Till Weber

Till Weber


Weissman School of Arts and Sciences

Department: Political Science

Areas of expertise: Comparative democracy, Quantitative methods

Email Address: till.weber@baruch.cuny.edu

Prof. Till Weber studies democratic politics in comparative perspective. Among his regular courses are Research Skills in Political Science (POL 3000) and European Political Systems (POL 3362). He is also happy to advise students interested in writing an Honors Thesis (POL 6001-2H) or conducting an Independent Study (POL 5000). Beyond Baruch, Prof. Weber teaches Applied Quantitative Research at CUNY’s Graduate Center. Most of his free time is absorbed by a case study of unicorn migration.


Ph.D., Political and Social Sciences, European University Institute

M.Res., Political and Social Sciences, European University Institute

Dipl.-Pol. (B.A.+M.A.), Political Science, Free University of Berlin

Journal Articles

Grotz, F., & Weber, T. (2024). Prime Ministers and Party System Stability in Postcommunist Democracies. World Politics, in press.

Casal Bértoa, F., & Weber, T. (2024). Presidential Elections and European Party Systems (1848-2020). British Journal of Political Science, 54(3). 874-891.

Weber, T. (2024). Voice and Balancing in US Congressional Elections. Perspectives on Politics, 22(1). 229-246.

Angelucci, D., De Sio, L., Di Cocco, J., & Weber, T. (2024). Roads to Rome: How Visions of Elitism and Pluralism Shake Up the Goal Repertoire of Electoral Competition. Italian Political Science Review, in press.

Diehl, P., & Weber, T. (Eds.). (2022). Populism Symposium: Complex Concepts and Innovative Methods. Polity, 54(3). 503-564.

Weber, T. (2022). Quantitative Populism: Of Shapes and Shades. Polity, 54(3). 519-528.

Diehl, P., & Weber, T. (2022). Introduction to the Populism Symposium. Polity, 54(3). 503-508.

Weber, T. (2021). Negative Voting and Party Polarization: A Classic Tragedy. Electoral Studies, 71. 102335.

De Sio, L., & Weber, T. (2020). Issue Yield, Campaign Communication, and Electoral Performance: A Six-country Comparative Analysis. West European Politics, 43(3). 720-745.

Weber, T. (2020). Discreet Inequality: How Party Agendas Embrace Privileged Interests. Comparative Political Studies, 53(10-11). 1767-1797.

Casal Bértoa, F., & Weber, T. (2019). Restrained Change: Party Systems in Times of Economic Crisis. Journal of Politics, 81(1). 233-245.

van Spanje, J., & Weber, T. (2019). Does Ostracism Affect Party Support? Comparative Lessons and Experimental Evidence. Party Politics, 25(6). 745-758.

Vössing, K., & Weber, T. (2019). Information Behavior and Political Preferences. British Journal of Political Science, 49(2). 533-556.

Parsons, C., & Weber, T. (2019). Parties, Pluralism and the “Crisis” in American Representation. Chinese Political Science Review, 4(2). 200-220.

Götz, A., Grotz, F., & Weber, T. (2018). Party Government and Administrative Reform: Evidence from the German Länder. Administration & Society, 50(6). 778-811.

Weber, T., & Franklin, M. N. (2018). A Behavioral Theory of Electoral Structure. Political Behavior, 40(4). 831-856.

Grotz, F., & Weber, T. (2016). New Parties, Information Uncertainty, and Government Formation: Evidence from Central and Eastern Europe. European Political Science Review, 8(3). 449-472.

Weber, T., & Parsons, C. (2016). Dynamic Party Unity: The US Congress in Comparative Perspective. European Political Science Review, 8(4). 637-662.

De Sio, L., Franklin, M. N., & Weber, T. (2016). The Risks and Opportunities of Europe: How 'Issue Yield' Explains (Non-)Reactions to the Financial Crisis. Electoral Studies, 44. 483-491.

Weber, T. (2015). Synergy in Spatial Models of Voting: How Critical Cases Show that 'Proximity', 'Direction' and 'Discounting' are Friends, not Foes. Journal of Elections, Public Opinion and Parties, 25(4). 504-529.

De Sio, L., & Weber, T. (2014). Issue Yield: A Model of Party Strategy in Multidimensional Space. American Political Science Review, 108(4). 870-885.

Grotz, F., & Weber, T. (2012). Party Systems and Government Stability in Central and Eastern Europe. World Politics, 64(4). 699-740.

Weber, T. (2011). Exit, Voice, and Cyclicality: A Micro-logic of Midterm Effects in European Parliament Elections. American Journal of Political Science, 55(4). 907-922.

Vassil, K., & Weber, T. (2011). A Bottleneck Model of E-voting: Why Technology Fails to Boost Turnout. New Media & Society, 13(8). 1336-1354.

Parsons, C., & Weber, T. (2011). Cross-cutting Issues and Party Strategy in the European Union. Comparative Political Studies, 44(4). 383-411.

Weber, T. (2009). When the Cat Is Away the Mice Will Play: Why Elections to the European Parliament Are About Europe After All. Politique Européenne, 28. 53-71.

Weber, T. (2007). Campaign Effects and Second-order Cycles: A Top-down Approach to European Parliament Elections. European Union Politics, 8(4). 509-536.

Book Chapters

Weber, T. (2024). Policy Issues and Vote Choice: Of the Tragic Quest for the Lesser Evil [in German: Sachfragen und Wahlentscheidung: Von der tragischen Suche nach dem geringsten Übel]. In Schoen, H., & Weßels, B. (Eds.), Wahlen und Wähler. Analysen aus Anlass der Bundestagswahl 2021 (pp. 233-256). Wiesbaden. Springer VS.

Weber, T. (2023). Populism by the Numbers? Toward a Quantitative Morphology. In Diehl, P., & Bargetz, B. (Eds.), The Complexity of Populism: New Approaches and Methods (pp. 178-195). London. Routledge.

Weber, T. (2021). Agenda Setting, Social Structure and Vote Potentials [in German: Themensetzung, Bevölkerungsstruktur und Stimmenpotenziale]. In Weßels, B., & Schoen, H. (Eds.), Wahlen und Wähler. Analysen aus Anlass der Bundestagswahl 2017 (pp. 163-178). Wiesbaden. Springer VS.

De Sio, L., & Weber, T. (2021). The Proof of the Pudding: Issue Yield at the Ballot Box. In De Sio, L., & Lachat, R. (Eds.), Conflict Mobilisation or Problem-solving? Issue Competition in Western Europe (pp. 212-238). London. Routledge.

Grotz, F., & Weber, T. (2017). Prime Ministerial Tenure in Central and Eastern Europe: The Role of Party Leadership and Cabinet Experience. In Harfst, P., Kubbe, I., & Poguntke, T. (Eds.), Parties, Governments and Elites: The Comparative Study of Democracy (pp. 229-248). Baden-Baden. Nomos.

Grotz, F., & Weber, T. (2016). Electoral Systems and Seat Distribution in the European Parliament [in German: Wahlsysteme und Sitzverteilung im Europäischen Parlament]. In Schoen, H., & Weßels, B. (Eds.), Wahlen und Wähler. Analysen aus Anlass der Bundestagswahl 2013 (pp. 493-515). Wiesbaden. Springer VS.

Vössing, K., & Weber, T. (2016). The Company Makes the Feast: Party Constellations, Campaign Context and Issue Voting in Multi-party Systems. In Blais, A., Laslier, J., & Van der Straeten, K. (Eds.), Voting Experiments (pp. 43-66). New York. Springer.

Grotz, F., & Weber, T. (2013). Normal or Special Actors of Coalition Politics? Government Participation of New Parties in Central and Eastern Europe [in German: Normale oder Besondere Akteure der Koalitionspolitik? Die Regierungsbeteiligung Neuer Parteien in Mittel- und Osteuropa]. In Decker, F., & Jesse, E. (Eds.), Die deutsche Koalitionsdemokratie vor der Bundestagswahl 2013 (pp. 521-541). Baden-Baden. Nomos.

Grotz, F., & Weber, T. (2011). Government Coalitions: Formation and Durability [in German: Regierungskoalitionen: Bildung und Dauerhaftigkeit]. In Grotz, F., & Müller-Rommel, F. (Eds.), Regierungssysteme in Mittel- und Osteuropa: Die neuen EU-Staaten im Vergleich (pp. 194-216). Wiesbaden. VS.

Franklin, M. N., & Weber, T. (2010). American Electoral Practices in Comparative Perspective. In Leighley, J. E. (Ed.), The Oxford Handbook of American Elections and Political Behavior (pp. 667-684). Oxford. Oxford University Press.

Grotz, F., & Weber, T. (2010). Coalition Structures and Coalition Stability in Central and Eastern Europe: An International Comparison [in German: Koalitionsstrukturen und Koalitionsstabilität in Mittel- und Osteuropa: Ein internationaler Vergleich]. In Schrenk, K., & Soldner, M. (Eds.), Analyse demokratischer Regierungssysteme (pp. 525-543). Wiesbaden. VS.

Weber, T. (2009). Mode Effects and Sample Bias. In Schmitt, H., Loveless, M., Adam, S., & Braun, D. (Eds.), European Election Study 2004. Design, Data Description and Documentation (pp. 10-13). Mannheim. MZES.

Other Scholarly Works

Weber, T. (2021). How Centrist Voters Pull the President’s Party back towards Moderation at Midterm Elections. LSE USAPP Blog.

Corn, C., & Weber, T. (2019). Cuny presents a paper (on "Discreet Inequality"). Cuny's Corner Blog.

Weber, T., & Franklin, M. N. (2017). A Behavioral Theory of Electoral Structure. Political Behavior Blog.