Thomas Teufel

Assc Professor

Weissman School of Arts and Sciences

Department: Philosophy

Areas of expertise:

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Ph.D., Philosophy, Harvard University

M.A., Philosophy, The Univ. of Western Ontario

Zwischenprüfung, Philosophy, Political Science, Heinrich Heine Universität Düsseldorf Düsseldorf Germany

SemesterCourse PrefixCourse NumberCourse Name
Spring 2024PHI3145Nineteenth Century Philosophy
Fall 2023PHI3140Modern European Philosophy
Fall 2023PHI1500Major Issues in Philosophy
Fall 2023PHIL79100MA Capstone
Fall 2022PHI1500Major Issues in Philosophy
Spring 2022PHI3145Nineteenth Century Philosophy
Fall 2021PHI3140Modern European Philosophy
Fall 2021PHI1500Major Issues in Philosophy
Spring 2021PHIL76000ST: the History of Philosophy
Spring 2021PHI4900Special Topics in Philosophy
Fall 2020PHI3140Modern European Philosophy
Spring 2018PHI6002HHonors - Philosophy Honors II
Fall 2017PHI6001HHonors - Philosophy I
Spring 2016PHI1500Major Issues in Philosophy
Spring 2016PHI1500Major Issues in Philosophy
Spring 2016PHI3145Nineteenth Century Philosophy
Fall 2015PHI3140Modern European Philosophy
Fall 2015PHI1500Major Issues in Philosophy
Fall 2015PHI1500Major Issues in Philosophy
Spring 2015PHI1500Major Issues in Philosophy
Spring 2015PHI3145Nineteenth Century Philosophy
Spring 2015IDC4050HHon Feit Hum Sem I
Fall 2014PHI3140Modern European Philosophy
Fall 2014PHIL76100Kant's Critique Power of Judgm
Fall 2014PHI1500Major Issues in Philosophy
Spring 2014PHI6002HHonors - Philosophy Honors II
Spring 2014PHI3145Nineteenth Century Philosophy
Spring 2014PHI1500Major Issues in Philosophy
Fall 2013PHI6001HHonors - Philosophy I
Fall 2013PHI3140Modern European Philosophy
Fall 2013PHI1500Major Issues in Philosophy
Spring 2013PHI3145Nineteenth Century Philosophy
Fall 2012PHI1500Major Issues in Philosophy
Fall 2012PHI3140Modern European Philosophy
Spring 2012PHI1500Major Issues in Philosophy
Spring 2012PHI3145Nineteenth Century Philosophy
Spring 2011PHI1500Major Issues in Philosophy
Spring 2011PHI3145Nineteenth Century Philosophy
Fall 2010PHI1500Major Issues in Philosophy
Fall 2010PHI1700HHonors - Global Ethics
Spring 2010PHI1500HHon Maj Issues PHI
Spring 2010PHI3240Philosophy of Art
Spring 2010PHI5000Independent Study PHI I
Fall 2009PHI3140Modern European Philosophy
Fall 2009PHI1500Major Issues in Philosophy
Spring 2008PHI1700HHonors - Global Ethics
Spring 2008PHI1500Major Issues in Philosophy
Spring 2008PHI4905Capstone:Metaphy/Epistemology
Fall 2007PHI3240Philosophy of Art
Fall 2007PHI1500Major Issues in Philosophy
Spring 2007PHI1500Major Issues in Philosophy
Spring 2007PHI1500HHon Maj Issues PHI
Spring 2007PHI1500Major Issues in Philosophy
Fall 2006PHI1500Major Issues in Philosophy
Fall 2006PHI1500Major Issues in Philosophy
Fall 2006PHI1500Major Issues in Philosophy


Teufel, T. (2024). Kant and Teleology. Cambridge University Press.

Teufel, T. (2019). "Kant's Teleology". (p. 120 pp.). Cambridge University Press. In Progress.

Journal Articles

Teufel, T. (2012). "What does Kant mean by Power of Judgment in his 'Critique of the Power of Judgment'?". Kantian Review, 17(2). 297-326.

Teufel, T. (2012). "Regulativity in Kant". Archiv für Geschichte der Philosophie,

Teufel, T. (2011). "Wholes that Cause their Parts: Self-Reproduction and the Reality of Teleological Properties". Studies in History and Philosophy of Biology and Biomedical Sciences , 42(2). 252-260.

Teufel, T. (2011). "What is the Problem of Teleology in Kant's 'Critique of the Teleological Power of Judgment'?". SATS: Northern European Journal of Philosophy, 12(2). 198-236.

Teufel, T. (2011). "Kant's Non-Teleological Conception of Purposiveness" . Kant Studien, 102(2). 232-252.

Teufel, T. (2011). "Kant's Sensationist Conception of Particularity in the 'Critique of the (Reflecting) Power of Judgment'". Kant Studies Online , (KSO '11). 54-104.

Book Chapters

Teufel, T. (2020). Stanley Cavell and the Critique of the Linguistic Power of Judgment. In Marino, S., & Terzi, P. (Eds.), Kant’s 'Critique of Aesthetic Judgment' in the 20th Century: A Companion to its Main Interpretations (pp. 301-314). De Gruyter.

Teufel, T. (2019). "Teleological Power of Judgment: Dialectic". In Baiasu, S., & Timmons, M. (Eds.), The Kantian Mind (pp. 47-61). Routledge.

Teufel, T. (2017). "Kant's Transcendental Principle of Purposiveness and the 'Maxim of the Lawfulness of Empirical Laws'". In Massimi, M., & Breitenbach, A. (Eds.), Kant and the Laws of Nature (pp. 108-127). Cambridge University Press.

Teufel, T. (2014). "The Impossibility of a Newton of the Blade of Grass in Kant’s Teleology". In Smith, J., & Nachtomy, O. (Eds.), The Life Sciences in Early Modern Philosophy (pp. 47-61). Oxford University Press.

Teufel, T. (2008). "Pruderie Prussienne et Romantisme Autrichienne, Pensées Kantienne sur l’Esthétique selon Wittgenstein". In Bouton, C., Brugere, F., & Lavaud, C. (Eds.), L’Année 1790. Kant, Critique de la faculté de juger. Beauté, vie , liberté (pp. 271-281). Paris. Vrin.


Teufel, T. The Antinomy of the Power of Judgment. Chicago Area Consortium in German Philosophy. Loyola University

Teufel, T. 'Critical Dogmatism' Or: Why we need a Critique of the Power of Judgment . University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign, Department of Philosophy, Speaker Series. University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign: Department of Philosophy.

Teufel, T. (2018, December 31). Comments on Sasha Mudd 'Rethinking the Priority of the Practical in Kant'. Fordham Kant Seminar. New York, NY: Fordham University.

Teufel, T. (2018, December 31). 'Much that is Unnameable' in Nature and in Art: Kant's Doctrine of Aesthetic Ideas. XII International Kant Congress. Vienna, Austria

Teufel, T. (2017, December 31). Analytic and Dialectic of the Teleological Power of Judgment. Princeton, NJ: Princeton University.

Teufel, T. (2016, December 31). Comments on Matthew Coate 'On Ugliness or the Absolute Lack of Purpose'. APA Eastern Division Meeting. Washington, D.C.: American Philosophical Association.

Teufel, T. (2013, December 31). Merely Mechanistic Laws: Causal Mechanism and Kant's Antinomy of the Teleological Power of Judgment. XI International Kant Congress. Pisa, Italy

Teufel, T. (2012, December 31). What is the Problem of Teleology in Kant's 'Critique of the Teleological Power of Judgment'?. Princeton, NJ: Princeton University.

Teufel, T. (2011, December 31). Kant's §§ 76-7. Kant's Teleology Workshop. Colchester, VT: St. Michael's College.

Teufel, T. (2009, December 31). Commentator, Miller, J. Reflective Judgments and Reflexive Truth. American Society for Aesthetics, Annual Meeting. Denver, CO: American Society for Aesthetics.

Teufel, T. (2009, December 31). Wholes that Cause their Parts. CUNY GC Philosophy Colloquium Series. New York, NY: Department of Philosophy, CUNY Graduate Center.

Teufel, T. (2009, December 31). Teleology in Kant's Critique of the Power of Judgment. Ithaca, New York: Cornell University, Sage School of Philosophy.

Teufel, T. (2009, December 31). Naturalizing Final Causes: Kant and Darwin on the Teleology of Nature. 'Darwin's Reach: A Celebration of Darwin's Legacy Across the Disciplines'. Darwin’s Reach: A Celebration of Darwin’s Legacy Across the Disciplines. New York: Hofstra University.

Teufel, T. (2008, December 31). Commentator on Gorodeisky, K. Kant on the Normativity of Aesthetic Judgment and Love. American Society for Aesthetics, Annual Meeting. Northampton, MA: American Society For Aesthetics.

Teufel, T. (2008, December 31). Commentator on Kalar, B. Kant on A Priori and Empirical Aesthetic Theory. American Society for Aesthetics, Annual Meeting. Northampton, MA

Teufel, T. (2008, December 31). The Introduction(s) to Kant's Critique of the Power of Judgment.. New Jersey: Philosophy Department, Princeton University.

Teufel, T. (2008, December 31). . The Legacy of Kant II: The Fate of Kant in an Age of Crisis 1918-1945. Ithaca, NY: Cornell University.

Teufel, T. (2006, December 31). Kant's Principle of Purposiveness: Realism's 'Neglected Alternative'. Colloque intermediaire de la Societe d'Etudes Kantiennes de Langue francaise. Bordeaux, France: Universite Michel de Montaigne.

Teufel, T. (2005, December 31). Prussian Prude and Austrian Romantic, A Kantian Response to Wittgenstein's Aesthetics. Colloquium Series. University of Chicago, IL: Morris Fishbein Center for the History of Science and Medicine.

Teufel, T. (2005, December 31). Affinity and Purposiveness in Kant's Critical Philosophy. Colloquium Series. Chicago, IL: Illinois Institute of Technology.

Teufel, T. (2004, December 31). The That and the Why of Design. Colloquium Series. Chicago, IL: Illinois Institute of Technology.

Other Scholarly Works

Teufel, T., & Wuerth, J. (2017). "Power of Judgment". Cambridge Kant Lexicon. 4; 2100 words.

Teufel, T., & Wuerth, J. (2014). "Aesthetic Idea". Cambridge Kant Lexicon. 2; 1250 words.

Teufel, T., Hohendahl, P. U., & Kosch, M. (2012). Back to Kant III: The Fate of Kant after 1945. 43.3

Teufel, T., Hohendahl, P., & Gilgen, P. (2010). Back to Kant II: The Fate of Kant in a Time of Crisis. 41.1&2

Teufel, T., Chignell, A., & Irwin, T. (2008). Back to Kant: Neo-Kantianism and Its Relevance Today. 39.2

Teufel, T., & Parsons, C. (2003). "The Gödel-Günther Correspondence" in The Collected Works of Kurt Godel. 4476-535.

Teufel, T. (1999). Depicting Photography: The Art of Steinar Jakobson.

Teufel, T., Lariviere, A., & Easton, P. A. (1997). "Early Modern Logic Bibliography.”. Logic and the Workings of the Mind. The Logic of Ideas and Faculty Psychology in Early Modern Philosophy. 5319-328.


Teufel, T. (2016,January 1). Kantian Conceptual Geography. The Philosophical Forum.

Teufel, T. (2016,January 1). The Normativity of Nature. Jahrbuch des deutschen Idealismus.

Teufel, T. (2015,January 1). Kant's Organicism. HOPOS.

Teufel, T. (2014,January 1). Die Postulate Des Empirischen Denkens Überhaupt. Critique.

Teufel, T. (2009,January 1). The Cambridge Companion to The Origin of Species. Greece: Philosophical Inquiry.

Teufel, T. (2002,January 1). Douglas Burnham: ‘An Introduction to the Critique of Judgment”. U.K.: British Journal of Aesthetics.

Teufel, T. (2001,January 1). Christian Wenzel: ‘Das Problem der Subjektiven Allgemeingültigkeit des Geschmacksurteils bei Kant. U.K.: British Journal of Aesthetics, Oxford University Press.

Research Currently in Progess

Teufel, T.(n.d.). Duchamp's Fountain and Aesthetic Ideas. In Progress.

12 pp. Ongoing.

TitleFunding Agency SponsorStart DateEnd DateAwarded DateTotal FundingStatus
Merely Mechanistic Laws: Causal Mechanism and Kant's Antinomy of the Teleological Power of JudgmentPSC-CUNY 4107/01/201006/30/20113990Completed
Kant and Darwin on Naturalizing TeleologyPSC-CUNY 4007/01/200906/30/20102000Completed
Kant's Notion of 'Reflecting' in the 'Critque of the Power of Judgment'PSC-CUNY 3907/01/200812/31/20094210Completed
Kant's Principle of Purposiveness RevisitedPSC-CUNY 3807/01/200706/30/20086000Completed
Honor / AwardOrganization SponsorDate ReceivedDescription
Mrs. Giles Whiting FellowshipBaruch College2008
Fay Horton Sawyier Pre-Doctoral FellowshipIIT2005
Fay Horton Sawyier Pre-Doctoral FellowshipIIT2004
Richard M. Martin Prize FellowshipHarvard University2001Merit Fellowship, Department of Philosophy
Graduate Society Term Time FellowshipHarvard University2000Complete dissertation fellowship in the faculty of arts and sciences
Harvard University Tuition ScholarshipHarvard University2000
DAAD North America Scholarship1998German Academic Exchange Service
Ontario Graduate Scholarhip1995declined
Exchange ScholarshipUniversity of Wetern Ontario19941992-1994
Social Sciences essay contest, first prizeUniversity of Western Ontario1992


Committee NamePosition RoleStart DateEnd Date
Presidential Research Reassigned Time Task Force Committee MemberPresent
WSAS Graduate Affairs CommitteeCommittee MemberPresent
Strategic Plan Implementation CommitteeCommittee MemberPresent
Freshman Text CommitteeCommittee MemberPresent
WSAS Assessment CommitteeCommittee ChairPresent
Joint Committee on Curriculum and ArticulationCommittee MemberPresent
WSAS Personnell and Budget CommitteeCommittee MemberPresent
WSAS Undergraduate Curriculum CommitteeCommittee MemberPresent
Executive CommitteeCommittee ChairPresent
Assessment CommitteeCommittee ChairPresent
Strategic Planning Steering CommitteeCommittee Member12/31/2018
MSCHE Monitoring Report Steering CommitteeCommittee Member12/31/2017
COACHE Analysis Committee12/31/2016
Assessment Director Search Committee12/31/2016
Executive CommitteeCommittee Member12/31/2016
ZSB Ethics CommitteeWSAS Observer12/31/2016
WSAS Undergraduate Curriculum CommitteeCommittee Member12/31/2009
WSAS Undergraduate Curriculum Committee, Assessment Sub-Committee Committee Member12/31/2009
Financial Aid Committee12/31/2006


Committee NamePosition RoleStart DateEnd Date
Philosophy Program Colloquium CommitteeCommittee Chair1/1/2016Present
Qualifying PaperFaculty Advisor1/1/2015Present
Dissertation Committee Committee Member1/1/2010Present
Philosophy Program Executive CommitteeCommittee Member1/1/201612/31/2017
Graduate AdmissionsCommittee Member1/1/201512/31/2016


OrganizationPosition RoleOrganization StateOrganization CountryStart DateEnd DateAudience
British Journal of the History of PhilosophyReviewer, Journal Article1/1/2018Present
Cambridge University PressReviewer, Book1/1/2018Present
European Journal of PhilosophyReviewer, Journal Article1/1/2018Present
SyntheseReviewer, Journal Article1/1/2018Present
RoutledgeReviewer, Book1/1/2017Present
BloomsburyReviewer, Book1/1/2016Present
DialogueReviewer, Journal Article1/1/2015Present
European Journal of Political TheoryReviewer, Journal Article1/1/2015Present
Journal of Social PhilosophyReviewer, Journal Article1/1/2015Present
History of Philosophy QuarterlyReviewer, Journal Article1/1/2013Present
Journal of Aesthetics and Art CriticismReviewer, Journal Article1/1/2011Present
Kantian ReviewReviewer, Journal Article1/1/2011Present
The Philosophical Forum1/1/2007Present
Kant Studies OnlineReviewer, Journal Article1/1/201112/31/2015