Stuart Davis

Assc Professor

Weissman School of Arts and Sciences

Department: Communication Studies

Areas of expertise:

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Ph.D., Media Studies, University of Texas Austin TX

B.A., Cultural Studies/Political Science, University of North Carolina Chapel Hill NC

SemesterCourse PrefixCourse NumberCourse Name
Fall 2023COM9991Masters Thesis In Cc
Fall 2023COM9141Rethinking Cultures of Work
Fall 2023COM3120Platforms, Power, and Publics
Fall 2023COM9900Independent Study
Fall 2023COM9991Masters Thesis In Cc
Summer 2023COM3120Platforms, Power, and Publics
Summer 2023COM3057Intro to Digital Comm & Cult
Spring 2023COM3057Intro to Digital Comm & Cult
Spring 2023COM9900Independent Study
Spring 2023COM9991Masters Thesis In Cc
Fall 2022COM2000Intro to Communication Studies
Fall 2022COM9900Independent Study
Summer 2022COM3057Intro to Digital Comm & Cult
Spring 2022COM9660Sel Topics/Corp Comm
Spring 2022COM9900Independent Study
Spring 2022COM9991Masters Thesis In Cc
Fall 2021COM9635Qntv Res In Corp Com
Fall 2021COM9991Masters Thesis In Cc
Fall 2021COM3057Intro to Digital Comm & Cult
Summer 2021COM3057Intro to Digital Comm & Cult
Spring 2021COM9991Masters Thesis In Cc
Spring 2021COM3076International Communication
Spring 2021COM9900Independent Study
Fall 2020COM9900Independent Study
Fall 2020COM9635Qntv Res In Corp Com
Fall 2020COM9900Independent Study
Fall 2020COM9900Independent Study
Fall 2020COM9900Independent Study
Fall 2020COM9991Masters Thesis In Cc
Spring 2020COM9900Independent Study
Spring 2020COM2000Intro to Communication Studies
Spring 2020COM9991Masters Thesis In Cc
Fall 2019COM9635Qntv Res In Corp Com
Fall 2019COM3057Intro to Digital Comm & Cult
Spring 2019COM3057Intro to Digital Comm & Cult
Spring 2019COM2000Intro to Communication Studies
Fall 2018COM4906Comm Research Strategies
Fall 2018COM5000Independent Study COM I
Fall 2018COM9635Qntv Res In Corp Com
Fall 2018COM5000Independent Study COM I
Summer 2018COM3057Intro to Digital Comm & Cult
Spring 2018COM3057Intro to Digital Comm & Cult
Spring 2018COM3076International Communication
Spring 2018COM3076International Communication
Fall 2017COM3057Intro to Digital Comm & Cult
Fall 2017COM4101Selected Topics


Davis, S. H., & Ness, I. (2021). Sanctions as War: Anti-Imperialist Perspectives on American Geo-economic Strategy. Leiden, Netherlands, Brill.

Davis, S. The Brazilian Spring and the Limits of Digital Protest Politics. In Progress.

Journal Articles

(2024). "China and the Global South" Edited Special Issue of Global Media and China. Global Media and China, In Progress.

Davis, S. H. (2024). The Citizenship Trap: Interrogating the Ideological Foundations of Digital Citizenship, Citizens' Media, and Civic Media. Communication Theory, In Progress.

Davis, S. H., Ozawa, J., Straubhaar, J., & Wooley, S. (2023). From populist campaigning to distorted public health communication: Interrogating president Jair Bolsonaro’s response to the COVID-19 outbreak in Brazil. International Journal of Communication, 17(1). 1118-1136.

(2023). Right-wing Leninism in Brazil: Lessons from O Movimento Brasil Livre. South Atlantic Quarterly, 122(4). 747-762.

Davis, S. H. (2023). What is Netflix Imperialism? Interrogating the monopoly aspirations of the ‘World's largest television network’. Information, Communication, & Society, 26(3). 1143-1158.

Davis, S. H. (2022). Bullshit Human Rights: Breitbart News’ “Cartel Chronicles” and the Militarized Framing of Humanitarian Crisis on the US-Mexico Border. Continuum: Journal of Media and Cultural Studies, 36(3). 377-392.

Gonzalez, A., & Davis, S. (2022). Nurse-patient communication on the south Texas border: Negotiating language and cultural discordance during the COVID-19 pandemic. Frontiers in Communication, 7(1). 1-12.

Gonzalez, A., Davis, S. H., & Kim, J. (2021). La Gordiloca and the Vicissitudes of Social Media Journalism on the US-Mexico Border . Communication Monographs,

Davis, S. H., & Straubhaar, J. (2020). Producing Antipetismo: Media activism and the rise of the radical, nationalist right in contemporary Brazil . International Communication Gazette, 82(1). 82-100.

Davis, S. H., & Santillana, M. (2019). From the Streets to the Screen to Nowhere: Las Morras and the Fragility of Networked Digital Activism. Westminster Papers in Communication and Culture, 14(1). 18-32.

Davis, S. H. (2018). Digital archives as subaltern counter-histories: Situating “Favela Tem Memória” in the Rio de Janeiro media and political landscape. Digital Journalism, 6(9). 1255-1269.

Straubhaar, J., & Davis, S. H. (2018). Drumming for social change: Music, identity formation, and transformative empowerment in Afro-Brazilian community development. Development in Practice, 28(3). 374-387.

(2017). Citizen health journalism: Negotiating between political engagement and professional identity in a media training program for healthcare workers. Journalism Practice, 11(2-3). 319-335.

Davis, S. H. (2016). Relocating development communication: Social entrepreneurship, international networking, and south-south cooperation in the Viva Rio NGO. International Journal of Communication, 10. 42-59.

Davis, S. H. (2016). Slowing down media coverage on the US-Mexico border: News as sociological critique in the Borderland project. Digital Journalism, 4(4). 462-477.

Davis, S. H., Straubhaar, J., & Ferin Cunha, I. (2016). The construction of a transnational Lusophone media space: A historiographic analysis. Popular Communication, 14(4). 212-223.

Davis, S. H. (2015). Citizens’ media in the favelas: Finding a place for digital media production in social change processes. . Communication Theory, 25(2). 230-243.

Davis, S. H., & de Oliveira Mateus, F. (2015). Literacia além da mídia. Revista Comunicação Midiática, 10(3). 10.

Stein, L., Notley, T., & Davis, S. H. (2012). Transnational networking and capacity building for communication activism. Global Media Journal Australia, 6(2). 10.

'Infrastructural imperialism' and the decline of hemispheric influence: Disentangling the diplomatic response to Huawei’s network expansion in Mexico. Palabra Clave, In Progress.

Assessing Facebook’s role as public health resource: A multi-methodological interrogation of Favela-based health centers’ social media networking strategies. Journal of Applied Communication Research, In Progress.

Book Chapters

(2025). A history of hurdles: A critical assessment of digital media interventions for public health advocacy in Rio de Janeiro’s Favelas. In Ahmed, R., Mao, Y., & Jain, P. (Eds.), The Handbook of Communication and Health Disparities Palgrave-MacMillan. In Progress.

Davis, S. H., & Santillana, M. (2023). Andrés Manuel López Obrador and Freedom of the Press: The Struggle Between Conflicting Visions of Communicative Sovereignty in Mexico.. In Garcia, R., & Echevarria, M. (Eds.), Mexican Media and Politics 20 Years After the Democratic Transition Palgrave-MacMillan.

Davis, S. H. (2021). More than “a Little Flu": Digital Advocacy Journalism and the Struggle to Build Health Justice in Brazil Under COVID-19. In Aelst, P. V., & Blumler, J. (Eds.), Political Communication in the Time of Coronavirus Routledge.

Bucher, J., & Davis, S. H. (2021). Boycott and Sanctions as Tactics in the South African Anti-Apartheid Movement. In Davis, S., & Ness, I. (Eds.), Sanctions as War: Anti-Imperialist Perspectives on American Geo-Economic Strategy Leiden,Netherlands. Brill.

Davis, S. H. (2021). Economic Sanctions, Communication Infrastructures, and the Destruction of Communicative Sovereignty. In Davis, S. H., & Ness, I. (Eds.), Sanctions as War Anti-Imperialist Perspectives on American Geo-Economic Strategy Leiden,Netherlands. Brill.

Davis, S. H. (2020). Citizen health journalism. In Wall, M. (Ed.), Mapping Citizen and Participatory Journalism (p. 18). London. Routledge.

Davis, S. H., & Santillana, M. (2020). Speaking for Communities and Against Oppression: Digital Media Responses to COVID-19 within Marginalized Communities of Brazil and Mexico. In Plascencia, D. R., Gurgel, B. C., & Plaw, A. (Eds.), The Politics of Technology in Latin America, Volume 2: Digital Media, Daily Life, and Public Engagement London. Routledge.

Davis, S. H. (2020). Intellectual Property. In Berkin, S. C., Tees, S., & Carlos Lozano Rendon, J. (Eds.), The Routledge Handbook to Culture and Media of the Americas, Part II: Media and Visual Culture (pp. 347-353). London,United Kingdom. Routledge.

Landesman, T., & Davis, S. H. (2018). Cracks and reformations in the Brazilian mediascape: MídiaNINJA, radical citizen journalism, and resistance in Rio de Janeiro. In Melgaco, L., & Monaghan, J. (Eds.), Protests in the Information Age: Social Movements, Digital Practices, and Surveillance (pp. 56-73). London,United Kingdom. Routledge.

Harlow, S., & Davis, S. H. (2017). Alternative media in Pink Tide Latin America: Reframing producers’ relationships to political parties. In Artz, L. (Ed.), The Pink Tide: Media Access and Political Power in Latin America (pp. 131-151). Lanham, MD. Rowman and Littlefield.

Davis, S. H., Fuentes-Batista, M., Straubhaar, J., & Spence, J. (2017). The social shaping of the Brazilian Internet: Historicizing the interactions between states, corporations, and NGOs in Information and Communication Technology development and diffusion. In Goggin, G., & McClelland, M. (Eds.), The Routledge Companion to Global Internet Histories (pp. 122-135). London,United Kingdom. Routledge.

Davis, S. H. (2016). MídiaNINJA and the rise of citizen journalism in Brazil. In Gordon, E., & Mihailides, P. (Eds.), Civic Media: Technology, Design, Practice (pp. 527-532). Cambridge, MA.,United States. MIT Press.

Davis, S. H., Palmer, L., & Gonzalez, J. (2015). The geography of digital literacy: Mapping communications technology training programs in Austin, Texas.. In Passirelli, B., Straubhaar, J., & Cervera, A. C. (Eds.), Handbook of Research on Comparative Approaches to the Digital Age Revolution in Europe and the Americas (pp. 370-384). Hershey, PA,USA. IGI Global.

Hartenberger, L., Tufecki, Z., & Davis, S. H. (2012). A History of High Tech and the Technopolis in Austin. In Straubhaar, J., Spence, J., Tufecki, Z., & Lentz, R. (Eds.), Inequity in the Technopolis: Race, Class, Gender, and the Digital Divide in Austin (pp. pp. 124-159). Austin, Texas,United States.


Gonzalez, A., & Davis, S. (2024, May 17). Nurse-Patient Communication on the South Texas Border: Negotiating Language and Cultural Discordance during the COVID-19 Pandemic. International Communication Association Annual Meeting.

Davis, S. (2024, October 17). The Specter of Infrastructural Imperialism: Disentangling the Diplomatic Response to Huawei’s Network Expansion. Global Fusion Annual Meeting. Temple University

Davis, S., Ozawa, J., Straubhaar, J., & Woolley, S. (2024, July 17). When Right-wing Populism Becomes Distorted Public Health Communication: Tracing the Roots of Jair Bolsonaro’s Epidemiological Denialism. International Association of Media and Communication Researchers Annual Meeting. Online

Santillana, M., & Davis, S. (2024, May 17). AMLO and Freedom of the Press: Interrogating Contradictions.. International Communication Association Annual Meeting. Paris, France

Davis, S. (2024, August 17). "Translating COVID Conspiracies in Digital Spaces: Tracking Brazilian Gab’s Production of Indignation". International Association of Meeting and Communication Researchers (IAMCR) Annual Meeting. Online

Davis, S. (2024, May 17). Fighting for marginalized communities in the face of COVID-19 Denialism: Digital media activism and health justice in Brazil’s favelas and quilombos. International Communication Association (ICA) Annual Meeting. Online

Davis, S. (2024, October 17). What is Netflix Imperialism?. Global Fusion Annual Conference. Texas A&M University

Davis, S. H. (2020, May 12). The Limits of Social Problem Television in Latin America. Latin American Studies Association Annual Meeting. : Latin American Studies Association.

Davis, S. H. (2019, April 13). Demilitarizing the Academy. Socialism in Our Time. New York: Jacobin Magazine.

Davis, S. H. (2019, May 29). The Pink Tide in Crisis: Media, Politics, and Instability in Latin America. International Communication Association (ICA). Washington, DC

Davis, S. H. (2019, October 28). Border imperialism as advocacy communication framework: Building transnational solidarity in the face of the “Migration Crisis” on the USMexico border. Global Fusion Annual Meeting. : University of Texas, Texas A&M University, University of Virginia, Temple University, Ohio University.

Davis, S. H. (2018, October 20). 21st Century Technology and 18th Century Ideology: An Interrogation of Human Rights Claims in Digital Media Projects Addressing Violence on the U.S.-Mexico Border. Global Fusion Annual Meeting. University of Virginia

Davis, S. H., Lozano Rendon, J., & Santillana, M. (2018, June 22). Translating Communication Theory: Mapping the Conceptual Ecosystem of Contemporary Latin American Media Studies Research. Annual Meeting of the International Association of Media and Communication Researchers. University of Oregon: IAMCR.

Davis, S. H. (2018, June 21). Weaponizing Citizens' Media: Breitbart News' Cartel Chronicles and the Hyper-Militarization of the US-Mexico Border. Annual Meeting of the International Association of Media and Communication Researchers. University of Oregon: IAMCR.

Davis, S. H. (2017, May 26). Negotiating Race in the Contemporary Brazilian Television Industry: Critical Analyses of Afro-Brazilian Audiences and Producers. International Communication Association Annual Conference. San Diego, CA: ICA.

Davis, S. H., & Straubhaar, J. (2017, October 14). Drumming for Social Change: Music, Identity Formation, and Transformative Empowerment in African American Community Development NGOs. Global Fusion Annual Meeting. Ohio University: Global Fusion Consortium.

Davis, S. H. (2017, October 24). Barbaric Localism: Oppositional Media Practices and Anti-Pacification Activism in Rio. Global Fusion Annual Meeting. Ohio University: Global Fusion Consortium.

Davis, S. H. (2016, May 18). Locating MidiaNINJA: Citizen Journalism, NGOization, and Radical Politics in Contemporary Brazil. Latin American Studies Association Annual Meeting. New York, NY: LASA.

Davis, S. H. (2016, October 22). "Where is Amarildo?": Personalized Action Frames, Transnational Advocacy Networks, and the Battle Against Police Brutality in Rio de Janeiro's Favelas. Global Fusion Annual Meeting. Temple University: Global Fusion Consortium.

Davis, S. H. (2016, July 28). Theorizing Citizen Journalism as Practice: Interrogating the Discursive Field of Activist Media Production. Annual Meeting of the International Association of Media and Communication Researchers (IAMCR). University of Leicester, UK: IAMCR.

Davis, S. H., Straubhaar, J., Fuentes-Batista, M., & Spence, J. (2016, June 10). The Social Shaping of the Brazilian Internet: Historicizing the Interactions Between States, Corporations, and NGOs in ICT Development and Diffusion. International Communication Association Annual Conference. Fuokoka, Japan: ICA.

Davis, S. H. (2015, May 22). Interrogating Empowerment: Reconsidering Media Production Training in Rio de Janeiro's Favelas. International Communication Association Annual Conference. San Juan, Puerto Rico: ICA.

Davis, S. H. (2015, October 25). The Favela's Last Stand: Leveraging International Media Coverage for Policy Change in Rio de Janeiro. Global Fusion Annual Meeting. Texas A&M University: Global Fusion Consortium.

Davis, S. H. (2015, October 24). Resilience as Cosmopolitanism in Development Communication. Global Fusion Annual Meeting. Texas A&M University: Global Fusion Consortium.

Straubhaar, J., Lombana-Bermudez, A., & Davis, S. H. (2015, October 21). Segmented Digital Assimilation: Immigrant Latino Negotiating Limits on their Digital, Economic, and Social Participation in Austin, Texas. Partnership for Progress on the International Digital Divide. Phoenix, Arizona: USC Annenberg School of Communication.

Davis, S. H. (2015, May 22). Beyond Twitter Revolutions: The June 2013 Brazilian Mobilizations in National and International News Media. International Communication Association Annual Conference. San Juan, Puerto Rico: ICA.

Davis, S. H. (2014, March 19). Following the Trail of the Political Blockbuster: Analyzing the Impact Networks of City of God and Elite Squad in Rio de Janeiro. Society for Cinema Studies (SCMS) Annual Conference. Seattle, WA: SCMS.

Davis, S. H., & Wilson, J. (2014, March 21). Media Activism and the Culture Industries. Society for Cinema Studies (SCMS) Annual Conference. Seattle, WA: SCMS.

Davis, S. H. (2012, May 26). Immigration and Media Usage: A Comparative Analysis Between Hispanophone and Lusophone Diasporas. International Communication Association Annual Conference. Phoenix, Arizona: ICA.

Stein, L., & Davis, S. H. (2012, May 27). Between the Grassroots and the Transnational: Information Activism Among Rights Advocates. International Communication Association Annual Conference. Phoenix, Arizona: ICA.

Davis, S. H. (2012, May 31). Whose Community? Situating Favela-based New Media Programs After Creative Commons. Latin American Studies Association Annual Meeting. : Latin American Studies Association.

Davis, S. H., & Straubhaar, J. (2012, October 31). The Business of Community Development: Tracking the Rise of Social Entrepreneurship within Digital Inclusion NGOs in Two Brazilian Cities. Global Fusion Annual Meeting. Ohio University: Global Fusion Consortium.

TitleFunding Agency SponsorStart DateEnd DateAwarded DateTotal FundingStatus
From Digital Citizenship to Digital Insurgency: Activist Media and Community Justice in Rio de Janeiro's FavelasPSC-CUNY 5107/01/202012/31/202204/17/20203389Completed
Beyond the NGO "Industrial Complex": Assessing Community-Based Approaches to Digital Media Training in Rio de Janeiro's FavelasPSC-CUNY 4907/01/201806/30/201904/15/20183240Completed


Committee NamePosition RoleStart DateEnd Date
ZSB Faculty Attendee, MeetingPresent
WSAS Representative to Zicklin School of Business Faculty MeetingsCommittee MemberPresent
Chair, Baruch College PSC-CUNY ChapterCommittee ChairPresent
Departmental Graduate Curriculum CommitteeCommittee MemberPresent
Departmental Search Committees (4)Committee MemberPresent
WSAS New Faculty Mentorship ProgramFaculty MentorPresent
Departmental Undergraduate Curriculum CommitteeCommittee MemberPresent
Departmental Ad Hoc Assessment CommitteeCommittee Member1/30/2023
Baruch College Financial Aid CommitteeCommittee Chair6/30/2022
Vice-Chair, PSC CUNY Baruch College ChapterCommittee Member6/3/2022
Faculty SenateCommittee Member1/9/2021


Committee NamePosition RoleStart DateEnd Date
PSC International CommiteeCommittee Vice Chair and Secretary9/1/2017Present
PSC Next Generation Leadership Training CohortCommittee Member8/15/2018Present


OrganizationPosition RoleOrganization StateOrganization CountryStart DateEnd DateAudience
Popular CommunicationEditorial Review Board Member3/1/2020Present
Global Media Journal: MexicoEditorial Review Board Member1/1/2016Present
Revista de Communição Dialogico Editorial Review Board Member4/1/2019Present