Timothy Aubry


Weissman School of Arts and Sciences

Department: English

Areas of expertise:

Email Address: timothy.aubry@baruch.cuny.edu

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Ph.D., English, Princeton University

M.A., English, Princeton University

B.A., Eng/Philosophy, Amherst College


Aubry, T. (2018). Guilty Aesthetic Pleasures. Cambridge, MA, Harvard University Press.

Aubry, T., & Travis, editors., T. (2015). Rethinking Therapeutic Culture. (p. 278 pgs). Chicago, University of Chicago Press.

Aubry, T. (2011). Reading as Therapy: What Contemporary Fiction Does for Middle-Class Americans. (p. 254 pgs). Iowa City, Iowa, University of Iowa Press.

Journal Articles

(2023). Therapy in Public: Lionel Trilling and the Power of Neurosis. In Progress.

(2022). Risking Embarrassment: An Interview with Timothy Aubry. The Point Magazine,

Aubry, T. (2021). Form contra Aesthetics. Post45. , 15 pgs..

Aubry, T. (2020). Faces in the Crowd. The Point Magazine,

Aubry, T. (2020). In Defense of Longing. The Point Magazine,

Aubry, T. (2020). Nonessential Work. The Point Magazine,

Aubry, T. (2018). Should Studying Literature Be Fun?. The Chronicle Review,

Aubry, T. (2016). Why is Beloved so Universally Beloved? Uncovering our Hidden Aesthetic Criteria. Criticism: A Quarterly, 58. 484-506.

Aubry, T. (2015). The Discipline of Feeling: The New Critics and the Struggle for Academic Legitimacy. REAL: Yearbook of Research in English and American Literature, 31. 127-140.

Aubry, T. (2014). A Matter of Life and Death. The Point Magazine,

Aubry, T. (2014). Humanities, Inc. . American Studies , 53. 5-29 (peer-reviewed).

Aubry, T. (2012). Sizing Up Oprah. The Point Magazine,

Aubry, T. (2009). Afghanistan Meets the Amazon: Reading The Kite Runner in America. PMLA, 124. 25-43.

(2009). Textual Bulimia: Fear of Flying and the Politics of Middlebrow Consumption. The Journal of Popular Culture, 42. 419-441.

(2008). Middlebrow Aesthetics and the Psychological: The Politics of Interiority in The Pilot's Wife. Contemporary Literature, 49. 85-110.

(2007). The Pain of Reading A Million Little Pieces: The James Frey Controversy and the Dismal Truth. Auto/Biography Studies, 22. 155-180.

(2006). Beware the Furrow of the Middlebrow: Searching for Paradise on The Oprah Winfrey Show. Modern Fiction Studies, 52. 350-373.

(2003). John Cheever and the Management of Middlebrow Misery. Iowa Journal of Cultural Studies, 3. 64-83.

(2001). White Noise Generation. Critical Matrix, 12. 148-73.

Book Chapters

Aubry, T., & Travis, T. (2015). Rethinking Therapeutic Culture: Introduction. Rethinking Therapeutic Culture (pp. 1-23). Chicago, IL,USA. University of Chicago Press.

Aubry, T. (2014). A Matter of Life and Death. Best American Essays 2014 (p. 4 pgs). New York. Houghton Mifflin Harcourt.

Aubry, T. (2008). Beware the Furrow of the Middlebrow: Searching for Toni Morrison's Paradise on The Oprah Winfrey Show. The Oprah Affect (pp. 163-187, reprint of article published originally in Modern Fiction Studies). SUNY Press.

(2008). Selfless Cravings: Addiction and Recovery in David Foster Wallace's Infinite Jest. American Fiction of the 1990s (pp. 206-219). London,England. Routledge.


Aubry, T. (2024, October 3). Playing in the Light: Hurston and the Desires of White Readers. Annual Meeting. : Modernist Studies Association.

Aubry, T. (2024, June 3). Therapy in Public: Lionel Trilling and the Power of Neurosis. American Literature and Therapeutic Cultures. Grenoble, France: University of Grenoble.

Aubry, T. (2024, October 3). Academish: Lionel Trilling and the Myth of the Midcentury Public Intellectual. Modernist Studies Association Annual Conference. Portland, Oregon: Modernist Studies Association.

Ramdass, H. N., Aubry, T., Mosher, M. A., & Schreiber, C. F. (2024, November 3). Professional Development and Organizational Equity: Building a Mentorship Program for Adjuncts on the Job Market. CUNY Professional Development Conference. Virtual: CUNY.

Aubry, T. (2024, October 3). Academish: Lionel Trilling and the Myth of the Midcentury Public Intellectual. Annual Meeting. Portland, Oregon: Modernist Studies Association.

Aubry, T. (2020, February 20). The Humanities!. Invited Talk. : East Carolina University English Department.

Aubry, T. (2019, June 30). The Aesthetic As Such. Annual Conference. Chicago: Modern Language Association.

Aubry, T. (2019, September 30). Form contra Aesthetics. Annual Meeting. Notre Dame, Indiana: Post45.

Aubry, T. (2018, October 31). The Republic of Spirit. Annual Meeting. New Orleans: Association for the Study of the Arts of the Present.

Aubry, T. (2018, March 31). Unknowable Quantities: Distant Reading and the Future of Literary Studies. Annual Meeting. Los Angeles: American Comparative Literature Association Annual Meeting.

Aubry, T. (2017, March 31). Guilty Pleasures, or, How the New Critics Made Us All Closet Aesthetes. Annual Convention. Baltimore: New England Modern Language Association.

Aubry, T. (2016, March 18). The Aesthetics of the Archive. Annual Meeting. Boston, MA: American Comparative Literature Association.

Aubry, T. (2013, June 23). The New Critic as Therapist: Poetry and the Organization of Feeling. Acquired Taste: Reading and the Uses of Literature in the Age of Academic Literary Studies. Heidelberg, Germany: Heidelberg University.

Aubry, T. (2012, November 15). The Scandal of Aesthetic Judgment, or, Why is Beloved so Universally Beloved?. Modernism and Twentieth Century Studies Group, Works-in-Progress Series. Philadelphia, PA: University of Pennsylvania.

Aubry, T. (2009, November 30). Rethinking the Therapeutic Paradigm. Annual Conference. Washington, D.C.: American Studies Association.

Aubry, T. (2008, May 31). Flying Kites in the Amazon: Khaled Hosseini's The Kite Runner and the U.S War on Terror. Annual Conference. San Francisco: American Literature Association.

Aubry, T. (2007, April 30). The Contemporary Male: 'New' Man, Gentleman, Bastard. Joint Conference. : National Popular Culture and American Culture Associations.

Aubry, T. (2006, April 30). Seeking Paradise on The Oprah Winfrey Show. Joint Conference. : National Popular Culture and American Culture Associations.

Aubry, T. (2006, March 31). The Politics of Interiority in The Pilot's Wife. Annual Cultural Studies Conference: Privacy (and Secrecy). : Kansas State University.

Aubry, T. (2004, April 30). One Day at a Time: Strategies for Reading Infinite Jest. Lecture Series. : CUNY Graduate Center.

Aubry, T. (2003, April 30). Texual Bulimia: Erica Jong and the Feminist Politics of Consumption. Graduate English Association Conference. : Fordham University.

Aubry, T. (2002, April 30). How to Succeed in Suburbia by Reading John Cheever. (Dis)Junctions. Riverside: University of California.

Other Scholarly Works

Aubry, T. (2008). The Catcher in the Rye: The Voice of Alienation. 3 pgs.


Aubry, T. (1970,January 1). Matthew Rubery, Reader's Block: A History of Reading Differences. American Literary History Online.

Aubry, T. (1970,January 1). When Ignorance is a Virtue: Review of On Not Knowing by Emily Ogden. The Chronicle Review.

Aubry, T. (1970,January 1). Nicole Krauss's Difficult Men: Review of To Be a Man by Nicole Krauss. The New Republic.

Aubry, T. (2017,October 12). The Paradoxical Politics of Literary Criticism: Review of Literary Criticism by Joseph North. The New Republic.

Aubry, T. (2017,August 21). Don't Panic, Liberal Arts Majors. The Tech World Wants You. New York Times.

Aubry, T. (2017,August 1). Review of The Beauty of a Social Problem and Feast of Excess. Durham, NC/Duke University: American Literature.

Aubry, T. (2016,September 5). Songs of Innocence and Experience: Review of Against Everything by Mark Greif. Los Angeles, CA,USA: Los Angeles Review of Books.

Aubry, T. (2015,August 21). On Reading. New York Times.

Aubry, T. (2015,November 25). Review of Workshops of Empire by Eric Bennett. New York Times.

Aubry, T. (2014,March 11). Mission Fatigue: Review of A Thousand Splendid Suns by Khaled Hosseini. n+1.

Aubry, T. (2014,September 9). Review of A Girl is a Half-formed Thing by Eimear McBride. Music & Literature.

Aubry, T. (1970,January 1). Review of  In History's Grip: Philip Roth's Newark Trilogy by Michael Kimmage. Philip Roth Studies.

Aubry, T. (2009,January 1). Review of Partial Faiths: Postsecular Fiction in the Age of Pynchon and Morrison by John McClure. Studies in the Novel.

Research Currently in Progess

Aubry, T.(n.d.). The Myth of the Midcentury Public Intellectual. In Progress.

The premise of my project is that contemporary critics and intellectuals in the United States are excessively invested in the myth of the midcentury public intellectual. According this myth, cultural critics during the postwar era exerted remarkable influence over the public; their work addressed important social problems and reached a large general audience. By comparison, the writing we do now, whether in academic journals or in little magazines, is inevitably found wanting. But are the stories we tell ourselves about an earlier generation of intellectuals truly accurate? My project will investigate the so-called New York Intellectuals, who reached the peek of their influence during the 1950s, in order to determine whether the contrast between the work they did and the work scholars and critics do today is really as stark as we generally assume.

Honor / AwardOrganization SponsorDate ReceivedDescription
Research Grant (June 2020-May 2021)PSC-CUNY2020
Research Grant (May 2018-June 2019)PSC-CUNY2018
Research Grant (May 2016-June 2017)PSC-CUNY2016
Research Grant (May 2015-June 2016)PSC-CUNY2015
Research Grant (May 2013-June 2014)PSC-CUNY2013
Research Grant (May 2012-June 2013)PSC-CUNY2012
Research Grant (May 2010-June 2011)PSC-CUNY2011
Research Grant (May 2009-June 2010)Eugene Lang2010
Research Grant (May 2009-June 2010)PSC-CUNY2010
Research Grant (May 2008-June 2009)PSC-CUNY2009
Research Grant (May 2007-June 2008)PSC-CUNY2008
Whiting Teaching Award 2007
Faculty Fellowship Publications Program Research Grant2006
Research Grant (May 2005 - June 2006)PSC-CUNY2006