Sherry Ryan

Sherry Ryan


Marxe School of Public and International Affairs

Department: Public Affairs

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Dr. Ryan brings a quarter century of teaching, administrative, and public higher education leadership experience to Baruch College. Prior to her appointment, Dr. Ryan was Director of the School of Public Affairs at San Diego State University (SDSU), where she was also a professor of city planning with a focus on transportation and land use. Dr. Ryan’s research focuses on transportation policy and urban planning and has received over 2,000 citations in peer reviewed journals. She also frequently translates this scholarship into real-world practice and serves as an expert advisor to government agencies, nonprofits, and advocates for public transportation and alternatives such as bike and pedestrian infrastructure. At Baruch, she leverages this academic and professional experience to expand on the cross-curriculum and community-based collaborations that are the hallmark of a Marxe School education.


M.S., Civil Engineering, University of California, Irvine

Ph.D., Transportation Science, University of California, Irvine

B.A., Romance Languages and Latin American Studies, Princeton University

SemesterCourse PrefixCourse NumberCourse Name
Fall 2023PAF9999Ind Study In PAF

Journal Articles

(2022). Two-year Outcomes of Faith in Action/Fe en Accion: A Randomized Controlled Trial of Physical Activity Promotion on Latinas. International Journal of Behavior Nutrition and Physical Activity, (19:97).

(2014). Designing and Implementing a Regional Active Transportation Monitoring Program Through a County-MPO-University Collaboration. American Journal of Health Promotion, 28.

(2013). Counting Bicycles and Pedestrians to Inform Transportation Planning.

Incorporating Innovation Metrics in Urban Indices: The Sustain-LED Index. Refional Studies,Regional Science, (7:1). 133-163.

Fe En Accion/Faith in Action: Design and Implementation of a Church-Based Randomized Community Trial to Promote Physical Activity and Cancer Screening Among Churchgoing Latinas. Journal of Contemporary Clinical Trials, 45, Part B. 404-415.

Ciclovia PArticipation and Impacts in San Diego, CA: the First CicloSDias. 66-73.

Accessibility Neighborhoods: A Review of Design Concepts, Policies and Recent Literature. Transportation Research- Part A, 29A. 87-105.

Fear Factor: Level of Traffic Stress and GPS Assessed Cycling Routes. Journal of Transportation Technologies, (9). 14-30.

A New Landscape-Scale Framework for Identifying Refugia to Advance Conservation in a Changing World. Conservation Biology, (36:1).

College Students Use Cell Phones While Friving More Frequently Than Found in Government Study. Journal of American College Health, 56,2. 181-184.

Community Design and Recreational Facility Correlates of Adolescent Physical Activity and Body Mass Index. Journal of Physical Activity and Health, 3. 118-128.

Dveloper and Realtor Perpestives on Factors that Influence Development, Sale, and Perceived Demand for Activity-Friendsly Communities. Journal of Physical Activity and Health, 7. 48-59.

Does Proximity to Retailers Influence Alcohol and Tabacco Use Among LAtino Adolescents?. Journal of Immigrant and Minority Health, 12:5. 626-633.

Association of Neighborhood Design and Recreational Environment Variables with Physical Activity and BMI in Adolescents. American Journal of Health Promotion, 21,2.

Documenting Targeted Behaviors Associated with Pedestrian Safety. Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board, 2299. 1-10.

A Comparative Assesment of Travel Characteristics for Neotraditional Developments. Transportation Research Record, 1400. 67-77.

Minimizing Annual Average Daily Nonmotorized Traffic Estimation Errors:How Many Counters Are Needed per Factor Group?. Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation,

Latent Growth Curve Modeling of Adolescent Physical Activity Testing Parallel Process and Mediation Models. Journal of Health Psychology, 14:2. 313-325.

Do Neighborhood Environments Moderate the Effect of Physical Activity Lifestyle Inverventions in Adults?. Health & Place, 16. 5:903-908.

Equal Access? Travel Behavior Change in the Century Freeway Corridor. Urban Studies, 36,3. 547-562.

Property Values and Transportation Facilities: Finding the Transportation-LAnd Use Connection. Journal of Planning Literature, 13,4. 412-427.

A Latent Profile Analysis of Neighborhood Recreation Environments in Relations to Adolescent Physical Activity, Sedentary Time, and Obesity. Journal of Public Health Management & Practice, 16. 411-419.

The Value of Access to Highway and Light Rail Transit: Evidence for Industrial and Office Firms. Urban Studies, 42,4. 751-764.

Examining Spatial Patterns in Affordable Housing: The Case of California Density Bonus Implementation. Journal of Housing and Built Environment, 27. 4:413-425.

Quantifying the Sustainability, Livability, and Equity Performance of Urban and Suburban Places in California. Transportation Research Record, (2672:3). 130-144.

Local Government Land Use Policy Responses to the Century Freeway/Transitway. Journal of Planning Education and Research, 17. 145-157.

Transforming Blight and the People Who Live There: A Study of Redevelopment Planning and Neighborhood Change. Journal of Planning Practice and Research, 25. 543-561.

Suburban Attitudes Towards Policies Aimed at Reducing Solo Driving. Transportation, 25,1. 99-117.

Sustainable Transportation and Land Development on the Periphery: A Case Study of Freiburg, Germany and Chula Vista, California. Transportation Research Part D: Transport and Environment, 8,1. 37-52.

Identifying High-Risk Intersections for Walking and Bicyling Using Multiple Data Sources in the City of San Diego. Journal of Advanced Transportation, 15 pages.

Pedestrian Enviroments and Transit Ridership. Journal of Public Transportation, 12:1. 39-58.

Validation of the Neighborhood Environment Walkability Scale(NEWS) items using Geographic Information Systems. Journal of Physical Activity and Health, 6. 113-123.


Ryan, S. San Diego Sate of Cycling. San Diego Regional Bike Summit.

Ryan, S. Women and Active Travel. National American Planning Association.

Ryan, S. How Women are Excluded from Cycling. International Women's Issues in Transportation.

Ryan, S. San Diego's Cycling Environment Stark Landscape of Gender Inequality. San Diego Regional Bike Summit.

Appleyard, B., & Ryan, S. A National Research Agenda for Pedestrian and Bicyle Safety. Transportation Research Board 97th Annual Meeting. Washington DC

Ryan, S. Complete Streets: Plan, Policy and Performance. National American Planning Association Conference.

Ryan, S. Regional Bicycle Data Collection and Metrics- San DIego and Maricopa County. California Bicycle Coalition's Bicycle Summit.

Ryan, S. The Boarder Health Equity Transportation Study. California Bicycle Coalition's Bicycle Summit.

Ryan, S., & Gallagher, D. Incorporating Health into Community Planning. National American Planning Association.

Ryan, S. Developing a Model for Integrating Health into Local Land Use and Transportation Planning. Active Living Research Conference.

Ryan, S., Appleyard, B., Schroeder, C., & Prescott, A. Estimating Daily Bicycle Volumes Using Manual Short Duration and Automated Continuous Counts. Transportation Research Board 93rd Annual Meeting.

Ryan, S. Evaluating the Effectiveness of Bike to Work Day Promotions: Are We Reaching Low Income- Minority Communities?. Active Living Research Conference.

Ryan, S., Cooper, J., Schneider, R., & Co, S. Documenting Targeted Behaviors Associated with Pedestrian Safety. Transportation Research Board 90rd Annual Meeting.

Ryan, S. Pedestrian Planning in Mexico. International Conference on Walking and Liveable Communities - Walk21 XII.

Ryan, S., Kligerman, M., Sallis, J. F., Jamison, J., Frank, L. D., & Nader, P. R. Environmental Correlates of Adolescent Physical Activity: Community Design and Recreational Facilities. Society of Behavioral Medicine's Annual Meeting. Baltimore

Ryan, S., Hovell, F., Nichols, J. F., & Sallis, J. F. The Relationship between Children's Fitness and Distance to Neighborhood Facilities. Society of Behavioral Medicine's Annual Meeting.

Ryan, S., & Wahl, D. Transportation Planning for Welfare Reform in San Diego County. Transportation Engineers Western States Annual Conference.

Ryan, S., & Hengel, D. V. Local Government Challenges to PLanning for New Urbanist Developments. Association of Collegiate Schools of Planning Conference.

Ryan, S. Designing and Implementing a Regional Active Transportation Monitoring Program through a County-MPO-University Collaboration. Active Living Research Conference.

Ryan, S., Engelberg, J., Carlson, J., & Sallis, F. Ciclovia Paticipation and Impacts in San Diego, CA. Active Living Research Conference.

Gallagher, D., & Ryan, S. The Border Health Equity Transportation Study . National Academies of Sciences, Engineering and Medicine: Institute of Medicine Roundtable- Metrics that Matter for Population Health Action.

Ryan, S. Cars, Cyclists and Pedestrian: Transportation Systems and Planning for Sustainable Urban Redevelopment. Marie Curie Irses Conference on Commercial Local Urban Districs.

Ryan, S. Establishing an Automated Regional Non-Motorized Transportation Data Collection System to Support Active Transportation Performance Monitoring. Transportation Research Board 93rd Annual Meeting.

Ryan, S. City of San Diego's Comprehensive Pedestrian Safety Crossing Guidelines. Transportation Research Board Moving Active Transportation to Higher Ground.

Ryan, S. Designing and Implementing a Temporary Regional Automated Bicycle Counting Program. Transportation Research Board Moving Active Transportation to Higher Ground.

Ryan, S., Lerner-Lam, E., Ceknicker, S., & Halbert, G. Neotraditional Neighborhood Design and its Implications for Traffic Engineering. National Institute of Transportation Engineers Conference.

Ryan, S. Pedestrian Risk Modeling to Inform an Update to the City of San Diego's Pedestrian Crossing Treatment Policies. Active Living Research Conference.

Honor / AwardOrganization SponsorDate ReceivedDescription
State of California American Planning Association Planning Advocate Award2020-12-01
Journal of Transportation Research Record Outstanding Paper Award2019-12-01
Center for Disease Control and Prevention Excellence in Safety Research2015-12-01
SDSU 2011 Most Influential Public Administration Faculty Award2011-12-01
SDSU 2005 Most Influential Public Administration Faculty Award2005-12-01


OrganizationPosition RoleOrganization StateOrganization CountryStart DateEnd DateAudience
The Vagina Warriors: Sex Workers Event (Baruch College, student club)Present
JP Morgan Chase New Jersey Lincoln DouglasPresent
New York Urban Debate League (sponsored by IMPACT Coalition)Present
National Women's Studies AssociationPresent
International Debate Education Association Present
International Communication AssociationPresent
International Debate Education AssociationPresent
The Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender Community CenterPresent
Quality of Life ContestPresent