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The Reporting Tools service in CUNYfirst Reporting Instance allow users with Query Viewer and Query Manager access to schedule the running of queries with the output/report saved for the user to download. The scheduled queries can include specified parameters and be scheduled to run either immediately, at a specified future time and date, or even on a regular daily/weekly schedule (recurrence). The query output/reports can be formatted as text, PDFs or other web based file.

The following are the basic steps to schedule a query process request and view the report: 

  1. Select Reporting Tools, Query then Schedule Query or Schedule
  2. Search for an Existing Run Control ID to schedule, or select the Add New Value tab to create a new control ID for a query.
  3. Select the query Run Control ID and update Description and/or prompt parameters 
  4. Select the Run Date and Run Time, and the Type and Format of the query
  5. View the output report by selecting Report Manager link
  6. Select Administration tab, and click the description of the report to open or download.

A detailed description along with screenshots of this process is provided below.

Search for and Select the Query to be Scheduled

To begin the process you will use the Reporting Tools > Query > Query Viewer page to search for a query. In the "begins with" text field enter the beginning of your query name, such as CU_BAR, then select "Search"  button. 

On the results list you can click the "Schedule" link on the end of the table for your query. 

Note that not all users have access to the same queries. In order to view a query, a user must have view permissions on the record/tables used in the query.

Using the Run Control ID

A Run Control ID is an identification code that represents a set of selection criteria, or parameters, for a specified query report. Run Control IDs allow you to save search parameters for a query so you do not have to perform the same steps each time a same report is requested. 

You should use a run control naming convention that makes it easy for you to identify the corresponding report. If you will be running the same reports concurrently you will require multiple run control IDs. See some tips below to assist you.


Adding a New Run Control ID

The Schedule Query page brings up the Process Request page, which enables the submission process and generate the output based on a Run Control ID.  For a new query the Add a New Value tab will be open. Add a Run Control ID and click Add.  

  • Choose names wisely and type carefully as you cannot change or delete a Run Control ID once it is created.
  • While you can use the same Run Control ID for your reports, using distinct names will save you from re-entering query parameters. Name the Run Control ID for the report you wish to run, e.g., use Run Control ID "CU_BAR_SR_00054_3" for Query Name "CU_BAR_SR_00054_3"
  • A query name has to be unique otherwise, it will not process anything.
  • The  Run Control ID name has to be unique to identify a query that has been saved or run to process a report. Anyone can run multiple reports in present time(only) with a same Run Control ID.
  • The Run Control ID has 30 characters length and no spaces. Use dashes, underscores, or capitol letters to separate words.

Find an Existing Run Control ID

If a query already had a Run Control ID then Find an Existing Value tab will be open and all the previously made query/queries will show in the window, or enter beginning text and click search button to find one.


Once you have created a Run Control ID for a query that you will reuse you can access the Run Control ID directly by selecting Schedule Query and searching for an existing value.

Specify the Query Parameters for the Run Control ID

Once you have selected the Run Control ID, you will add/modify the Description, Update Parameters the prompt value(s) if needed, and click OK. Use of the query name for the Description will allow you to distinguish the report output from other reports you may be running.  For example, if same report is running multiple times then changing description parameter will be conventional to identify a specific report. 


Description - The maximum character description limit is 30.

 STRM (Term) Value - This is a four character value. For any term in the current century "1" is the first character. The next two characters are the year. The last character is the semester where 2 is for Spring, 6 is for Summer, 9 is for Fall. The Fall 2014 semester STRM is 1149.

When scheduling queries from Schedule Query link, the Run button appears instead of an OK button. Update Parameters link will allow you to make any changes to the parameter values. After changing the value for any prompt it will appear in the Value field, click the Save button to save changes and stay on the Schedule Query page.

Set the Query Run Schedule - Process Scheduler Request

This page provides the fields and controls related to the run schedule and report output. 

Select a query, choose a Type and Format and select OK.  You will generally use Type = Web or File and Format = HTML, PDF, TXT, XLS.

If you would like the query run immediately, you will leave the Run Date and Run Time alone, which will result the report to queue immediately for processing. You may set the Run Date and Run Time to a later point to have the report run at some point in the future.


Recurrence can be used to schedule a query to run in time intervals as daily, monthly time, hour basis.  Selecting time and date can be used for when a query needs to be run.  It can be current or different time and date based on need. If chosen present date and time to run then click Reset to Current Date/Time and leave Recurrence blank.

The Type, Format for Web and XLS works fine as output excel report.

View/Download a Report in Report Manager

Once the query has been scheduled then click on Reporting Tool and click  Report Manger link to view status of report.



Choose Administration tab, select a file then click the description name of a report and it will be able to access the report.

Save XLS Format Files Before Opening

If your select Format XLS you will need to save the file before opening. On selection of the file name in "Description" column you should be prompted to Open, Save, or Save As. Select one of the Save options and then locate the file and open.




In order to cancel, deletion, hold to a single process select 'People Tools' --> 'Process Scheduler'–>'Process Monitor' then click on 'Detail'.  It will take to Process List page where an user can see a process detail or organize a process such as cancel, deletion, hold etc.

There will be a green icon appear when recurrence happens.  

The 'Process Detail' page will allow the perform several process for a report to an user.



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