Scott Newbert

Scott Newbert


Zicklin School of Business

Department: Entrepreneurship & Innovation

Areas of expertise: Entrepreneruship, Design, Strategy

Email Address:

Scott Newbert is theLawrence N. Field Chair in Entrepreneurship, the Academic Director of the Lawrence N. Field Programs in Entrepreneurship, and the founding Chair of the Lawrence N. Field Department of Entrepreneurship and Innovation at Baruch College. He received his PhD in entrepreneurship and strategic management from Rutgers University. Before joining Baruch College, he was a Professor of Management at Villanova University, where he held term appointments as the Harry Halloran Emerging Scholar in Social Entrepreneurship and the Anne Quinn Welsh Faculty Fellow in Honors. Dr. Newbert has taught undergraduate, graduate, and doctoral courses in entrepreneurship, design, strategy, and business ethics at Baruch College, Villanova University, Rutgers University, New Jersey Institute of Technology, and Monmouth University. His research interests include the processes by which existing and nascent firms create value through the entrepreneurial use of resources, the determinants of firm creation, and the socioeconomic impacts of entrepreneurial activity. Dr. Newbert's research on these and related topics has been published in the world’s leading academic journals, including Academy of Management Journal, Strategic Management Journal, Journal of Business Venturing, Entrepreneurship Theory and Practice, Journal of Management, Journal of Management Studies, and Journal of Business Ethics, and has received best paper awards from the Academy of Management Conference and the Babson College Entrepreneurship Research Conference. Dr. Newbert also serves as a field editor for Journal of Business Venturing, an editorial board member for Strategic Management Journal, Journal of Management Studies, Strategic Entrepreneurship Journal, Journal of Small Business Management, and Journal of Social Entrepreneurship, an online contributor for Entrepreneur magazine, and a member of CNBC’s Disruptor 50 Advisory Council. Prior to obtaining his PhD, Dr. Newbert worked in sales for Hershey Foods Corporation, consulted for high-profile clients including the Department of Homeland Security, Sandia National Laboratories, Colgate-Palmolive, and Johnson & Johnson, and co-founded Monmouth University’s Division I college football program.


Ph.D., Rutgers University

M.B.A., Rutgers University

M.B.A., Monmouth University

B.A., Colgate University

Journal Articles

Rawhouser, H., Sutter, C., Holzaepfel, N., Conger, M., & Newbert, S. (2025). Knowledge-related resourcefulness for growth in weak entrepreneurial ecosystems. Entrepreneurship Theory and Practice, 49(1). 159-195.

McMullen, J., Newbert, S., & Schwens, C. (2025). Journal of Business Venturing 2024¿year in review: The year of exercising entrepreneurial agency in response to crises. Journal of Business Venturing, 40(4). 106485.

Portocarrero, F., Newbert, S., Young, M., & Zhu, L. (2025). The affective revolution in entrepreneurship: An integrative conceptual review and guidelines for further investigation. Journal of Management, forthcoming.

Xu, L., Yang, S., Liu, Y., Newbert, S., & Boal, K. (2023). Seeing the forest and the trees: Exploring the effects of inter- and intra-entrepreneurial ecosystem factors on new venture creation. Academy of Management Journal, 66(6). 1954-1982.

Kher, R., Yang, S., & Newbert, S. (2023). Accelerating emergence: The causal (but contextual) effect of social impact accelerators on nascent for-profit social ventures. Small Business Economics, 389-413.

McMullen, J., & Newbert, S. (2023). Investing in yourself by investing in the field: The long-term benefits of reviewing. Journal of Business Venturing, 38(2). 106284.

Newbert, S., Kher, R., & Yang, S. (2022). Now that’s interesting and important! Moving beyond averages to increase the inferential value of empirical findings in entrepreneurship research. Journal of Business Venturing, 37(2). 106135.

Craig, J., & Newbert, S. (2022). Exploring the future of family enterprise research through a social science lens. Journal of Family Business Strategy, 13(2). 100504.

Yang, S., Kher, R., & Newbert, S. (2020). What signals matter for social startups? It depends: The influence of gender role congruity on social impact accelerator selection decisions. Journal of Business Venturing, 35(2). 1-22.

Craig, J., & Newbert, S. (2020). Reconsidering socioemotional wealth: A Smithian-inspired socio-economic theory of decision-making in the family firm. Journal of Family Business Strategy, 11(4). 100353.

Newbert, S., Tornikoski, E., & Augugliaro, J. (2020). To get out of the building or not? That is the question: The benefits (and costs) of customer involvement during the startup process. Journal of Business Venturing Insights, 14. e00209.

Rawhouser, H., Cummings, M., & Newbert, S. (2019). Social impact measurement: Current approaches and future directions for social entrepreneurship research. Entrepreneurship Theory and Practice, 43(1). 82-115.

Newbert, S. (2018). Achieving social and economic equality by unifying business and ethics: Adam Smith as the cause of and cure for the separation thesis. Journal of Management Studies, 55(3). 517-544.

Clark, K. D., Newbert, S., & Quigley, N. R. (2018). The motivational drivers underlying for-profit venture creation: Comparing social and commercial entrepreneurs. International Small Business Journal, 36(2). 220-241.

Rawhouser, H., Villanueva, J., & Newbert, S. (2017). Strategies and tools for entrepreneurial resource access: A cross-disciplinary review and typology. International Journal of Management Reviews, 19(4). 473-491.

Newbert, S., & Craig, J. B. (2017). Moving beyond socioemotional wealth: Toward a normative theory of decision-making in family business. Family Business Review, 30(4). 339-346.

Mueller, S., D'Intonio, R., Walske, R., Newbert, S., Ehrenhard , M., Robinson, J., & Senjem, J. (2015). What’s holding back social entrepreneurship? Removing the impediments to theoretical advancement. Journal of Social Entrepreneurship, 6(3). 245-256.

Newbert, S. (2014). Building theory in social entreprenuership. Journal of Social Entrepreneurship, 5(3). 239-242.

Newbert, S., David, R. J., & Han, S. (2014). Rarely pure and never simple: Assessing cumulative evidence in strategic management. Strategic Organization, 12(2). 142-154.

Newbert, S., & Hill, R. P. (2014). Setting the Stage for Paradigm Development: A ‘Small Tent” Approach to Social Entrepreneurship. Journal of Social Entrepreneurship, 5(3). 243-269.

Newbert, S. (2014). Assessing performance measurement in RBV research. Journal of Strategy and Management, 7(3). 265-283.

Newbert, S., Tornikoski, E. T., & Quigley, N. R. (2013). Exploring the evolution of supporter networks in the creation of new organizations. Journal of Business Venturing, 28(2). 281-298.

Newbert, S. (2013). Honoring the life’s work of Bruce A. Kirchhoff, Ph.D. Technovation, 33(8/9). 247-248.

Newbert, S., & Tornikoski, E. T. (2013). Resource acquisition in the emergence phase: Considering the effects of embeddedness and dependence. Entrepreneurship Theory and Practice, 37(2). 249–280.

LiPuma, J. A., Newbert, S., & Doh, J. P. (2013). The Effect of Institutional Quality on Firm Export Performance in Emerging Economies: A Contingency Model of Firm Age and Size. Small Business Economics, 40(4). 817-841.

Newbert, S., & Tornikoski, E. T. (2012). Supporter networks and network growth: A contingency model of organizational emergence. Small Business Economics, 39(1). 141-159.

Newbert, S., & Stouder, M. D. (2012). Achieving moral capitalism through entrepreneurial justice. Review of Social Economy, 70(2). 233-251.

Newbert, S. (2012). Marketing amid the uncertainty of the social sector: Do social entrepreneurs follow best marketing practices? . Journal of Public Policy & Marketing, 31(1). 75-90.

Newbert, S., & Stouder, M. D. (2011). Justice in entrepreneurial organizations. International Journal of Social Economics, 38(5). 453-465.

Newbert, S., Gopalakrishnan, S., & Kirchhoff, B. A. (2008). Looking beyond resources: Exploring the importance of entrepreneurship to firm-level competitive advantage in technologically intensive industries. Technovation, 28(1-2). 6-19.

Newbert, S. (2008). Value, rareness, competitive advantage, and performance: A conceptual-level empirical investigation of the resource-based view of the firm. Strategic Management Journal, 29.

Stouder, M. D., & Newbert, S. (2007). Treating stakeholders fairly: The golden rule as a moral guiding principle for entrepreneurs. Business & Professional Ethics Journal, 26. 55-70.

Kirchhoff, B. A., Newbert, S., Hasan, I., & Armington, C. (2007). The influence of university R&D expenditures on new business formations and employment growth. Entrepreneurship Theory and Practice,

Tornikoski, E. T., & Newbert, S. (2007). Exploring the determinants of organizational emergence: A legitimacy perspective. Journal of Business Venturing, 22(2). 311-335.

Newbert, S. (2007). Empirical research on the resource-based view of the firm: An assessment and suggestions for future research. Strategic Management Journal, 28(2). 121-146.

Newbert, S., Kirchhoff, B. A., & Walsh, S. T. (2007). Defining the relationship among founding resources, strategies, and performance in technology intensive new ventures: Evidence from the semiconductor silicon industry. Journal of Small Business Management,

Newbert, S. (2005). New firm formation: A dynamic capability perspective. Journal of Small Business Management , 43(1). 55-77.

Newbert, S. (2003). Realizing the spirit and impact of Adam Smith's capitalism through entrepreneurship. Journal of Business Ethics, 46(3). 251-258.

Walsh, S. T., Kirchhoff, B. A., & Newbert, S. (2002). Differentiating market strategies for disruptive technologies. IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management, 49(4). 341-351.

Honor / AwardOrganization SponsorDate ReceivedDescription
Presidential Excellence Award for ScholarshipBaruch College2024
Schulze Publication AwardEntrepreneurship and Innovation Exchange2023
Zicklin Excellence & Innovation in Teaching AwardZicklin School of Business2022
Best Social Entrepreneurship Paper AwardAcademy of Management Conference2021
Editors’ Reviewer of the Year AwardJournal of Management Studies2020
Best ReviewerAcademy of Management Conference2019
Abraham J. Briloff Prize in EthicsBaruch College2017
McDonough Family Faculty Research AwardVillanova University2016
G. Dale Meyer Best Paper AwardBabson College Entrepreneurship Research Conference2015