Yanghui Liu

Asst Professor

Weissman School of Arts and Sciences

Department: Mathematics

Areas of expertise: Probability and Statistics

Email Address: yanghui.liu@baruch.cuny.edu

> View CV


Ph.D., Mathematics, University of Kansas Lawrence KS

M.S., Mathematics, Chinese Academy of Science Wuhan China

B.S., Mathematics, Nanchang University Nanchang China

SemesterCourse PrefixCourse NumberCourse Name
Spring 2023MTH4115Numerical Methods for Differen
Spring 2023MTH4125Intro to Stochastic Processes
Fall 2022MTH3020Calculus III
Fall 2022MTH4130Mathematics of Data Analysis
Spring 2022MTH4115Numerical Methods for Differen
Fall 2021MTH3010Calculus II
Fall 2021MTH4500Intro Financial Math
Spring 2021MTH2610Calculus I
Spring 2021MTH2610Calculus I
Fall 2020MTH4500Intro Financial Math
Fall 2020MTH4500Intro Financial Math

Journal Articles

Zhou, H., Hu, Y., & Liu, Y. (2023). Backward Euler method for stochastic differential equations with non-Lipschitz coefficients driven by fractional Brownian motion. BIT Numerical Mathematics , (2023) 63:40. In Progress.

Chong, C., Hoffmann, M., Liu, Y., Rosenbaum, M., & Szymanski, G. (2023). Statistical inference for the rough volatility: Central limit theorem. Annals of Applied Probability, In Progress.

Leon, J., Liu, Y., & Tindel, S. (2023). Euler scheme for SDEs driven by fractional brownian motions: Malliavin differentiability. Stochastic Processes and their applications,

CHONG, C., HOFFMANN, M., Liu, Y., ROSENBAUM, M., & SZYMANSKI, G. (2023). Statistical inference for rough volatility: minimax theory. . Annals of Statistics,

Leon, J., Liu, Y., & Tindel, S. (2023). Euler scheme for SDEs driven by fractional brownian motions: integrability and convergence in law. Annals of Applied Probability,

Liu, Y., Hu, Y., & Nualart, D. (2021). Crank-Nicolson scheme for stochastic differential equations driven by fractional Brownian motions. Annals of Applied Probability, 2021, Vol. 31, No. 1, 39–83.

Liu, Y., Selk, Z., & Tindel, S. (2020). Convergence of trapezoid rule to rough integrals. Annales de l'Institut Henri Poincar\'e (B) Probabilit\'es et Statistiques., 2023, Vol. 59, No. 3, 1434–1462.

Liu, Y., & Tindel, S. (2020). Discrete rough paths and limit theorems. Annales de l'Institut Henri Poincar\'e, Probabilit\'es et Statistiques, 56(3). 1730--1774.

Hu, Y., Liu, Y., & Tindel, S. (2019). On the necessary and sufficient conditions to solve a heat equation with general Additive Gaussian noise. Acta Mathematica Scientia, 39(3). 669--690.

Liu, Y., Nualart, E., & Tindel, S. (2019). LAN property for stochastic differential equations with additive fractional noise and continuous time observation. Stochastic Processes and their Applications, 129(8). 2880--2902.

Liu, Y., & Tindel, S. (2019). First-order Euler scheme for SDEs driven by fractional Brownian motions: the rough case. Annals of Applied Probability, 29(2). 758--826.

Tindel, S., Liu, Y., & Lin, G. (2019). On the anticipative nonlinear filtering problem and its stability. Applied Mathematics and Optimization,

Hu, Y., Liu, Y., & Nualart, D. (2016). Rate of convergence and asymptotic error distribution of Euler approximation schemes for fractional diffusions. Annals of Applied Probability, 26(2). 1147--1207.

Hu, Y., Liu, Y., & Nualart, D. (2015). Taylor schemes for rough differential equations and fractional diffusions. Discrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems, Series B,

Liu, Y. Limit theorems for compensated weighted sums and  application to numerical approximations. Annals of Applied Probability,

Liu, Y., & Wang, X. Power variations and limit theorems for stochastic processes controlled  by fractional Brownian motions. Electronic Journal of Probability,


Liu, Y. (2024, March 9). How volatile is the asset volatility?. Hunter Probability and Statistics Seminar, 3-27-2024..

Liu, Y. Compensated weighted sums and numerical approximations. Seminar on Stochastic Processes. Rice University. March 13-16.

Liu, Y. Compensated weighted sums and numerical approximations. AMS Sectional Meeting, Florida. March 23-24th.

Liu, Y. (2024, March 9). How Volatile is Asset Volatility?. 2nd Annual Faculty Research Symposium, Baruch College CUNY, March, 24, 2023..

Liu, Y. (2024, December 9). Statistical Inference for Rough Volatility. Applied Math Conference, University of Geosciences, Wuhan, Dec. 17-18, 2022..

Liu, Y. (2024, March 9). Numerical approximations for stochastic rough integrations. AMS Spring Central Virtual Sectional Meeting, Purdue University, March 26-27, 2022..

Liu, Y. (2024, October 9). Optimal rate and limit theorem for rough volatility. CUNY Probability Seminar. October 18, 2022..

Liu, Y. (2024, March 9). Numerical approximations for stochastic rough integrations. Seminar on Stochastic Processes, Lehigh University Mar 16-19, 2022.. Lehigh University

Liu, Y. How rough is volatility?. Eugene M. Lang Faculty Fellows Luncheon October 28, 2022..

Liu, Y. (2024, December 9). Numerical approximations for stochastic differential equations driven by fractional Brownian motion. Frontier Probability Day, December 3-5, 2021..

Liu, Y. (2021, January 21). Numerical Approximations for Rough Differential Equations. TU Berlin SPDE Seminar. Berlin, Germany: TU Berlin.

Liu, Y. (2021, February 19). Numerical Approximations for Rough Differential Equations. Columbia SPDE Seminar. New York City: Columbia University.

Liu, Y. (2021, November 20). Numerical solutions for stochastic differential equations. AMS Sectional Meeting. Mobile, Alabama: AMS.

Liu, Y. (2021, August 3). Numerical stochastic integrations and limit theorems. CBMS conference. Huntsville, Alabama: University of Alabama - Huntsville.

Liu, Y. (2020, September 15). Discrete Rough Paths and Applications to Numerical Approximations. CUNY Probability Seminar. CUNY Graduate Center: CUNY Graduate Center.

Liu, Y. Compensated weighted sums and numerical approximations. Conference on Applied Math, Wuhan, China, 12-17-2022..

Other Scholarly Works

Liu, Y. (2016). Numerical solutions of rough differential equations and stochastic differential equations.

Research Currently in Progess

Liu, Y., & Tasissa, A.(n.d.). Deep learning rough differential equations and its applications in finance.. In Progress.

Liu, Y., & Gatheral, J.(n.d.). On the volatility of rough SABR model . In Progress.

Liu, Y., & Wang, T.(n.d.). Parameter estimation of multiplicative SDEs via discrete observation . In Progress.

TitleFunding Agency SponsorStart DateEnd DateAwarded DateTotal FundingStatus
Rough Dynamical Systems and Stochastic Analysis PSC CUNY 5207/01/202106/30/202304/15/20215999.72Completed
Statistical analysis for the rough volatility modelsPSC-CUNY 5407/01/202306/30/202404/18/20235999.67Funded - In Progress
Numerical Approximations and limit theorems for stochastic Numerical Approximations and limit theorems for stochasticEugene Lang Fellowship06/01/202206/30/202304/11/20226538.27Funded - In Progress
Rough Dynamical Systems and Numerical ApproximationsSimons Foundation09/01/202208/31/202742000Submitted for Review
Numerical stochastic dynamical systems and applicationsNational Science Foundation06/01/202205/31/2023244984Submitted for Review
Numerical analysis for non-Markovian stochastic dynamic systemsNational Science Foundation06/01/202205/31/2025244984Submitted for Review
Honor / AwardOrganization SponsorDate ReceivedDescription
Eugene M. Lang Junior Faculty Research Fellowship AwardsBaruch College, CUNY2022-06-01Information about this awards can be found here: https://spar.baruch.cuny.edu/elang/
CBMS conference travel supportCBMS2021support for travel expenses for speakers at CBMS conference at University of Alabama Huntsville. ($800)
PSC-CUNY AwardPSC-CUNY2021Cycle 52 PSC-CUNY Research Award beginning July 1st, 2021. ($5999.72)


Committee NamePosition RoleStart DateEnd Date
Final Exams CommitteeCommittee MemberPresent
Calculus Curriculum Committee (MTH 2207,2610,3006/3010,3020/3030) Committee MemberPresent


Committee NamePosition RoleStart DateEnd Date
PSC-CUNY awardsCommittee Member3/1/2024Present


OrganizationPosition RoleOrganization StateOrganization CountryStart DateEnd DateAudience
National Science FoundationCommittee Member1/1/2023PresentNational
Annals of Applied ProbabilityReviewer, Journal Article2/1/2024PresentInternational
BernoulliReviewer, Journal Article6/22/2023PresentInternational
Annals of ProbabilityReviewer, Journal Article5/16/2022PresentInternational
Stochastic processes and their applicationsReviewer, Journal Article3/14/2023PresentInternational
Annales de l'Institut Henri PoincaréReviewer, Journal Article9/19/2020PresentInternational
MathScienet ReviewReviewer, Journal Article9/6/2020PresentInternational
Annals of ProbabilityReviewer, Journal Article2/1/2024PresentInternational
Finance and StochasticsReviewer, Journal Article7/17/2023PresentInternational
Electronic Journal of ProbabilityReviewer, Journal Article9/17/2021PresentInternational