Youngmin Choi

Asst Professor

Zicklin School of Business

Department: Bert Wasserman Dept Eco & Fin

Areas of expertise:

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Ph.D., Finance, Georgia Institute of Technology Atlanta GA

M.S., Quantitative and Computational Finance (QCF), Georgia Institute of Technology Atlanta GA

M.A., Economics, Yonsei University Seoul South Korea

B.S., Mechanical Engineering, Business Administration, Yonsei University Seoul South Korea

SemesterCourse PrefixCourse NumberCourse Name
Spring 2024FIN4610Advanced Corporate Finance
Spring 2024FIN4610Advanced Corporate Finance
Spring 2023FIN4610Advanced Corporate Finance
Spring 2023FIN4610Advanced Corporate Finance
Fall 2022FIN9770Corporate Finance
Spring 2022FIN4610Advanced Corporate Finance
Spring 2022FIN4610Advanced Corporate Finance
Spring 2021FIN4610Advanced Corporate Finance
Spring 2021FIN4610Advanced Corporate Finance
Spring 2020FIN4610Advanced Corporate Finance
Spring 2019FIN4610Advanced Corporate Finance
Spring 2019FIN4610Advanced Corporate Finance
Fall 2018FIN4610Advanced Corporate Finance


Choi, Y., Hovakimian, A., & Won, J. (2024, July 1). Risk Perception and Corporate Investment and Financing Behaviors. China International Conference in Finance (CICF). Shanghai, China

Choi, Y., Hovakimian, A., & Won, J. (2024, November 1). Risk Perception and Corporate Investment and Financing Behaviors. Conference on Financial Economics and Accounting (CFEA) annual conference. Atlanta, Georgia: Georgia State University.

Choi, Y., Hovakimian, A., & Won, J. (2022, October 1). Risk Perception and Corporate Investment and Financing Behaviors. Financial Management Association (FMA) annual conference. Atlanta, Georgia: Financial Management Association.

Choi, Y. (2024, October 1). Discussion on "Risk-based momentum" by Sophia Li, Peixuan Yuan, and Guofu Zhou. Financial Management Association (FMA) annual conference. Atlanta: Financial Management Association.

Choi, Y. (2024, December 1). Complementarity of Passive and Active Investment on Stock Price Efficiency. Financial Management Association (FMA) Asia-Pacific Conference. Melbourne, Australia: Financial Management Association (FMA).

Choi, Y. (2024, October 1). Discussion on "Term Structure of Equity Return Volatility" by Wentao Li. Financial Management Association (FMA) annual conference. Atlanta, GA: Financial Management Association.

Hovakimian, A., Choi, Y., & Won, J. (2024, September 1). Risk Perceptions and Corporate Investment and Financing Behaviors. Korea-America Finance Association (KAFA) Brown Bag Seminar Series. : Korea-America Finance Association.

Chang, Y., Choi, Y., Kim, S., & Park, J. (2022, October 1). Stock Market Return Predictability Dormant in Option Panels. Financial Management Association (FMA) annual conference. Atlanta, Georgia: Financial Management Association.

Hovakimian, A., Choi, Y., & Won, J. (2022, October 1). Risk Perception and Corporate Investment and Financing Behaviors. Financial Management Association (FMA) annual conference. Atlanta, Georgia: Financial Management Association.

Chang, Y., Choi, Y., Kim, S., & Park, J. (2022, July 1). Stock Market Return Predictability Dormant in Options Panels. The 16th International Symposium on Econometric Theory and Applications (SETA 2022). Online: Yonsei University.

Choi, Y., Hovakimian, A., & Won, J. (2024, September 1). Risk Perceptions and Corporate Investment and Financing Behaviors. Korea-America Finance Association (KAFA) Brown Bag Seminar Series. : Korea-America Finance Association.

Chang, Y., Choi, Y., Kim, S., & Park, J. (2024, December 1). Stock Market Return Predictability Dormant in Options Panels. Financial Management Association (FMA) Asia-Pacific Conference. Melbourne, Australia: Financial Management Association (FMA).

Choi, Y. (2021, March 25). Stock Market Return Predictability Dormant in Option Panels. The Korea-American Economic Association Virtual Seminar. : The Korea-American Economic Association.

Choi, Y. (2021, May 28). Stock Market Return Predictability Dormant in Option Panels. Allied Korea Finance Association (AKFA) conference. : Korea Finance Association.

Chang, Y., Choi, Y., Kim, S., & Park, J. (2024, November 1). Stock Market Return Predictability Dormant in Options Panels. FMA Conference on Derivatives and Volatility. Chicago, IL: Financial Management Association.

Choi, Y. (2021, September 17). Market Returns Dormant in Option Panels. Econometric Research in Finance Workshop 2021. : Warsaw School of Economics.

Choi, Y. (2021, July 9). Complementarity of Passive and Active Investment on Stock Price Eciency. China International Conference of Finance (CICF) Annual Conference. Shanghai, China and virtual: Chinese Association of Finance.

Choi, Y. (2020, October 19). Market Returns Dormant in Option Panels. Financial Management Association (FMA) Annual Meeting. : FMA.

Choi, Y. (2020, August 7). Complementarity of Passive and Active Investment on Stock Price Efficiency. Midwest Finance Association (MFA) Annual Meeting. Virtual meeting: Midwest Finance Association (MFA).

Choi, Y. (2020, April 30). Market Returns Dormant in Option Panels. Brown Bag Research Seminar. Baruch College: Department of Economics and Finance, Baruch College.

Choi, Y. (2019, March 29). Complementarity of Passive and Active Investment on Stock Price Efficiency. Triple Crown Conference. Rutgers University: Baruch College / Rutgers University / Temple University.

Choi, Y., Chang, Y., Kim, S., & Park, J. (2019, July 15). Market Returns Dormant in Option Panels. Annual Conference of Asia-Pacific Association of Derivatives (APAD). Seoul, South Korea: Korea Derivative Association.

Choi, Y. (2019, November 30). Complementarity of Passive and Active Investment on Stock Price Efficiency. Yeshiva University Research Seminar. Yeshiva University: Yeshiva University, Economics Department.

Choi, Y., & Lee, S. S. (2018, November 20). Security Analysts' Efficiency Contribution and Impact on Stock and Option Markets. Brown Bag Research Seminar. Baruch College: Department of Economics and Finance, Baruch College.

Choi, Y. (2018, October 12). Complementarity of Passive and Active Investment on Stock Price Efficiency. Financial Management Association (FMA) Annual Conference. San Diego, CA: Financial Management Association.

Choi, Y., & Lee, S. S. (2018, October 12). The Role of Efficient Analysts in Stock and Option Markets. Financial Management Association (FMA) Annual Conference. San Diego, CA: Financial Management Association (FMA).

Choi, Y. (2018, September 23). Complementarity of Passive and Active Investment on Stock Price Efficiency. Northern Finance Association (NFA) Annual Conference. Quebec, Canada: Northern Finance Association.

Research Currently in Progess

Choi, Y.(n.d.). Complementarity of Passive and Active Investment on Stock Price Efficiency.

I investigate the collective impact of passive and active investment on stock price efficiency using a quasi-natural experiment. I document an improvement in efficiency due to an exogenous increase in passive investment, specifically in stocks widely held by actively managed funds. These active funds are compensated with higher realized returns after an exogenous increase in passive investment. I use the reconstitution of Russell indexes as an instrument. My findings suggest that active funds seek out inefficient stocks and ultimately experience superior returns due to the improvement in efficiency from passive investment. An increase in analyst following and a decrease in analyst forecast dispersion are identified as economic channels of the efficiency improvement. Overall, my results highlight the complementary role of passive and active investment on price discovery due to symbiotic nature of their existence.

Choi, Y., & Lee, S. S.(n.d.). Realized Skewness for Information Ambiguity.

We propose realized skewness constructed using high-frequency data as a measure of information ambiguity. We show a significant decrease in realized skewness around analysts' earnings forecasts and recommendation releases, indicating that ambiguity-averse investors respond to intangible information asymmetrically. We document that negative realized skewness predicts subsequent lower returns around information releases after controlling for return continuations. A zero-net investment strategy incorporating our finding achieves a Sharpe ratio of 1.766 with 0.83% of monthly average returns. Our finding suggests ambiguity-averse investors not only respond negatively but also under-react to hard-to-interpret news releases.

Choi, Y., & Lee, S. S.(n.d.). Back to Basics: Security Analysts as Information Intermediaries.

This paper focuses on the fundamental role of security analysts as information intermediaries. Using a signal-to-noise volatility ratio constructed using two different frequencies of intraday data, we document that, on average, a security analyst's recommendation revision contributes to stock price efficiency. However, we find significant heterogeneity in the impacts on stock and options markets, depending on the efficiency contribution. In particular, we find that only a highly efficiency-contributing revision generates significant stock price reactions in the anticipated directions. Furthermore, the issuance of a highly efficiency-contributing revision resolves uncertainty about a firm and reduces the risk of stock price jumps.

Choi, Y., Chang, Y., Kim, S., & Park, J.(n.d.). Stock Market Returns Dormant in Option Panels.

This paper offers a novel approach in identifying the relationship between the option prices and market risk premium using functional predictive regression. We provide evidence that the predictability of the aggregate market return can be greatly improved by utilizing the identified linkage between the cross-section of option prices and the cross-section of individual stock returns. Applying our framework into the option panel data on S&P 500 and the realized returns of individual stocks in S&P 500 over our sample period from January 1996 to December 2015, we achieve a remarkable performance in predicting S&P 500 index monthly returns, yielding 4.02% (5.26%) of in-sample (out-of-sample) R^2. Using the adaptive-lasso, we find that the information in risk-neutral density which contributes to the this stark improvement in the predictability is not spanned by the information in the existing predictors.

Choi, Y., Hovakimian, A., & Won, J.(n.d.). Risk Perception and Corporate Investment and Financing Behaviors. In Progress.

Using a recently developed measure of financial market risk perceptions, we show that market risk perceptions affect firm-level corporate investment and financing. While multiple channels drive these results, we find evidence that firms cater to investors’ preferences. When perceived risk is low, firms tend to choose more leveraged capital structures and increase their capital expenditures to take advantage of overvaluation associated with higher risk and more investment. When perceived risk is high, firms tend to deleverage and reduce capital expenditures to avoid undervaluation associated with higher risk and more investment.

Choi, Y., & Lee, S. S.(n.d.). Seasonality in Stock Returns and Jumps. In Progress.

The seasonality in the cross-section of expected stock returns has been a prevailing phenomenon in the financial markets. This paper aim to examine how much jumps in stock prices attributes to the well-documented phenomenon.

Choi, Y., & Kim, S.(n.d.). Predicting Bond Returns from Term Structure. In Progress.

Choi, Y., & Noh, J.(n.d.). High-frequency trader, information, and jumps in stock prices. In Progress.

Choi, Y., Lee, S. S., & Kim, S.(n.d.). Systematic Jumps and Arbitrage Portfolios. In Progress.

TitleFunding Agency SponsorStart DateEnd DateAwarded DateTotal FundingStatus
Realized Skewness for Information Ambiguity PSC CUNY 5207/01/202106/30/202204/15/20216000Completed
Market Returns Dormant in Option PanelsPSC-CUNY 5107/01/202012/31/202204/17/20206000Completed
Security Analysts' Efficiency Contribution and Impact on Stock and Option MarketsPSC-CUNY 5007/01/201912/31/202204/15/20196000Completed
Complementarity of Passive and Active Investment on Stock Price Efficiency PSC CUNY 5307/01/202212/31/202304/15/20226000Funded - In Progress
Honor / AwardOrganization SponsorDate ReceivedDescription
PSC-CUNY Research AwardResearch Foundation, CUNY2022-07-01
PSC-CUNY Research AwardResearch Foundation, CUNY2021-07-01
PSC-CUNY Research AwardResearch Foundation, CUNY2020-07-01
PSC-CUNY Research AwardResearch Foundation, CUNY2019-07-01 PSC-CUNY seeks to enhance the University's role as a research institution, further the professional growth and development of its faculty, and provide support for the established and junior scholar.
Doctoral Student Travel GrantKorea-America Finance Association2016
Doctoral Student Travel GrantAmerican Finance Association (AFA)2016
Doctoral FellowshipScheller College of Business, Georgia Institute of Technology20122012-2016


Committee NamePosition RoleStart DateEnd Date
Ph.D. Recruitment committeeCommittee MemberPresent
Zicklin Graduate Curriculum CommitteeCommittee MemberPresent
Ph.D. Recruitment committeeCommittee MemberPresent
Faculty recruiting committeeCommittee Member3/31/2021
Faculty recruiting committeeCommittee Member3/31/2020
Faculty recruiting committeeCommittee Member3/31/2020


OrganizationPosition RoleOrganization StateOrganization CountryStart DateEnd DateAudience
Advances in EconometricsReviewer, Journal ArticleBingley United Kingdom7/21/20216/1/2022International
Asia-Pacific Journal of Financial StudiesReviewer, Journal Article3/24/20214/23/2021
Journal of Banking and FinanceReviewer, Journal ArticleUnited States2/1/20189/30/2018