William T McClellan

Assc Professor

Weissman School of Arts and Sciences

Department: English

Areas of expertise:

Email Address: william.mcclellan@baruch.cuny.edu


Ph.D., English, City University of New York Graduate School

MPhil, English, City University of New York Graduate School

AB, English, Syracuse University

SemesterCourse PrefixCourse NumberCourse Name
Spring 2022ENG2800Great Works of Literature I
Spring 2022ENG3010Survey of English Literature I
Fall 2021ENG2800Great Works of Literature I
Fall 2021ENG4120Chaucer
Spring 2020ENG4710Medieval Romance
Spring 2020ENG2800Great Works of Literature I
Fall 2019ENG4120Chaucer
Fall 2019ENG2800Great Works of Literature I
Spring 2019ENG2800Great Works of Literature I
Spring 2019ENG3010Survey of English Literature I
Fall 2018ENG3950Topics in Literature
Fall 2018JWS3950Special Topics in Jewish Studi
Fall 2018ENG2800Great Works of Literature I
Spring 2018ENG2800Great Works of Literature I
Spring 2018ENG4110Medieval Literature
Fall 2017ENG4120Chaucer
Fall 2017ENG2800Great Works of Literature I
Spring 2017ENG5000Independent Study English I
Spring 2017ENG3010Survey of English Literature I
Spring 2017ENG2800Great Works of Literature I
Fall 2016ENG2800Great Works of Literature I
Fall 2016ENG3950Topics in Literature
Spring 2016ENG3010Survey of English Literature I
Spring 2016ENG4120Chaucer
Fall 2015ENG4710Medieval Romance
Spring 2015ENG2800Great Works of Literature I
Spring 2015ENG4120Chaucer
Fall 2014ENG3950HHonors - Topics In Literature
Fall 2014ENG5000Independent Study English I
Fall 2014ENG2800Great Works of Literature I
Fall 2014ENG3950Topics in Literature
Spring 2014ENG2800Great Works of Literature I
Spring 2014ENG3010Survey of English Literature I
Spring 2014ENG5000Independent Study English I
Fall 2013ENG2800Great Works of Literature I
Fall 2013ENG4710Medieval Romance
Fall 2013ENG2800Great Works of Literature I
Spring 2013ENG4120Chaucer
Spring 2013ENG2800Great Works of Literature I
Fall 2012ENG2800Great Works of Literature I
Fall 2012ENG2800Great Works of Literature I
Fall 2012ENG3010Survey of English Literature I
Spring 2012ENG2800HHon Great Works of Lit I
Spring 2012ENG3950Topics in Literature
Fall 2011ENG2100Writing I
Fall 2011ENG2100Writing I
Fall 2011ENG4120Chaucer
Spring 2011ENG3010Survey of English Literature I
Spring 2011ENG2800Great Works of Literature I
Fall 2010ENG2800Great Works of Literature I
Fall 2010ENG2800Great Works of Literature I
Fall 2010ENG4710Medieval Romance
Fall 2009ENG2100Writing I
Fall 2009ENG4120Chaucer
Fall 2008ENG2800Great Works of Literature I
Fall 2008ENG2800Great Works of Literature I
Fall 2008ENG3950Topics in Literature
Spring 2008ENG2800Great Works of Literature I
Spring 2008ENG3010Survey of English Literature I
Spring 2008ENG3010Survey of English Literature I
Spring 2008ENG2800Great Works of Literature I
Fall 2007ENG2100Writing I
Fall 2007ENG4120Chaucer
Spring 2007ENG2150Writing II
Spring 2007ENG4710Medieval Romance
Fall 2006ENG2800Great Works of Literature I
Fall 2006ENG2800Great Works of Literature I
Fall 2006ENG3950Topics in Literature
Spring 2006ENG5000Independent Study English I
Spring 2006ENG2800Great Works of Literature I
Spring 2006ENG3010Survey of English Literature I
Fall 2005ENG2100Writing I
Fall 2005ENG4710Medieval Romance
Fall 2005ENG2100Writing I
Spring 2005ENG4120Chaucer
Spring 2005ENG2150Writing II
Fall 2004ENG2800Great Works of Literature I
Fall 2004ENG2800Great Works of Literature I
Fall 2004ENG3950Topics in Literature
Summer 2004ENG3010Survey of English Literature I
Spring 2004ENG3010Survey of English Literature I
Spring 2004ENG2150Writing II
Spring 2004ENG2150Writing II
Fall 2003ENG2800Great Works of Literature I
Fall 2003ENG4120Chaucer
Fall 2003ENG2800Great Works of Literature I
Summer 2003ENG2800Great Works of Literature I
Spring 2003ENG3010Survey of English Literature I
Spring 2003ENG2150Writing II
Fall 2002ENG3950Topics in Literature
Fall 2002ENG2800Great Works of Literature I
Fall 2002ENG2150Writing II
Summer 2002ENG2800Great Works of Literature I
Spring 2002ENG4120Chaucer
Spring 2002ENG2800Great Works of Literature I
Fall 2001ENG2800Great Works of Literature I
Fall 2001ENG3950Topics in Literature
Fall 2001ENG2800Great Works of Literature I


McClellan, W. T. (2016). Reading Chaucer After Auschwitz: Sovereign Power and Bare Life. New York, Palgrave Macmillan.

Journal Articles

McClellan, W. T. (2012). The Reconstructive Consequences of Agamben's Commentary on Romans, revise and resubmit.

McClellan, W. T. (2005). "Ful Pale Face: Agamben's Biopolitical Theory and the Sovereign Subject in Chaucer's Clerk Tale". Exemplaria, , 17. 103 - 134.

McClellan, W. T. (1996). "A Codicological Analysis of the Quire Structure of MS HM140 and Its Implications for a Revised Ordinatio" . Text: Transactions of the Society for Texual Scholarship , 8. 187-198.

McClellan, W. T. (1994). "The Transcription of the Clerk's Tale in MS HM 140: Interpreting Texual Effects" . Studies in Bibliography, Papers of the Bibliographical Society of the University of Virginia , 89-103.

McClellan, W. T. (1992). "The Consequences of 'Treuth': Reading Two Versions of the Clerk's Tale" . Genre, University of Oklahoma, 153-178.

McClellan, W. T. (1990). "The Dialogic Other: Bahktin's Theory of Rhetoric" . Discourse Social/Social Discourse: Research Papers in Comparative Literature: Bakhtin and Otherness, McGill University, 233-249.

McClellan, W. T. (1989). "Lars Engle, 'Chaucer, Bakhtin and Griselda': A Response". Exemplaria, 499-506.

(1989). "Bahktin's Theory of Dialogic Discourse, Medieval Rhetorical Theory and The Multi-Voiced Structure of The Clerk's Tale" . Exemplaria, Published by Medieval and Renaissance Texts and Studies, SUNY Binghamton, (461-488).

Book Chapters

McClellan, W. T. (2011). "Primo Levi and the History of Reception". In Pugliese, S. (Ed.), Answering Auschwitz: Primo Levi's Science and Humanism after the Fall (pp. 169-178, 277-78.). New York,USA. Fordham University Press.

McClellan, W. T. (2005). "Primo Levi, Georgio Agamben, and the New Ethics of Reading,". In Pugliese, S. (Ed.), The Legacy of Primo Levi (pp. 147-152). New York: Palgrave Macmillan.

McClellan, W. T. (2000). "'Me thynketh It a Thyng Impertinent': Inaugurating Dialogic Discourse in the Prologue to the Clerk's Tale". In Hill, J. (Ed.), Rhetorical Poetics of the Middle Ages (pp. 149-163). U of Farleigh Dickinson.

McClellan, W. T. (1998). "A Postmodern Performance: Counter-reading Chaucer's 'Clerk's' Tale and Maxine Hong Kingston's 'No Name Woman'". In Paxon, J., Tomasch, S., & Cooper, L. (Eds.), The Performance of Middle English Culture: Essays in Performativity, Semiotics and History in Chaucer and the Drama (pp. 183-196). Cambridge. D.S. Brewer.

McClellan, W. T. (1992). "Radical Theology or Parody in a Marian Lyric of MS Harley 2253". In Sinnreich-Levi, D., & Sigal, G. (Eds.), Voices in Translation (pp. 157-168). New York. AMS Press.


McClellan, W. T. (2009, April 30). The Reconstructive Consequences of Agamben's Commentary on Romans. Glossing is a Glorious Thing: The Past, Present and Future of Commentary. CUNY Graduate Center: City University of New York, New York.

McClellan, W. T. (2007, February 28). Primo Levi's Engagement with Dante's 'Ulysses Canto' in Survivial in Auschwitz. Holocaust Educators Network. New York, NY: CUNY Graduate Center.

McClellan, W. T. (2007, May 31). Chaucer and the Ethics of Reception: Reading 'The Clerk's Tale' Today. 42nd International Congress on Medieval Studies. Kalamazoo, Michigan: Western Michigan University.

McClellan, W. T. (2007, April 30). Primo Levi and the History of Reception. Answering Auchwitz: Primo Levi's Science and Humanism After the Fall. Hempstead, NY: Hofstra University.

McClellan, W. T. (2002, May 31). Modern theorists and the Cultural Capital of the Middle Ages: Bakhtin and Agamben. 37th International Congress on Medieval Studies. Western Michigan University, Kalamazoo, Michigan

McClellan, W. T. (2002, October 31). Primo Levi, Giorgio Agamaben and the New Ethics of Reading. "If This Is a Man": The Life and Legacy of Primo Levi. Hofstra University

McClellan, W. T. (2001, May 31). The Mirabilis, Alexis Fresco, and the Topographical Imagination of Medieval Rome. 36th International Congress on Medieval Studies. Western Michigan University, Kalamazoo, Michigan

McClellan, W. T. (2000, May 31). The Fate of Chaucer's 'Clerk's Tale' in the Fifteenth Century. 35th Annual Interantional Congress on Medieval Studies. Western Michigan University, Kalamazoo, Michigan

McClellan, W. T. (1997, February 28). They dauncen: Gendered Representations of Death and Desire and the Performance of Subjectivity in The Franklin's Tale. Medieval Club Conference. CUNY Graduate Center

McClellan, W. T. (1994, April 30). 'All Shook Up': Reading Traditional Texts in the Technological Culture of Postmodernity. Seminar Conference "The Engaged Humanities," Institute for Medical Humanities. The University of Texas Medical Branch at Galveston

McClellan, W. T. (1993, June 30). Deconstructing/Reconstructing Textual Transmission: A Codicological Analysis of MS HM 140. Society for the History of Authorship, Reading and Publishing. Graduate Center/CUNY

McClellan, W. T. (1992, May 31). The Dialogic of The Clerk'sTale: Writing, Power and the Subjugation of Women. International Congress on Medieval Studies. Western Michigan University. Kalamazoo, Michigan

McClellan, W. T. (1990, March 31). Bakhtin's Dialogic, Lyotard's Differend and the Problematics of Representation in a Multi-Cutural Universe,. Bakhtin: Dialogic Dimensions of Text, Thought and Performance. CUNY Graduate Center

McClellan, W. T. (1989, November 30). Bakhtin, Lyotard and Dilemmas of the Postmodern Sublime. Cultural Studies: Problems and Applications Marxism Now: Traditions and Differences. Univeristy of Massachusetts, Amherst

McClellan, W. T. (1989, September 30). Respondent to Jacques Derrida, "Where Does Theory Stand Today. Public Lecture. CUNY Graduate Center

McClellan, W. T. (1989, March 31). Rhetoric and Dialogics. Cultural Studies Seminar Workshop. CUNY Graduate Center

McClellan, W. T. (1989, April 30). Bakhtin, Lyotard and the Kantian Thematic of the Sublime. Cultural Studies: Theologies of Confusion. CUNY Graduate Center

McClellan, W. T. (1989, May 31). "Bakhtin and Chaucer" Debate with Lars Engle. Exemplaria, International Congress on Medieval Studies. Western Michigan University. Kalamazoo, Michigan: .

McClellan, W. T. (1988, April 30). Bakhtin and Postmodernism: Narrative Text As Dialogic Discourse. Society for the Study of Narrative Literature. Ohio State University

McClellan, W. T. (1987, November 30). Dialogic Discourse and the Problematics of Translatio in The Prologue to the Clerk's Tale. Mid-Hudson MLA. Marist College

McClellan, W. T. (1987, May 31). Radical Theology or Parody in Marian Lyric of MS Harley 2253. International Congress on Medieval Studies. Western Michigan University, Kalamazoo

McClellan, W. T. (1987, April 30). Bakhtin's Theory of Dialogic Discourse and Medieval Rhetorical Theory. Medieval Academy of America Meeting. University of Toronto

McClellan, W. T. (1986, October 31). Dialogics As a Theory of Rhetorical Discourse and Its Grounding in Social Evaluation. Colloquium. CUNY Graduate School

McClellan, W. T. (1986, May 31). The World Upside Down: The Typology of Chaucer's Parodic Discourse. International Congress on Medieval Studies. Western Michigan University

McClellan, W. T. (1985, December 31). The Parodic Voice of Grotesque Realism in the Second Ending of The Clerk's Tale. Helaine Newstead Medieval Studies Seminar. CUNY Graduate

McClellan, W. T. (1985, October 31). Dialogic Discourse and A New Rhetorical Model. The Semiotic Study Group. CUNY Graduate School

McClellan, W. T. (1985, November 30). Bakhtin's Discourse Typology and Some Questions Concerning Oral Narratives. Hunter- Brookdale Institute on the Humanities, Arts and Aging. Hunter College

McClellan, W. T. (1984, November 30). Translatio and the Announcement of Double -Voiced Discourse in The Prologue of the Clerk's Tale. Helaine Newstead Medieval Studies Seminar. CUNY

McClellan, W. T. (1980, December 31). Polyphonic Narrative Voicing: Apostrophe and Dialectic in the Merchant's Tale. Mid-Hudson Modern Language Association. Marist College


McClellan, W. T. (2006,January 1). Lynn Staley, 2005, Languages of Power in the Age of Richard II, Pennslyvania State University Press,. Speculum .

McClellan, W. T. (1999,January 1). Jill Ricketts, Visualizing Boccaccio: Studies on Illustrations of "The Decameron" from Giotto to Pasolini. Cambridge University Press, 1997 .

Honor / AwardOrganization SponsorDate ReceivedDescription
Presidential Excellence AwardBaruch College, CUNY2005Distinguished Teaching
Administrative Reassigned TimeStudent Advisement 4 Hours (2 hours per semester)


Committee NamePosition RoleStart DateEnd Date
Evening Student AdvisorPresent
Faculty SenateCommittee MemberPresent
Student Poetry RevelOrganizerPresent
Faculty SenateCommittee MemberPresent
First Year Composition Task Force 8/31/2008
Composition Committe 8/31/2006
Curriculum Committee 8/31/2002
Subcommittee of Curriculum Committee on Program DevelopmentCommittee Chair12/31/1994
Curriculum Committee Secretary8/31/1993
Committee on Academic Standing 8/31/1992
Committee on Cultural Studies6/30/1992
Presidential Scholarship Award Committee Member3/31/1991
Dept Secretary8/31/1988


Committee NamePosition RoleStart DateEnd Date
Steering CommitteeRepresentative for Baruch College CUNY English Forum Craduate Center4/1/19933/31/1994
Ogranizing Committee Representative for Baruch College CUNY English Forum, Graduate Center4/4/19933/31/1994


OrganizationPosition RoleOrganization StateOrganization CountryStart DateEnd DateAudience
Medieval Club of New YorkMemberPresent
Modern Langauage Association MemberPresent
The Medieval Academy of America MemberPresent
Committee on the English Major, English Department, BaruchOrganizer and Member 1/1/200012/31/2002
Organizing Committe, Series of Six Colloquia, Bakhtin: Radical Perspectives 10/1/198611/30/1986
Helaine Newsread Medieval Studies Seminar Speaker and Committee Member 1/1/197812/31/1985