, Canada

Sen, S. (1992, June 30). Reference Dependence and Loss Aversion in Consumer Choice. Behavioral Decision Research Meeting. Berkeley, CA

Sen, S. (1988, January 31). Analysis of Hybridoma Cell Growth at the Single Cell Level. Other/ Animal Cell Culture Technology Division of the Engineering Foundatin Conference. Palm Coast, FL

Sen, S. (1987, September 30). Batch Growth of Hybridoma Cells: A Flow Cytometric Study. Other/ Annual Meeting of the American Chemical Society. New Orleans, LA

Research Currently in Progess

DeMotta, Y., Gould, S., & Sen, S.(n.d.). Consumer Vulnerability and Charitable Giving Behavior: The Role of Control Orientations. In Progress.

Janssen, C., & Sen, S.(n.d.). Humor in CSR Communication. In Progress.

DeMotta, Y., Sen, S., & Gould, S.(n.d.). It Could Happen to me: Consumer Response to Charitable Appeals When Self is Vulnerable. In Progress.

Gupta, R., Chandrasekaran, D., & Sen, S.(n.d.). Let' em Eat Cake? The Role of Psychological Distance in Influencing Mainstream Consumer Attitudes towards Companies that Introduce Bottom-of-Pyramid Product Initiatives. In Progress.

Honor / AwardOrganization SponsorDate ReceivedDescription
EMAC-IJRM Jan-Benedict Steenkamp Award for Long-Term ImpactEMAC-International Journal of Research in Marketing2022
Presidential Excellence Award for Distinguished ScholarshipBaruch College2021
Outstanding Reviewer AwardJournal of Consumer Psychology2019
Outstanding Reviewer AwardJournal of Public Policy and Marketing2014
Outstanding Reviewer AwardJournal of Consumer Research2014
Award for Teaching ExcellenceZicklin School of Business, Baruch College/CUNY2013
Honoree, Annual Celebration of Faculty Scholarship and Creative AchievementBaruch College/ CUNY2012
The Sidney Lirtzman PrizeZicklin School of Business2012
Honoree, Annual Celebration of Faculty Scholarship and Creative AchievementBaruch College/ CUNY2011
Best Reviewer AwardJournal of Marketing2011
Honoree, Annual Celebration of Faculty Scholarship and Creative AchievementBaruch College/ CUNY2010
Honoree, Annual Celebration of Faculty Scholarship and Creative AchievementBaruch College/ CUNY2009
Honoree, Annual Celebration of Faculty Scholarship and Creative AchievementBaruch College/ CUNY2008
Honoree, Annual Celebration of Faculty Scholarship and Creative AchievementBaruch College/ CUNY2007
Honoree, Annual Celebration of Faculty Scholarship and Creative AchievementBaruch College/ CUNY2006
Award for Teaching Excellence Zickllin School of Business, Baruch College/ CUNY2006
Honoree, Annual Celebration of Faculty Scholarship and Creative AchievementBaruch College/ CUNY2005
Honoree, Annual Celebration of Faculty Scholarship and Creative AchievementBaruch College/ CUNY2004
Honoree, Annual Celebration of Faculty Scholarship and Creative AchievementBaruch College/ CUNY2003
Doctoral FacultyBaruch College/ CUNY2003
Honoree, Annual Celebration of Faculty Scholarship and Creative AchievementBaruch College/ CUNY2002
Washburn Research FellowFox School of Business Management, Temple University2000
Dean's Citation for Undergraduate TeachingStern School of Business, New York University1997
Andrisani-Frank Undergraduate Teaching AwardDepartment of Marketing, Temple University1996
Outstanding Teaching Award Department of Marketing, Temple University1995
Lynne A. Cronfeld Award for ResearchDepartment of Marketing, Temple University1994
Temple University Grant-in-Aid of Research1993
Honorable MentionAlden E. Clayton Doctoral Dissertation Proposal Competition1992
Doctoral Consortium FellowAmerican Marketing Association1991