Safety Policies and Procedures
Public Safety officers uphold the policies of Baruch College and CUNY for your protection.
All visitors entering a Baruch College campus building must sign in to the visitor’s log located in each building’s lobby. The Public Safety Officers will sign in visitors after the visitor displays a valid ID such as a driver’s license. If the visitor does not display a valid ID, they will not be admitted to the building. In this case, the visitor will be referred to the Public Safety Office.
facilities in a manner consistent with its mission as an institution of Higher Education. There may be
exceptional circumstances when brief visits by minor children accompanied by Faculty or Staff occur.
Minor children are children under the age 18. Below are guidelines governing children visits to the
1. Minor children may visit College offices and facilities for limited periods of time at the discretion
of the supervisor of the same office or facility where destination of the parents, guardians or
caretakers. However, children are not permitted in classrooms during instructional periods and
not in laboratories even when classes are not in session.
2. Minor children will be subject to the same conditions as any other visitor to the College. Parents
or caretakers must sign-in their children at the security desks and indicate the purpose of the visit
and its expected duration.
3. Regular, repeated visits by children are not permitted. For example: a parent who brings his/her
child to work every day between 4 p.m. and 5 p.m.
4. Children are not permitted in high risk, high security and possibly dangerous areas.
5. Children are not permitted in the classroom during regular class/testing sessions.
6. Children of faculty and staff are not permitted in advisement/counseling sessions for students.
7. The supervision of accompanied children on campus remains the sole responsibility of the
parents, guardians or caretakers of said children.
8. During periods of high peak elementary and middle school closings, limited consideration may be
extended at the discretion of the supervisor, with the exceptions of 4, 5 and 6 above.
Kindly find attached requested approval child on campus form. The attached form must be completed and emailed to public safety prior to your arrival to campus.
- A message will be transmitted over the public address system informing people that they must leave the building immediately. You will receive directions to use the nearest available stairwell. Do not use the elevators and do not panic. Members of the Baruch Public Safety office and fire wardens will assist in the evacuation process.
- If there is a power failure, there will be no public address message transmitted. In this case, Baruch Public Safety officers will respond and direct an orderly evacuation. The stairwells will be illuminated by back-up emergency lighting. Do not use the elevators and do not panic.
- In the event of an emergency, particularly a fire, Public Safety needs to locate faculty and staff members who might need special assistance. If you have such a need, let the Director of Public Safety know. All disclosures will be kept confidential.
See also, the detailed Public Safety policy regarding smoking.
The likelihood of receiving a bomb in the mail is extremely remote. A bomb can be enclosed in a parcel or an envelope and can be extremely dangerous. However, mail bombs have some unique characteristics, which, if recognized, can prevent a tragedy.
Mail bombs may bear restricted endorsements such as “personal,” “private,” or “confidential.” If the addressee does not ordinarily receive this type of mail, be suspicious. The addressee’s name or title may be inaccurate or misspelled. The package may contain excessive postage to ensure delivery. The return address may be missing, inaccurate, or show a cancellation/ postmark different from the return address. The name and address may be in distorted handwriting, prepared with homemade labels or cut-and-paste lettering. The item may have protruding wires, foil, oil stains, or may emit a strange odor. Envelopes may be rigid or bulky in the center. The handler may hear sloshing, buzzing, or ticking sound.
If you are suspicious of a mailing and cannot verify the contents with the addressee or sender, do not take a chance:
- Do not open the item or tamper with it in any way.
- Leave the envelope/parcel where it is.
- Evacuate the immediate area.
- Notify Public Safety’s emergency line 646-660-3333, without delay.
Please call the Public Safety Department at 646-660-6000 regarding any questions or concerns.
To obtain a key for an office, desk, or cabinet, Baruch College employees must contact their Office Manager. The manager will then use the College’s work order system to request the keys. All keys for doors are issued to individuals; full names are required when filling out the request. Do not transfer keys between individuals.
If a key is lost, and the request is for a replacement key, it must be noted. When certain keys are lost or stolen, it will be required for the key holder to fill out an incident report with Public Safety. If the keys were lost on campus, please check with Lost and Found at 646-660-6000 before requesting a new key. Lost or stolen keys are never replaced immediately.
Relocation Form
Before an asset is moved, the faculty or staff requesting the move must complete the On-Campus Property Relocation Form and notify BCTC or Department IT personnel to relocate the equipment. A completed copy of the form must be forwarded to the Facilities Property Coordinator.
The purpose of this procedure is to facilitate the record-keeping required by the City University of New York. This communication allows the Facilities Property Coordinator to ensure the accuracy of maintaining the college’s inventory and the integrity of the database.
Before an asset is to be located off-campus, the faculty or staff in possession of the equipment must complete the Off-Campus Permit and obtain all required signatures.
- The Director/Chairperson must approve any item that is located off-campus by signing the Permit. If an item is moved from the campus for the first time, Public Safety must sign as well. A completed copy of the Off-Campus Permit must be forwarded to the Facilities Property Coordinator.
- All Off-Campus inventorial equipment must have a CUNY barcode. If it does not, please contact the Facilities Property Coordinator.
Any unauthorized cameras found on campus will be removed without further notice.