Shyamala Sethuram

Shyamala Sethuram

Asst Professor

Zicklin School of Business

Department: Allen Aaronson Dept of Mkt/IB

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Shyamala Sethuram is an Assistant Professor of International Business at the Zicklin School of Business at Baruch College, The City University of New York. She holds a PhD in management–international business from Rutgers University. She received an MA in international economics and finance from Brandeis University, and a BBA from Ritsumeikan Asia Pacific University. Prior to joining Baruch she worked as a visiting assistant professor at Rutgers University. She has worked on economic consulting projects for UNCTAD, the World Bank, and ERIA, and as an economic Research Assistant for real estate investment startup firm HomeUnion. Her research interests are at the intersection of strategy and international business. Her current research focuses on the timely initiation and implementation of cross-border business divestitures, and on venture capital investors’ patience with entrepreneurs.


Ph.D., Management - International Business, Rutgers University Newark United States

M.A., International Economics and Finance, Brandeis University Waltham United States

B.B.A., Business Administration, Ritsumeikan Asia Pacific University Beppu Japan

SemesterCourse PrefixCourse NumberCourse Name
Fall 2024MKT3400Intl Business Princ
Fall 2024IBS9769Developing a Global Mindset
Spring 2024IBS9791Spec Topics In Ib
Spring 2024MKT3400Intl Business Princ
Spring 2024IBS9769Developing a Global Mindset

Journal Articles

Sethuram, S., & Gaur, A. (2024). Foreign divestment: the missing piece in international business scholarship. Journal of International Business Studies,

Sethuram, S., Taussig, M., & Gaur, A. (2021). A multiple agency view of venture capital investment duration: The roles of institutions, foreignness, and alliances. Global Strategy Journal, 11(4). 578–619.


Sethuram, S. Foreign Divestment: The Ugly Duckling of International Business or the Swan to Disrupt and Revitalize Our Field?. Academy of International Business - Annual Meeting. Seoul

Sethuram, S., & Gaur, A. Foreign Divestment in Context: Paths Forward for International Business Research. Baruch College IB Seminar Series.

Sethuram, S., & Gaur, A. Deterrents to Divestiture: Deal Abandonment and Delays to Acquisition Completion. Academy of International Business - Annual Meeting. Miami

Sethuram, S. Foreignness, exit barriers and the timeliness of corporate divestitures. Academy of Management - International Management Division Doctoral Consortium. Seattle

Sethuram, S. Exit barriers and the timeliness of foreign and local divestitures. Non-Market Strategy Research Community Doctoral Conference.

Sethuram, S., & Gaur, A. Understanding Foreign Divestitures: Review and Insights. Academy of International Business - Annual Meeting.

Sethuram, S. Foreignness, exit barriers and the timeliness of corporate divestitures. Academy of Management - International Management Division Doctoral Consortium.

Sethuram, S. Foreignness, exit barriers and the timeliness of corporate divestitures. Academy of International Business - Doctoral Consortium.

Sethuram, S., Taussig, M., & Gaur, A. VC in emerging markets: The value of patience. Academy of Management - Annual Meeting.

Sethuram, S. When patience is a virtue: VC investment holding periods in emerging markets. Academy of International Business - Annual Meeting. Copenhagen

Sethuram, S., Gaur, A., & Taussig, M. When patience is a virtue: VC duration in emerging markets. Academy of International Business - Annual Meeting.

Research Currently in Progess

Sethuram, S., Gaur, A., & Taussig, M.(n.d.). Deterrents to divestiture: delays to acquisition completion. In Progress.

Sethuram, S.(n.d.). Exit deterrents and industry divestiture waves. In Progress.

Sethuram, S., Hong, K., & Gaur, A.(n.d.). International business and the business cycle. In Progress.

Sethuram, S.(n.d.). Signaling in hard times: venture capital during recessions. In Progress.

Honor / AwardOrganization SponsorDate ReceivedDescription
Nominee for Outstanding Dissertation AwardRutgers University2023-04-04
Dean's Dissertation FellowshipRutgers University2021-05-25
Dean’s Competition for Summer Ph.D. Research AssistantsRutgers University2020-05-09
Summer Research ScholarshipRutgers University2019-06-04
Teaching Assistant and Graduate Assistant Professional Development Fund AwardRutgers University2018-03-28
Teaching AssistantshipRutgers University2017-03-17Stipend
Lemberg Program Prize for Excellence in EconomicsBrandeis University2015-05-11Awarded to one graduating student
Graduation with DistinctionBrandeis University2015-05-11
Global Leadership AwardBrandeis University2013-08-23Tuition scholarship
Academic Merit Completion AwardRitsumeikan Asia Pacific University2012-09-20
JASSO Honors Scholarship for International studentsJASSO Japan2008-09-20Awarded in multiple semesters
Academic Merit Award and ScholarshipRitsumeikan Asia Pacific University2008-09-20Awarded in multiple semesters
Tuition Reduction ScholarshipRitsumeikan Asia Pacific University2008-09-20Tuition scholarship


OrganizationPosition RoleOrganization StateOrganization CountryStart DateEnd DateAudience
Journal of World BusinessReviewer, Ad Hoc Reviewer11/29/2023PresentInternational
Academy of International BusinessReviewer, Ad Hoc Reviewer5/1/2019PresentInternational
Corporate Governance: An International ReviewReviewer, Ad Hoc Reviewer6/1/2023PresentInternational
Journal of Business ResearchReviewer, Ad Hoc Reviewer6/1/2020PresentInternational
Cross Cultural & Strategic ManagementReviewer, Ad Hoc Reviewer11/1/2022PresentInternational
Academy of ManagementReviewer, Ad Hoc Reviewer7/1/2019PresentInternational