Stephanie Golob

Stephanie Golob

Assc Professor

Weissman School of Arts and Sciences

Department: Political Science

Areas of expertise: International Relations - Comparative Politics; International Law, Human Rights, Transitional Justice; Comparative Politics - Latin America and Spain

Email Address:

Stephanie R. Golob is Department Chair and Associate Professor of Political Science at Baruch College, CUNY where she teaches courses on globalization, Latin American politics, and transitional justice.  She is also Faculty in the Ph.D./M.A. Program in Political Science at the Graduate Center, CUNY. At Baruch, Dr. Golob serves as the founding director of ISLA -The Initiative for the Study of Latin America, based at Baruch's Weissman School of Arts and Sciences. Her scholarship on the globalization of justice - with a focus on Chile and Spain - has been awarded the Andrew W. Mellon Resident Fellowship at the Center for the Humanities, The Graduate Center, CUNY, and the Frank Cass Prize from the journal Democratization. For the past decade, Dr. Golob has participated as a member of an international research team, based at the Spanish National Research Council (CCHS-CSIC), studying the legal and political impact of post-atrocity mass grave exhumations in comparative perspective (  Her research on the role of domestic and international law in the politics of memory in Spain has appeared most recently in the volume Memory Laws and Historical Justice:  The Politics of Criminalizing the Past (Palgrave, 2022). 



Ph.D., Political Science, Harvard University Cambridge MA

M.A., Political Science, Harvard University Cambridge MA

B.A., Latin American Studies, Yale University New Haven CT


Blank, S., Golob, S., & Stanley, G. (2004). Mapping the New North American Reality. Montreal, Canada, Institute for Research on Public Policy (IRPP).

Journal Articles

Golob, S. (2025). Windows on the World: Spanish Courts and the Location of Universal Jurisdiction. In Progress.

Golob, S. (2025). Legal Remembering and Societal Forgetting: Judge Garzón's Caso Franquismo and Spain's Unfinished Memory Wars. In Progress.

Golob, S. (2025). Evolution or Revolution? Transitional Justice Culture Across Borders. In Progress.

Golob, S. (2008). Volver: The Return of/to Transitional Justice Politics in Spain. Journal of Spanish Cultural Studies, 9(2). 127-141.

Golob, S. (2006). With Us or Against Us? China in the Construction of a New North American Policy Space. Korean Review of Canadian Studies, 12(2). 17-44.

Golob, S. (2003). Beyond the Policy Frontier: Canada, Mexico, and the Ideological Origins of NAFTA. World Politics, 55(3). 361-398.

Golob, S. (2002). The Pinochet Case: Forced to be Free Abroad and At Home. Democratization, 9(4). 25-57.

Golob, S. (2002). Forced to Be Free: Globalized Justice, Pacted Democracy, and the Pinochet Case. Democratization, 9(2). 21-42.

Golob, S. (2002). North America Beyond NAFTA? Sovereignty, Identity, and Security in Canada-U.S. Relations. Canadian-American Public Policy, 52. 1-44.

Golob, S. (1993). Un nuevo orden internacional? La decision de Mexico respecto al libre comercio. Estados Unidos: Informe Trimestral, 3. 31-56.

Book Chapters

Golob, S. (2022). (De-)Criminalizing the Past: Spain's Legal Response to History, Memory, and Historical Memory. In Barkan, E., & Lang, A. (Eds.), Memory Laws and Historical Justice: The Politics of Criminalizing the Past (pp. pp. 45-72). Palgrave Macmillan.

Golob, S. (2012). Plus Ça Change: Double-Bilateralism and the Demise of Trilateralism. In Ayres, J., & Macdonald, L. (Eds.), North America in Question: Regional Integration in an Era of Economic Turbulence (pp. 249-276). Toronto, Ontario, Canada. University of Toronto Press.

Golob, S. (2009). Conclusion: Contention and Deepening North America. In Ayres, J., & Macdonald, L. (Eds.), Contentious Politics in North America: National Protest and Transnational Collaboration under Continental Integration (pp. 231-247). New York, NY. Palgrave Macmillan.

Golob, S. (2008). The Return of the Quiet Canadian: Canada's Approach to Continental Integration after 9/11. In Bow, B., & Lennox, R. (Eds.), An Independent Foreign Policy for Canada? New Directions and Debates (pp. 83-99). Toronto, Canada. University of Toronto Press.

Golob, S. (2008). US-Canada Free Trade and the Redefinition of Canadian National Interest. In Genieys, W., & Smyrl, M. (Eds.), Accounting for Change: Elites, Ideas, and the Evolution of Public Policy (pp. 115-124). New York, NY. Palgrave Macmillan.

Golob, S. (1997). Making Possible What is Necessary: Pedro Aspe, the Salinas Team, and the Next Mexican Miracle. In Domínguez, J. I. (Ed.), Technopols: Freeing Politics and Markets in Latin America in the 1990s (pp. 95-143). University Park, PA. Penn State University Press.

Memory Laws and Competing Legal-Memory Regimes in Spain:  Between Impunity and Democracy. Memory Studies in Spain and Portugal: A Handbook Leiden, the Netherlands. Brill. In Progress.

Media Contributions

Golob, S. (2017). Tribuna (Op Ed Essay) Memoria sin excepciones.

Blank, S., & Golob, S. (2006). It Is Time to Talk About North America, (87).


Golob, S. (2025, June 13). The Impunity/Accountability Equation:  International Law and the Rights of the Dead. IV International Congress: Weaving Memories: Public Policies, Mass Graves and Materialities. Barcelona, Spain: University of Barcelona and the Center for Humanistic and Social Sciences (CCHS), Spanish National Research Council (CSIC).

Golob, S. (2023, June 27). Vanguard or Rearguard? Spain's Law of Democratic Memory (2022) in the European Memory Regime. 29th International Conference of Europeanists. Reykjavik, Iceland: Council for European Studies (CES).

Golob, S. (2022, March 16). Co-Convenor and Moderator, Roundtable on Transitional Justice in Latin America Today. Global Insights. Online: Baruch College - Marxe School of Public & International Affairs and ISLA-Initiative for the Study of Latin America, Weissman School of Arts & Sciences.

Rivera-Burgos, V., & Golob, S. (2025, September 13). This is How We’re Doing It: Addressing Anti-Racism through a Study of Political Science Syllabi. 118th Annual Meeting of the American Political Science Association - TLC Teaching and Learning Conference. Montreal, Quebec, Canada: American Political Science Association.

Golob, S. (2022, March 9). Roundtable Co-Convenor and Moderator, "Russia's War in Ukraine:  A New Global Disorder?". Marxe-Weissman Virtual Conversation. Online: Baruch College, Marxe School of Public & International Affairs and Weissman School of Arts & Sciences, and Department of Political Science.

Golob, S. (2022, June 8). Book Launch Roundtable, Contributors to Memory Laws and Historical Justice: The Politics of Criminalizing the Past. Beyond Nuremberg: The Global Search for Accountability - 9th Annual Conference of the Historical Dialogues, Justice & Memory Network. Amsterdam, the Netherlands: Historical Dialogues, Justice & Memory Network/NIOD Institute for War, Holocaust and Genocide Studies.

Golob, S. (2022, September 10). Vanguard or Rearguard? Legal Culture and International Justice in Spain. 118th Annual Conference of the American Political Science Association. Montreal, Canada: American Political Science Association.

Golob, S., Ramcharan, P., Rivera-Burgos, V., de Graauw, E., & Johnson, M. A. (2021, April 16). This is How We're Doing It: Addressing Anti-Racism through a Study of Political Science Syllabi. CUNY Faculty Diversity and Inclusion Conference 2021. CUNY, Zoom (online): CUNY.

Golob, S. (2020, May 13). "Memories of 'Overdevlelopment': NAFTA, AMLO, and the Remaking of Mexico's National Narrative". XXXVIII International Congress of the Latin American Studies Association. Guadalajara, Mexico: Latin American Studies Association (LASA).

Golob, S. Discussant, Cooperation through Strategic Ambiguity:  A Discursive-Institutionalist Analysis of the Annan Plan. Comparative Politics Workshop. Online: Ph.D./M.A. Program in Political Science, Graduate Center, CUNY.

Golob, S. (2020, October 5). "The Silence of Others and the Production of Franco's 'Crimeless Victims'. Film Screening of "The Silence of Others" with Commentary by Stephanie Golob and Fernando Travesí. Online: Frances S. Patai Program in Holocaust, Genocide, and Human Rights Studies and the Division of Interdisciplinary Studies, City College of New York (CCNY), CUNY.

Golob, S. (2019, June 25). Memory Across Borders: Transnational Legal Remembering by Franco's Victims in Argentine Courts. Third Annual Conference of the Memory Studies Association. Madrid, Spain: Memory Studies Association (MSA).

Golob, S. (2019, April 3). Moderator and Discussant. Wild Wild World: A Conversation with Ankit Panda on Geopolitics of the Indo-Pacific. Baruch College, Newman Vertical Campus Building: 17 Lex Society Council, Baruch College Alumni Association.

Golob, S. (2019, June 20). Sovereignty over the Past: Law, Historical Memory, and Democratic Identity in Spain. 26th International Conference of Europeanists. Madrid, Spain: Council for European Studies.

Golob, S. (2019, March 11). Managing Trade and Expectations: The Lessons of NAFTA for the Future of Integration in the Hemisphere. Integration Processes in Latin America and the Caribbean: Current Status and Perspectives. New York, NY: Marxe School of Public and International Affairs, Baruch College, CUNY.

Golob, S. (2019, February 13). Discussant: "R2P in Syria and Myanmar: Norm Violation and Advancement". Comparative Politics Workshop. New York, NY: Ph.D./M.A. Program in Political Science, The Graduate Center, CUNY.

Golob, S. (2019, October 11). Chair and Facilitator, Seminar with Emilio Silva, Founder, Association for the Recuperation of Historical Memory (ARMH), Spain. Emilio Silva: "España y su memoria: Desestructurando el olvido". New York, NY: LAILAC: Ph.D. Program on Latin American and Iberian Literatures and Cultures, The Graduate Center, CUNY.

Golob, S. (2019, October 13). Visit of Emilio Silva to NYC: Recuperating Historical Memory in -- and of -- Spain. Convenor: Roundtable on Memory and the Spanish Civil War. New York, NY: Abraham Lincoln Brigade Archive (ALBA).

Golob, S. (2018, August 28). The Exception that Proves the Rule: Spain’s Legal Response to History, Memory and Historical Memory. Workshop on: Circulating across Europe? Transgressive Narratives about the Past. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University.

Golob, S. (2018, July 18). Inside-Out: Transnational Legal Learning and Mass Grave Exhumation. Bodies Out of Place: Mass Violence, Mass Graves and Necropolitics; Perspectives from the Forensic and Social Sciences. San Sebastián, Spain: Spanish National Research Council - CCHS/CSIC, University of Basque Country (UPV), Aranzadi Scientific Society.

Golob, S. (2018, May 26). Memory Across Borders: Transnational Legal Remembering by Franco’s Victims in Argentine Courts. LASA 2018 - XXXVI International Congress of the Latin American Studies Association. Barcelona, Spain: Latin American Studies Association (LASA).

Golob, S. (2018, September 24). Memory Across Borders: Transnational Legal Remembering by Franco’s Victims in Argentine Courts. V Biennial Conference of the Latin American Society for International Law (SLADI/LASIL). Buenos Aires, Argentina: Latin American Society for International Law (SLADI/LASIL).

Golob, S. (2017, January 11). From Memory to History to Law. VI Futures Congress/Congreso del Futuro. Santiago, Chile: Senate of the Republic of Chile.

Golob, S. (2017, October 28). (De-)Criminalizing the Past: Spain's Memory Wars via its Memory Laws. Memory Laws: Criminalizing Historical Narrative. New York, NY: Columbia University Institute for the Study of Human Rights (ISHR).

Golob, S. (2017, July 6). Inside-Out: Transnational Legal Learning and Mass Grave Exhumation. SUBTIERRO - Below Ground: Mass Grave Exhumation and Human Rights in Historical, Transnational and Comparative Perspective - Team Meeting. Madrid, Spain: Spanish National Research Council - CCHS/CSIC.

Golob, S. (2016, June 13). Discussant: Panel on Globalizaon, Ambiguity, and the Decline of Human Rights?. ISA Joint Human Rights Conference: Human Rights in an Age of Ambiguity. Fordham Univeristy School of Law, New York, NY: International Studies Association.

Golob, S. (2016, May 6). Keynote Address:  Democracy's Future in Spain and North America. 2nd Int'l Conference on Historical Linkages between Spain and North America. Instituto Cervantes, New York: CCNY-CUNY and Instituto Cervantes.

Golob, S. (2016, May 27). Once and Future Citizens: Exhumed Bodies in Domestic, Regional and International Contexts; The Case of the 43 Missing Students of Ayotzinapa. XXXIV International Congress; LASA at 50. New York, NY: Latin American Studies Association.

Golob, S. (2015, July 3). The Once and Future Citizen: Exhumed Bodies within Domestic, Regional and International Legal Contexts. The Past Below Earth: Exhumations and Memory Politics in Contemporary Spain in Transnational and Comparative Perspective - International Conference. Madrid, Spain: CCHS-CSIC, Spanish National Research Council.

Golob, S. (2015, May 9). A Conversation with Emilio Silva, Asociación para la Recuperación de la Memoria HIstórica (ARMH), ALBA-Puffin Award for Human Rights for 2015. 2015 ALBA-Puffin Award for Human Rights - Roundtable. New York, NY: Abraham Lincoln Brigade Archives (ALBA), New York University and Puffin Foundation.

Golob, S. (2015, October 29). Ideas Across Borders: At the IR/Comparative Frontier. CORE Seminar. New York, NY: Political Science Program, CUNY Graduate Center.

Golob, S. (2015, November 2). Discussant: Session on Universal Jurisdiction and Franco's Crimes before Argentine Courts. University Seminar on Human Rights. Columbia University, New York, NY: Columbia University.

Golob, S. (2015, December 4). Expect Delays: Judge Garzón’s Caso Franquismo and the Detoured Legal Route to Justice in Spain. The Politics of Memory: Victimization, Violence and Contested Narratives about the Past. New York, NY: Historical Justice and Memory Network, Institute for the Study of Human Rights, Columbia University.

Golob, S. (2014, April 10). Causes and Consequences of the Genocide in Rwanda. 20th Anniversary of the Rwandan Genocide. Baruch College, New York, NY: REACT to FILM, Amnesty International and Model UN, Baruch College.

Golob, S. (2014, April 5). Discussant: Panel on Emerging Problems in International Law. MPSA 2014 Annual Meeting. Palmer House, Chicago, IL: MIdwest Political Science Association (MPSA).

Golob, S. (2014, April 3). Locating Globalized Justice: Judge Garzón, the Caso Franquismo, and the End of Spanish Exceptionalism. MPSA 2014 Annual Meeting. Palmer House, Chicago, IL: MIdwest Political Science Association (MPSA).

Golob, S. (2014, November 6). Microfinance and Development: Scaling Up by Scaling Down?. Globalization and Microfinance. Baruch College, New York, NY: Cents Ability, Solutions Across Borders, Model UN, Baruch College.

Golob, S., & Yang, D. S. (2014, October 14). The Thesis Process: An Adviser-Advisee Dialogue. Faculty Seminar - Engaging Undergraduate Research - The Senior Honors Thesis. Baruch College, CUNY: WSAS Dean's Office.

Golob, S. (2014, August 31). Legal Remembering and Societal Forgetting: Judge Garzón's Caso Franquismo and Spain's Unfinished Memory Wars. APSA 2014 Annual Meeting. Washington, D.C.: American Political Science Association.

Golob, S. (2014, July 4). The Rules of the Game: International, Regional and Domestic Legal Contexts of Contemporary Exhumations. The Past Below Earth: Exhumations and Memory Politics in Contemporary Spain in Transnational and Comparative Perspective - Inaugural Research Team Meeting. Madrid, Spain: CCHS-CSIC, Spanish National Research Council.

Golob, S. (2014, June 17). Locating Globalized Justice: Judge Garzón, the Caso Franquismo, and the End of Spanish Exceptionalism. ISA Human Rights Joint Conference, Human Rights and Change. Istanbul, Turkey: ISA, APSA, IPSA, ECPR.

Golob, S. (2013, February 12). Legal Remembering and Societal Forgetting: Judge Garzón’s Caso Franquismo and Spain’s Unfinished Memory Wars. Symposium on Memories of Conflict, Conflicts of Memories. London: University College London (UCL).

Golob, S. (2013, October 22). Why Mexico Matters. Great Decisions: Mexico and U.S.-Mexico Relations. Chappaqua, New York: Chappaqua Great Decisions.

Golob, S. (2012, February 17). Discussant, Panel on Political Economy: International Policies, Local Applications. Political Science Graduate Student Conference. CUNY Graduate Center, New York, NY: Ph.D./M.A. Program in Political Science, CUNY Graduate Center.

Golob, S. (2012, March 6). U.S.-Mexico Relations. Mexiculture Speaker Event. Baruch College, New York, NY: Mexiculture, Baruch College Student Organization.

Golob, S. (2012, June 30). Locating Globalized Justice: Judge Garzón, International Law, and the End of Spanish Exceptionalism. Authors' Workshop for Memory Politics and Mass Exhumations: Spain in Comparative Perspective. Madrid, Spain: CCHS-CSIC, Spanish National Research Council.

Golob, S. (2012, July 8). Barriers to Entry: The Canada-U.S. ‘Beyond the Border’ Perimeter Initiative and the Democratic Deficit(s) in North American Governance. 22nd World Congress of the International Political Science Association, IPSA. Madrid, Spain: IPSA/Spanish Political Science Association.

Golob, S. (2011, November 30). Plus Ça Change: Double-Bilateralism and the Demise of Trilateralism. 21st Biennial Meeting of the Association for Canadian Studies in the US, ACSUS. Ottawa, Canada: ACSUS.

Golob, S. (2011, November 10). Discussant:  Brazil's Global Reach. Meeting for Ambassador Luiz Felipe De Seixas Corrêa, Consul General of Brazil in New York. CUNY Graduate Center, New York, NY: Bildner Center for Western Hemisphere Affairs, CUNY Graduate Center.

Golob, S. (2011, November 1). International Relations: At the Graduate Center and Beyond. Power Seminar. CUNY Graduate Center, New York, NY: Ph.D./M.A. Program in Political Science, CUNY Graduate Center.

Golob, S. (2011, October 18). Discussant: Whose Exceptionalism?. WSAS Dean’s Office / Global Studies Panel on “The New American Exceptionalism,”. Baruch College, New York, NY: Baruch College - WSAS Dean's Office.

Golob, S. (2011, October 14). Keynote Address:  The Trials of Judge Garzón: Legal Remembering and Societal Forgetting in Spain. Five Colleges Interdisciplinary Symposium on “War, Dictatorship, and Memory". Mt. Holyoke College, South Hadley, Massachusetts: Five College Consortium - Amherst, U. Mass Amherst, Smith, Mt. Holyoke, Hampshire.

Golob, S. (2011, August 31). Left Behind: Spain’s Socialist Party (PSOE) and its ‘Historical Memory’ Agenda. 6th General Conference of the European Consortium on Political Research,ECPR. Reykjavik, Iceland: ECPR.

Golob, S. (2011, June 30). Siting/Citing the Global: International Law, Globalized Norms, and Garzón’s Caso Franquismo. Memory Politics in Contemporary Spain: Evaluating a Decade of Civil War Exhumations. Madrid, Spain: CCHS-CSIC.

Golob, S. (2010, November 18). Underground or Overboard? North America After SPP. North American Studies Graduate Seminar. Ottawa, Canada: Centre for North American Studies, Carleton University.

Golob, S. (2010, October 31). Justice in Times of Transition, and Beyond: Iberia and Latin America Compared. XXIX International Congress of the Latin American Studies Association, LASA. Toronto, Canada: LASA.

Golob, S. (2010, February 28). Windows on the World: Spanish Courts and the Location of Universal Jurisdiction. 51st Annual Convention of the International Studies Association, ISA. New Orleans, Louisiana: ISA.

Golob, S. (2010, March 31). Double-Bilateralism and the Demise of Trilateralism. "North America in Question" Authors' Symposium. Atlanta, Georgia: Kennesaw State University.

Golob, S. (2010, June 30). Siting/Citing the Global: International Law, Globalized Norms, and Garzón’s Caso Franquismo. Politics of Memory in Contemporary Spain - Research Team Inaugural Meeting. Madrid, Spain: CCHS-CSIC.

Golob, S. (2009, December 16). Evolution or Revolution? Transitional Justice Culture Across Borders. IPP-CCHS-CSIC Faculty Research Seminar. Madrid, Spain: Centre for Social and Humanistic Sciences, Institute of Public Goods and Policy, Spanish National Research Council (CSIC).

Golob, S. (2009, November 30). From Trilateralism to “Triple Bilateralism”? Canada, Mexico and the Future of North American Governance. 20th Biennial Conference of the Association of Canadian Studies in the US, ACSUS. San Diego, California: ACSUS.

Golob, S. (2009, September 30). Evolution or Revolution? Transitional Justice Culture Across Borders. 105th Annual Meeting of the American Political Science Association. Toronto, Canada: APSA.

Golob, S. (2009, July 31). Regional Institutions in North America After SPP: Underground or Overboard?. 21st World Congress of the International Political Science Association. Santiago, Chile: IPSA/Chilean Political Science Association.

Golob, S. (2009, February 28). The Weakest Link? Mexico's Security and Prosperity in the Future of North American Integration. 50th Annual Convention of the International Studies Association. New York: International Studies Association (ISA).

Golob, S. (2008, March 31). Push Me, Pull You: Making Heads and Heads of North American Integration. 49th Annual Convention of the International Studies Association. San Francisco, CA: International Studies Association (ISA).

Golob, S. (2008, March 31). Security and Prosperity Beyond the SPP: Prospects for a New North American Policy Agenda in a Post-Bush Region. The Remains, Legacy, and Transcendence of NAFTA. Mexico City, Mexico: Universidad Autonoma de Mexico.

Golob, S. (2008, February 14). Globalization and Campaign '08.. POL Faculty Panel: Understanding Campaign '08. Baruch College: Political Science Department.

Golob, S. (2007, April 23). The Trial: Stages of Truth. Center for the Humanities and the Andrew W. Mellon Foundation. New York, NY: CUNY Gradute Center.

Golob, S. (2007, November 30). Building North America: Regional Integration Across the Social Sciences. 19th Biennial Conference of the Association for Canadian Studies in the US. Toronto, Canada

Golob, S. (2007, February 6). Volver: The Return of Transitional Justice in Spain. Aftermaths Seminar. CUNY Graduate Center, New York: Center for Humanities.

Golob, S., Blank, S., & Stanley, G. (2006, September 28). Staying Alive: North American Competitiveness and the Challenge of Asia. ACSUS-in-Alaska Colloquium, "Canada in the North Pacific". Anchorage, Alaska: Association for Canadian Studies in the US.

Golob, S. (2006, June 28). Everything You Wanted To Know About the United States Political a North American Context. HEC-Montreal New York Program for MBA Students. Baruch College, New York

Golob, S. (2006, March 31). "One for All...": China in the Construction of a New North American Space. 47th Annual Convention of the International Studies Association. San Diego, CA

Golob, S. (2006, March 31). There She Is: Gloria Ana Chevesich and the Transformation of Judicial and Legal Culture in Chile. XXVI International Congress of the Latin American Studies Association. San Juan, Puerto Rico

Golob, S. (2006, September 30). With Us or Against Us? China in the Construction of a New North American Policy Space. ACSUS-in-Alaska Colloquium "Canada in the North Pacific" Association for Canadian Studies in the US. Anchorage, Alaska: Association for Canadian Studies in the US.

Golob, S. (2006, November 10). Back to the Future: Globalization, International Law, and Spain's Return to Transitional Justice. KJC-NYU The Politics of Memory in Comtemporary Spain. New York University, New York: King Juan Carlos I of Spain Center.

Golob, S., Blank, S., & Stanley, G. (2005, November 30). From Mapping to Networks: Static and Dynamic Models of Regional Integration in the NAFTA Triad. 18th Biennial Conference of the Association for Canadian Studies in the United States. St.Louis, MO

Golob, S. (2005, April 20). Mapping the New North American Reality: Understanding Regional Intgration in the NAFTA Triad. U.S.-Mexico Chamber of Commerce, Northeast Chapter. New York

Golob, S. (2004, May 20). NAFTA and the New North America. Guest Lecture, Dalhousie University School of Management. Dalhousie University, Halifax, Nova Scotia

Golob, S. (2004, April 7). Panelist, Canada-U.S. Relations in the  Post-9/11 World. Canada-U.S. Relations in the Post-9/11 World. Dartmouth College, Hanover, NH: The Nelson A. Rockefeller Center for Public Policy.

Golob, S. (2004, March 30). The Puzzle of North American Integration. Council on Foreign Relations - New Voices Series. New York, NY: Council on Foreign Relations.

Golob, S. (2004, March 4). Guest Speaker: Double Bilateralism vs. Regionalism: Borders, Perimeters, and the Future(s) of North America. Speaker Series, Centre for North American Politics and Society. Ottawa, Canada: Carleton University.

Golob, S. (2004, February 20). Pendular Shift or Continental Drift? Mexico in North America. Amherst College Department of Political Science - Speaker Series on Globalization. Amherst, Mass.: Amherst College.

Golob, S. (2004, February 5). Latin America in 2004: New Year, New Challenges?. World Affairs Forum Public Affairs Series. Stamford, Connecticut: World Affairs Forum.

Golob, S. (2003, November 13). Mapping the New North America - Challenges and Opportunities. Mapping the New North America. Montreal, Canada: Pan American Partnership for Business Education, HEC-Montreal, and the Government of Canada.

Golob, S. (2003, October 31). The New Politics of Latin America: Mexico. CUNY Faculty Workshop Series. New York, NY: Bildner Center for Western Hemipshere Studies.

Golob, S. (2003, June 30). Alternative Futures of North America. Pan American Partnership for Business Education Trinational Summer Seminar. New York, NY: Pan American Partnership for Business Education.

Golob, S. (2003, March 31). Rule of Law in Transition: The Chilean Judiciary, Globalized Norms, and the Repatriation of the Pinochet Case. XXIV International Congress of the Latin American Studies Association. Dallas, TX: Latin American Studies Association (LASA).

Golob, S. (2002, February 8). The Future(s) of North America. First Annual Student Research Symposium, Center for International Business Studies, Dalhousie University. Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada: Center for International Business Studies, Dalhousie University.

Golob, S. (2002, August 31). Bordering on Democracy: Regionalism, Transnationalism, and Civil Society in Mexico. Annual Meeting of the American Political Science Association. Boston, MA: American Political Science Association (APSA).

Golob, S. (2002, June 11). Changing Identity in Canada, Mexico, and the United States. Toward a North American Community? Conference. Washington, DC: Canada Institute and the Mexico Insitute (Latin American Program) and the Project on America and the Global Economy, Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars.

Golob, S. (2002, May 12). The Futures of the North American Partnership. Strengthening North American Partnerships: Scenarios for the Future. Ottawa, Canada: Policy Research Secretariat, Office of the Privy Council of Canada.

Golob, S. (2002, September 30). North America Beyond NAFTA? Sovereignty, Identity, and the "North American Security Perimeter". Integration and Fragmentation in Canada and the United States. Ottawa, Canada: ACSUS-in-Canada Colloquium, University of Ottawa.

Golob, S. (2001, September 20). The New American Continent: Promise and Challenge. Book Event for Here: A Biography of the New American Continent by Anthony DePalma. New York: Bildner Center for Western Hemisphere Studies, CUNY Graduate Center.

Golob, S. (2001, August 30). Beyond the Policy Frontier: Sovereignty, Security and Identity in the Origins of NAFTA. Annual Meeting of the American Political Science Association. San Francisco, CA: American Political Science Association (APSA).

Golob, S. (2001, November 14). Politics, Distribution, and Development: Convergence or Divergence in the NAFTA Bloc?. 16th Biennial Meeting of the Association of Canadian Studies in the U.S.. San Antonio, TX

Golob, S. (2001, May 31). The Emergence of a North American Infrastructure: The Limits to Bottom-Up Growth. Annual Meeting of the New York State Political Science Association. New Paltz, NY: New York State Political Science Association.

Golob, S. (2001, March 14). The Pinochet Precedent: Sovereignty, Globalized Norms, and the Dilemmas of Democratic Transition. Center for Place, Culture and Politics. New York, NY: CUNY Graduate Center.

Golob, S. (2001, February 22). Globalization and Democracy: Chile. Bildner Seminar Featuring Dr. Juan Gabriel Valdes, Ambassador of Chile to the United Nations. New York, NY: Bildner Center for Western Hemisphere Studies, CUNY Graduate Center.

Golob, S. (2000, October 19). Brazil-U.S. Relations. Bildner Seminar Featuring H.E. Rubens A. Barbosa, Ambassador of Brazil to the United States. New York: Bildner Center for Western Hemisphere Studies, CUNY Graduate Center.

Golob, S. (2000, November 27). New Dimensions in Globalization. Advisory Committee on the Politics of Globalization, Couchiching Institute on Public Affairs 70th Annual Conference. New York: Couchiching Institute on Public Affairs.

Golob, S. (2000, November 27). The Pinochet Precedent: Sovereignty, Globalized Norms, and the Dilemmas of Democratic Transition. CUNY Junior Faculty Colloquia, CUNY Academy for the Sciences and Humanities. New York, NY: CUNY Graduate Center.

Golob, S. (2000, October 6). Roundtable Discussion on Building North America. Americas Society, in Association with the Council of the Americas and the Pan American Partnership for Business Education. New York, NY: Americas Society.

Golob, S. (2000, August 31). Backward and Forward Linkages: Pacted Democracies and the Pinochet Case. Annual Meeting of the American Political Science Association. Washington, DC: American Political Science Association (APSA).

Golob, S. (1999, February 28). Sovereignty in the Americas. Latin America Today: Integration in the Americas. Boston, MA: Department of International Relations, Boston University.

Golob, S. (1996, November 21). Crossing the Line: Sovereignty, Integration and the Free Trade Decisions of Mexico and Canada. Harvard DRCLAS Tuesday Latin American Seminar. Harvard University, Cambridge, MA: David Rockefeller Center for Latin American Studies.

Golob, S. (1996, August 29). Not-So-Silent Integration in North America: Ideas, Policy Entrepreneurs, and the Free Trade Decisions of Mexico and Canada. Annual Meeting of the American Political Science Association. San Francisco, CA: American Political Science Association (APSA).

Golob, S. (1995, April 30). Explaining the Mexican and Canadian Free Trade Decisions: A Theoretical Framework. Columbia Institute for Latin American and Iberian Studies (ILAIS) Seminar. New York, NY: Columbia University.

Golob, S. (1995, September 28). The New Sovereignty in the Americas: Nationalism in a Neoliberal Age. XIX International Congress of the Latin American Studies Association. Washington, D.C: Latin American Studies Association (LASA).

Golob, S. (1994, June 30). La Educación Superior Frente al Tratado de Libre Comercio. Foro Internacional de la Educación Frente al Tratado de Libre Comercio. Tampico, Mexico: Universidad Autónoma de Tamaulipas.

Golob, S. (1994, March 10). "Making Possible What is Necessary": Pedro Aspe, the Salinas Team, and the Next Mexican Miracle. XVIII International Congress of the Latin American Studies Association. Atlanta, GA: Latin American Studies Association (LASA).

Golob, S. (1993, November 30). México, Canadá y el Libre Comercio con Estados Unidos: Perspectivas Teóricas. ITAM Department of International Studies Faculty Seminar. Mexico City, Mexico: Instituto Tecnológico Autónomo de México.

Golob, S. (1992, September 24). A New World Order? Mexico's Free Trade Decision. XVII International Congress of the Latin American Studies Association. Los Angeles, CA: Latin American Studies Association (LASA).

Golob, S. (1992, December 31). The Crisis of the 1980s: Political and Economic Driving Forces Behind Mexico's Free Trade Decision. Yale Department of Political Science Guest Lecture, Introduction to Latin American Politics. New Haven, CT: Department of Political Science, Yale University.

Golob, S. (1992, September 24). Panel Organizer and Chair: U.S.-Mexican Free Trade and U.S.-Latin American Relations in the New World Order: The Shape of Things to Come?. XVII International Congress of the Latin American Studies Association. Los Angeles, CA: Latin American Studies Association (LASA).

Golob, S. (1991, February 28). Pendular Shift or Continental Drift? Explaining Mexican Trade Policy, 1980-1990. Harvard Committee on Latin American and Iberian Studies Seminar. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University.

Other Scholarly Works

Golob, S. (2010). Evolution or Revolution? Transitional Justice Culture Across Borders. (Working Paper No. 3),

Golob, S. (2009). Three Strikes and You're Out? The Security and Prosperity Partnership of North America (SPP) and the Future of North American Integration..

Blank, S., Golob, S., & Stanley, G. (2006). SPP and the Way Forward for North American Integration. (Working Paper No. 219),

Golob, S. (2006). Are the Stars Aligned? Chile and China in the New Millenniun.

Dominguez, J. I., Catalinac, A., Cesarin, S., Corrales, J., Golob, S., Kennedy, A., Liebman, A., Musacchio-Farias, M., Resende-Santos, J., Russell, R., & Ryu, Y. (2006). China's Relations with Latin America: Shared Gains, Asymmetric Hopes.

Research Currently in Progess

Golob, S.(n.d.). The Long Arm of the Law:  Memory, Democracy, and the Legacy of Amnesty in Spain . In Progress.

Book Manuscript in progress. Develops the concept of "hegemonic memory regime" in the context of countries employing amnesty as their transitional justice mechanism, grappling with violent pasts as they manage the impunity-unity dilemma of democratization. The argument is illustrated in the case of Spain, with chapters profiling four key amnesty laws that have shaped Spain's own "memory wars" and its resistance to international norms that push back against a veneration of amnesty.  

Golob, S.(n.d.). The Past Below Earth: Exhumations and Memory Politics in Contemporary Spain in Transnational and Comparative Perspective. In Progress.

"El pasado bajo tierra: Exhumaciones y políticas de la memoria en la España contemporánea en perspectiva transnacional y comparada." Member of interdisciplinary research team directed by Dr. Francisco Ferrándiz, Center for Humanistic and Social Sciences (CCHS), Spanish National Research Council (CSIC).

Honor / AwardOrganization SponsorDate ReceivedDescription
Women's History Month (WHM) Phenomenal Woman - NomineeWomen's History Month Organizing Committee, Office of Student Life, Baruch College, CUNY2021WHM "Phenomenal Woman" nominees will be featured in an Instagram campaign the last week of March, 2021.
Nominee, Presidential Excellence Award for Distinguished TeachingProvost's Office, Baruch College, CUNY2021
Nominee, Outstanding Honors Teaching AwardBaruch College, CUNY2017-04-14Nominated for this award
Nominee, Citizenship AwardPh.D./M.A. Program in Political Science, CUNY Graduate Center2015
Nominee, Presidential Excellence Award for Distinguished TeachingProvost's Office, Baruch College-CUNY2013
WSAS Nominee, NEH Summer Stipend CompetitionBaruch College-CUNY2012
Andrew W. Mellon Resident FellowshipCenter for the Humanities, CUNY Graduate Center2006Awarded for research on legal culture and the delay of transitional justice in Spain, part of a larger comparative project encompassing Chile and Mexico. Co-directed weekly interdisciplinary faculty seminar and co-organized conference, both on the broad theme of “Aftermaths.”
Canadian Studies Faculty Research GrantCanadian Embassy, Washington, D.C.2005Funded research on North American integration (Canada-U.S.-Mexico).
Faculty Fellow (Non-Resident)Center on Philantropy and Civil Society CUNY Graduate Center2005Participated in a cross-CUNY Interdisciplinary Seminar on Justice, Citizenship, and Civil Society
Frank Cass PrizeTaylor & Francis Publishing2002Awarded to best articles published in the journal Democratization in calendar year 2002 (honored for two articles; shared with one other author/article).
Whiting Foundation Teaching Award in the HumanitiesWhiting Foundation2002In recognition of outstanding teaching, this award provided two semesters of full course release designed to allow a full-time focus on research and publication.
Eugene M. Lang Junior Faculty FellowshipBaruch College/CUNY2001Funded research on North American Integration (Canada-Mexico-U.S.)
Faculty Fellow (Non-Resident)Center for Place, Culture and Politics CUNY Graduate Center2000Participated in globalization-focused faculty seminar on "The New Internationalism"
Term MembershipCouncil on Foreign Relations2000Elected to five-year membership, awarded to promising scholars and practitioners 35 years of age and under. Members attend and participate in study groups and speakers events on U.S. foreign policy and international affairs topics.
Institute for the Study of World Politics Dissertation Fellowship-ExtensionInstitute for the Study of World Politics1996Funded follow-up doctoral dissertation research in Ottawa, Toronto and Montreal, Canada.
Institute for the Study of World Politics Dissertation FellowshipInstitute for the Study of World Politics 1994Funded doctoral dissertation research in Ottawa, Toronto and Montreal, Canada.
Andrew W. Mellon FoundationHarvard University Department of Government Dissertation Research Fellowship1993Funded doctoral dissertation research in Mexico City and Monterrey, Mexico.
Fulbright-Hays FellowshipU.S. Department of Education Doctoral Dissertation Research Abroad Program1993Funded doctoral dissertation field research in Mexico City and Monterrey, Mexico.
Certificate of Distinction in TeachingDerek Bok Center for Teaching and Learning, Harvard University1991


Committee NamePosition RoleStart DateEnd Date
Dept. of Political Science Curriculum CommitteeCommittee MemberPresent
Dept. of Political Science Peer Teaching Observation CommitteeCommittee MemberPresent
Fellowships Office Advisory CommitteeCommittee MemberPresent
Fulbright Campus Evaluation CommitteeCommittee MemberPresent
Dept. of Political Science Student Outreach CommitteeCommittee ChairPresent
Dept. of Political Science Executive CommitteeCommittee MemberPresent
Latin American and Caribbean Studies Committee-WSASCommittee ChairPresent
Weissman Strategic Plan Implementation Committee on Faculty Success and Weissman IdentityCommittee MemberPresent
Weissman School Personnel and Budget CommitteeCommittee MemberPresent
ISLA-Initiative for the Study of Latin AmericaDirectorPresent
Chair, Department of Political ScienceCommittee ChairPresent
Dept. of Political Science Student Awards CommitteeCommittee MemberPresent
Dept. of Political Science Student Awards CommitteeCommittee ChairPresent
Affiliated Faculty, Black and Latinx Studies (BLS) DepartmentCommittee MemberPresent
Dept. of Political Science Academic AdvisorCommittee ChairPresent
Program Director, Latin American and Caribbean Studies Minor -WSASCommittee ChairPresent
Dept. of Political Science Diversity, Equity and Inclusion CommitteeCommittee Member6/30/2023
Weissman DEI AllianceCommittee Member6/30/2022
Dept. of Political Science Diversity, Equity and Inclusion CommitteeCommittee Chair6/30/2022
Search Committee - Dean of the Marxe School of Public & International Affairs, Baruch College, CUNYCommittee Member6/1/2022
Interim Chair, Department of Political ScienceCommittee Chair6/30/2021
Latin American and Caribbean Studies Committee-WSASCommittee Member6/30/2020
Dept. of Political Science Search Committee Committee Chair2/1/2020
College Committee on ResearchCommittee Member6/30/2019
Dept. of Political Science Search CommitteeCommittee Chair2/1/2017
Valentín Lizana y Parragué Fellows Program CommitteeCommittee Member6/30/2016
WSAS Representative to the MIA Committee, SPARepresentative of WSAS on SPA Committee6/30/2015
Prize Jury, Social Sciences, Creative Inquiry Day 2015Committee Member5/31/2015
Reader, Undergraduate Honors Thesis in Public AffairsCommittee Member4/30/2015
Whiting Teaching SeminarFaculty Mentor5/31/2010
Executive Committee, Weissman School of Arts and SciencesCommittee Member5/31/2008
Research and Travel Committee, Weissman School of Arts and SciencesCommittee Chair12/31/2006
College Committee on Undergraduate HonorsCommittee Member6/30/2004
College Committee on Undergraduate HonorsCommittee Member6/30/2001
Weissman School of Arts and Sciences Library CommitteeCommittee Member6/30/2001


Committee NamePosition RoleStart DateEnd Date
Faculty Membership Committee, Ph.D./M.A. Program in Political Science, The Graduate Center, CUNYCommittee Member8/27/20186/30/2024
Executive Committee, Ph.D./M.A. Program in Political Science, The Graduate Center, CUNYCommittee Member8/27/20186/30/2024
IR Subfield First Examination Committee, Ph.D./M.A. Program in Political Science, The Graduate Center, CUNYCommittee Chair8/25/20226/30/2023
Second Examination Committee, Ph.D./M.A.Program in Political Science, The Graduate Center, CUNYCommittee Member8/25/20228/25/2022
Second Examination Committee, Ph.D./M.A.Program in Political Science, The Graduate Center, CUNYCommittee Member7/29/20227/29/2022
Second Examination Committee, Ph.D./M.A.Program in Political Science, The Graduate Center, CUNYCommittee Member6/1/20226/1/2022
Dissertation Defense in Ph.D./M.A.Program in Political Science, The Graduate Center, CUNYCommittee Member8/9/20191/24/2022
IR Subfield First Examination Committee, Ph.D./M.A. Program in Political Science, The Graduate Center, CUNYCommittee Chair8/27/20186/30/2020
Ralph Bunche Institute for International Studies, CUNY Graduate CenterAssociate Director7/1/20156/30/2019
Ralph Bunche Dissertation Fellowship Evaluator, The Graduate Center, CUNYAdvisory Role to the GC Fellowships Office3/4/20193/13/2019
PSC-CUNY Political Science & Economics Grant Review CommitteeGrant Proposal Reviewer, Internal1/1/20183/31/2018
Ralph Bunche Dissertation Fellowship Evaluator, The Graduate Center, CUNYAdvisory Role to the GC Fellowships Office3/1/20183/16/2018
IR First Exam Committee, Ph.D./M.A. Program in Political Science, The Graduate Center, CUNYCommittee Chair4/1/20169/9/2016
Executive Committee, Ph.D./M.A. Program in Political Science, The Graduate Center, CUNYCommittee Member1/27/20146/30/2016
Appeals Committee, Ph.D./M.A. Program in Political Science, The Graduate Center, CUNYCommittee Member1/1/20166/30/2016
Faculty Membership Committee, Ph.D./M.A. Program in Political Science, The Graduate Center, CUNYCommittee Member1/1/20146/30/2016
Appeals Committee, Ph.D./M.A. Program in Political Science, The Graduate Center, CUNYCommittee Member1/1/201412/31/2015
Admissions and Awards Committee, Ph.D./M.A.Program in Political Science, The Graduate Center, CUNYCommittee Member1/1/201112/31/2015
Curriculum and Exam Committee, Ph.D./M.A.Program in Political Science, The Graduate Center, CUNYCommittee Member1/1/201112/31/2015
Second Exam Committee, Ph.D./M.A.Program in Political Science, The Graduate Center, CUNYCommittee Member1/1/201312/31/2013
Second Examination Committee, Ph.D./M.A.Program in Political Science, The Graduate Center, CUNYCommittee Chair1/1/201212/31/2012
Second Examination Committee, Ph.D./M.A.Program in Political Science, The Graduate Center, CUNYCommittee Member1/1/201112/31/2012
Fulbright Interview Committee, The Graduate Center, CUNYCommittee Member9/1/201210/31/2012
CUNY Baccalaureate (CUNY BA) MentorFaculty Mentor9/1/20096/30/2012
Second Examination Committee, Ph.D./M.A.Program in Political Science, The Graduate Center, CUNYCommittee Member1/1/200712/31/2008
PSC-CUNY Political Science Grant Review CommitteeGrant Proposal Reviewer, Internal1/1/20081/31/2008
Second Exam Committee, Ph.D./M.A.Program in Political Science, The Graduate Center, CUNY Committee Member1/1/200512/31/2005
Dissertation Defense in Ph.D./M.A.Program in Political Science, The Graduate Center, CUNYCommittee Member1/1/200512/31/2005
Grading Committee for First Examination in International Relations, Ph.D./M.A.Program in Political Science, The Graduate Center, CUNYCommittee Member1/1/200512/31/2005
CUNY Baccalaureate (CUNY BA) Internship AdvisorFaculty Advisor1/1/20046/30/2004


OrganizationPosition RoleOrganization StateOrganization CountryStart DateEnd DateAudience
Bildner Center for Western Hemisphere Studies-CUNY Graduate CenterResearch Faculty Affiliate1/1/2004Present
International Advisory Committee to the M.A. Program "Memoria Social y Derechos Humanos," Universidad de Educación a Distancia UNEDCommittee MemberSpain1/1/201412/31/2020International
International Journal of Transitional JusticeReviewer, Journal Article9/15/202011/4/2020International
International Journal of Transitional JusticeReviewer, Journal Article2/28/2016
IIE-Fulbright Student Screening Committee - MexicoCommittee MemberNew YorkUnited States12/8/2014
International Journal of Transitional JusticeReviewer, Journal Article9/2/201312/31/2013International
Association for Canadian Studies in the U.S. (ACSUS)Officer, Other Officer1/1/200912/31/2013
University of Pennsylvania PressReviewer, BookPennsylvania1/1/201012/31/2010
Canadian Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council (SSHRC)Reviewer, Grant Proposal1/1/200712/31/2008
World Politics (Journal)Reviewer, Journal Article1/1/200812/31/2008
Review of International Political Economy (RIPE)Reviewer, Journal Article1/1/200812/31/2008
Canadian-American Public Policy (CAPP-Journal)Reviewer, Journal Article1/1/200712/31/2007
Penn State University PressReviewer, Book1/1/200612/31/2007