tsedale Melaku

Asst Professor

Zicklin School of Business

Department: N. P. Loomba Dept of Mgt

Areas of expertise: Race; Gender; Class; Race Relations; Critical Race Theory; Intersectionality; Invisible Labor; Inclusion Tax; Diversity and Workplace Stratification; Advancement Opportunity; Women in Leadership

Email Address: tsedale.melaku@baruch.cuny.edu

> View CV

Tsedale M. Melaku is a Sociologist, Assistant Professor of Management at the Zicklin School of Business, Baruch College (CUNY), and author of You Don't Look Like a Lawyer: Black Women and Systemic Gendered Racism, which reflects the emphasis of her scholarly interests on race, gender, class, workplace inequities, intersectionality, and organizations. Dr. Melaku’s work has been featured in various outlets, including the Harvard Business Review, MIT Sloan Management Review, Ms. Magazine, New York Times, The Washington Post, Bloomberg Law, The Boston Globe, and Fortune, as well as peer-reviewed journals. Her interdisciplinary research on women in the workplace unites three strands of significant sociological and management inquiry: diversity in the workplace, women in leadership positions, and the impact of systemic racism on advancement opportunities. Dr. Melaku recently published a co-edited book, Handbook on Workplace Diversity and Stratification. Follow her on X, LinkedIn, and visit her website.   


Ph.D., Sociology, The Graduate Center, City University of New York New York United States

M.Phil., Sociology, The Graduate Center, City University of New York New York United States

B.A., Sociology and Africana Studies, New York University New York United States

SemesterCourse PrefixCourse NumberCourse Name
Fall 2024MGT3120Fundamentals of Management
Fall 2024BUS89500Independent Study
Fall 2024MGT3800Management and Society
Fall 2024MGT3120Fundamentals of Management
Fall 2023BUS89500Independent Study
Fall 2023MGT3800Management and Society
Fall 2023MGT3800Management and Society
Spring 2023BUS89500Independent Study
Fall 2022MGT3120Fundamentals of Management
Fall 2022MGT3120Fundamentals of Management
Spring 2022MGT3120Fundamentals of Management
Spring 2022MGT3120Fundamentals of Management


Melaku, t. (2024). You don't look like a lawyer: Black women and systemic gendered racism. Lanham, MD, Rowman & Littlefield Publishers.

Melaku, t., Beeman, A. K., & Winkler, C. (2023). The Handbook on Workplace Diversity and Stratification. Lanham, Maryland, Rowman & Littlefield Group, LLC.

Melaku, t. (2019). You don't look like a lawyer: Black women and systemic gendered racism. Rowman & Littlefield.

Melaku, t. (2016). Race and gender in the advancement to partnership: Perceptions of black female lawyers. City University of New York.

Journal Articles

Rice, D., Stewart, O. J., Melaku, t., & Young, N. (2025). Overcoming Anti-Blackness in the Knowledge Creation Process: Understanding Performative Allyship in the Publication Process. Organization,

Melaku, t. (2024). The Inclusion Tax: The Price of the Ticket in White Spaces. Journal of Business Ethics, 1-23.

Melaku, t., & Beeman, A. K. (2023). Black Women in White Academe: A Qualitative Analysis of Heightened Inclusion Tax. Ethnic and Racial Studies, 46(6). 1158-1181.

Ray, V., & Melaku, t. (2023). Countering the Corporate Diversity Backlash. MIT Sloan Management Review,

(2023). Navigating white academe during crisis: The impact of COVID-19 and racial violence on women of color professionals. Gender, Work & Organization,

(2022). Black women in White institutional spaces: The invisible labor clause and the inclusion tax. American Behavioral Scientist, 00027642211066037.

Genao, S., Beeman, A. K., & Melaku, t. (2022). Leaning On Our Academic Shields of Gendered Support. Journal of Education Human Resources, 40(1). 29--57.

(2021). The Awakening: The Impact of COVID-19, Racial Upheaval, and Political Polarization on Black Women Lawyers. Fordham L. Rev., 89. 2519.

(2020). Be a better ally. Harvard Business Review, 98(6). 135--139.

Book Chapters

Melaku, t., & Beeman, A. K. (2024). Black Women in White Academe: A Qualitative Analysis of Heightened Inclusion Tax. Reexamining Racism, Sexism, and Identity Taxation in the Academy (p. 160). New York, NY. Routledge.

(2023). Introduction. In Melaku, t., Beeman, A. K., & Winkler, C. (Eds.), The Handbook on Workplace Diversity and Stratification Lanham, Maryland. Rowman & Littlefield Group, LLC.

Melaku, t. (2023). Black women in White institutional spaces: The invisible labor clause and the inclusion tax. The Rowman & Littlefield Handbook on Workplace Diversity and Stratification (p. 00027642211066037). Lanham, Maryland. Rowman & Littlefield.

Melaku, t. (2022). In Pursuit of the American Dream: Black Woman Professionals. The Routledge Handbook on the American Dream London, United Kingdom. Routledge.

(2022). In Search of Academic Freedom: To Censor Word or Deed: Why Do We Ask the Questions. In Bowland, S., Battas, H., Roy, B., & Trujillo, M. A. (Eds.), Beyond Equity and Inclusion in Conflict Resolution: Recentering the Profession (pp. 146-151). Lanham, Maryland. Rowman & Littlefield.

Winkler, C. (2022). Identifying Male Allies in Your Organization: Work Together to Disrupt Systemic Inequalities. Thriving in a Male-Dominated Workplace Boston, MA. Harvard Business Review Press.

Conference Proceedings

Melaku, t., Meyers, A. D., Beeman, A. K., Rice, D. B., Smith, D. G., & Johnson, W. B. (2023). Towards a Taxonomy of Performative Allyship. Taxonomy of Performative Allyship.

Melaku, T. M., & Melaku, t. (2016). Impression Management and Perceptions about Advancement of Black Female Corporate Lawyers. Academy of Management Proceedings.


Taylor, P., Melaku, t., Stewart, J., Bonner, R., & Rabelo, V. Is there a Place for Liberatory Consciousness in Business Schools?. Western Academy of Management, Theme: Work & Well-being. Long Beach, California: Western Academy of Management.

Melaku, t. Dress to Transgress. University of California, Irvine School of Law. Virtual Talk: University of California, Irvine School of Law.

Erskine, S., Melaku, t., & Stewart, J. Transforming Fear into Action: Training for Educators on Fostering Allyship through Courage. Management & Organizational Behavior Teaching Society. Salem, Massachusetts: Salem University.

Melaku, t., & Meyers, A. D. Self-Care is Critical for Survival: The Tactics and Practices Employed by Marginalized Group Members Tasked with Equity Work in Organizations. Equality, Diversity and Inclusion Conference (Conference theme 2024: Gender Equality across the Gender Spectrum). Seville, Spain: Equality, Diversity and Inclusion Conference.

Melaku, t., Meyers, A. D., Beeman, A. K., Rice, D., & Smith, D. A Framework of Performative Allyship at the Organizational Level. American Sociological Association (Theme: Intersectional Solidarities: Building Communities of Hope, Justice, and Joy). Montréal, Québec: American Sociological Association.

Melaku, t. Systemic Gendered Racism in White Institutional Spaces: Black Women and The Inclusion Tax - Presidential Panel. American Sociological Association (Theme: Intersectional Solidarities: Building Communities of Hope, Justice, and Joy). Montréal, Québec: American Sociological Association.

Melaku, t. You Don't Look Like a Lawyer. Queen's University Smith School of Business. Kingston, Ontario: Queen's University.

Melaku, t. You Don't Look Like a Lawyer - Qualitative Methodology Research Lecture. Sociology Department, Trinity College. Virtual Lecture: Trinity College.

Melaku, t. You Don't Look Like a Lawyer. Washington and Lee University, School of Law. Lexington, Virginia: Washington and Lee University, School of Law.

Melaku, t., Winkler, C., & Beeman, A. K. (2025, January 13). Diversity and Workplace Stratification Book Signing. Forging the Future Together. Birmingham, Alabama: United States Association for Small Business and Entrepreneurship.

Melaku, t. (2024, September 30). From Intersectionality to Allyship: Bridging the Gaps. Iona University. Iona University: Iona University.

Melaku, t. You Don't Look Like a Lawyer. Guest Lecture on Qualitative Methodology. New York, New York: Baruch College, City University of New York.

Melaku, t. You Don't Look Like a Lawyer. Washington and Lee University, School of Law. Lexington, Virginia: Washington and Lee University, School of Law.

Melaku, t. The Inclusion Tax: The Price of the Ticket in White Spaces. Washington and Lee University, School of Law. Lexington, Virginia: Washington and Lee University, School of Law.

Melaku, t., Taylor, P., Stewart, J., & Rabelo, V. -ISM Incubator: Ideas for Adressing Workplace Mistreatment in the Classroom. Western Academy of Management, Theme: Work & Well-being. Long Beach, California: Western Academy of Management.

Melaku, t., & Winkler, C. (2025, September 13). Supporting a Diverse, Equitable, and Inclusive University in the Age of Digital Technologies. Empowering Business Schools with Digital Transformation. Dubai: U.S. State Department, Office of Citizen Exchanges.

Melaku, t. You Don't Look Like a Lawyer. Guest Lecture on Qualitative Methodology. New York, New York: Baruch College, City University of New York.

Melaku, t., Meyers, A. D., Beeman, A. K., Rice, D. B., Smith, D. G., & Johnson, W. B. (2025, August 13). Taxonomy of Performative Allyship. Academy of Management. Boston, MA: Academy of Management.

Melaku, t., & Erskine, S. (2025, June 13). Antiracist Allyship in Management Education: Intersectional Approaches, Tensions, and Paradoxes. Management and Organizational Behavior Teaching Society. Jacsksonville, Florida: Management and Organizational Behavior Teaching Society.

Melaku, t. Author Meets Critics: Angie Beeman, Liberal White Supremacy: How Progressives Silence Racial and Class Oppression. Society for the Study of Social Problems Annual Meeting - Panel.

Melaku, t. (2025, March 13). Cultivating a BRES Community at CUNY. 2023 CUNY Inclusion, Diversity, Equity and Access Conference. The Graduate Center, CUNY: City University of New York.

Melaku, t. (2025, March 13). You Don't Look Like A Lawyer. Colloquium Committee of Texas A&M Univesrity Department of Sociology. Virtual: Texas A&M University.

Melaku, t. (2025, May 13). (Re-)defining Allyship: Racial and Gender Equity in Academia. Academy of Human Resource Development. Virtual: Academy of Human Resource Development.

Melaku, t. Approaching the Job Market: Options for the Academy and Beyond. Society for the Study of Social Problems Annual Meeting - Panel.

Melaku, t. (2022, October 4). You Don’t Look Like A Lawyer. Black and Latino/a Americans Graduate Course. Virtual Talk: Texas A&M University.

Melaku, t. (2022, September 21). (Re)-defining Allyship: Racial and Gender Equity in Academia. Metro State University. Virtual Talk: Metro State University.

Melaku, t. (2022, September 13). You Don’t Look Like A Lawyer. Qualitative Studies of Communities. Qualitative Studies of Communities Course. Virtual Talk: Marxe School of Public and International Affairs, Baruch College, CUNY.

Melaku, t. (2022, May 20). (Re)-defining Allyship: Racial and Gender Equity in Academia. SSALLEX Department, University of California, Berkeley. Virtual Talk: University of California, Berkeley.

Melaku, t. (2022, April 5). Writing for Publication - Dissertation to Book. Writing for Publication Graduate Course. Virtual Talk: The Graduate Center, CUNY.

Melaku, t. (2022, February 22). (Re)-defining Allyship: Racial and Gender Equity in Academia. Iona University. Iona University: Iona University.

Melaku, t. (2025, May 13). The Inclusion Tax: The Impact of COVID-19 and Racial Upheaval on Black Women Lawyers. Law and Society Association. Virtual Meeting: Law and Society Association.

Melaku, t. (2025, August 13). You Don’t Look Like a Lawyer: Black Women and Systemic Gendered Racism. Association of Black Sociologists. Virtual Meeting: Association of Black Sociologists.

Melaku, t. (2021, March 18). Redefining Allyship: Racial and Gender Equity in Academia. Queens College, City University of New York. Virtual Talk: Queens College, City University of New York.

Melaku, t. (2025, August 13). The Inclusion Tax: The Price of the Ticket in White Spaces. American Sociological Association. Virtual Meeting: American Sociological Association.

Melaku, t. (2025, August 13). Black Women Lawyers and The Inclusion Tax in the Time of COVID-19 and Racial Upheaval,. Study of Social Problems. Virtual Meeting: Study of Social Problems.

Melaku, t. (2021, March 23). How to Be a Better Ally. National Basketball Association, Women’s Leadership Forum 2021. Virtual Talk: National Basketball Association.

Melaku, t. (2021, March 24). How to be an Advocate and Ally . American Meteorological Society, Early Career Leadership Academy. Virtual Panel Discussion: American Meteorological Society.

Melaku, t. (2021, March 31). How Can I Be a More Effective Ally. London Business School, Black In Business. Virtual Panel: London Business School.

Melaku, t. (2021, April 6). You Don't Look Like a Lawyer, 13th Annual Lecture on the Legal Profession . Georgetown University Law Center. Center on Ethics and the Legal Profession, 13th Annual Lecture on the Legal Profession. Virtual Keynote: Georgetown University Law Center.

Melaku, t. (2021, April 8). Turning Your Dissertation into a Book . American Sociological Association, Minority Fellowship Fellows. Virtual Panel Discussion: American Sociological Association.

Melaku, t. (2021, April 12). Why A Diverse Workforce Matters: A Discussion on Race, Opportunity, and Workplace Stratification . New York University, Department of Child & Adolescent Psychiatry. Virtual Talk: New York University, Department of Child & Adolescent Psychiatry.

Melaku, t. (2021, January 21). Systemic Racism in Organizations – Allyship . National Employment Lawyers Association (NELA), NELA/NY Conference. Virtual Talk: National Employment Lawyers Association.

Melaku, t. (2021, October 21). Impact of COVID-19 and Racial Violence on Professionals. Marxe School of Public and International Affairs Faculty Seminar. Virtual Talk: Baruch College.

Melaku, t. (2021, November 16). You Don’t Look Like a Lawyer: Black Women and Systemic Gendered Racism. Alternative Dispute Resolution Section, State Bar of Michigan, (November 16, 2021).. Virtual Talk: Alternative Dispute Resolution Section, State Bar of Michigan.

Melaku, t. (2021, November 18). Systemic Racism, Intersectionality and Allyship in Organizations. Women’s Leadership EDGE, Center for WorkLife Law at UC Hastings College of Law. Virtual Webinar: UC Hastings College of the Law.

Melaku, t. (2021, January 11). Allyship Breakout Session with Susy Jackson  . LinkedIn News Live: Breakout Session. Virtual Talk: LinkedIn News Live.

Melaku, t. (2021, February 15). You Don’t Look Like a Lawyer: Black Women and Systemic Gendered Racism. Mid-Michigan Region of the Women Lawyers Association of Michigan. Virtual Talk: Mid-Michigan Region of the Women Lawyers Association of Michigan.

Melaku, t. (2021, February 18). Black Panther: The Women Warriors of Wakanda. New York City College of Technology. Virtual Panel Discussion: New York City College of Technology.

Melaku, t. (2021, February 23). Voice of Vision. Junior League Women of Color Affinity Group. Virtual Panel Discussion: Junior League of New Jersey.

Melaku, t. (2021, February 25). The University of Texas at Austin, Department of Sociology, “You Don’t Look Like a Lawyer,” Spring Colloquium Speaker. The University of Texas at Austin, Department of Sociology, Spring Colloquium Speaker. Virtual Talk: The University of Texas at Austin.

Melaku, t. (2021, March 26). Male Allyship. Harvard Kennedy School of Government, Women in Power Conference. Virtual Panel Discussion: Harvard Kennedy School of Government.

Melaku, t. (2021, March 16). What is Constructive Allyship?. College of Staten Island, City University of New York. Virtual Talk: College of Staten Island, City University of New York.

Melaku, t. (2020, September 9). “Women + Power: Economic Power.” 100 Years After the 19th. Amendment . Brooklyn Historical Society, “Women + Power: Economic Power.” 100 Years After the 19th. Amendment. Virtual Panel Discussion: Brooklyn Historical Society.

Melaku, t. (2025, August 13). Black Female Lawyers: The Price of the Ticket at Elite Law Firms. American Sociological Society. New York, NY: American Sociological Society.

Melaku, t. (2020, February 29). Diversity at Work: Asian, Black and Latino on the Corporate Ladder. Eastern Sociological Society. Philadephia, PA: Eastern Sociological Society.

Melaku, t. (2020, February 29). You Don’t’ Look Like a Lawyer: Black Women and Systemic Gendered Racism. Eastern Sociological Society. Philadephia, PA: Eastern Sociological Society.

Melaku, t. (2020, April 23). Theorizing Marginalization: The Inclusion Tax. Marginalization in the Workplace and in School. Institute for Research on the African Diaspora in the Americas & the Caribbean (IRADAC) Symposium. The Graduate Center, CUNY: Institute for Research on the African Diaspora in the Americas & the Caribbean.

Melaku, t. (2025, August 13). You Don’t’ Look Like a Lawyer: Black Women and Systemic Gendered Racism. Society for the Study of Social Problems. Cancelled: Society for the Study of Social Problems.

Melaku, t. (2025, August 13). Inclusion Tax: The Cost of Marginalized Identities at Work. American Sociological Association. Virtual Meeting: American Sociological Association.

Melaku, t. (2020, November 6). Impact of COVID-19 and Racial Upheaval on Black Lawyers. Symposium on Mental Health and the Legal Profession. : Fordham Law Review.

Melaku, t. (2020, April 29). “You Don’t Look Like a Lawyer,” . United States Military Academy – West Point, Department of Behavioral Sciences and Leadership. Virtual Talk: United States Military Academy – West Point.

Melaku, t. (2020, January 28). Howard University Law School Dean’s Lecture, “You Don’t Look Like a Lawyer,” . Howard University Law School Dean’s Lecture. Washington, DC: Howard University Law School.

Melaku, t. (2020, February 26).  “Take Your Feet Off Our Necks: Implicit Bias in the Workplace”   . Brooklyn Historical Society, Book Event. Brooklyn, NY: Brooklyn Historical Society.

Melaku, t. (2020, August 20). “You Don’t Look Like a Lawyer: Black Women and Systemic Gendered Racism Summer Book Discussion” . Baruch College The Starr Career Development Center. Virtual Talk: Baruch College, City University of New York.

Melaku, t. (2020, February 28). Lawyering While Black: Black Women in Elite Law Firms. Eastern Sociological Society. Philadelphia, PA: Eastern Sociological Society.

Melaku, t. (2020, October 28). Black Women’s Leadership and Lessons for Allies. Stanford University VMware Women’s Leadership Innovation Lab. Virtual Fireside Chat: Stanford University.

Melaku, t. (2020, October 29). You Don’t Look Like a Lawyer. Washington University in St. Louis School of Law, Women’s Law Caucus. Virtual Talk: Washington University in St. Louis School of Law.

Melaku, t. (2020, November 13). Intersectionality & Allyship: Understanding the roles of power, privilege and marginalization in DEI work. 2020 Diversity & Inclusion Research Conference. Virtual Panel Discussion: 2020 Diversity & Inclusion Research Conference.

Melaku, t. (2019, April 17). Invisible Labor: Black Women and the Cost of Working in Elite Environments. Manuscript presented at the In/Visibility and the Labor of Identity: Strategizing Against Gender Subordination at Home, in the Workplace and in Schools. Institute for Research on the African Diaspora in the Americas & the Caribbean (IRADAC) Symposium. The Graduate Center, CUNY: Institute for Research on the African Diaspora in the Americas & the Caribbean.

Melaku, t. (2025, March 13). Black Female Lawyers and Invisible Work in Elite Law Firms. Eastern Sociological Society Annual Meeting. Boston, MA: Eastern Sociological Society.

Melaku, t. (2018, February 22). Why Are There Still So Few Black Female Partners in Elite Corporate Law Firms. Eastern Sociological Association Annual Meeting. Baltimore, MD: Eastern Sociological Association.

Melaku, t. (2020, April 12). The Impact of Race and Gender on the Experiences of Black Female Lawyers. Intersectional Identities in Marginalizing Spaces: Navigating Structural Oppression in Education, Law and Social Movement. The Graduate Center, CUNY: nstitute for Research on the African Diaspora in the Americas & the Caribbean (IRADAC).

Melaku, t. (2025, August 13). Feeling Like an Outsider: Black Female Lawyers and Elite Corporate Law Firms . Association of Black Sociologists Annual Meeting. Philadelphia, PA: Association of Black Sociologi.

Melaku, t. (2025, August 13). Invisible Work: Emotional and Mental Labor Black Female Lawyers Expend Navigating Corporate Law Firms. Society for the Study of Social Problems Annual Meeting. Philadelphia, PA: Society for the Study of Social Problems.

Melaku, t. (2025, August 13). But You Don’t Look Like a Lawyer. American Sociological Association Annual Meeting. Philadelphia, PA: American Sociological Association.

Melaku, t. Impression Management and Perceptions of Black Women Corporate Lawyers. Gender and Diversity in Organizations Division, AOM Annual Meeting. Anaheim, CA: Academy of Management.

Other Scholarly Works

Melaku, t., & Rice, D. B. (2024). Vice President Kamala Harris is Anything But a DEI Hire. Ms. Magazine.

Melaku, t., Pinheiro, D., Schor, J., Bandelj, N., Coates, D., Latoni, A., Better, A., Martin, I., Misra, J., Moore, M., Haubert, J., Kidd, N., Randall, M., Washington, H., & Young, H. (2023). American Sociological Assocation Report of the Annual Meeting Redesign Committee. American Sociological Association.

Melaku, t., & Winkler, C. (2022). How Women Can Identify Male Allies in the Workplace. Harvard Business Review.

Melaku, t., & Winkler, C. (2022). Are Your Organization's DEI Efforts Superficial or Structural? . Harvard Business Review.

Melaku, t. (2020). Amy Cooper, White Privilege and the Murder of Black People.

Melaku, t., & Beeman, A. K. (2020). Academia isn't a safe haven for conversations about race and racism. Harvard business review. 25

Melaku, t. (2019). Why women and people of color in law still hear "You don't look like a lawyer". Harvard Business Review.

Melaku, t. People Behind the Research: Dr. Tsedale M. Melaku . Organizational Psychology and Organizational Behavior: Evidence-based Lessons for Creating Sustainable Organizations. (4th),

Research Currently in Progess

Melaku, t., Meyers, A. D., Peifer, J., & Luo, Y.(n.d.). DEI Statements and CEO Letters. In Progress.

This research examines the CEO Letters in CSR reports and the impact of societal shocks including racial violence and BLM Movement on their statements concerrning racism in organizations.

Melaku, t., Winkler, C., & Bellwald, N.(n.d.). Developing The Inclusion Tax Scale. In Progress.

Moving theory to practice, this research develops a scale based upon the conceptual model of the inclusion tax (Melaku, 2024). The scale will be developed to capture the four types of invisible labors of the inclusion tax model (emotional, financial, relational, and cognitive) to support organizational practices in addressing deeply embedded systemic inequities that lead to negative experiences and outcomes for marginalized groups. 

Melaku, T. M. (2024). The Inclusion Tax: The Price of the Ticket in White Spaces. Journal of Business Ethics, 1-23.

Beeman, A. K., Melaku, t., Adjetey, L. N., & Meyers, A. D.(n.d.). The Challenges and Pitfalls of Allyship. In Progress.

Status: I am continuing to collect in-depth interview data with faculty and staff of color about their experiences with allies.

TitleFunding Agency SponsorStart DateEnd DateAwarded DateTotal FundingStatus
Developing a Taxonomy of Performative AllyshipPSC-CUNY 5407/01/202306/30/202404/18/20235755.26Funded - In Progress
Honor / AwardOrganization SponsorDate ReceivedDescription
The VMware Women's Leadership Innovation Lab Affiliated Scholar at Stanford UniversityStanford University2024-11-22Affiliated Scholar of The VMware Women's Leadership Innovation Lab at Stanford University
Third Annual Faculty Cross-College Faculty Research Symposium Baruch College Provost's Office2024-03-22The Office of the Provost invites faculty in all fields and departments across Baruch to apply to present their own research in an in-person daylong PechaKucha Event on Friday, March 22, 2024 as part of the Cross-College Faculty Research Symposium! Presenters are eligible to be considered for a $2,000 research award. Please submit your Interfolio-generated CV and one-page research description along with the other information on this form. Four awards will be presented to full-time faculty PechaKucha presenters. Baruch’s Joint Committee on Research will evaluate applications based on research proposal’s innovation, potential impact, and clarity of methodology. Awardees will be announced at the Faculty Research Symposium following the PechaKucha presentations – so you will want to be in the room where it happens! Awards may be for any proposed research project at any stage of development.
Management and Organizational Behavior Teaching Society (MOBTS) Early Educator Institute (EEI) Scholarship AwardManagement and Organizational Behavior Teaching Society (MOBTS) 2024-02-27The goals of the Early Educator Institute (EEI) include: Providing opportunities to increase self-awareness around teaching preferences, learning styles, and how to frame a teaching experience for students. Exploring a wide variety of approaches to pedagogy, demystify some of the approaches to pedagogy, and recognize that not every pedagogical approach works for everyone. Start to develop your pedagogical identity by asking you to consider: What do you want your students to learn? Who are your learners? What learning experience should you provide that meets their needs?
Inside Higher Ed Best Book of 2020Inside Higher Ed2021-01-15You Don't Look Like A Lawyer: Black Women and Systemic Gendered Racism was named one of the Best Books of 2020 by Inside Higher Ed
Shortlisted for the Martin Bulmer Prize for Article of the Year Award 2023Taylor & Francis and Ethnic and Racial Studies Journal2021-01-152023 ERS article "Black Women in White Academe: A Qualitative Analysis of Heightened Inclusion Tax" was selected for the shortlist of eight articles for the Martin Bulmer Prize for Article of the Year Award 2023
Race, Class, Gender 2020 Distinguished Book Certificate of Scholarship RecognitionAmerican Sociological Association2020-07-31Certificate of Scholarship Recognition this acknowledges that "You Don't Like a Lawyer: Black Women and Systemic Gendered Racism by Tsedale Melaku has been recognized for being a nominee for the American Sociological Association, Section on Race, Class, Gender 2020 Distinguished Contribution to Scholarship Book Award
Robert Wood Johnson Foundation New Connections ScholarRobert Wood Johnson Foundation 2018-01-31New Connections Scholar, New Connections Bi-Annual Symposium, Travel and Lodging Award from the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation (January 31, 2018 –February 1, 2018).
President’s Doctoral Dissertation Fellowship, MAGNET Fellowship The Graduate Center, City University of New York2016-04-20President’s Doctoral Dissertation Fellowship, MAGNET Fellowship ($20,000), The Graduate Center, CUNY (September 2011 - June 2012).
Dean K. Harrison AwardThe Graduate Center, City University of New York2007-08-24Dean K. Harrison Award, Office of Educational Opportunity and Diversity ($32,890), The Graduate Center, CUNY. (August 2007 - June 2016).


Committee NamePosition RoleStart DateEnd Date
Commencement 2024 Congratulatory VideoVideo Message Speaker5/7/2024
2024 Ph.D. Project Symposium Faculty Mentor4/19/2024
Baruch Alumnae Leaders In Law Panel DiscussionModerator3/30/2023
2022 Ph.D. Project Symposium Session Chair4/29/2022


Committee NamePosition RoleStart DateEnd Date
Council Member, Black, Race, and Ethnic Studies Initiative (BRESI)Committee Member3/21/2022Present
Black, Race, and Ethnic Studies Initiative (BRESI) RFP Committee 4: Grants for BRES-focused Campus Climate WorkCommittee Member3/21/2022Present
CUNY Black, Race and Ethnic Studies Initiative (BRESI) Moderator10/26/202310/26/2023
BRESI Panel: Cultivating a BRES Community at CUNY, C-IDEA ConferencePanelist2/15/20233/30/2023
City University of New York, New Caucus of The Professional Staff Congress Panelist10/21/202010/21/2020


OrganizationPosition RoleOrganization StateOrganization CountryStart DateEnd DateAudience
Sociology of Race and EthnicityReviewerNationalUnited StatesPresentNational
International Journal of Gender and EntrepreneurshipReviewer, Journal Article8/18/2024PresentInternational
Society for the Study of Social Problems, Programming CommitteeProgram OrganizerNationalUnited StatesPresentNational
Association of Black Sociologists, Student Paper Awards CommitteeCommittee MemberNationalUnited StatesPresentNational
Journal of Education Human ResourcesReviewerInternationalCanadaPresentInternational
Society for the Study of Social ProblemsSession ChairNationalUnited States8/1/2022PresentNational
Society for the Study of Social ProblemsSession ChairNationalUnited StatesPresentNational
Eastern Sociological Society. DiscussantNationalUnited StatesPresentNational
Society for the Study of Social ProblemsSession ChairNationalUnited States8/14/20248/14/2025National
American Sociological Association, SREM (Section on Racial and Ethnic Minorities) Founders Award for Scholarship and ServiceCommittee ChairNationalUnited States8/15/20038/16/2024National
American Sociological Association, SREM (Section on Racial and Ethnic Minorities) Oliver Cromwell Cox Outstanding Article AwardCommittee ChairNationalUnited States8/15/20038/16/2024National
Society for the Study of Social ProblemsSession ChairNationalUnited States8/14/20238/14/2024National
American Sociological Association, ASA Annual Redesign Committee Committee MemberNationalUnited States8/1/20218/31/2023National
Management and Organizational Behavior Teaching SocietyReviewer, Conference Paper1/23/20232/24/2023International
Academy of ManagementReviewer, Conference Paper1/29/20232/16/2023International
Society for the Study of Social Problems, Chair of the C. Wright Mills Book AwardCommittee ChairInternational8/1/20208/31/2022National
American Sociological Association, SREM (Section on Racial and Ethnic Minorities) Council Committee MemberNationalUnited States8/1/20228/31/2022National
American Sociological Association, SREM (Section on Racial and Ethnic Minorities) James Blackwell Committee ChairNationalUnited States8/1/20228/31/2022National
Society for the Study of Social ProblemsAttendee, MeetingNationalUnited States8/11/20218/14/2022National


OrganizationPosition RoleOrganization StateOrganization CountryStart DateEnd DateAudience
Madden Center Board, Advisory Board, Florida Atlantic UniversityBoard MemberFloridaUnited StatesPresentNational