Stephen Gould
Professor Emeritus
Zicklin School of Business
Department: Allen Aaronson Dept of Mkt/IB
Areas of expertise:
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- Research and Creative Activity
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- Honors and Awards
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Ph.D., Consumer Behavior, The Graduate Center of the City of New York
M.Phil., Consumer Behavior, The Graduate Center of the City of New York
M.B.A., Marketing, Baruch College
AB, Economics, Washington University
Semester | Course Prefix | Course Number | Course Name |
Fall 2023 | MKT | 3605 | Consumer Behavior |
Spring 2023 | BUS | 90000 | Dissertation Supervision |
Spring 2023 | MKT | 3605 | Consumer Behavior |
Spring 2023 | MKT | 3605 | Consumer Behavior |
Fall 2022 | MKT | 3605 | Consumer Behavior |
Fall 2022 | BUS | 90000 | Dissertation Supervision |
Spring 2022 | MKT | 3605 | Consumer Behavior |
Spring 2022 | BUS | 90000 | Dissertation Supervision |
Fall 2021 | MKT | 3605 | Consumer Behavior |
Fall 2021 | BUS | 90000 | Dissertation Supervision |
Spring 2021 | MKT | 3605 | Consumer Behavior |
Spring 2021 | MKT | 3605 | Consumer Behavior |
Spring 2021 | BUS | 90000 | Dissertation Supervision |
Fall 2020 | BUS | 89500 | Independent Study |
Fall 2020 | MKT | 3605 | Consumer Behavior |
Fall 2020 | BUS | 90000 | Dissertation Supervision |
Spring 2020 | MKT | 3605 | Consumer Behavior |
Spring 2020 | MKT | 3605 | Consumer Behavior |
Fall 2019 | MKT | 3605 | Consumer Behavior |
Fall 2019 | MKT | 81200 | Studies in Marketing Research |
Spring 2019 | MKT | 3605 | Consumer Behavior |
Fall 2018 | MKT | 3605 | Consumer Behavior |
Fall 2018 | BUS | 89500 | Independent Study |
Spring 2018 | MKT | 3605 | Consumer Behavior |
Fall 2017 | MKT | 88100 | Seminar in Marketing Theory |
Fall 2017 | BUS | 90000 | Dissertation Supervision |
Spring 2017 | BUS | 89500 | Independent Study |
Spring 2017 | BUS | 90000 | Dissertation Supervision |
Spring 2017 | MKT | 88800 | Behavior&Behavior Deci Thry |
Fall 2016 | BUS | 90000 | Dissertation Supervision |
Fall 2016 | MKT | 88000 | Marketing Theory |
Spring 2016 | MKT | 3605 | Consumer Behavior |
Spring 2016 | BUS | 89500 | Independent Study |
Spring 2016 | BUS | 90000 | Dissertation Supervision |
Fall 2015 | BUS | 89500 | Independent Study |
Fall 2015 | MKT | 88800 | Current Marketing Problems |
Spring 2015 | BUS | 89500 | Independent Study |
Spring 2015 | BUS | 90000 | Dissertation Supervision |
Fall 2014 | BUS | 89500 | Independent Study |
Fall 2014 | BUS | 90000 | Dissertation Supervision |
Fall 2014 | MKT | 88800 | Current Marketing Problems |
Spring 2014 | BUS | 90000 | Dissertation Supervision |
Fall 2013 | BUS | 89500 | Independent Study |
Fall 2013 | MKT | 88800 | Current Marketing Problems |
Fall 2013 | BUS | 90000 | Dissertation Supervision |
Spring 2013 | BUS | 90000 | Dissertation Supervision |
Spring 2013 | BUS | 89500 | Independent Study |
Spring 2013 | MKT | 88800 | Current Marketing Problems |
Spring 2013 | MKT | 88500 | Consumer Behavior |
Fall 2012 | BUS | 90000 | Dissertation Supervision |
Fall 2012 | BUS | 89500 | Independent Study |
Spring 2011 | MKT | 3605 | Consumer Behavior |
Fall 2010 | MKT | 3605 | Consumer Behavior |
Fall 2010 | MKT | 9799 | Independent Study |
Summer 2010 | MKT | 9799 | Independent Study |
Spring 2010 | MKT | 9716 | Consumer Behavior |
Spring 2010 | MKT | 9799 | Independent Study |
Fall 2009 | MKT | 3605 | Consumer Behavior |
Fall 2009 | MKT | 9716 | Consumer Behavior |
Spring 2008 | MKT | 9716 | Consumer Behavior |
Fall 2007 | MKT | 3605 | Consumer Behavior |
Fall 2006 | MKT | 3605 | Consumer Behavior |
Spring 2006 | MKT | 3605 | Consumer Behavior |
Spring 2005 | MKT | 3605 | Consumer Behavior |
Fall 2004 | MKT | 3605 | Consumer Behavior |
Spring 2004 | MKT | 3605 | Consumer Behavior |
Fall 2003 | MKT | 5000 | Independent Study Marketing I |
Spring 2003 | MKT | 3605 | Consumer Behavior |
Fall 2002 | MKT | 3605 | Consumer Behavior |
Summer 2002 | MKT | 5000 | Independent Study Marketing I |
Spring 2002 | MKT | 3000 | Marketing Foundations |
Spring 2002 | MKT | 5000 | Independent Study Marketing I |
Fall 2001 | MKT | 3000 | Marketing Foundations |
Journal Articles
Meng, Y., Gould, S., Song, L., Chang, H., & Vaziri, S. (2022). Lost and Found: How the Conversion between Gains to Losses Impacts Consumers’ Purchase Decisions. Journal of Services Marketing,
Gould, S., & Trabold Apadula, L. (2021). Better Together?’ Shared versus Individual Performance in Consumer Goal Pursuit . Journal of Consumer Marketing,
Gould, S., Goldsmith, E., & Lee, M. (2020). The choice polarity effect: An investigation of evolutionary-based trait handedness and perceived magnitudes on laterally displayed choices Authors Stephen Gould, Emily Goldsmith, Michael Lee. Jorunal of Business Research, 120. 627-637.
Gould, S., Goldsmith, E., & Lee, M. (2020). The choice polarity effect: An investigation of evolutionary-based trait handedness and perceived magnitudes on laterally displayed choices. Journal of Business Research, 11.
Wohlfeil, M., Patterson, A., & Gould, S. (2019). The Allure of Celebrities: Unpacking Their Polysemic Consumer Appeal. European Journal of Marketing, online 56 pages.
Semaan, R., Gould, S., Grein, A., & Chao, C. (2019). “We don’t all see it the same way”: The biasing effects of country-of-origin and preference reversals on product evaluation. European journal of Marketing, 53(5). 989-1014.
Weifeld-Spolter, S., Sussan, F., Rippe, C., & Gould, S. (2018). Integrating affect, cognition, and culture in Hispanic financial planning. International Journal of Bank Marketing, 726-743.
Semaan, R., Kocher, B., & Gould, S. (2018). How Well Will this Brand Work? The Ironic Impact of Advertising Disclosure of Body-Image Retouching on Brand Attitudes. Psychology & Marketing, 35(10). 766=777.
Stone, T., Gould, S., & Szabo-Douat, T. (2017). “Am I as extended as you say I am?” Consumer's emic perspectives on the extended self. Marketing Theory,
Gould, S., & Lee, M. (2017). Consumers’ Car Careers: A Phenomenological Study of Their Lifetime Experiences with Automobiles. Academy of Asia Business Review, 3(1). 1-54.
Bahl, S., N/A, e., & Gould (listed as 8th author), S. (2016). Mindfulness: Its Transformative Potential for Consumer, Societal, and Environmental Well-Being. 35(2). 198-210.
Stone, T., & Gould, S. (2016). Vulnerable consumers in the ‘fourth age’: theoretical reflections upon the case of Sandra Bem. Journal of Marketing Management, 32(3-4). 386-392.
Rogers, Z., & Gould, S. (2015). How Do You Know That? The Epistemology of Consumer Health Decision-Making under Conditions of Risk-Benefit Conflict. Psychology & Marketing, 32(4). 450-466.
Weisfeld-Spolter, S., Rippe, C., & Gould, S. (2015). Impact of Giving on Self and Impact of Self on Giving. Psychology & Marketing, 32(1). 1-14.
Weisfeld-Spolter, S., Sussan, F., & Gould, S. (2014). An integrative approach to eWOM and marketing communications. Corporate Communications: An International Journal , 19(3). 260-274.
Gould, S., & Semaan, R. (2014). Avoiding Throwing Out the Baby with the Bathwater: Critically Deconstructing Contested Positions on Social and Macromarketing in the Health Domain. Journal of Macromarketing, 34(4). 520-531.
(2013). Achieving Sustainable Consumption through Spiritual Practices. Purushartha, 5(2). 79-92.
(2012). The emergence of Consumer Introspection Theory (CIT): Introduction to a JBR special issue. Journal of Business Research, 65(4). 453-460.
(2012). "Am I Getting It or Not? The 'Trying' Practices and Paradoxes of Consumers' Learning to Use New Technologies". Journal of Product Innovation Management, 29(2). 13 pages.
(2010). To Thine Own Self(ves) Be True: Reflexive Insights for Etic Self Theory from Consumers’ Emic Constructions of the Self. Consumption, Markets and Culture, 13(June). 181-219.
(2009). What’s it Worth to Me? Applying Personal Experiences versus Attribute Information in Separate versus Joint Value Construction. Journal of Economic Psychology, 30. 840-858.
(2009). "To buy or to pirate: The matrix of music consumers' acquisition-mode decision-making". Journal of Business Research, 62(10). 1031-1037.
(2009). “Think Glocally, Act Glocally: A Culture-centric Comment on Leung et al". Journal of International Business Studies, 40. 237-254.
(2009). "Collectivist and Individualist Influences on Website Design in South Korea and the U.S.: A Cross-Cultural Content Analysis". Journal of Computer-Mediated Communication, 14(3). pp. 581-601.
(2008). Enculturated Commodification in a Music Brand: An Ethnomusicological Investigation of Culturally Embedded Codes in Jamaican Dancehall Lyrics. Consumption, Markets, and Culture, 11.
(2008). An Introspective Genealogy of My Introspective Genealogy. Marketing Theory, 8.
(2008). Narrative and Metacognition as Consumer Mystery:A Comment on Hill, Gaines and Wilson and Animal Companions. Journal of Business Research, 61.
(2007). "Narrative and Metacognition as Consumer Mystery: A comment on Hill, Gaines and Wilson and Animal companions. Journal of Business Research (in Press),
(2007). "Recall of Products Placed as Prizes Versus Commercial in Game Shows”. Journal of Current Issues and Research in Advertising, (29). 43-53.
(2007). Voluntary Codes of Ethical Conduct: Group Membership Salience and Globally Intergrated Marketing Communications Perspectives. Journal of Macromarketing, 27(3).
(2007). Is It Really Complicated? Motivational Differences in the Effects of Structural and Outcome Complexity on Consumers' Website and Brand Evaluations. Advances in Consumer Research, 305.
(2007). "The Role of Group Membership Salience in Communicating Voluntary Codes of Conduct: A Globally Integrated Marketing Communications Perspective". Journal of Macromarketing , (27). 289-302.
(2006). “Comparing, Not Confirming Personal Introspection: A Comment on Woodside”. Psychology & Marketing, (23). 253-256.
(2006). “Cooptation Through Conflation: Spiritual Materialism is Not the Same as Spirituality”. Consumption, Markets & Culture, (9). 63-79.
(2006). ““Come on Down” : A Meaning-Driven Perspective on How Consumers ‘View’ Games Shows and the Products Placed in Them”. Journal of Advertising, (35). 65-81.
(2004). “How Consumers Generate Clickstreams through Websites: An Empirical Investigation of Hypertext, Schema and Mapping Theoretical Explanations”. Journal of Interactive Advertising, (2).
(2004). “IMC as Theory and as a Poststructural Set of Practices and discourses: A Continuously Evolving Paradigm Shift”. Journal of Advertising Research, (44). 66-70.
(2004). “To Pirate or Not to Pirate” A Comparative Study of Ethical Versus Other Influences on the Consumers Software Acquisition-Mode Decision". Journal of Business Ethics, (55). 225-274.
(2002). “The State of IMC Research and Applications” . Journal of Advertising Research , (22). 22-23.
(2000). “Product Placements in Movies: A Cross-Cultural Analysis of Austrian, French and American Consumers’ Attitudes Toward This Emerging, International Promotional Medium”. Journal of Advertising , (29). 41-58.
(2000). “The Intertextual Construction of Emerging Consumer Culture in China as Observed in the Movie Ermo: A Postmodern, Sinicization Reading” . Journal of Global Marketing , (14). 151-167.
(1999). “A Critique of Heckhausen and Schulz’s Life-Span Theory of Control from a Cross-Cultural Perspective” . Psychology Review, (106). 597-604.
(1999). "Globally Integrated Marketing Communication: A Study of U.S.-Based, Multinational Advertising Agency Executives’ Perceptions and Practices" . Journal of Advertising Research , 39. 7-20.
(1998). The Role of Psychographic Characteristics as Determinants of Complaint Behavior by Elderly Consumers of Physician Health Services". Journal of Hospital Marketing, 12(2). 27-50.
(1998). ““Postmodern” Versus “Longstanding” Cultural Narratives in consumer Behavior: An Empirical Study of NewGirl Online” . European Journal of Marketing, (32). (7/8) 644-654.
(1997). “Consumer Perceptions of the Ethics and Acceptability of Product Placements in Movies: Product Category and Individual Differences” . Journal of Current Issues and Research in Advertising , (14). 37-50.
(1997). “Profiling Pharmaceutical Allergy Medications by Symptoms and Their Relief: A Study of Consumer Perceptions". Journal of Business Research , (40). 199-206.
(1997). "An Interpretive Study of Purposeful, Mood Self-Regulating Consumption: The Consumption and Mood Framework". Psychology & Marketing , (14). 395-426.
(1996). “Globally Integrated Marketing Communications” . Journal of Marketing Communications , (2). 141-158.
(1995). “Sexualized Aspects of Consumer Behavior: An Empirical Investigation of Consumer Lovemaps” . Psychology and Marketing , (12). 395-413.
(1995). “Researcher Introspection as a Method in Consumer Research: Applications, Issues and Implications” . Journal of Consumer Research, (21). 719-722.
(1995). “The Buddhist Perspective on Business Ethics: Experiential Exercises for Exploration and Practice”. Journal of Business Ethics , (14). 63-70.
(1994). “Sexuality and Ethics in Advertising: A Research Agenda and Policy Guideline Perspective”. Journal of Advertising , (23). 73-80.
Gould, S. (1994). “Counting Health Care Costs in the U.S.: A Hermeneutical Study of Cost Benefit Research” . Accounting, Auditing and Accountability Journal, 7(3). 18-49.
(1993). “Decision Making in Health Care Institutions: The Health Care Practice Paradigm” . Journal of Hospital Marketing, 7(2). 47-60.
(1993). “Consumer Illness Careers: An Investigation of Allergy Sufferers and Their Universe of Medical Choices” . Journal of Health Care Marketing, 13. 34-48.
(1993). “Sex-Typed Services Images: An Empirical Investigation of Self-Service Variables” . The Service Industries Journal, (13). 74-96.
(1993). “Women’s Makeup Careers: An Interpretive Study of Color Cosmetic Use and “Face Value” . Psychology and Marketing , (10). 531-548.
(1992). “Macrodynamic Trends in the Health Care Industry: A Distribution and Retailing Perspective” . Health Care Marketing Management , Aspen, 179-189.
(1992). “Perceived Affective Symptoms: A New Approach to Affect Patterning and Response” . Imagination, Cognition and Personality, 12(3). 249-271.
(1992). “The Production, Marketing, and Consumption of Sexually Explicit Material in Our Sexually Conflicted Society: A Public Policy Dilemma” . Journal of Public Policy and Marketing, (11). 135-148.
(1991). “Import of Asian Sexual Psychotechnologies into the United States: The ‘New Women’ and the ‘The New Man’ Go ‘Tantric’” . Journal of American Culture , (14). 19-23.
(1991). “Gift-Giving Roles and Gender Self-Concepts” . Sex Roles, (24). 617-637.
(1991). “Benefiting from Structural Similarities among Personal Services” . Journal of Service Marketing, 5. 23-32.
Considine, J., & Gould, S. (1991). “The Phenomenon of Choosing a Physician by Gender: Evidence and Implications” . Journal of Medical Practice Management, (6). 241-243.
(1991). “The Self Manipulation of My Pervasive, Perceived Vital Energy through Product Use: An Introspective-Praxis Perspective” . Journal of Consumer Research , 18. 194-207.
(1990). “Business Media Segmentation for Services Marketers: Education and The Gender Gap” . The Service Industries Journal, (10). 546-561.
(1990). “AIDS and FDA Drug-Approval Policy: An Evolving Controversy” . Journal of Health and Social Policy, 2(2). 39-46.
(1990). “Health Consciousness and Health Behavior: The Application of a New Health Consciousness Scale” . American Journal of Preventive Medicine, (6). 228-237.
(1990). “Health Consciousness, Scientific Orientations, and Wellness: An Examination of the Determinants of Wellness Attitudes and Behaviors” . Health Marketing Quarterly, 7(3/4). 65-82.
Gould, S. (1989). The AIDS Consumer Movement and the FDA: A Potential Paradigm Shift in Healthcare Policy. Journal of Public Policy & Marketing,
(1989). “Gender Schema and Fashion Consciousness”. Psychology and Marketing , (6). 129-145.
(1989). “The Use of Health Services: Is Illness the Only Motivator”. Journal of Hospital Marketing, 3(2). 81-103.
(1989). “Recent Changes in the Use of Experimental Drugs” . Journal of Health Care Marketing, (9). 52-54.
(1988). “Consumer Attitudes toward Health and Health Care: A Differential Perspective” . Journal of Consumer Affairs, (22). 96-118.
(1988). “Changing Economic Environment: Physicians Versus Pharmacists”. New Jersey Medicine, (85). 589-591.
(1988). “Macrodynamic Trends in the Health Care Industry: A Distribution and Retailing Perspective” . Health Care Management Review , (13). 15-22.
(1988). “Public Self-Consciousness and Consumption Behavior” . Journal of Social Psychology, (128). 393-400.
(1988). “Physician Professional Opinion Leadership and Physician Advertising: A Consumer View” . Journal of Health Care Marketing, (8). 47-57.
(1988). “The Consumer As Financial Opinion Leader”. Journal of Retail Banking , (10). 43-52.
(1988). “Service Opinion Leadership: A Management Tool for Service Providers and Product Managers Alike” . Journal of Professional Services Marketing, 4(1). 3-13.
(1987). “A Generalized Model of the Utilization of Professional Services” . The Journal of Professional Services Marketing, (2). 29-41.
(1987). “Baby Boom Singles: The Social Seekers” . The Journal of Consumer Marketing, (4). 5-22.
(1987). “When Two Professions Clash: The Marketing and Consumer Behavior Implication of the Physician/ Pharmacist Dispensing Debate” . Health Marketing Quarterly, 5(1/2). 161-170.
(1987). “Sexual Identity Scale: A New Self Assessment Measure”. Sex Roles, 17(9/10). 503-519.
(1987). “Gender Differences in Advertising Response and Self-Consciousness Variables”. Sex Roles, 16(5/6). 215-225.
(1987). “Consumer Behavior and Health Promotion: A Reply to Becker’s “Tyranny of Health Promotion”” . Public Health Reviews, 15(4). 357-364.
(1986). “The Self-Consciousness Scale: a Confirmatory Analysis” . Psychological Reports, (59). 809-810.
Book Chapters
(2013). Multimodal Introspection Theory. Self-Observation in the Social Sciences (pp. 121-144). Transaction Publishers.
Gould, S. (2012). “Spirituality as Introspection and Introspection as Spirituality in Consumer Research,”. Consumption and Spirituality Routledge.
Gould, S., & Sussan, F. (2010). Mixed Messages in Marketing Communications about Food and Obesity. Obesity, Business and Public Policy
(2009). Introspection, Meditation and Metacognition: How Aware or Unaware of Myself Can I Be. Metacognition: New Research Developments
Gould, S. (2008). "Introspection as Critical Marketing Thought, Critical Marketing Thought as Introspection.". In Tadajewski, M., & Brownlie, D. (Eds.), Critical Marketing: Issues in Contemporary Marketing Wiley.
Gould, S., & Sussan, F. (2007). "Mixed Messages in Marketing Communications about Food and Obesity". In Acsm, J. Z., & Lyles, A. (Eds.), Obesity, Business and Public Policy (pp. 89-105).
Gould, S., Grein , A. F., & Lerman , D. B. (2006). "Globally Integrated Marketing Communication: A Study of U.S.-Based, Multinational Advertising Agency Executives’ Perceptions and Practices". Best Practices in International Marketing.
Gould, S. (2001). “The Role of Agency Client Integration in Integrated Marketing communication: A Complimentary Agency Theory-Interorganizational Perspective”. Best Practices in International Marketing
Zhong, B., Goldsmith, E., & Gould, S. (2015, June 30). Close Friends or Enemies? The Role of Self-Construal and Cultural Background on Social Network Use and Self Control. Academy of International Business. India
Gould, S., Chao, C., Grein, A., & Semaan, R. (2012, July 2). The Biasing Effects of Country-of-Origin: A cross-cultural Application of Preference Reversals. Annual Meeting. Washington, DC: Academy of International Business.
Grein, A., & Gould, S. (2011, October 27). An Interpretive Study of a Morally Ambivalent Decision Scenario in International Marketing: The Role of the Self-Reference Criterion. International Conference Promoting Business Ethics. New York, NY: St. John's University.
Gupta, R., & Gould, S. (2010, December 31). Motivational Differences in the Effects of Structural and Outcome Complexity on Consumers’ Web site and Brand Evaluations. Marketing Science. Cologne
DeMotta , Y., Sen, S., & Gould, S. Influencing Consumer Goals and Pro-Social Behavior. Marketing and Public Policy. Washington D.C.: AMA.
Other Scholarly Works
Wlliamson, S., & Gould, S. (2018). Substituting the Fries with a Salad: Our magical beliefs about pairing virtue with vice.
Research Currently in Progess
Gould, S.(n.d.). Consumption and Spirituality. In Progress.
Du, R., & Gould, S.(n.d.). Covid 19 Behaviors. In Progress.
Gould, S.(n.d.). Responsibility and Consumption. In Progress.
Gould, S.(n.d.). Retouching . In Progress.
Gould, S.(n.d.). Semantic Markers and Consumption. In Progress.
Gould, S.(n.d.). Where are You Feeling It? A Somatosensory-Interoceptive Investigation of Embodiment, Feelings, and Utilitarian-Hedonic Perceptions in Marketing . In Progress.
Apadula, L. T., & Gould, S.(n.d.). ‘Better Together?’ Shared Versus Individual Performance in Consumer Goal Pursuit". In Progress.
submitted to the International Journal of Consumer StudiesJuly 2020
Title | Funding Agency Sponsor | Start Date | End Date | Awarded Date | Total Funding | Status |
Consumer Investing Study | PSC-CUNY 41 | 07/01/2010 | 06/30/2011 | 4240 | Completed | |
Self-Based Differences in Response to Identical Experimental Primes | PSC-CUNY 38 | 07/01/2007 | 06/30/2008 | 3200 | Completed |
Honor / Award | Organization Sponsor | Date Received | Description |
CMIC 2020 Best Session Paper Awards | China Marketing International Conference | 2020 | Preventive Behaviors and Policy Perceptions during COVID-19 Outbreak: Comparing Data from the United States and China<br><br>Author(s): Rui Du (Baruch College), Stephen Gould (Baruch College), Pianpian Yang (Shenzhen University) |
Committee Name | Position Role | Start Date | End Date |
Department Executive Committee | Committee Member | 8/31/2018 | |
Department Promotion Committee | Committee Chair | 9/30/2015 | |
Faculty Advisor to the Dean | 12/31/2007 | ||
Department of Real Estate Executive Committee | Committee Member | 12/31/2007 | |
Field Chair Search Committee | Committee Member | 12/31/2007 | |
Development Commitee | 12/31/2007 | ||
MBA Career Week Marketing Panel | Moderator | 9/30/2007 | |
Deputy Chair | 12/31/2006 | ||
Zicklin Executive Committee | 12/31/2006 | ||
Departmental Executive Committee | Committee Member | 12/31/2006 | |
Attended many MBA Open Houses | 12/31/2006 | ||
MBA Career Week Marketing Panel | Moderator | 9/30/2006 | |
MBA Career Week Marketing Panel | Moderator | 9/30/2005 | |
Promotion (Reading) Committee for Prof. Lilia Ziamou tenure decision | 12/31/2003 | ||
Promotion (Reading) Committee for Prof. David Luna tenure decision | 12/31/2003 | ||
Faculty Head Recruiter | 12/31/1998 | ||
Josh Nash Resource Committee | 12/31/1998 | ||
Assessment Committee | 12/31/1998 | ||
Graduate Curriculum Committee | 12/31/1998 | ||
Student Complaints | 12/31/1998 | ||
Department Curriculum Committee | Committee Chair | 12/31/1997 | |
Evaluated undergraduate and graduate prerequisites | 12/31/1995 | ||
M.B.A. Course Coordinator | 12/31/1995 | ||
Faculty Recruiting | 12/31/1994 | ||
Advisor and participant in the establishment of the Baruch College Marketing Department's Pyschophysiological Lab | 12/31/1984 | ||
Baruch College students' Advertising Society's advertising contest sponsored by the American Advertising Association | Faculty Advisor | 12/31/1984 |
Committee Name | Position Role | Start Date | End Date |
Dissertation for Rui Du | Committee Chair | 9/1/2020 | Present |
Dissertation - Rui Du | Faculty Advisor | 9/1/2019 | Present |
Rui Du dissertation Chair | Faculty Advisor | 1/1/2020 | Present |
Admissions Committee | Committee Member | 2/1/2019 | Present |
Doctoral Student Research Grant program — Round 15 | Faculty Mentor | 6/1/2020 | Present |
Rui Du | Committee Chair | 9/1/2023 | 5/1/2023 |
Comprehensive Exam Committee for Andrea Pelaez Martinez | Committee Member | 2/12/2021 | |
First Exam Committee for Ophelia Groth | Committee Member | 9/10/2019 | 9/10/2019 |
First Exam Committee for Rui Du | Committee Member | 5/28/2019 | 5/28/2019 |
First Exam Committee for Lennay Chapman | Committee Member | 5/28/2019 | 5/28/2019 |
Sara Baskentli Dissertation | Committee Member | 1/1/2017 | 12/31/2018 |
Dissertation Proposal Committee for Teodora Szabo | Committee Member | 9/1/2018 | 9/30/2018 |
Area Coordinator for Marketing | 6/1/2010 | 8/31/2018 | |
Dissertation Emily Goldsmith | Faculty Advisor | 1/1/2015 | 12/31/2017 |
Ann McNeel, Dissertation Chair | Faculty Advisor | 1/1/2014 | 12/31/2017 |
Dissertation Boram Nam | Faculty Advisor | 9/1/2016 | 12/31/2017 |
Dissertation Lauren Mayor | Committee Member | 1/1/2015 | 12/31/2015 |
Dissertation Sara Williamson | Committee Member | 1/1/2015 | 12/31/2015 |
Zoe Rogers, Dissertation Chair | Faculty Advisor | 1/1/2013 | 12/31/2014 |
Dissertation Chair - Rania Semaan | Committee Chair | 1/1/2009 | 12/31/2012 |
Doctoral Dissertation - Suri Spolter | Committee Chair | 1/1/2005 | 12/31/2009 |
Doctoral Dissertation - Maneesh Thakkar | Committee Chair | 1/1/2005 | 12/31/2008 |
Doctoral Dissertation - Jufei Kao | Committee Member | 1/1/2003 | 12/31/2007 |
Qualifying Committee Exam Member - Angelique Shaydulova (OB) | 12/31/2006 | ||
Qualifying Committee Exam Member - Suri Weisfeld | 12/31/2005 | ||
Qualifying Committee Exam Member - Beth Antonuk | 12/31/2005 | ||
Position Paper - Beth Antonuk | 12/31/2005 | ||
Participant in the Accreditation Process | 12/31/2005 | ||
Doctoral Dissertation - Reetika Gupta | Committee Chair | 12/31/2005 | |
Qualifying Committee Exam Member - Micahel Chattalas | 12/31/2004 | ||
Qualifying Committee Exam Member - Maneesh Thakkar | 12/31/2004 | ||
Qualifying Committee Exam Member - Caglar Irmak | 12/31/2004 | ||
Position Paper -Maneesh Thakkar | 12/31/2004 | ||
Position Paper - Suri Weisfeld | 12/31/2004 | ||
Qualifying Committee Exam Member - Jufei Kao | 12/31/2004 | ||
Qualifying Committee Exam Member - Nicole Kirpalani | 12/31/2004 | ||
Qualifying Committee Exam Member - Nobby Zuzhi | 12/31/2004 | ||
Qualifying Committee Exam Member - Sergio Carvalho | 12/31/2003 | ||
Qualifying Committee Exam Member - Jufei Kao | 12/31/2003 | ||
Doctoral Dissertation - Sharon Smith | 12/31/2003 | ||
Doctoral Dissertation - Rajiv Jain (MIS) | Committee Member | 1/1/2002 | 12/31/2003 |
Qualifying Committee Exam Member - Sertan Kabadayi | 12/31/2003 | ||
Position Paper - Nicole Kirpalani | 12/31/2002 | ||
Position Paper - Jufei Kao | 12/31/2002 | ||
Qualifying Committee Exam Member - Reetika Gupta | 12/31/2002 | ||
Doctoral Dissertation - Narasim Banavara (MIS) | Committee Member | 12/31/2001 | |
Doctoral Dissertation - Dawn Lerman | Committee Chair | 9/1/1999 | 12/31/2000 |
Doctoral Dissertation - Deborah Cohn | Committee Member | 12/31/1997 | |
PSC-CUNY Research Award Program | Internal Reviewer | 12/31/1997 | |
PSC-CUNY Research Award Program | Internal Reviewer | 12/31/1996 |
Organization | Position Role | Organization State | Organization Country | Start Date | End Date | Audience |
Reviewer, Journal Article | 1/1/1998 | Present |