Sonia Jarvis

Sonia Renee Jarvis

Distinguished Lecturer

Marxe School of Public and International Affairs

Department: Public Affairs

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Professor Sonia R. Jarvis, J.D.

Marxe School of Public and International Affairs

Baruch College, City University of New York


Professor Sonia R. Jarvis is an accomplished attorney and scholar whose research and teaching have focused on race, politics, and the media.  Her legal practice focuses on civil rights, civil liberties, minority businesses and counseling nonprofit organizations. She served as a law clerk for renowned Federal Judge Frank M. Johnson, Jr. when he was the US District Court Judge for the Middle District of Alabama and also when he was elevated to become a US Circuit Court Judge for the 11th Circuit Court of Appeals. Professor Jarvis has written several book chapters and papers and is currently focused on voter suppression in a book she is co-authoring entitled "States of Confusion: How New Voter ID Requirements Fail Democracy and What to Do About It" (under contract with NYU Press).  An active member of several professional associations and academic organizations, she has served in a variety of administrative positions, including most notably as the Executive Director of the National Coalition on Black Voter Participation, Inc., and Managing Director of the Center for National Policy Review Clinic formerly based at Catholic University of America’s Columbus School of Law.

A frequent commentator on public and political issues, Professor Jarvis has testified before Congress and has been interviewed by almost every major media outlet in the country, such as National Public Radio, the Washington Post, PBS News Hour, and CNN. Prior to joining Baruch College, CUNY, she served as a Senior Consultant for the President’s Initiative on Race in the Clinton White House tasked with drafting its final report and has been invited to teach at Harvard University’s Kennedy School of Government, George Washington University’s School of Media and Public Affairs, Georgetown University’s Law Center, and Rutgers, the State University of New Jersey’s Eagleton Institute of Politics.

Professor Jarvis has taught undergraduate and graduate courses on race and politics, public policy, intergroup dialogue, communications and media analysis, law and public policy, and women's rights while bringing a wealth of practical and theoretical knowledge to the courses she teaches at Baruch. She first joined Baruch’s Marxe School of Public & International Affairs in 2004 as the Lillian & Nathan Ackerman Visiting Distinguished Associate Professor of Equality and Justice in America and was appointed a Distinguished Lecturer and Director of the Center for Equality, Pluralism and Policy in 2007.  Professor Jarvis graduated from Stanford University with a B.A. in Political Science with Honors and Distinction, and a B.A. in Psychology, followed by a J.D. from Yale University Law School. She was recently acknowledged by Stanford University as its first African American Female Varsity Athlete in university history when she served as Captain of the Stanford Women’s Basketball Team.


J.D., Law, Yale University

BA, Honors & Distinction, Political Science, Stanford University

B.A., Psychology, Stanford University

SemesterCourse PrefixCourse NumberCourse Name
Fall 2024PAF3006Pub Service & Why it Matters
Fall 2024PAF9165Race, Inequality, and Public P
Fall 2024PAF9115Intergovernmental Relations
Spring 2024PAF9100Introduction to Public Affairs
Spring 2024PAF9190Public Affairs Capstone Semina
Spring 2024PAF9165Race, Inequality, and Public P
Fall 2023PAF9190Public Affairs Capstone Semina
Fall 2023PAF9115Intergovernmental Relations
Fall 2022PAF9190Public Affairs Capstone Semina
Fall 2022PAF9165Race, Inequality, and Public P
Fall 2022PAF9115Intergovernmental Relations
Spring 2022PAF9199Selected Topics In PAF
Spring 2022PAF9190Public Affairs Capstone Semina
Fall 2021PAF9190Public Affairs Capstone Semina
Fall 2021PAF9115Intergovernmental Relations
Fall 2021PAF3010Race, Inequality, and Public P
Spring 2021PAF9100Introduction to Public Affairs
Spring 2021PAF9190Public Affairs Capstone Semina
Fall 2020IDC4050HHon Feit Hum Sem I
Fall 2020PAF9100Introduction to Public Affairs
Fall 2020PAF9115Intergovernmental Relations
Fall 2020PAF9190Public Affairs Capstone Semina
Spring 2020PAF9199Selected Topics In PAF
Spring 2020PAF9100Introduction to Public Affairs
Spring 2020PAF9190Public Affairs Capstone Semina
Fall 2019PAF9190Public Affairs Capstone Semina
Fall 2019PAF9115Intergovernmental Relations
Spring 2019PAF9190Public Affairs Capstone Semina
Spring 2019PAF9199Selected Topics In PAF
Spring 2019PAF9999Ind Study In PAF
Spring 2019PAF9100Introduction to Public Affairs
Fall 2018PAF9199Selected Topics In PAF
Fall 2018PAF9100Introduction to Public Affairs
Fall 2018PAF9115Intergovernmental Relations
Spring 2018PAF9190Public Affairs Capstone Semina
Spring 2018PAF9100Introduction to Public Affairs
Spring 2018PAF9100Introduction to Public Affairs
Fall 2017PAF9100Introduction to Public Affairs
Fall 2017PAF9190Public Affairs Capstone Semina
Fall 2017PAF9115Intergovernmental Relations
Spring 2017PAF9100Introduction to Public Affairs
Spring 2017PAF9190Public Affairs Capstone Semina
Fall 2016PAF9100Introduction to Public Affairs
Fall 2016PAF9190Public Affairs Capstone Semina
Fall 2016PAF9100Introduction to Public Affairs
Fall 2016PAF9115Intergovernmental Relations
Spring 2016PAF9100Introduction to Public Affairs
Spring 2016PAF9190Public Affairs Capstone Semina
Spring 2016IDC4050HHon Feit Hum Sem I
Fall 2015PAF9100Introduction to Public Affairs
Fall 2015PAF9115Intergovernmental Relations
Fall 2015PAF9100Introduction to Public Affairs
Spring 2015PAF9190Public Affairs Capstone Semina
Spring 2015PAF9115Intergovernmental Relations
Spring 2015PAF9100Introduction to Public Affairs
Fall 2014PAF9100Introduction to Public Affairs
Fall 2014PAF9104Media, Politics, and Public Cu
Spring 2014PAF9100Introduction to Public Affairs
Spring 2014PAF9104Media, Politics, and Public Cu
Spring 2014PAF9115Intergovernmental Relations
Spring 2014PAF9190Public Affairs Capstone Semina
Fall 2013PAF9190Public Affairs Capstone Semina
Fall 2013PAF9190Public Affairs Capstone Semina
Fall 2013PAF9100Introduction to Public Affairs
Spring 2013PAF9199Selected Topics In PAF
Spring 2013PAF9190Public Affairs Capstone Semina
Spring 2013PAF9100Introduction to Public Affairs
Spring 2013PAF9190Public Affairs Capstone Semina
Fall 2012PAF9199Selected Topics In PAF
Fall 2012PAF9100Introduction to Public Affairs
Fall 2012PAF9190Public Affairs Capstone Semina
Summer 2012PAF9190Public Affairs Capstone Semina
Spring 2012PAF9190Public Affairs Capstone Semina
Spring 2012PAF9999Ind Study In PAF
Spring 2012PAF9199Selected Topics In PAF
Fall 2011PAF9100Introduction to Public Affairs
Fall 2011PAF9190Public Affairs Capstone Semina
Fall 2011PAF9100Introduction to Public Affairs
Spring 2011PAF9100Introduction to Public Affairs
Spring 2011PAF9190Public Affairs Capstone Semina
Spring 2011PAF9999Ind Study In PAF
Spring 2011PAF9299Topic In Nonprft Mgt
Fall 2010PAF9199Selected Topics In PAF
Fall 2010PUB1250Pub Adm In Mod Soc
Fall 2010PUB1250Pub Adm In Mod Soc
Spring 2010PAF9999Ind Study In PAF
Spring 2010PAF9190Public Affairs Capstone Semina
Spring 2010PAF9180Policy Analysis
Spring 2010PAF9100Introduction to Public Affairs
Fall 2009PAF9190Public Affairs Capstone Semina
Fall 2009PAF9699Topics Public Policy
Spring 2009PAF9399Selected Topics in Educational
Spring 2009PAF9190Public Affairs Capstone Semina
Fall 2008PAF9699Topics Public Policy
Fall 2008PUB1250Pub Adm In Mod Soc
Spring 2008PAF9190Public Affairs Capstone Semina
Spring 2008PAF9199Selected Topics In PAF
Spring 2008PAF9180Policy Analysis
Spring 2008PAF9190Public Affairs Capstone Semina
Fall 2007PAF9699Topics Public Policy
Summer 2007PAF9999Ind Study In PAF
Spring 2007PAF9190Public Affairs Capstone Semina
Spring 2007PAF9180Policy Analysis
Fall 2006PAF9100Introduction to Public Affairs
Fall 2006PAF9699Topics Public Policy
Summer 2006PAF9190Public Affairs Capstone Semina
Spring 2006PAF9699Topics Public Policy
Spring 2006PUB1250Pub Adm In Mod Soc
Spring 2006PUB1250HHonors - Public Administration
Fall 2005PAF9100Introduction to Public Affairs
Fall 2005PAF9100Introduction to Public Affairs
Spring 2005PUB1250Pub Adm In Mod Soc
Spring 2005PAF9199Selected Topics In PAF
Fall 2004SOC3085Sel Topics Ant/Soc
Fall 2004PAF9699Topics Public Policy
Fall 2004PAF4199Selected Topics


Waisanen, D. J., Jarvis, S. R., & Gordon, N. A. (2023). States of Confusion: How Our Voter ID Laws Fail Democracy and What to Do About It. New York, NY, New York University Press.

Jarvis, S. (2009). Leadership, Diversity and Legal Services: Strategies for Increasing the Diversity of Legal Services Management in New York and in America's Most Diverse City. (p. 138). New York, NY, Baruch College, City University of New York, School of Public Affairs, Center on Equality, Pluralism and Policy.

Jarvis, S. (1992). VOICES of the Electorate: Issues Handbook. (p. 30 pages). Washington, DC, National Coalition on Black Voter Participation.

Journal Articles

(1996). Assessing the Impact of New Technology on the Political Process. Presented to the Scenarios for the Future Conference and published in Elections in Cyberspace: Toward a New Era in American Politics, Aspen Institute, 35-45.

Book Chapters

Jarvis, S. (1998). Women and the Law: Learning from the Past to Protect the Future. In Costello, C. B., Miles, C., & Stone, A. J. (Eds.), The American Women 1999-2000: A Century of Change – What’s Next? (pp. Chapter 6, p.151-175). Washington, D.C.. Women’s Research and Education Institute.

Jarvis, S. (1991). Historical Overview: African Americans and the Evolution of Voting Rights. In Gomes, R. C., & Williams, L. F. (Eds.), From Exclusion To Inclusion: The Long Struggle for African American Political Power (pp. 17-34).

Media Contributions

Waisanen, D. J., Jarvis, S. R., & Gordon, N. A. (2022). Planning to Vote? Get Ready for Some Frustrating Changes to Your State's Voting Laws..

(2011). CUNY TV 75.

(2010). CUNY TV.


Jarvis, S. (2022, May 19). LAW DAY 2022: Toward a More Perfect Union: The Constitution in Times of Change. Via Zoom: Federal Emergency Management Agency, Office of Chief Counsel, Professional Development Division, hosted by Director Linda M. Davis.

Jarvis, S. (2022, April 1). Marxe DEI Friday Workshop, “Race and Colorism in the International Context,” featuring Marxe Assistant Professor Rubia R. Valente and Guest Speaker Dr. Gay McDougall, U.N. Committee on the Elimination of Racial Discrimination (CERD).

Jarvis, S. (2022, March 23). Women’s History Month Celebration. US Department of Housing and Urban Development, Region II, New York and New Jersey, HUD New York Regional Office Special Emphasis, hosted by Senior Management Analyst Samuel E. Miller. Via Zoom

Jarvis, S. (2022, March 11). Building Hope, Racial Justice & Equity in the Criminal Justice System: Sharing Strategies to Win the Fight for Criminal Justice Reform, Reimagining Policing/Policing Reform, Gun Safety Reform, Decriminalizing Marijuana. 11th Annual Black Women's Roundtable "Women of Power" National Summit. Gaylord National Resort & Convention Center, National Harbor, MD: National Coalition on Black Voter Participation.

Jarvis, S. (2022, April 1). Marxe DEI Friday Workshop on “Critical Race Theory,” with Associate Professor Angie Beeman of the Marxe School of Public and International Affairs and Affiliate Faculty with Black and Latino Studies at Baruch College.

Berman, J., & Jarvis, S. (2022, June 2). Baruch College Marxe Talks Panel on Title IX, Baruch MPA, Zoom, “Title IX: Not Title IX,” .

Jarvis, S. (2022, July 14). Panel discussion “Abortion Access and Women’s Rights after Dobbs,” about the medical, economic, and social consequences of the Dobbs decision that overturned Roe v. Wade for women seeking access to abortion and reproductive health care and on care providers. Panelists included Ted Joyce, Professor of Economics, Baruch College; Laura Lindberg, Professor, Rutgers School of Public Health; and Purvaja Kavattur, Research and Program Associate, National Advocates for Pregnant Women. Co-sponsored with CUNY Institute for Demographic Research.

Jarvis, S. (2021, May 20). . Our Voices Matter Podcast. Our Voices Matter Podcast, “A Front Row Seat To History: Sonia R. Jarvis, Esq.,” hosted by Linda Lorelle, A bi-weekly exploration of the lives and careers of people of color and discussion of issues facing our communities.

Jarvis, S. (2021, May 22). . Stanford University Alumni, "An Afternoon Gathering of Voices Honoring Charles J. Ogletree, Jr." Dignitaries including President Barack Obama, US Senator Cory Booker, Valerie Jarrett, Dr. Mae Jemison, and other special guests honored Prof. Ogletree's legacy and the announced the Charles J. Ogletree, Jr. Undergraduate Scholarship, an endowed fund that will provide scholarship support to African American students. Over 1,000 registrants attended the Stanford webinar via Zoom at

Jarvis, S. (2021, March 26). . 2021 Black Women's Roundtable, Women of Power National Summit, Power Table Two, National Coalition on Black Voter Participation, "Eradicating Systemic Racism, Hate Crimes & White Nationalism to Protect Voting Rights Key To Saving Our Democracy From Peril," via Zoom, attended by 1100 Black women and girls from 35 states, the District of Columbia, the African Diaspora and other nations, via Zoom and livestreamed on @Essence Magazine and #RolandMartinUnfiltered on Facebook/YouTube/Periscope..

Jarvis, S. (2021, March 20). . Girls Global Academy, Sisterhood Summit, via Zoom, “GGA Spotlights” Trailblazers who have blazed a successful path in the arts, business, education, communication, government, law, medicine, service or technology.

Jarvis, S. (2021, February 26). . Stanford University, Interview with David Kiefer of the Stanford Communications Office/Athletic Department, part of a Black History Month Celebration that was basis of an article entitled "The First: Original basketball captain Sonia Jarvis was the first Black female athlete in Stanford history".

Jarvis, S. (2021, February 25). . National Coalition on Black Voter Participation, 45th Anniversary Launch, Black History Celebration Panel, "Rebuilding Hope, Equity, Equality, and Justice," NCBCP Past, Present & Future International Panel, livestreamed on Youtube at and Facebook.

Jarvis, S. (2021, March 26). . 2021 Black Women's Roundtable, Women of Power National Summit, National Coalition on Black Voter Participation, "Organizing to Protect the Safety Net for Black Women," via Zoom and livestreamed on @Essence Magazine and #RolandMartinUnfiltered on Facebook/YouTube/Periscope.

Jarvis, S. (2021, January 22). . Brown University, Center for the Study of Slavery & Justice (CSSJ) and co-sponsored with the Watson Institute for International and Public Affairs, “This is America: Post Elections Conversation” via Zoom explored the aftermath of the November presidential election, GA Senate Run-off Election, and the January 6, 2020 attack on the US Capitol.

Jarvis, S. (2020, September 20). From the 60’s to 2020, still fighting to protect the right to vote. Reported by CPI Reporter Matt DeRienzo. Via Zoom: The Center for Public Integrity.

Jarvis, S. (2020, June 16). . MPA Club Town Hall Meeting via Zoom, “I Can’t Breathe: A Conversation on Race, Police Brutality, and Systemic Racism in America,” first of a multi-part series for students, faculty and guests to engage in moderated conversations about race and other social issues.

Waisanen, D., Gordon, N., & Jarvis, S. (2020, July 29). The Perfect Voting Storm: How COVID-19, Strict ID Requirements, and Partisanship Are Threatening the Right to Vote. Baruch Marxe Talks Panel on Voting. Zoom: Baruch MSPIA.

Jarvis, S. (2020, August 26). . Baruch Alumni In The Arts (AITA) Virtual Community Dialogue via Zoom, “How the Arts Can Sustain the Momentum to Confront Racism”.

Jarvis, S. (2020, September 9). . Center for Public Integrity via Crowdcast, “Eyes Still on the Prize: Defending the Vote in Election 2020”.

Jarvis, S. (2020, October 1). . American Museum of Natural History, Giving Space Podcast Episode 12-My Career as a Civil Rights attorney.

Jarvis, S. (2020, October 13). . American Museum of Natural History, Giving Space Podcast Episode 13-Voter Suppression discussion voting rights and voter suppression, “Vote: By Any Means Necessary”.

Jarvis, S. (2020, October 20). . Brown University, Center for the Study of Slavery & Justice (CSSJ) via Zoom, “This Is America: Voter Suppression” explored the historical roots of voter suppression and its impact on the 2020 presidential election.

Jarvis, S. (2020, October 21). . Baruch in DC 25th Anniversary Celebration via Zoom, Panel discussed upcoming election, voter suppression, and society's two pandemics Covid-19 and the racism pandemic.

Jarvis, S. (2020, November 14). . Progressive Democrats of New Jersey Annual State Convention, The Future of Democracy in New Jersey, Achieving Justice, Equity, and Accountability via Airmeet, “Fighting for Racial Justice: Voting Wrongs & Ways to Fix Them”.

Jarvis, S. (2020, March 6). The Growing Economic Divide in Higher Education to Achieve Education Opportunity, Equity & Access. 9th Annual BWR Women of Power National Summit (BWR Summit ’20). Crystal Gateway Marriott, 1700 Richmond Highway, Arlington, VA: National Coalition on Black Civic Participation.

Jarvis, S. (2020, March 12). . United Neighborhood Houses Emerging Leaders Program, "Leadership, Management and Supervision" Professional Development Class, hosted by Baruch College, Marxe School of Public & International Affairs, 135 22nd Street, New York, NW, 10010, Guest Practitioners Michelle Neugbauer (Cypress Hills Local Development Corp.) and Judy Zangwill (Sunnyside Community Services), Webinar Lecture via GoToMeeting.

Jarvis, S. (2020, March 6). The Power of Black Women’s Leadership to Move a Justice Agenda Forward. 2020 Black Women’s Roundtable Women of Power National Summit. Crystal Gateway Marriott, 1700 Richmond Highway, Arlington, VA: National Coalition on Black Civic Participation.

Jarvis, S. (2019, December 7). . Guest Speaker, Race Policy Matters Class for graduate students in the Baruch College, Marxe International Affairs program taught by Prof. Michael Seltzer, discussing issues of slavery, reconstruction, race relations, and the civil rights movement, Class Field Trip, Lecture, at the National Museum of African American History and Culture, Washington, DC,.

Jarvis, S. (2019, March 14). . United Neighborhood Houses Emerging Leaders Program, “Leadership, Management and Strategy” Professional Development Class, Baruch College, Marxe School of Public & International Affairs, 135 22nd Street, Room 301, New York, NW, 10010, Guest Practitioners Wayne Ho, (Chinese American Planning Council)and Judy Zangwill (Sunnyside Community Services, Lecture.

Jarvis, S. (2019, June 18). . Unity 2020 Decennial Census Black Leadership Summit, conference theme ”Be Counted to Build Power for the Next Generation. Hyatt Regency Washington on Capitol Hill, Washington, DC: National Coalition on Black Civic Participation.

Jarvis, S. (2019, August 29). . Urban Seniors Job Program: Diversity and Cultural Competency Training. 80 Pine Street, Suite 910, New York, NY 10005: National Urban League.

Jarvis, S. (2019, November 13). Equality, Justice and Reparations: A Structural Analysis of the Lingering Impact of Slavery in America, Part 1. Presentation to the Marxe Faculty.

Jarvis, S. (2018, April 12). . United Neighborhood Houses Emerging Leaders Program, “Leadership,” Professional Development Class, Baruch College, Marxe School of Public & International Affairs, 135 22nd Street, Room 301, New York, NW, 10010, Guest Practitioners Maria Lizardo, Northern Manhattan Improvement Corporations (NMIC) and Gregory Morris, Stanley M. Isaacs Neighborhood Center, Lecture.

Jarvis, S. (2017, February 22). . Guest Speaker, Enterprise Luncheon Series, Enterprise Community Partners, Inc., One Whitehall Street, 11th Floor, New York, NY 10004, Jana deHavilland King, Office Operations Manager (coordinator), "Implicit Bias Conversation," Presentation and Q & A, Local, Invited.

Jarvis, S. (2017, March 31). . Black Women's Roundtable, Women of Power Town Hall Meeting, "Understanding the Federal Budget," National Coalition On Black Civic Participation, Inc., Crystal City Marriott, 1999 Jefferson Davis Hwy, Arlington, Virginia 22202, Conference, National, Invited.

Jarvis, S. (2017, April 27). . United Neighborhood Houses Emerging Leaders Program, “Leadership,” Professional Development Class, Baruch College, Marxe School of Public & International Affairs, 135 22nd Street, Room 301, New York, NW, 10010, Guest Practitioners Maria Lizardo, Northern Manhattan Improvement Corporations (NMIC) and Gregory Morris, Stanley M. Isaacs Neighborhood Center, Lecture.

Jarvis, S. (2017, June 5). . New York Community Trust Fellows, Inaugural Alumni Town Hall held at Baruch College, Marxe School of Public and International Affairs, 135 22nd Street, Room 301, New York, NY 10010, that addressed how alumni organizations are dealing with the new administration and its policies. Panelists included: Laura Abels, New York Lawyers Alliance, Steve Choi, New York Immigration Coalition, and Anthonine Pierre, Brooklyn Movement Center, Town Hall, Invited.

Jarvis, S. (2017, July 7). . Guest Speaker, New York Community Trust Fellows, “Leadership on Diversity: How Nonprofits can Enhance Organizational Diversity to Promote a More Diverse and Inclusive Workplace,” a six-hour class providing both research and practical resources for the fellows addressing organizational diversity held at the Federation of Protestant Welfare Agencies (FPWA), 40 Broad Street, Fifth Floor, New York, NY 10004, Lecture, Local, Invited.

Jarvis, S. (2017, October 30). . Guest Speaker, The Great Leaders Program for Nonprofit Executives, Volunteer Board Members, and Government and Business Newcomers, “Current Legal Issues facing US Nonprofit Corporations: An Analysis,” Baruch College, Marxe School of Public & International Affairs, 135 22nd Street, NW, Room 301, New York, NY, 10010, Lecture, Local, Invited.

Jarvis, S. (2017, January 12). . Guest Speaker, 2nd Annual Leadership Summit engaged 51 students from 31 universities in 17 states hosted by Korean American Civic Empowerment (KACE), Wyndham New Yorker Hotel, 481 8th Ave, New York, NY, 10001, 2nd Floor Ballroom, Theresa Lee (coordinator) "Civic Engagement, 2016 Elections, and the Korean American Community," Presentation and Q & A, Local, Invited.

Jarvis, S. (2017, November 22). . Guest Speaker, Global Communications Class for graduate students in the Baruch College, Marxe International Affairs program taught by Prof. Don Waisanen, discussing issues of diversity, inclusion and how to design bias-free global institutions, Class Q & A, Lecture, via Skype.

Jarvis, S. (2016, November 1). . Percy E. Sutton SEEK Program at Baruch College, over 200 Baruch students attended “Get Out The Vote” event on the importance of voting and civic engagement at the Baruch College Newman Vertical Campus, 1st Floor, 55 Lexington Ave., NY, NY 10010, Betty Duverger (SEEK coordinator), “Why Voting Matters,” Town Hall, Local, Invited.

Jarvis, S. (2016, June 15). “Strategies for addressing Systemic Inequality and the 2016 Elections,". Guest Speaker, Single Stop USA’s “Lunch and Learn” program. 123 Williams Street, 9th Floor, New York, NY (with staff members from Atlanta and Baron Rouge joined remotely): Single Stop USA.

Jarvis, S. (2016, March 17). "What Black Women Want From the Next President of the United States,". Panelist, Black Women's Roundtable, Women of Power Town Hall Meeting Roundtable Two,. Washington Court Hotel, 525 New Jersey Avenue, NW, Washington, DC,: National Coalition On Black Civic Participation.

Jarvis, S. (2015, May 26). Making Ferguson Matter--How Our Nation Can Achieve Greater Diversity and Social Justice By Dismantling Structural Discrimination Based on Race, Gender, Class, Identity, Ability and National Origin: An Examination of Public Policies that Perpetuate Power and Privilege. Major Workshop Presenter, National Conference on Race & Ethnicity in American Higher Education (NCORE). Washington, DC: University of Oklahoma.

Jarvis, S. (2015, March 27). How the Supreme Court's Shelby County v. Holder decision has renewed attacks on Minority Voting Rights. Panelist, Black Women's Roundtable, Voter Empowerment & Voting Rights. Crystal Gateway Marriott 1700 Jefferson Davis Highway, Arlington, VA: National Coalition On Black Civic Participation.

Jarvis, S. (2014, December 31). Overview of Civil Rights & Civil Liberties in the United States," (Summer 2011-2014) and “The Obama Administration, Executive Power, and the Rule of Law," (Summer 2011-2013). Lectures. Georgetown University Law Center: Foundations of American Law and Legal Education Faculty.

Jarvis, S. (2014, November 4). Why Corporate Executives Talk About 'Opening Their Kimonos'. Media Interview/Newspaper Interview. : Code Switch: Frontiers of Race, Culture and Ethnicity, National Public Radio, reporter Steve Haruch.

Jarvis, S. (2014, October 3). After Adarand and Croson: The Demise of Government Set Asides. Guest Speaker, CUNY’s Ninth Annual Black Male Initiative Conference. : Baruch College, City University of NY.

Jarvis, S. (2014, May 28). Images of Race, Ethnicity and Gender: Examining the Impact of Racial and Ethnic Stereotypes in Mass and Social Media on Race Relations and Public Policies. Concurrent Workshop Presenter, National Conference on Race & Ethnicity in American Higher Education (NCORE). Indianapolis, IA: University of Oklahoma.

Jarvis, S. (2013, June 18). Current Legal and Policy Developments for Nonprofit Organizations. Panelist, Center for Nonprofit Strategy and Management and Nonprofit Coordinating Committee of NY, Public Seminar.

Jarvis, S. (2013, May 20). Congressional Roundtable Discussion & Briefing: Celebrating the 20th Anniversary of the National Voter Registration Act of 1993. Selected Congressional Presentation, U.S. House of Representatives, Committee on House Administration. Roundtable II, 1310 Longworth House Office Building

Jarvis, S. (2013, May 30). Diversity Training and Development for Faculty, Graduate and Undergraduate Students: A Developing Model. Concurrent Workshop Presenter, National Conference on Race & Ethnicity in American Higher Education (NCORE). New Orleans, LA: University of Oklahoma.

Jarvis, S. (2012, October 17). White Crime Victims Favored In Mainstream Media Reports." Media Interview/Newspaper Interview. Maynard Media Center on Structural Inequity: Maynard Institute of Journalism, reporter Nadra Kareem Nittle.

Jarvis, S. (2011, February 8). . CUNY TV 75 City Talks program hosted by Douglas Muzzio on Black History Month.

Jarvis, S. (2010, March 22). College Affordability: Expanding Access And Financial Resources During Tough Economic Times." Baruch College: Center on Equality, Pluralism and Policy.

Jarvis, S. (2010, December 31). Understanding Civil Rights in the United States (Summer 1996 - 2010) and Lecture entitled "US Foreign Policy and the Rule of Law," Summer (2007-2010). Lectures. Georgetown University Law Center: Foundations of American Law and Legal Education Faculty.

Jarvis, S. (2010, January 26). . CUNY TV 75 City Talks program hosted by Douglas Muzzio on Campaign Finance and the Supreme Court.

Jarvis, S. (2009, September 24). Legal Services for Nonprofits." : Center for Nonprofit Strategy and Management, and the Center on Equality Pluralism, and Policy.

Jarvis, S. (2008, November 18). A Post Election View: New Coalitions, New Politics, Race, Gender, Youth & More." Baruch College: Center for Innovation and Leadership in Government.

Jarvis, S. (2008, November 10). ., The Bev Smith Show (American Urban Renaissance Network), Post-Election Analysis, Live call-in show.

Jarvis, S. (2007, April 18). . Master (Judge) for Literary Arts. Crystal City Marriott, VA: The Links, Inc., Arts Community Service Project.

Jarvis, S. (2005, November 10). Tribute to Mrs. Rosa Parks and the Honorable Constance Baker Motley: The Progression of the Civil Rights Movement. (Speaker), American University Washington College of Law. : BLSA.

Jarvis, S. (2005, May 6). Forum of Civil Rights and Religious Leaders on The Senate’s use of the ‘Nuclear Option’. Riverside Church, New York, NY: National Council of Churches.

Jarvis, S. (2005, March 23). A Conversation with Sonia R. Jarvis, Esq.: The Role Young Professional Women Can Play in the Arenas of Race, Politics, and the Media. (Speaker). : Y.W.C.A. of the City of New York, YW Contemporary Council.

Jarvis, S. (2005, March 19). Grutter's Diversity Analysis: Using Grutter v. Bollinger to Challenge Media Consolidation’s Impact on Diversity. Not from Concentrate? Media Regulation at the turn of the Millennium, Panel III: Media at the Margins. Ann Arbor, MI: University of Michigan Law School.

Jarvis, S. (2004, January 24). . Radio and Television Appearances. : XM Radio Channel 169, The Barbara Reynolds Show, Presidential Politics, Live call-in show.

Jarvis, S. (2003, September 9). Human Security and Civil Rights Violations: The Fine Line. NGO/DPI Conference, MIDDAY NGO Workshop. New York, NY: United Nations.

Jarvis, S. (2003, April 5). (Re) Enfranchising the African American Community: Engaging The Political Process. Sylvania Woods Conference on African Americans and the Law. : American University Washington College of Law.

Jarvis, S. (2003, February 11). Second Millennium Symposium on Race and Justice. (Respondent), Black Leadership Forum. Washington, D.C.: John F. Kennedy Center for the Performing Arts.

Jarvis, S. (2002, May 21). . National Public Radio, Talk of the Nation, "The Birmingham Trial & Race Relations in America," Analysis of race relations in the aftermath of the Birmingham church bombing trial.

Jarvis, S. (2002, May 21). The Birmingham Trial & Race Relations in America/Analysis of race relations in the aftermath of the Birmingham church bombing trial. Radio and Television Appearances. : National Public Radio, Talk of the Nation.

Jarvis, S. (2002, April 25). Race, Ethnicity and Politics in 21st Century California. Opening Plenary Session/Conference on Race and Ethnicity in California: Negotiating the New Racial Landscape in California. Stanford University

Jarvis, S. (2001, December 6). Privacy & Online Politics: Is online profiling doing more harm than good for citizens in our political system?. (Roundtable Participant). George Washington University, Washington, DC: National Press Club.

Jarvis, S. (2001, November 24). 6th Session (on Global Climate Change). (Participant) Conference of the Parties. The Hague, Netherlands: United Nations.

Jarvis, S. (2001, November 3). . Panel entitled Democracy and Governance in the High Tech Age, Levinson Auditorium. The Limits of Technology in a Democratic Society: Yale Law School.

Jarvis, S. (2000, December 19). Coming Together, Post-election analysis on bi-partisanship. Radio and Television Appearances. : PBS, The News Hour with Jim Lehrer.

Jarvis, S. (2000, November 7). Stanford Media Works, Comparative Studies in Race & Ethnicity, Analysis of Welfare Reform in California. Radio and Television Appearance. Stanford University: Ford Foundation Roundtable Pilot #1.

Jarvis, S. (2000, October 22). Reporter Jessica Lee, Energized black vote crucial for Gore win. Media Interviews/Newspaper Interviews. : USA Today.

Jarvis, S. (2000, September 20). National Undoing Racism Day. Speaker/Rally. Washington, DC: National League of Cities.

Jarvis, S. (2000, August 23). . (Speaker), Annual Conference. Anaheim, CA: California Black Chamber of Commerce.

Jarvis, S. (1999, November 13). Representation of Race in Media” and “Affirmative Action: Legal and Philosophical Perspectives. Conference on Race, African Americans: Research and Policy Perspectives at the Turn of the Century. Stanford University

Jarvis, S. (1999, June 15). Tavis Smiley Show, Analysis of Newsweek article by Ellis Cose assessing the state of Black America. Radio and Television Appearance. : Black Entertainment Television.

Jarvis, S. (1999, June 17). . Meeting on Immigrants and African Americans. Washington, DC: New York Association for New Americans.

Jarvis, S. (1998, October 20). JCPES Pre-election Survey. Panel Participant. Joint Center for Political & Economic Studies, Washington, DC: National Press Club.

Jarvis, S. (1998, April 23). . Presentation to the Congressional Fellows Program. Washington, DC: Congressional Hispanic Caucus Institute.

Jarvis, S. (1998, April 19). Keynote address, Partners in Community, community forum on improving race relations. Selected Media Conferences. Woodbridge, VA: Selected Public Dialogue and Community Outreach.

Jarvis, S. (1998, January 30). What If They Gave an Election and Nobody Came. Selected Media Conferences, Election Programming Workshop. : PBS Democracy Project.

Jarvis, S. (1998, March 10). . Presentation to Journalism Students’ Leadership Training and Development Program. University of Maryland: Academy of Leadership.

Jarvis, S. (1998, March 5). The Kerner Commission Report: Thirty Years Later--Where Are We Now?. : Howard University School of Communications.

Jarvis, S. (1998, February 12). Roll Call, reporter Rachel Van Dongen, the Internet and 1998 Elections. Media Interviews/Newspaper Interviews.

Jarvis, S. (1998, March 14). Region 2, Panelist, Town Hall Meeting on the State of Journalism 30 Years after the Kerner Commission Report. Selected Media Conferences. : Society of Professional Journalists.

Jarvis, S. (1997, December 4). Mobilizing African Americans for Political Action. Presentation to the NAACP Board of Directors. Baltimore, MD: NAACP.

Jarvis, S. (1997, September 24). Race, Politics, and the News Media. Lecture for the 1997-98 Global Futures Symposia. : Rutgers University, Livingston College.

Jarvis, S. (1997, August 27). Voting By Mail. Conference. Washington, DC: League of Women Voters Education Fund.

Jarvis, S. (1997, March 31). Race, Media and Politics, to the campus community. Keynote Address, 13th Annual Stephen Holly Bronz Lecture. George Washington University

Jarvis, S. (1997, March 25). Continuing Legal Issues of Affirmative Action and the Piscataway Case. Spring Symposium on Affirmative Action, Lecture. Rutgers University Alexander Library: Personnel and Affirmative Action Committee.

Jarvis, S. (1997, January 20). Race and Redistricting: Drawing the Lines. Seminar. : New Jersey Institute for Continuing Legal Education.

Jarvis, S. (1997, February 17). The Guardian (London), reporter Christopher Reed, Blacks as the swing vote. Media Interviews/Newspaper Interviews.

Jarvis, S. (1997, February 13). Black Male turnout. Media Interviews/Newspaper Interviews. : The Wall Street Journal, reporter Michael K. Frisby.

Jarvis, S. (1997, February 12). A quiet but effective first year Leader: Kweisi Mfume spent much of his first year as NAACP president settling debts. Now he's ready for activism." Media Interviews/Newspaper Interviews. : The Baltimore Sun, reporter James Bock.

Jarvis, S. (1997, February 5). Talk of the Nation, with Ray Suarez, Analysis of O.J. Simpson Trials. Radio and Television Appearance. : National Public Radio.

Jarvis, S. (1997, January 28). Talk of the Nation, with Ray Suarez, Discussion of O.J. Simpson Civil Trial. Radio and Television Appearance. : National Public Radio.

Jarvis, S. (1997, March 16). In These Times, reporter Salim Muwakkil, Crime and the Black Community. Media Interviews/Newspaper Interviews.

Jarvis, S. (1996, December 10). Technology and Today’s Cities. Plenary Session, 1996 Annual Convention. San Antonio: National League of Cities.

Jarvis, S. (1996, January 27). Get Out the Vote: Black Women's Voter Crusade, Success Story Showcase, Seventh National Policy Institute. Selected Media Conferences, Discussion Leader. : Joint Center for Political and Economic Studies.

Jarvis, S. (1996, October 2). Black Vote ‘96: Strategic Swing Vote, Loyal Democrats or Politically Disenfranchised. Hartford, CT: Black Republicans Vote Project.

Jarvis, S. (1996, October 2). The Hartford Courant, reporter Tina A. Brown, Election predictions. Media Interviews/Newspaper Interviews.

Jarvis, S. (1996, September 13). Workshop presentation, Make Your Vote Count: Know The Issues, Annual Meeting and Luncheon. Selected Media Conferences. : Black Women's Agenda.

Jarvis, S. (1996, August 23). The Boston Globe, reporter Ann Scales, Clinton and Black support. Media Interviews/Newspaper Interviews.

Jarvis, S. (1996, July 5). Morning Edition, with Wade Goodwyn on Voting patterns in America. Radio and Television Appearance. : National Public Radio.

Jarvis, S. (1996, June 22). . Luncheon Address on Political Campaigning. George Washington University: Columbia School of Arts and Science, Centuries Campaign.

Jarvis, S. (1996, May 24). The News Media and Democracy: Race and Protest in the Public Sphere. Selected Media Conferences/46th Annual Conference, Panel. : International Communication Association.

Jarvis, S. (1996, May 15). . Keynote Address, Fourth Annual Black & Latino Commencement Celebration. Rutgers University

Jarvis, S. (1996, April 24). How to Develop and Implement a Political Platform. Selected Media Conferences. National Delta Days at the Nation's Capitol: Delta Sigma Theta Sorority.

Jarvis, S. (1996, April 18). Scenario for the Future. Presentation to Conference on Elections and Cyberspace. Aspen Institute: ABA Standing Committee on Election Law.

Jarvis, S. (1996, April 6). Critique of State Senator Gordon MacInnes’ book, “Wrong for All the Right Reasons: How White Liberals Have Been Undone by Race”. Rutgers University: Debate sponsored by Eagleton Institute of Politics.

Jarvis, S. (1996, March 22). Beyond Affirmative Action and Towards a Multicultural Democracy. Keynote Address and Closing Roundtable Participant. Rutgers University: Teach-in sponsored by Committee to Advance Our Common Purposes.

Jarvis, S. (1996, February 28). Conference on Campaign Finance Reform. Selected Media Conferences. : Social Policy Magazine.

Jarvis, S. (1996, November 28). Cleveland Plain Dealer, reporter Jonathan Tilove, Million Man March and voter turnout. Media Interviews/Newspaper Interviews.

Jarvis, S. (1995, February 9). Public Journalism and New Media. Participant/Conference. Northwestern University: Annenberg Washington Program.

Jarvis, S. (1995, February 27). Interview with Larry Benski and Julianne Malveaux on the RNC Contract with America. Radio and Television Appearance/Panelist. : Pacifica Radio.

Jarvis, S. (1995, January 25). Knight Ridder News, national correspondent Rachel Jones, interview on the impact of the Contract with America on the black community. Media Interviews/Newspaper Interviews.

Jarvis, S. (1995, January 6). Implications of 1994 Elections, Plenary Panel. Selected Media Conferences/Moderator. Broadcast on C-Span: National Rainbow Coalition.

Jarvis, S. (1995, December 31). Paying More Attention to White Crime Victims." Media Interviews/Newspaper Interviews. : American Journalism Review, reporter Peter Downs.

Jarvis, S. (1995, December 31). . Kennedy School of Government Task Force on Race and the Press. Task Force Member (1994-1995): Harvard University/Ford Foundation.

Jarvis, S. (1995, December 31). Access and Equality. The Potential Downside of the National Information Infrastructure, In Stephen Bates. Washington, D.C: The Annenberg Washington Program in Communications Policy Studies of Northwestern University.

Jarvis, S. (1995, November 30). Public Affairs Forum on the Democracy's Owner's Manual. Selected Media Conferences. : D.C. Jewish Community Center.

Jarvis, S. (1995, November 15). Hate Speech and Violence in the Media: What Can Journalists Do?. Northwestern University: Working Group for Annenberg Washington Program.

Jarvis, S. (1995, November 13). Voting Rights in the 1990’s, Annual Board Meeting. Selected Media Conferences. Minneapolis, MN: NAACP.

Jarvis, S. (1995, November 10). Science Foundation Re-Examines Racial and Gender Preferences. Media Interviews/Newspaper Interviews. : The Chronicle of Higher Education, reporter Colleen Cordes.

Jarvis, S. (1995, October 26). In Your Face: Is Go-For-The-Throat Political Rhetoric Choking Our Democracy?. Selected Media Conferences, Press Forum for Journalists. : National Press Foundation/National Press Club.

Jarvis, S. (1995, October 6). Affirmative Action in Higher Education: The Future. Conference on Race and Inequity. Howard University: Center for Urban Progress.

Jarvis, S. (1995, September 9). Gannett News Service, reporter Lacrisha Butler, Million Man March. : Media Interviews/Newspaper Interviews.

Jarvis, S. (1995, July 31). Committee on House Oversight, Hearing on Voter Registration and Election Fraud. Selected Congressional Testimony. : U.S. House of Representatives.

Jarvis, S. (1995, July 23). All Things Considered, with Daniel Zwerdling, Analysis of Minority jobs and education progress. Radio and Television Appearance. : National Public Radio.

Jarvis, S. (1995, July 20). Special Report, Black, White & Angry, Reporter Gwen Ifill, segment on Race and Politics and the significance of racial code words. Radio and Television Appearance. : NBC Television.

Jarvis, S. (1995, July 20). Reuters News Service, reporter Alan Elsner, Clinton’s political base. : Media Interviews/Newspaper Interviews.

Jarvis, S. (1995, June 20). Address on Affirmative Action. Harry S. Truman Scholarship Program. : George Washington University & Brookings Institution.

Jarvis, S. (1995, May 16). Current Trends in Journalism and Communications. Selected Media Conferences. Washington DC Chapter, Panelist: Women in Communications, Inc..

Jarvis, S. (1995, April 30). Black Enterprise Magazine, reporter Joyce Jones, Interview on the impact the Joint Center for Political and Economic Studies. : Media Interviews/Newspaper Interviews.

Jarvis, S. (1995, April 30). Presentation of legal research supporting Dialogue 2000 Project. Luncheon. : Georgetown University Law Center.

Jarvis, S. (1995, April 30). O.J. and the Media. Panelist. George Washington University Law School: Prelaw Society.

Jarvis, S. (1995, April 6). Interview with Gwen Ifill for special on affirmative action. Radio and Television Appearance. : NBC TV, Nightly News.

Jarvis, S. (1995, March 25). All Things Considered with Laura Knoy, Analysis of RNC Presidential candidates. Radio and Television Appearance. : National Public Radio.

Jarvis, S. (1995, March 23). Washington Post, reporter Denine Brown, Background interview on affirmative action. Media Interviews/Newspaper Interviews.

Jarvis, S. (1995, March 16). Backlash Against Affirmative Programs. Selected Media Conferences/Panelist. : Congressional Black Caucus Foundation.

Jarvis, S. (1995, March 14). Inside Washington: Focus on the Information Superhighway. : Brookings Institution.

Jarvis, S. (1995, January 25). Presentation to the University introducing Race, Media and Politics research project. Breakfast at the Center Series. George Washington University

Jarvis, S. (1994, December 31). Media Perspectives on Juvenile Violence. Conference on Youth Violence, Youth Justice/Panelist. : Boston College/Harvard Law School.

Jarvis, S. (1994, December 12). Fear & Loathing On The I-Way, Pundits Assess Downside Of The NII. Media Interviews/Newspaper Interviews. : Information Networks, Ziff Communications Co..

Jarvis, S. (1994, December 5). Libraries and the National Information Infrastructure. Perspectives on the NII Conference/Panelist. Washington, DC: CAPCON Library Network.

Jarvis, S. (1994, December 2). Potential Downside of the National Information Infrastructure. Access and Equality. Northwestern University: Annenberg Washington Program.

Jarvis, S. (1994, December 1). New York Times, reporter Gwen Ifill, Background interview on the impact of minority redistricting on mid-term elections. Media Interviews/Newspaper Interviews.

Jarvis, S. (1994, November 30). The Press and the Right of Privacy. Guest Lecture for Press, Politics and Public Policy course. : Harvard University/Neiman Fellows Program.

Jarvis, S. (1994, November 27). USA Today, columnist DeWayne Wickham, Interview on the impact of minority redistricting on midterm elections. Media Interviews/Newspaper Interviews.

Jarvis, S. (1994, November 18). Election Analysis with host Harrison Chastang. Berkeley, CA: KPOL Public Radio.

Jarvis, S. (1994, November 17). Implications of the 1994 Elections: A Roundtable. Selected Media Conferences/Participant. : Congressional Black Caucus Foundation.

Jarvis, S. (1994, November 14). Joe Madison Show, Post Election Analysis, solo guest (Live Call in show). Radio and Television Appearances. : WWRCAM.

Jarvis, S. (1994, November 11). Julianne Malveaux Show, Ambrose Lane, guest host, Post Election Analysis, solo guest (Live Call in show). Radio and Television Appearances. : WPFWFM.

Jarvis, S. (1994, November 10). Pacifica Radio, with Verna Avery Brown, Post-Election Analysis. Radio and Television Appearances. : National Public Radio.

Jarvis, S. (1994, November 9). . Radio and Television Appearances. The Daily Drum with Herman Washington, Post-Election Analysis: WHURFM.

Jarvis, S. (1994, November 4). Interview on Black Republicans and the 1994 Midterm Elections with Sharon Williams. Radio and Television Appearances. : VOICE OF AMERICA.

Jarvis, S. (1994, November 2). USA Today, reporters Dennis Camire, Lacrisha Butler, Interview on Black Congressional Districts. Media Interviews/Newspaper Interviews.

Jarvis, S. (1994, November 1). The 1994 Mid-term Elections. Dinner Lecture. : Harvard University/Institute of Politics.

Jarvis, S. (1994, October 29). St. Petersburg (FL) Times, reporter Carl McClendon, Pre and Post-Election analysis. Media Interviews/Newspaper Interviews.

Jarvis, S. (1994, October 26). Christian Science Monitor, reporter Elizabeth Spaid, Interview on Black Republican candidates for Congress. Media Interviews/Newspaper Interviews.

Jarvis, S. (1994, October 22). The Hill, reporter Debbie Kalb, Interview on the Impact of TV Advertising on Congressional Elections. Media Interviews/Newspaper Interviews.

Jarvis, S. (1994, October 22). Things Considered with Daniel Zwerdling, Pre-election Analysis. Radio and Television Appearances. : National Public Radio.

Jarvis, S. (1994, October 18). Election Series with Linda Wertheimer, Pre-election Analysis. Radio and Television Appearances. : National Public Radio.

Jarvis, S. (1994, October 18). The Growing Impact of The Congressional Black Caucus in the 103rd Congress. Selected Media Conferences. C Span2, Cable Channel 8: Capitol Press Club & Joint Center for Political and Economic Studies.

Jarvis, S. (1994, October 12). Los Angeles Times, reporter Sam Fulwood, Interview on Democrats and Black Voters. Media Interviews/Newspaper Interviews.

Jarvis, S. (1994, October 9). The Public Policy Implications of the Internet. Keynote Address. University of California, San Diego: Computer Professionals for Social Responsibility.

Jarvis, S. (1994, September 30). The Power of the Media. Alumni Series. Stanford University

Jarvis, S. (1994, September 30). Perspectives on Minority Empowerment in the Post Shaw v. Reno Era. Annual Meeting. New York, NY: American Political Science Association.

Jarvis, S. (1994, September 30). Cynicism in the American Political Process. : George Washington University/National Press Club.

Jarvis, S. (1994, August 16). Democratic Access to Government Information hosted by Jude Thielman (Live). Radio and Television Appearances/The Communications Revolution Series. Berkeley, CA: KPFA Radio.

Jarvis, S. (1994, August 10). Morning Drive Program with Cliff Kelley on differences between Black and White public opinion polls; guest (Live Call in show). Radio and Television Appearances. Chicago: WVONAM.

Jarvis, S. (1994, August 9). Chicago Sun Times, syndicated column by Sam Fulwood. Media Interviews/Newspaper Interviews.

Jarvis, S. (1994, July 31). Minority Journalist Associations' Joint Meeting. Selected Media Conferences. : UNITY '94.

Jarvis, S. (1994, July 28). New Orleans Times-Picayune, reporter John McQuaid, Interview on minority voting districts and Supreme Court decisions. Media Interviews/Newspaper Interviews.

Jarvis, S. (1994, July 22). Los Angeles Times, reporter Sam Fulwood, Interview on how blacks and whites view public policy issues differently. Media Interviews/ Newspaper Interviews.

Jarvis, S. (1994, April 30). Shaw v. Reno: Challenges to Redistricting and the Voting Rights Act. Annual Meeting. New Orleans, LA: National Forum for Black Public Administrators.

Jarvis, S. (1994, March 29). Making Democracy Work. Public Interest Summit: Shaping The National Information Infrastructure. Hyatt Regency Hotel, Washington, DC

Jarvis, S. (1994, March 12). Future of Voting Rights After Shaw v. Reno. Roundtable Panelist/25th Annual Meeting. : National Conference of Black Political Scientists.

Jarvis, S. (1993, October 16). Public Access to Internetworks. Annual Meeting. University of Washington: Computer Professionals for Social Responsibility.

Jarvis, S. (1993, October 22). Press, Politics and Race: Building on the ’92 Experience, Session entitled, The Citizens Report: The 1992 Campaign Coverage. Selected Media Conferences. : Harvard University/Poynter Institute for Media Studies/Washington Annenberg Program.

Jarvis, S. (1993, December 11). Improving the Electoral Process. National Conference/Participant. : Northeastern University.

Jarvis, S. (1993, December 31). The Social and Legal Costs of the Information Superhighway. The Emerging Information Infrastructure: Players, Issues, Technology and Strategies. Virginia: In Association of Research Libraries.

Jarvis, S. (1992, October 31). Luncheon Speaker, Annual Forum entitled Urban Markets: Directions for the 1990's. Selected Media Conferences. : National Association of Minorities in Cable Television.

Jarvis, S. (1992, January 24). Presentation on Minority Voting Participation, National Board Meeting. Selected Media Conferences. Washington, D.C.: A. Philip Randolph Institute.

Jarvis, S. (1992, January 31). In Pursuit of the Presidency. Selected Media Conferences/Presenter. : The Washington Center for Internships and Academic Seminars.

Jarvis, S. (1992, January 31). Energy and Commerce Committee, Oversight and Investigations. Selected Congressional Testimony. : U.S. House of Representatives.

Jarvis, S. (1992, February 28). Committee on Post Office and Civil Service, Subcommittee on Census and Population. Selected Congressional Testimony. : U.S. House of Representatives.

Jarvis, S. (1992, February 28). Minority Redistricting and Voting Rights. (Guest Lecturer). American University Washington School of Law: Law of the American Political Process course.

Jarvis, S. (1992, May 9). Exploring New Strategies for Increasing Voter Registration in the United States. (Participant), National Conference at Institute for Social Research. University of Michigan: Center for Political Studies.

Jarvis, S. (1992, June 5). Involving the Voters: Polls and Town Hall Meetings. Conference on Local and Regional Coverage of 1992 Elections. Harvard University: Joan Shorenstein Barone Center.

Jarvis, S. (1992, July 26). Meeting on Democracy and its Discontents: An African American Perspective. Selected Media Conferences/Participant. : Center for a New Democracy, A Project of the Tides Foundation.

Jarvis, S. (1992, July 31). Presidential Showcase Seminar. Annual Convention. St. Louis, MO: National Bar Association.

Jarvis, S. (1992, November 30). MacNeil/Lehrer News Hour, Pre-election analysis. Radio and Television Appearances. : PBS.

Jarvis, S. (1992, November 6). Election ’92 and the Black Vote. Howard University: Department of Political Science.

Jarvis, S. (1992, November 4). Series entitled, Presidential Choices. Town Hall Meetings/Panelist. : Minnesota Public Radio/Harvard University, National Town Meeting.

Jarvis, S. (1992, October 21). Town Meeting entitled, Do Current Election Laws Undermine Universal Suffrage?. Town Hall Meetings. Philadelphia, PA/Broadcast on WHYY-FM: Institute for the Study of Civic Values, National Constitution Center.

Jarvis, S. (1992, October 16). Voter Turnout. Selected Media Conferences. Annual Convention, Lexington, KY: National Conference of Editorial Writers.

Jarvis, S. (1992, September 20). Voices of the Electorate. Radio and Television Appearances/Documentary. : PBS.

Jarvis, S. (1992, August 31). Campaign ’92 Program at the Democratic National Convention. Selected Media Conferences/Guest Speaker. : The Washington Center for Internships and Academic Seminars.

Jarvis, S. (1992, August 31). . Selected Media Conferences/Presentation to the Board, 75th Annual Conference. : National Association of Secretaries of State.

Jarvis, S. (1992, August 31). Organized and produced during my tenure with the National Coalition on Black Voter Participation. Town Hall Meetings. Houston, TX; Atlanta, GA; Washington, DC; Louisville, KY; Chicago, IL, and Oakland CA: Voices of the Electorate Town Meetings.

Jarvis, S. (1991, October 31). Statehood for the District of Columbia: The Legal Challenge. Panelist. : D.C. Bar/Howard University School of Law.

Jarvis, S. (1991, May 21). Presentation on Coalition Building,. Selected Media Conferences. Alexandria, VA: Close Up Foundation.

Jarvis, S. (1991, March 24). Women, Minority Groups and the Constitution. Selected Media Conferences/Panelist 22nd Annual Student Symposium. New York, NY: Center for the Study of the Presidency.

Jarvis, S. (1990, October 31). Voting Rights. Presentations. Training Institute, Warrenton, VA: NAACP Legal Defense and Education Fund.

Jarvis, S. (1989, March 31). . Selected Congresssional Testimony. Committee on House Administration, Subcommittee on Elections: U.S. House of Representatives.

Jarvis, S. (1989, November 30). Standing Committee on Law and the Electoral Process. Symposium on Voter Participation, Presentation. LBJ Library and School of Public Policy, University of Texas at Austin: American Bar Association.

Jarvis, S. (1988, February 28). . Media Interviews/Newspaper Interviews. “The Push for Political Power,” pp.211-212: Black Enterprise Magazine, reporter David C. Ruffin.

Jarvis, S. (1986, October 31). Voting Rights. Presentations. Training Institute, Warrenton, VA: NAACP Legal Defense and Education Fund.

Jarvis, S. (1985, December 31). Committee on Post Office and Civil Service, Subcommittee on Postal Operations and Services. Selected Congresssional Testimony. : U.S. House of Representatives.

Jarvis, S. (1985, November 30). Committee on House Administration, Subcommittee on Elections. Selected Congresssional Testimony. : U.S. House of Representatives.

Other Scholarly Works

Jarvis, S. (2013). Why the Struggle for Equality Continues.

Jarvis, S. (2006). Reflections on Week One of the Confirmation Hearings of Judge Samuel Alito, National Campaign to Restore Civil Rights.

Scruggs-Leftwich, Y., & Jarvis, S. (1999). Lift Every Voice and Vote: Black Leaders’ Successes in the 1998 Mid-Term Elections.


Jarvis, S. (1992,April 1). Brown and the Afrocentric Curriculum. 101 Yale Law Journal 1285.

Research Currently in Progess

Jarvis, S.(n.d.). Equality, Justice and Reparations: A Structural Analysis of the Lingering Impact of Slavery in America, Part 1. In Progress.

This research examines the debate over reparations for US slavery as an extension of on-going research on institutional racism in America.

Jarvis, S.(n.d.). Equality, Justice, and Reparations: A Structural Response to Mitigate the Continued Impact of Slavery and Racial Subordination in America, Part 2 (February 10, 2021). In Progress.

This research examines the debate reparations for US slavery as an extension of on-going research on institutional racism and its effects in America.

Jarvis, S., & Weikart, L.(n.d.). Lack of Access: Strategies for Overcoming Structural, Racial and Cultural Barriers to Higher Education.

A book that will report on the findings of the October 4, 2007 conference held at Baruch College and additional updates to include the latest research on access and graduation rates for at-risk students.

Jarvis, S.(n.d.). Pedagogy and Diversity. In Progress.

Research to identify current models for faculty diversity training.

Waisanen, D., Jarvis, S., & Gordon, N.(n.d.). States of Confusion: How New Voter ID Requirements Fail Democracy and What to Do About It. In Progress.

Under contract with NYU Press, Expected Final Submission August 2021

Waisanen, D., Jarvis, S., & Gordon, N.(n.d.). States of Confusion: The Crisis of Voter ID and What to Do About It. In Progress.

Publication date - 2021. Subject to further update and revision.Book about Voter ID, citizen and other engagement in gathering documentation needed for voting. Under contract with NYU Press.Updated in light of 2020 elections, January 6, 2021 attempted Capitol insurrection, and 2d Impeachment proceedings.

Aries, N., & Jarvis, S.(n.d.). The Truman Commission on Higher Education: Race and Education on the Eve of the Civil Rights Movement. In Progress.

An examination of how a presidential commission made up of higher education leaders representing diverse interests mediated differing views on racial equality.

Jarvis, S.(n.d.). Through a Prism, Darkly: The Media’s Impact on Race and Politics in America Since the Civil Rights Act of 1964. In Progress.

Book tentatively titled, Through a Prism, Darkly: The Media’s Impact on Race and Politics in America Since the Civil Rights Act of 1964 which will examine the interaction of race, politics and the media over the past 30 years. The primary focus of the project is a major study of the means through which media and politics influence each other to affect race relations and public policies.

Honor / AwardOrganization SponsorDate ReceivedDescription
Outstanding Academic/Researcher: Sonia R. Jarvis, J.D.American Society for Public Administration - NY 2023-05-23
Association of Black Foundation Executives Institutional Award for Philanthropic Leadership"Innovation + Investment = Impact" Annual Conference, Remarks as Chair, Board of Directors for the Edward W. Hazen Foundation2013
Honorary MemberPi Alpha Alpha Honor Society2007
Speaker and Award Recipient for Community Service, “Faith in Action,” Black History Month Presentation, Paterson, NJCalvary Baptist Church1995
Women of Achievement HonoreeWomen's Information Network1991


Committee NamePosition RoleStart DateEnd Date
Abraham J. Briloff Prizes in Ethics, Selection Committee 1/1/2021Present
Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Committee 9/1/2018Present
Committee on Academic Standing/AppealsCommittee Member9/1/2017Present
Executive Committee9/1/2017Present
Center for Nonprofit Strategy and Management9/1/2007Present
Undergraduate Lecturer Search Committee3/1/20115/31/2011
Lecturer in Public Policy Search CommitteeCommittee Member1/1/20113/31/2011
Lecturer in Public Policy Search CommitteeCommittee Member1/1/20103/31/2010
Nonprofit Policy GroupCommittee Member1/1/20058/31/2007
Ackerman Search CommitteeCommittee Chair2/1/20075/31/2007
Nonprofit Search CommitteeCommittee Member12/1/20063/31/2007
Communication Search Committee11/1/20053/31/2006
Nonprofit Search CommitteeCommittee Member1/1/20053/31/2005


Committee NamePosition RoleStart DateEnd Date
Academic Standing Committee Committee MemberPresent
Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Committee Present
Abraham J. Briloff Prizes in Ethics, Selection Committee Present
Baruch College Marxe School of Public & International Affairs, Executive Committee Committee MemberPresent
Center for Nonprofit Strategy and ManagementPresent
Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) CommitteeCommittee MemberPresent
Committee on Academic Standing/AppealsCommittee MemberPresent
Executive CommitteePresent
Center for Nonprofit Strategy and Management: Nonprofit Consulting DayLegal Advisor4/23/2021
Center for Nonprofit Strategy and Management: Nonprofit Consulting DayLegal Advisor5/1/2020
Baruch College, The Washington Program, Lecturer in Washington, DC12/31/2019
Baruch College, The Washington Semester ProgramLecturer in Washington, DC 12/31/2019
Center for Nonprofit Strategy and Management: Nonprofit Consulting DayLegal Advisor4/10/2019
Baruch College Starr Career Development CenterModerator, Government and Nonprofit Panel4/25/2018
Center for Nonprofit Strategy and Management: Nonprofit Consulting DayLegal Adviser4/19/2018
Center for Nonprofit Strategy and ManagementModerator3/15/2018
Center for Nonprofit Strategy and Management: Nonprofit Consulting DayLegal Adviser3/22/2017
Baruch College Diversity CommitteePresenter12/31/2016
Baruch College Honors Program's Free Thinking Luncheon: Pre-election WorkshopSpeaker, Invited 11/3/2016
Baruch College Percy E. Sutton SEEK ProgramPanelist, Invited11/1/2016
Center for Nonprofit Strategy and Management: Nonprofit Consulting DayLegal Adviser3/23/2016
Baruch College Affirmative Action CommitteeCommittee Member9/30/2015
Baruch College Ad Hoc Diversity CommitteeCommittee Member4/30/2015
Center for Nonprofit Strategy and Management: Nonprofit Consulting DayLegal Adviser3/25/2015
SPA Information Fair, SPA in DC SemesterFaculty Participant10/24/2013
Center for Nonprofit Strategy and Management and Nonprofit Coordinating Committee of NY, Public Seminar, "Current Legal and Policy Developments for Nonprofit Organizations"Panelist6/18/2013
Center for Nonprofit Strategy and Management: Nonprofit Consulting DayLegal Adviser3/30/2013
Center for Nonprofit Strategy and Management: Nonprofit Consulting DayLegal Adviser3/27/2012
Faculty Development Training: Classroom management and techniques for enhancing diversity and inclusion, New Workshop PreparationFaculty9/1/2011
Undergraduate Lecturer Search Committee5/31/2011
Lecturer in Public Policy Search CommitteeCommittee Member3/31/2011
Center for Nonprofit Strategy and Management: Nonprofit Consulting DayLegal Adviser3/16/2011
Center on Equality, Pluralism and Policy, Baruch CollegeDirector12/31/2010
Baruch College Dare to Engage Town Hall MeetingWorkshop Presenter11/2/2010
Lecturer in Public Policy Search CommitteeCommittee Member3/31/2010
Center on Equality, Pluralism and Policy, College Affordability: Expanding Access and Financial Resources During Tough Economic TimesProgram Moderator3/22/2010
Center for Nonprofit Strategy and Management: Nonprofit Consulting DayLegal adviser3/17/2010
Constitution Day PresentationsPresenter9/30/2009
Women's History Month CelebrationProgram Moderator3/31/2009
Center for Innovation and Leadership in GovernmentProgram Moderator11/8/2008
Baruch Teach-In on RaceCo-Moderator4/8/2008
Center for Nonprofit Strategy and ManagementPresenter3/26/2008
Ackerman PresentationsProgram Moderator12/31/2007
AckermanCommittee Chair8/31/2007
Nonprofit Policy GroupCommittee Member8/31/2007
Ackerman Search CommitteeCommittee Chair5/31/2007
Nonprofit Search CommitteeCommittee Member3/31/2007
Communication Search Committee3/31/2006
Nonprofit Search CommitteeCommittee Member3/31/2005


Committee NamePosition RoleStart DateEnd Date
Abraham J. Briloff Prizes in Ethics Committee1/1/20211/31/2022
CUNY Black Male Initiative ConferenceGuest Speaker10/3/2014
Graduation Speech to Baruch College Winter Graduate Students, Graduate Formal Reception12/22/2011
Baruch Honors Program: Faculty Development Training WorkshopProgram Coordinator6/8/20119/1/2011
Public Authority Board Governance Seminar2/1/20086/30/2011
CUNY Black Male Initiative ConferenceGuest Speaker10/1/2010
Lack of Access: Education Reform Conference Co-sponsorship of conference with Graduate Center10/4/200710/4/2007


OrganizationPosition RoleOrganization StateOrganization CountryStart DateEnd DateAudience
District of Columbia BarMemberDC1/1/1982Present


OrganizationPosition RoleOrganization StateOrganization CountryStart DateEnd DateAudience
Center for Public IntegrityCommittee MemberDC1/1/1994PresentInternational
Center for Responsive PoliticsBoard Member1/1/1993Present
Center for National Independence in PoliticsAdvisory Board MemberOregon1/1/1991Present
Center for Responsive PoliticsChairpersonDC4/3/20159/21/2018National
Edward W. Hazen FoundationChair, Board of Trustees.New YorkUnited States8/1/20126/1/2015National
Edward W. Hazen FoundationTrusteeNew York9/1/200712/31/2012National
North Carolina Operation Big VoteStatewide Coordinator4/1/200211/30/2002
George Washington University, Graduate School of Political ManagementTechnology Consultant, Democracy On-Line Project3/1/20026/30/2002
National Civic LeagueAdvisory Committee MemberColorado1/1/199212/31/1997
Department of Commerce, NTIA, Communication/Internet Proposals from Community OrganizationsReviewer5/5/19975/7/1997
Joyce FoundationConsultant on Campaign Finance Project5/31/1996
Department of Commerce, NTIA, Communication/Internet Proposals from Community OrganizationsReviewer5/21/19965/23/1996
Council on FoundationsModeratorGeorgia4/24/1996
Department of Commerce, NTIA, Communication/Internet Proposals from Community OrganizationsReviewer6/20/19956/22/1995
Center for Policy AlternativesAdvisory Panel Member1/1/199012/31/1994
TRENDS in Housing, public interest publication concerning low-income housingBoard Member1/1/198712/31/1994
Ford Foundation10/28/1994
National Civic League, Alliance for National RenewalAdvisory Committee, Member9/22/19949/23/1994
Rockefeller Foundation, The Common EnterpriseAdvisory Committee Member6/30/1993
Benton Foundation, National Conference on National Information InfrastructurePanel on Privacy, Moderator3/31/1993
Council on Foundations, Robert S. Scrivner AwardSelection Committee Member3/31/1992
Rockefeller FoundationEqual Opportunity Programs Review under Jim Gibson3/31/1992
For Love of Children, a treatment program for at-risk youthsAdvisory Panel Member1/1/198712/31/1991
Ford FoundationAdvisory Committee Member2/28/1988
Center for the Study of the American Electorate, Voter Registration Reform CommissionCommission Member12/31/1986
President's Commission on Affirmative Action, Catholic University of AmericaCommittee Member1/1/198412/31/1985