William Organek

William Organek

Asst Professor

Zicklin School of Business

Department: Law

Areas of expertise: Bankruptcy and Financial Regulation, Mass Torts, Real Estate Law, State-Legal Marijuana Industry

Email Address: william.organek@baruch.cuny.edu

> View CV

William Organek is an Assistant Professor of Law at the Zicklin School of Business, and is the Managing Editor of the Harvard Law School Bankruptcy Roundtable. His research investigates bankruptcy’s operation as a system of public law regulation and private law ordering. His scholarship develops case studies with a blend of empirical analysis and insights from law and economics. His work also draws on his nearly ten years of legal practice and real estate business experience. His articles have been or are forthcoming in major law reviews and he has been featured on several podcasts of legal scholarship.

Prior to joining the Zicklin faculty, William was a Program Fellow with the Bankruptcy Project at Harvard Law School. Before that, he practiced law in the New York offices of two major international law firms, and he clerked for Judge Michael Wiles on the United States Bankruptcy Court for the Southern District of New York. Earlier in his career, he started a real estate business in China and lived in Shanghai for more than two years. He holds a J.D., cum laude, from Harvard Law School, and a B.A. in Economics-Philosophy from Columbia University.


J.D., Law, Harvard Law School Cambridge United States

B.A., Economics-Philosophy, Columbia University New York United States

SemesterCourse PrefixCourse NumberCourse Name
Fall 2024LAW1101Fundamentals of Business Law
Spring 2024LAW1101Fundamentals of Business Law
Fall 2023LAW1101Fundamentals of Business Law

Conference Proceedings

Organek, W. (2024). Up in Smoke: Bankruptcy by Contract in the Legal Cannabis Industry. Regulating Insolvency in Emerging Industries? Unveiling New Frontiers with Cannabis, DAOs, and Crypto.

Organek, W. (2024). Why Bankruptcy Will Keep Eating Mass Torts.

Organek, W. (2024). Up in Smoke: Bankruptcy by Contract in the Legal Cannabis Industry.

Organek, W. (2024). Why Bankruptcy Will Keep Eating Mass Torts.

Organek, W. (2024). Up in Smoke: Bankruptcy by Contract in the Legal Cannabis Industry.

Organek, W. (2023). Up in Smoke: Bankruptcy By Contract in the Legal Cannabis Industry.

Organek, W. (2023). Mass Tort Bankruptcy Goes Public.

Law Reviews

Organek, W. (2024). Mass Tort Bankruptcy Goes Public 77 Vanderbilt Law Review 723.

Organek, W. A. (2024). Purdue's Side Effects: Using Due Process to Realign Mass Tort Bankruptcies

Organek, W. A. (2024). Up in Smoke: Bankruptcy by Contract in the Legal Cannabis Industry American Bankruptcy Law Journal.

Organek, W. (2022). "A Bitter Result": Purdue Pharma, a Sackler Bankruptcy Filing, and Improving Monetary and Nonmonetary Recoveries in Mass Tort Bankruptcies 96 American Bankruptcy Law Journal 361.

Media Contributions

Organek, W. A. (2024). No Matter The Purdue Ruling, Mass Tort Reform Is Needed.

Organek, W. (2023). [Texas Two-Step and the Future of Mass Tort Bankruptcy Series] The Dismissal of LTL and What Lies Ahead for Mass Tort Bankruptcy.

Organek, W., & Roe, M. (2022). [Texas Two-Step and the Future of Mass Tort Bankruptcy Series] The Texas Two-Step: The Code Says it's a Transfer.

Honor / AwardOrganization SponsorDate ReceivedDescription
Kohn-Kidwell FellowTemple University Beasley School of Law2023-04-03Named a Kohn-Kidwell Fellow in connection with attendance at the "Contract Law in Action: COVID and the Casebook" conference.
Program Fellow, Bankruptcy ProjectHarvard Law School2021-07-01Named a Program Fellow with the Bankruptcy Project at Harvard Law School


Committee NamePosition RoleStart DateEnd Date
Committee on Prizes, Scholarships and AwardsCommittee MemberPresent
Faculty Research WorkshopOrganizerPresent