Student Course and Faculty Evaluations
Student Course and Faculty Evaluations @ Baruch
The Office of Testing and Evaluation administers the Student Course and Faculty Evaluation program utilizing the SmartEvals online evaluation platform. This program provides an opportunity for students to rate their professor(s) and the course(s) they are taking. Students are able to provide anonymous written feedback to their professors. Since the professors get their results after final grades have been posted, students are encouraged to be as constructive as possible in their assessments.
Log In to the Evaluation System
Towards the end of each course session, students receive an email in their Baruch College email account inviting them to evaluate the class or classes they are taking using the SmartEvals Online Student Course and Faculty Evaluation System. Students login to the system using their Baruch College computer username and password. They are then presented with evaluation surveys for each of the courses in which they are enrolled. Each evaluation survey presents the student with 18 quantitative multiple choice questions and one open ended free response question. The survey takes approximately five minutes to complete.