William Boddy


Weissman School of Arts and Sciences

Department: Communication Studies

Areas of expertise:

Email Address: william.boddy@baruch.cuny.edu

> View CV


Ph.D., Cinema Studies, New York University

M.A., Cinema Studies, New York University

Honors B.A., Politcal Science and Urban Studies, Vanier College, York University, Toronto

SemesterCourse PrefixCourse NumberCourse Name
Fall 2023FLM3001History of Film I
Fall 2023ENG3260The Art of Film
Summer 2023COM5010Internship Bus Comm
Spring 2023FLM4900Critical Approaches to Film
Spring 2023FLM3002History of Film II
Spring 2022COM5010Internship Bus Comm
Spring 2022ENG3260The Art of Film
Spring 2022FLM3002History of Film II
Fall 2021FLM4900Critical Approaches to Film
Fall 2021COM5010Internship Bus Comm
Summer 2021COM5010Internship Bus Comm
Spring 2021FLM3002History of Film II
Spring 2021FLM4900Critical Approaches to Film
Summer 2020COM5010Internship Bus Comm
Spring 2020FLM4900Critical Approaches to Film
Spring 2020FLM3002History of Film II
Spring 2020COM5010Internship Bus Comm
Fall 2018FLM3002History of Film II
Fall 2018MALS79000Thesis/Final Project Research
Summer 2018COM5010Internship Bus Comm
Spring 2018FLM3002History of Film II
Spring 2018COM5010Internship Bus Comm
Fall 2017COM5010Internship Bus Comm
Fall 2017ENG3260The Art of Film
Fall 2017THEA81500The City and Film
Fall 2017FSCP81000The City and Film
Fall 2017COM5011Intern Bus Pub Comm
Summer 2017COM5010Internship Bus Comm
Spring 2017COM5011Intern Bus Pub Comm
Spring 2017COM5010Internship Bus Comm
Fall 2016COM5011Intern Bus Pub Comm
Fall 2016COM5010Internship Bus Comm
Summer 2016COM5011Intern Bus Pub Comm
Summer 2016COM5010Internship Bus Comm
Spring 2016FLM3001History of Film I
Spring 2016COM5000Independent Study COM I
Fall 2015FSCP81000Huston, Scorsese, Jarmusch
Fall 2015COM9900Independent Study
Fall 2015FLM4900Critical Approaches to Film
Fall 2015COM5000Independent Study COM I
Fall 2015THEA81500Huston, Scorsese, Jarmusch
Summer 2015COM5000Independent Study COM I
Spring 2015FLM3002History of Film II
Spring 2015COM3067American Television Programmin
Spring 2015FSCP81000American Film of the 1970s
Spring 2015COM5000Independent Study COM I
Fall 2014ENG3260The Art of Film
Fall 2014COM3067American Television Programmin
Spring 2014FLM4900Critical Approaches to Film
Spring 2014FLM4900Critical Approaches to Film
Spring 2014COM3067American Television Programmin
Spring 2014COM3062Studies in Electronic Media
Spring 2014COM5000Independent Study COM I
Fall 2013COM3067American Television Programmin
Fall 2013FLM3002History of Film II
Fall 2013MALS79000Thesis/Final Project Research
Spring 2013FSCP81000History of Film II
Spring 2013FLM4900Critical Approaches to Film
Spring 2013COM9505Media Analysis
Spring 2013MALS77300Film History II
Spring 2013ART79500Film History II
Fall 2012COM5000Independent Study COM I
Fall 2012COM3067American Television Programmin
Fall 2012FLM3002History of Film II
Spring 2011COM9505Media Analysis
Spring 2011COM5001Independent Study COM II
Spring 2011COM5000Independent Study COM I
Spring 2011ENG3260The Art of Film
Fall 2010COM3067American Television Programmin
Fall 2010FLM4900Critical Approaches to Film
Fall 2010FLM4900HHonors-Crit Approach Film
Spring 2010COM9505Media Analysis
Spring 2010FLM3002History of Film II
Spring 2009COM3059Video Comm & Product
Spring 2009COM3062Studies in Electronic Media
Fall 2008COM3067American Television Programmin
Fall 2008COM9505Media Analysis
Spring 2007COM3059Video Comm & Product
Fall 2006COM9505Media Analysis
Fall 2006COM9900Independent Study
Fall 2006COM3067American Television Programmin
Spring 2006COM3059Video Comm & Product
Fall 2005COM3067American Television Programmin
Fall 2005COM9505Media Analysis
Spring 2005COM9900Independent Study
Spring 2005COM3059Video Comm & Product
Fall 2004COM9505Media Analysis
Fall 2004COM3067American Television Programmin
Spring 2004COM3059Video Comm & Product
Spring 2004COM3062Studies in Electronic Media
Fall 2003COM3067American Television Programmin
Fall 2003COM9505Media Analysis
Spring 2003COM3067American Television Programmin
Spring 2003COM3059Video Comm & Product
Fall 2002COM9505Media Analysis
Fall 2001COM9505Media Analysis
Fall 2001ENG9505Media Analysis

Artistic and Creative Activities

Boddy, W. (1971). Us and Two Men and a Stretcher. Film in the Cities.


Boddy, W. (2004). New Media and Popular Imagination: Launching Radio, Television, and Digital Media in the United States. (p. 172 pages). Oxford, Oxford University Press.

Boddy, W. (1997). "Presentation by William Boddy". (p. 11-15). Washington DC, testimony before hearings of the Panel Television and Video Preservation of the Library of Congress, March 19, 1996, reprinted in Television and Video Preservation 1997: A Study of the Current State of American Television and Video Preservation (Library of Congress/Government Printing Office).

Boddy, W. (1990). Fifties Television: The Industry and Its Critics. (p. 294 pages). Champaign-Urbana, University of Illinois Press.

Journal Articles

Boddy, W. (2021). "Thrills Sweep Like Electric Currents Through Multitudes”: Spectacle, Sociality, and Media Competition in Mid-Century America. Historical Journal of Film, Radio and Television, 41(2). 28pp.

Boddy, W. (2021). “ Revisiting Postwar Theater Television”. Media Industries, 7(2). 27pp.

Boddy, W. (2013). A Genealogy of Electronic Moving Image Displays. Rebeca: Revista Brasileira de Estudos de Cinema e do Audiovisual/Sociedade Brasileira de Estudos de Cinema e Audiovisual, no 1.

(2013). “Frühes Kino und frühe Werbetheorien in den USA” . Zeitschrift fur Medienwissenschaft , (9). 20-30.

(2008). A Century of Electronic Cinema. Screen/Oxford University Press, 49(2). 1-15.

(2006). “Media Archeology and Cultural History,” Interview. Illuminations,

(2005). "Introduction: In Focus: Television Studies". Cinema Journal/University of Texas Press,

(2000). “Television in Transit” . Screen/Oxford University Press,

(1998). "The Amateur, the Housewife, and the Salesroom Floor: Promoting Postwar US Television". International Journal of Cultural Studies/ Sage Publications, 1(1). 153-66.

(1996). "Approaching The Untouchables: Social Science and Moral Panics in 1960s Television". Cinema Journal/ University Of Texas Press, 35(4). 70-87.

(1994). "U.S. Television Abroad: Market Power and National Introspection. Quarterly Review of Film and Video/ Harwood Academix Publishers, 15(2). 45-55.

(1994). "Archeologies of Electronic Vision and the Gendered Spectator". Screen/ Oxford University Press, 35. 105-22.

(1991). "Spread Like a Monster Blanket All Over the Country: CBS and Television, 1929-33". Screen/ Oxford University Press, 32. 39-48.

(1990). "Alternative Television in the United States". Screen/ Oxford University Press, 31. 91-101.

(1989). "Launching Television: RCA, the FCC, and the Battle for Frequency Allocations". Historical Journal of Film, Radio and Television/ Carfax Publishing, 9(3). 45-57.

(1988). "Paper Tiger Television: la tele de guerilla revisitee". Communications (Paris)/ Ecole des Hautes Etudes en Sciences sociales, (48). 155-66.

(1987). "Operation Frontal Lobes versus Living Room Toy: The Battle Over Program Control in Early Television". Media, Culture and Society/ Sage Publications, 9(3). 347-68.

(1985). "The Studios Move Into Prime Time: Holloywood and the Television Industry in the 1950s. Cinema Journal/ University of Texas Press, 24(4). 23-37.

(1984). "Entering the `Twilight Zone',". Screen/ Oxford University Press, 25(4-5). 98-108.

(1979). "The Rhetoric and the Economic Roots of the American Broadcasting Industry in the 1950s". Cinetracts/ Cinetracts Publications, Montreal, (6). 37-54.

Book Chapters

Boddy, W. (2016). “Advertising Form, Technological Change, and Screen Practices in the United States”. In de Klerk, N., Florin, B., & Vonderau, P. (Eds.), Films That Sell: Moving Pictures and Advertising London,UK. British Film Institute/Palgrave Publishing.

Boddy, W. (2014). “A Genealogia de eletrônicos exibe imagem em movimento”. In N/A, S. (Ed.), in Stephanie Dennison, ed., World Cinema: As Novas Cartografias do Cinema Mundial Sao Paulo,Brazil. M.R Cornacchia Liveria e Editora.

Boddy, W. (2013). History of Television. In Gabbard, K. (Ed.), Oxford Bibliographies in Cinema and Media Studies Oxford,UK. Oxford University Press.

Boddy, W. (2011). "Is IT TV Yet?: The Dislocated Screens of Television in a Mobile Digital Culture”. In Bennett, J., & Strange, N. (Eds.), Television as Digital Culture Durhan NC. Duke University Press.

(2008). “The Last Format War: Launching the High-definition DVD”. London. Routledge.

Boddy, W., Lyons, J., & Plunkett, J. (2007). 'Wouldn't You Rather Be at Home?' : Electronic Media and the Anti-Urban Impulse. From the Magic Lantern to the Internet. Multimedia Histories: From the Magic Lantern to the Internet Exeter. University of Exeter Press.

Boddy, W. (2004). "The Studios Move Into Prime Time: Hollywood and the Television Industry in the 1950s". In Schatz, T. (Ed.), Hollywood: Critical Concepts; (reprinted from Cinema Journal, 24 [Summer 1985], pp. 23-37) (pp. 23-37). London. Routledge.

Boddy, W. (2004). "Interactive Television and Advertising Form in Contemporary US Television". In Spigeln, L., & Olsson, J. (Eds.), The Persisitence of Telelvision Duke University Press.

Boddy, W. (2004). "Cinema and Wireless Technologies in Turn of the Century Popular Imagination". In Gaudreault, A., Russell, C., & Veronneau, P. (Eds.), Early Cinema: Technology and Apparatus Lausanne. Payot Lausanne.

Boddy, W. (2003). "Redefining the Home Screen: Technological Convergence as Trauma and Business Plan". In Thorburn, D., & Jenkins, H. (Eds.), Rethinking Media Change: The Aesthetics of Transition (pp. 191-200). Cambridge. MIT Press.

Boddy, W. (2003). "'Touching Content': Vitual Advertising and Digital Television's Recalcitrant Audience.". In Fullerton, J. (Ed.), Reception Studies in Film, Television and Digital Culture Sydney. John Libbey.

Boddy, W. (2002). "Weather Porn and the Battle for Eye balls: Promoting Digital Television in the US and UK". In Fulleton, J., & Soderberg, A. (Eds.), From Edison to the Webcam (pp. 133-47). Sydney. John Libbey.

Boddy, W. (2002). "Old Media as New Media: Television". In Harries, D. (Ed.), The New Media Book (pp. 242-53). London. BFI Publishing.

(2002). "U.S. Television Abroad: Market Power and National Introspection". (pp. 343-56). Belmont CA. Connections: A Broadcast History Reader/ Wadsworth, reprinted from Quarterly Review of Film and Video 15:2 [1994]: 45-55).

Boddy, W. (2001). "The Western," "Alias Smith and Jones," "The Quiz Show," "Who Wants to be a Millionaire,". In Creber, G. (Ed.), The TV Genres Book (pp. 14-17, 79-81). London. British Film Institute.

Boddy, W. (1998). "Sixty Million Viewers Can't Be Wrong: The Rise and Gall of the TV Western". In Buscomba, E., & Pearson, R. (Eds.), Back in the Saddle Again: New Approaches to the Western (pp. 116-37). London. British Film Institute.

Boddy, W. (1997). "Senator Dodd Goes to Hollywood: Investigating Video Violence". In Spigel, L., & Curtin, M. (Eds.), The Revolution Wasn't Televised: Sixties Television and Social Transition (pp. 161-84). New York. Routledge.

Boddy, W. (1995). "The Beginnings of American Television". In Newcomb, H. (Ed.), Television: An International History (pp. 35-61). London. Oxford University Press.

Boddy, W. (1994). "Alternative Television in the United States". In Newcomb, H. (Ed.), Television: The Critical View, reprinted from Screen 31 New York. Oxford University Press.

Boddy, W. (1990). "Building the World's Largest Advertising Medium: CBS and Television, 1940-60". In Balio, T. (Ed.), Hollywood in the Age of Television (pp. 63-89). Winchester MA. Unwin Hyman Inc..

Boddy, W. (1990). "The Seven Dwarfs and the Money Grubbers: The Television Quiz Scandals Revisited". In Mellencamp, P. (Ed.), Logics of Television: Essays in Cultural Criticism (pp. 98-116). Bloomingdale. University of Indiana Press.

(1986). "Daniel Mainwaring". (pp. 207-14). Detroit. Dictionary of Literary Biography/ Brucolli Clark Inc..

Boddy, W. (1986). "`The Shinning Centre o the Home': Ontologies of Television in the `Golden Age'". In Drummond, P., & Paterson, R. (Eds.), Television in Transition (pp. 125-37). London. British Film Institute.

(1984). "Dopo la Golden Age: Rod Sterling e il passaggio all ` television hollywoodiana". (pp. 229-46). Venice. Hollywood in Progress: Itinerai cinema televisione/ Marsillo Editori.

Boddy, W. (1983). "Loving a Nineteen Inch Motorola: American Writing on Television". In Kaplan, E. A. (Ed.), Regarding Television: Critical Approaches- Anthology (pp. 1-11). Frederick, Maryland. American Film Institute.

(1983). :Televisione e trorie della televisione nella `golden age". (pp. 151-72). Venice. Hollywood verso la Televisione/ Marsillo Editori.


Boddy, W. (2019, October 21). The Spectacle of Media Technology. Spectacle: Knowledge Communication as Aesthetic Practice. Tübingen, Germany: University of Tübingen.

Boddy, W. (2019, May 15). The Three Eras of Electronic Cinema. UCLA Cinema and Media Studies Symposium. Los Angeles: UCLA Cinema and Media Studies Program.

Boddy, W. (2019, March 14). Exploring Hollywood's Missing Link: The Rise and Fall of Postwar Theatre Television. Society for Cinema and Media Studies Annual Conference. Seattlke: Society for Cinema and Media Studies.

Boddy, W. (2018, March 8). "'What is America's Game?: Early Television and National Sovereignty in Great Britain. Society for Cinema and Media Studies Annual Conference. Toronto Canada: Society for Cinema and Media Studies.

Boddy, W. (2017, March 22). Cinema, the University, and the Urban Crisis in 1960s in America. Society for Cinema and Media Studies Annual Conference. Chicago: Society for Cinema and Media Studies.

Boddy, W. (2016, November 17). Respondent to "Photography in Sound". Columbia University Seminar: Sites of Cinema. NYC: Columbia University.

Boddy, W. (2016, November 15). "John Ford's The Searchers and the Western in 1950s Film and Television. Guest lecturer, Cinema History II. : Columbia University.

Boddy, W. (2016, April 1). Advertising Theory and Early Cinema. Society for Cinema and Media Studies annual conference. Atlanta: Society for Cinema and Media Studies.

Boddy, W. (2016, August 13). "Urban Crisis and the Global University in 1960s America". WC2: World Cities/World Class Universities Summer Symposium. Berlin, Germany: WC2: World Cities/World Class Universities.

Boddy, W. (2015, August 8). Seminar leader. World Cities/World Class Universities Summer Symposium. London: World Cities/World Class Universities network.

Boddy, W. (2014, March 30). “‘Another TV Apocalypse’: Aereo and the Future of Broadcast Television,” at the Society for Cinema and Media Studies annual conference, Seattle, March 2014. Society for Cinema and Media Studies annual conference. Seattle: Society for Cinema and Media Studies.

Boddy, W. (2014, September 29). Early Cinema and Advertising Theory in the United States. Promoting Films. Berlin, Germany: Deutsche Kinemathek.

Boddy, W. (2013, October 6). seminar leader. World Cities/World Class Universities conference. Milan, Italy: World Cities/World Class Universities network.

Boddy, W. (2012, October 31). A Genealogy of Electronic Moving Image Displays. Annual conference of SOCINE (Brazilian Society for Cinema and Media Studies). Sao Paulo, Brazil: SOCINE Brazilian Society for Cinema and Media Studies).

Boddy, W. (2012, October 31). Electronic Moving Images in the Streets. Visiting Scholars Series. Florianopolis, Brazil: Department of Foreign Language and Literature, Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina.

Boddy, W. (2012, March 31). Video Guerrillas and New Hollywood: Insurgent Electronic Cinema in the 1970s and 1980s. Annual Conference. Boston, MA: Society for Cinema and Media Studies.

Boddy, W. (2012, May 31). Advertising Form, Technological Change, and Screen Practices in the United States. Exploring Advertising. Stockholm, Sweden: Department of Film and Media Studies, Stockholm University.

Boddy, W. (2012, June 30). The Spectacle of Technology: Cinema and Outdoor Advertising in Early 20th Century Visual Culture. International Conference. Brighton, UK: Domitor (the international scholarly society for the study of early cinema).

Boddy, W. (2012, October 31). A Genealogy of Electronic Moving Image Displays. XVI Annual Conference. Sao Paulo, Brazil: SOCINE, Sociedade Brasileira de Estudos de Cinema e Audiovisual.

Boddy, W. (2011, May 31). Reframing the Spectacular: Marketing Digital Displays. Medium to Medium v2. Stockholm, Sweden: Sockholm University and Northwestern University.

Boddy, W. (2010, March 31). Every Face Counts’: Ubiquity, Mobility, and Surveillance in Contemporary Out-of-Home Media. Annual Conference. Los Angeles, CA: Society for Cinema and Media Studies.

Boddy, W. (2010, February 28). The Spectacle of Technology in Contemporary Moving Image Marketing. Glorious Technicolor, Breathtaking CinemaScope': Technology and Spectacle in the Screen Media. Warwick, UK: University of Warwick, UK.

Boddy, W. (2009, November 30). An Endless Game of Audience Hide-and-Seek: Targeting Out of Home Media Users. Columbia Seminar on Cinema and Interdisciplinary Interpretation. New York, NY: Columbia University.

Boddy, W. (2009, May 31). Every Face Counts’: Ubiquity, Mobility, and Surveillance in Contemporary Out-of-Home Media. Annual Conference. Tokyo, Japan: Society for Cinema and Media Studies.

Boddy, W. (2009, April 30). Fred Sylverman and the Changing Face of Network Television. The Silverman Years: Setting New Standards for Television. Syracuse, NY: S I Newhouse School of Public Communications at Syracuse University.

Boddy, W. (2009, February 28). Any platform. Any media. Anywhere: Targeting Contemporary Television's Dispersed Audience. Yale Lecture Series in Media and Television. New Haven, CT: Department of Cinema, Yale University.

Boddy, W. (2008, November 30). New Challenges for Television Studies. Seminar in Film and Media Studies. Stockholm, Sweden: Department of Cinema, Stockholm University.

Boddy, W. (2008, April 30). Emerging Trends in Television Studies Pedagogy. Cinema Studies Pedagogy Workshop. Philadelphia, PA: Department of Cinema Studies, University of Pennsylvania.

Boddy, W. (2008, March 31). The Future of Television Studies. Annual Conference. Philadelphia, PA: Society for Cinema and Media Studies.

Boddy, W. (2007, October 31). ’Is it TV Yet?’: Visions of the Post-Broadcast Television Audience. Cinema Studies Colloquium series. Philadelphia, PA: Department of Cinema Studies, University of Pennsylvania.

Boddy, W. (2007, January 31). Contemporary Moving Image Culture. Media Arts Seminar Series. Tucson, AZ: Department of Media Arts, University of Arizona.

Boddy, W. (2007, March 31). Permutations of Electronic Cinema. Norman Jewison Lecture Series. Toronto, Canada: Department of Film, York University.

Boddy, W. (2007, March 31). Electronic Cinema and the Confounding of Domestic and Public Reception. Annual Conference. Chicago, IL: Society for Cinema and Media Studies.

Boddy, W. (2007, April 30). Popularizing Science: Promoting Media Technologies in the United States. Academia Film Olomouc festival. Olomouc, Czech Republic: Department of Theatre, Film and Media Studies, Palacky University.

Boddy, W. (2007, September 30). Dislocated Screens: The Place of Television in a Mobile Digital Culture. Television Studies Goes Digital. London, UK: London Metropolitan University.

Boddy, W. (2006, May 31). Opening Remarks. International Conference on Realism and Naturalism in Film Studies. CUNY Graduate Center, NY: International Conference on Realism and Naturalism in Film Studies.

Boddy, W. (2006, April 30). Invited respondent. Symposium on Film, Media, and Methodology. New York, NY: Certificate Program in Film Studies, CUNY Graduate Center.

Boddy, W. (2006, March 31). The Archeology of Electronic Cinema. Annual Conference. Vancouver, Canada: Society for Cinema and Media Studies.

Boddy, W. (2006, March 31). workshop presentation, Complicating the "M" in SCMS: Internet and Contemporary Digital Studies. Annual Conference. Vancouver, Canada: Society for Cinema and Media Studies.

Boddy, W. (2004, July 31). Science on Screen. Invited discussant. Berlin, Germany: Max Planck Institute for the History of Science.

Boddy, W. (2003, July 31). ‘Margin and chaos’: Early Cinema and Electronic Media History. Multimedia Histories: From the Magic Lantern to the Internet. Exeter, UK: Bill Douglas Centre, Exeter University.

Boddy, W. (2003, June 30). Cinema After Film: The Future of Motion Picture Exhibition. American Cinema and Everyday Life. London, UK: Commonwealth Fund and University College, London.

Boddy, W. (2002, June 30). Cinema and Wireless Technologies in Turn of the Century Popular Imagination. Montreal, Canada: Domitor (Society for the Study of Early Cinema).

Boddy, W. (2002, June 30). Cinema and Wireless Technologies in Turn of the Century Popular Imagination. International Conference. Montreal, Canada: Domitor (the international scholarly society for the study of early cinema).

Boddy, W. (2002, May 31). High Tech in a Falling Market: Revised Prospects for New Moving Image Technologies. Annual Conference. Denver, CO: Society for Cinmea Studies.

Boddy, W. (2002, March 31). 'This Must Be How God Watches Television': Negotiating the Place of Contemporary Media in the Home. TV Studies Colloquium series. New York University: Department of Culture and Communication.

Boddy, W. (2001, June 30). 'How God Watches Television': Industry Struggles over Digital Television in the United States. Screen Studies Conference. Glasgow Scotland: Glasgow University.

Boddy, W. (2001, May 31). Mouse Potatoes and Embeddied Commerce: Early Responses to Digital Television. Washington DC: Society for Cinema Studies.

Boddy, W. (2000, February 28). Talking History. : Dr. Denis Milhelich, Auburn University, nationally distributed to US public radio stations.

Boddy, W. (2000, January 31). Re-Defining Domestic Spectatorship in the Post-Television Era. : Columbia Seminar on Cinema and Interdisciplinary Interpretation, Auburn University.

Boddy, W. (2000, June 30). The Recalcitrant Audience: Battling for Eyeballs in Digital Television. Reception in Film and Television Studies. Stockholm: Department of Cineman Studies, Stockholm University.

Boddy, W. (2000, March 31). Selling New Media to the Post-Television Home. Chicago: Society for Cinema Studies.

Boddy, W. (1999, October 31). Redefining the Home Screen: Technological Conveergence as Trauma and Business Plan. Media in Transition. : MITS's Progam in Comparative Media Studies.

Boddy, W. (1998, December 31). Life After Television: Selling Digital Media to the Home. lecture series. Cardiff, UK: Center for Media and Journalism Lecture Series, at the University of Wales.

Boddy, W. (1998, December 31). The Highway in the Home: Marketing New Visual Media in the Post-Television Era. Technologies of Moving Image. Stockholm: Department of Cinema Studies, Stockholm University.

Boddy, W. (1997, May 31). Epistemologies of Television. Ottawa, Canada: Society for Cinema Studies.

Boddy, W. (1997, May 31). Video/Telelvision: A History of Reception. public lecture. : Guggenheim Museum-Soho.

Boddy, W. (1997, May 31). The Sponsored Eye: Theorizing Television Advertising and Spectatorship. Ottawa, Canada: Society for Cinema Studies.

Boddy, W. (1997, May 31). The Amateur, the Housewife, and the Salesroom Floor: Promoting Postwar US Television. Ottawa, Canada: Society for Cinema Studies.

Boddy, W. (1996, August 31). The Television Apparatus, Documentary Theory, and Advertising Practice. The Current State of Televisin and Video Preservation. Wales: Visible Evidence IV: Statefies and Practices in Documentary Film and Video, University of Cardiff.

Boddy, W. (1996, March 31). The Scholar's Stake in Television Preservation. The Current State of Television and Video Preservation. New York City: Library of Congress.

Boddy, W. (1996, March 31). The Old Frontier in the New Frontier: Cultural Meanings of the Classic TV Western. Dallas, Texas: Society in Cinema Studies Annual Conference.

Boddy, W. (1996, March 31). TV and Genre. Dallas, Texas: Society for Cinema Studies Annual Conference.

Boddy, W. (1995, November 30). The Camera and the Workplace: Repression and Utopia. New York University: Department of Art History.

Boddy, W. (1995, November 30). The TV Set as Anxious Object: Accomodating Postwar Television. Consuming Dreams: Popular Culture in Postwar America. Pennsylvania: Chester County Historical Society and West Chester University.

Boddy, W. (1994, July 31). After GATT. Turbulent Europe: Conflict, Indentity, and Culture. London: British Film Institute.

Boddy, W. (1994, December 31). Moving Pictures, BBC-2 television. interviewed. : U.S. television quiz show scandals.

Boddy, W. (1994, April 30). The Image of Theory. interdisciplinary syomposium. : Ph.D stydebts if Art G=History at the City University of New York Graduare Center.

Boddy, W. (1994, March 31). Locating the Intouchables: Politics, Social Science and Changing Modes of Production in Early 1960s Television. Syracuse, N.Y.: Society for Cinema Studes nnual Conference.

Boddy, W. (1993, June 30). Archeologies of Electronic Vision and the Gendered Spectator. Glasgow, Scotland: Screen Studies Conference.

Boddy, W. (1993, February 28). Gender, Ideology and the Future of Electronic Image Culture. New York: Whitney Museum of American Art.

Boddy, W. (1993, February 28). Politics and Television History. New Orleans: Society for Cinema Studies Annual Conference.

Boddy, W. (1993, January 31). Writing the Hisory of Audio Visual Technologies. Helsinki: Finnish Society for Cinema Studies Annual Conference.

Boddy, W. (1992, June 30). the Changing Self-Image of the United States in the International Television Market, 1960-1990. Glasgow, Scotland: Screen Studies Conference.

Boddy, W. (1992, December 31). . Co-producer (1982-1982). New York: Paper Tiger Television, weekly public access cable program.

Boddy, W. (1992, May 31). Historizing the Television Spectatot: Recent Debates in International Audience Studies. Miami: International Communication Association Annual Conference.

Boddy, W. (1992, March 31). Watching Datime Soap Operas: They Who Love to Please Must find Their Enjoyment, The Happiness in Pleasure. : Professor Loiuse Spence, Columbia University on Cinema and Interdsciplicinary InterpretionInrprdduu.

Boddy, W. (1992, April 30). Proto-VR: Archeologies of Electronic Vision and the Gendered Spectator. Pittsburg: Society for Cinema Studies Annual Conference.

Boddy, W. (1992, April 30). Women, History, Popular Memory. Console-ing Passions: Television, Video and Feminism. : University of Iowa.

Boddy, W. (1991, September 30). The United States and Its Imaginary in the Internatiional Television Market : The network Era. Future of Media Historical Research. Washington DC: Woodrow Wilson Center, Smithsonian Institution.

Boddy, W. (1991, July 31). The Politics of Prime Time Violence in 1960s American Television. Fourth International Television Studies Conference. London: British Film Institute and the University of London Institute of Education.

Boddy, W. (1991, May 31). The New Geopolitical Landscape of Television: Lesson for American Cultural Studies. Los Angeles: Society for Cinema Studies Annual Conference.

Boddy, W. (1991, February 28). John Ford and the War Film. Images of War. Montclair, NJ: Monclar State Collefe.

Boddy, W. (1990, May 31). I Looked at it and Haven't Felt Clean Since: Video Violence and Moral Panics in Early 1960s Television. Washington DC: Society of Cinema Studies Annual Conference.

Boddy, W. (1990, May 31). Television History of the 1950s and 1960s. Washington DC: Society for Cinema Studies Annual Conference.

Boddy, W. (1989, December 31). . Great Britain: Martin Scorsese for The Media Show, Channel 4 television.

Boddy, W. (1989, April 30). 'Spread Like a Monster Blanket Across the Country': CBS and Television, 1929-31. Iowa City: Society for Cinema Studies Annual Conference.

Boddy, W. (1989, February 28). An Ontology of Everyday Distraction: Malls, Freeways and Television. New York: Columbia Seminar on Cinema and Interdisciplinary Interpretation.

Boddy, W. (1988, June 30). Technology, Private Interest, and the State: the Origins of Commercial Television in the United States. Loch Lomond, Scotland: John Logie Baird Weekend Seminar, Universities of Glasgow and Strathclyde.

Boddy, W. (1988, July 31). A Terrible Thing to do to the American People: The Television Quiz Scandals Revisited. London: Third International Television Studies Conference.

Boddy, W. (1988, April 30). Television and Pedagogy. Co-producer. Milawaukee, Wisconsin: Paper Tiger Television.

Boddy, W. (1988, January 31). . interviwed. London: U.S. televiion for the Media Show, Channel 4 television.

Boddy, W. (1988, April 30). The Seven Dwarfs and the Money Grubber: The Public Relations Crisis in American Television in the Late 1950s. conferece, Television: Representation/ Audience/ Industry. : Center forTwentieth Century Studies, University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee.

Boddy, W. (1988, April 30). Co-producer, with Paper Tiger Television, Television and Pedagogy. Milwaukee, Wisconsin

Boddy, W. (1987, March 31). Co-producer, with Paprt Tiget Television, World? What World? How The U.S. Media View the World, for The Media Show, Channel 4. Great Britain

Boddy, W. (1987, May 31). The Worst Crumbs in the Business are Now in the Saddle: The Quiz Show Scandals and Modern Television. Montreal: Society for Cinema Studies Annual Conference.

Boddy, W. (1987, December 31). Film On Television: The American Model. Ancona, Italy: Mostra Internationale Nuovo Cinema.

Boddy, W. (1987, February 28). Led screening and discussion of Mediums Well Done: Re-Maiking Popular Culture at Film/Video Arts. New York

Boddy, W. (1986, May 14). . avant-garde film. : Brooklyn College.

Boddy, W. (1986, April 30). From the Living Room Toy to the Golden Age: Network Ascendancy in Early Television. New York: Columbia University Semianr on Cinema and Interdisciplinary Interpretation.

Boddy, W. (1986, April 30). Television as Object. New Orleans, Louisiana: Society for Cinema Studies Annual Conference.

Boddy, W. (1986, May 31). Producer, with marisa Bowe, Mediums Well-Done: Re-Making Popular Culture, 60 minute anthology of independently-produced videotapes on the mass media, Distributed by satellite and programmed by over 180 cable stations nationally.

Boddy, W. (1986, July 31). Operation Frontal Lobes versus the Living Room Toy: The Battle Over Program Control in Early Television. London, England: Second International Television Studies Cnference.

Boddy, W. (1986, December 31). Conducted ten audio-taped interviews for the American Museum Of the Moving Image's Oral History project on early television in New York City, including interviews with Herbert Brodkin (June 16, 1986); Arthur Penn (June 18,1986); Ernest Kinoy (September 18. 1986); Harry Coyle (October 9, 1986); Bert Briller (October 21, 1986); Sudney Lumet (April 28, 1987); Robert Costello (May 7, 1987); Kirk Browning (August 27, 1987); Mark Goodson (October 20, 1987).

Boddy, W. (1986, December 31). Co-producer, with Paper Tiger Television, Paper Tiget Scans the AFT (Inter) National Audio/Video Festiva, a 30 minute documentary on the 1986 American Film Institute National Video Festival. Los Angeles

Boddy, W. (1986, April 30). The Struggles over Program Control in Early Television. New Orleans, Louisiana: Society for Cinema Studies Annual Conference.

Boddy, W. (1985, June 30). Television and Consumption. New York: Society for Cinema Studies Annual Conference.

Boddy, W. (1985, July 31). Television Before 1950. Chicago, Illinois: The Film Center, Art Institute of Chicago.

Boddy, W. (1985, May 31). Television studies in the Humanities. St. Francis: Faculty Achievement Day.

Boddy, W. (1984, April 30). Hollywood and the Television Industry in the 1950s. Athens, Ohio: Ohio University Film Conference.

Boddy, W. (1984, July 31). Ontologies of Television in the Golden Age. International Television Studies Conference. London, England: British Film Institute and the University of London Institute of Education.

Boddy, W. (1984, March 31). . Lecture on television historiography. New York: New School for Social Research.

Boddy, W. (1984, March 31). The Motion Picture Industry and Early Television. Madison, Wisconson: Society for Cinema Studies Annual Conference.

Boddy, W. (1983, December 31). Television and Theories of Television in the Golden Age. Hollywood Verso la Televsione gli anni '50. Ancona, Itlay: Mostra Internationale Nuovo Cinema.

Boddy, W., & Arbor, A. (1983, February 28). American Writing on Television. New Directions in Television Research. Michigan: University of Michigan Department of Communication.

Boddy, W. (1983, August 31). Media Watch. interviewed. New York: WBAI-FM.

Boddy, W. (1982, April 30). Historians and Filmmakers: Toward Collaboration. New York: New York Institute for the Humanities.

Boddy, W. (1971, December 31). Two independent films, Us and Two Mean and a Stretcher, screened at the Walker Art Center and broadcast on KTCA television. Minneapolis, Minnesota

Other Scholarly Works

Boddy, W. (2006). “The Amateur, the Housewife, and the Salesroom Floor: Promoting Post-war US Television”.

Boddy, W., & Bowe, M. (1997). "Three Recent Films Take on the Media". 1(4), 17.

Boddy, W. (1997). Testimony of William Boddy. Television and Video Preservation 1997: A Study of the Current State of American Television and Video Preservation. 11-15.

Boddy, W. (1981). "New York Confidential: An Interview with Eric Mitchell". 7/8/927-36.

Boddy, W. (1980). "The films of Dave Lee". 6107-10.

Boddy, W. (1979). "The Films of Paul Winkler". 114-15.

Boddy, W., & Buchsbaum, J. (1979). "Cinema in Revolt: Newsreel". Millennium film Journal. 4/543-52.

Boddy, W.


Boddy, W. (2008,April 1). Review of Barbara Klinger's Beyond the Multiplex: Cinema, New Technologies, and the Home. Oxford,UK: Screen/Oxford University Press.

Boddy, W. (2005,January 1). Review of Thomas Doherty’s Cold War, Cool Medium: Television, McCarthyism, and American Culture. Screen/Oxford University Press.

Boddy, W. (1996,December 1). Review of Jane Feuer's Seeing Through the Eighties: Television and Reaganism. The Journal of American History.

Boddy, W. (1996,September 1). Review of Jeff Kisselhoff's The Box: An Oral History of Television, 1920-61. The Journal of American History.

Boddy, W. (1988,January 1). Review of Deidre Boyle's Video Classics. MediActive.

Boddy, W. (1984,January 1). Review of Inside Prime Time and American History/American Television. Cineaste.

TitleFunding Agency SponsorStart DateEnd DateAwarded DateTotal FundingStatus
“‘More Pains than Pleasures’: The Prominent Rise and Quick Demise of Subscription Television, Inc.” PSC CUNY 5207/01/202106/30/202304/15/20214530Completed
“Game’s Over?”: The Future of Theatrical Exhibition in the Era of Digital StreamingPSC-CUNY 5107/01/202012/31/202204/17/20204530Completed
"What is America's Game?": Early Television and National Sovereignty in 1930s Britain"PSC-CUNY 4907/01/201806/30/201904/15/20183259Completed
Proliferating Screens: An Archeology of Digital DisplayPSC-CUNY 4607/01/201506/30/201604/17/20153500Completed
An Archeology of Digital DisplayPSC-CUNY 4407/01/201306/30/201404/15/20133990Completed
Public ScreensPSC-CUNY 4307/01/201206/30/201304/17/20123500Completed
"Video Guerrillas, New Hollywood and Technological Change: Electronic Cinema in the 1970s and 1980sPSC-CUNY 4007/01/200906/30/20103990Completed
Proliferating Platforms: Digital Cinema and the Confounding of Domestic and Public ReceptionPSC-CUNY 3807/01/200706/30/20084000Completed
Honor / AwardOrganization SponsorDate ReceivedDescription
PSC-CUNY Research GrantPSC-CUNY2015Travel award for project, "Proliferating Screens: An Archeology of Digital Display"
PSC-CUNY Research GrantPSC-CUNY2013Reassigned time for project, "An Archeology of Digital Display"
PSC-CUNY Research GrantPSC-CUNY2012Awarded PSC-CUNY Research Grant for project, “Public Screens: An Archaeology of Public Display”
PSC-CUNY Research GrantPSC-CUNY2009Awarded PSC-CUNY Research Grant for project, “Video Guerrillas, New Hollywood, and Technological Change: Electronic Cinema in the 1970s and 1980s”
PSC-CUNY Research GrantPSC-CUNY2006Awarded PSC-CUNY Research renewal grant for project, “The Prehistory of Electronic Cinema”
PSC-CUNY Research GrantPSC-CUNY2005Awarded PSC-CUNY Research Grant for project, “The Prehistory of Electronic Cinema”
PSC-CUNY Research GrantPSC-CUNY2004Awarded PSC-CUNY Research renewal grant for project, “Cinema After Film: Current Prospects for Digital Exhibition in the US and UK”
PSC-CUNY Research GrantPSC-CUNY2003Awarded PSC-CUNY Research Grant for project, “Cinema After Film: Current Prospects for Digital Exhibition in the US and UK”
PSC-CUNY Research GrantPSC-CUNY2002Awarded PSC-CUNY Research renewal grant for project, “Virtual Imaging and the New Political Economy of Television in the US and UK”
PSC-CUNY Research GrantPSC-CUNY2001Awarded PSC-CUNY Research Grant for project, “Virtual Imaging and the New Political Economy of Television in the US and UK”
PSC-CUNY Research GrantPSC-CUNY2000Awarded PSC-CUNY Research renewal grant for project, “Redefining Television’s Place in the Home: The Transition to Digital Broadcasting in the U.S. and Britain”
PSC-CUNY Research GrantPSC-CUNY1999Awarded PSC-CUNY Research Grant for project, “Redefining Television’s Place in the Home: The Transition to Digital Broadcasting in the U.S. and Britain”
PSC-CUNY Research GrantPSC-CUNY1996Awarded PSC-CUNY Research renewal grant for project, “Gender, Home, and Nation in the Social Construction of Twentieth Century Media in the U.S. and Britain”
PSC-CUNY Research GrantPSC-CUNY1995Awarded PSC-CUNY Research Grant for project, “Gender, Home, and Nation in the Social Construction of Twentieth Century Media in the U.S. and Britain”
PSC-CUNY Research GrantPSC-CUNY1993Awarded PSC-CUNY Research renewal grant for project, “Cinema and Television in the International Media Markets of the 1990s: Implications for Contemporary Media Theory”
PSC-CUNY Research GrantPSC-CUNY1992Awarded PSC-CUNY Research Grant for project, “Cinema and Television in the International Media Markets of the 1990s: Implications for Contemporary Media Theory”
PSC-CUNY Research GrantPSC-CUNY1989Received renewal of research grant for “Technological Change, Institutional Forms and Representational Strategies: Italian Television in the 1980s”
PSC-CUNY Research GrantPSC-CUNY1988Awarded research grant for “Technological Change, Institutional Forms and Representational Strategies: Italian Television in the 1980s”
Faculty Research GrantSt Francis College1986
Doctoral dissertation awarded Second AlternateSociety for Cinema Studies Annual Dissertation Award1985
Selected as faculty participantNotre Dame College of Arts and Letters London Program/ London, England1983
University AssistantshipNew York University1977
University ScholarshipNew York University1976
Honors ProgramVanier College, York University1972
Honors ProgramCollege of Liberal Arts, University of Minnesota1970


Committee NamePosition RoleStart DateEnd Date
Executive CommitteeCommittee MemberPresent
MA in Corporate Communicaiton Planning GroupCommittee MemberPresent
"Review" CommitteeCommittee MemberPresent
Curriculum CommitteeCommittee MemberPresent
Teaching Observation CommitteeCommittee ChairPresent
Business Communication BA ProgramCommittee MemberPresent
Exemption CommitteeCommittee MemberPresent
Baruch College Faculty Fellow for Global Initiatives12/31/2016
Director of Graduate Studies, Weissman School of Arts and Sciences, Baruch College12/31/2003
Communication Studies Department Search CommitteesCommittee Member12/31/2002
Communication Studies Department Search CommitteesCommittee Member12/31/2001
Communication Studies Department Search CommitteesCommittee Member12/31/2000
Communication Studies Department Search CommitteesCommittee Member12/31/1999
Communication Studies Department Search CommitteesCommittee Member12/31/1998
Member of the Weissman School of Arts and Sciences Reassigned Time Committee12/31/1997
Chair of the Weissman School of Arts and Sciences Faculty Committee on Research and Travel12/31/1997
Subcommittee on Faculty Enrichment, Middle States Accreditation Review CommitteeCommittee Member12/31/1995
Chair of Ad Hoc Committeee of SLAS film faculty12/31/1994
Communication Studies Department Search CommitteesCommittee Member12/31/1994
Collaborated in the development of proposed new curricular option, Video Communication, in the Business Communication majorCollaborator12/31/1991
Search Committe for Higher Education Assistant, Department of Media ServicesCommittee Member12/31/1991
Assisted in Winter Commencement exercises1/31/1991
Department Library CommitteeCommittee Member12/31/1990
Co-advisor to Student Video ClubFaculty Advisor12/31/1990
Assisted in Winter Commencement exercises1/31/1990
Member of the Weissman School of Arts and Sciences Committee on Academic Standing12/31/1989
School and College and Curriculum CommitteesDeveloped two new courses in media studies, "Advanced Television Production For Business and Public Communication" and "American Television Programming"12/31/1987


Committee NamePosition RoleStart DateEnd Date
CUNY Film FacultyCommittee Member1/1/1987Present
Coordinator, Certificate Program in Film Studies, Graduate Center, City University of New York1/1/200312/31/2006
Member, Executive Committee on the Certificate Program in Film Studies1/1/199912/31/2006
Member, Committee on Academic Discipline1/1/199812/31/2002
PSC-CUNY Research Award Panel in Performing Arts Production/ScholarshipCommittee Member1/1/199512/31/1996
PSC-CUNY Research Award Panel in Performing Arts Production/ScholarshipCommittee Member1/1/199412/31/1995
PSC-CUNY Research Award Panel in Performing Arts ProductionChairperson1/1/199112/31/1992
CUNY Media and Culture Roundtable SalonCommittee Member1/1/198712/31/1992
PSC-CUNY Research Award Panel in Theatre, Video and Cinema StudiesChairperson1/1/199012/31/1991
PSC-CUNY Research Award Panel in Theatre, Video and Cinema StudiesChairperson1/1/198912/31/1990
Invited to joun doctoral faculty of the Ph.D. Program in Theatre and taught course "The Art of FIlm" in the doctoral faculty of the Ph.D. Program in Theatre9/1/199012/31/1990


OrganizationPosition RoleOrganization StateOrganization CountryStart DateEnd DateAudience
Invited external referee for hiring, promotion and tenure decisions for Dartmouth College, the University of Southern California, MIT, the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee, Monmouth Univeersity, Florida Atlantic University, and the University of California-San Diego1/1/1994Present
Acted as manuscript and proposal advisor for Oxford University Press, Columbia University Press, Syracuse University Press, the University of Minnesota Press, Wayne State University Press, the University of California Press, the University of Illinois Press, Rutgers University Press, Duke University Press, Indiana University Press, Cinema Journal, Screen, the International Hournal of Cultural Studies, Television and New Media, Media History, and The Velvet Light Trap1/1/1987Present
Invited lecturing scholar, Media Project, New York State Council for the Humanities1/1/199212/31/1994
Scholarly Advisor, "Hollywoord in the Television Age," television documentary produced by the Center for the Study of Visual History for the BBC and PBS12/31/1992
Ph.D comprehensive exam committee, Department of Cinema Studies, New York UniversityChairperson12/31/1991
Peer Review, Indidvidual Artists Program in Film, New york State Council on the ArtsMember5/31/1991
doctoral dissertation committee, Department of Cinema Studies, New York UniversityMember1/1/198912/31/1990
Consultant to proposed National Endowment for the Arts-funded video documentary, "Your Home, Your TV", produced by Barbara Osbourne and Matthew Geller4/30/1989
Equipment Coordinator, Department of Communication Arts, St. Francis College1/1/198412/31/1986
Consultant, American Museum of the Moving Image9/30/1985
Consultant to project on the history of public access cable television in New York State4/30/1985
Consultant to project on early television programmingMinnesota5/31/1983