Tshombe Miles
Assc Professor
Weissman School of Arts and Sciences
Department: Black and Latino Studies
Areas of expertise:
Email Address: tshombe.miles@baruch.cuny.edu
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Ph.D., History, Brown University
MPhil, Latin American History and Afro-Diaspora History, Brown University
M.A., Latin American History and American Studies, City College of New York
B.A., International Studies, Latin American Concentration, City College of New York
School of International Training Brazil
Semester | Course Prefix | Course Number | Course Name |
Fall 2024 | BLS | 1003 | Evol & Express Racsm |
Fall 2024 | BLS | 1003 | Evol & Express Racsm |
Fall 2024 | BLS | 1003 | Evol & Express Racsm |
Spring 2023 | BLS | 1003 | Evol & Express Racsm |
Spring 2023 | BLS | 1003 | Evol & Express Racsm |
Fall 2022 | LTS | 1003 | Lat Am: Institut & Cult Survey |
Fall 2022 | IDC | 4050H | Hon Feit Hum Sem I |
Fall 2022 | LTS | 1003 | Lat Am: Institut & Cult Survey |
Summer 2022 | LACS | 4902 | Latin America and the Caribbea |
Summer 2022 | BLS | 4902 | Latin America and the Caribbea |
Summer 2022 | LTS | 4902 | Latin America and the Caribbea |
Spring 2022 | LTS | 4901 | Latin Amer. & the Caribbean II |
Spring 2022 | LACS | 4901 | Latin America and the Caribbea |
Spring 2022 | BLS | 4901 | Latin Amer. & the Caribbean II |
Spring 2022 | LTS | 3050 | Race and Global Inequality |
Spring 2022 | BLS | 3050 | Race and Global Inequality |
Fall 2021 | BLS | 4902 | Cultures and Societies |
Fall 2021 | LTS | 4902 | Cultures and Societies |
Fall 2021 | LACS | 4902 | Cultures and Societies |
Fall 2021 | LTS | 1003 | Lat Am: Institut & Cult Survey |
Fall 2021 | LTS | 1003 | Lat Am: Institut & Cult Survey |
Summer 2021 | LTS | 4902 | Cultures and Societies |
Summer 2021 | BLS | 4902 | Cultures and Societies |
Summer 2021 | LACS | 4902 | Cultures and Societies |
Summer 2021 | LTS | 1003 | Lat Am: Institut & Cult Survey |
Spring 2021 | HIS | 3025 | Race, Class, & Gndr in Brazil |
Spring 2021 | LTS | 3025 | Race, Class, and Gender in Br |
Spring 2021 | BLS | 4901 | Latin Amer. & the Caribbean II |
Spring 2021 | LTS | 4901 | Latin Amer. & the Caribbean II |
Spring 2021 | LACS | 4901 | Latin America and the Caribbea |
Fall 2020 | LTS | 1003 | Lat Am: Institut & Cult Survey |
Fall 2020 | LACS | 4901 | Latin America and the Caribbea |
Fall 2020 | BLS | 4901 | Latin Amer. & the Caribbean II |
Fall 2020 | LTS | 4901 | Latin Amer. & the Caribbean II |
Spring 2020 | LTS | 1003 | Lat Am: Institut & Cult Survey |
Spring 2020 | LTS | 1003 | Lat Am: Institut & Cult Survey |
Spring 2020 | BLS | 1003 | Evol & Express Racsm |
Fall 2019 | LTS | 1003 | Lat Am: Institut & Cult Survey |
Fall 2019 | LTS | 1003 | Lat Am: Institut & Cult Survey |
Fall 2019 | LTS | 4901 | Latin Amer. & the Caribbean II |
Fall 2019 | LACS | 4901 | Latin America and the Caribbea |
Fall 2019 | LTS | 1003 | Lat Am: Institut & Cult Survey |
Fall 2019 | BLS | 4901 | Latin Amer. & the Caribbean II |
Spring 2019 | LTS | 3025 | Race, Class, and Gender in Br |
Spring 2019 | LTS | 1003 | Lat Am: Institut & Cult Survey |
Spring 2019 | LTS | 1003 | Lat Am: Institut & Cult Survey |
Spring 2019 | LTS | 1003 | Lat Am: Institut & Cult Survey |
Spring 2019 | HIS | 3025 | Race, Class, & Gndr in Brazil |
Fall 2018 | BLS | 1003 | Evol & Express Racsm |
Fall 2018 | LTS | 1003 | Lat Am: Institut & Cult Survey |
Fall 2018 | LTS | 1003 | Lat Am: Institut & Cult Survey |
Spring 2018 | BLS | 1003 | Evol & Express Racsm |
Spring 2018 | BLS | 1003 | Evol & Express Racsm |
Spring 2018 | BLS | 5000 | Independent Study BLS I |
Spring 2018 | LTS | 1003 | Lat Am: Institut & Cult Survey |
Fall 2017 | LTS | 1003 | Lat Am: Institut & Cult Survey |
Fall 2017 | BLS | 1003 | Evol & Express Racsm |
Fall 2017 | BLS | 1003 | Evol & Express Racsm |
Spring 2017 | BLS | 1003 | Evol & Express Racsm |
Spring 2017 | BLS | 1003 | Evol & Express Racsm |
Spring 2017 | BLS | 5000 | Independent Study BLS I |
Spring 2017 | BLS | 1003 | Evol & Express Racsm |
Fall 2016 | IDC | 4050H | Hon Feit Hum Sem I |
Fall 2016 | BLS | 1019 | Introduction to Black Studies |
Fall 2016 | BLS | 1019 | Introduction to Black Studies |
Summer 2016 | BLS | 5000 | Independent Study BLS I |
Spring 2016 | BLS | 3085 | Special Topics Bls |
Spring 2016 | SOC | 3044 | Migration in the Americas |
Spring 2016 | LTS | 3085 | Topics-Hispanic/Latino Studies |
Spring 2016 | LTS | 3044 | Migration in the Americas |
Spring 2016 | BLS | 1019 | Introduction to Black Studies |
Spring 2016 | BLS | 1019 | Introduction to Black Studies |
Spring 2016 | BLS | 3044 | Migration in the Americas |
Fall 2015 | BLS | 3115 | People and Culture of Haiti |
Fall 2015 | BLS | 1019 | Introduction to Black Studies |
Fall 2015 | BLS | 1019 | Introduction to Black Studies |
Fall 2015 | LTS | 1003 | Lat Am: Institut & Cult Survey |
Fall 2014 | LTS | 3044 | Migration in the Americas |
Fall 2014 | BLS | 3044 | Migration in the Americas |
Fall 2014 | BLS | 1019 | Introduction to Black Studies |
Fall 2014 | BLS | 1019 | Introduction to Black Studies |
Fall 2014 | SOC | 3044 | Migration in the Americas |
Spring 2014 | BLS | 3085 | Special Topics Bls |
Spring 2014 | BLS | 3044 | Migration in the Americas |
Spring 2014 | BLS | 1019 | Introduction to Black Studies |
Spring 2014 | SOC | 3044 | Migration in the Americas |
Spring 2014 | LTS | 3044 | Migration in the Americas |
Spring 2014 | LTS | 3085 | Topics-Hispanic/Latino Studies |
Fall 2013 | BLS | 1003 | Evol & Express Racsm |
Miles, T. (2019). Race and Afro-Brazilian Agency in Brazil. (p. 115 ). Routledge/Taylor Francis.
Miles, T. L. (2012). A luta contra a escravatura e o racismo no Ceará (The Fight Against Slavery and Racism in Ceará). (p. 194). Fortaleza, Ceará, Brazil, Demócrito Rocha.
Miles PhD, T. What We Can Learn About the Maroons: in History, Theory, and Praxis. In Progress.
Journal Articles
Miles, T. L. (2019). "From Invisibility to Visibility: The Afro-Brazilian Struggle in Ceará". NACLA Report on the Americas/The North American Congress on Latin America is a 501(c)3 not-for-profit organization, Volume 51(4). Pages 394-400.
Miles, T. L. (2018). "Reflecting on the Legacy of Brazilian Slavery and Reimaging Afro-Brazilian Agency ". History Compass (John Wiley & Sons), 17(1). 1-8.
Miles, T. (2017). “Combating Racism: Abdias do Nascimento and the Afro-Diasporic Tradition”. Revista de Ciencias Sociais (from the Department of Social Science and Graduate Program in Sociology of the Federal University of Ceará), Vol. 48,(Nº. 2, 2017). 106-136.
Miles, T. L. (2013). O Escolhido: Dragão do Mar. (The Chosen One: Dragão do Mar). Cadernos de Estudos e Pesquisas do Sertão, Quixada, V.1(N.1). 51-60.
Miles, T. L. (2012). "Black Leadership and their Idea of Freedom". African and Black Diaspora: An International Journal (Routledge Press), Volume 5 (Issue 2),. 264-282.
Book Chapters
(2021). Racial Capitalism and Some Observations on Quilombola Communities. (Traditional peoples, education and public policies)Povos tradicionais, educação e políticas públicas Fortaleza, Ceará. Federal University of Ceará.
Miles, T. (2020). Lideres negros e o significado de liberdade no nordeste do Brasil no seculo IX (Black leaders and their concept of freedom in nineteenth century northeast Brazil). In Funes, E. A., Ribard, F., & Fagner Silva Rodrigues, E. (Eds.), Histórias de Negros no Ceará (The History of Blacks in Ceará) (p. 248 p.). Porto Alegre, RS. Editora Fi,.
Miles, T. L. (2019). "Reconstructing A Dismantled Past: The Case of Afro-diasporic History in Ceará, Brazil". In Aje, L., & Gachon, N. (Eds.), Traces and Memories of Slavery in the Atlantic World (p. 14 pages). United States. Routledge Press/Taylor Francis.
Miles, T. (2013). "Black Leadership and their Idea of Freedom" (Republished). In Demissie, F. (Ed.), African Diaspora in Brazil: History, Culture and Politics (p. 18). United Kingdom. Routledge Press.
Media Contributions
Miles, T. L. (2016). "10 Things Afro-Brazilians Want You to Know".
This is a short article written in one of the top blogs geared toward an audience that is interested in current affairs, history and culture affecting people of African ancestry "The Root."
Miles PhD, T. (2016). O Folha de São Paulo.
I was quoted--in the newspaper, O Folha de São Paulo one of Brazil's most circulated newspaper O Folha de São Paulo. The article was called "Grupo pauta agenda racial de candidatos democratas à Casa Branca"
Miles PhD, T. (2015). O Folha de São Paulo.
I was quoted on 08/16/2015 in Folha de S.Paulo - Mundo - Filha mais velha de Obama, Malia atrai legião de fãs com seu estilo - (The Oldest Daughter of Obama Malia attracts legions of Fans with her style)
Miles PhD, T. (2015). O Folha de São Paulo.
I was quoted in article: Folha de S.Paulo - Mundo - Rapper Kendrick Lamar simboliza movimento negro nos EUA (Kendrick Lamar simbolizes The Black Movement in the United States)
Miles PhD, T. (2012). TV O Povo.
I was a participant in a documentary that appears on a local TV channel called TV O Povo in Ceará, Brazil. The program is called A invenção do Ceará - O pioneirismo do CE na abolição (The Invention of Ceará-The Pioneers of Abolition in Ceará.) Television deals with the history and culture of Ceará. The documentary I appeared in dealing with the history of the abolition of slavery in Brazil. I gave commentary on the process of the collapse of slavery in Ceará, the first province in Brazil to do so.
Miles PhD, T. (2025, April 24). What We Can Learn about Maroon Society in History, Theory, and Praxis. Iowa City, Iowa: International Studies, University of Iowa. In Progress.
Miles PhD, T. (2025, February 23). Introduction to Marcel Camus’ Black Orpheus (1959, Brazil). Carnival on Film: Procession as Politics. Mishkin Gallery at Baruch College: Mishkin Gallery, Black and Latino Studies, and Initiative for the Study of Latin America (ISLA). In Progress.
Miles PhD, T. (2025, February 23). Brazilian Carnival: Sites of Protest, Love and Pleasure. Carnival/Carnaval. Baruch College, CUNY: ISLA -The Initiative for the Study of Latin America.
Miles PhD, T. (2025, March 1). Black Futures: Black Studies, Black Ecologies and African Diaspora. Black Futures: Black Studies, Black Ecologies and African Diaspora. Baruch College, CUNY: Black Studies Colloquiom.
Miles PhD, T. (2025, November 18). The Different Factors Influencing the Lives of People of African Descent in La Gran Colombia. La Gran Colombia. Baruch College, CUNY: ISLA The Initative for the Study of Latin America.
Miles PhD, T. (2025, November 19). Slavery in the USA, Brazil, and its Aftermath. Black Lives in the Americas: Racism, Health and Culture (Vidas Negras Nas Americas: Racismo, Saúde e Cultura). Rio de Janeiro: Technical-Educational Foundation.
Miles, T. (2025, May 19). Locating the Afro Dimension of Ceará.. Inaugural Class Lecture for the History Department. (Fortaleza, Ceará ) Brazil: The Department of History: The Federal University of Ceará, Brazil.
Miles PhD, T. (2025, November 3). The Fight Against Racial Capitalism: From Maroon Communities to the Haitian Revolution. Baruch College, CUNY: Black Studies Colloquium.
Miles PhD, T. (2025, November 29). Methods and Uses of Racial Capitialism as Pedagogy. Traditional Peoples, Education and Public Policies-Federal University of Ceará, History department (Simpósio Nós na Universidade: povos tradicionais, educação e políticas públicas). Fortaleza, Ceará: The Federal University of Ceará, History department.
Miles, T. (2019, May 30). Defining the Meaning of the African Diaspora. II Travessia do Atlantico. : Estacio University.
Miles, T. L. (2018, June 18). Africa in the Americas. Crossing The Black Atlantic. Fortaleza, Ceará: Estacio University.
Miles, T. L. (2017, November 11). Lelia Gonzalez: Combatting Racism, Sexism, and Class Inequality. Biography and Memoir in the Making of African Lives in the Diaspora, celebrated at ASWAD’s 9th Biennial Conference. Seville, Spain: Pablo de Olavide University of Seville.
Miles, T. L. (2017, August 19). Visibildade e Invisibilidade do Negro no Ceará. 1st Encontro de Pesquisadores e Intelectuais da Cultura Negra no Ceara. Ceara, Brazil: Centro Universitario Estacio.
Miles, T. L. (2017, August 18). A luta Contra a Escravatura e o Racismo no Ceara. 1st Encontro de Pesquisadores e Intelectuais da Cultura Negra No Ceara Part One. Fortaleza, Ceará: Centro Universitario Estacio.
Miles, T. (2017, April 6). The Fight Against Slavery. The Federal University of Ceará at Fortaleza (Sociology). Fortaleza, Ceará (Brazil): Sociology Department.
Miles, T. (2016, December 1). Erasing, and Remaking National Afro-diasporic Identities: The Case of Ceará. Traces and Memories of Slavery in the Atlantic World. Montpelier, France: University of Montpellier - Paul Valéry.
Miles, T. (2016, March 11). Abidas do Nascimento and the Afro-Diasporic Intellectual Tradition: Combating Racism. New Perspectives On The Black Intellectual Tradition. University of North Carolina Chapel Hill: African American Intellectual History Society.
Miles, T. (2016, January 31). Black Studies and the Case of Ceará. The Federal University of Ceará at Redencão (History department). Redencao, Ceará (Brazil): History Department.
Miles, T. (2015, April 10). Weapons Of The Weak: Reconstructing Freedom and Blackness in Ceará. Whiteness in the Americas. Baruch College, City University of New York: Valentín Lizana y Parragué Endowment.
Miles, T. (2014, April 30). Construction of Racial Identity in Ceará, Brazil. The Africa Conference. Austin, Texas: University of Texas Austin.
Miles, T. (2012, December 31). The Fight against Slavery and Racism in Ceará. State University of Ceará, Sobral. Sobral, Ceará: State University of Ceará, Sobral.
Miles, T. (2012, December 31). The Fight against Slavery and Racism in Ceará. Federal University of Ceará, Redenção (Unilab). Redenção, Ceará: Federal University of Ceará, Redenção (Unilab).
Miles, T. (2012, December 31). The Fight against Slavery and Racism in Ceará. Federal University of Ceará, Candide. Candide, Ceara: Federal University of Ceara, Education department.
Miles, T. (2010, July 31). Black Leadership and their Idea of freedom. Quixada-Ceara, Brazil: University of Education, Arts and Science-FECLESC.
Miles, T. (2009, June 30). A nongovernmental organization that promotes Afro-Brazilian Culture. Talentos Dos Ceará. Fortaleza, Ceará: Jose Alencar Theater.
Miles, T. (2009, June 30). Black Identity in Ceará. Fortaleza-Ceará. Quixada, Ceará
Miles, T. (2009, July 31). Methodological Research Approaches for the study of Northeastern Brazilian History. Quixada-Ceara, Brazil: University of Education, Arts and Science-FECLESC.
Other Scholarly Works
Miles, T. (2016). "D.J. Marky". Dictionary of Caribbean and Afro-Latin American Biography.
Miles, T. (2016). "Dragão do Mar". Dictionary of Caribbean and Afro-Latin American Biography.
Miles, T. (2016). "Jorge Ben Jor". Dictionary of Caribbean and Afro-Latin American Biography.
Miles, T. (2016). "Reflections on Race Diaspora, and Nation".
Miles, T. (2014). "130 Years of the Abolition of Slavery" (130 anos da abolição da escravatura no Ceará).
Honor / Award | Organization Sponsor | Date Received | Description |
City University of New York's Faculty Fellowship | City University of New York | 2016 | I was awarded a course release. |
Bienal do Livro Ceará | The Secretary of Culture (From the Government of the State of Ceará) | 2014 | My book A luta contra a escravidão eo racismo no Ceará, Brasil (The Fight Againist Slavery and Racism in Ceará), Fundação Demócrito Rocha/IEPRO, March 2012 was chosen as a book to represent literature and culture of the state of Ceará, Brazil, in their Bienal do Livro Ceará. This is a biannual book fair in the state of Ceará |
Organization | Position Role | Organization State | Organization Country | Start Date | End Date | Audience |
Centro Universitario Estacio (The University of Estacio) | Conference-Related | Ceará | Brazil | 7/1/2016 | Present | |
The Association for the Study of the Worldwide African Diaspora (ASWAD) | Member | Oregon | United States | 5/1/2016 | Present | |
Associação Nacional de História (The National Association of History, located in Brazil) | Member | Ceará | Brazil | 1/1/2008 | Present | |
African American Intellectual Historical Society | Member | 10/1/2016 | 10/31/2018 | |||
Peter Lang Academic Publishing | Reviewer, Book | 9/1/2017 | 9/30/2017 |
Organization | Position Role | Organization State | Organization Country | Start Date | End Date | Audience |
Black and Latino Studies | Discussant | New York | United States | 11/16/2016 | 11/16/2016 | Local |