Tatiana Aloi Emmanouil

Tatiana Aloi Nikolaos Emmanouil

Assc Professor

Weissman School of Arts and Sciences

Department: Psychology

Areas of expertise: Cognitive Neuroscience

Email Address: tatiana.emmanouil@baruch.cuny.edu

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Tatiana Aloi Emmanouil, Assistant Professor of Psychology, investigates the cognitive and neural mechanisms of vision in humans. Her work spans the fields of visual attention, awareness and memory as it attempts to understand how we process, store and experience the complex visual world that surrounds us. Professor Emmanouil received a BA in Psychology from UC Berkeley, a PhD in Psychology and Neuroscience from Princeton University under the tutelage of Anne Treisman, and worked as a postdoc at CUNY with Tony Ro. Her work, uses behavioral as well as neuroimaging methods such as functional magnetic resonance imaging, transcranial magnetic stimulation, and electroencelphalography.


Ph.D., Psychology and Neuroscience, Princeton University Princeton NJ

B.A., Psychology, UC Berkeley Berkeley CA

SemesterCourse PrefixCourse NumberCourse Name
Spring 2023PSY5030Research Practicum in Psy I
Spring 2023PSY3001Research Methods in Psychology
Spring 2023CNS80200Independent Research
Fall 2022PSY5000Independent study Psychology I
Fall 2022PSY4080Sensation and Perception
Fall 2022PSY3001Research Methods in Psychology
Spring 2022PSY3001Research Methods in Psychology
Spring 2022CNS80200Independent Research
Spring 2022CNS70900Thesis Research
Spring 2022PSY6002HHonors - Psychology II
Fall 2021PSY3001Research Methods in Psychology
Fall 2021PSY6002HHonors - Psychology II
Fall 2021PSY3081Cognitive Psychology
Spring 2021PSY3081Cognitive Psychology
Spring 2021PSY3001Research Methods in Psychology
Fall 2020PSY3001Research Methods in Psychology
Fall 2020PSY5001Independent Study PSY II
Fall 2020PSY3081Cognitive Psychology
Spring 2020PSYC90000Dissertation Supervision
Spring 2020CNS70002Neuroscience II
Spring 2020PSY3001Research Methods in Psychology
Spring 2020PSYC70811Neuroscience II
Fall 2019PSYC90000Dissertation Supervision
Fall 2019PSY3001Research Methods in Psychology
Spring 2019PSY5030Research Practicum in Psy I
Spring 2019PSYC90000Dissertation Supervision
Spring 2019PSYC70811Neuroscience II
Spring 2019BIOL72302Neurosciences II: Lecture
Spring 2019PSY4900HH: Psy Appr to Contemp Probs
Spring 2019CNS70002Neuroscience II
Spring 2019IDC4050HHon Feit Hum Sem I
Fall 2018PSYC90000Dissertation Supervision
Spring 2018PSYC70811Neuroscience II
Spring 2018BIOL72302Neurosciences II
Spring 2018PSYC90000Dissertation Supervision
Fall 2017PSY3001Research Methods in Psychology
Fall 2017PSYC90000Dissertation Supervision
Fall 2017PSY3001Research Methods in Psychology
Spring 2017IDC4050HHon Feit Hum Sem I
Spring 2017PSYC90000Dissertation Supervision
Spring 2017PSYC80205Neuroscience Rotation
Spring 2017PSY4900Capstone: Psy Appr Cont Probl
Fall 2016PSYC90000Dissertation Supervision
Spring 2016PSY3001Research Methods in Psychology
Spring 2016PSYC90000Dissertation Supervision
Spring 2016PSY3081Cognitive Psychology
Spring 2016PSY3081HHonors - Cognitive Psychology
Fall 2015PSY3001Research Methods in Psychology
Summer 2015PSY5001HHon Independent Study PSY II
Summer 2015PSY5000HHon Independent Study PSY I
Spring 2015PSY6002HHonors - Psychology II
Spring 2015PSY3001Research Methods in Psychology
Spring 2015PSY3081Cognitive Psychology
Fall 2014PSY6001HHonors - Psychology I
Fall 2014PSY3001Research Methods in Psychology
Fall 2014PSY3081Cognitive Psychology
Fall 2014PSY5000Independent study Psychology I
Spring 2014PSY3081Cognitive Psychology
Spring 2014PSY3001Research Methods in Psychology
Spring 2014PSY5000Independent study Psychology I
Fall 2013PSY3081Cognitive Psychology

Journal Articles

Epstein, M., & Emmanouil, T. (2021). Ensemble statistics can be available before individual properties: EEG evidence using the oddball paradigm. Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience, 33(6). 1056-1068.

Epstein, M., & Emmanouil, T. (2020). Ensemble coding of orientation and motion features in visual cortex. In Progress.

Magen, H., Peelen, M. V., Emmanouil, T., & Gao, Z. (2020). Editorial: Understanding the Operation of Visual Working Memory in Rich Complex Visual Context. Frontiers in Psychology, 11. 1996.

Epstein, M., Quilty-Dunn, J., Mandelbaum, E., & Emmanouil, T. (2020). The outlier paradox: The role of iterative ensemble coding in discounting outliers. Journal of experimental psychology; Human perception and performance, 46(11). 1267.

Gray, M., & Emmanouil, T. (2019). Individual alpha frequency increases during a task but is unchanged by alpha-band flicker. Psychophysiology, 57(2). e13480.

Magen, H., & Emmanouil, T. (2019). Estimation in self-initiated working memory for spatial locations. Psychonomic Bulletin & Review, 26(1). 315–324.

Magen, H., & Emmanouil, T. (2019). Spatial organization in self-initiated visual working memory. Frontiers in Psychology, 10. 2734.

Magen, H., & Emmanouil, T. (2018). Working memory for self-initiated and provided spatial configurations. Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology, 71(10). 2186-2206.

Epstein, M. L., & Emmanouil, T. (2017). Ensemble coding remains accurate under object and spatial visual working memory load. Attention Perception & Psychophysics, 79. 2088–2097.

Young, S., & Emmanouil, T. (2016). Judgments of facial trustworthiness and dominance are differentially sensitive to visual degradation. Experimental Psychology,

Persuh, M., Emmanouil, T., & Ro, T. (2016). Perceptual overloading reveals illusory contour perception without awareness of the inducers. Attention Perception & Psychophysics, 78(6). 1692-1701.

Emmanouil, T., & Magen, H. (2014). Neural evidence for sequential selection of object features. Trends in Cognitive Sciences, 18(8). 390-1.

Emmanouil, T., & Ro, T. (2014). Amodal completion of unconsciously presented objects. Psychonomic Bulletin & Review, 21(5). 1188-1194.

Emmanouil, T., Avigan, P., Persuh, M., & Ro, T. (2013). Saliency affects feedforward more than feedback processing in early visual cortex. Neuropsychologia, 51(8). 1497-503.

Emmanouil, T., Burton, P., & Ro, T. (2013). Unconscious processing of unattended features in human visual cortex. Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience, 25(3). 329-37.

Magen, H., Emmanouil, T., McMains, S. A., Kastner, S., & Treisman, A. (2009). Attentional demands predict short-term memory load response in posterior parietal cortex. Neuropsychologia, 47(8-9). 1790-8.

Chong, S. C., Joo, S. J., Emmanouil, T., & Treisman, A. (2008). Statistical processing: not so implausible after all. Perception & Psychophysics, 70(7). 1327-34; discussion 1335-6.

Emmanouil, T., & Treisman, A. (2008). Dividing attention across feature dimensions in statistical processing of perceptual groups. Perception & Psychophysics, 70(6). 946-54.

McMains, S., Emmanouil, T., Fehd, H., & Kastner, S. (2007). Mechanisms of feature-and space-based attention: response modulation and baseline increases. Journal of Neurophysiology, 98(4). 2110-2121.


Epstein, M. L., Quity Dunn, J., Mandelbaum, E., & Emmanouil, T. (2020, June 19). The Outlier Paradox: The Role of Iterative Ensemble Coding in Discounting Outliers. Vision Sciences Society Annual Meeting. Virtual: VSS.

Emmanouil, T., & Epstein, M. L. (2020, June 19). Ensemble properties are available more rapidly than individual properties: EEG evidence using the oddball paradigm. Visual Sciences Society Annual meeting. Virtual: VSS.

Epstein, M., Quilty-Dunn, J., Mandelbaum, E., & Emmanouil, T. (2019, November 15). “The Outlier Paradox: The Role of Iterative Ensemble Coding in Discounting Outliers”. 60th Meeting of the Psychonomic Society. Montreal, CA

Epstein, M., & Emmanouil, T. (2018, May 22). Neural Substrates of Ensemble Perception. VSS annual meeting. Tampa, FL: Visual Sciences Society.

Magen, H., & Emmanouil, T. (2017, November 12). Estimation in Self-Initiated Working Memory for Spatial Locations. Psychonomic Society Annual meeting.

Epstein, M., & Emmanouil, T. (2016, May 31). Statistical processing of perceptual groups under working memory load. VSS annual meeting. Tampa, Florida: VSS.

Emmanouil, T. (2016, March 28). Exploring the limitations of the statistical processing of perceptual groups. Perceptual Science Series. Rutgers Center of Cognitive Science: Rutgers Center of Cognitive Science.

Lee, J., & Emmanouil, T. (2015, May 19). Statistical processing of partly occluded sets. VSS annual meeting.

Emmanouil, T., & Treisman, A. (2014, May 31). Adaptation specific to conjunctions of features. VSS annual meeting. St. Petersburg, FL: Vision Sciences Society.

Persuh, M., Emmanouil, T., & Ro, T. (2014, May 31). Color assimilation without awareness of color context. VSS annual meeting. St. Petersburg, FL: Vision Sciences Society.

Persuh, M., Emmanouil, T., & Ro, T. (2013, May 31). Emergence of illusory shapes from invisible inducers. VSS annual meeting. Naples, FL: Vision Sciences Society.

Emmanouil, T. (2012, December 31). Visual Processing outside the focus of attention and awareness. Microsoft Research Seminars. Seattle, WA: Microsoft Research.

Emmanouil, T., & Ro, T. (2012, May 31). Amodal completion of unconsciously processed objects.. VSS annual meeting. Naples, FL: Vision Sciences Society.

Emmanouil, T. (2012, December 31). Visual Processing outside the focus of attention and awareness. Cognitive Science Colloquium. New York, NY: The Graduate Center, CUNY.

Emmanouil, T., Burton, P., & Ro, T. (2011, November 30). Unconscious processing of unattended features in human visual cortex. SFN annual meeting. Washington, DC: Society for Neuroscience.

Emmanouil, T. (2011, December 31). Limitations of statistical and unconscious processing of visual scenes. Columbia Cognitive Colloquium. New York, NY: Columbia University.

Emmanouil, T., Avigan, P., Persuh, M., & Ro, T. (2011, May 31). Saliency affects feedforward more than feedback processing in primary visual cortex. VSS annual meeting. Naples, FL: Vision Sciences Society.

Emmanouil, T., Avigan, P., Persuh, M., & Ro, T. (2010, November 30). The effects of task and saliency in TMS-induced suppression of visual awareness. Annual Psychonomics Meeting. St Louis, MO: Psychonomics Society.

Emmanouil, T., & Treisman, A. (2007, November 30). Statistical processing of correlations between visual features. OPAM meeting. Long Beach, CA: Object Perception Attention and Memory.

Emmanouil, T., & Treisman, A. (2006, November 30). Dividing attention across feature dimensions in statistical processing. OPAM meeting. Houston, TX: Object Perception Attention and Memory.

Beck, D., Emmanouil, T., & Kastner, S. (2004, November 30). Competitive interactions among motion stimuli in human visual cortex. SFN annual meeting. San Diego CA: Society for Neuroscience.

Research Currently in Progess

Magen, H., & Emmanouil, T.(n.d.). Self initiated memory for space and objects. In Progress.

This is a project I have been working on with Hagit Magen from Hebrew University. The first two papers looked at self-initated working memory representations for spatial sequences and for spatial locations. A third project looks at the role of space for self initiated memory visual working memory. The first three papers have been accepted,. A fourth project examines self Initiated memory for different sizes in an ensemble. The data for the fourth paper have been collected and the manuscript is in preparation.

Tsering, M., & Emmanouil, T.(n.d.). The influence of affect on ensemble perception. In Progress.

This project in collaboration with MS student Migmar Tsering examines the role of positive affect on statistical representations to test whether positive affect influences distributed attention in the similar way it influences focused attention as revealed by performance in tasks such as the attentional blink. Data collection in the lab was paused due to the COVID-19 pandemic. Data collection was completed onlin eand Migmar is writing his thesis.

Moore, C., Epstein, M., & Emmanouil, T.(n.d.). The role of working memory load on ensemble perception. In Progress.

This project, in collaboration with MS student Clark Moore, examines the effects of working memory load on the timing and neural representation of ensemble perception. EEG data collection was started by it was paused due to COVID-19 pandemic. We collected behavioral data online measuring processing time using reaction times as opposed to ERPs. Clark completed his masters thesis. For publication we would need additional EEG data, which will be collected once in-person research resumes.

Mandelbaum, E., & Emmanouil, T.(n.d.). Causation and the Perception/Cognition Border. In Progress.

An empirical project investigating whether certain representations become conceptualized by vision without the aid of cognition.

Emmanouil, T., Quilty-Dunn, J., Garcia, R., & Young, S.(n.d.). Ensemble coding of facial trustworthiness and dominance. In Progress.

This project investigates whether people can perceive average trustworthiness and dominance in a group of faces. We have collected data for four experiments, showing that people accurately judge ensemble dominance and trustworthiness for upright and inverted faces. We are currently conducting further experiments to shed light on the implications of this type of judgment of real world decisions and social interactions.

Emmanouil, T., Dana, J., & Jerskey, G.(n.d.). Ensemble coding of symmetry. In Progress.

This project investigates ensemble coding for a Gestalt property, symmetry. Participants are presented with displays with a mix of symmetrical and asymmetrical objects and are asked how symmetrical the group is on average. The data was analyzed and presented in the MS thesis of Gene Jerskey. For publication we have decided to collect more data online.

Mandelbaum, E., & Emmanouil, T.(n.d.). Investigating Causal Perception. In Progress.

A project attempting to show that automatic illusory causal perception happens in three-dimensional environments, with cues that show that contact is impossible.

Emmanouil, T., Garcia, R., & Lee, J. E.(n.d.). Iterative ensemble perception. In Progress.

This study investigates whether statistical properties are dynamically updated over time. One project will examine whether the visual system extracts statistical estimates for partially occluded objects and whether these estimates are updated to correct for occlusion over time. Preliminary results show that ensemble perception of occluded objects is possible. The results will shed light on the timing of ensemble perception. In person data collection was paused due to COVID-19 pandemic. Data collection will resume on line.

Papadimitriou, C., Vempala, S., Emmanouil, T., & Ro, T.(n.d.). Neural computation by assemblies of neurons. In Progress.

This is a collaborative project between CUNY, Columbia and Georgia Tech, combining expertise from computer science and cognitive neuroscience. The goal is to develop and test a new theory of neural computation by assemblies of neurons. I am working closely with Tony Ro from he graduate center of CUNY on empirically testing the theory through analysis of electrocorticography (ECoG) data and through novel EEG and fMRI experiments. The EEG experiments are now in the piloting phase.

Emmanouil, T.(n.d.). Neural correlates of ensemble perception. In Progress.

This project investigates where and when ensemble computations are performed in the brain. One experiment using electroencephalography (EEG) is completed and recently published. Follow-up EEG experiments, as well as novel functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) experiments are planned under the funded NIH R15 protocol,

TitleFunding Agency SponsorStart DateEnd DateAwarded DateTotal FundingStatus
Iterative ensemble perceptionPSC-CUNY 5107/01/202012/31/202204/17/20203500Completed
Timing of ensemble perceptionPSC-CUNY 5007/01/201912/31/202204/15/20193200Completed
Interactions between unconsciously extracted statistical summaries and consiously processed objectsPSC-CUNY 4907/01/201812/31/201904/15/20183500Completed
"The consequences of perceived trustworthiness and dominance for groups of faces"Eugene Lang Fellowship06/01/201806/30/202003/29/20187881.91Completed
Interactions between perceptual and higher-order causal inferences.PSC-CUNY 4707/01/201612/31/201704/15/20163419.02Completed
Interplay between unconscious and conscious information procesingPSC-CUNY 4607/01/201506/30/201604/17/20153500Completed
Automaticity in the statistical processing of multiple visual featuresPSC-CUNY 4507/01/201406/30/201504/15/20143500Completed
Neural correlates of ensemble perceptionNational Institutes of Health05/01/202004/30/202404/28/2020338929Funded - In Progress
AF: Small: Collaborative Research: A Computational Theory of Brain FunctionNational Science Foundation10/01/201909/30/202308/23/201998807Funded - In Progress
Does poverty inhibit the purchase of fruits and vegetables among low-income adults through cognitive overload? An exploration of Latinos using SNAPCUNY School of Public Health06/01/202205/31/202315000Submitted for Review
NIH First: CUNY Institute for Inclusive NeuroscienceNational Institutes of Health0Work Discontinued
Honor / AwardOrganization SponsorDate ReceivedDescription
Postdoctoral Travel Award, City University of New YorkCUNY2010 Support for conference travel, which was used to cover travel costs to the Annual Psychonomics Meeting in St Louis, MO in 2011.
Summer Institute in Cognitive Neuroscience Fellowship, 2009Summer Institute in Cognitive Neuroscience2009A scholarship to attend a two week seminar in cognitive neuroscience, led by world famous scholars in the field.
High Honors in PsychologyUC Berkeley2003A distinction for students who complete a high quality honors thesis in Psychology.
J.F. Costopoulos Foundation graduate fellowshipHellenic Studies, Princeton University2003A five year stipend supplement for qualified Princeton University graduate students of Greek origin.
Dean’s Honor listUC Berkeley2000An acknowledgement for GPA at the top 4% of students in the College of Letters and Science.


Committee NamePosition RoleStart DateEnd Date
Committee on the libraryCommittee MemberPresent
Writing group for Diversity GrantsCommittee MemberPresent
Psychology Department Executive CommitteeCommittee MemberPresent
WSAS pod mentorship programFaculty MentorPresent
Admitted Freshman eventAttendee, Meeting3/22/2017
Baruch College Fall Open HouseAttendee, Meeting10/17/2015
Admitted Freshman event, Feb 26Attendee, Meeting2/26/2015


Committee NamePosition RoleStart DateEnd Date
Executive Committee, MS in Cognitive NeuroscienceCommittee Member9/1/2022Present
CNC post-hoc admissions committeeCommittee Member6/1/2021Present
Admissions Committee, CNC doctoral programCommittee Member11/1/20204/30/2021
CUNY neuroscience Collaborative graduate admissions committeeCommittee Chair7/1/20164/30/2017
CUNY Neuroscience CollaborativeCommittee Member12/1/20151/31/2016
BCN graduate admissions committeeCommittee Member12/1/20144/15/2015


OrganizationPosition RoleOrganization StateOrganization CountryStart DateEnd DateAudience
Frontiers in Integrative NeuroscienceReview Editor6/1/2019Present
Frontiers in PsychologyEditor, Associate Editor11/8/201811/7/2019