Theodore Joyce

Theodore Joyce


Zicklin School of Business

Department: Bert Wasserman Dept Eco & Fin

Areas of expertise: Health Econonomics and Policy Evaluation

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Theodore Joyce, Ph.D., is a Professor of Economics at Baruch College and the Graduate Center, the City University of New York and a Research Associate in the National Bureau of Economic Research’s program in Health Economics.    He has published extensively in the area economic demography and reproductive health policy.  His work on abortion policy has appeared in the Journal of Political Economy, New England Journal of Medicine, the Journal of the American Medical Association, the Journal of Public Economics and the Review of Economics and Statistics.   He recently completed a three-year study funded by the National Institute of Child Health and Human Development (NICHD) on the effect of state laws on teen fertility.

Professor Joyce is also interested in the econometrics of program evaluation and is involved in several projects assessing the effectiveness of online learning formats.  He is also collaborating with another researcher on the effectiveness of honors college programs at public universities.  Specifically, how well do students in an honors college program at a public university do in terms graduation rates, graduate school admissions and wages relative to students who were accepted to the honors college but chose to attend a private university.  Lastly he is in the initial phase of a CUNY-wide evaluation of the SEEK program, which supports students at 4-year colleges who would not have been admitted under regular admission guidelines.

Professor Joyce is deeply involved in pedagogical, personnel, and governance activities at Baruch College.  He is currently the Chair of the Zicklin Executive Committee, and a member of the College Academic Review Committee.  He just completed a four-year term as Chair of the School Academic Review Committee and prior to that he spent four years a member of the College Personnel and Budget Committee.   He is also the Director of Zicklin’s Online Learning and Evaluation program, and the course coordinator of the introductory macroeconomics course.



Ph.D., Economics, City University of New York New York

B.A., Education, University of Massachusetts Massachusetts

SemesterCourse PrefixCourse NumberCourse Name
Spring 2024ECON90000Dissertation Supervision
Fall 2023ECON90000Dissertation Supervision
Fall 2023ECO1002Macro-Economics
Fall 2023ECO4010Applied Micro-Econometrics
Fall 2023ECO1002Macro-Economics
Fall 2023ECO1002Macro-Economics
Spring 2023ECON90000Dissertation Supervision
Fall 2022ECON90000Dissertation Supervision
Fall 2022ECO4010Applied Micro-Econometrics
Fall 2022ECO1002Macro-Economics
Fall 2022ECO1002Macro-Economics
Spring 2022ECON90000Dissertation Supervision
Fall 2021ECON90000Dissertation Supervision
Fall 2021ECO4010Applied Micro-Econometrics
Fall 2021ECO1001Micro-Economics
Fall 2021ECO1001Micro-Economics
Fall 2020ECO1001Micro-Economics
Fall 2020ECO4010Applied Micro-Econometrics
Spring 2020ECON90000Dissertation Supervision
Fall 2019ECON90000Dissertation Supervision
Fall 2019ECO4010Applied Micro-Econometrics
Fall 2019ECO1001Micro-Economics
Spring 2019ECON90000Dissertation Supervision
Spring 2019ECO6002HHonors Courses in Economics
Fall 2018ECO1001Micro-Economics
Fall 2018ECON90000Dissertation Supervision
Fall 2018ECO6001HHonors Courses in Economics
Fall 2018ECO4010Applied Micro-Econometrics
Spring 2018ECON82300Applied Microeconometrics
Spring 2018ECON90000Dissertation Supervision
Fall 2017ECON90000Dissertation Supervision
Fall 2017ECO6001HHonors Courses in Economics
Spring 2017ECON82300Applied Microeconometrics
Spring 2017ECON90000Dissertation Supervision
Spring 2017ECO1001Micro-Economics
Fall 2016ECON90000Dissertation Supervision
Spring 2016ECON90000Dissertation Supervision
Spring 2016PUBH90000Dissertation Supervision
Fall 2015PUBH90000Dissertation Supervision
Fall 2015ECON90000Dissertation Supervision
Fall 2015ECO1001Micro-Economics
Spring 2015PUBH90000Dissertation Supervision
Spring 2015ECON90000Dissertation Supervision
Fall 2014ECON90000Dissertation Supervision
Fall 2014ECO1001Micro-Economics
Fall 2014PUBH90000Dissertation Supervision
Fall 2014ECO1001Micro-Economics
Spring 2014PUBH90000Dissertation Supervision
Spring 2014ECON90000Dissertation Supervision
Spring 2014ECON82300Applied Microeconometrics
Fall 2013ECO1001Micro-Economics
Fall 2013ECO1001Micro-Economics
Fall 2013PUBH90000Dissertation Supervision
Spring 2013PUBH89904Supervised Dissertation Resrch
Spring 2013PUBH89903Supervised Dissertation Resrch
Spring 2013ECON90000Dissertation Supervision
Fall 2012PUBH89902Supervised Dissertation Resrch
Fall 2012PUBH89901Supervised Dissertation Resrch
Fall 2012ECON90000Dissertation Supervision
Fall 2012ECO4000HHonors - Statistics Analysis
Fall 2012ECO1001Micro-Economics
Fall 2012ECO1001Micro-Economics
Fall 2011ECO1001Micro-Economics
Fall 2011ECO1001Micro-Economics
Fall 2011ECO1001Micro-Economics
Fall 2011STA9000Regression&Forecast
Fall 2011ECO1001Micro-Economics
Fall 2010ECO1001Micro-Economics
Fall 2010ECO1001Micro-Economics
Fall 2010ECO1001Micro-Economics
Fall 2010ECO1001Micro-Economics
Fall 2010STA9000Regression&Forecast
Spring 2010BUS9200Business Policy
Fall 2008ECO1001Micro-Economics
Fall 2008ECO1001Micro-Economics
Fall 2008STA9000Regression&Forecast
Fall 2008ECO1001Micro-Economics
Fall 2008ECO1001Micro-Economics
Fall 2008ECO1001Micro-Economics
Spring 2008ECO9766Health Care Economics
Fall 2007STA9000Regression&Forecast
Fall 2007ECO1001Micro-Economics
Fall 2007ECO1001Micro-Economics
Fall 2007ECO1001Micro-Economics
Fall 2007ECO1001Micro-Economics
Fall 2006STA9000Regression&Forecast
Fall 2006ECO1001Micro-Economics
Fall 2006ECO1001Micro-Economics
Fall 2006ECO1001Micro-Economics
Fall 2006ECO1001Micro-Economics
Spring 2006ECO9766Health Care Economics
Fall 2005ECO1001Micro-Economics
Fall 2005ECO1001Micro-Economics
Fall 2005ECO1001Micro-Economics
Fall 2005ECO1001Micro-Economics
Fall 2005ECO1001Micro-Economics
Fall 2005ECO1001Micro-Economics
Fall 2005STA9000Regression&Forecast
Spring 2005ECO9766Health Care Economics
Fall 2004ECO1001Micro-Economics
Fall 2004ECO1001Micro-Economics
Fall 2004ECO1001Micro-Economics
Fall 2004ECO1001Micro-Economics
Fall 2004STA9000Regression&Forecast
Spring 2004ECO9766Health Care Economics
Fall 2003STA9000Regression&Forecast
Fall 2003ECO1001Micro-Economics
Fall 2003ECO1001Micro-Economics
Fall 2003ECO1001Micro-Economics
Fall 2003ECO1001Micro-Economics
Spring 2003ECO9766Health Care Economics
Fall 2002ECO1001Micro-Economics
Fall 2002ECO1001Micro-Economics
Fall 2002ECO1001Micro-Economics
Fall 2002ECO1001Micro-Economics
Fall 2002STA9000Regression&Forecast
Fall 2001ECO6002Honors Courses in Economics
Fall 2001STA9000Regression&Forecast
Fall 2001ECO1001Micro-Economics
Summer 2001ECO6001Honors Courses in Economics

Journal Articles

Dench, D., Li, W., Joyce, T., Minkoff, H., & Van Wye, G. (2024). Fertility in the Heart of the COVID-19 Storm. Population Research and Policy Review, 43. 20.

(2024). Do Black Doctors Save More Black Babies. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 121(39). 3.

(2022). U.S. Preterm Birth Rate and Covid-19. Pediatrics, 149(5). 2.

Dench, D., & Joyce, T. (2022). Information and Credible Sanctions in Curbing Online Cheating among Undergraduates: a Field Experiment. Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization., 195. 408-427.

Joyce, T., & Altindag, O. (2022). “Another Day, Another Visit: Impact of Arkansas’ Mandatory Waiting Period for Women Seeking an Abortion by Demographic Groups. Journal of Public Economics, 213.

Joyce, T., Kaestner, R., & Ward, J. (2020). The Impact of Parental Involvement Laws on the Abortion Rate of Minors. Demography/Springer and Population Association of America, 57. 323-346.

N/A, D. J., & Joyce, T. (2020). The Earned Income Credit and Infant Health Revisited. Health Economics, 29(1). 72-84.

Joyce, T., Altindag, O., & Reeder, J. (2019). “Can Non-experimental Methods Provide Unbiased Estimates of a Breastfeeding Intervention: A Within-Study Comparison of Peer Counseling in Oregon.” . Evaluation Review, 43(3-4). 37.

Joyce, T., Jaegar, D., & Kaestner, R. (2019). TWEET SIXTEEN AND PREGNANT: MISSING LINKS IN THE CAUSAL CHAIN FROM REALITY TV TO FERTILITY . International Journal for Re-Views in Empirical Economics , 10.

Joyce, T., Jaegar, D., & Kaestner, R. (2018). A CAUTIONARY TALE OF EVALUATING IDENTIFYING ASSUMPTIONS: DID REALITY TV REALLY CAUSE A DECLINE IN TEENAGE CHILDBEARING? . Journal of Business and Economic Statistics, 38(2). 317-326.

Joyce, T., Remler, D., Jaeger, D., Altindag, O., O'Connell, S. D., & Crockett, S. (2017). On Measuring and Reducing Selection Bias with a Quasi-Doubly Randomized Preference Trial. Journal of Policy Analysis and Management, 36(2). 438-459.

Joyce, T., & Altindag, O. (2017). Judicial Bypass for Minors Seeking Abortions in Arkansas versus Other States. American Journal of Public Health, 107(8). 1261-1271.

Joyce, T., & Racine, A. (2017). Risk Adjustments Based on Socioeconomic Status in Pediatrics: Adjusting Our Expectations. Pediatrics, 140(5). 2.

Joyce, T., Crockett, S., Jaeger, D., Altindag, O., & O'Connell, S. (2015). Does Classroom Time Matter. Economics of Education Review: Elsevier, 46. 64-77.

Reeder, J., Joyce, T., Kelly, S., Diana, A., & Onur, A. (2014). Telephone Peer Counseling for Breastfeeding among WIC Participants: A Randomized Controlled Trial. American Academy of Pediatrics, 134(3). 7.

(2013). How Important Was the Pill to Women's Economic Well-being?. Journal of Policy Analysis and Management, 32(3). 879-887.

(2013). Do Parental Involvement Laws Deter Risk Sex. Journal of Health Economics, not known yet. 15.

(2013). Abortion Before and After Roe. Journal of Health Economics, 20.

(2011). The Supply-side Economics of Abortion. the New England Journal of Medicine, 365(16). 3.

(2011). Regulating Abortion: Impact on Patients and Providers in Texas. Journal of Policy Analysis and Management, 30(4). 23.

(2010). Effect of Mother’s Schooling on Infant Health: Evidence from a Natural Experiment in Taiwan. American Economic Journal-Applied Economics, 2(1). 33-61..

(2010). Parental Consent and the Judicial Bypass Option in Arkansas: Effects and Correlates. Perspective on Sex and Reproductive Health, 42(3). 168-175.

(2010). Maternal Smoking and the Timing of WIC Enrollment: A response to Davis, Lazariu and Sekhobo. Maternal and Child Health Journal, 14(3). 478-484.

(2010). Maternal Smoking and the Timing of WIC Enrollment. Maternal and Child Health Journal, 14(3). 318-331.

(2009). Behavioral Responses to Parental Involvement Laws: The Case of Delay in the Timing of Abortion Until Age 18. Perspectives on Sex and Reproductive Health, 41(2). 119-126.

(2009). A Simple Test of Abortion and Crime. Review of Economics and Statistics, 91(1). 112-123.

(2008). Re-assessing the WIC Effect: Evidence from the Prenatal Nutrition Surveillance System. Journal of Policy Analysis and Management, 27(2).

(2008). Misclassification Bias in the Evaluation of Parental Involvement Laws: a Minor Oversight with a Major Impact. American Journal of Public Health, 98(10).

(2007). Maternal Education, Child Immunization, and Public Policy: Evidence from the National Immunization Survey. Social Science and Medicine,

(2006). Changes in Abortions and Births Following Texas's Parental Notification Law. New England Journal of Medicine, 354(10). 1031 - 1038.

(2006). What Did the "Illegitimacy Bonus" Reward?" Topics in Economic Analysis & Policy. Berkley E - Journal in Economic Analysis and Policy, 6(1). 1 - 40.

(2005). CHIP Shots: Association between the State Children's Health Insurance Program and Immunization Rates. Pediatrics, 115. e526-e534.

(2005). Changing Association between Prenatal Paricipation in WIC and Birth Outcomes in New York City. Journal of Policy Analysis and Management, 24(4). 663-685.

(2004). Welfare Reform and Non-Marital Fertility in the 1990s: Evidence from Birth Records. Advances in Economic Analysis & Policy, 3(1).

(2004). Family Cap Provisions and Changes in Births and Abortions. Population Research and Policy Review, 23. 475-511.

(2004). The Disappearing Income Gradient in New York City Birth Outcomes: Thirteen Years of Convergence from 1988-2001. Pediatrics, 114. e51-e57.

(2004). Un-assured Instruments: a comment on "insurance and the utilization of medical services. Social Science and Medicine, 58. 1633-34.

(2004). Did Legalized Abortion Lower Crime?. Journal of Human Resources, 39(1). 1-28.

(2003). Trends in Smoking Before, During and After Pregnancy in 10 States. American Journal of Preventive Medicine, 24(1). 29-35.

(2003). Effect of Cigarette Excise Taxes on Smoking Before, During and After Pregnancy. Journal of Health Economics, 22(4). 1053-1072.

(2002). Consequences for Infants of Parental Disagreement in Pregnancy Intention. Perspectives on Sexual and Reproductive Health, 34(4). 198-205.

(2002). On the Validity of Retrospective Assessment of Pregnancy Intention. Demography, 39(1). 199-213.

(2001). Changes in Prenatal Care Timing and Low Birth Weight by Race and Socioeconomic Status: Implications for the Medicaid Expansions for Pregnant Women. Health Services Research, 36(2). pg. 373-398.

(2001). The Impact of Mandatory Waiting Periods and Parental Consent Laws on the Timing of Abortion and State of Occurence among Adolescents in Mississippi and South Carolina. Journal of Policy Analysis and Management, 20. pg.263-282.

(2001). Medicaid Eligibility and the Incidence of Ambulatory Care Sensitive Hospitalization for Children. Social Science and Medicine, 52. pg.305-313.

(2001). Differential Impact of Recent Medicaid Expansions by Race and Ethnicity. Pediatrics, 108(5). 1135-1142.

(2001). Welfare Reform and the Perinatal Health and Health Care Utilization of Latinos in California, New York City and Texas. American Journal of Public Health, 91(1). 1857-1864.

(2000). Impact of Mississippi’s Mandatory Delay Law on the Timing of Abortion. Family Planning Perspectives, 32(1). 4-13.

(2000). Stability of Pregnancy Intentions and Pregnancyrelated Maternal Behaviors. Maternal and Child Health Journal, 4(3). 171-178.

(2000). The Effect of Pregnancy Intention on Child Development. Demography, 37(1). 83-94.

(2000). Did Recent Expansions in Medicaid Narrow Socioeconomic Differences in Hospitalization Rates of Infants. Medical Care, 38(2). pg.195-206.

(1999). Impact of Augmented Prenatal Care on Birth Outcomes of Medicaid Recipients in New York City. Journal of Health Economics, 18(31-67).

(1998). An Analysis of Infant Mortality in New York City: 1988-89 and 1992-93. Pediatrics, 101. 682-688.

(1998). An Assessment of the Benefits of Air Pollution Control: The Case of Infant Health. Journal of Urban Economics, 25. 32-51.

(1998). Is Medicaid Pronatalist? Impact of the Medicaid Eligibility Expansions on Abortion and Birth Rates. Family Planning Perspectives, 30(108-113).

(1998). A Cost-Effectiveness Analysis of Strategies to Reduce Infant Mortality. Medical Care, 26. 348-360.

(1997). Welfare Reform and Obstetrical Care of Immigrants and Their Newborns. New England Journal of Medicine, 337(705-707).

(1997). The Hospital Costs of Congenital Syphilis. Journal of Pediatrics, 130(752-758).

(1997). The Impact of Mississippi’s Mandatory Delay Law on Abortions and Births. Journal of the American Medical Association, 278. 653-658.

(1996). The Effect of Drug Use on Birth Weight: Measurement Error in Binary Variables. Economic Inquiry, 34. 617-629.

(1996). The Effect of Medicaid Income Eligibility Expansions on Abortion. Demography, 30. 181-192.

(1996). State Reproductive Policies and Adolescent Pregnancy Resolution: The case of Parental Involvement Laws. Journal of Health Economics, 15(579-607).

(1995). The Impact of Prenatal Exposure to Cocaine on Newborn Costs and Length of Stay. Health Services Research, 30(341-358).

(1994). Self Selection, Prenatal Care and Birthweight among Blacks, Whites, and Hispanics in New York City. Journal of Human Resources, 29(762-794).

(1993). The Association Between Prenatal Care and Birthweight Among Women Exposed to Cocaine in New York City. Journal of the American Medical Association, 270(1581-1586).

(1993). The Dramatic Increase in Low Birthweight in New York City -- An Update. American Journal of Public Health, 83(109-111).

(1993). Unemployment and Infant Health Time-Series Evidence From the State of Tennessee. Journal of Human Resources, 28(185-203).

(1992). The Consequences and Costs of Maternal Substance Abuse in New York City: A Pooled Time-Series Cross-Section Analysis. Journal of Health Economics, 11(297-314).

(1990). The Dynamic Relationship Between Low Birthweight and Induced Abortion in New York City: An Aggregate Time-Series Analyses. Journal of Health Economics, 9. 273-288.

(1990). A Time-Series Analysis of Unemployment and Health: The Case of Birth Outcomes in New York City. Journal of Health Economics, 8. 419-436.

(1990). Pregnancy Wantedness and the Early Initiation of Prenatal Care. Demography, 27(1-17).

(1990). The Dramatic Increase in The Rate of Low Birthweight in New York City: An Aggregate Time-Series Analysis. American Journal of Public Health, 80. 682-684.

(1990). The Impact of Legalized Abortion on Adolescent Childbearing in New York City. American Journal of Public Health, 80. 273-278.

(1990). Unobservables, Pregnancy Resolutions, and Birthweight Production Functions in New York City. Journal of Political Economy, 98(983-1007).

(1990). Urban Crime Control: Violent Crime in New York City. Social Science Quarterly, 71(567-584).

(1988). The Social and Economic Correlates of Pregnancy Resolution Among Adolescents in New York City by Race and Ethnicity: A Multivariate Analysis. American Journal of Public Health, 78(626-631).

(1988). A Cost-Effectiveness Analysis of Strategies to Reduce Infant Mortality. Medical Care, (26). 348-360.

(1987). Birth Outcome Production Functions in the U.S. Journal of Human Resources, 22. 339-360.

(1987). The Impact of Induced Abortion on White and Black Birth Outcomes in the U.S. Demography, 24. 229-244.

(1987). The Demand for Health Inputs and Their Impact on the Black Neonatal Mortality Rate. Social Science and Medicine, 24. 911-918.

(1987). Crime, Deterrence, and the Business Cycle in New York City, a VAR Approach. Review of Economics and Statistics, 69(695-700).


Joyce, T., & Dench, d. (2018, July 21). Income, The Earned Income Tax Credit, and Infant Health: A comment. NBER Summer Institute. Cambridge, MA: National Bureau of Economic Research.

Joyce, T. (2017, March 3). Does Reality TV have Real Effects.. Harvard University Population Center. Cambridge,MA: Population Center.

Joyce, T. (2017, October 21). Effects of Peer Counseling to Support Breastfeeding: Assessing the Generalizability of a Randomized Field Experiment. University of Southern California. Los Angeles: School of Public Policy.

Joyce, T. (2016, September 10). DOES REALITY TV INDUCE REAL EFFECTS? ON THE QUESTIONABLE ASSOCIATION BETWEEN 16 AND PREGNANT AND TEENAGE CHILDBEARING. Columbia University Seminar. Columbia University: School of International and Public Affairs Economic Workshop.

Joyce, T. (2016, January 3). Do student know best?. American Economic Association. San Francisco, CA: American Economic Association.

Joyce, T. (2016, April 1). Do student know best?. Invited seminar. Bloomington, Indiana: University of Indiana.

Joyce, T. (2016, May 3). "The Baby has no clothes: the questionable association between reality TV and teen birth rates". Guttmacher Institute. 15 Maiden Lane, NY, NY: Guttamcher Institute.

Joyce, T. (2016, November 20). Does Reality TV have Real Effects.. Princeton University Labor Studies. Princeton NJ: Princeton University.

Joyce, T. (2016, December 2). Does Reality TV have Real Effects.. Queens College Economics Department. Queens, NY: Queens College Economics Department.

Joyce, T., Jaeger, D., Altindag, O., Crockett, S., O'Connell, S., & Remler, D. (2015, November 13). Do Students Know Best? Choice, Classroom Time, and Academic Performance. Fall Research Conference of Association for Public Policy Analysis and Management. Miami, Forida: Association for Public Policy Analysis and Management.

Joyce, T. (2015, April 15). Effects of Peer Counseling to Support Breastfeeding: Assessing the External Validity of a Randomized Field Experiment. Cambridge, MA: Abt Associates.

Joyce, T., Jaeger, D., Altindag, O., Crockett, S., O'Connell, S., & Remler, D. (2015, September 30). Do Students Know Best? Choice, Classroom Time, and Academic Performance. CUNY Higher Education Policy Seminar Series.

Joyce, T. (2015, October 23). Do student know best?. Invited seminar. Lawrence, Kansas: University of Kansas, Dept of Economics.

Joyce, T. (2014, March 14). A randomized trail of peer counseling to support breastfeeding among women on WIC. Johns Hopkins University Seminar. Baltimore MD: Carey School of Business Johns Hopkins University.

Joyce, T. (2013, October 25). Can Peer Counseling Improve Breastfeeding. Invited Seminar SUNY Albany Department of Economics. Albany NY: SUNY Albany Department of Economics.

Joyce, T. (2012, March 28). Back to the Future: Abortion Before and After Roe. Invited seminar. Santa Monica, CA: RAND.

Joyce, T. (2012, June 16). Back to the Future: Abortion Before and After Roe. Invited Seminar. New York, NY: Guttmacher Institute.

Joyce, T. (2012, May 2). The Power of the Pill Revisited. Population Associaiton of America Annual Meeting. San Francisco, CA: Population Associaiton of America.

Joyce, T. (2012, April 23). What do we know about WIC's effectiveness. State of Oregon WIC Association Board Meeting. Portland, OR: State of Oregon WIC Association.

Joyce, T. (2011, March 23). Effect of the Pill and Abortion on Teen Fertllity in 1970s. Invited Seminar. Los Angeles, CA: Unversity of Southern California.

Joyce, T. (2011, April 30). Effect of the Pill and Abortion on Teen Fertility in the 1970s. Invited Seminar. Hamilton, Canada: McMaster University.

Joyce, T. (2011, November 30). Effect of the Pill and Abortion on Teen Fertility. Invited Seminar. Roosevelt House, New York: Roosevelt House, Hunter College.

Joyce, T. (2011, November 30). Efficacy and Effectiveness of Peer Counseling to Promote Breastfeeding. Association of Policy Analysis and Management Annual Meeting. Washington DC: Association of Policy Analysis and Management.

Joyce, T. (2010, April 30). Effect of the Pill and Abortion on Teen Fertility in 1970s. Invited Seminar. Atlanta Georgia: Georgia State University.

Joyce, T. (2010, September 25). Effect of the Pill and Abortion on Teen Fertility. Invited Seminar. Washington DC: Georgetown University.

Joyce, T. (2010, May 31). Effect of the Pill and Abortion on Teen Fertility in 1970s. National Bureau of Economic Research==Health Economics. Cambridge, MA: National Bureau of Economic Research.

Joyce, T. (2010, April 30). Contribution of the Pill and Abortion to teen Fertility in early 1970s. Invited Seminar. Waco, Texas: Baylor University.

Joyce, T. (2008, November 30). Changes in Pregnancy Outcomes after a Sudden Loss of Later-Term Abortion Services in Texas.. Invited Seminar. Maryland: University of Maryland, Baltimore.

Joyce, T. (2008, February 28). Minors’ fertility decisions in the wake of a parental notification law.. Invited Seminar. : George Washington University.

Joyce, T. (2007, May 3). Re-assessing the WIC Effect: Evidence from the Prenatal Nutrition Surveillance System. Seminar. : John Hopkins University, School of Public Health.

Joyce, T. (2007, April 16). Re-assessing the WIC Effect: Evidence from the Prenatal Nutrition Surveillance System. Seminar. : Yale University, School of Public Health.

Joyce, T. (2007, January 25). Re-assessing the WIC Effect: Evidence from the Prenatal Nutrition Surveillance System. Seminar. : New York University, Wagner School of Public Policy.

Joyce, T. (2006, October 10). Does Greater Exposure to WIC Change Maternal Behavior and Improve Infant Health. Presentation. Washington, D.C.: Economic Research Service, United States Department of Agriculture.

Joyce, T. (2006, April 20). Does greater exposure to WIC improve infant health.?. Presentation. : Institute for Research on Poverty. University of Wisconsin at Madison.

Joyce, T. (2006, April 18). Further Tests of Abortion and Crime. Seminar. Chicago: Department of Economics, University of Illinois.

Joyce, T. (2006, March 30). Did Legalized Abortion Lower Crime. Seminar-Debate with Steven Levitt. : Department of Economics, University of Rochester.

Joyce, T. (2006, March 28). Further Tests of Abortion and Crime. Presentation. Washington, D.C.: American Enterprise Institute.

Joyce, T. (2005, June 7). Changes in Births and Abortions Following Texas’s Parental Notification Law: A Regression Discontinuity Approach. Seminar. New York, NY: Alan Guttmacher Institute.

Joyce, T. (2005, October 25). Changes in Births and Abortions Following Texas’s Parental Notification Law: A Regression Discontinuity Approach. Seminar. : Economics Department, Rice University (joint with University of Houston).

Joyce, T. (2005, May 6). Changes in Births and Abortions Following Texas’s Parental Notification Law: A Regression Discontinuity Approach. Seminar. Rockville MD: Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality.

Joyce, T. (2005, April 26). The Changing Impact of WIC on Birth Outcomes in New York City. Seminar. Princeton, NJ: Mathematica Policy Research, Inc..

Joyce, T. (2005, April 22). Changes in Births and Abortions Following Texas’s Parental Notification Law: A Regression Discontinuity Approach. Seminar. Cambridge, MA: National Bureau of Economic Research Health Economics Conference.

Joyce, T. (2005, April 14). Changes in Births and Abortions Following Texas’s Parental Notification Law: A Regression Discontinuity Approach. Seminar. New York, NY: Weill Medical College, Cornell University.

Joyce, T. (2005, March 14). Changes in Births and Abortions Following Texas’s Parental Notification Law: A Regression Discontinuity Approach. Seminar. : Bloomberg School of Public Health, Johns Hopkins School of Medicine.

Joyce, T. (2004, December 3). The Changing Impact of WIC on Birth Outcomes in New York City. Presentation. Washington, D.C.: Economic Research Service, United States Department of Agriculture.

Joyce, T. (2004, May 11). Further Tests of Abortion and Crime. Seminar. : Carnegie Mellon University.

Joyce, T. (2004, April 23). The Changing Impact of WIC on Birth Outcomes in New York City. Presentation. : University of Wisconsin, Madison USDA-IRP Small Grant Workshop.

Joyce, T. (2004, March 26). Further Tests of Abortion and Crime. Seminar. : National Bureau of Economic Research Health Economics Program.

Joyce, T. (2003, September 30). CHIP Shots: Association between the State Children’s Health Insurance Program and Immunization Rates. Seminar. Washington, D.C.: RAND.

Joyce, T. (2003, October 14). The Declining Significance of WIC in New York City. Seminar. : Department of Economics, Graduate Center, City University of New York.

Joyce, T. (2003, May 8). Effect of Welfare Reform on Abortions and Births. Seminar. : Columbia School of Social Work.

Joyce, T. (2003, March 14). Effect of Welfare Reform on Abortions and Births. Seminar. : Columbia School of Social Work/ National Bureau of Economic Research Spring Health Economics Meetings.

Joyce, T. (2003, April 28). CHIP Shots: Association between the State Children’s Health Insurance Program and Immunization Rates. Santa Monica: RAND.

Joyce, T. (2003, May 5). Effect of Welfare Reform on Abortions and Births. Seminar. : The Alan Guttmacher Insitute.

Joyce, T. (2002, August 1). Effect of Cigarette Taxes of Smoking, Before, During and After Pregnant. : National Bureau of Economic Research Summer Institute.

Joyce, T. (2002, January 8). Did Legalized Abortion Lower Crime. Invited lecture. Birmingham: University of Alabama.

Joyce, T. (2001, October 18). Did Legalized Abortion Lower Crime. Seminar. : New York University Wagner School.

Joyce, T. (2001, October 29). Did Legalized Abortion Lower Crime. Seminar. : RAND/UCLA Health Economics.

Joyce, T. (2001, November 10). Did Legalized Abortion Lower Crime. Atlanta, Georgia: American Society of Criminology.

Joyce, T. (2001, June 4). Did Legalized Abortion Lower Crime. Health Economics Conference. : Duke University.

Joyce, T. (2001, April 10). Did Legalized Abortion Lower Crime. Seminar. : Columbia School of Public Health.

Joyce, T. (2001, April 12). Did Legalized Abortion Lower Crime. Seminar. : Johns Hopkins School of Public Health.

Joyce, T. (2001, March 6). Did Legalized Abortion Lower Crime. Seminar. : Graduate Center, City University of New York.

Joyce, T. (1999, April 29). Effect of Mandatory Waiting Period on the Timing of Abortion in Mississippi. Seminar. : University of Maryland, Labor and Public Finance Seminar.

Joyce, T. (1997, March 6). Effects of Augment Prenatal Care on Infant Health in New York City. Seminar. : Harvard, BU and MIT Health Economics Seminar.

Other Scholarly Works

Henshaw, S., Joyce, T., Dennis, A., Finer, L., & Blanchard, K. (2009). Restrictions on Medicaid Funding for Abortions.: A Literature Review.

Dennis, A., Henshaw, S., Joyce, T., Finer, L., & Blanchard, K. (2009). The Impact of Law Requiring Parental Involvement for Abortion: A Literature Review.

Joyce, T., Henshaw, S., Dennis, A., Finer, L., & Blanchard, K. (2009). The Impact of State Mandatory Counseling and Waiting Period Laws on Abortion: A Literature Review.

Joyce, T., Wu, L., & Wolfe, B. (2001). Consequence and Causes of Nonmarital Fertility. Out of Wedlock: Consequence and Causes of Nonmarital Fertility.

Joyce, T., Korenman, S., Kaestner, R., Wu, L., & Wolfe, B. (2001). Unintended Pregnancy and the Consequences of Nonmarital Childbearing. Out of Wedlock: Consequences and Causes of Nonmarital Fertility.

Racine, A., Joyce, T., & Grossman, M. (1992). Effectiveness of Health Care Services for Pregnant Women and Infants. 2(2), 40-59.

Corman, H., Joyce, T., Mocan, N., Krauss, M., & Lazear, E. (1991). Homicide and Crack in New York City. Search for Alternatives: Drug Control Policy in the United States.

Grossman, M., Joyce, T., Bunker, J. P., Kehrer, B. M., & Gomby, D. S. (1989). Socioeconomic Status and Health: A Personal Research Perspective. Income, Schooling, Health, and Jobs.


Joyce, T. (1988,January 1). The Demographics of Physician Labor Supply: Trends and Projections by P. Kletke, W. Marder and A. Silberger. Journal of Health Administration Education.

Research Currently in Progess

Joyce, T., Jaeger, D., Dave, D., & Colman, G.(n.d.). What do Honors College do for Students?. In Progress.

We analyze the effect of an Honors College on student graduation rates, graduate admissions and earning relative to students who just missed being accepted to the Honors College at a large public university

Haralampoudis, A., Polon, I., & Joyce, T.(n.d.). The Effect of the SEEK Program on College Progress and Completion. In Progress.

Data from Baruch College showed that students in the SEEK program has 6-yr graduate rates that were 10 percentage points higher then the incoming freshmen of the same cohort. The effect for Black and Hispanic students was even greater.   This has prompted us to undertake a CUNY-wide analysis under the auspicies of CUNY's Office of Applied Research, Evaluation, and Data Analytics.

TitleFunding Agency SponsorStart DateEnd DateAwarded DateTotal FundingStatus
Determinants of Maternal E-Cigarette Use, Smoking and Birth Outcomes.PSC-CUNY 5107/01/202012/31/202204/17/20205617Completed
The cost of an undergraduate degreePSC-CUNY 4807/01/201706/30/201804/14/20173499.5Completed
Do College Honors Programs Improve Student Outcomes?PSC-CUNY 4707/01/201606/30/201704/15/20165999.46Completed
Self-selection into Hybrid and Traditional Class Formats of Undergraduate EconomicsPSC-CUNY 4507/01/201406/30/201504/15/20145999.46Completed
A Randomized Field ExperimentCity University of New York09/01/201309/30/201409/01/201326706Completed
Efficacy of Peer Counseling Program to Promote Brestfeeding Among WIC ParticipantsNational Institutes of Health08/06/201207/31/201408/06/2012153528Completed
Association between Interpregnancy Interval and MAternal Health Outcomes among WIC ParticipantsUniversity of California Los Angeles10/01/201209/30/201610/12/201271565Completed
Using Multiple Gestations to Evaluate the Effect of WIC on High Risk PregnanciesPSC-CUNY 4207/01/201106/30/201204/15/20115999.46Completed
Laws Restricting Access to Reproductive Health Services and Prevelance of STD's Among MinorsRobert Wood Johnson Foundation 01/01/201005/03/201112/28/200944407Completed
Abortion, the Pill, and Teen FertilityNational Institutes of Health04/01/201003/31/2012164378Completed
Parental Consent and the Judicial Bypass Option in Arkansas: Effects and CorrelatesPSC-CUNY 4107/01/201006/30/20115980.7Completed
Abortion Services and Pregnancy Outcomes: Exploiting a Natural ExperimentPSC-CUNY 4007/01/200906/30/20105500Completed
Mapping Abortion Providers by State and Year from 1973 to 2006PSC-CUNY 3907/01/200812/31/20095445Completed
Policy Changes & Pregnancy outcomeNational Institutes of Health04/01/200803/31/201003/21/200880221Completed
Covid-19, the National Lockdown and Infant HealthPSC CUNY 5307/01/202212/31/202305/15/202312000Funded - In Progress
Honor / AwardOrganization SponsorDate ReceivedDescription
2018 Faculty Service AwardBaruch College Alumni Association2018
Presidential Award for Distinguished ServiceBaruch College2012Annaul award given at Commencement.
Raymond Vernon Memorial Price for the best research article in the Journal of Policy Analysis Aassociation for Policy Analysis and Management2011Best article in the Journal in 2011
BCTC Technology Grant 2011-1012Baruch's BCTC2011To create a hybrid online-lecture class for ECO 1001.
Presidential Award for Excellence in ScholarshipBaruch College2008
Inaugural Sidney Lirtzman Award for Excellence inTeaching, Research, and Service2005
Presidential Award for Excellence in Teaching2003
Presidential Award for Excellence in Scholarship1994


Committee NamePosition RoleStart DateEnd Date
School Academic Review CommitteeCommittee ChairPresent
Zicklin Online Learning and EvaluationDirectorPresent
New York Health Economics Faculty with Sherry Glied, Chair of the Department of Health Policy and Management at the Mailman School of Public Health at Columbia UniversityCommittee ChairPresent
Center for Teaching and Learning Advisory CommitteeCommittee MemberPresent
College Academic Review CommitteeAttendee, Meeting8/25/2024
Zicklin Executive CommitteeCommittee Chair8/25/2024
Hybrid Online at Baruch Advisory Council (HOBAC)Committee Member9/1/2022
School Academic Review CommitteeCommittee Chair8/25/2022
Hybrid/Online Instruction Working Group 8/28/2021
Zicklin Executive CommitteeCommittee Member8/31/2020
Zicklin Strategic Planning Committee--TechnologyCommittee Member4/12/2018
College Promotion and Budget CommitteeCommittee Member8/31/2016
Baurch College Personnel and Budget Committee, College Attendee, Meeting8/25/2016
Dean's Ad Hoc Committee on Executive EducationCommittee Member3/21/2016
Search Committee for Dean of the Zicklin School of BusinessCommittee Member6/30/2014
Zicklin Schol of Business Dean SearchCommittee Member2/20/2014
Baruch/Mount Sinai MBA Program in Health Care AdministrationAcademic Director6/30/2012
Steering Committee, Baruch/Mount Sinai MBA Program in Health Care AdministrationCommittee Chair6/30/2012
President's Taskforce on Teaching ExcellenceCo-Chair6/30/2011
Search Committee, Economic Demography, part of the CUNY Cluster InitiativeCommittee Chair3/31/2008
Search Committee for the Director of the Baruch Demography Center12/31/2007
Committee to Propose Revitalization of Economics12/31/2007
Economics Search Committee6/30/2006
Successfully directed the re-accreditation (5-years) of the Baruch/Mt Sinai MBA in Health Care Administration from the Commission on Accreditation of Healthcare Management Education9/30/2005
Dean’s Search Committee for School of Public AffairsCo-Chair5/31/2005
Freshman Text Selection CommitteeCommittee Member12/31/2004
Recruitment of Honors Students ProgramGuest Lecturer12/31/2004
Economics and Finance DepartmentAuthor of the self-study report for the Economics wing of the Economics and Finance Department (Summer 2004)8/21/2004
Fiscal Agency and Overhead Recovery Task Force5/31/2004
Volunteered to have large introductory lecture video streamed to all students taking ECO 1001 12/31/2003
Recruitment of Honors Students ProgramGuest Lecturer12/31/2003
Search Committee for position in Labor/Health EconomicsCommittee Chair12/31/2003
Recruitment of Honors Students ProgramGuest Lecturer12/31/2003
Dean’s Taskforce on ResearchChair5/31/2003
Coordinator of Econometrics Sequence12/31/2002
Search Committee for Dean of the Zicklin School of BusinessCommittee Member12/31/2002
Search Committee for Director of Sponsored ResearchCommittee Member12/31/2001
Graduate Curriculum CommitteeCommittee Member12/31/1999
Steering Committee, Baruch/Mount Sinai MBA Program in Health Care AdministrationCommittee Member12/31/1996


Committee NamePosition RoleStart DateEnd Date
Dissertation Committee--Beila LeboeufCommittee Member8/1/20174/30/2019
Dissertation Committee--Jessica PeckCommittee Member8/1/20168/31/2018
Dissertation Committee--Morgan WilliamsCommittee Member8/1/20155/31/2018
Dissertation Committee for Paloma MoyanoCommittee Chair1/1/20164/24/2018
Dissertation Chair for Liza FuentesCommittee Chair2/1/20129/10/2016
Dissertation Chair for Onur AltindagCommittee Chair8/1/20135/31/2016
Dissertation Committee--Stephen O'ConnellCommittee Member8/1/20145/31/2016
Executive Committee, Ph.D. Program in EconomicsCommittee Member1/1/200012/31/2013
Executive Committee, EconomicsCommittee Member1/1/20046/30/2013
Dissertation Chair for Ruding TanCommittee Chair9/1/20115/31/2013
Dissertation CommiteeCommittee Chair1/1/20125/30/2013
Dissertation Committee for Ryan EdwardsCommittee Chair1/1/20099/13/2010
Dissertation Supervision-Silvie Colman, currentCommittee Chair1/1/20056/1/2009
Dissertation Supervision- Cristina Yunzal, currentCommittee Chair1/1/20062/1/2008
PSC-CUNY Grant Committee for Economics, Finance and AccountancyCommittee Member11/1/200212/31/2003
PSC-CUNY Grant Committee for Economics, Finance and Accountancy11/1/200212/31/2003
Dissertation Supervision- Deniz OznenbasCommittee Member12/31/2002
Dissertation Supervision- Gregory ColmanCommittee Chair12/31/2002
Dissertation Supervision- Won Chan LeeCommittee Member12/31/2001
Dissertation Supervision- Diane NaplesCommittee Member12/31/1999


OrganizationPosition RoleOrganization StateOrganization CountryStart DateEnd DateAudience
American Economic Association, Health Economics Research Association, Population Association of America, Association for Public Policy Analysis and ManagementMember9/1/2000Present
American Economic Review, Journal of Health Economics, Journal of Legal Studies, Health Services Research, Quarterly Journal of Economics, Journal of Developmental Economics, Review of Economics and Statistics, Journal of Policy Analysis and Management, Demography, Journal of Human Resources, Medical Care American Journal of Public Health, Health Affairs, Inquiry Perspectives on Sexual and Reproductive Health, Social Science and Medicine, Journal of the American Medical Association, Journal of Development Economics, Journal of Population Economics, Oxford University Press, Bepress Journals in Economic Policy, Quarterly Journal of Economics, American Economic Journal--Applied Economics, American Economic Journal --Economic Policy,Journal of Human Resources, Review of Economics and Statistics, Demography, Referee9/1/1990Present
Journal of Policy Analysis and ManagementEditor, Associate EditorConnecticut United States3/1/201610/31/2018
Journal of Policy Analysis and ManagementEditor, Associate Editor9/1/20076/1/2010
Editorial Advisory Committee, Perspectives on Sexual and Reproductive HealthCommittee Member1/1/200112/31/2008


OrganizationPosition RoleOrganization StateOrganization CountryStart DateEnd DateAudience
American Economic Association MemberPresent
American Economic Review, Journal of Health Economics, Journal of Legal Studies, Health Services Research, Quarterly Journal of EconomicsRefereePresent
Perspectives on Sexual and Reproductive HealthEditorial Advisory Committe 1/1/2001Present
Journal of Policy Analysis and ManagementCo-Editor1/1/2007Present
Health Economics Research Association MemberPresent