Susan Tenneriello

Assc Professor

Weissman School of Arts and Sciences

Department: Fine & Performing Arts

Areas of expertise:

Email Address:

> View CV


Ph.D., Theatre, CUNY Graduate Center

MPhil, Theatre, CUNY Graduate Center

M.A., Theatre, Hunter College, CUNY

B.A., Classics, Hunter College, CUNY

SemesterCourse PrefixCourse NumberCourse Name
Fall 2023THE1041Introduction to Theatre Arts
Fall 2023IDC1001HHonors-The Arts in New York
Spring 2023NMA3021Performing with New Media
Spring 2023THE3050Performing with New Media
Spring 2023IDC4050HHon Feit Hum Sem I
Spring 2023FPA5071Arts Administration Internship
Spring 2023FPA5070Arts Administration Internship
Fall 2022FPA5070Arts Administration Internship
Fall 2022THE1041Introduction to Theatre Arts
Fall 2022IDC1001HHonors-The Arts in New York
Spring 2022THE3052Workshop in Playwriting
Spring 2022FPA5070Arts Administration Internship
Spring 2022FPA5071Arts Administration Internship
Spring 2022JRN3630Workshop: Playwriting
Spring 2022THE1041Introduction to Theatre Arts
Fall 2021IDC1001HHonors-The Arts in New York
Fall 2021FPA5070Arts Administration Internship
Fall 2021THE1041Introduction to Theatre Arts
Spring 2021NMA3021Performing with New Media
Spring 2021THE5000Independent Study Theater I
Spring 2021THE3050Performing with New Media
Spring 2021THE1041Introduction to Theatre Arts
Spring 2021FPA5070Arts Administration Internship
Fall 2020IDC1001HHonors-The Arts in New York
Fall 2020THE1041Introduction to Theatre Arts
Spring 2020IDC2002HHonors-Chase Intrdsc Sem II
Spring 2020THE5001HHon Independent Study THE II
Spring 2020ENG2150HHonors - Writing II
Spring 2020THE3052Workshop in Playwriting
Spring 2020JRN3630Workshop: Playwriting
Spring 2020FPA5070Arts Administration Internship
Spring 2020FPA4900Capstone: Arts In NYC
Fall 2019THE5000Independent Study Theater I
Fall 2019IDC1001HHonors-The Arts in New York
Fall 2019THE1041Introduction to Theatre Arts
Spring 2019THE3050Performing with New Media
Spring 2019FPA5070Arts Administration Internship
Spring 2019NMA3021Performing with New Media
Fall 2018IDC1001HHonors-The Arts in New York
Fall 2018THE5000Independent Study Theater I
Fall 2018THE1041Introduction to Theatre Arts
Spring 2018THE3052Workshop in Playwriting
Spring 2018JRN3630Workshop: Playwriting
Spring 2018FPA5000Independent Study FPA I
Spring 2018THE1041Introduction to Theatre Arts
Spring 2018IDC4050HHon Feit Hum Sem I
Fall 2017THE1041Introduction to Theatre Arts
Fall 2017IDC1001HHonors-The Arts in New York
Spring 2016THE3050Performing with New Media
Spring 2016NMA3021Performing with New Media
Spring 2016ENG2150HHonors - Writing II
Fall 2015IDC1001HHonors-The Arts in New York
Fall 2015THE1041Introduction to Theatre Arts
Spring 2015THE1043Introduction to Acting
Spring 2015THE1041Introduction to Theatre Arts
Spring 2015THE3052Workshop in Playwriting
Spring 2015ENG3630Workshop: Playwriting
Fall 2014THE1041Introduction to Theatre Arts
Fall 2014IDC1001HHonors-The Arts in New York
Spring 2014NMA3041Special Topic In Media & Arts
Spring 2014THE1043Introduction to Acting
Spring 2014THE4103Selected Topics
Spring 2014THE1041Introduction to Theatre Arts
Fall 2013IDC1001HHonors-The Arts in New York
Fall 2013THE1041Introduction to Theatre Arts
Spring 2013THE3052Workshop in Playwriting
Spring 2013THE3044Advanced Acting
Spring 2013THE1041Introduction to Theatre Arts
Spring 2013ENG3630Workshop: Playwriting
Fall 2012THE1041Introduction to Theatre Arts
Fall 2012IDC1001HHonors-The Arts in New York
Spring 2012THE1041Introduction to Theatre Arts
Spring 2012IDC4050HHon Feit Hum Sem I
Spring 2012THE1043Introduction to Acting
Fall 2011THE1041Introduction to Theatre Arts
Fall 2011IDC1001HHonors-The Arts in New York
Spring 2011THE1043Introduction to Acting
Spring 2011THE5000Independent Study Theater I
Spring 2011THE1043Introduction to Acting
Fall 2010IDC1001HHonors-The Arts in New York
Fall 2010THE1041CIntro Theatre Arts
Spring 2010THE1043Introduction to Acting
Spring 2010ENG3630Workshop: Playwriting
Spring 2010THE3052Workshop in Playwriting
Fall 2009IDC1001HHonors-The Arts in New York
Fall 2009THE4102Selected Topics
Spring 2009THE3042History of Theatre
Spring 2009THE1043Introduction to Acting
Fall 2008THE5000Independent Study Theater I
Fall 2008THE3044Advanced Acting
Fall 2008IDC1001HHonors-The Arts in New York
Fall 2008THE1041CIntro Theatre Arts
Spring 2008COM1010Speech Communication
Spring 2008THE1043Introduction to Acting
Fall 2007THE1041CIntro Theatre Arts
Fall 2007THE1041CIntro Theatre Arts
Fall 2007THE3044Advanced Acting
Fall 2005THE1041CIntro Theatre Arts
Spring 2005THE1041CIntro Theatre Arts
Fall 2004IDC1001HHonors-The Arts in New York
Fall 2004IDC1001HHonors-The Arts in New York
Summer 2004ENG2005College Now: Page to Stage
Summer 2003ENG2005College Now: Page to Stage
Summer 2002THE1043Introduction to Acting
Spring 2002THE1043Introduction to Acting
Spring 2002THE1041Introduction to Theatre Arts
Fall 2001THE1041HHon Intro The Arts
Fall 2001THE1041Introduction to Theatre Arts
Summer 2001THE1043Introduction to Acting

Artistic and Creative Activities

Tenneriello, S. (2013). Exodus Code: Advice for Wanderers. The Flea Theater.

Tenneriello, S. (2011). Fire Escape.

Tenneriello, S. (2011). Fire Escape. Tenement Museum.

Tenneriello, S. (2011). Exodus Code. Tenement Museum.

Tenneriello, S. (2009). Mirage. Writer/Director Lab.

Tenneriello, S. (2008). Chunk O' My Heart, with original music by Kevin Cummines, in No Song, No Supper, A Variety Entertainment,. Tribeca Performing Arts Center.

Tenneriello, S. (2008). Banana and Booh In Security. New York University Casa Italiana.

Tenneriello, S. (2007). Tick Tock. Rehab.

Tenneriello, S. (2007). Banana and Booh in Security. Tribeca Performing Arts Center.

Tenneriello, S. (2004). They Charge Extra for That.

Tenneriello, S. (2000). The Pink Canal. 42nd. Street Workshop.

Tenneriello, S. (1998). Oh, Miss.

Tenneriello, S. (1991). Each to Each. Hunter College.


Tenneriello, S. (2013). Spectacle Culture and American Identity: 1815-1940. (p. 316). US, Palgrave Macmillan.

Journal Articles

Tenneriello, S. (2023). "Mario Fratti, In Memoriam". PSA, 35. 18-20.

Tenneriello, S. (2019). Staging Sochi 2014: the Soft Power of Geocultural Politics in the Olympic Opening Ceremony. Theatre Research International, 44(1). 23-39.

Tenneriello, S. (2015). Behind the Scenes: Art Work and the Laboring Body in the Dance Images of Degas. Dance Chronicle, 38(1). 27-54.

Tenneriello, S. (2009). Pirandellian Specters in Contemporary Practice: Six Characters in Search of an Author, Interactive Media and Performance. PSA, The Journal Of the Pirandello Soceity of America, XXII. 31-40.

Tenneriello, S. (2008). The Divine Spaces of Metaphysical Spectacle: Ruth St. Denis and Denishawn Dance Theatre at Lewisohn Stadium, The Esoteric Model in American Performance. Performance Research: Special Issue, Congregation, 13(1). 124-138.

Tenneriello, S. (2007). The Industry of Spectacle Entertainment: Imre Kiralfy's Grand Dramatic Historical Productions of The Fall of Babylon and Nero, or the Destruction of Rome in Staten Island. Journal of American Drama and Theatre, 19(3). 35-49.

Tenneriello, S. (1998). Interview with Kazimierz Braun. Slavic and East European Performance, 18(1). 60-69.

Book Chapters

(2024). The World on Display from the Comfort of Home: Covid Olympics and Staging National Identity. Staging Visitation Univeristy of Michigan Press.

Tenneriello, S. (2023). The Immersive Archive: Restoring the All-Embracing View of Nineteenth-Century Painted Panoramas in Museum Display. In Hunter, E., & Magelssen, S. (Eds.), Enveloping Worlds: Towards a Discourse of Immersivity University of Michigan Press.

Tenneriello, S. (2021). Degas's Images of Working Women: Modernity in Motion. In Pedosa, A., & Oliva, F. (Eds.), Deags: Dance, Politics and Society São Paulo,Brazil. Museu de Arte de São Paulo Assis Chateaubriand.

Tenneriello, S. (2020). Sport and Spectacle in Olympic History: Moving the Body Politic at the 1912 Stockholm Games. In Walsh, S. (Ed.), Sporting Performances: Politics in Play London,UK. Routledge.

Tenneriello, S. (2018). Panoramas. In Hayes, K. J. (Ed.), Herman Melville in Context (pp. 157-166). Cambridge. Cambridge University Press.

Tenneriello, S. (2018). Dancing On The Nature of Things at the American Museum of Natural History: Choreographing Climate Change and Personal Spectatorship. In Mouton-Rezzouk, A., Urrutiaguer, D., & Chevalier, P. (Eds.), Le musée par la scène/ Through the scene to the museum Paris,France. Èditions Deuxième Èpoque.


Tenneriello, S. (2024, November 30). Marketing Hope: The Scenic Iconography of Emotion in the Olympic Movement's Cultural Campaign. American Society for Theatre Research. Providence, Rhode Island: ASTR.

Tenneriello, S. (2024, August 30). "Ephemeral Ecosystems in Mythmaking: Representing Moby Dick's Phantom Habitat". International Federation for Theatre Research. Ghana, Africa: IFTR.

Tenneriello, S. (2024, November 30). Drones, Pictograms, LED Screens, and Protests: The Games Must Go On, Negotiating Catastrophe in the 2021 Tokyo and 2022 Beijing Olympic Ceremonies. American Society for Theatre Research. New Orleans

Tenneriello, S. (2024, November 30). The Immersive Archive of Popular Entertainment: Nineteenth-Century Painted Panoramas in Museum Display. American Society for Theatre Research. San Diego, California: American Society for Theatre Research.

Tenneriello, S. (2020, November 30). The Immersive Archive of Popular Entertainment: Nineteenth-Century Painted Panoramas in Museum Display. American Society for Theatre Research.

Tenneriello, S. (2020, July 31). Rebuilding the Olympics: Post-World War II Recovery and Cultural Branding from London to Tokyo, 1948-1964. International Federation for Theatre Research. Galway, Ireland: Historiography Working Group.

Tenneriello, S. (2020, February 28). The Brother hood of the New Blockheads. Gallery Talk. Baruch College: Sidney Mishkin Gallery.

Tenneriello, S. (2019, April 30). The Immersive Archive: Restoring a 360-View of Painted Panoramas in Museum Display. International Federation for Theatre Research. Berlin, Gemrany: Interim Conference Historiography Working Group.

Tenneriello, S. (2019, July 31). Designing the Land of Tomorrow at Mexico City, 1968: Spaces of Protest, Violence, and Invention When the Olympics Come to Town. International Federation for Theatre Research. Shanghai, China

Tenneriello, S. (2024, November 30). Award Presentation: American Society for Theatre Research Sally Banes Publication Prize. American Society for Theatre Research. Arlington, Virginia

Tenneriello, S. (2024, November 30). Award Presentation: American Society for Theatre Research Selma Jean Cohen Conference Presentation Award. American Society for Theatre Research. Arlington, Virginia

Tenneriello, S. (2024, July 30). Diffusion of Theatre. International Federation for Theatre Research Conference. Shanghai, China

Tenneriello, S. (2018, July 31). Sport and Spectacle in Olympic History: Moving the Body Politic at the 1912 Stockholm Games. International Federation for Theatre Reseach. Belgrade, Serbia

Tenneriello, S. (2018, November 30). Competing Desires at the 1968 Mexico City Summer Olympics: When Sport Culture and Civil Rights Collide. American Society for Theatre Research. San Diego, California

Tenneriello, S. (2017, November 30). Extraordinary Athletic Displays in Olympic Spectacles: Mass Gymnastics, Pictorial Formations, and Shadow Images of Sport in the Opening Ceremony. American Society for Theatre Research. Atlanta, Georgia

Tenneriello, S. (2017, September 30). Respondent: Metatheatre and Modernity. Global Legacies: Pirandello Across Centuries and Media. New York: Pirandello Society of America.

Tenneriello, S. (2017, May 11). Publishing Panel. Approaching Dance: Transdisciplinary Methodologies and Modalities of the Moving Body in Performance. CUNY Graduate Centure: PhD Program in Theatre.

Tenneriello, S. (2016, June 30). “The Future of the Past,”. International Federation for Theatre Research. Stockholm, Sweden: Historiography Working Group.

Tenneriello, S. (2016, November 30). Olympic Spectacles: Historical Views on a Twentieth-Century Transmedia Tradition. American Society for Theatre Research. Minneapolis, Minnesota

Tenneriello, S. (2016, June 30). Winning Hearts and Minds: Visions of Political Transformation at the 1988 Seoul Summer Olympics Opening Ceremony. International Federation for Theatre Research. Stockholm, Sweden

Tenneriello, S. (2015, March 31). Alternate Routes to Staging Sochi 2014: The Creative Industry around Olympic Spectacles. Mid-America Theatre Conference. Kansas City, Missouri: Mid-America Theatre Conference.

Tenneriello, S. (2015, March 31). Visionary Space/Memorial Sites. Panel Chair. Kansas City: Mid-America Theatre Conference.

Tenneriello, S. (2015, November 30). The Neo-Baroque Stages of Twenty-First-Century Olympic Opening Ceremonies: Transformations in Global Performance. American Society for Theatre Research. Portland, Oregon

Tenneriello, S. (2015, November 30). Dancing On The Nature of Things at the American Museum of Natural History: Choreographing Climate Change and Personal Spectatorship. SIBMAS, International Association of Libraries, Museums, Archives and Documentation Centres of the Performing Arts. Paris, France

Tenneriello, S. (2015, July 31). Invented Traditions in Early Twentieth-Century Olympic Culture: Athens to Berlin. International Federation for Theatre Research. Hyderabad, India

Tenneriello, S. (2014, July 31). Razzle-Dazzle Progress Trails: The Global Spectacles of Twenty-First-Century Olympic Ceremonies. International Federation for Theatre Research. Warwick Univeristy, UK

Tenneriello, S. (2014, March 31). How Interactive Video Tools Impact Student Speech and Performance. Can Anyone Hear Me?. New York: CUNY League of Active Speech Professors.

Tenneriello, S., & Wollman, E. (2012, March 31). 'Spider-Man: Turn Off the Dark' and the Ambivalence of Spectacle. EMP Pop Conference. New York City: EMP and International Association for the Study of Popular Music.

Tenneriello, S. (2011, November 30). Location, Location, Location: Institutional Agency and Global Strategies in U.S. Site Specific Exhibitions (1876-1916). American Society for Theatre Research. Montreal Quebec-Canada: ASTR/TLA.

Tenneriello, S. (2010, July 31). Spectacles of the Progressive Citizen at London's Great White City, 1908-1914. International Federation for Theatre Research. Munich, Germany

Tenneriello, S. (2010, August 31). Global Vision: Precedents and Prototypes in Twenty-First Century Spectaclism. Association for Theatre in Higher Education. Los Angeles, California: American Theatre and Drama Society.

Tenneriello, S. (2009, April 30). A Bird's Eye View of Nature, Art, and Industry in the 1876 American Centennial Exhibition in Philadelphia. Popular Amusements and Entertainment. Exeter, UK: University of Exeter.

Tenneriello, S. (2009, November 30). Manifest Destinations: Immersive Stages of Preservation, Commerce, and Museum Display in Dioramic Scenes of U.S. History. American Society for Theatre Research. Puerto Rico: ASTR/TLA.

Tenneriello, S. (2008, March 31). Degas and the Dance. Art History Series. New York City: Art Student League of New York.

Tenneriello, S. (2008, May 31). Replications: Performing and Re-Staging America at Home and Abroad. Seminar Co-Convener. New York City: Cultural Studies Association.

Tenneriello, S. (2008, August 31). Speaking to Write: Using Oral Composing Practices to Enhance Student Writing. Association for Theatre in Higher Education. Denver, Colorado: Theatre in Liberal Arts.

Tenneriello, S. (2008, November 30). Unsettled Possibilities: Mapping the Space of the Panoramic. Seminar Co-Convener. Boston, Massachusetts: American Soceity for Theatre Research.

Tenneriello, S. (2008, December 31). Pirandellian Specters in Contemporary Practice: Interactive Media and Performance. Modern Language Association. San Francisco, California: Pirandello Society of America.

Tenneriello, S. (2007, November 30). Scenic Wonders: Nineteenth-Century Panoramic Landscapes and the Perceptional Order of Imaginary America. American Society for Theatre Research. Phoenix, Arizona: ASTR/TLA.

Tenneriello, S. (2007, July 31). America-in-Play: a Panel and Workshop About Reclaiming Our Dramatic/Theatrical Legacy to Invigorate Contemporary Playwriting. Association for Theatre In Higher Education. New Orleans, Louisiana: Literary Managers and Dramaturgs.

Tenneriello, S. (2006, August 31). Working the Link in a Learning Communities Program: Transforming Pedagogical Practices Within and Across Disciplines. Association for Theatre in Higher Education. Chicago, Illinois: Theatre In Liberal Arts.

Tenneriello, S. (2006, August 31). Biblical Zeal and Spectacle Appeal: Christian Conquest in Imre Kiralfy's Nero, or the Destruction of Rome and Other Colonizing Histories. Association for Theatre in Higher Education. Chicago, Illinois: ATHE.

Tenneriello, S. (2006, November 30). The Aesthetic Body: A Pedagogy of Felt Perception. American Society for Theatre Research. Chicago, Illinois: ASTR/TLA.

Tenneriello, S. (2006, November 30). Edwin Forrest and the Dramaturgy of the American Action Hero. Edwin Forrest's New York: A Bicentennial Conference. New York: College of Mount St. Vincent.

Tenneriello, S. (2005, June 30). Allegory, Parody, and a Taste for the Undesirable in Jean-Philippe Rameau's Platée: Poor 'Thing,' Why Aren't You Laughing?. Society of Dance History Scholars. Evanston, Illinois

Tenneriello, S. (2004, November 30). Disabling Notions: Beyond Bodies of Difference. American Society for Theatre Research. Las Vegas, Nevada

Tenneriello, S. (2004, June 30). Behind the Scenes, the Work of Art and the Laboring Body: Degas and the Dance. Society of Dance History Scholars. Durham, North Carolina

Tenneriello, S. (2003, April 30). Exotic Spectacle, American Style: The Mass Appeal of Denishawn's Angkor Vat. Popular Culture Association and American Culture Association. New Orleans, Louisiana: Dance Panels.

Tenneriello, S. (2001, June 30). Repeating Dance, Repeating History, Repeating Ruth St. Denis: Making a Legacy Stick. Society of Dance History Scholars. Baltimore, Maryland

Tenneriello, S. (2001, March 31). An American in Egypt: The Cultures of Style in Ruth St. Denis's Egypta. Mid-America Theatre Conference. Chicago, Illinois: MATC.

Tenneriello, S. (2000, July 31). Hanako and Rodin: The Presence of the Asian Model in Modernity. Society of Dance History Scholars. Washington, DC

Tenneriello, S. (2000, August 31). Strategic Bodies. Association for Theatre in Higher Education. Washington, DC

Tenneriello, S. (1999, June 30). O-Mika: Ruth St. Denis's Image of the East. Society of Dance History Scholars. Albuquerque, New Mexico

Tenneriello, S. (1997, October 31). Representations of Class and Gender in George Lillo's The London Merchant: The Aesthetics of Social Life. Northwest Society for Eighteenth Century Studies. Eugene, Oregon

Other Scholarly Works

Tenneriello, S., & Wilson, E. (2009). Women in Greek and Elizabethan Theater in The Theater Experience. (11),

Tenneriello, S., Goldfarb, A., & Wilson, E. (2007). Period Indexes in Living Theater: A History. (4),

Tenneriello, S. (2004). And I Always Thought: Two-Minute Monologues by College Now Students.

Tenneriello, S. (2003). Preparatory Guide for Oral Communication.

Tenneriello, S. (2002). Notes Toward Teaching. 15.

Tenneriello, S. (2000). Performance Reviews by CUNY Students.

Tenneriello, S., Wilson, E., & Goldfarb, A. (2000). Biographical Entries in Living Theater: A History. (3),


Tenneriello, S. (2020,December 1). Performing Statelessness in Europe. Johns Hopkins University Press: Theatre Journal.

Tenneriello, S. (2016,May 1). Dance and Modernity. PAJ: A Journal of Performance and Art.

Tenneriello, S. (2014,September 1). A Long Embrace: Dance, Art, History. PAJ: A Journal of Performance and Art.

Tenneriello, S. (2013,January 1). Demon of Experiment. PAJ: A Journal of Performance Art.

Tenneriello, S. (2012,January 1). Dancing Pirandello: David Gordon's Beginning Of The End Of The . . .. PSA, The Journal Of the Pirandello Soceity of America.

Tenneriello, S. (2007,January 1). Two at Theater Studio: Pirandello's The Man with a Flower in His Mouth and Luca Rosetti's He Who Laughs Last Laughs Best. PSA .

Tenneriello, S. (2006,October 1). The Visible Theatre's Krankenhaus Blues at Blue Heron Arts Center. Theatre Journal.

Tenneriello, S. (2003,October 1). The Work of Dance: Labor, Movement, and Identity in the 1930s. Theatre Journal.

Tenneriello, S. (2002,December 1). Revealing Masks: Exotic Influences and Ritualized Performance in Modernist Music Theater. Theatre Journal.

Tenneriello, S. (2001,April 1). Kei Takei's The Absence of Izanagi at La MaMa. Woman & Performance: A Journal of Feminist Theory.

Tenneriello, S. (2000,July 1). The Visual Poetry of Marina Temkina: Engagement Time at the Florence Lynch Gallery, New York, 18 February to 8 April 2000. Slavic and East European Performance.

Tenneriello, S. (1999,April 1). The Metamorphosis of Apuleius by Gardzienice. Slavic and East European Performance.

Tenneriello, S. (1998,October 1). U.B.U./I'll be Me: Form Bydgoszcz to the Bronx. Slavic and East European Performance.

Tenneriello, S. (1998,July 1). A Performance Demonstration of Meyerhold's Revizor at Yale. Slavic and East European Performance.

Tenneriello, S. (1998,April 1). Bruno Jasienski's The Dummies' Ball at the State University of New York, Buffalo. Slavic and East European Performance.

Tenneriello, S. (1997,April 1). A Festival of Polish Theatre at La Mama: Kazimierz Braun's Helena-The Emigrant Queen. Slavic and East European Performance.

Tenneriello, S. (1997,July 1). The US Premiere of Radovan Ivsic's Kralj Gordogan Presented by The Rorsach Group. Slavic and East European Performance.

TitleFunding Agency SponsorStart DateEnd DateAwarded DateTotal FundingStatus
The Global Spectacles of Modern Olympic CeremoniesPSC-CUNY 4607/01/201506/30/201604/17/20154500Completed
The Spectacle of Nationhood in Nineteenth-Century American EntertainmentsPSC-CUNY 4207/01/201106/30/201204/15/20113990Completed
CULTURE COMMERCE AND MUSEUM DISPLAY INPSC-CUNY 4007/01/200906/30/20101900Completed
Infinite horizons Amer entertainmentsPSC-CUNY 3907/01/200812/31/20094000Completed
Honor / AwardOrganization SponsorDate ReceivedDescription
SohoRep Writer/Director LabSohoRep20082008-2009
Writing Fellowship (2002-2004)CUNY2004
Roberts Dissertation Fellowship2001
Graduate Teaching Fellowship (1995-2008)1998
Helena Rubinstein Foundation Grant1994
Education of Women ScholarshipThe Jewish Foundation1993


Committee NamePosition RoleStart DateEnd Date
Weissman Representative to Marxe School Curriculum CommitteeCommittee MemberPresent
Women's Studies ProgramPresent
Weissman Representative to Marxe School Curriculum Committee Committee MemberPresent
Nagelberg Family Scholarship CommitteeCommittee MemberPresent
FPA Faculty Liaison to MA Arts Administration ProgramPresent
Paula Berggren Enrichment FundCommittee MemberPresent
WSAS Curriculum CommitteeCommittee MemberPresent
Assistant Professor of Theatre Search CommitteeCommittee ChairPresent
FPA Executive CommitteeCommittee MemberPresent
FPA Curriculum CommitteePresent
FPA Assistant Professor of New Media Arts Search CommitteeCommittee MemberPresent
Honors Program Admissions CommitteePresent
Search Committee, Performing Arts Center General ManagerCommittee Member10/1/2022
DEI Faculty Charge ParticipantAttendee, Meeting8/30/2022
Independent Study of an Original Musical Theatre Stage Reading, Ex-Gay!: The Musical by John Paul Pelletier Faculty Advisor12/31/2019
Steering Committee of the Graduate Program in Arts AdministrationCommittee Member9/30/2018
Advisory Board MA Arts Administration ProgramCommittee Member9/30/2018
Sidney Mishkin Gallery Director Search CommitteeCommittee Member6/30/2018
Independent Study on acrobat and variety performer Kid Lima. Faculty Advisor5/31/2018
Committee on Undergraduate Honors ProgramCommittee Member5/31/2018
Immersive Worlds: Science, Narrative and the Arts ConferenceCo-Organizer4/30/2016
Baruch Performing Arts Center Managing Director Search Committee Committee Member6/30/2015
Globalism Studies Program5/31/2015
Teaching CollaborationCourse collaboration5/31/2015
Program Revisions to the Theatre Minor and Ad Hoc Theatre Arts Administration Major Committee Chair4/30/2015
Teaching CollaborationCourse3/31/2015
Co-Lab: The Baruch College MakerspaceAttendee, Meeting2/28/2015
Sparkfun Tour WorkshopParticipant1/31/2014
CUNY-IT Conference Participant: Introducing VOCAT 3.0: Assessing and Teaching with Student-Produced Multimedia12/31/2013
Teaching CollaborationSeminar12/31/2013
Recording SecretarySecretary5/31/2013
Teaching and Technology Conference Participant: “New Media Arts: Video and Performance” 4/30/2013
New Media CommitteeCommittee Member5/31/2011
Teaching CollaborationSeminar10/31/2010
Research Without Borders Program Liaison9/30/2010
Ceremonies Committee9/30/2010
New Media Search CommitteeCommittee Member5/31/2010
Teaching and Technology Conference Particiapnt3/31/2009
WAC/WID Faculty Partners Program12/31/2008
Learning Communities Participant12/31/2008
Teaching CollaborationSeminar 11/30/2008
General Education Conference Participant5/31/2008
FPA Committee to update Department By-laws4/30/2008
Honors Thesis Course Revision for Theatre Program4/30/2008


Committee NamePosition RoleStart DateEnd Date
CUNY Theatre Discipline CouncilCommittee Member11/1/2019Present
Macaulay Honors College CouncilCommittee Member10/1/2019Present
Select Faculty Committee MemberSpecial Institutional Assignment4/1/2018Present
Academic Integrity Service Video ProjectFaculty Advisor2/1/2015Present
TDF/CUNY ProgramFaculty Representative11/1/2011Present
College Council: Macaulay Honors CollegeCommittee Member6/1/2010Present
Consortial Faculty: Macaulay Honors College6/1/2010Present
Enhanced Grant Reviewer, PSC-CUNY Performing Arts ResearchGrant Proposal Reviewer, Internal2/1/20184/30/2018
Approaching Dance Conference: Transdisciplinary Methodologies and Modalities of the Moving Body in PerformanceModerator on Publishing Panel5/31/2017
Enchanced Grant Reviewer, PSC-CUNY Performing Arts Research Award ProgramGrant Proposal Reviewer, Internal1/1/20163/31/2016
CUNY Collaborative Incentive Research Grant Review Oversight CommitteeCommittee Member4/1/20158/31/2015
Writing Fellow Professional Development ProgramGuest Speaker3/31/2012
Writing Across the Curriculum Professional Development ProgramGuest Speaker4/30/2011
Review Panel Member: PSC-CUNY Research Awards, Performing Arts 10/1/20073/31/2010
Reviewer: PSC-CUNY Research Awards, Performing Arts11/1/20062/28/2007


OrganizationPosition RoleOrganization StateOrganization CountryStart DateEnd DateAudience
American Society for Theatre Research Sally Banes Publication PrizeCommittee Chair1/1/2018PresentInternational
Pirandello Society of AmericaBoard MemberNew YorkUnited States6/1/2012PresentInternational
American Soceity for Theatre Research Selma Jean Cohen Conference Presentation Award Committee Member3/1/2016PresentInternational
The Pirandello Society of AmericaBoard of Directors6/1/2012Present
PSA: The Journal of the Pirandello Society of AmericaEditor, Journal Editor1/1/2012PresentInternational
American Society for Theatre Research Selma Jean Cohen Conference Presentation AwardCommittee Chair1/1/2018PresentInternational
American Soceity for Theatre Research Sally Banes Publication PrizeChairpersonVirginiaUnited StatesPresentInternational
American Society for Theatre Research Selma Jean Cohen Award Conference Presentation AwardChairpersonVirginiaUnited StatesPresentInternational
American Society for Theatre Research Sally Banes/Selma Jean Cohen Prize Committee Committee Member3/1/201612/31/2018
External Reviewer, Tenure and Promotion Michell Gransahw, Department of Theatre Arts, University of PittsburghReviewer, Ad Hoc Reviewer6/1/20189/30/2018
American Theatre and Drama Society Vera Mowry Roberts Award for Research and PublicationCommittee Chair1/1/201712/31/2017
American Theatre and Drama Society Emerging Scholar Award Selection CommitteeCommittee Member9/1/201512/31/2016
American Society for Theatre Research Doctoral Student Mentor Program Mentor11/30/2016
American Theatre and Drama Society Vera Mowry Robers Award for Research and PublicationCommittee Member1/1/201610/31/2016
Baruch Theatre Club, Exit Stage LeftAdvisor2/1/20155/31/2015
Building A CUNY Cultural Network ConferenceConference-Related4/30/2015
Spectacle Culture and American Identity, 1815-1940 subject of book review essay "Immersion and the Spectactor" by Margaret Werry and Bryan SchmidtTheatre Journal 66.310/31/2014
Doctoral Student Mentor Program: American Society for Theatre ResearchMentor11/30/2013
Led Playwriting Workshop Baruch Fiction Writers Club11/30/2012
PSA: The Journal of the Pirandello Society of AmericaEditor, Journal Editor6/1/20101/31/2012International
Led Playwriting Workshop Baruch Fiction Writers Club11/30/2011
Doctoral Student Mentor Program: American Society for Theatre ResearchMentor11/30/2011
Supervised Independent Study on Documentary Theatre1/1/20115/31/2011
Theatre Program Coordinator, Scrapyard Challenge, Interactive Technology Workshop for FPA students5/31/2011
Judged Costume Competition, Rocky Horror Picture Show, Baruch Performing Arts Center5/31/2011
Invited Speaker: Writing Across the Curriculum Professional Development Program4/30/2011
Led Playwriting Workshop Baruch Fiction Writers Club3/31/2011
Subject of Article on the Play Exodus Code and Collaborative Process, Ticker3/31/2011
Subject of Playwright Profile: "Innovation at the Margins," California Literary Review3/31/2011
Wrote Program Guidelines for Introduction to Theatre Courses8/1/201012/31/2010
PSA: The Jorunal of the Pirandello Society of AmericaEditor, Associate Editor6/1/20075/31/2010
Supervised Independent Study on Filmmaking9/1/200912/31/2009
Doctoral Student Mentor Program: American Society for Theatre ResearchAdvisor12/31/2009
Doctoral Student Mentor Program: American Theatre and Drama SocietyStudent Mentor11/1/200711/30/2009
Theatre Textbook Indexer for McGraw Hill Higher Education10/1/19984/30/2007
Editorial Coordinator and Circulation Manager, Martin E. Segal Theatre Center9/1/199712/31/2001
Assistant Editor, Slavic and East European Performance9/1/19969/30/1998


OrganizationPosition RoleOrganization StateOrganization CountryStart DateEnd DateAudience
"Reading, Writing, and Speaking Across Campuses: Interchanges and Conversations between Two-Year and Four-Year College Faculty" General Education Conference, Baruch College5/2/2008
Martin E. Segal Theatre Center: Celebrating 25 Years of SEEP Slavic and East European Performance, Martin E. Segal Theatre Center, CUNY Graduate CenterProgram Coordinator4/30/2006
“Communication Skills: From the Classroom to the Workplace,” Career Services Association of CUNY, Baruch CollegePresenter5/31/2004
“Working with Business Students on Communication Skills at Baruch College,” CUNY Writing Fellows Institute, CUNY Graduate CenterPresenter8/31/2003
“Oral Communication,” Communication and Communication Intensive Activities Faculty Seminar, Baruch CollegePresenter12/31/2002